#also PPD as in Paranoid Personality Disorder
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I hate my NP.
If I had the spoons, I'd find someone else.
I saw her for the first time since July after she magically couldn't get me in for a month despite me needing my meds changed immediately and then rescheduled me *again*. It turns out the email with the telehealth link isn't automated and she sent it to me not a few days before like she usually does, but TWO MINUTES AFTER THE APPOINTMENT WAS SUPPOSED TO START.
She had a med student shadowing her, too. Good fucking luck to her, I don't know how the fuck she's even practicing at this point. I should've said I didn't want her to sit in, but I've always been a fucking doormat and that's all I ever will be.
She had no real sympathy when I told her about my broken foot. I feel bad because I, an autistic person, of *all* people should understand not adhering to social cues, but Jesus Christ— a little sympathy from anyone in my life would be fucking amazing!!! Like, a little more than "sorry to hear that" from her would've been really nice.
She even forgot it multiple times. She also forgot another thing I've been asking of her for MONTHS that I had to once again remind her about.
"So is there a pharmacy near campus you want me to send your refills to?"
"Umm... like I said earlier, I'm not at school. I'm at home and will be indefinitely. I can't really walk on my own right now, let alone live alone in my dorm. Just send it to my usual one."
Anyway, I'm starting new meds. Again. I'm trying an NSRI for the first time because she thinks the serotonin part of SSRIs is what gives me nausea issues with new pills (I've been going to her for over half a decade. Did it seriously take that long to think "hmm, maybe SSRIs aren't the answer?"?!?!?)
She made a cheeky comment about "Hopefully next time will be our last meeting for a while because these pills will work and I won't need to come back so often :)".
Ma'am. I think about not being alive multiple times a day every goddamn day. We've discussed this thoroughly, in fact.
To reiterate: as an autistic person who misses social cues like it's my job, I shouldn't be the one to pass judgment. But *god fucking dammit*, you're the PROFESSIONAL here!!! Do your fucking job!!!!! Give a single solitary shit about my life and my existence!!!!!!!! fuck!!!!!!!!!!
Hell, I could probably do her job better because at least I can fucking mask!
I didn't even bother asking her about a PPD (Paranoid Personality Disorder) evaluation.
I'm so fucking tired. My mental health has taken an absolute nosedive since I broke my foot and I'm stuck either in bed or on the couch all day every day, and I didn't think it could even *get* any worse than what it was pre-break.
Not even my own fucking doctor cares enough to give a shit about me. My family doesn't really, either.
I'm so tired. I don't want to keep doing this anymore. Fuck.
How the fuck is she a functioning human being? How can she be considered an employable adult when I'M NOT?!? How the fuck has she kept this job?!?!? Why the fuck do abled (to my knowledge) people get to be so fucking incompetent, but if I managed to secure a job and asked for accommodations, I'M THE ONE OUT OF THE TWO OF US GETTING FIRED????
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cupboard-of-npd · 1 year ago
When ppl know of personality disorders outside of bpd:
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urfavhasavpd · 8 months ago
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Shin Tsukimi from Your Turn To Die has AvPD, PPD and OCD!
stupid guy i hope he gets bullied more
looking for official art to use for this was such a wild ride because of how bizzare nankidais sketches are. what the fuck is going on here
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paranoidpdsuggestion · 29 days ago
Does anyone deal with Truman Show delusions (either long term or brief episodes)? If so, how is it for you, how does it makes you feel, and how do you cope with it?
-Mod Sombra
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sinpilled · 25 days ago
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I did the stupid personality disorder test 😭
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(my paranoia can be very situational and specific and the questions are kinda vague so that’s probably why it’s at only 57%)
also you can take the test here
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thebrainguys · 1 year ago
I should just open up my inbox for anonymous (or not) ppd/paranoia confessions (this is me doing that)
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sysboxes · 1 year ago
Cluster A Personality Disorder Userboxes
(We, Mod Weeping, will be making Cluster B and Cluster C by the end of March!)
