#oh your beloved pet is sick and dying and in so much pain the humane thing to do is to kill them?
trans-xianxian · 3 months
hey can random fucking strangers on the internet please stop recommending me ways to kill my own rats every time I have to put one to sleep
#this happens every time I have to and comment on how expensive it is#I know these people are just trying to be helpful/aren't trying to be malicious but it's so fucking insensitive#oh your beloved pet is sick and dying and in so much pain the humane thing to do is to kill them?#don't be an idiot and spend money just kill them yourself! I've never spoken or interacted with you in my life btw#like its so WEIRD fuck OFF#esp like after the pet has died. why don't you lock yourself in a tarrarium filled with nitrogen gas and kill yourself#also sorry but like. why would I believe a stranger on the internet that it's painless over years of veterinary research 😭#I am often distrustful of vets Especially with my rats because most don't fuckin know anything about them#but I do know that when they gave spica the sedative I got to hold her#that she just fell asleep#and her breathing slowed#and when it was time they gave her the shot#and she wasn't scared#that I didn't have to fucking lock her in a bucket alone with deadly gas to suffocate while she was already sick and scared#just because I wannted to save some money#also like if you can put your own pet to sleep there is no judgement from me I admire your strength#but I could not kill my own animal#and its frankly crazy for a stranger on the internet to suggest that I do#while I'm struggling with their sickness/death#when rats have to be put down so much of the time its because they are horribly and traumatically sick#and its just so fucked to look at someone going through that#now struck w the financial burden of a vet bill#and being like uhm just do it yourself at home?#this has happened More Than Once btw#ghost posts#text#animal death
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psychosistr · 4 years
Mending the Broken- Chapter 5
Summary:  Jonathan's healing is interrupted yet again by Dio's sadism as he uses Speedwagon's suffering to further taunt the bound warrior. When he gets the chance, though, can Jojo do something to ease the other man's pain?
Notes:  Okay, we are clear of the dubious consent territory, but there's still a little more manipulation and Dio's d!cketry to be dealt with.
-First Chapter-
Jonathan wasn’t sure how long they had been locked up. It was hard to keep track of time with no source of light other than the ever dwindling candle by the door that had already been replaced twice by one of Dio’s minions. The progress in healing his arms was slower than he would have liked, but they were still recovering faster than they would have without the use of hamon.
Unfortunately, the waiting meant that Dio came by fairly frequently to further humiliate, harm, and degrade Speedwagon for his own sick amusement and to further add to Jonathan’s own suffering. Plus, every time he came, he would drain a little more blood from Speedwagon’s body, leaving him paler and weaker than before. Jonathan was being forced to sit and watch not only his beloved Speedwagon’s degradation, but to see him slowly dying without being able to do anything about it.
There were times when Jonathan began to wonder if he would be able to get free in time to save Speedwagon. What if he could not escape, even with his arms healed? What if Dio found out about what he was doing and decided to kill Speedwagon instantly just to hurt Jonathan in the cruelest way possible? Then, there was the question that frightened Jonathan the most…
What if he could not save Speedwagon from Dio’s control? What if..if it was too late and he truly was gone, leaving only an empty husk behind, as Dio claimed?
Those thoughts were the most terrifying. Jonathan did not want to believe that such a thing was true, but it was growing harder to deny the possibility the more time he spent watching Speedwagon. His eyes never had any spark of reaction to anything that Jonathan said or did. He would not even move or speak unless Dio was in the room. Until Dio came in, all Speedwagon would do was sit in place and weep silently. All of that was so far from the Speedwagon that Jonathan had come to know and love.
