#actually apd
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For everyone with ASPD, you deserve good representation.
Help me write you an Aroallo ASPD character that represents how we can heal and be ourselves to spite our trauma without having to bend down to prosocials.
How can you help? Reblog with ramblings or comment about your personal experience of living as a pwASPD. if you aren't a pwASPD, reblogs and likes still help!
i've tried my best to do the research necessary, but the amount of ableist sites that get shoved in my face with a basic google search has pissed me off. im taking matters into my own hands and asking y'all directly for your experiences.
I haven't gone for an ASPD diagnosis because it is simply not in the cards for me right now, and would potentially be harmful for me, but i check many boxes. However, due to a likely BPD and ADHD co-morbidity i dont trust myself enough to write a solely ASPD character based off only my own experiences.
Thoughts, advice, encouragement, all is appreciated.
(Post made by Shawdios on YT)
Spice (legal name Simon) is a felinefolk/birdfolk hybrid who works as a bartender for his side of the bakery-bar Sugar & Spice that him and his caretaker formed. He grew up bouncing around in the foster system and treated like a oddity to hide due to his odd mix of genetics. But his last caretaker, Sugar, he grew to see as a genuine mother to him because she was the first to believe his side of the story and not treat him like an "Other".
Due to his feline side, he often was found hunting down squirrels, birds, and rodents as a young child. Some of which he toyed with as they died, others he simply bit and killed. This behavior off put many of his foster parents and got him transferred around to different homes quite a lot. Spice was quite the delinquent as a child, he often was provoked into fights that he most of the time lost. (The first time around at least.) But he always got a cruel form of revenge depending on the bully who knocked him down. The fighting got worse once he hit middle school, to the point where he was once expelled for half blinding another child with his claws (and going home with a broken wing and shoulder himself) By the time he's finished highschool, Sugar had adopted him and done her best to help him mellow out and process his traumas from bouncing around the system and being treated like a thing to be tamed. But, he still gets in enough trouble to gain a Conduct Disorder Diagnosis and later after he graduates an Antisocial diagnosis.
The entirety of his moral system as an adult is built on what would or would not disappoint Sugar. He's perfectly content to live out his short life baking with his mother figure, mixing drinks, and curled up by a sunny window with his nose burried in books till his bad genetics kill him, but Sugar tries to get him to at least try to interact with others. And he holds her in such high respect that he does his best to maintain a good reputation with those that stop at the bar.
His care for the world revolves solely around himself and Sugar till a birdfolk with one wing named Autumn violently enters his life (and Re-enters Sugar's) and then violently leaves it five years later.
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wheelie-sick · 10 months
auditory processing disorder does not make you hard of hearing. it just doesn't! they are just simply different experiences. this doesn't mean auditory processing disorder is lesser it's just different and it's just not hard of hearing.
-someone who is/has both
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selfdxculture · 1 year
Self-dx APD (Auditory Processing Disorder) culture is:
"Have you seen my phone?"
"Have y-"
"Oh! Check the bathroom."
"What is wrong with you? Your hearing's fine?"
"Haha, I dunno." (Hearing Blippi from downstairs)
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ndcultureis · 2 years
APD culture is having 13/11/5 as one of your favourite Minecraft discs
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gayvampyr · 10 months
one thing i hate about being “out” as autistic is suddenly all communication errors are your fault. unclear directions were given? your fault for being autistic, you must’ve misunderstood directions that were “probably perfectly clear.” not enough actionable information was provided for you? it must just be your autism, you should’ve picked up on what wasn’t said. they didn’t actually tell you what you were supposed to do and expected you to read their mind? your fault, not the allistic’s for not accommodating you or just saying what they want. because apparently it’s a one way street where autistics have to bend over backward to conform and placate allistics. its your fault even when they’re 100% culpable. i hate it
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mascspomax · 7 months
if someone could write a book on how to do everything ‘normally’ with specific step by step instructions that’d be very appreciated!
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anexperimentallife · 5 days
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Which one are you?
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autism-ceo · 8 months
They love us nerodivergent people until we start acting nerodivergent
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gallusrostromegalus · 2 months
Debating on going to a concert in Denver and the first that went through my mind was that'd I'd be in your territory 😄
I promise I'm not pissing on the trees to warn off invaders.
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puppypeter · 5 months
having thoughts about richmond returning to training after lockdown and there's rules in place that they can train outside without masks but have to wear them in closed space where they're in close proximity (like the changing room) and how that would affect jamie and his understanding of other people. My dude already looks confused most times ted opens his mouths and talks in metaphors and americanisms, now imagine that and you can't even lip read to follow along.
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autism-affirmations · 2 years
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i love subtitles i can actually understand what's happening
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ASPD Content creator!
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dodgeryy · 7 months
Anyone with personality disorders willing to share difficulties in relationships/intimate connections?? Asks, comments, rbs??
-Cluster b (borderline) trying to get to know more about the other clusters and PDs because you never really understand until you talk w em I find.
For me personally the main trigger is just fear of abandonment and emotional permanency. Which literally categorizes bpd but idk if other clusters are as interpersonally defined and recognizable as b???
You're all valid! This is a safe space correct me if I said anything wrong.
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I feel like it isn't talked about enough, but AvPD is frequently caused by trauma. It's totally valid if you have AvPD that wasn't caused by trauma, but I want to shoutout:
Folks who have AvPD because of childhood abuse
Folks who have AvPD because of childhood neglect (physical or emotional)
Folks who have AvPD because of overly critical parents
Folks who have AvPD because of parents who were doing their best. And parents that truly loved them (That doesn't change how damaging their actions were)
Folks who have AvPD because they had another form of neurodivergence
Folks who have AvPD because of bullying
Folks who have AvPD because of being LGBTQIANP+
Folks who have AvPD because they’re physically disabled
Folks who have AvPD because they’re mentally disabled
Folks who have AvPD because they’re intellectually disabled
Folks who have AvPD because they’re developmentally disabled
Folks who have AvPD because of domestic violence
Folks who have AvPD because of abusive relationships
Folks who have AvPD because of another PD
Folks who have AvPD because they were undervalued
Folks who have AvPD because they weren’t believed
Folks who have AvPD because they have physical differences
Folks who have AvPD because they’re a racial or cultural minority
Folks who have AvPD because of poverty
Folks who have AvPD because of religious trauma
Folks who have AvPD because of medical trauma
Folks who have AvPD because academic trauma
Folks who have AvPD because they’re alterhuman+
Folks who have AvPD because of sexual trauma
Folks who have AvPD because of manipulation
Folks who have AvPD because of gaslighting
Folks who have AvPD because of reasons I forgot
Folks who have AvPD because of multiple traumas
Folks who have AvPD because reason they’re unsure of
Folks who have AvPD because something other than trauma
Folks who have AvPD
You’re doing a great job
I’m proud of you
You deserve to take up space
You’re perfect as you are
I love you.
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bambiraptorx · 7 months
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@mudlarkspur 's Donnie and MI! Donnie would be so chaotic together (there would probably be explosions)
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kestrel-tree · 9 months
"lol you're so random and spontaneous"
Buddy, I have auditory processing disorder. I was fully staying on topic for what I thought you said. Thanks for believing I'm like this on purpose tho.
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