#and that's a lot of power to give to someone -- the varying severity of that and how the avatar handles it???
ranger-kellyn · 4 months
it's like i want to get started on the next season of korra bc i'm excited since this is the season korra and asami start Noticeably Hanging Out A Lot More, but i think i have to just. go listen to music and think about asami instead dklsfhj
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 years
the kitty chesire bit is mostly her power to disappear and teleport + love for chaos
as always reader is gender neutral!
[sequel to this fic]
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“YOU. . . HAVE A FOX FORM ? !”
Your team member, Garfield, shouted into your ear as you untied him and the rest of the members after a battle you won.
Via tricking them of course. You were meant for stealth and illusions, not fighting. Most missions with the Titans had you as a scout or back-up. Rarely were you in the heat of the fight.
It was mostly due to your penchant with being a liability. Whether it was intentional or unintentional, placing you with the main group was a recipe for disaster.
It was a perfect role for you. Cause really, who enjoys sitting back and watching everything unfold? You did.
And after watching your friends getting their asses handed to them and laughing for several minutes while invisible (so that they could definitely hear you but you wouldn’t get captured). You came in to save the day.
“Oh, how could you not know BB. I thought we were friends!” You sighed dramatically while finally untying the last member and leader, Robin.
Despite your close proximity, you fail to notice the rare grin on his face.
“Hey, that’s my line! How could you not tell your best friend, huh?!”
“To be fair, it should have been obvious.” Rachel commented. Her cape had gotten covered in some unknown goop, so her voice came out strained as she tried flicking it off.
“Yeah, Garfield. Kitsune, Fox. It’s hard not to know about it.” Jaime added. The scarab on his back’s eyes glow red in agreement.
“I feel wounded, hurt, unimaginable pained—“ Garfield grasped his chest. “But you know what would make me feel b-“
“In your dreams.” You quickly answered. Already knowing what he’ll request. It wasn’t as if you didn’t like turning into your fox form. But you had a plan,
and that plan was chaos.
“I didn’t even finish!”
“Give or take another hundred years or so, then it’ll be a maybe.”
“But- But why—?”
“My kitsune form is not a party trick or just something that can be shown at a whim. It has to be special, as is the person I show it to.”
“Wait, so that’s why you didn’t show me? I thought it was cause you couldn’t do it for another hundred years or so.” Rachel perked up as soon as she heard your words. The remaining goop on her cape forgotten.
“I thought it was because only humans or other beings from Earth could witness it.” Kori crossed her arms.
“You mean it isn’t dangerous for you to turn into one in case you aren’t able to turn back?!” Dick, Jaime, and Victor all screeched in unison.
“Excuses may vary from person to person.”
Ah yes, all according to plan.
It wasn’t that long before you all had another mission to accomplish. It wasn’t that hard really, in fact the enemies seemed a lot weaker in comparison to the previous ones.
So why were you and the rest tied up?
“Oh no, we’re at risk of dying. Whatever could we do?” Garfield feigned a moan of pain.
“Maybe if [Y/N] shifted into their Kitsune form and got out of their restraints—“ Victor tried suggesting but, like what you did with Garfield last time, you shut him down immediately.
Everyone instantaneously gets out of their restraints. No effort at all.
These goddamn desperate little shits—
It had been a month or so since Garfield and the rest found out you weren’t turning into a fox simply because you didn’t want to and they have yet to lose gas when it came to motivation.
It had even gone to the point where the Justice League and heck, even some villains and other unaffiliated vigilantes joined the mix. It was as if every moment someone was trying to coerce you to transform.
“Guys let’s have dinner!” Dick called out from the tower’s kitchen, not bothering with the intercoms since he knew you were close by. As a Kitsune you had a fantastic sense of smell, as such you were already hovering the kitchen since the start.
“Is that . . . [Favorite Food] and - and [Favorite Drink]?” Your mouth watered as you gazed at the dining table. All of your favorite meals, snacks, and beverages were all laid out. Ready to be consumed—
“Ah, ah! Let us see your Kitsune form first.”
You took one long stare at him before disappearing, literally. “I’m ordering take out.”
“God damn it!” The rest of the team all exit from their hiding spots, absolutely saddened by the lack of reaction and that they couldn’t spoil you with your favorites for once.
(It’s not like they can forget about your fox form and just give you everything on a silver platter. Hell no!)
You trudged to Damian’s room. Still invisible until you were sure you entered without anyone seeing you.
You reappear with a smile before shortly turning into a miniature [Favorite Color] fox.
“Tired?” Damian asked, still focused on his computer while you jumped to his lap and made yourself comfortable.
“Mm. Not really! They’re really funny when they’re like that.”
He nodded at your response and began petting you. His other hand reached forward to his phone, “Hey, are you still open? … Yeah . May I have [Favorite Food] delivered at this address…”
You faked a gasp. You knew he had been watching over you since the beginning. Normal people would have freaked out and questioned how knew but you didn’t. How could you? He is your boyfriend after all. Him knowing everything was expected. At least, that’s what he always says, and you didn’t really mind so . . . “You’re the best, Damey!”
“I know.” He finally gazed at you. The love in his eyes are as clear as day, “Now, get off. We have to pick up our order.”
General Batfam Taglist: @the-sander-fander
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just-a-ghost00 · 6 days
Tarot investigation : the portrait of your stalker
In this reading we will be trying to identify the person who has been stalking your socials. This reading is meant for you if you suspect someone of stalking you. There will be three sections : one for physical traits, one for personality traits and the last one for the reason why they stalk your accounts. For each section, I will be taking two to three cards. To pick your group, I invite you to choose one of the following songs.
Group 1 - You are my sunshine
Physical traits - King of cups, two of cups
This is someone that regardless of their gender appears as very soft and cutesy. They could look younger than their age. When people look at them, they seem very friendly and approachable. This could be someone that smiles a lot, who’s eyes are watery and sparkly. They could have round cheeks, wrinkles around their nose or their eyes from constantly smiling. They could tend to scrunch up their nose and look a little mischievous sometimes. They could have freckles or beauty marks on their face. They feel very fluid. So maybe they are gender fluid, maybe the way they style their outfits can vary a lot depending on their mood. They could prefer baggy clothes over tight fitting clothes. If they identify as a man, I feel like this person’s appearance is a bit different from what society deems at "manly". They look more vulnerable, more feminine. They likely don’t have a beard or if they do it is very subtle. They could wear make up or use a lot of skin care products. They groom themselves a lot. This is someone that looks very neat. They have big round eyes, full lips, puffy cheeks that look so soft and mellow. This is the type of person that people love at first glance because they look so innocent and kind. Everything about them is just so pure and beautiful. If they identify as a woman, they are fully embracing their femininity. This is someone that has a curvy body, luscious hair. They wear a lot of dresses, skirts, cute tank tops. They wear make up, do their nails, pamper themselves a lot. No matter their gender this is the type of person that is effortlessly aesthetically pleasing because they are the epitome of cuteness and charm combined. They probably look like a doll.
Personality - 2 of swords, The Tower and 10 of cups
This is someone that is tormented. Their outward appearance doesn’t let on the amount of inner turmoil they are in. This is someone that wears a lot of masks to make up for their shortcomings. This is someone that fears failure and rejection, that possibly has struggled with anxiety and/or depression most of their life. This is someone that is in a constant battle with their inner demons and despite all of that still finds the time and strength to be absolutely adorable with anyone near them. This is a person that has a lot of love to give and only wishes to be understood and loved for who they are. They long for a place where they belong. Their mind is both their best asset and their worst nightmare because depending on the phase they’re in their mind can really hinder them. This person is very analytical but also very powerful. When they are confident about themselves and feel fully supported they can move mountains and start a revolution. They are intense both in the good and the bad. They have an all or nothing type of mentality. When they like you they give you their all without question but if they don’t… you know the rest. I guess this is someone that looks like a cinnamon roll but could k*** you.
Why do they stalk you? - The World, 8 of pentacles, ace of pentacles
I am picking up on several reasons that I will list down below. This person could have several reasons to stalk your socials. 1. They would like to associate with you on a business level. This person sees potential in you and would like to get in contact in order to figure out how they can turn this opportunity into an actual project. 2. You are at a distance from each other and this person would like to get closer to you. They wish to investigate about who you are before they come towards you, whether that is to be friends or more. 3. They think the world of you. They admire your resilience, your independence, your creativity and open mindedness. You could be someone that has many talents, speaks many languages and/or travels a lot. You are unique and think out of the box which has caught their attention. 4. You voluntarily put a distance between you after encountering them to focus on your personal goals. Doing so, you surprised them and got their interest. Seeing that you were hiding away, this person has been wondering what you have been up to and they couldn’t resist the temptation to check on you. 5. As their was a ladder drawn on the 8 of pentacles card, it made me think of progress. The wheel of fortune is also a symbol of things moving forward, taking a positive turn and the ace of pentacles speaks of good news, new and tangible opportunities. So this person could want to create an opportunity to take things to the next level with you, whatever that means. They are looking for a breach, anything that could let them know that it is safe for them to interact with you and let their intentions be known.