Ah..yes..the other thing that made his imprisonment all the more challenging…
After much thought, Jonathan had come to the conclusion that, yes, he was indeed as in love with Speedwagon as he was with Erina. When he thought of the other man, his heart swelled with both affection and the gripping realization that, should they escape this ordeal, they would have much to discuss both between themselves and with Erina. Jonathan wasn’t sure how to feel about that, as he didn’t know how the other two would react to his revelation. Would Erina think him unfaithful and leave him? Would Speedwagon think any less of him for loving both people at once? Would Jonathan think any less of HIMSELF for it? He wasn’t sure about any of it…
Jonathan’s attention was drawn to the door as it opened, Dio sauntering in with a bowl gripped in one hand. He glared daggers at the vampire as he sat in his chair facing Jonathan. “……”
Dio smirked down at Jonathan as he crossed one leg over the other. “Oh, do not give me such a hostile look, Jojo- I’ve come bearing a gift this time.” He ignored the way Speedwagon, as usual, sprung to life and began desperately holding onto him and groveling at his feet until Dio sated him with a pat to the head. “I figured you must be hungry by now, so I had one of my servants whip something up for you in the kitchen.” He held the bowl low enough for Jonathan to see the contents- it appeared to be piping hot beef stew with carrots and potatoes. “Not as glamorous as what you usually dine on, I know, but I believe it should sustain you for a bit longer.” He chuckled darkly as he looked down on Jonathan (in both the literal AND figurative sense). “After all, we can’t have you simply starving to death and ending our little game so soon now, can we?”
Jonathan continued to glare, his hands curling into fists but his arms still unable to move due to his not-fully healed injuries. “And what would you have me do in this state- eat from the bowl like a dog?”
Dio tilted his head in a faux-thoughtful gesture. “Hm, perhaps another time..” He handed the bowl down to Speedwagon, who instantly took it without question. “No, my pet shall feed you since you are unable to do so yourself.” That was all? That seemed too simple for Dio- “Oh, I nearly forgot.” He reached down and pulled the metal spoon out of the bowl with a devilish grin. “Make sure he eats every bite, my pet- but pull the pieces out individually so he does not choke on them.” Ah, yes, that seemed more like the bastard Jonathan had come to know…
“Yes, Lord Dio.” Speedwagon responded autonomously as he crawled over to Jonathan, careful not to spill the contents of the bowl. He kneeled between Jonathan’s legs and reached into the piping hot liquid to pull out a piece of meat. His face remained blank as ever, but Jonathan could see the pain he was in by the tensing of his body and the way his fingers turned red. He pressed the piece of meat to Jonathan’s lips until the other opened them and ate the offered bite of food. As soon as the meat was out of his grasp, Speedwagon reached in and pulled out a piece of potato next and held it, heedless of the burns forming on his fingers as he waited for Jonathan to take the next bite.
The soup tasted terrible. The meat was overcooked and both it and the vegetables had a terrible flavor, likely spoiled or rotted, knowing Dio. Nevertheless, Jonathan did his best to eat each horrid bite as quickly as possible for the sake of not making Speedwagon burn himself more than necessary. Still, with each piece, the other’s fingers grew raw and red and were even starting to turn white as the burns worsened. He could not stand to see his beloved in so much pain…
A thought occurred to Jonathan suddenly. He had to be careful, though, or Dio would catch on and grow wise to how Jonathan was spending his time in the vampire’s absence.
“Ahh..” Jonathan disguised the subtle and shallow intake of breath as a means to cool down the slimy bite of carrot in his mouth. Carefully focusing the small amount of hamon he gathered from the breath back into his mouth, he swallowed and opened his mouth to accept another piece of carrot from Speedwagon’s waiting fingers. When the burned skin came in contact with his lips, Jonathan carefully channeled the healing ripple from his mouth into Speedwagon’s reddened fingertips. “Nhh..”
“……” Speedwagon paused for a second at the feeling. He did not say anything, but his hand twitched slightly and, for the briefest of moments, Jonathan could have sworn he saw something change in the murky brown depths of his friend’s eyes. Just as soon as it was there, though, it was gone again, so fast that it may have just been a trick of the light or Jonathan’s own hopeful imagination.
Still, Jonathan kept up the routine. He would take in small breaths and charge a minuscule amount of hamon within himself, then, when Speedwagon’s fingers were close enough, he would kiss them gently while taking the offered bite of food and sending a healing ripple through them to ease the other’s pain. The pattern continued until all that remained was the broth.
