#bad self care habits
nonbinaryroyalty43 · 2 years
Losleep, Au where roman is all en-compassing and remus is Logan's brother who represents Procrastination
....I'm actually writing for once. What a surprise.
Characters: Logan Sanders, Remy Sanders, C!Thomas (mentioned). Remus Sanders (mentioned), Roman Sanders (mentioned), Virgil Sanders (mentioned).
Pairing: Losleep
Warnings: Bad self care habits, procrastination
Summary: Logan and Remus are at war in Thomas' mind, leading Logan to stress quite a bit. Remy just wants his boyfriend to sleep.
I stared at the paper in front of me, barely able to read my writing through my blurry vision. Everyone else was asleep, including Sleep himself. I glanced over at my bed. Remy was curled up under the covers, his breathing deep and even. I smiled to myself before returning to my work.
The last few days had been difficult for everyone. Remus pushed Thomas to be even more lazy than usual. As a result, Thomas was very behind in his posting schedule and I have to work overtime in order to get things back on track.
The others really didn't help much, either. Roman only wanted Thomas to stay on track as long as Thomas was doing something creative. Virgil went from being anxious about procrastinating to being anxious about screwing something up. As such, I didn't have much help.
I blinked a few times to clear my vision, rubbing at my eyes. I returned my focus to my work. Time passed very quickly and before long I heard the sounds of the other Sides getting up and moving in the hallway. I yawned and stretched, glancing over at Remy. To my surprise, his eyes were open and he was looking over at me.
"Good morning," I said. "You're up early."
"So are you." Remy sat up, running a hand through his hair. "What time did you come to bed last night? I didn't feel you get into bed."
I averted my eyes briefly. "I went to sleep not long after you did. I woke at the same time I usually do." My lie wasn't well thought out so I wasn't surprised when Remy gave me a disapproving look.
"I love you, hun, but I wish you wouldn't lie to me. I can feel when people are asleep, even when I'm also sleeping. I didn't feel you at all last night. Were you still working on that new schedule?"
I sighed. "Yes. Thomas has so much responsibility now, to his fans and to his friends. He's so far behind on everything he's promised. I know his friends and fans are understanding, but at some point they have to reach their limit."
"That's a possibility. However, you really aren't accomplishing much. Remus has managed to get Thomas off track and maintain a decent sleep schedule. If you aren't at your best, you won't be able to overcome his influence on Thomas." Remy stood, walking over to me and offering me his hand. "You should sleep. A few more hours isn't going to do much difference in the long run."
Remy made several good points, but part of me didn't want to stop my work. I knew Remy wouldn't give up, though, so I said, "Alright. But just for a few hours. No one else seems to want Thomas to stay on track. I have to keep Thomas focused."
He nodded. "Okay. Sleep first." He tugged on my hand and I stood. Remy snapped his fingers. My clothes changed in something more comfortable for sleep. He led me over to the bed, laying down with me.
I felt my eyes getting heavier, unsure whether that was due to my own tiredness or Remy's influence. Remy hummed quietly, running a hand through my hair. "Do you want some help sleeping?"
I nodded with no hesitation. Sleeping with Remy's help always made me feel more rested than usual. Remy's hand stilled in my hair and I felt his power sweep through me. Warmth spread through me and, just like that, my eyes closed and I feel asleep.
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satsuha · 2 years
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table manners (based on some tavern banters)
read right to left!
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o2studies · 1 month
Yesterday: ༻`` 🦎 Friday — 9 Aug 24
_, Academic Weapon Challenge Day 8 ˎˊ-
|| Sleep: Maybe 7hrs 30?
|| Routine: I don't think I did anything
|| Deep focus: I was painting for most of the day. It's a gift for my dad on his birthday and the painting was taking foreverrrrrr
|| Body: I took both of my dogs for a walk and it was exhausting honestly, the younger one pulls on this lead and has no sense of personal space so she'll just push into my other dog. I'll definitely stick to walking them one at a time.
|| Mind: I listened to a good amount of Gone Girl and I'm (finally) nearing the end of the book! I also had a great and very helpful talk with J about some things that have been going on recently in my life.
