classyblen · 7 days
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I don’t know how God is going to make a way, all I know is He’s going to make a way.
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classyblen · 7 days
Helloww !
Title: The Ghost Protocol: A classy's Guide to Uncovering True Loyalty
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🌹 𝙷𝚎𝚢 𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚒𝚏𝚞𝚕 𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚜! 🌹
--Today, I want to delve into a concept that might seem a bit unconventional but holds profound meaning in our rapidly changing world: ghosting. Not in the petty or immature way we often hear about, but rather as a thoughtful strategy to discern true friends from mere acquaintances.
Yeah, you heard me right. I ghost everyone even my closest friends. Why? Because truth doesn't come served on a silver platter; it often hides behind the shadows, waiting for the moment to reveal itself.
🚦The Master Plan:
Picture this: I turn off my phone, and the notifications go silent. No texts, no DMs, no Facetime calls just me, myself, and the echo of my own thoughts. I sit in my cozy space, sipping on my favorite drink, and I wait. It’s a test of loyalty, of love, and most importantly, of authenticity. Whose footsteps will I hear approaching my door? Who’s going to care enough to check on me when I turn the lights off?
📍Why This Method?
In a world where everyone is glued to their screens, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the noise. Social media showcases a facade everyone’s living their best lives, but how many are genuinely there for you when the glam fades? Ghosting gives me clarity. It shrouds my connections in mystery and separates the ride-or-die friends from the mere acquaintances.
When you remove yourself from the chatter, you allow the genuine souls to shine.
Real friends will be the ones who not only notice your absence but actively seek you out.🥀 They’re the ones who won’t hesitate to knock on that door, even if it’s a bit of a trek. And let’s be honest, those who don’t show up? Well, babe, it’s time to reconsider their place in your life.
🪴❤️ But Wait, Why Is This Classy AF?
Listen, this isn’t just about testing friendship; it’s about self-discovery too. In these moments of solitude, I can reflect on what I want, who I am, and what kind of energy I’m bringing into my life. It's empowering to take that step back and evaluate my circle, to cleanse my energy of backstabbers and fair-weather friends. By ghosting, I reclaim my time and my peace. 🌷
The Beautiful Part:✨
When the doorbell finally rings, and I see the faces of those who genuinely care, it’s magic. It’s a reminder of the beauty of human connection, and it reinforces the bonds that matter. Those moments of reconnection are pure gold, reminding me that I am loved, cherished, and seen for who I truly am.I urge you to consider this approach in your own life. Take a break from the constant connectivity and allow yourself to observe with intention. You might just be surprised by who cares enough to seek you out.
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💬 Join the Conversation!💋
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.
Have you ever tried ghosting to test your friendships?
What were your experiences like?
💌write below and let’s connect!
And if you enjoy this kind of content, don’t forget to follow me for more insights into navigating friendships and meaningful relationships.
So here’s your challenge, lovely souls: Ghost for a bit and see who comes looking for you. Let the knocks at your door reveal the truth. Because in the end, life’s too short to be surrounded by those who don’t value your energy.
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classyblen · 9 days
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✨ Starting My Journey with Atomic Habits ✨
🌹 𝙷𝚎𝚢 𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚒𝚏𝚞𝚕 𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚜! 🌹
Today, I'm diving into the transformative pages of Atomic Habits by James Clear. This book has been on my radar for a while, and I finally snagged a physical copy! 🔥📖
📖 Details:
Author: James Clear
Page Count: 320 pages
Current Mood: Ready to level up! 💪
🌟 Excitement Level:
Feeling pumped and ready to absorb all the wisdom this book has to offer! 🔥📖
📝 Reading Goals:
Explore strategies to build good habits and break bad ones.
Implement at least one new habit each week as I progress through the book.