Speedwagon looked back to Dio for his next command and Dio finally tossed the spoon to him, the broth now lukewarm from how long it took to pick the pieces out. “Go on, I do not have all night to waste down here.”
“Yes, Lord Dio.” Speedwagon replied again as he scooped up spoonful’s of the broth and fed them to Jonathan. The broth was just as vile as the solid pieces were, but Jonathan did his best to drink it all.
As it went on, though, Speedwagon’s hand holding the spoon- the same one that had the slightly healed burns on it- trembled. Jonathan worried that Speedwagon was still in pain. Or, perhaps, he was feeling weak- he had not seen the other man eat even once since they’d been imprisoned, and having Dio constantly draining his blood likely didn’t help matters any.
After Jonathan finished the last spoonful of broth, the trembling in Speedwagon’s hand caused him to drop the spoon. Reaching down to retrieve it put his face extremely close to Jonathan’s without him seeming to realize it.
Jonathan, however, did realize it…
He did not know what possessed him to try what he did. Perhaps it was instincts guided by his hamon training. Perhaps it was the desperate need to feel human contact again. Perhaps it was love and the desire to comfort his beloved in some small way.
Whatever the reason, Jonathan acted quickly. He took in a quick breath as he had before, charged a small amount of hamon into his mouth, then, when Speedwagon’s head tilted up after retrieving the spoon, Jonathan surged forward as much as his bonds would allow and kissed him, allowing the hamon to pass from his lips to Speedwagon’s.
“Mh..” Speedwagon made a slight noise in the back of his throat at the sudden action. Whether from surprise or pleasure it was hard to say, but it was a reaction all the same. Although he did not offer any physical reaction to the kiss, he did not pull away either, and Jonathan took that as a good sign.
Jonathan continued the kiss for as long as possible until the tightening of the collar forced him back against the wall with a choked gasp. “Ack!” He tried to regulate his breathing as he’d learned to do recently until it relented.
Dio cocked an eyebrow at the pair on the floor. “And what was that supposed to be, Jojo? Hoping to wake your ‘sleeping beauty’ with ‘true love’s kiss’? I have already told you- nothing you do will get through to that broken shell of a man.” He snapped his fingers. “Bring the bowl back for me, my pet.”
Speedwagon held the bowl and spoon in his hands and prepared to turn back to Dio. Before he did so, however, clouded brown eyes met deep blue ones and Speedwagon’s lips moved in a silent way that only Jonathan could read- his eyes widening slightly at what he saw:
Though no words were spoken and his facial expression did not change, Speedwagon mouthed the words “Help me” while looking Jonathan right in the eyes.
Speedwagon then quickly crawled back to Dio and held the bowl up for him, that desperate smile of his in place as he asked for Dio’s approval. “Did I do well, Lord Dio?”
Dio chuckled and patted Speedwagon’s head. “Indeed you did, my pet.” He took the bowl and spoon from Speedwagon’s waiting hands and moved to stand. “Now then, I shall return la-” He was stopped by an urgent knock on the heavy door.
“Lord Dio!” One of his minions called from the other side. “A few humans have been spotted in town- they have been able to fight back against our soldiers!”
Dio scowled and stood up. “Hmph..more nuisances to be dealt with…” From his standing position with his head turned towards the door, Dio did not see Speedwagon’s movements. From his seated position on the floor, though, Jonathan did: He watched as Speedwagon stealthily, without Dio noticing a thing, took the spoon from the bowl and placed it behind one of the chair legs and out of Dio’s line of sight. “I shall return after this problem is dealt with.” Dio grabbed the bowl, unaware of what was missing and headed for the door. “You are not to move nor speak until I return, my pet.” Dio commanded as he left.
“Yes, Lord Dio. Anythin’ ya say…” Speedwagon sat by the chair obediently as the door closed.
Jonathan sat silently for a while, looking at Speedwagon with wide, disbelieving eyes. He felt a tear form in one of his eyes before spilling over and trailing slowly down his cheek.