Confirmation signs : fixed signs, earth and water signs, especially Scorpio and Taurus, leaves, mistletoe, repeating 2s, ladders
Group 2 - Sorry I love you
Physical traits - 7 of cups, 10 of pentacles, The Devil
This person screams "danger". This is someone that looks devilishly handsome/beautiful. So much so that they feel like they’re not real or they’re a catch. They ooze luxury. Everything about them is sensual, deep, alluring. They appear as confident, mysterious, unreachable, untamable, intimidating. They look like the kind of person that would call you out without hesitation if you crossed them. They scream authority. Nonchalance also comes to mind. They could look a little snobbish. They could have tattoos. They take extremely good care of their body and their appearance. Their presence is addictive to those around them. They are very guarded. They don’t talk a lot. Communication comes through body posture and gestures, eye contact, actions. This is someone that looks strong and indestructible. They could appear as cold, mean or disinterested. They look like the kind of person that knows their worth and takes no BS. The kind that would have no hesitation cutting you off and doesn’t need anyone. They look serious, stern even. They could frown a lot or have an inexpressive face. Their gaze is intense. If they identify as a man, they likely have a prominent jaw, narrow eyes that are deep in their eye socket, strong shoulders and arms, a broad back. Big hands. They could look older than their age or be older than you. If they identify as a woman, they have long lashes and long hair that creates a shadow on their face, prominent cheek bones, a very long neck and very thin hands. Very sharp nails also. I’m picturing people that tend to wear darker clothes, that have fair skin and dark hair/eyes.
Personality - The Star, 8 of pentacles
This is someone that is a loner, that is a hard worker and a major achiever. They are the quiet / introvert type. They don’t mingle with a lot of people. This is someone that communicates clearly and in a very efficient way. They don’t like to waste words and time. This is someone prideful and productive that takes a lot of pride in their work, accomplishments and skills. They like to read and study. They like to learn and expand their horizons. They have a curious mind and they like to be challenged. This is someone that has big aspirations and that isn’t afraid to go after what they want. They are opinionated, resilient and stubborn. They could enjoy using social media. This is someone that is admired for their work ethic and is a reliable business partner. They are very protective of their space and what they love. They are an idealist. They are loyal and committed to whatever they set their mind to. They have a hard time with change but they are also a very good listener. They know how to work with teams. They are a social butterfly though they rarely feel close to anyone. They have high standards. This is someone that likes to keep busy. They could work out a lot. They think a lot. They like to imagine things and then work hard to make them come true. This is a true dreamer.
Why do they stalk? - 7 of cups, the tower, 4 of cups
If you have had an argument with someone recently then this could be your sign that this person is stalking you because they are still not over what happened. They feel frustrated with how things went and they have unfinished business with you.
If you stopped interacting with someone all of a sudden without any explanation, this is your sign that person is stalking you because they think you are mad at them and they don’t know what they did wrong. They think that things have been cut short before they could even do anything and it makes them sad. They miss you and wish you would tell them what happened.
For some of you, I’m picking up on someone feeling like they have competition and they want to find out if their intuition is right. This person is trying to figure out what is going on in your life but they find you hard to read. Especially if you have prevented this person from being able to see your content.
Confirmation signs : Capricorn, Aquarius, Scorpio, repeating 7s, social media use, work connections
Group 3 - Something in your mouth
Physical traits - The Tower, The World, King of cups
This person is breath taking. Everything about them feels very regal and perfect, like everything is right into place and where it should be. They look very approachable despite that regal vibe. However their aura is so intense you may feel very small in comparison to them. They are definitely taller than you. With the combination of the Tower and the World card, I'm picking up on someone that comes from a different culture than yours. It gives me the feeling of a stark contrast. So if you're European, for instance, then this person is either African or Asian. I have the impression of someone that is very masculine but that allows themselves to be feminine in the presence of others, especially if it can make people more comfortable. So they would tend to smile a lot, to soften their voice, to make themselves look smaller or younger. I'm thinking of idols that are sometimes asked to act like babies when doing aegyo. This is the energy I get from this person. They may tend to dim their light and belittle themselves to make themselves look approachable or friendly. Not because they want to manipulate people but because they want to be appreciated and seen for something different than that intimidating persona that they may have naturally. I'm picking up on long fingers, rounded cheeks, freckles and beauty spots. Someone with silky or curly hair, that has a bit of a baby/innocent look. In terms of fashion they tend to wear clothes that make them look young, bright clothes rather than dark ones. If they wear dark clothes they always accessorize them to make them look less sombre. This is a person that looks very calm and collected. They walk at a slow pace, their gestures are always controlled. The emphasis is put on their eyes. They have beautiful eyes that make people feel understood and cared for. This is a person that looks very accepting of others.
Personality traits - 6 of swords, knight of pentacles, 3 of cups
Here we have someone that has been through a lot of struggles but never held any gruges against anyone. More than anything, this person tends to blame themselves rather than others and always looks at what they can do better or different. This is a hard working individual, who's patience and resilience know no equal. They are very adaptable and always push themselves past their limits to see how far they can go. They like to challenge themselves. This is a person that loves to celebrate and gather with people of all kinds, especially if they can learn from them. They are just a cutie patootie that wishes for the best for everyone and hopes that they can find people who feel the same. They strive for light hearted connections that they can feel safe with, where they don't have to change a thing about who they are. They want to be loved for themselves and not what they bring to the table. I feel like this person might have been abused in the past or made fun of. They just want to love and be loved, work hard and be a better person. And if they can gather people in the process, then that would make their day. They may be a bit stubborn. Once they have set their mind on something they rarely change course of action. They are determined and ambitious. They're not afraid to cut ties when needed. They're also not afraid to pursue something or someone if they're convinced it is good for them. This person doesn't give up easily. No matter how tough things may get.
Why do they stalk? - 10 of cups, Temperance, 6 of pentacles
You caught their eye. Not because you had something valuable that they coveted. Not because you did something specific. Just because you exist and you give them space. This person has never felt any happier and content than when around you. When interacting with you, they feel like balance is restored and they are finally where they're supposed to be. This person may consider you their soul mate or if not, they view you as family. They have the same amount of respect and love for you as they have for their siblings or parents. Which in their eyes is a lot.
They love how generous you are and keep giving without expecting anythig in return. This, to them, shows how disinterested you are and how trust worthy you can be. They know that the reason you are kind to them is because it is your nature, not because you wish to get something from them.
They feel like they can learn a lot from you and become a better person in your presence. Since this person values learning and overcoming their shadows, they feel like you would bring the best out of them, compared to others.
They feel like they can be themselves with you. They don't have to compromise as much or belittle themselves because in this connection the energies are balanced. You match their level. They can fully enjoy your interactions and moments spent together because they don't have to second guess anything, they don't have to overextend themselves to be gaining the bare minimum in terms of respect and attention. They know that you value them just as much as they value you.
Confirmation signs : fixed signs, especially Scorpio and Taurus, repeating 6s and Ts, almond shaped eyes, hands, angels
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syn4k · 8 months
i have some ideas about halos.
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so heres the idea: someone with a strong connection to their god (or demon or whatever it is that theyre worshiping) gets a halo from their affinity with said god. these are granted specifically by the god themself so not everyone has them. depending on their specific relationship with their god, the halo will appear in different places!
here's my expanded ideas for a few, as introduced in the drawing above:
classic halo
its your standard everyday floating above the head halo, nothing special about it
normally granted to priests
collar halo
hovers around neck
for followers who are Really, Really dedicated to their god. i mean really dedicated. "i will do anything even if i don't know what 'anything' actually is" level dedicated. you know how dogs are, right?
some wear it casually, some wear it like a noose, some wear it like a necklace.
basically works like a normal collar but can only be manipulated at the god in question's behest
armband halo
hovers around bicep, which arm it is depends on the follower's dominant (or preferred if they're ambidextrous) hand.
amputee followers are rare but in the case that someone doesn't have an arm the halo hovers at an angle above their shoulder instead
generally reserved for generals and other military leaders within the god's army if they have one
the hand
appears around the follower's dominant wrist
only seen on those who carry out the plans and will of their god down on earth. gods tend to not get involved in messy stuff so they find someone to do the dirty work for them down on the mortal plane. is also a play on the phrase "right hand man"
appears around tongue
i feel like this one speaks for itself, really (HA).
not for proselytizers- only for those who speak directly for their god
the follower in question may be selectively or forcibly mute the rest of the time. it varies depending on the person and the god.
also quite self-evident. appears as a glowing band around the followers' irises (or iris). if they don't have eyes then the halo settles around the level of their eye sockets instead.