💬 Join the Conversation!💋
If you’ve read Atomic Habits, share your thoughts below! Let’s inspire each other on this journey of habit-building! 🎀
✨ Stay tuned for my upcoming reviews and updates! Let’s make the most of our habits together!
if you guys wanna download the book its free click the link below
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classyblen · 10 days
💋 𝙷𝚎𝚢 𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚒𝚏𝚞𝚕 𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚜! 💋
✨ Welcome to my brand-new blog! My name is Classy, and I’m on an exciting self-growth journey, ready to become the best version of myself! ❤️
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I believe that sharing my experiences and holding myself accountable is the key to flourishing, so I’m here to inspire, uplift, and empower you along the way! If you’re down for some realness and growth, let’s be besties on this beautiful adventure! 🌟✨
✨ Goals for Self-Improvement ✨
Goal: Reduce reliance on pornography (including smut books, comics, videos, even porno music) ⛔
Action Step: Identify triggers and create a plan to avoid them.
Use apps like StayFocusd or Cold Turkey to block access.
Daily Affirmations ✨: Start each day with positive affirmations to boost self-esteem and redirect your focus.
Workout Routine:
Goal: Exercise 5 times a week.
Action Step: Choose specific workouts 🏋️‍♀️.
Tip: Mix it up with fun classes like Zumba or yoga to keep it exciting!
Skincare Routine:
Goal: Follow a morning and night routine.
Morning: Cleanser + moisturizer + sunscreen ☀️.
Night: Cleanser + moisturizer + acne treatments + 5-minute self-massage for relaxation. 🧖‍♀️
🙏 Daily Prayer & Bible Reading:
Goal: 10-15 minutes of prayer in the morning and reading the Bible before bed.
Action Step: Use Bible apps and set an alarm/reminder.
Reflection Journal: After reading, jot down thoughts or verses that stood out to you.
Reading Books:
Goal: Read at least 2 books per month—1 for me and another for our future book club. 📖
Action Step: Keep a list of books I want to read and start a book club!
Monthly Theme: Each month, focus on a theme such as “self-care”, “growth mindset”, or “creativity”.
🌼 Daily Routine 🌼
Morning Routine 🎀
4:30 AM - Wake up
4:35 AM - Make bed
4:40 AM - Pray
5:00 AM - Workout
5:50 AM - Shower/skincare
6:30 AM - Read a few chapters of the current book
7:00 AM - Simple + healthy breakfast 🍳
DAYTIME (Post-graduation vibes 🌟):
Focus on school, work, or personal projects.
Explore a hobby or learn a new skill! 🎨
6:00 PM - Dinner + family time 🍽️
7:00 PM - YouTube + tea (me time) ☕
8:00 PM - Read or journal (here on Tumblr!)
9:00 PM - Bedtime 🌙
🌹 Tracking Addiction 🌹
Identify Triggers: List specific situations or feelings that lead to urges.
Accountability Partner: Share this goal with a trusted friend who can check in weekly 📞.
Alternative Activities: When urges arise, have a list of alternatives ready (like walking or reading the Bible).
Reflect Weekly: Journal about successes and setbacks related to these goals each week.
💪 Physical & Mental Wellness ❤️
Weekly Workout Plan:
Mon-Fri: Shoulder stretch (10 min) + arm fat workout (10 min) + Daisy Keech ab workout (10 min).
Sat-Sun: Light stretches 🧘‍♀️.
Weekly Skincare Plan:
Sun & Wed: Weekly mask + exfoliation.
Balanced Eating:
Aim for 3 meals a day plus healthy snacks. 🍎
Meal prep on weekends to save time!
Hydration Challenge: Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day!
🌟 Community & Accountability ❤️
Find a Group: Join a local church group, Tumblr communities, or a study group for shared growth.
Weekly Check-ins: Schedule meet-ups with a friend for mutual encouragement on goals.
Social Media Detox: Plan regular breaks from social media to refocus your mind. 📵
Weekly Review Questions:
What went well?
What were the challenges?
How can I adjust my goals for the next week?
Gratitude List: Each week, write down three things you are grateful for! 🎀
✨ Final Thoughts ✨
✨ Remember, change is a gradual process. Celebrate the small victories, and be patient with yourself as you embark on this journey. Consistency and discipline are key, so keep the faith in yourself and your path. You’ve got this, Classy! ❤️✨
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