(also, we have permission from the creator of the flags to do this, so long as the creator is properly credited :3)
Flag credits to @fantasy-store (link)
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[Text: This system has Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD).]
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[Text: This system has Schizoid Personality Disorder (SZPD).]
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[Text: This system has Schizotypal Personality Disorder (STPD).]
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[Text: This system is Cluster A.]
Please like/reblog if you save or use!
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noncollared · 6 months ago
all personality disorders and basic definitions of them cuz i'm bored
cluster a - odd / eccentric , there's multiple types of this i'll be discussing down below
PPD - paranoid personality didorder , it's known as actions of distrust , paranoidness , having unwanted thoughts such as , thinking someone's watching you , thinking people are against you , etc .
SZPD - schizoid personality disorder , it is defined as showing none of very little interest for social interaction , it is also shown as having a hard time expressing or explaining emotions
STPD - schizotypical personality disorder , people with this disorder often have odd thoughts , speech , behavior , and have discomfort for close relationships
cluster b - dramatic / erratic , there's multiple types of this i'll be discussing down below
BPD - borderline personality disorder , it is known for having unstable mood , relationships , actions , etc , often having awful mood swings , sometimes having BPD feels as if you're a different person due to the mood swings , BPD is very self destructive , and has episodes of self destructiveness and feeling as if everyone is against you
ASPD - antisocial personality disorder , can be defined as having little to no empathy , or have trouble showing empathy and emotions . this can also include having a hard time relating or feeling sad for others
NPD - narcissistic personality disorder , it is often seen as thinking you are greater then everyone else , most people with NPD have a weird relationship with themselves , as they feel as they are the best , but also have a hatred of themselves , on the topic of NPD . "narc abuse" DOES NOT EXIST . if you believe everyone with NPD is a abuser then you are ableist . yes some people with NPD can be abusers , but saying they all are is just wrong .
HPD - can be described as , wants people's attention and desires praise , inappropriate or odd ways of speaking , little empathy for others , tries to gain attention from other people , very vocal on emotions , but at the same time is confused about their emotions , and being easily influenced by others , it's often seen as doing things for attention or praise
cluster c - anxious / inhibited , there's multiple types of this i'll be discussing down below
DPD - dependent personality disorder , causes people with dpd to feel as if they can't take care of themselves and need care from others, so they are dependent on others, they might have trouble making every day decisions and feel as if they can't do basic needs or tasks alone
AVPD - avoidant personality disorder , characterized as being distant , or feeling uncomfortable with psychical touch in any way also known as hypersensitivity . it can include avoidance of group activities , unwilling to be involved with others
OCPD - obsessive compulsive personality disorder , this can include , unwanted thoughts of things , need to be a perfectionist , unwanted need to have everything perfect and under control
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sillydeimos · 2 months ago
your post about grunts and disabilities aids got me thinking, so here's a dump of some disability related stuff I hc because you're cool and there NEEDS to be more disability rep in this fandom
Hank: selectively mute, uses sign language to communicate. HOH and missing an eye. autism and ASPD.
Sanford: also HOH due to his job and visually impaired after 12. gets a white cane after he gets his eyes fucked up. OCD.
Deimos: uses crutches on occasion because something fucking up during his cloning process caused him to be pretty frail and weak, at least at first. also keeps stim toys on him. auDHD.
Doc: definitely a cane user. has a severe mouth injury from his time at the AAHW, so he can really only drink liquids. his mask has a thing that automatically amplifies his voice since the injury makes it hard to talk. I also like to imagine either he or Hank have a prosthetic leg. SZPD.
Victor: I can't think of any disability aids he'd have, but he definitely has PPD (as in paranoid personality disorder, not postpartum depression,) and DID.
all of them would realistically have some kind of C-PTSD and chronic pain / chronic fatigue due to the lives they live
anon i literately owe you my life omg....these are all so good! thank you personally for saying deimos would use crutches (<- professional projector onto deimos-er) also him having audhd makes so much sense to me personally, ive always thought he has adhd (like me omg)
on the subject of doc using a cane, may i offer one of krinkels' stream sketches: hank with a cane?