whatever they see, their god can also. this isn't a 24/7 thing unless said god chooses it to be. still, they tend to not get a lot of privacy
there have been a couple of blind followers designated their god's Eyes on Earth, which is pretty damn cool if you ask me (and also more than a little bit fucked up)
halo manifests vertically around an ear
works the same way as the eye halo does but for hearing instead
the exalt
only seen with gods and possessed followers
appears as a filled-in circle of light behind the god or follower's head- if you're familiar with catholic iconography you'll understand what i mean. if not, just look up the wikipedia page for halos (religious iconography) and scroll the examples of christian art including halos
followers are rarely possessed by their gods because commonly gods have enough power to manifest a form on their own and need no vessel. a god in physical form may hide or obscure their halo at will. however, in the case that the god is too weak to assume a form of their own, they will sometimes take over a follower's body to intervene directly in a situation. the follower's body will assume the halo in this case and it cannot be hidden
shoutout to christianity for giving me the idea for this one. i got my problems with the jesus fandom but their character designs fuckin slap
some notes:
followers of one god can only have one halo at a time. polytheists can have several at once, one for each god, although this is extremely rare
followers with halos can naturally see each other's halos. those without have to look harder and nonbelievers (of any god) often cannot see them at all
i didn't intend the collar halo idea to be interpreted as a sex thing but if you want to do that then you can ig. im not a cop
yes the halos are customized depending on the god! some of them put time and effort into it. most don't though
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lenaellsi · 10 months
Do people still think that Crowley was a higher rank than Aziraphale before the Fall? I know there's some good archangel evidence, but technically there's no confirmation of anything other than "Throne or Dominion or above," and the the latest from Neil is that Aziraphale was a Cherub in Eden.* If Crowley was just a Dominion (or a Seraph, even), he and Aziraphale would actually have been quite close in rank before the war. If Crowley was a Throne, he'd have been ranked in the middle sphere, several ranks below Aziraphale (with the caveat that your angelic hierarchy may vary etc.)
Aziraphale did seem a little starstruck when they first met (literally), but to me it was giving a lot more "oh he's cute and fascinating" than "oh shit it's my boss." Also, they were wearing the same robes (except Crowley had his sleeves rolled up), and at least by the Job era angels seem to dress according to rank.
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I doubt someone who was like, SUPER high up would have been unaware of the entire human project, but that's just a gut feeling. My point is, the way they interacted in this scene read much more to me like peers than people of vastly different power levels, especially with the way Aziraphale was comfortable telling him off ("I don't think it's our place to start suggesting that there should be a suggestion box!") and warning him ("I'd hate to see you getting into any trouble"). Could easily be wrong, though--the entire Supreme Archangel scene in Heaven in 2x06 with Crowley is super weird.
*Neil has said several conflicting things on Aziraphale's rank over the years, but I'm going off what he's said since the TV show came out. I guess it's possible that Aziraphale was promoted/demoted several times since the nebula scene--maybe he was promoted from a middling rank to Cherub after the war when he earned his Eden assignment, then was demoted to Principality after Crowley tempted Eve, and then was promoted AGAIN to Supreme Archangel. Insane career path if so. Also, frankly, the S2E1 "frighten the cherubs" joke complicates this reading, so really I think the takeaway is to only trust what's on the screen. But this is all just for fun anyway, so.)
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goodluckclove · 4 months
Okay Clove. I've seen a lot of little snippets from Blind Trust and I rock with your writing style a ton. But what's the book actually about?? Something with magic in a contemporary setting ? Hot dogs are somehow involved ??
Geets, it's me, the person who never learned how to properly pitch their own writing! I'll give it a shot anyway. I have a pinned post on my blog that has the fancy synopsis I'll probably put on the back of the book, but I'm fresh from a nap and on my phone and Feeling Frisky so I'll try and take it a different way.
What is Blind Trust about?
Blind Trust is book one of the Songbird Elegies, and it takes place in a contemporary world where magic exists but isn't great. It's not bad in a cool, The Witcher sort of way. Most people only know about magic through The Academy, where anyone can enlist and learn how to tap into the source of magic itself. Which sounds cool until you consider the physical strain of even a minor spell, the fact that major spells can take massive amounts for studying and practice and still aren't that powerful, and how carrying a wand on your person at all times is not easy to do without looking and feeling like a dipshit. Essentially, the average Academic Witch is like an arrogant MFA student or so someone really into craft beer.
But then there is a certain, little-studied medical anomaly that creates birthrights, which are individuals born already tapped into the source of magic by design. They each have a single ability that they can do without a wand (or wand-shaped proxy), but it's nothing innately combative and is mainly used to help interact with society at large. This is because the Birthright Gene is seen exclusively in individuals who are either born with a severe hereditary, genetic, or developmental disability, or will develop one over the course of their life but I'm not supposed to talk about that yet.
Birthrights are often found in a few scattered witch towns, where they use their abilities to focus on social work and community outreach. People also call them genetic witches, but you'd be hard-pressed to get a birthright to call themselves a witch at all. They don't value magic at all in the same way Academics do, and primarily see their "gift" as a chronic illness to manage and accommodate for.
Birthrights and Academics have varying relationships depending on where you are and who you ask but I can't really get into that because in Blind Trust no one knows anything so you don't get to either.
Well, that's not true. There's a mutual understanding of the concept of soul bonds, which are lifelong connections formed between individuals born in the source of magic - though how much people actually retained about this varies. A soul bond is not unlike a karass in Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle, in that the people involved are cosmically entangled with each other in a very profound way.
They might be born to be companions, family, enemies, or lovers. The last possibility, called a Lover's Knot, is the rarest and is reserved as a way to contain birthrights who would otherwise be capable of reality-shattering degrees of power. Which nobody wants. Especially not a birthright.
Meet Edgar Gallows and Scott Skylark Kaufner. Scott is a birthright from a witch town and Edgar was born into an Academy in Louisiana, despite also being birthright.
At the start of Blind Trust Edgar has escaped his Academy for the time being and has established a ramshackle and pretty lonely life for himself in New Orleans. He never wants to touch a wand for the rest of his life, and his only hope is to be boring and safe and left alone forever.
Meanwhile, Scott has been having a real rough time. He's been wandering the country nonstop for years with an unfathomable cosmic horror feeding on his sanity and gradually eroding reality around him. Birthrights don't use their abilities often, but for some reason Scott can't turn his off, and they've been warped to the degree where he's been forced to manipulate everyone around him. He can't stop, though. The only thing that can make this stop is if he finds the other half of his Lover's Knot, who he now only remembers as a ghostly vision named Eddie.
Scott and Edgar meet in a dirty walk-in of a mid-tier, overpriced bar and restaurant. Stuff changes and continues to change. Magic is involved but it's not really about the magic.
It's asexual and romantic and soft and confused and frightening and frightened and tender and in book two Edgar eats a hot dog for four pages. It's a great book about love and devotion that's sensual but not at all sexual, because the Clove Gardener Pledge is that there is no sex depicted at any point in the series. It's a great series if you're coping with parental neglect and trauma and want to read a depiction of self-love through an unconventional romantic pairing.
Blind Trust. Buy it in June in paperback or ebook, or just ask me for it and I'll probably give it to you.
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How different is Gallifreyan geography from Earthern one? E.g. do they also have many mountains, seas, lakes etc? Do they have any cities aside from the Capitol? What about villages?
Sorry if it's a lot of questions, just curious!
How is Gallifreyan geography different to Earth?
🌍 Planetary Overview
Gallifrey is approximately three times the diameter of Earth, yet it has similar gravity, orbital radius, pressure, temperature, and oxygen levels, implying there's some tech or natural phenomena keeping it similar despite the difference in size. Gallifrey also has two large moons, one of which is Pazithi Gallifreya, named after the mystic virgin moon goddess.
🏞️ Natural Features
Mountains: Gallifrey is known for its vast and towering mountain ranges. The highest peak is Mount Cadon, which reaches the fringes of the atmosphere, and other notable mountains include Mount Solace and Mount Perdition. These mountains are often covered in unique vegetation and have varied geological formations.
Oceans and Seas: Despite having three small oceans and several seas, less than half of Gallifrey’s surface is water. The lakes and rivers often have unique colours, like gold, reflecting the burnt orange sky. The Sea of Life, near Mount Perdition, has silver water and orange sandy shores.
Deserts and Plains: A lot of Gallifrey is covered in burnt-red rocky deserts and endless mountain ranges. These deserts, such as the Camation Desert and the Arkanian Desert, have distinctive orange and red sands. There are also other arid plains with warm nights and brilliant starry skies.
Forests and Fields: Though they are less common, Gallifrey does have green forests and golden fields. The Lune Forest near Mount Cadon is one.
Atmosphere and Sky: The sky of Gallifrey is famously burnt orange during the day and filled with vibrant colours such as purple, green, and yellow lights. The sky’s appearance can change, sometimes showing a cerulean blue during the day.
