#a bit dialogue heavy on this one
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page 50...wowza...
#kirby#magolor#marx kirby#star to star#kirby 64#kirby and the crystal shards#neostar kirby#a bit dialogue heavy on this one#my art
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"We need cash." Two, Soda, Steve, Dallas, Pony, 'n Johnny crowd the living room in a loose circle like mourners at a funeral. Between them, the shattered, stacked, 'n swept together corpse of what had once been their TV.
"We? Ain't my fault it's broken." Dallas kicks at a shard of glass 'n Pony narrows his eyes at him. "Blame it on the kid 'n call it a night."
"Hey!" Pony stomps a foot before he can catch himself, crosses his arms. "It wasn't me!"
Steve scoffs, rolls his eyes. Pony's face darkens murderously. "Was too."
"No, it was not! You were the one who fuckin' threw me!" Soda 'n Two's eyes ping pong back 'n fourth between the two of them.
"Did not! 'N if I did it was only 'cause you started the fight."
"Bullshit!" Pony's voice hits a shrill high note 'n Steve smirks at him, self-satisfied. "I only started it 'cause you were fuckin' callin' me names you asshole."
"Well, I wouldn't have been callin' you names if you hadn't been actin' like a brat." Pony lets out an indignant wail 'n Soda has to fly across the group to snag him by the waist so he doesn't start right back up again.
"Ok, ok. Enough you two." Pony writhes around like a fish on a hook for another moment before Soda jabs him in the ribs 'n he howls but stops fightin'. "This isn't solvin' our problems."
"I don't see how this is an us problem." Dallas tries again, hooks an arm around Johnny's shoulder 'n pulls him close. "I just got here, Johnny wasn't involved, 'n neither was Two. Soda bites the bullet for not stoppin' 'em 'n Darry can string the idiots up as he so pleases. What's the problem?"
Steve 'n Pony both turn on him, united for the first time that afternoon, fingers pointed 'n accusin'. "'Cause Two was bettin' on us-"
"Hey! Look, all's fair 'n love 'n war or whatever they say. Nobody asked ya to start rumblin' in the livin' room of all places."
"Yeah, 'n Darry'll love to hear that." Steve grabs his hip, wags a finger in a pretty damn passin' imitation of Darry. "Two-Bit Mathews you're how old now? Glory God almighty when are you gonna get any sense- OW!" Steve hollers at the comic Two's rolled up 'n thumped him over the head with.
"Ok, Ok fine. But I wasn't fuckin' bettin' against myself!" Two glares pointedly at Soda who rocks back 'n forth on his heels, suddenly findin' the floor real interestin'.
"Soda!" Steve stops nursin' his head to glare at Soda with wide eyes.
"Hey! Look! I'm sorry!" He blinks, tries his best tip-earnin' grin. "It was all on you, Stevie."
"SODA!" Pony whips on him quick as quick, quiverin' with as much indignance 'n outrage a fourteen-year-old can manage. Soda swallows back a snort, grabs Pony's face in his hands. "I'm sorry-"
"Well. Tough shit for y'all. But I don't see what this has to do with me or Johnny 'n I'm of the mind to beat it before Darry gets home 'n raises hell."
"Uh, Dal." Johnny clears his throat 'n tries to ignore the pointed stares of the rest of the gang hot on his face, runs a hand up the back of his neck, blows out a long breath. "IhadfiftycentsonPonyboy."
"Johnny!" Dallas drops him but doesn't sound half as annoyed as he does impressed.
"Well at least someone was in my corner-" Pony shoots Soda an aggravated glance 'n Soda throws his hands up placatingly.
"Yeah, speakin' of which." Two whips his hand out, palm up, 'n makes a grabbin' motion. Both Soda 'n Johnny huff but reach in their pockets 'n pull out quarters, dumpin' into Two's waitin' hands. He hoots his laughter 'n shoves the dollars' worth of change into his pants.
"Wait, who were you bettin' on Two?" Steve crosses his arms at the same time Pony plunks his hands on his hips, both glarin' accusingly.
"Me? I wasn't playin' for neither of ya! I bet y'all were gonna break somethin'!" Two cracks himself up, howlin'. It doesn't last for long 'n Pony 'n Steve turn succinctly on him, draggin' him down to the floor 'n landin' jabs wherever they can reach.