He couldn’t believe it, but was overwhelmingly relieved- Speedwagon was still in there! His silent plea for help and the subtle way in which he’d indirectly deceived Dio confirmed it for Jonathan.
“Speedwagon..” Jonathan’s voice trembled as he fought to restrain any other tears that wished to fall like the last one. “Speedwagon, I know you are in there somewhere. If you can hear me, know that I will get you out of here soon- I swear it.”
“……” As always, Speedwagon remained mute and immobile, save for a few tears that fell across his face as he wept silently.
Jonathan closed his eyes and began focusing his breathing to build up hamon and heal his arms. His will to escape was renewed and more than doubled now: His beloved friend was fighting his own battle, but needed his help, and Jonathan would not fail him, not this time..not ever again…
<-Previous Chapter Next Chapter->
End Notes:  There is hope! Things get better in the next chapter!
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magistralucis · 5 years
Oh god, I’m so, so sorry about your cat. I just lost my 13 y.o. dog a couple of days ago so I know how painful it is to see one’s beloved pet ill. I really hope your cat gets better soon, wishing you both all the best.
thank you anon. i’m still in shock i don’t think i’ve been able to process this yet. i was full on bawling last night because i just couldn’t handle the thought of mimi not being in my life anymore. i don’t have many beings that love me in my life anymore and the thought of one of them going and the thought of having to go through this again (because monty, the other cat, and mimi’s littermate) is absolutely destroying me.
i never had the experience of a childhood pet dying. we kept hamsters when i was little and i don’t remember them much at all, and i think they were given away while still alive. mimi is the first animal who entered my life and loved me just for being there. she gave me small kisses and groomed my hair and let me stroke her gorgeous gorgeous fur and scratched softly at my bedroom door to be let in every morning. i regret so much not going to see her more often. i should have done more. she loves me so unconditionally and i feel like i failed her in every way possible. how can your lives be entangled for nearly ten years and you never feel like it was enough. she’s mine and she’s so innocent and she never never ever did anything wrong whatsoever and she’s sick. i keep thinking it was me who brought the evil eye on her or something because this happened so suddenly. she’s fifteen, she’s at an age where humans don’t really get to dictate whether she gets to be chained to earth for longer. we don’t have results yet on why she’s sick (she had fluid in the lungs and is in an oxygen chamber, she has difficulty breathing and has barely eaten) but should they turn out to be the worst, maybe we’re making her suffer more by keeping her alive. i know all that logically but i so so so badly don’t want her to leave me i want her to stay alive i want to tell her i love her just one more time this is torture
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oldscarredlove · 8 years
AfterGone - Part 1/3
The Origins of AG
Error > @loverofpiggies (tag ain’t working) Swap!Sans > @(can’t remember)
After all this time I still remember what it was like when the human came here to the Underground, the prison of the monsters hidden deep in Mount. Ebott, I’ve lost all sense of time here, when you’re alone you kind of lose all your senses and sanity. Looking over to the other side of Snowdin river, the fields of wooden crosses and blocks of stone, I mesmerized how this all happened… — It is said that the human had fallen into the Underground from the surface landing onto a pile of golden flowers, making them sound like some kind of angel that fallen from the Heavens with golden wings. They were the most innocent thing down here, their smiles and laughs were all it took for the monsters to be befriended and give them their trust.
Right to the very end. No one ever got to see the light of the surface, every single monster that came face to face with the human ultimately ended up being left as a pile of dust. I made sure to never even be within range of the human’s toy knife, being the only one to see their true self.
The human may have fallen as if an angel had been sent to us… But no one ever questioned why the angel had fallen, it was because it was a monster, even more so than ourselves. — Haunting laughter filled the golden corridor, the light of the barrier shining through the windows were blinding my eye-sockets but I’d much prefer look at something that wasn’t the human in front of me. Their cheeks were rosy and their smile was just as it always was but with a more twisted and darker reason other than befriending.