🏙️ Cities and Settlements
The Capitol: The primary city and the heart of Gallifreyan civilisation, the Capitol, is located in the northern hemisphere of the continent of Wild Endeavor. It's surrounded by mountains and situated in a region that's known for harsh winds and arid conditions. The Capitol isn't too far from the red grass-covered hillsides of Mount Perdition.
Arcadia: Gallifrey’s second city, Arcadia, lies to the southeast of the Capitol in the Arcadian Sector. It's separated from the Capitol by the Myridian Mountains and is known for its beauty.
Prydos City: Located in the Prydonian sector, Prydos City is at the northern base of Mount Cadon. This city is significant for housing the Prydonian Academy and is known for its ancient, fortress-like architecture.
Other Cities and Villages: Gallifrey has several other cities and city complexes, including Olyesti and Patrexi. Abandoned settlements and ancient roads indicate the planet’s long history. The Wildlands, or undeveloped areas, are huge and largely uninhabited.
🏞️ Unique Geographical Features
The Untempered Schism: Located just outside the southwest edge of the Capitol, this rift in space-time is a significant landmark for Gallifreyans, particularly for young Time Lords who gaze into it during their initiation.
The Death Zone: A pentagon-shaped valley used as an arena for ancient Games, the Death Zone is surrounded by a powerful forcefield that can trap a TARDIS.
Wild Endeavor: A massive continent, spanning from the northern arctic regions to the southern hemisphere. It has diverse ecosystems, from jungles to arid plains and towering mountains.
🏫 So ...
There exist some human-drawn maps of Gallifrey, but they're a bit outdated. If I could draw maps, I would. Until someone does, all I can give you are big blocks of text. Sorry!
💬|⛅🌩️Are there storms on Gallifrey?: The nature and occurrence of storms on Gallifrey.
💬|⛅🌧️Does it rain on Gallifrey?: Gallifreyan rain and its features.
📺|🪐🌜Gallifrey’s Moons
Hope that helped! 😃
Any purple text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired😴
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makshu · 2 days
Kamaitachi songs that I think fit JSHK characters
Hello there! I thought about making this post because many of this artist's songs remind me of JSHK
–> Well, but who is Kamaitachi you ask me? Kamaitachi is a Brazilian singer and composer who writes songs on a variety of themes, the most common being romantic and horror themes. His musical style is varied, with indie, rock, blues, pop, jazz and others in his composition.
–> In addition, Kamaitachi created his own universe in his songs, having connected songs telling a story such as 'Bob', 'O Sono de Emily' and 'Sr. Sono'. The name Kamaitachi is inspired by Japanese folklore, where "Kama" means cuts and "Itachi" means weasel, representing the sweet and sour crowd.
Well, now that you know him, let's get to the songs and characters! :)
Hanako-kun with 'O Fantasma'
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'O Fantasma' translates to 'The Ghost', this song reminds me of Hanako not only because of the name, but also because of the ghostly and melancholic melody. The song demonstrates an internal struggle and a search for redemption. In the song, the lyrical self wants to remove a part of himself, which would be the "ghost", a part that haunts him. The part that reminds me most of Hanako is this one:
I was never an angel
I didn't even have wings to fly away
From what afflicts me
But I was once a demon
And I had to die
To learn how to live as a human being
The theme in general fits very well with Hanako, besides at the end of the song the lyrical self apologizes to someone dear to him for everything that happened. Promising to change and to no longer let the "rays of the past" haunt his life and everyone else's. Remembering Hanako with Yashiro or even with Tsukasa.
Tsukasa Yugi with 'O Sono de Emily'
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'O Sono de Emily' translates to 'The Sleep of Emily'. The song features themes of friendship, fear and a plan beyond the tangible, featuring the lyrical self as a little boy named Bob who tries to reach out and befriend a girl named Emily. It's also shown that they are "shadows" and that Bob wants to keep Emily with him. This song reminds me a lot of Tsukasa's relationship with the entity, both in the old and new timelines. Unfortunately, I can't really develop the similarities since we don't know much about how exactly the entity works. However, we do know that Tsukasa makes friends with the entity. The song has a more intense and somewhat sinister melody, as if it were on another plane, and Bob's lines are kinda unsettling.
The song fits very well with Tsukasa's aura, as it presents a very powerful childlike entity that conveys fear of the unknown, just like Tsukasa in all its versions.
Nene Yashiro with 'Alice' (tw: drugs)
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'Alice' alludes to the character Alice from "Alice in Wonderland" bringing a dark meaning that has been used several times, that Alice was under the influence of illicit substances and hallucinating everything she saw. Supernatural things are not things that people normally see, you shouldn't see things that don't exist, but Yashiro does. It wouldn't be so absurd, if we put it into reality, to imagine that Yashiro would be under the effect of something. The song brings up the theme of drug addiction and its terrible consequences, and yet, Nene, who truly sees supernaturals, has also had consequences (mostly psychological). And let's be honest, to an outsider, Yashiro really does seem to be hallucinating.
Tsukasa Yugi with 'O Treco'
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'O Treco' translates to 'The Thing'. the song presents a dark and enigmatic narrative, where the lyrical self describes the unexpected and disturbing visit of a mysterious man.
I had to put him back on the list since this song really suits him as a mysterious antagonist (and there are many edits of him with this song).
Tsukasa is an enigmatic and unpredictable figure, always appearing out of nowhere and giving many jumpscares to the characters. However, most of the time he actually has an "invitation" when he appears, which is a deep wish made by a supernatural. I think the song suits him very well, especially in this new reality, where he's a bizarre and disturbing child entity, presenting the unknown and danger in the face of those who face him.
Hanako-kun and Aoi Akane with 'Às Cegas no Monte'
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'Às Cegas no Monte' translates to 'Blind On the Hill' and the song brings a reflection on the journey of life and the relentless search for happiness. This song reminds me of them in the "To The Far Shore" arc due to the literal meaning of the song since we follow a "train" throughout the song. Throughout the lyrics, it's possible to observe many similarities, such as a train that runs without stopping, something that reminds us of dawn and the desire to still want to be happy even if "it's not the time to be happy."
In its meaning, the song presents the search for happiness, which is something that both Hanako and Aoi seek, even if it's almost impossible to achieve, and it's also about the journey of life, or in this case, the journey that has ended. The song has a calm melody, but it manages to bring a weight to certain phrases and this vibe reminds me of the two of them at the beginning of this arc, a heavy atmosphere but they still try to avoid it by talking about what their lives were like.
Hanako-kun and Nene Yashiro with 'Carnaval'
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'Carnaval' which translates to 'Carnival' is about longing and desire, intertwined with the hope of reunion. The song features a lyrical self who misses the other person and who always asks if his partner is okay, indicating that perhaps they haven't seen each other for a while. And in the chorus, the song uses a metaphor, saying that the kiss of this person reminds him of Carnival (a typical Brazilian party) because of all the excitement and effervescence that this party brings.
This all brings out the essence of Hananene, this concern for each other, the occasional separations and the desire. And also all the little moments apart where count the minutes until they meet again. The song features an upbeat instrumental that creates a good vibe and brings a feeling of happiness, especially when you think about your loved one. Really a very good match with these two.
Hanako-kun and Nene Yashiro with "O Sol e a Lua"
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'O Sol e a Lua' translates to 'The Sun and the Moon' the song addresses, in a poetic and figurative way, the relationship between the celestial bodies Sun and Moon, presenting the feeling of revealing oneself and mutual protection. Demonstrating love and how both are important to maintain life. In addition to the music having references to other spatial aspects.
I know that the sun and moon are concepts mainly attributed to the twins in JSHK, but considering romantic dynamics, Hanako and Yashiro fit perfectly into "sun and moon". Hanako is the moon being the most mysterious and serious side of the relationship and Yashiro is the sun being the most cheerful and lively part of the relationship.
I put them back on the list because this song is very hananene coded and I don't know how to explain it other than just saying "it suits them".
Well that's it for now, I hope you enjoyed this list and if you give the songs a chance I'll be happy too! Kamaitachi is a very plural and unique artist, and I really appreciate his work.
Thanks for reading ^^
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So. Uh. Haven't checked in on this in a LONG time. Can I get a really basic summary of the lore? And I mean basic, for your sake lol. (unless you want to explain things more lol, I'll listen to huge rants too)
Ok. Let's start with everyone's past and current roles/jobs. Not SUPER important to the story, but important enough. Btw a lot of these titles say 'lead' or 'head' but a good deal of these people are the only ones in their roles so yeah, these'll be like. Their titles
Slynn: King
Icia: Head Guardess
Samuel: Royal Dragonmaster
Dunite: (formerly) Head Baker/ Royal Astronomer (you could also say she was the kingdom mage)
Odette/Odysseus: Grand Maestro
Aklatan: Royal Librarian
Mocha & Latte: Head Chefs
Vaga & Nova: Danseur Nobles
Achilles: Kingdom Hero
Mirobelle: Head Maid
Alexander: Royal Tailor
Ramona: Kingdom Mechanic
Switch: Spymaster
Yume: Minstrel
Ok, Got those out of the way.
