Yep, Just Like Her Other Issues, She Still Doesn't Give Her So-Called Main Female Lead The Spotlight She Deserves
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Seriously, she did both Cameron and Charlie dirty in favor of her pets who everyone gets annoyed at are overexposed or the fact that she drops the og premise to focus on said mentioned pets. Also they really need to punished that woman who tricked Cameron into coming to the Haven because she's now trapped there. Also Charlie had so much potential in the pilot that's she reduced to a childish wimp who sees her much younger partner as a father figure and naively thinks that all sinners just made a few mistakes.
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"I read Zoophobia and the last chapter of it focus on none others, but the romance between Addison and Gustav (a student and a teacher) despite it supposed to be about Cameron. Now Helluva Boss focusing entirely on Stolitz instead of I.M.P."
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felicjana050896 · 5 months
A few words about Charlastor
Today I saw this post:
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(Sorry, I can't post the link, Twitter doesn't want to work on my computer today :\ )
I will quote it here because it made me think again:
Currently, the closest person to Charlie is Vaggie, while Alastor invades her space, Vaggie and Alastor are opposed to each other, Vaggie wants to run a hotel for Charlie (her whole life is based on Charlie...), while Alastor has his own reasons (more on which later we don't fully know) and the two are portrayed as opposing forces pulling Charlie, Vaggie in one direction and Alastor in the other. Charlie's relationship with Alastor will deepen in future seasons (which the author wrote about, that Alastor and Charlie are the main characters of HH and what we see after the pilot), thus distancing it from Vaggie, which we see already in the first season (and what I wrote posts about ), that Charlie's relationship with Vaggie will surely deteriorate as it goes on, their quarrel over Vaggie's lie was, in my opinion, just the first glitch in their relationship (although not very well written in my opinion anyway), at some point in the story Charlie will had to choose between Vaggie and Alastor (and Niffty):
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And considering the other screenshots, they are either forshadowings only to the fact that in future seasons Charlie will be getting closer to Alastor and away from Vaggie, or they may generally herald Alastor's victory over Vaggie, it depends, they are definitely confirmation that the further the seasons, the more Charlostor's content we will have than Chaggie's, the only question is which one will be the endgame?
Alastor stealing Charlie:
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Significant bed scene, Vaggie wakes up without Charlie, alone, and Charlie is later in bed with Alastor on a heart-shaped pillow:
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Besides, I read about Zoophobia and old sketches of Alastor and Autumn, and in my opinion Autumn reminds me a bit of Charlie... but in order.... First, let's go to Roo or Eve (if you prefer), well, I saw one Tik Tok and I definitely agree with it:
Charlie actually resembles Eve much more than Lilith, it always surprised me that Charlie has more father-like features both in appearance and character, and has none of Lilith's (especially when it comes to her ahem... physical qualities...), but I thought they just made her a typical "daddy's girl" and that's it... but if Eve is Charlie's mother and not Lilith..., we still had Lucifer's comment that he stole from Adam both wives, both Lilith and Eve, and although he married Lilith, he probably slept with Eve..., then the only question arises: why did Lilith decide to raise a child that was not her own?
Roo (Eve):
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Charlie and Eve (Roo) have exactly the same nose, the same lines under their eyes (Charlie in his demonic form has them) and the body sharp is the same, Lucifer by the way does not have a nose (:D), Lilith has a completely different nose, only Eve's nose matches Charlie's....
Moving on, we know that Alastor made a deal with someone, many people speculate that he made it with Lilith, but there are also people who believe that with Roo and I, although I also considered Lilith at the beginning, it was thrown in our faces this 7-year break (that Lilith has not been in Hell for 7 years and Alastor disappeared for 7 years), seems too obvious..., moreover, we know that Lilith had a contract with Adam (end of episode 8), and Adam did not know Alastor, so how could Alastor have an agreement with Lilith and be with her for these 7 years in heaven, if Adam didn't know him at all..., while Roo..., and this is where the issue of Zoophobia begins, i.e. Viv's first idea, where most of the HH characters came from:
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In Zoophobia we had the so-called KayCee, i.e. chaos itself and the main antagonist, interestingly KayCee liked apples (a reference to Eve and her picking an apple from the Garden of Eden, the first sin?):
KayCee had white hair, horns, and the original Alastor was in love with her:
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So KayCee is nothing other than the prototype of Eve.
Moving on, the original Alastor was also obsessed with Autumn, the character of Zoophobia, a blonde deer:
Autumn is a very helpful and good-hearted character and: ,,Although outwardly he appears mature and rational, in reality he is extremely insecure, suffering from low self-esteem. Autumn continues to seek recognition and thanks from others for a little help from him, showing that he needs the appreciation of others. Autumn is also very sensitive and short-tempered: in the webcomic, when Rusty teases him about the little antlers, Autumn explodes in anger and violently scolds him."