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withlove-succubus · 2 years ago
Personality disorders
So, what is a personality disorder?
— A personality disorder is an enduring pattern of inner experience and behaviour that causes an individual distress and an inability to function. They usually develop in teenage years or early adulthood
There are 10 personality disorders listed in the DSM-V and they're organised into three clusters
Cluster A personality disorders
– characterized by odd, eccentric thinking or behavior
PPD – Paranoid personality disorder
SzPD – Schizoid personality disorder
STPD - Schizotypal personality disorder
Cluster B personality disorders
– characterized by dramatic, overly emotional or unpredictable thinking or behavior
ASPD - Antisocial personality disorder
BPD - Borderline personality disorder, also known as EUPD (Emotionally unstable personality disorder)
HPD - Histrionic personality disorder
NPD - Narcissistic personality disorder
Cluster C personality disorders
– characterized by anxious, fearful thinking or behavior
AvPD - Avoidant personality disorder
DPD - Dependant personality disorder
OCPD - Obsessive compulsive personality disorder – (NOTE: OCPD and OCD AREN'T the same thing)
Causes of personality disorders:
– genetics
– brain changes
– childhood trauma
– verbal abuse
Each personality disorder has it's own set of symptoms, however all of them share two main ones which are:
– a lack of a clear or stable image of self
– struggling forming and keeping close relationships
Please note that recovery is possible with therapy, although everyone's experience will be different
This blog will focus on cluster B personality disorders, my own experiences and possibly other people's experience, although people from other clusters are welcomed to stay~
Have a good day/night~
— With love, Succubus
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ppd-culture-is · 8 months ago
this might come across as invalidating. please know that is not the intent, i am simply trying to vent my frustrations.
PPD culture is getting pissed off when people try to tell me they understand my experiences with PPD because they also get paranoid because no, you do not understand me or my disorder. you may experience paranoia but that doesn’t automatically mean you understand PPD or anything i experience as a result of my PPD. just because you get paranoid sometimes doesn’t mean you get to claim you completely understand and know me and my struggles. you are not being comforting, if anything it feels like you’re belittling me.
This does not come off as invalidating at all, in fact, I agree with you. Being paranoid and having PPD are wildly different, due to PPD being more severe alongside how it persists throughout your entire identity, personality, and life.
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chatnoirwithblackhair · 1 year ago
One thing I don't see talked about in the media is how comorbid disorders work with each other. Because they can both make each other worse and better.
We have comorbid BPD (borderline personality disorder) and PPD (paranoid personality disorder), and they very often "work together," so to speak. One starts going on about abandonment, the other backs it up by reminding us that we can never trust anybody, and how can we really know if people aren't doing something behind our back? (And yes, I am talking about them like they are toddler friends)
But just as much as they are working together in their usual destructive manner, they also, surprisingly, calm each other down.
BPD is mirroring other people's behaviors. If the behavior of another person is stable, then we are stable ourselves. If we genuinely see people loving us and communicating with us, being open about their emotions, solving arguments and problems in a healthy, calm, adult-like way, and handling our splits and episodes in a loving way (@the-soup-system), our BPD calms down and goes: "Hm. Maybe they won't abandon us, and maybe they do actually love us! Also, they're so stable, I don't have to walk on eggshells around them. So I'm stable!" And PPD, looking at BPD (metaphorical look), even if it starts going, "but we don't know if it's actually like that!" calms down with our BPD. If there is no reason for abandonment, and if we're stable in mood, then maybe there's no reason to suspect anything else. And vice versa. Both BPD and PPD respond well to other people being open, honest, calm, and loving. So if one has no reason to suspect or fear anything, the other one automatically wouldn't, too.