"Good lord. Well, y'all have fun with that one. I'm peelin' outta here."
"Oh no you don't." Soda catches one hand deftly in the collar of Dallas' jacket as he turns to leave, hefts him back. "You even think about wormin' outta this I'll tell Darry about that time you smoked all that pot 'n threw up 'n I had to carry a bowl a soup down to Buck's for your scrawny ass."
"Yeah, or that time you got picked up for shopliftin' 'n when the cops called I picked up the phone 'n never told Dar." Steve pauses in his onslaught of Two-Bit to throw his hat in the ring. The moment he's not focused Two wriggles out, flips him easily onto his back.
"Or that one time with Tim-"
"OK. Goddamn! No wonder Darry's goin' grey. Y'all are enough to send a man to an early grave." Dallas scowls 'n throw his hands up, shakin' Soda off. "So what now?"
"Now we need cash." Two says plaintively 'n they all stare down at the wreckage again.
"Ok. Thanks, genius." Steve rolls his eyes, clambers back to his feet, offers Pony his hand 'n hauls him up. "What are we lookin' at here? Like what? Twenty bucks?"
"Twenty bucks? Steve, what world do you live on where a TV is twenty goddamn bucks?" Dallas toes at the the box 'n it sparks. "Jesus Christ, none of you unplugged it? Hurry up 'n yank the plug out before we gotta by Dar a new house too."
Both Soda 'n Johnny dive for the cord 'n Johnny pulls up at the last second so they don't crack their heads together.
"So what, like fifty?" Pony 'n Soda exchange a glance, avert their eyes.
"Uh, try more like eighty, man." Soda plops down on his ass, looks desolately at the hunk of plastic 'n glass again.
"EIGHTY? Guys. We're dead. More than dead. Dar's gonna kill us, bury us, 'n then dig us back up again." Steve chews at his thumbnail, paces quick back 'n forth.
"Naw, Steve. Be realistic." Two grins, stuffs his hands into his pockets. "He'd never go through all that work for us. I think just killin' us the first time around'll do it."
Pony groans, presses both his palms into his eyes 'n collapses back into the armchair. "Not funny, Two."
"Aw, not even a lil-" He's cut off by the throw pillow Steve beams at his head, hittin' him square in the face.
"Man focus. We got cash, right?" Dallas refocuses the room, looks at them each in turn. The silence is answer enough, the celin', floor, 'n walls becomin' real fascinatin'. "Man, y'all've got to be jokin'. Steve, don't you have some money from the DX or your da put away?"
"Uh, well, no. Not really. Kinda, uh, lost it. All." He twiddles the bottom of his vest between his fingers, refuses to look up.
"Whatta ya mean lost it?"
"Look you lose one goddamn drag 'n suddenly everyone's crawlin' up your ass! How was I supposed to know that? 'N hey, what about you, Two? I don't hear you offerin' anythin' up."
"Ha! What money? I didn't have anythin' to start with don't look at me. Ask Soda, he's employed."
Soda throws his hands up guiltily. "Don't look over here. I got six bucks to my good name."
"Yeah, good 'n broke-" Soda pulls a face 'n kicks Dallas hard in the shin before he can duck outta the way.
"Where'd your paycheck go, Soda?" Johnny prods at him with his foot 'n Soda playfully catches it, yanks at him.
"Hey, I keep the lights on in this place!"
"And the rest of it?" Johnny pulls back 'n, when he realizes Soda ain't lettin' up, reaches down to jab at the ticklish spot on Soda's ribs.
"What? A man can't be afforded a lil' fun?" Soda yowls 'n drops his foot, wrigglin' backwards to get away. "How was I supposed to know a guitar was twenty-five bucks?"
"Soda!" Pony's jaw drops open. "You can't even play!"
"Hey! Yet! Gimme some credit! Plus I don't wanna hear anythin' from mister no job over there." Soda crosses his arms dramatically but he's grinnin' the whole way 'n all of them know he doesn't mean it.
"That ain't fair! Darry won't let me get a job. 'Course I don't got no goddamn money. Look at Dal. He's got a job!"
"First of all, I didn't even break the fuckin' TV. Second of all, how much money I got is none of your damn business." Dallas scowls, turns his nose up. Steve groans, drops down to the couch with his head in his hands.