Now to the actual lore.
Currently there are 2 "eras" to the Kingdom, or the two "reigns". There's Ramiro's reign, and Hexe's reign.
Ramiro's reign was the 'golden age' of the kingdom. He was a kings advisor, and despite often being confused (and kinda going crazy) he was very loving and caring towards everyone in the kingdom. He taught everyone how to play their parts to make the entire kingdom prosper and watched over as everyone literally ran a kingdom together. Sure Slynn was the king, but really the kingdom wouldn't survive without anyone. Slynn surveyed over everyone, Icia led a whole army to fight off typical kingdom enemies (a challenge Ramiro deemed necessary) and much more.
That was unfortunately the shortest reign.
There isn't a said explanation as to where Ramiro went, but one day everyone woke up to a witch being in his place. Hexe was and is everything that Ramiro is not; sadistic, cruel, manipulative, selfish, and never questioned ANYTHING. She basically wanted everything to run for her, rather than the sake of the kingdom.
Obviously, pretty much everyone was against this. Except Slyn. It's not stated why or how, but he fell for Hexe HARD and let himself become a puppet that she could use to her own means. Especially because now, every single NPC was entirely under their control. Which was a lot.
While most people rebelled, some unwillingly sided with Slynn and Hexe in order to avoid conflict. The leaders of the rebellion were Icia and Achilles, who teamed up to try and kill Hexe. After a long, heavy battle however Hexe won due to abusing her own powers as, essentially, a god.
At this point, Hexe decided to curse every resident in the kingdom. Their curses varied based on how much they rebelled, so while Slyn only lost some control of his snakes, Achilles was given severe ridicule and shame while Icia was given endless anxiety and had her ice control reduced to only her emotions.
The next years of Hexe's control had a heavy, heavy impact on everyone. They were constantly walking on eggshells, having each and every thing they did or word they said heard by Hexe. She would punish those who defied her rules or who she felt needed it, and went so far as to use mind control so they would listen to her and she could force them to do things they'd never otherwise do. She enjoyed having control over everyone, going so far as to forbid and force relationships that she disapproved of or desited to see. Slynn obeyed every word of hers and the two actually (somehow) got married which officially gave Hexe the title of "Queen". It was also during this period that an extremely significant event happened between Icia and Achilles which prompted Icia to want to escape, and made Hexe give Achilles another curse: Immortality.
Icia leaving the kingdom was the most defiance someone had ever shown Hexe, so her mere mention was forbidden throughout the kingdom.
After Icia left, Hexe got bored of mind control, but would still use the curses she inflicted on everyone to make life much harder than it had to be. Slynn assisted her with this in every way he could, blinded by infatuation though she only saw him as a tool and plaything.
That's the basis of the lore for before I started the kingdom blog.
The biggest events happening after were Dunite's execution (a long planned event after Dunite repeatedly snuck Icia into the kingdom (and eventually Aoki) through spells and magic) and Ramona's execution (a spur of the moment death).
Ramonas execution has been the most significant throughout all of this, because she was the very first one to not give a fuck in any way, shape, or form. No matter how much Hexe tried to torture her, Ramona wouldn't break and would rather taunt her instead. The final straw came when, after learning about Icia (against Hexe's will), Ramona vandalized the throne room and decorated with Icias past belongings. That act, along with further taunts (that were actually a good point) were Hexe's breaking point and she killed Ramona.
Okay... I think that's the basic summary of lore. At least, the important stuff.
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clonehub · 7 days
i was for a while thinking "how would clones with varying levels of brain damage get the PT and CT they need so that they don't regress and have an awful quality of life in a truly awful situation?"
i don't want to a Swiss Family Robinson thing where they basically fit and mold their circumstances to be as close to normal life as possible. like these guys are not going to be in trees or building anything that's uniquely complex. that takes time and energy and tools that they don't have. i dont like idealistic protrayals of survival.
but i also want them to actually be taken care of to the best of everyone's ability. they're disabled and they deserve care and attention.
the venator-class star destroyer is still accessible. it's split open down the middle, but they were able to construct bridges across. there's no plumbing, but there are some lights. some parts of the ship aren't completely level, so none of the physically disabled clones can access them. They still use a lot of the ship for sleeping and storage though. gradually, the company spends more and more time outside.
they've got tents outside. anything having to do with cooking is outside. there's some holes in ceilings and such and they make do with natural light because they're quickly running out of fuel (the first winter was colder than they expected and the ship has no heat of any kind).
but the brain damaged clones. the most i can think of is medic Milo knowing enough about PT and CT as part of his training to get some form of a rough help/guide/plan in place. lots of the high-needs clones need to be on a strict schedule for one reason or another. the clones themselves are organized and driven enough that able-bodied clones can and will follow this schedule and work to meet the needs of their brothers (both from a love for their brothers and orders from the captain, Sprint).
so nobody's really ever like, alone? if that makes sense? there's clones who need help feeding themselves and getting to the toilet and who have severe memory problems. there are clones who can't walk or don't have the physical coordination they used to. clones who can't communicate well. they need someone with them almost 24/7 because the environment isn't safe. they're trying to clear hazards and fall risks from the site and monitor who goes where at all times. they have a buddy system, but there's a point where the system fails and that becomes a whole thing.
they might have to constantly learn on the job, tbh. Milo knows about PT and CT but he's definitely not an expert and not specifically trained in those things. he learns p quickly that preventing decline requires constant interaction and a lot of repetition (per the video i just posted). he also learns about the contours of mental health because he has paraplegic clones who can't move and have to stay put, meaning they need their brothers to come to them and give them the social interactions they need so they don't get depressed.
they've been marooned for close to a year and they're approaching the next winter, so they're not completely new to all of this. idk what's needed to make solar power but i wouldn't be against them figuring it out. they can get maybe a handful of lifts to work, but there's a risk to that of course. whatever scrap metal they can pull from the ship, they're using to build more permanent structures outside (cooking area with a roof and ventilation, outhouses if not toilets with functioning plumbing).
the gunships are used for going back and forth to the sea (for water, which they can use for daily things and also salt, which they get from the sea water) and to the mountains to hunt or get more wood (they soon cleared most of the trees from their immediate area.)
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hmtaxidermy · 1 month
Apologies if you've answered this question a lot, but do you have any tips for cleaning bones? I've seen things like roadkill that's decomposed a fair amount and wanted to try and take something, but I don't know the first thing about how to be careful with something like that.
First things first, Google your local roadkill laws. Not everything can be legally collected/kept and regulations vary wildly between counties, states, and countries.
Wear gloves for the love of god. And maybe bring some tick spray. Now that the host is dead, ticks and fleas are going to jump ship to try to find a new host. Don’t let it be you.
As for the actual cleaning, this is going to get murky:
Small mammals (rodents, etc), all birds, all reptiles: You’re going to have to send it off to someone with a dermestid beetle colony. These skulls are too delicate for any other cleaning technique. Trust me.
Medium mammals (foxes, bobcats, coyote, etc): You have two options. You can either “cook” (for a lack of a better term) them or macerate them. I would recommend maceration for these kinds of skulls if you’re just starting out. These guys can handle being cooked, but become fragile while wet. Unfortunately I don’t macerate my skulls, so I can’t give any advice there.
Large mammals: Cook ‘em. You can macerate them, but imo it’s not worth (with exception, see below). What I do is:
First, assess what you’re working with. How decomposed is the skull? Is it fresh or is it well under way? If it’s relatively fresh proceed on soldier 🫡 If it’s well into decomp and not a small/medium mammal, you can still cook the skull, but you must be very careful. The bacteria that breaks down the soft tissue during decomp seeps into the bones and makes them brittle. Cooking them will worsen this. If it’s a real nasty head, macerate it, regardless of size.
Remove skin and ears, if any. Also remove cervical vertebrae. Cut away at where the vertebrae meets the skull until you can sever the brain stem. It’ll pop right off once you cut that. There’s no easy way to describe how to remove the vertebrae, but it’ll be something you get good at if you do it enough. All mammals’ cervical vertebrae can be removed the same way. You can leave any remaining meat on there if you’d like. I also don’t remove the eyes, but feel free to.
In a pot you never plan to cook in again, fill with water and Dawn dish soap. (Or any sort of grease-fighting soap. I personally use Dawn Platinum). I don’t have a specific amount of soap I use. If it’s a greasy animal, like a boar or raccoon, I use a lot more vs. what I would use on a deer. You can’t hurt it by putting too much.
Add heat and let the skull SIMMER for 5 hours. Do NOT boil. This will weaken the skull. Our goal is to cook the meat until tender. I usually have a timer going and check every hour or so. I recommend you buy a propane burner and do all of this outside if you can. It…smells.
