#appreciation quotes
therandomvibez · 1 year
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So true, grateful for everything in life!
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wocado · 7 years
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If people don't appreciate what you bring to the table.
If people don’t appreciate what you bring to the table..
life, appreciation, life quotes, Unknown, Unknown quotes, appreciation quotes, alone, alone quotes, bringing to the table, bringing to the table quotes, contribution, contribution quotes #PICTUREQUOTES, #QUOTES
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the-most-sublime-fool · 11 months
Then, too, at sea—to use a homely but expressive phrase—you miss a man so much. A dozen men are shut up together in a little bark, upon the wide, wide sea, and for months and months see no forms and hear no voices but their own, and one is taken suddenly from among them, and they miss him at every turn. It is like losing a limb. There are no new faces or new scenes to fill up the gap. There is always an empty berth in the forecastle, and one man wanting when the small night watch is mustered. There is one less to take up the wheel, and one less to lay out with you upon the yard. You miss his form, and the sound of his voice, for habit had made them almost necessary to you, and each of your senses feels the loss.
—a sailor's diary entry, on losing a shipmate, ca. 1834 (from Two Years Before the Mast by Richard Henry Dana Jr.)
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marauderstars · 5 months
Regulus: Tout ça c'est de ta faute.
James: I know, I know.
Regulus: Wait, you understand French?
James: No, I just know “this is all your fault” in every language.
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xuasii · 1 year
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shyjusticewarrior · 1 month
Red Hood Incorrect Quotes Pt 17
Jason: I can't girlboss without my fucking coffee!!
Jason: Google, stop showing me sex ads! I know there are desperate sluts in the area; I have a mirror!
Tim: She can be critical.
Jason: That’s okay. I take criticism really well.
Tim: No, you don’t.
Jason: What’s that supposed to mean?!
Tim: Just that you don’t take criticism very well!
Jason: Why don’t you just kick me in the face?!
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raven-sapphire · 27 days
Eddie, trying to flirt: So, you come around here often?
Steve, confused: I mean, this is my house, so yeah.
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macbxth-pdf · 3 months
“ Are butches butches because they love femmes? Or because there’s something about our gender expression? It would seem to be just sort of a moved point. Like how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, which came first the butchness or the lesbianism. Except, there’s another one of these great misunderstandings. If you simply identify that butch and femme go together like love and marriage, horse and carriage. Soup and sandwich. Then it leaves out butches who are attracted to other butches. It leaves out femmes who wanna be with other femmes. It leaves out bisexual butches. It leaves no area at all to define why some women are so masculine and yet are heterosexual. To me, being butch doesn’t mean what you do in bed. I mean to be butch on a street, that’s what being butch is to me.”
Butch Activist and Author, Leslie Feinberg
Timestamps for quote: 19:39 - 20:37
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deadtiredghost · 4 months
a donnie appreciation post cause I haven't posted much about them yet
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I didn't realise I made 30.... I was just focused I guess hehe
Guess imma have to do this for all of them now- oh well
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emmaishere2243 · 2 months
The morning after the highlighter incident
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Logan: Said it would be a bad idea because Patton doesn’t drink alcohol often
Roman: Said it would be fine
Virgil: Was tackled
Patton: just really wanted to make sure the others knew how important they are to him (and also had a surprising amount of highlighters)
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This is based off of a pretty old incorrect quote in the fandom, but when it showed up in the latest video I had to doodle it cause it’s so sweet-
Patton promised to use star stickers in the future instead
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becomingher-era · 1 year
When it’s bad, PRAY.
When it’s good, PRAY.
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nothatsmi · 1 year
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Lovely isn't he.
I finished the third book. It's been a few days already but with work and stuff... Anyway now I'm digging through the additional content Nora posted on Tumblr, took me a while to understand how it works but now I am pleased.
I cannot express the emotionnal damage these books have done to me, but I'm not finished drawing any of the foxes. Just saying.
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wocado · 7 years
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Tell more people that you love them ~ @chrisbrogan
Tell more people that you love them.
appreciation, love, love quotes, caring, caring quotes, appreciation quotes, need, need quotes, Chris Brogan, Chris Brogan quotes #PICTUREQUOTES, #QUOTES
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sh1ngaru · 10 months
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i am but a weak man who gives into fandoms at a whim
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moeblob · 2 months
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Someone pointed out "Alex is the glass half full guy and Shane is the glass half empty but he's working on it guy" and so true.
I think Alex is a finger guns kind of guy and I have nothing to support this claim but I'm gonna stand my ground on it. (Alex also just kinda lost on if the blushing or the tearing up is more important and did HE PERSONALLY mess up saying this because he sure as heck doesn't know.)
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whovio · 4 months
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„Part of what I like exploring in this series is there's something quite steely underneath for Aziraphale. I've always been interested in exploring goodness- that there's nothing soft, mealy, or nimby-gimli about goodness. There's a toughness to it, a steel, a hard-won experience to it. I loved the idea of being able to see that underneath Aziraphale in the second series.“
-Michael Sheen
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