"God so we're all broke."
"Shut up, Dal." Two cuts him off 'n Dallas' shifts his glare, damn near murderous. "Johnny Cakes?" He tries, weakly hopeful.
"Uh, I got three bucks." Soda quirks an eyebrow up 'n Johnny plops his hands on his hips.
"Where did you-"
"Ya gonna ask questions or are ya gonna take it?" Soda studies him for a moment, arms crossed still 'n doin' a cartoonish impression of a fussin' hen.
"Boys, we got a real hood among us here today." He hoots 'n Johnny kicks him in the hip, both of them still howlin'. "So that brings us up to, what?"
"Uh, nine bucks. Ten if someone can wrestle that change outta Two's pocket." Pony leans forward, elbows on his knees, 'n sizes Two up like he stood even a single chance.
"Man. I want lillies at my funeral. Can I put that out there? Should we do last rites now or-"
"Aw, hush up, Steve. Look, we just gotta scrape together a little money before Dar gets back. We can get, uh, what was it?" Soda frowns, counts absently on his fingers.
"Seventy more bucks." Pony dead pans 'n Soda's self-assured smile wavers a bit.
"C'mon, that's nothin'! We just gotta put our heads together." Soda climbs to his feet, rubs his hands together in thought. "How do we get our hands on some quick cash?"
Dallas 'n Two open their mouths 'n Soda throws out an accusin' finger to each of them. "'N nobody's doin' nothin' illegal 'cause if Dar has to pick one of us from the station before he comes home to no TV he's gonna start inventin' cruel 'n unusual punishments, y'hear?"
Dallas rolls his eyes 'n mutters 'n Two nods absently in agreement but they both don't offer any other ideas. "Anythin' else?"
"Uh, pawn shop?" Pony offers.
"Yeah, great idea, Pone. Anyone have any expensive jewelry they've been keepin' back?" Steve drawls, dryly, apparently resigned to his fate.
"Well, it ain't mine but I got, uh, a Singer we could sell." Dallas leans back in the doorway, waits for the onslaught of questions. They don't disappoint.
"A Singer? Dal, you've been watchin' me hafta hand hem 'n you had a Singer?" Soda howls, goes to kick him in the shin again but Dallas is prepared this time 'n dodges it.
"Where the hell did you get a Singer-?"
"Look! It was Sylvie's, right? When I kicked her out she didn't get the chance to take it or nothin'. It ain't mine." He throws his hands up defensively, eyes Soda still standin' close enough to wallop him if he decided to. Soda glares back like he's still makin' up his mind about goin' for round two.
"Aw, man. We can't pawn off Sylvie's stuff." Johnny backs outta the way as Soda decides to give it another go 'n jabs at Dallas. "She mighta been a lil' mean but she don't deserve to have her shit sold off."
"The bitch- Soda get offa me- two-timed me? Remember?" Dallas knocks Soda's hands deftly away 'n Soda sneaks in on more solid kick before retreatin'.
"Oh, yeah." Johnny rocks back 'n forth on his heels, still clearly uncomfortable with the whole idea.
"Maybe Soda 'n Steve could pick up some extra shifts for a bit?" Pony tries again, clearly not as willin' as Steve to lie down 'n take his medicine.
"Yeah, another winner, Pone. 'N when Darry comes home to no TV tonight?" Steve scowls at him 'n Pony glares back, the two still dangerously close to another all-out scrap.
"Well, at least I'm comin' up with somethin'."
"Doesn't help if it's all stupid-"
"Alright you two, knock it off. We can't afford to have to buy anythin' else y'all broke 'cause y'all can't keep your traps shut." Two cuts in 'n they both round on him, glarin'.
"Look who's talkin'!" Steve mutters 'n Two grins 'n flips him off.
The laughter 'n bickerin' trail off, lapsin' into silence again. Each lookin' guiltily at the disaster, eyein' each other. "Well, uh, is anyone not above beggin'?" No one says anythin' 'n Two clicks his teeth, nods. "Yeah, didn't think so."
"Hey, guys." Six heads turn to look at Pony, suddenly ashen 'n lookin' past them up at the clock in the kitchen. "Is this a bad time to tell y'all Dar told me to tell y'all he'd be home early this afternoon?"