Some other disorders we have that are comorbid with each other, like OCD and a few others, also work with each other well. Oftentimes, we actually use OCD to calm our other disorders down because if OCD is calm, then others will also slowly calm down with it. The way we do it is by playing organizing games, which we downloaded specifically to calm ourselves down. Just OCD going off? Organizing games that would help it. For autism, those games are patterns. OCD and anxiety disorders are very much comorbid, so these games calm down our anxiety, too.
What I'm saying is, I think the second we started treating disorders like they are a bunch of toddlers who just need to be heard, we figured out who they metaphorically look up to and follow. Comorbid disorders are connected one way or another, and by calming one down, there is a good chance the other one will calm down, too. It's almost the same thing as looking at healthy coping mechanisms and needs for both disorders, but I kinda put it in a different perspective. Obviously, personality disorders or just disorders don't actually follow anybody, but they act like they do, and they affect who you are as a person. When you start working with them, what they need to be is heard and reassured. They have their own needs.
And now realize that I described them as different people who you need to take care of, but all of them are actually you, however many personalities you have. It's you who needs to be heard and reassured, it's you who has your needs.
I suppose the moral of this post is that you don't have to calm every disorder down individually, and their comorbidity might help you more than destroy you. And if you have trouble understanding how to deal with them and help them, imagine them as separate people, preferably toddlers or children, with a desire to be heard, reassured, and for their needs to be met.
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glitzy-blitzy · 4 months ago
[This artist would like your attention.]
Salutations!! This artist's name is Phyz/Cyn, and they're an artist and aspiring voice actor, and they don't know why they're here.
:a few essential bits of information about this artist:
Pronouns- They/She/He/Imp/It
Sexuality- Bi (considering lesbian) demiromantic negative/repulsed-asexual
Theriotype- Cat :3
Age- Minor (not comfortable disclosing publically)
Birthday- 03/17/20XX (above 13, below 18)
And this artist would like you to know about their current fixations and by the way they're definitely not locked in an undisclosed basement.
TV shows//
The Amazing Digital Circus
Hazbin Hotel
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Helluva Boss
Murder Drones
Dead End: Paranormal Park
Arcane: League of Legends
Jentry Chau vs. the Underworld
Gravity Falls
Pomni (TADC)
Angel Dust (HH)
Husk (HH)
Zooble (TADC)
Blitzø (HB)
Rosa (B99)
Stolas (HB)
Gina (B99)
Courtney (DEPP)
Jake (B99)
Abstragedy (Zooble x Gangle)
Huskerdust (Husk x Angel Dust)
Ragapom (Ragatha x Pomni)
Chaggie (Charlie x Vaggie)
Stolitz (Blitzø x Stolas)
Ribbun (Jax x Gangle) (VERY guilty pleasure)
Peraltiago (Jake x Amy)
Narlie (Nick x Charlie)
Nuzi (N x Uzi)
Ozzarolli (Asmodeus x Fizzarolli)
Checkmates (Kinger x Queenie)
M&M (Millie x Moxxie)
Songs (they're a huge theater kid and doesn't listen to mainstream music often)//
Poison (Blake Roman)
Loser, Baby (Keith David + Blake Roman)
Digital Hallucination (OR3O and TADC cast)
Mastermind (Bryce Pinkham, Brandon Rogers, Patrick Page)
New Side of Me (Blake Roman)
Somewhere Down There (Emily Osment)
Just Look My Way (Bryce Pinkham)
Klown Bitch (Allison Kaplan + Faye Mata)
Pretty Girls (Renee Rapp)
Enemy (Imagine Dragons + JID)
Cool bug facts Fun things to know:
This artist has not been officially diagnosed with any mental issues, but is 99% sure they have anxiety, depression, PPD (Paranoid Personality Disorder), OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), anorexia, and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). This artist also often gets stuck in their own head very easily so it's appreciated if you're not too hard on them.