// 🍊
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༻`` 🦎 Saturday — 10 Aug 24
_, Academic Weapon Challenge Day 9 ˎˊ-
I had an absolutely amazing day today!!
|| Sleep: Just over 6 hours of sleep (I talked with J till a bit after midnight, couldn't fall asleep and had to get up early to feed my dogs)
|| Routine: So after feeding my dogs I went back to bed for like 30mins (I was sooo tired 😮‍💨) but when that alarm went off I didn't snooze it, did 5 pushups and had a sip of water!
|| Deep focus: Just painting again (I finished the gift today!)
|| Body: I did 5 pushups before my bath and walked one of my dogs but when I was hanging out with K, A and J we walked around a good bit also (I love and cherish them so so much <33333)
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^ Yes it was me that tied grass around A's shoelaces 😊
|| Mind: I listened to more of Gone Girl and read some of The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress
I also drove up to meet my friends and then back and I'm so much more comfortable driving by myself now and on the roads in general! (although they are familiar roads that I'm driving) and I'm getting better with parking!
I'll also start some new counters:
Day 1 clean (I sh and I've not done it for a few days and I don't do it often at all, and I wasn't planning on stopping but today I decided that I will :) )
Day 0 (I pick at my skin and nails a lot and I really want to stop, and I'm getting a lot better with it! but I haven't went a day where I haven't picked at my skin in some way for so so long)
Floor time ☑️ (a friend today mentioned that he likes to lie on the floor, another said that they do it too and I'd like to do it a lot more often. I feel like it might help a lot; in de-stressing, calming myself, resting in a better and healthier way, and helping to stop bad habits. So even if I'm feeling fine I'dstill like to lie down on the floor at some point each day) // 🍊
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immortal-lov3r · 8 months
bye bye bad habits ୨♡୧ the guide to lose bad habits.
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here are some habits to look into say bye bye too:
not enough sleep
skipping breakfast
not exercising
using devices in bed (i did some research behind this its insane)
eating late at night
emotional eating
unhealthy eating
over thinking
snacking too much
sitting too much
rushing in the morning
how do i say bye bye to bad habits?
every habit has 3 parts to it : the trigger, the activity, and the payoff.
the trigger is the situation that gets you doing the habit.
the activity is the habit you're doing.
the payoff is the reward you get when you’re done.
find your trigger- what causes me to do this? why do i do this? what effect does this have on me? how does it make me feel?
start small- split your goals into smaller achievable steps, as your reach your smaller goals this will motivate you to reach your greater goal.
have a plan- once you understand what triggers your habit and the reward, you can make a plan that swaps your habit with healthy, achievable goals and minimises triggers. 
change your environment around you- the space around you could be triggering a specific emotion or habit. keeping it tidy and changing the area around you.
replace your bad habit with something healthy- changing your habit to something healthy that has equally the same "blast" as you bad habit, can make you slowly replace it without noticing.
remember to be patient, creating and stopping habits takes patience, work, effort, discipline, and overall can take up to 21 days.
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lucigraves · 5 months
I love this webbed site but got damn! If you continually talk about hating yourself or how you aren't deserving of kindness or how you're doing (sometimes less than) the bare minimum for your mental health, guess what your brain will do! It'll believe that, and it'll justify continuing to do the bare minimum! Some of you mfers need to learn better self care, methinks!
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cooki3face · 2 years
I think a lot of people are people pleasers In so many different ways and they don’t even realize it and neither do most other people. If you are stepping outside of yourself, if you are ignoring or pushing aside how you feel to make someone else feel better or feel happy, if you are not staying true to yourself or who you are to evoke a sense of desire or admiration in someone else or make someone like you or want to be around you are people pleasing and that goes for anything and everything. Changing how you dress, changing how you talk, changing how you intuitively always feel you should handle situations or react in situations, settling for surface level relationships or connections you know you’ll be unhappy or get hurt in because you like someone or want someone to like you, doing things you feel you shouldn’t or don’t want to do because you like someone or want someone to like you you’re people pleasing. I can’t stress this enough, do things for you and not for other people before you make up your mind to do anything for anyone else, do things because you want to do them, stop doing things you don’t want to do, stop going out of your way force or push things into fruition by bending and breaking yourself to fit a narrative that doesn’t fit you or your needs.