"Pony." Steve flies to his feet, grabs Pony by his shoulders. "How early?"
Somehow, Pony manages to pale even further. "Uh. In like. An hour?"
As if it had heard, the TV hisses, flashes, lets out one final death rattle 'n falls silent so it's just the seven of them, eyein' each other like men at the gallows.
"Dallas?" Johnny gives himself a shake, grabs his jacket from the back of the sofa.
"Yeah, man?"
"Let's get your girlfriend's stuff."
#UGH#this was so fun actually#guys#theyre silly#when you think about it#also this fic was SO dialogue heavy#yall dont know it yet but this is me makin up for somethin im cookin up that is both sad N has like 5 total speakin lines#anyways#my penitance#theyre just my guys frl#lettin them be kids forever n ever#also even if they had managed to replace the TV darrry still would have come straight home#taken one look at them#n simply known#darry can see STRAIGHT through their asses#the outsiders#sodapop curtis#ponyboy curtis#darry curtis#dallas winston#steve randle#johnny cade#two bit mathews#my writing#also if you can tell me what song this fic is based off of ill love you forever#the outsiders fanfiction
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I'll upload the masterpost for this once i introduce some of the other AUs
#malevolent#malevolent podcast#across the keys#malevolent fanart#arthur lester#malevolent au#john doe#john doe malevolent#john malevolent#arthur lester malevolent#arthur malevolent#dark arthur#darkthur#the wraith#wraith malevolent#the wraith malevolent#does she have a tag??#she does now#my art#sorry for the inconsistent border width and dialogue heavy last page#a little hard to balance the entirely dialogue/audio media with one that needs a bit more spacing#setting a reminder to go back and add IDs for these#edited cause i forgot arthur's eyes and the wraith shadow#shhshshhs
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"Don't you find it suspicious?" Barry asks Wally.
"The attendees. It's such a weird hodgepodge of people."
"Really? Everyone here is well known in their fields of work."
Barry doesn't seem to believe him. Rude.
"It's true!" he insists, "Everyone here has at least two articles written about them."
"And how would you know that?" Bart asks.
"Because I actually read the news?" Wally says. That, and Dick let him in on the whole plan that's been cooked up. He's upset that he wasn't brought in earlier, but he's more than excited to watch the security footage from 'Phase One'.
Iris gasps mockingly. "You do? I don't believe it!"
Wally sniffs. "Believe it or not, Iris, I don't live under a rock."
"Could've fooled me!" Dick snorts from behind him.
Whirling around, Wally grins at his best friend. "Dick!"
"Hey, loser." He directs his attention to the other three at the table, "Mister and Misses Allen, it's nice to meet you. I'm Richard Grayson, but everyone calls me 'Dick'."
Bart snickers. "Unfortunate."
Dick grins and ruffles his hair. "What's your name, little man?"
"'m Bart Allen!"
"Nice to meet ya, Bart." Crouching down, Dick stage whispers, "Can I let you in on a secret?"
Bart nods.
"If you go back out the doors, turn left and there's another room there."
Bart playfully glares at him. "Try'n to get me to a secondary location?"
Dick shakes his head. "Well, if you want to hang out here with the boring adults..."
"Bye, Barry, Iris!" he calls, running - though it's closer to a slow jog for a non-powered person - off, leaving the room.
"You guys set up another room?" Wally asks.
Dick shrugs. "I know, when I was a kid, that I would've done anything to get out of this stuffy atmosphere."
"That's fair."
"Sorry to interrupt," Iris says, "But where did you two meet?"
The duo share a look. It's Dick who says, "I met him when he was visiting Bludhaven a while back."
Wally nods. "Yeah, he's with the BHPD; He got me outta some trouble while I was there."
"Trouble?" Barry almost laughs, "What happened?"
Wally blushes, clearly embarrassed. "Let's, um, not get into this right now."
Iris smirks. "Now, Wally, what do you have to be so shy about?"
This was not a story Wally wanted out. Fortunately, Dick was on his side. For now, at least.
"As much as I'd love to tell you how much cocaine got popped over his head," -he ignores Wally's indignant shout and punch to his shoulder- "I've got a few other people to meet. It was nice meeting you both. Please, I hope you enjoy."
