#also autistic. but i hc half of all my favs as autistic so whatever
urfavhasavpd · 4 days
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Shin Tsukimi from Your Turn To Die has AvPD!
stupid guy i hope he gets bullied more
looking for official art to use for this was such a wild ride because of how bizzare nankidais sketches are. what the fuck is going on here
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yippieitsarvensart · 9 months
i love floyd leech all i ever want is for him to be happy and well and healthy. do you get it. i also need to talk abt him almost all the time... ourgh
but YES them !!!! i prefer to say sebesilrid but its up to you <3 theyre literally riddle's knights in shiny armor it makes me sick
like you said its knights/queen coded. which rlly makes me think abt the two of them helping riddle out on a daily basis..... like getting his food, helping him dress himself, grabbing & carrying his books, etc. whatever the queen's wish is they will fulfill it
i also think it would be pretty cute if sebek had a human (coff coff riddle coff) he wants to get praise from. and silver would obviously figure it out and tease him abt it
PLUS theyre in the same club!!!! theyre all horse girlies. ik im right
i think its a nice detail that they all have this sense of disconnection from their peers. silver is the only human surrounded by fae at his hometown, sebek is half fae half human which means he feels disconnected from both species, and riddle had an isolate childhood with nothing but study. theyre all out of the loop somehow, and i think that they could complement each otjer w the things they do know!
plus in my head the one to confess is always silver. hes too "no filter" to not slip that he likes them and theres no need to tiptoe around them & their feelings. he does try to make sure abt their feelings first but its just so things goes smoothly! then sebek confesses to rid after some encouragement wink wink
just. urgh. those three.... im sooo glad you liked them hehe 🥰🥰 if theyre your fav Dw i gotchu i can alwaya ramble/write fanfics/draw them for you. just pls dont cry ohmygosh?
You're making me love them so bad I IIIiIisidnANHFDJSHJsj falls to the floor ?? and explodes??? The part where you say that they'd always go help Riddle out makes me think... About how utterly devoted to Riddle Sebek must be, to LEAVE Malleus to go "serve" under someone else?? And I know he worships the hellll out of Mally...
Everyone else (especially in Diasmonia) would be able to tell Sebek has a massive crush on Riddle, and like, Riddle totally doesn't know at all. He's kinda freaked out by the sudden attention/assistance he's getting from Sebek, always asking him "Don't you have to go check on Malleus? You've been with me all day-" and then is interrupted by seb like "NO! MALLEUS IS FINE... He- He said I was allowed to stay with you. Just for today." (he says that every day, and also he's lying. It's also a very obvious lie, but Riddle is kinda dumb, yu kno... hehehe)
And on that note, a personal hc of mine is that all three of them are autistic (autism twisted wonderland who?) so while Sebek is (badly) lying to Riddle, Silver doesn't pick up that he's lying either and is like "... no? We ran off today so-" and gets a hand over the mouth SO FAST.
If I had money I would be commissioning everyone and their mothers to draw me some sebesilrid I swear I would, but seeing as I'M the artist in chat I will have to do this myself... *cracks knuckles* But if YOU do anything.... tag me pleas... >_<
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