Pull the skull out. It will be VERY hot. Please use some sort of tongs. Don’t stick your hand into the hot water I beg you.
Ok, this step you may not be able to do unless you’re going to really invest in cleaning skulls. With a power washer, blast off the meat. After 5 hours, it should come off easy. If it doesn’t, that means your water didn’t get hot enough for long enough. Place the skull back in the water and let SIMMER for another hour. Try again after. If you’re worried about the integrity of your skull but the meat isn’t coming off, switch to maceration. If you don’t have a power washer/don’t want to get one, the meat should be easy enough to pull and scrape off via your hands and dental picks. (Got my kit off Amazon for $5.)
If it’s an ungulate (hooved animal) you need to remove the ear bones. Flip the skull over and look for this:
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The arrow is pointing to a little tunnel that leads into the ear drum. With a screw driver, pop that entire ear bone out. This only works on ungulates. If you do this on anything else, it’ll break the skull in half.
8. If you have a power washer, blast the shit out of the brain. I aim down the hole where the cervical vert. was attached to, then in the two holes where the ear drums were. Really angle all around to make sure you’ve gotten everything. If you’re cleaning this by hand, use forceps and dental tools. Wash out the brain cavity regularly with water to help flush grey matter.
9. Flip over the skull and poke some holes where the red dots are (see pic above). Wiggle around your screw driver to help break up the sinuses.
10. With long forceps, grab at all the stuff inside the nose. All of it must go! There is tissue hiding in and behind all of it. (You can keep the small bone in the middle that holds the septum, but make sure you actually get rid of any septum cartilage. This technique won’t get you a museum quality specimen, but it will guarantee you get out all the meat, which is better imo. With ungulates, they have a sneaky channel that sits to the side of the nasal cavity, separated by a very thin sheet of bone. Bust that to get at bonus meat. Be wary of veins. They are SNEAKY and hard to get out and will absolutely rot if left in. Don’t be afraid to poke holes to get at them, especially if you can reach them from within the nasal cavity. Remember, clean skull over pristine skull.
11. Get at the sinuses. They’re going to be at the far back of the nasal cavity, right in front of the brain cavity. Power washer or screw driver will do the trick. I usually bust through the wall between the sinuses and brain cavity to ensure I’ve gotten all the sinus meat. This is optional.
12. If you are keeping a jaw, you need to get the vein that runs the length of the mandible out. This is hard to do even with a power washer. Do not be afraid to drill a small hole into the inner side of the mandible to help remove said vein. You can hold the wet jaw up to the light and see if you’ve gotten it all. The bone will be translucent enough to reveal the empty cavity if you have.
13. Once you’re confident you’ve gotten everything, make a fresh pot of soap water. Do not use the old water. SIMMER the skull for another hour. (1 hr 30 min for really nasty skulls). This is your degreasing bath to help remove any excess grease that may’ve leaked into the bone.
14. After this, you can either bleach your skull or not. To do so, (while wearing gloves, and clothes you don’t care about) mix up roughly equal parts of Salon 40 and Clairol BW2+. Lather skull with the mixture. Do NOT get this stuff on antlers or horns. It will bleach them. Place skull in a Walmart bag and leave in front of a heat source for roughly 48 hrs.
15. Rinse skull clean. Some parts may have discolored but can be painted. If you find that the skull is greasy, search the affected area inside and out for missed meat and repeat step 13 and 14.
(Also, if you are cleaning leg bones, drill a small hole into the top and bottom and remove the marrow)
I believe that’s it? Feel free to reach back out if I missed anything or if you have any further questions!
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sysinfodump · 1 month
we have. weird insys things that no one else seems to have.
[content warning; talk of necrosis and wounds and infections]
We have insys infections and insys.. like. status effects? It's weird but we have a couple of alters who are all radioactive, with how radioactive they are varying. We have alters who are infected with a sculk infection, in which they end up covered in sculk (all glowy and oozy) and end up rotting slowly with time. It seemingly affects their personalities too, them not quite acting like themselves at times. Like the sculk infection you often see in minecraft servers or fan works, they are seemingly taken over by the urge to spread the infection. At times, that is their only goal, taking over all other parts of themselves and only acting on this one objective. It's FASCINATING to study and look at!! We have many theories on why this is and the specifics of this infection, but that can be put into another post :). Then we have an almost glitch infection, which mostly just affects alters physically, making their body glitch out visually and ache a little. Some of them are actually different from each other!! We have some with constant visual glitches, that only mess up their vocals occasionally, and then we have more Vanellope von Schweetz style glitches, with them only glitching occasionally and their speech only being affected when these glitches happen. They unfortunately don't get any cool powers like Vanellope, though. It has a worse affect on technology based alters, messing them up a lot more than any human or humanoid alter. One of our computer based alters went through this for little under a week, with them not working as fast and being generally lethargic and in pain, we had to have someone give them a reboot to help. We actually know the cause of this infection, which is an alter of a minecraft oc we made a WHILE back- in his source he was just someone who got experimented on and ended up literally made of a glitchy substance! Everything in his proximity very slowly turned into this glitchy substance, with him having to move several serval times, accidentally dooming several groups of people, cities, and civilizations with this. I believe this is at least one cause of the infection :). It really is FASCINATING to study!!! We recently discovered another infection we didn't know about- its not quite new but its not as old as the others, though I could be wrong. We just call it the "Rot Infection", an almost zombie like infection that infects mostly humans + humanoid alters. It DOESNT turn people into zombies, lets be clear, its basically just an infection that causes necrosis of the skin, or organic material. We do have some zombies, and we have a surprising amount of zombies that are affected by this! You can tell that these alters are affected because their bodies are (usually) not very far into the rotting process (they also never change, they do not rot more nor do they regress) and the infection causes their already rotted bodies to rot more, with their bodies decaying noticeably more and these wounds turning much darker. The infection does not do much other than affect them visually, they are often fatigued and experience brain fog often, along with getting colder temperature wise, but that is all. This does affect some robots as well, with one of our animatronic alters being affected by the infection. However, since they are an animatronic they do not experience any other symptom other than necrosis, and even then, its not necrosis since they do not have skin. Their synthetic fur has rotted away, turning gross and odorous, but it is my belief that we could simply cut away the fur that is rotted and they would be fine. It hasn't spread as fast as the humanoids that have it because they aren't human, but it still can affect them.
But yeah :33. OH and we ALSO have in sys religions too!! We only recently discovered this, but one we know about is "The order Of The Cosmic Fungi", which is a religion that worships the Pokémon Shiinotic! We only figured it out because of our local detective, Valentine, apparently has been looking into it! Heres what he wrote about it on our simplyplural;; "Also known as the Order Of Shiinotic, but few call them that. They worship the Pokémon known as Shiinotic. Not as a god, but as an eternal cosmic being. They compare Shiinotic's mycelium-ness to the holiness of an angel and the holiness of the cosmos and the universe as a whole." And like. its ONE Shiinotic, not like. Shiinotic as a whole species. Which. Is odd??? We also have really vague knowledge of other religions, such as one that worships sculk + our local warden alter, and another which just worships a very specific alter?? can't for the LIFE of me remember who.
UHHH YEAH THATS ALL!!! really needed to get this off of my chest hehe :3
-Alex + Cecil of the @wtnvsys
The infections sound pretty interesting I must say, I bet seeing this phenomena in your system and studying them it's fascinating and can give you a lot of time to see about it
We actually have something similar in terms of infection, but it's more of a sickness because you can't infect others, it's just something that happens
Anyways, it does sounds pretty interesting to know about those kind of things happening internally
In the religions case depending on how it's managed it can be some kind of fictionreligion or neoreligion! It sounds interesting and you're not alone in that, we also have some religions internally that we only practice lol
What a long and fun infodump!
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fanfic-obsessed · 2 years
Someone to Blame
Let's take a walk through a world where Palpatine's plans failed about a year and a half into the Clone wars. How and why do not matter in this case. Just know that his mechaniations were all exposed.
The Senate, well the Senate is looking for something to blame, someone to blame for the fact that nearly all of them voted to perpetuate a war that would have lead to the Genocide of the Jedi, they voted for the enslavement of sentients that by Galatic standard would be considered children for the sole purpose of being used as canon fodder. The personal and varied way the members of this august body abused the Coruscant Guard. To distract from the fact that these were not the worst war crimes that many Senators perpetuated. 
They must find someone to blame.
For a change, in this world, the blame does not belong to the Clones or the Jedi. They have been labeled the victims of this horrible conspiracy (Though that does not always preclude also being the villains, in this universe the dice tipped just right. The Jedi and the clones were labeled the helpless victims). No, the Senators look at Palpatine, whom they want to distance from in every way, and say to themselves ‘He is from Naboo’. 
And well, the scandal surrounding Padme Amidala’s marriage had just broken. Look, the Jedi and anyone who knew the couple personally knew that the marriage was fully consensual by both parties, that they had chosen each other willingly and were very much in love (the actual health of their relationship might be up for debate, but they were adamant in choosing each other). But from a PR perspective, it just…it just did not look good.  