Their yellow shirt was no longer tucked from their brown trousers, the black suspenders hanging loosely on either sides of their legs and their dark shoes powdered with the dust of the slain. Their knife had lost its shine during the journey here, it was pointed at me for the fifth time and I could feel my soul ache in a familiar pain.
“Here again, huh Sans?” Questioned the demon-child, “I wonder how many times we’ll dance like this.” They giggled manically and their soulless eyes looked at me from under their messy fringe.
“The real question is…” I felt my left eye glow before I opened my eyes again, staring into the soul which should have never existed. “Why aren’t you burning in Hell like you should be?” —RESET— Something was different, something has changed and I have no idea what and whatever it was, it was making my bones rattle, it crawled up my spine the entire day, I just couldn’t focus on anything.
It took longer than usual to leave the house, I was heading toward the Waterfall post when it happened, hearing the slice before the bang. I hid in the shadows of the Snowdin woods as I watched Papyrus, my beloved sister, crumble into nothing but ashes, Chara practically skipping away whilst humming a strange tune.
When the human vanished, I came out and wobbled toward the blood-coloured scarf on the ground, hesitating when I reached out for it. “P-Papyrus…? S-Sister…?” I fell onto my knees, burying my face into it and felt myself shiver, feeling the true cold of the situation for the first time.
I was never there to see my sister turn to dust, mainly because I knew I’d lose my mind, I could feel it crack, splitting in half and my eye-socket burning with hatred. “I shall make sure…” I looked up from my spot on the snow, “they burn in the flames of Hell.” — The scarf was wrapped around my neck when I next faced the human, after blasting them with my little pets, they collapsed onto the ground and were silent for a full minute. Then they started to boom with laughter, I could hear them struggling to breathe and see the tears fall onto the floor. They looked up to me with that scary face and had an expression of someone who’s had an awful idea.
“Hahahaha! Why- Why didn’t I think about this before?!” They started to howl again and I could feel their sins surrounding me, it was almost enough to choke me.
“What is it, kid? You’re kinda creeping me out here.” I scowled at their attempt of getting up and falling down again.
“Join me!” I froze in place. “Join me in the next run! Let’s kill everyone! They’ll never-”
“No.” It was all I could say, they’d managed to make me lose my ability to speak, ‘no’ was the only word I could formulate.
“Listen to me, Sans!” They stood up and spread their arms toward me.” They’ll never have to know! I can just reset the timeline and they’ll all just forget, only we will remember!” They held out their disarmed hand. “Join me Sans, it’d be so interesting to see if you’d be able to kill your own-”
Looks like I’m ganna have’ta use my special attack early. —RESET— “Oh! Good morning Sans! You’re up unusually early today!” Papyrus was grinning like a fool as usual, I starred at her in-tents-ly, trying to burn this image of her into my skull. Her heroic cape-like scarf, her shining ‘battle body’, her happy face, looking at me like I was a saint.
How wrong she was, it was almost enough to break me entirely, she was always seeing the good in everything whilst I was her polar opposite. She was the saint, always trying to save those I would’ve discarded without a second thought, being honest and soft forever and always.
“Heh, yeah…” I looked away, ashamed. “Hey sis… I kinda forgot… What would you do if you became the Head of the Royal Guard?”
She looked at me with an expression of bewilderment, amazed I’d forgotten when she’s spoken of it a million times. In truth, I wanted her to picture her happiest day before it all came to an end. As she turned away from me and explained everything with joy, I materialized my claw and sliced at her, making sure to go through the soul to ensure she didn’t feel any pain.
I didn’t want her to even see the human or myself, before she even started to crumble I broke apart, I let the claw fade off and knelt onto the floor, disgusted with myself for what this timeline has in store. After several minutes, I got up, my body rattling loudly, I had no words to say to her, what could I say? “I’m Sorry…” — I was sitting inside Grillby’s when the human came, I heard the door open and footsteps come closer to me, they stopped and were followed by a giggle. “No one’s here, huh?” I said nothing. “Where’d they all go? Did you warn them? Because if you did I can just reset an-”
“I killed everyone.” It was silent for a whole two minutes then booming laughter filled the diner.