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classyblen · 9 days
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✨ Starting My Journey with Atomic Habits ✨
🌹 𝙷𝚎𝚢 𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚒𝚏𝚞𝚕 𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚜! 🌹
Today, I'm diving into the transformative pages of Atomic Habits by James Clear. This book has been on my radar for a while, and I finally snagged a physical copy! 🔥📖
📖 Details:
Author: James Clear
Page Count: 320 pages
Current Mood: Ready to level up! 💪
🌟 Excitement Level:
Feeling pumped and ready to absorb all the wisdom this book has to offer! 🔥📖
📝 Reading Goals:
Explore strategies to build good habits and break bad ones.
Implement at least one new habit each week as I progress through the book.
💬 Join the Conversation!💋
If you’ve read Atomic Habits, share your thoughts below! Let’s inspire each other on this journey of habit-building! 🎀
✨ Stay tuned for my upcoming reviews and updates! Let’s make the most of our habits together!
if you guys wanna download the book its free click the link below
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aashiquidreams · 2 months
I quit smoking weed on January 8 this year. Last week, on July 8, I reached the six-month mark! Despite the difficult times I’ve been dealing with since last year, I think it was a good choice. I feel better and look better. Even though I’ve been depressed, grieving, and stressed, this decision has helped me get through it in a way. I think I was able to stop because I was in survival mode. If I had kept using weed, it would have made everything far worse. My thoughts would have been more chaotic than they already were, and I wouldn’t have been able to properly take care of myself.
I’ve been on a low dosage of antidepressants since May 7, so about two months and one week now, and I think that’s better than being stoned. Giving up weed, especially during tough times, has been challenging but necessary. It’s been part of my journey toward self-care and self-love. Navigating depression, grief, and stress is hard, but taking these steps has helped me manage better.
Through this process, I’ve gained a lot of self-awareness and am proud of my accomplishment. I’m glad to have the confirmation that I don’t have an addiction or dependence; it was a bad habit that I used to suppress emotions I wasn’t ready to deal with. I’m grateful for the progress I’ve made and for making these choices for my well-being.
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xannerz · 10 months
roblox death noise
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reinedeslys-central · 5 months
so like sometimes it's only been a couple hours after you've eaten and you're wondering if you're wondering if you're hungry - but maybe you're just, like, hungry in your head, right? Not actually hungry? So you don't need to eat because that would be overeating, like at a buffet where you stop eating when your stomach feels like it's going to burst? wrong your stomach has an early warning system
no yeah fast forward to two hours later when you're kinda lowkey starving and you go, oh. huh. bodies don't lie.
listen to your organs y'all 😅
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chl3borzoi · 6 months
You should never feel dread about intimacy. It should be a pain-free and enjoyable thing. You should feel held by your partner. Your partner should defend you to others and make you feel wanted, in many more ways than just sexually. If this clicks with you, i encourage you to leave. Heartbreak and being alone is sad, but it's better than bad.
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wakeishasunshine · 2 years
Sometimes healing means isolation. Sometimes it will be uncomfortable and lonely. But you will come out with clear view on yourself, your boundaries and learning what aligns with you and your journey. Sometimes healing means letting go of the old and focusing on the new.
Alicia Keys interview on Drink Champs
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nightsealeafrainwing · 11 months
Replacing one bad habit at a time <3
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dark-wackademia · 5 months
You’re Not Lazy : How To Force Your Brain To Crave Doing Hard Things
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Man istg if another person tells me I should just work out when I'm trying to talk to them about dysphoria-
First it was my ex bf, then it was my roommate, and I'm like good for yall that you're motivated to exercise and are able to commit to making that a habit and all, but slimming down a little bit or building muscle is not the same thing as chopping my tits off
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mossy-covered-bones · 7 months
Np i saw today in hopes of getting an appt for an adhd dx really said hey youre too fucking anxious. Have you, a person who struggles with routine, tried having a routine?
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