Padme was part of an awful lot of committees that handled the Jedi, giving her a fair amount of power over them on paper. And no matter how old Anakin was when they married, he was still a Padawan; when most of the galaxy hears the word padawan they think child. You add in that Padme was Palpatine’s protege, a few missives that her then senator had sent that mentioned Anakin in particular, and the thinly veiled threats towards the Jedi Palpatine had made to get access to Anakin in the first place (which had little to Padme, herself but created a pattern to be followed)…well it did not take much to create the image that Padme had abused her power to take control of a Jedi child in the guise of marriage, and continued to manipulate him until he thought he loved her back.  This image was made worse when Anakin found out and reacted badly toward the poor reporter that brought it up, but not badly in a way that made the possibility less. Instead he came off as a battered spouse staunchly defending his abuser. 
So Naboo as a whole became To Blame (capitals intended) for the entire war, the enslavement of the clones, the draft of the Jedi, all the horror that comes from making war. Of course, once there is someone To Blame, the next step is punishment.  And the punishment for Naboo?
It is decided that Naboo as a whole will be given to the Clones and the Jedi, in effect enslaving all the natural inhabitants to them. Oh they break out all kinds of words like ‘Reparations’ and ‘Treason’ and pretty pretty laws to tie it all in a bow. But everyone can tell what they mean.  This generous ‘Offer’ was worded as such that refusing it will leave both the Clones still enslaved and the Jedi still controlled by the Senate.  What choice was there?
To be clear, no one involved outside of the Senate (and even several inside the Senate) were comfortable with this. Not the Jedi, not the Clones, certainly not Anakin Skywalker, whose wife just became a second class citizen. It should also be noted that the very Senators who spearheaded this ‘Offer’ would go on to close each and every one of the loopholes that allowed them to do this, just as soon as Naboo’s status was permanent. 
The Jedi and the clones, now a collective group by Senate decree, make their way to Naboo. They know that this midrim world cannot support an additional 1 millions plus sentients, but the Senate's ruling meant that a minimum of 90% of the group must be on planet at all times for the next decade, “to ensure they are properly settled”.  There are lists of new restrictions on Naboo and its native peoples, restrictions that the newly freed GAR are expected to enforce.
Now four peoples (Jedi, Clone, Nabooian, and Gungan) must find some way to build a life, with fewer resources than any of them were used to (Further sanctions toward Naboo.  There are politicians that dream of being able to punish the victims and created villians in the same move), together.  And likely the Senate as a whole expects there to be riots, to be able to sit and watch as these groups destroy each other out of misplaced ire. They underestimate everyone involved. 
The ships holding the combined Jedi and Clones, including the Jedi temple which had been on Coruscant (it had been decided by the Senate that the Jedi should settle entirely on Naboo, to have some much needed separation. It is unclear if they realized that the temple would come with the Jedi), arrive in the airspace around Naboo. Obi Wan Kenobi and Commander Cody are chosen to represent the Jedi and the Clones in a negotiation with the Gungan Boss and the Nabooian Queen. 
All four speak frankly, no political maneuverings and no time for ego stroking. If they wished to remain part of the Republic, there were things that they must comply with and as recently shown with the war, the republic is not easily left.  Not for a mid rim world. The injustice of what has just happened is almost enough, almost enough to try and secede but everyone is so tired of war, and no one can quite convince themselves that another army wouldn’t appear out of nowhere to start a new war if they tried to secede. 
As soon as it is clear that neither the Jedi nor the Clones want to enforce the will of the Republic it becomes less of a negotiation and more of collaboration. They pour over the restrictions, looking at wording and loopholes. And they are up against a clock, the longer it takes to get something in place, the more depleted the resources they currently have would be and it would take time before they had something in place that could support everyone. 
It takes four days to work out a plan. It is a thing of smoke and mirrors, a dance of the most intricate precision, winding through and around the restrictions of the Senate without stripping the natural residents of Naboo their rights.  And the very things that should have divided them irrevocably, instead becomes the glue that binds them together.  Each of these four disparate cultures surrendered something of themselves in the aftermath, softening the spiky edges that held them separate into something more akin to puzzle pieces. 
For a galactic standard year there is a complete blackout between the rest of the galaxy and Naboo, by Senate ruling. It is a quarantine period to allow for the adjustments needed for the changes the planet must undergo.  In the time between the Senate ruling and the arrival of the combined Jedi and Clones all Nabooians and Gungans had been required to return to Naboo or forfeit their citizenship permanently (By an odd coincidence a handful of worlds gained new citizens in those few weeks that might, at a glance, almost seem to be from Naboo).
There are consequences that stretch out even farther than the Senate thought. Naboo is the face of the Chommell sector, and with the residents barred from the larger galaxy there should have been a power vacuum to fill. The galaxy should have moved on with a few hiccups. Except…Naboo never held sway over its sector by force.  Without them to provide a reason to stay, the Chommell Sector as a whole begins to pull away from a Senate in which they no longer had a voice (and to be fair, rarely ever wanted one). No one noticed, at first. 
Then came the end of the blackout. The Punishment of Naboo was highly publicized in the media and as the anniversary approached, interest was drummed up again. 
An awful lot of people expected Naboo to be a wasteland, a mass grave tearing itself apart (That was, perhaps the plan, to give a reason that the Clones and the Jedi need to be under Senate control). That is not what was found. Members of the Senate along with members of the Press landed in a Theed that looked much the same as it had the year before. They are greeted by a tiny gungan child in brown robes who lead them into the palace, where they are met with a council of 4 beings. One from each of the cultures, united. By Senate decree the Nabooians and Gungans could not hold any official power, but nothing said that they could not be advisers. 
The Jedi representative smiles, they are a green skinned Torgruta whom none of the visiting group recognize. “You’ve arrived in time for the wedding”
“The wedding” Bail Organa spoke cautiously.
The clone representative smiled. He was not one that Bail had met, plastoid mixed with cloth to make the armor more ceremonial than functional. The colors, if they were a reflection of battalion colors (They were), marked the clone as having been part of the 327th.  “Cody Koon of the Vod’e (Most of the Vod'e took Plo Koon's last name) and Obi Wan Kenobi of the Jedi. They both insisted on waiting until we could be sure that the celebration would not drain our reserves. With the new crops harvested last month, it’s finally time. ”
One of the reporters looked askance, “what do you mean drain your resources?”
The Nabooian representative, decidedly not the queen who had been ruling a year before or Senator Amidala, folded her hands in front of her. Bail had seen the look of serenity on her face many times…on various Jedi.  “Between the Jedi, with the various corps, and the clones there were nearly 2 million sentients with varying dietary needs that were introduced to Naboo a year ago. They came with no more supplies than were already on their ships and what was in the temples that were being relocated. Naboo may not have starvation like Coruscant, but we did not by any means have that kind of surplus available.  We were barred from any contact with the wider galaxy. Were our people any less dedicated to the preservation of life, I imagine many would have starved.”
It was clear from the silence that very few outside of Naboo had considered that piece of logistics. 
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alpaca-clouds · 5 months
Something I am thinking about a lot while I am in the hospital is how our measurements of expertise are bound so strongly to structures of power. This is not inherent to expertise - it is just how our current system handles things.
The fact that someone has a doctorate in a field of medicine does not inharently enable them on a reality level to actually treat someone, who is sick. It enables them to do so legally, yes, but not realistically.
As someone who has struggled with health related issues forever, I can tell so many stories of times, where it was not a doctor who helped me but some other person. There was a nurse once, who saved me from being poisoned by a doctor, because she realized - other than the doctor - that the doctor accidentally had prescribed me the wrong medication. And there was only two years a nurse in the psych hospital who fixed an issue with my knee that so far several different doctors had failed to fix.
Throughout my life I several times correctly diagnosed myself with medical conditions, after different doctors misdiagnosed me.
The same is happening right now as well. @g-vlssz and I correctly identified the issue plaguing me right now TWO FUCKING MONTHS ago, and my current deterioation in health could've been prevented if any of the multiple doctors who saw me during this time just gave me corticoids. But they didn't, because I do not have a medical degree. It took me six weeks to convince a doctor to just look into our suspicion - a test that any other doctor could have ordered as well.
And the only reason that nobody took it serious, despite me arguing on a medical level (like with blood lab results and stuff) why I was suspecting the thing I was suspecting. And the only reason why it was not taken seriously is, that I do not have a piece of paper by a medical institution that gives me the legal power to just prescribe myself the medication.
Self-Diagnosis is always this massively politically charged topic, especially when it comes to a plethora of disabilities. Not only will doctors often get really angry, when you bring the topic up, but a lot of non-doctors, who believe in the existing power structure will as well.
It is something that on some level does make sense intuitively. Like, sure, we do not want people to be able to prescribe themselves like morphines, I guess.
