Im A Beacon Of Sin
261 posts
Archiving things I would never post on main (And posing 3D models) - Yes this is a kink blog, leave me alone - If you don't like it, just block the content and leave She/They(?) - 24
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siineko · 1 year ago
Motivation/desire is WEIRD because the only things my brain wants to focus on in terms of -gestures vaguely at blog- ...just-
1 (A) - Fandom I just got back into, and I KNOW that fics exist/I Don't Remember Who Wrote them/One of the blogs that had The Good Shit (correct character in the Suffering Chair) poofed out of existence (Also no- I don't wanna write for it myself- I have no Good Ideas about it that don't involve my fun little personal OC for plot reasons- Why won't I write for her? See Bullet Point #2)
1 (B) - SO MANY PEOPLE who write for that fandom pick the character who I Do NOT give a shit about. I KNOW he's low hanging fruit because [canon redacted] but like. I do not care for him- More fics of the pretttyyyy one getting his day ruined please <3
2 - OCs of mine that are my MAIN OCs and I leave them off of this blog on purpose because nah man I don't need anyone connecting my main to THIS
In conclusion
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siineko · 1 year ago
Did you still active? Or you changed platform to post your works?
I mean- Technically I'm around, but I haven't had proper motivation for new things-
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siineko · 2 years ago
What do Rio and Kira's voices sound like?
You know, I've never thought about how to describe their voices- May eventually do one of those Voice Claim things by giving an example of someone they'd sound close to, but for now, if I were to describe
Kira: Higher pitched (not in a squeaky way, but Very Girly ✨), bubbly/energetic way of speaking
Rio: Lower, androgynous (leans slightly more feminine in pitch though, regardless of how they may or may not want it)- Calm/level tone
A lot of Opposites Attract energy w/ them
But yea, sorry if its not exactly the answer you were looking for? I hear them clearly in my head when I write them, but I have trouble figuring out how to word what I'm hearing
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siineko · 2 years ago
Just wanted to say I love the other anon’s ask about the nurse’s office fic. Also I just wanted to let you know your fics are amazing and they have helped me discover so much about my sexuality. I’m so grateful to you. ❤️
Thank you so much!! I'm so glad you enjoy them 😊
I wish I had more time/energy to do some more of these more frequently tbh
irl/college stuff has been getting in the way though which is. a hassle.
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siineko · 2 years ago
Hey its the story anon again, what your favorite cause of sickness
Well, to start- I *did* fill out this list someone made, so I'm gonna start with that before any explaining--
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Generally, especially for my stories, my main thing is, I like the often sudden/unexpected/uncontrollable kinds (I mean yea, characters like Milo still exist, who clearly will induce it for his own means, but especially once I flesh things out better, he has his own plotline and character arc to go through regarding that)
Even in content I watch, I like more natural reasons, or hell even "uh oh, we may have intended this, but its still happening semi-naturally" ex. no fingers/meds/etc.
Meanwhile, idk why, just a lot of the pain reasons or completely self induced reasons just- don't click for me- just doesn't spark in the same way, if that makes sense?
So yea- I like the more unpredictable (for the characters) moments, or ones where the plot of the situation gives them more conflict (in public/busy and they don't have time to stop/in the middle of something else/even Wanting to induce it *stares at Milo* but going further than intended)
I can't explain why, but it feels more fun to write/make content about, I guess?
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siineko · 2 years ago
ok not *actually* answering this ask officially yet, but I did want to point it out since I'm already answering asks-
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Anon I see you- I actually know what character I'm gonna use/generally how to start it- but I'm mentally working on some details, so its not ready yet
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siineko · 2 years ago
Whats your favorite story that youve written
That's actually a really difficult question- If I had to pick one, I'd probably say this one?
As for my reasoning, I know that my main struggle in making new content is finding the mix of motivation + Trying to figure out the direction I want to take these characters + wanting JUST enough plot for it to not just be "uh oh, character #4 is sick in x place"- and I feel like that one's gentle plot nudging, mixed with a relatively interesting setting, was going in a direction that I enjoyed writing-
I just. um. am having enough writer block that more like it has been hard, and as I typically think of at least *some* reasoning for the situation in my head as I use the editor, not having a general story in mind makes it hard to actually make the content
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siineko · 2 years ago
Has Kiara ever gotten carsick before
For Kira? Not really-
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siineko · 2 years ago
poor angel sounds so nauseous 🥺🥺
such a good natural sickie emeto audio 💗
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siineko · 2 years ago
Ok! Reblogging to say I think it worked? I mean, let me know if it didn't, of course, but I think all the "read more"s went through
if it isn't too much of a bother, could you put a read more on your posts that have lots of images?
Sure! Idk when my next one will be, but I can try to see if editing them works
Some of the things on the editor didn't work right before, which is why they weren't already, but now that the new post editor actually functions on my blog, I'll check to see now-
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siineko · 2 years ago
if it isn't too much of a bother, could you put a read more on your posts that have lots of images?
Sure! Idk when my next one will be, but I can try to see if editing them works
Some of the things on the editor didn't work right before, which is why they weren't already, but now that the new post editor actually functions on my blog, I'll check to see now-
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siineko · 2 years ago
pstpst- I swear I'm not dead (And I'm SO sorry to the two requests in my inbox) but irl things + brain has gotten in the way- I'll make content once I can find the time . . .
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siineko · 2 years ago
How does emma usally get to places due to her motion sickness being so bad
If she can plan things properly w/ timing, meds, etc. she can manage pretty ok-
Also- on top of that, it depends on who's driving- If its a friend who she knows can drive safely/calmly, a lot of it isn't as bad- but you can't exactly micromanage the driving for public transport Hence why in her own debut post, a lot of her initial internal angst could be boiled down to a mix of "damn, sucks that none of my friends could have actually taken me back instead of this train-" and "wow I should have planned this better, because if I knew I was taking said train, I would have prepped better and been more careful w/ food"
So yea, longer trips for her take a LOT more effort than your typical, everyday person- Hell, honestly, most things near her are within walking/biking distance so she uses it as her excuse for some exercise at least-
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siineko · 2 years ago
Do you post on your Twitter often?
I meant to and then forgot about it, really-
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siineko · 2 years ago
Hey so guys, about my last reblog- you guys HAVE to try that new generator. I keep trying it with slightly more complex characters/scenarios each time and it keeps managing to keep up! It's really cool!!
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siineko · 2 years ago
new sickfic RP generator!
If you saw my last post, you know I created an AI sickfic RP generator using Character.AI. That one was restricted to a clinic setting. This new one I've made is more liberal. (I also think the quality of the writing is much better.)
You can write out your prompt as a sentence, but the AI will likely respond better to this format — Name: (insert name). Personality: (insert personality traits). Receptivity to help: (AKA how they'll react to you). Setting: (anything from bedroom to Antarctica). Source of pain: (indigestion, food poisoning, etc.). You can forgo any of these categories if you'd like.
Example convo (sorry for the blurriness):
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Fun things to remember!
Swipe on the AI's generated response and it'll give you more potential replies!
The more you vote (stars at the bottom), the higher quality it'll grow to be!
If you insert a fictional character for the name, the AI should mimic the character (to an extent)!
Have fun!
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siineko · 2 years ago
Would love to see two characters who are both feeling bloated, perhaps in bed? Your work is amazing btw :)
Ooh~ Sounds nice for once I drag my brain into doing more content besides the little bits of things that pop into my head- noting it for later Also, thank you!
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