Doesn't this in some way resemble the description of Charlie..., a girl with a good heart, wanting to help everyone, and also sometimes quick-tempered (when, for example, heaven rejects her or when Susan pisses her off :D )
So we have Eve, who used to be KayCee, and Charlie, who has a lot of Autumn in her, and if it turns out that Charlie is actually Eve's daughter, Charlie will be a combination of KayCee and Autumn, considering her appearance and character traits are taken from both, two characters that the original Alastor was crazy about ;)
And finally, some shots of Charlie and Alastor:
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And remember about Niffty and KeeKee, they are very important, after all they are in the HH logo :)
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KeeKee, a pet belonging to Charlie and Niffty, Alastor's ,,pet" ;)
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Sorry for the long post again, but I just can't keep it short :D
Thank you for reading and have a nice day, evening or night :)
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palisman273 · 2 months
Honestly, I want to give Viv a chance for one thing. Once both Hazbin and Helluva are over and she starts working on that promised Zoophobia reboot (please just make it a comic as to not create low payed animators) that Viv will surprise us by giving us something surprisingly decent, charming, and maybe even genuinely good.
I'm honestly praying for the Zoophobia reboot to be great so that Viv can say she actually created a genuinely good piece of work. She's a horrible human being as we've seen, but I'm hoping for her to get this right. It's a small chance she might, but I'm hoping for it, even as my cynical mind has soured on the Hellaverse and Viv as a whole
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s0nia246 · 5 days
After looking at @pleasantspark 's post
I've been thinking about her old character from Zoophobia. Just looking at the ones I like in middle school.
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Why were old designers more creative and didn't hurt my eyes.
Look at Magpie's hair 😍 😭😭😭 I loved looking at her as a kid. She's so beautiful
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Me: "I wonder what the Zoophobia fandom is like?"
Me, after seeing what the Zoophobia fandom is like:
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death-limes · 3 months
*holding your hands* I am also an enormous hazbin hotel hater, that shit is rank 🤝🤝🤝
🤝 admittedly i’d say my relationship with it is more complicated than just straight-up “hater.” there’s a part of my brain that’s kind of obsessed with it? more specifically, with its potential? the nuggets of good that ARE there, if you squint? which is part of the reason i like edits that just allow a peek at What If This Shit Was Handed To A Competent Artist. also i simp for Alastor because i have very Basic taste
like the two edits i recently posted don’t come CLOSE to the kind of changes this shit would need to actually be quality, but at the very least i just wanna try removing the Jank yknow. and half of removing the Jank is just letTING THESE POOR CHARACTERS HAVE EARS GODDAMN IT
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woomycritiques543 · 7 months
Why do people keep ignoring the fact that Vivziepop sexualized Damian and is a shotacon?
It’s actually concerning how much people are ignoring this fact.
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jaydenknight · 2 years
Damian, recording: Story time!
Damian, approaching Tom: The young man sat there drinking his grape juice
Tom: Leave me alone, leave me alone!
Damian, pointing: I am your God, Thomas.
Tom, starting to run: NO LEAVE ME ALONE!
Damian, chasing him: YOU WILL BEND TO MY WILL!
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vixxinn · 4 months
if u like this shit i’m automatically assuming you’re a zoophile
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chaifootsteps · 3 months
I think every anti's strategy and agenda is always digging through old social media to weaponize whatever could be found.
Like Rebecca S's fanart from when she was a minor. People tried saying it was pedophilia for shipping two characters together that were minors. That and the fact everything that could be weaponized was scrutinized. Gee, why didn't anyone point out she won a scholarship and won so many contests when she was younger? It's like the kid who drew yaoi randomly got her TV series, not the merit of all the things she accomplished when she was younger. There was some comic she made about an astronaut, but nope the Edd and Eddie yaoi is more noteworthy.
I do not blame RS for being on the downlow and not sharing as much anymore. She told fans she and Ian got married then zip. She shared an album she released but yeah, radio silence from her now.
She is someone I genuinely believe did not deserve the things that happened to her.
It's so fucking pathetic. It's pathetic when they did it to Rebecca Sugar and pathetic (and counterproductive) when they do it to Viv's old Zoophobia stuff.
Hope RS is living her best life now, away from the scrutiny of internet nutjobs.
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Look At Zoophobia's Criticism And You See It Spill Onto Helluva Boss
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Before Vivziepoop was known for Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, she was also known for this series she did back in her college years, Zoophobia. It ran for four years and stopped due to her losing steam from it and not handling the criticism regarding it. And not handling criticism is going to be a big theme in this.