But a lot of talk also always centers around the fact, that a lot of people do simply fear cancer. So, when some varied symptoms show up, they often will jump to the conclusion of "OMG, it has to be cancer". But... like... You are aware that this happens mostly because those people end up often feeling neglected by their primary medical providers after like going to the doctor for their chronic stomach issues and do not get serious - or will not even get to see a doctor in months because the waiting lists are so long. Nobody WANTS to be sick with cancer - but if nobody looks into any causes, what information do have people to go on? It is simply a fact that cancer is one of those sicknesses with a lot of information available on it. So, when someone starts to google: "Chronic stomach ache cause" cancer will be one of the things that will come up.
I mean, the reason why both I and my friend were correctly able to identify my symptoms (not with the exact sickness but the correct type of sickness) was that I managed to get at least seen by doctors and get some blood work done - and that I simply went into it assuming that the various symptoms that showed up unrelated over the last year without a cause ever being found were connected. And one of the symptoms is something that basically only shows up with the type of sickness I have. No, I did not know that to begin with, but I googled it and other than what the anti-self-diagnosis crowd tells you, you can actually get pretty good information that way.
I have yesterday contacted a lawyer. I will talk to that lawyer later today. But I cannot help but think about not only how unfair this entire situation is to me (had the doctors given me corticoids 8 weeks ago, I never would have ended up in hospital), but also towards other people. Because right now there is a lot of healthcare money and man hours put into my case. Things that would be probably be better spend with someone, whose issue could not be fixed by just giving them a two weeks course of corticoids. Like, I am taking up room in this hospital for at least two more weeks, and by the end of it my health insurance will have paid between 30 and 40k for this. Simply because my GP was not available and nobody else would just give me the medication I needed?
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Oooo fun question about your demons, and other creatures you think might be relevant (wraiths for one).
Which of your creations can sense emotions?
Like I know lust demons can sense that, and Nebul can sense emotions too (only negative ones? Or all ones?)
If lust demons feed off lust and that’s why they sense it, does that mean that sloth demons can sense and in turn feed off enthusiasm? (Or other similar, energetic emotions).
Just in general, would a reader need to be self conscious about your OCs sensing how they feel?
Who can sense emotions?
Plenty of them. It also depends if you're talking about the entire, immensely broad spectrum of emotions someone can have, or a select few.
As of now, only one character has the ability to sense every type of emotion in others.
Wraiths, like Nebul, are mostly in tune with people's misery. To gouge whether or not someone can be a more effective meal, they sense primarily negative emotions, such as depressive states, panic and terror, at times rage. He can also detect when someone is in brighter moods, but this gouging is severely limited, he can't decipher if it's happiness, infatuation or general excitement unless he gets in the person's mind. Nebul is also quite powerful for a wraith, meaning newbies are only able to sense sadness for the most part. The more power this type of undead has, the more clearly they can paint an emotional portrait of you.
Dorem, someone who can glimpse into souls, gets to see a little bit more of people's emotional states than he'd like sometimes. He can view more than that, going deep into people's identities and the overall background of their souls. It's oftentimes necessary for his work.
Higher entities like Krulu and Miara have a remarkably easy time understanding the emotions of those who confront them, although this isn't something they sense, per se. A higher who has a vessel, on the other hand, is always very in-tune with the emotional state of their host.
Breg is an example of a monster who has very acute "reading" senses. Hormones, smells, body language and general disposition are something he has no choice but to pay close attention to, so it's easy for the breeder to gouge emotions and states. This doesn't mean someone with a lot of self-control couldn't escape his radar. More feral-inclined monsters generally have this "ability" too, to varying degrees.
What about demons?
Their senses are a lot more specific to their needs, just like you said.
Concubi will hone in on desire and sexual frustration, sometimes preying on infatuation.
Sloths will focus on those who are either already tired (easy prey), or people with an abundance of energy/motivation (more work but more rewarding).
Gluttons sense hunger, exercerbating it to states of starvation and generally making people more impulsive. They can also encourage already satisfied people to keep going and kill them that way.
Wrathful ones feed on frustration of all sorts, bitterness and dissatisfaction, causing people to become senseless animals in their rage, or truly fearsome butchers.
Prideful ones sense arrogance above all, narcissism, and insecurities. They'll give people a delusional, grandiose view of themselves in an effort to feed off that energy. Some get so prideful they perform stunts that end their lives under the impression they'll succeed.
Envious ones procure loneliness, isolation, also insecurities and identity confusion. They encourage the vulnerable to blame others for their situations and put on second skins.
Greedy ones feed on both the rich and the poor, so long as the desire to gain and collect and take and steal is great enough.
Should you be self-aware?
Naturally, yes.
Emotional states are pivotal to a person who seeks to manipulate you, so all of them will take advantage of their senses to put you in a disadvantageous position.
The problem comes with the exhaustion that'll surely follow with having to keep an eye on your own state at all times. You never really know when they're studying you, so how can you be sure of when to try to hide your emotions? What if you can't? How do you combat that?
It's a tricky situation.
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I can't in any capacity say that I'm an ally to anyone. That's not me being an asshole. That's not me being a bigot. I'm an ally to no group. I'm a friend to people. And I care about people. Someone asked me about one of my asks where I got called a transphobe and a homophobe and it reminded me about the topic in general.
Fact is I don't care what color you are. What religion you belong to. What sexuality you are. What Identity you assume. If you are not a dick to me or to people that I care about, I won't take issue with you. What's weird though is to be called homophobic when a lot of my friends are lgbt. And this is not one of those, "Well I have a black friend" moments. I legit have friends from varying walks of life. One of my best friends from college was a gay black furry. And one of my favorite past times was picking on him in playful ways. Why? Because if was always fun to see him flustered and he actually thought it was funny. Am I gay? No. I'm comfortable in the fact I'm straight. And my friend knew that.
There are going to be a lot of things that people say that I don't agree with. Does that make me hateful? No. It just means that I have my own views on things. I however understand that if I WAS hateful towards certain groups, I'd have to be bigoted against a huge number of my friends. Like my college buddy from Sri Lanka, his friend and our roommate who's have Korean half Black. Several of my ex GF's who've been bisexual. Even friends of mine who are lesbians whom I've defended in public after they have been accused of being transphobes for, and I'm not kidding, "No being willing to suck the dicks of trans women". That's not a fucking joke. And it's sick.
I've made posts about how I'm not an extremist because I'm not. Fact is, and I mean this, I should not be considered an bigot because I don't worship a movement. No one else should either. And on my blog I will cover a lot of topics. Like:
-Groomers -Gun Laws -Radical Feminism -Black Representation in TV and Movies -Race Swapping -Capitalism -Communism -Socialism -Anarchy -State and Federal Powers -Etc.
And there will always be more. I'm not transphobic. I just want kids left alone. I'm also not homophobic, but again leave kids alone. If you are an adult you can love another consenting adult. I take ZERO issue with it. And I never will take issues with it. My only focus on any of that stuff is quite literally "Let kids be kids. Let them figure out who they are without pushing them. Don't sexualize them ever." Simple rules to live by. Anything else? I'm willing to have a discussion about. Hell I've been on record losing my shit at least in one of my reblogs borderline making promises to deal with anyone who would threaten any of my friends/family irl because they are LGBT.
What many don't understand about me is that I'm an angry ginger who is actually pretty moderate on most issues. And it's only in cases where people belong to cult like mentalities that anyone can even REMOTELY consider me hateful or radical. More so when we consider that the only people I actively hate are those that actively seek to harm others. And not just in a weird way that won't do anything. I'm talking people that WILL or would enact actual violence onto people I care about. Like the FBI. Or Antifa. Or real extremist white supremacist's. Or segregationists leftists who have called some of my non white friends "house N-". I typically don't give that word any power myself and most of my friends don't, but believe me when I tell you, I'll make you look like a punk and I won't even have to touch you.
So even the notion, that I'm X type of bigot is hilarious to me. And no amount of this, "Bow to me and my ideology or you are a bigot" will make me change who I am to my friends, my family, and the people I care about. I worship no one. And I will never bow to your cult like ideals. And maybe one day, someone like the person who sent that ask will find it justifiable to kill me. Who knows. I certainly don't. All I do know is that I'm a very caring person. And a lot of the time the stuff I mean get's lost in translation. What I say might be interpreted one way by one person and another by someone else.
That's just reality. But if you can't even come to me and ask for clarification, or you just expect me to placate someone because of the group they belong to, then you are barking up the wrong tree. You are not my friend. You are not my family. And a number of you are people that would actively endorse having me end my own life, or wishing someone would end my life for you.
Why? Because you are tyrants. You believe yourselves gods and that your "moral rights" are and should be everyone's "Moral rights". You will not rule me. You will not control me. You will not make me worship you as if you were gods. I am me, and only me. And I will live me best life not just for myself, but for the people I hold dear.
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