#and it’s scary
phellycheesesteak · 7 months
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Something something ame doodle to cheer me up because My mental health is actively getting worse and I see myself as her
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wickjump · 1 month
just so you all know i am just straight up never going to be cool or perfect ever. im always going to be lame and a bit weird at times and im going to fuck up SO many times actually. i am also going to be a pussy and not stand up for shit, so please don’t get mad at me online ever cuz i cant assure you that if that happens i won’t delete every trace of my existence and never go online again out of fear
ok thank u!!i see people expecting wayyy too much of other people online and like…im not the person you wanna expect anything of. you all build an opinion of me that’s like 10000x better than the actual me and that’s great I’m not complaining but my line of good takes is going to end one day or another because i cannot believe ive gotten this far, and when i make a bad one i need you to not get mad at me thanks
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transbutchblues · 1 year
i’m in this strange phase where i’m trying to explore my spirituality and to understand what divinity means to me and it’s just. hard. complex.
i was raised in an atheist family but now i know, deep down, that i am not an atheist. but atheism is still inscribed in my brain, the shame of worshipping, the shame of honoring the divine, as if it should be hidden, as if i was being irrational.
i have been practicing, or trying to practice, hellenic polytheism for a little while now. i keep going through phases of faith then of doubt. something isn’t quite right yet.
i love religions— all of them interest me. i just decided i wanted to read the Old Testament, so i’m reading the Genesis now. and i’ve been doing research on Judaism, out of curiosity. it fascinates me— but especially the rules. the constant connection to the divine, even in mundanity. the concept of every action having a purpose, of doing things a specific way and knowing why, of finding God everywhere and honoring God all the time. i see a lot of people being scared of religious obligations, of organized religion, and i understand how it can be dangerous at times, but i yearn for the order, for the meaning.
i want organized worship and i want to find God every day. i want to do everything with the intention of connecting to the divine. and yet i don’t know what the divine is, what God(s) is (are), and i still believe monotheism isn’t for me, something about it bothers me— but maybe it’s just christianity ? i don’t know anything anymore. i know polytheism interests me too and i know my autistic special interest is ancient greek religion and ancient cultures, but it’s hard to draw the line between what interests me due to my autism/simply because i find it amazing to learn about, and what interests me because it feels right and aligns with the way i perceive things.
so i keep doubting, i doubt and wonder and question and find myself irrational whenever i think of a God, or of multiple gods/Theoi. i know i believe in something. but there is this atheistic guilt, atheistic shame ?
i’m so lost.
and everyone i know is either an atheist or a usually-not-very-observant catholic. so exactly what i already know not to be for me.
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randomalistic · 10 months
I hate seeing AI music album art I hate seeing AI song covers I hate seeing AI in memes I hate seeing AI used in passion projects and I hate seeing AI being normalized in art and for the sake of convenience because That’s Not The Point.
Do you even care about the process if you’re just gonna generate something to get to the end result? The more you use AI, the less you live through your art, and the less you learn from creating it. Why should you EVER sacrifice and dilute your self expression for convenience?
AI is preying upon our laziness and it’s getting Bad. But please don’t give up. Preserve your authenticity and your humanity in what your create I beg you. It’s so much better for your well-being.
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redhotarsenic · 1 year
Reporpoised phantasies machine girl is 21 minutes of the worst trip to the beach imaginable in audio form. Like the beach is alive and actively trying to fuck with you and it’s getting so much pleasure out of it
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iridescentsky29 · 1 year
Do you know what gamers scare me the most?
Beat saber gamers
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faggatini · 1 year
hate it hate it hate it
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why can’t injuries heal by themselves. why can’t my knee be magically fine. why does it also have to swell my foot. why why why why.
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sadclowncentral · 2 months
shoutout to the guy who after unsuccessfully hitting on my sister and being politely declined asked her "is it okay if i ask your brother instead" and when she said yes gave me a long and searching look before sighing and going "no. i am not drunk enough to go for a dude. but you look like an angel" happy bisexual pride to this man and this man only. hope you figure it out soon king
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skenpiel · 5 months
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i hope i never ever ever see this image while im high or it will also straight up kill me. it would make me so scared my skeleton would run away And id be a boneless scared heap on the ground
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mroddmod · 6 days
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the queen of the disco or whatever
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vadersaber · 17 days
People turning against Chappell Roan for not accepting harassment & stalking of her and her family, saying Hozier is acting embarrassing for defending his girlfriend THAT Y'ALL WEREN'T EVEN SUPPOSED TO KNOW ABOUT after she got harassed online, calling Pedro Pascal names for.. apparently not greeting fans loudly in his own private time?
Y'all have GOT to get a grip on real life if you think celebs establishing boundaries is working against you. You do not know these people, you will not sleep with these people and they do not owe you anything!!!!!!
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gayestcowboy · 1 month
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big things happening on twitter
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thelaurenshippen · 4 months
watching bridgerton and obviously there were a lot of things wrong with the way socializing has worked in the past, but honestly the idea of a "calling hour" is so appealing. office hours for friendship. you can show up unannounced at my home between 1 and 3pm. you must leave by 3pm. I may give you a pastry. lets bring that back
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area420 · 5 months
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pattern recognition girl final moments
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itsbrucey · 9 months
Big fan of sun motifs in characters not necessarily being about positivity and happiness and how they're so " bright and warm" but instead being about fucking brutal they are.
Radiant. A FORCE of nature that will turn you to ash. That warmth that burns so hot it feels like ice. Piercing yellow and red and white. A character being a Sun because you cannot challenge a Sun without burning alive or taking everything down with them if victorious.
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