“WOW! So you’re going to join me?!” I nodded, they cheered. “This’ll be fun! I can’t wait to see how this goes, par’ner!” I wasn’t so sure. — By the time we reached the Queen’s throne room and that flower-thing were reduced to nothing, we went into the room that was before the barrier, the human was still grinning like a clown with their cheeks the same red as Papyrus’ scarf.
“Now that, Sans, was what I called a good time!” They winked at me like I should agree, but all I felt were the sins crawling up my back.
“It’s the end now kid, we had an agreement: When this was all done with, you’d make sure no one ever knew about this…” I stared at them with hatred, feeling my soul pulsing in agony.
They tapped their knife against their forehead, as if they’d forgotten something. “Oh right!” I was hoping they’d stab them-self in the head. “Ok then, a deal’s a deal.” They steadied their knife. “Goodbye Sans.”
My eye-sockets widened and I could feel my jaw drop (not literally), I stared in horror and what’d just happened. The dark grey floor was suddenly covered in red and a choked chuckle rang through the room.
“There… The deal’s done.” And with those dying words, they collapsed onto the ground and time froze. In the monster’s place was a human in different colours, their face was pale and their magenta shirt was stained with blood and their blue trousers and brown boots were dusty.
Staring at this other human, I realized that I’d made a deal with the literal Devil, turning my own words against me. I zipped to the human and started to shake the human around brutally, screaming and sobbing at them to RESET, they always did, why was this any different from the other times they’d died?
My thoughts already pieced the answer together, it was because Chara had killed this human ever since they first possessed them, stealing and destroying a little piece of their soul for every second they were inside them. I started to get slow and my voice was becoming a whisper.
“Please… Bring them back…” — Whilst heading back, I picked a bunch of flowers, gold and blue, and covered each with the dust with a single monster. When I got back to Snowdin, I summoned my claw and made each flower a hole, buring them and placing a wooden cross I’d made from fallen branches in the nearby forest at the head of the grave.
When it came to those I cared for especially, I made them a tombstone, carving their names and a small message into the rock. The last two were Papyrus and the human, although I had never met this human child before, it felt like we could’ve been pals in another lifetime.
When Papyrus’ grave was done, I wrapped her scarf around her tombstone and stood up, looking around at my handy work. My hoodie was torn and tattered, itchy from all the dust it’d collected during the run, I went inside and headed to my room, throwing all the clothes I was wearing into the trash.
When I came outside again in my new clothing, I noticed that time had literally stopped, I guess without the human, there was nothing else to proceed… My head tilted down and I climbed onto the roof, feeling nothing but shame, vengeance and disgust. I felt sick to my non-existing stomach and felt like the ghost of Papyrus behind me, watching my every move in anger and betrayal. — I started to cry out of nowhere, I’d looked at the window of the living room and noticed I’d become skinnier and had actually grown at some point. Ever since… I haven’ had much to eat, resources were becoming scarce and I’ve now had to start living off of plants, forcing myself to become a vegan.
It could’ve been because I’d grown and believed that time was starting again, only to have my hope crushed when I’d stared at a clock for what seemed like an hour. Or it could’ve been that I’d glanced at the calendar that was next to the door and saw that (for me) it has been over a year since then.
Whenever I slept and woke up, I’d count that as a day. I hardly got sleep anymore, resulting with bangs under my eyes somehow and becoming an insomniac. I always got nightmares of Papyrus, staring at me in hatred with marks on her body from when I’d sliced her but dripping with her blood.
I left the house from feeling claustrophobic and jumped onto the roof and sat down on its peek, resting my skull into between my knees. The new clothes I’d made shortly after finishing the graveyard hung loosely to me, during my growth I’ve had to alter them to make sure they were bigger than myself, to be sure I was prepared for any more unexpected growth spurts.
Silence has been the only thing I’ve heard now, other than the imaginary voices of the other monsters before they were massacred, so after a few minutes of self-loathing, you could imagine my shock when I heard a glitch rip and a confused voice ask:
“What’s this place, Error?”
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