This artist doesn't have mental health issues anymore, and they'd like it to stay that way. So please be nice ^w^
Fixations last a very long time. Any attempt to get this artist out of a fixation will have a high failure rate.
This artist is occasionally possesed by Cyn (who certainly isn't ghost writing this) and will absolute solver this whole account in a heartbeat.
That seems to be all this artist has in store for you until further notice. Please read their DNIs and attempt to connect with their other socials.
Until we meet again...
Apple Music // Spotify A // Spotify B // Pinterest
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sukifoof · 1 year ago
May we hear more about what personality disorders Flowey has, aside from PTSD? I'm genuinely curious
I HAVE LOTS OF THOUGHTS ON THIS i love to project but also i think it genuinely fits so the one i think about a lot for flowey is paranoid personality disorder. guy who is constantly thinking about what he's saying cuz who knows what could be used against him and once he's convinced he's in danger he's gonna attack first.... kill or be killed and all that. i think it would really play into his people pleasing tendencies and the way talks to people in such a way that he doesn't let them know anything about him. he loves to be seen as the perfect friend but the second there's any sign that someone could turn on him he is convinced that must be the case. especially cuz of the way he views peoples actions... like the way he believes toriel has replaced him and that he kills asgore when he says he and frisk could be a family and how he says to not let sans know anything about you.... oh flowey u have issues <3
i can't speak on these personally but i've had some mutuals say they hc that he has bpd or npd!! it definitely makes sense cuz cptsd tends to share some traits with bpd and flowey. clearly has cptsd at the very least. honestly i think there's a good argument for any of these because his trauma makes him react in such a specific way and there's sooo much to analyze when it comes to his behavior. i think he's also got some kind of ocd thing going on that further leads into the way he thinks (something like If I Stay Away From Everyone Forever I'll Never Get Hurt. epic ppd moment) and he likely has. several anxiety issues that also leads into his mental state someone get this guy to a therapist
if any of u have flowey hcs feel free to talk about it its really touching to me that flowey is a source of comfort for people like me who have ptsd and Various Other Issues
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angycryptid · 5 months ago
this is a little bit of a vent post but also a call for help/resources, so please dont hesitate to respond, esp if you have a cluster A disorder
I think that i might have a cluster A personality disorder, and ive been researching on my own to try and figure out what (some medical websites, reading the dsm requirements, skimming through related tags on tumblr to gain insight on personal experiences, etc.)
I find it really hard to look for resources on specific experiences and how forms of it can present differently, along with information about co-morbidities (I have autism and GAD), especially with the fact that most of the traits (esp in medical works) are more external and dont mention internal experiences. (a lot of the traits ive noticed in myself are very internal [for example when i was in 6th grade i wholeheartedly thought i was going to present rabies symptoms and die due to a cat scratch for roughly 4-6 months and I still would not tell anyone, and as far as i can tell i seemed completely normal from the outside] so I dont even know if I could figure out whether I have one or multiple of these unless I knew about internal experiences and alternate presentations)
I really only started thinking about this bc i had a pretty bad panic attack caused by paranoia a little over 2 months ago, and, combined with reflecting upon other experiences, I realized that the paranoid tendencies/thoughts that i was experiencing were a lot worse than i thought, and i wasn't even sure that it was possible for those to be fully explained by a combo of autism and GAD, so i started looking into PPD and later cluster A disorders as a whole, but I had a hard time finding good resources and it doesn't help that a lot of sources constantly say that people with personality disorders cant actually realize that they may have them.
also side rant, as an aro person, it pisses me off so much that one of the diagnostic criteria for PPD is directly tied to partner infedelity bc like, I genuinely dont know whether or not i would be paranoid about that bc the thought of myself in a romantic relationship makes me generally uncomfy. (if being paranoid that your friends seceretly have a crush on you and are waiting for the right time to tell you bc they think that they'll be the one to change you is hittting the underlying point of the criteria then i got that shit in the bag)
anyhoo, if youve read this far, thank you for listening to me ramble and you deserve your favorite candy bar and a hug/highfive/handshake/frendly wave/whatever other form of affection you're comfy with.