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The rating summary shows a lot of criticism she had on this work sounds familiar doesn't it. The art is great, but you know it can be hit or miss when it comes to backgrounds. The story is supposed to be grand, but it ends up being one heck of a letdown because the writer doesn't know when to pick up or move the plot. Also they just dump future players and we neve really get to it. And again designs of characters aren't interesting or engaging as we are seen in how she repeats or makes them extremely gaudy. Again this is all from someone who never took criticism from her own series from heart and it doubled down.
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Biggest complaint as we are seeing in the current day is that she's an immature woman who cries when she's criticized and throws tantrums whenever she people call out on her behavior. So those aspects always were with her but we ignored them based on the superficiality presented with Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss. Mostly because we thought she moved on but we were proven wrong.
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Also look at her reaction due to her bad webcomic entry. On the surface it might seem civil, but we all know underneath she's seething big time about anyone giving her well deserved criticism about her overpraised shit.
Again when you look back at Zoophbia's issues and see things in Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel the issues are still prevalent and will lead to the downfall of both series since Vivziepop refuses to budge.
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spidersonicbatl0 · 1 year
Hazbin hotel season 1 episodes lineup possibly leak by 4chan back in 2020 maybe?
So I was looking at the hazbin hotel tag and found this anti asking a question that leads to a leak episode list for season 1! Take this with a grain of salt. because this could fake or change
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And here the possibly cancelled comics issues
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I kinda wonder if vivizepop make her zoophobia reboot be physical printed issues (most likely going to image comics so she can keep the rights) she finish these comics as continuation of pilot continuity
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musicalhell · 8 months
So, I say this as someone who's been following the Vivienne Medrano hoopla for years, but take what @unicornmantises has to say with a grain of salt. There's been an open hate campaign against Medrano ever since her Zoophobia days. The majority of accusations against her have been revealed to be either based on a misunderstanding, minor things she's apologized for, things she had zero control over, or straight up fabrications. Not to mention there was a Google document claiming to have evidence from ex-Spindlehorse employees against Medrano, only for it to, surprise surprise, turn out that the accusers had lied about pretty much everything. This is not to say that Medrano is a perfect little angel who has done nothing wrong, but she also isn't the anti-christ like her hatedom portrays her as.
For what it's worth, I haven't seen the Hazbin Hotel series and don't know if I'll ever have time. Maybe it'll be good. Maybe it'll be bad. Who knows? But at least I have a life outside of hating a random woman I don't personally know.
I can assure you I have spent far less time thinking about Viziepop--let alone hating her--than you have going into people's asks and posting anonymous rants in her defense.
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palisman273 · 1 month
My response to Mimzy's design supposedly being intentionally anti-semitic
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Personally, I don't really think Viv was trying to be a malicious or hateful with this design, I think it just shows her gross incompetence to make any of her Hazbin characters to have distinctly animal features. Like, nobody in the main cast, besides arguably Husk as he admittedly does look distinctly like a cat but even he's hard to tell at first glance, look like the animal they're based on.
Like Mimzy, according to Viv, is meant to be a chicken and I'm like "Where motherfucker? Where?". Just what about this design screams or even hints at a chicken? The feather headdress? That's not really enough. She couldn't even make her feet look like those of a chicken.
The result of her not looking even remotely like a chicken unintentionally made her look like a jewish stereotype even if I know that's not what Viv intended.
Come on Viv, you redesiged Autumn from Zoophobia in the "Bad Luck Jack" short to look more deer-like, surely you could add more animal features to the HH characters. I know you can do better.
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allastoredeer · 6 months
In reference to your questions about whether early iterations of Alastor were averse to dogs, yes he was. Waaaay back in the day when Alastor was originally meant to be a Zoophobia character, he was an actual demon deer who had been torn apart by a pack of hunting dogs. It's not known if the Alastor we have today is still anti-dog since it hasn't been mentioned in show and the cause of his death has been changed to 'death by accidental brain bullet', but much of the fandom still hangs on to Alastor disliking dogs.
Also, if the theory that Roo is the one who has Alastor on a leash is true, it'd be a little fitting for him to be afraid of the Rougarou. Considering that Rougarou is pronounced "ROO-ga-ROO"😋
This whole thing got me like ◉_◉
I quite like the idea of Alastor having a fear of dogs (and it relating to his death just makes it so much better), but then you add in ROO on top of it and ;fsdojgkdngkjlnsgjlsbljsb
He escaped the Rougarou in life, but it still found him in death.
OOH I just love that. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Delicious. Also, I need to go look Viv's old Zoophobia webcomic. It just sounds like it'd be fun to read.
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