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a1ml8ss · 11 days ago
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Jesus fucking Christ, this post is one of the most ableist things I’ve ever had the misfortune of reading, so I’m deciding to show anyone reading this that ‘Narcissistic abuse’ isn’t real. Abuse is, but this shitty, stigmatised term isn’t. By the way, I’m not going to be quoting most of this since it’s just the same old shit.
“Narcissistic abuse is a type of behavioral abuse that is perpetrated by individuals with NPD.” Someone with NPD being an abuser doesn’t mean that it needs a whole new term just to spout your ableist narrative. A person who abuses someone who happens to have NPD is just an abuser. It’s that simple.
“—this post is not intended to stigmatize or shame those who are struggling with the disorder.” And yet, that’s a contradiction because you are helping a stigma by posting this. Abuse and such topics are much more interesting to people, and the more you speak about this so called ‘NPD abuse’ the more you are pushing that stereotype because people are more likely to engage with this instead of actual information on NPD. You claim to not want to stigmatise and yet your whole account by the looks of it does just that. Stigmatise.
“It's crucial to recognize that abusive behavior can be exhibited by individuals with various mental health conditions, including Narcissistic Personality Disorder NPD, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD), Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD), Schizoid Personality Disorder (SPD), and Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD). “ You are correct in saying people with various mental disorders can be abusers, but I want to highlight the fact you only mentioned already villainised disorders. Any person suffering from a disorder of any kind can be an abuser, a more accurate sentence would be “Anyone with any disorder can be an abuser.”, but no, you decide to use disorders that are already facing stigma which shows how genuinely hurtful and dangerous your misinformation is. (Also, I felt the need to correct the fact that the correct acronym for Antisocial Personality Disorder is ASPD, not APD, which again drills home how uneducated you are to be talking about this.)
“It's essential to approach these topics with empathy and understanding, rather than dismissing or minimizing the experiences of others.” Of course it is— obviously— but you are only listening to a victim. A lot of the time (not all of the time though, since some abusers are just monsters), abusers are a result of their surroundings. You claim to understand this earlier in the post, and yet you speak about people with NPD who are abusers as if they aren’t human, because you seem to refuse to think of them as human.
“Narcissistic abuse is a topic that is often shrouded in silence and stigma.” Yes, it is shrouded in stigma and silence because it is a stigma and should be kept silence because, say it with me now, Narcissistic abuse doesn’t exist. If this sentence read as “Abuse is a topic that is often shrouded in silence and stigma. Many people who have been affected by it may feel ashamed, guilty, or responsible for the abuse.” then I’d completely agree, but the fact that you feel the need to state that it was a narcissist that did this, like that makes it worse, then that say everything.
I’m not really going to bother with the rest of this, because it’d just you spouting the same hurtful ableism but here’s my conclusion. There is no need to state that your abuser was a narcissist. You could’ve talked about the affects of abuse and how it changes people, but no, you instead decide to help with the stigmatisation of people with NPD and playing it off as okay because you said you weren’t stigmatising it. Everyone’s experiences with abuse and such are always valid and victims should always be given empathy and support, but the fact that you choose to figuratively fund the false rhetoric of ‘NPD abuse’ being a real thing, thus making ableism against people with that disability worse, is horrific. Plain and simple, Narcissistic abuse doesn’t exist, the word you’re looking for, plain and simple is abuse. You are calling it NPD abuse because you want to make it sound worse because you believe that adding a personality disorder in front of a crime makes it sound worse and because you want to be ableist against people with NPD, at least to my knowledge.
By the way, I’m not going to tag this person. This was originally meant to be a comment on the post but I decided they didn’t deserve engagement. You can tag them if you want though, I don’t mind, their account is pumpkin-the-girlie-girl-vixen .
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