There's a group surrounding Bruce, as is normal for galas, though it isn't intentional this time. Most of them are the One Percenter's that were invited to shift suspicions, but there are a few heroes and their families with him. Lois and Clark Kent being the most notable, though Oliver and Diana are here, too.
He's got eyes on his kids, too, making sure they're all okay. Like before, they all have comms in, but they're all umutted unless something happens. The noise, otherwise, would've been too much and obvious to the Supers.
Dick's just finished talking with the Allens, excusing himself and heading over to Donna Troy and Jackson Hyde are talking. Wally looks to be trying to follow after him.
Jason's off talking to Roy and Lian, though Dinah has her eye on them while Oliver's distracted.
Damian and Jon Kent are already walking out of the room. Because dinner's been served and eaten, he doesn't call his son back.
Tim and Duke have been gone for the past few minutes. They'd both left the ballroom as soon as they could, probably off to the room they'd set up away from the boring monotony of the gala. Most of the teen heroes were gone, too.
Cass and Steph are oth talking to the three reporters, though the two from social media seem more interested in online gossip than the Daily Profit reporter.
"Mister Wayne!" Lois greets, pulling his attention back to the group around him, "Are the rumors about you and Batman true?" There's a gleam in her eyes as she speaks. She knows something. She probably knew his secret the second she saw the wax seal. Good. More things to hold over Clark's head.
Bruce smiles at her. "What rumors?"
"That you hate each other." she says, "You've said, on record, that you think Batman does good for this city just in the wrong way; and there's rumors that he's said that you do good work, too, but he just doesn't like you."
He fakes hurt so obviously that everyone can tell he's either joking or he doesn't care, "Batman doesn't like me?" Shocking information, that is. Imagine that.
"That's only speculation, Mister Wayne."
"Please, Mister Wayne was my father, just as Misses Wayne was my mother. Please, call me 'Bruce'."
"Alright, Bruce. Would you mind explaining your thoughts on Batman? He's Gotham's hero, so why don't you like him."
"What is this, an interview?" he jokes. It falls flat, though the people around him chuckle, as social rules demand. "Miss Lane,"
"Please, it's 'Lois'."
"Lois, then. You're here as a guest, so why do you insist on working?"
She smiles sheepishly, though she doesn't back down. "I'm a reporter through and through, Burce, I can't help it."
He chuckles, "Well, then I guess I can help you put these rumors to rest." He pauses for a moment, feigning putting his thoughts together. "While I do think that Batman is doing good for Gotham, I can also see the flaws in his design. After all, he's only one man."
"Oh?" one of the others in the crowd around him asks, "Have you met him?"
"Only once; he saved me when I had been kidnapped a few years ago," the Gothamites in the crowd nod knowingly, though Luther - who's sneering not-so-subtly - shakes his head, "just after Robin appeared, I believe. And I think that's the thing I hate about him the most."
"Hate?" Oliver, who's near the back of the group, wonders. Diana must recognise his voice because she looks over at him and doesn't look away. Point Bruce.
"He never should've brought a child into his line of work. I can never forgive him for that." Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Dick and Jason both share a look. He's speaking loudly, so he isn't surprised they hear. He means it, though. "Back to what I was saying, though! Batman does good work, but there are other solutions he's either overlooking or choosing to ignore."
"Such as..?" Lois prods.
Such as murder. That goes against his Code, but he's considered it. Though he walks a gray line, Kal is there as his moral compass. It wouldn't do to upset his best friend like that. Torture is also a solution, but that's also off the table, though Diana is the reason for that.
"Now, now, Miss Lois, I think it' time we leave this discussion for now. It's been a while since I was last in Metropolis; how's your own city's hero doing?"
Subtle, Bruce.
Lois looks deeply into his eyes, and whatever pieces she'd been missing click into place. She laughs, "He's doing well, though I haven't been reporting on him lately. That's all Clark."
"Have you met Superman?" Miss. Crowne asks, pulling the conversation along.
Clark shakes his head. "Only once, but not nearly long enough to get a comment." Luther looks slightly upset. Loser. "Though I'd love to talk to him some more. Have you ever met Batman?"
The answer is no. Batman makes a point to avoid civilians who aren't victims or Commissioner Gordon. However, Miss. Crowne says, yes, she has met Batman, though he didn't stay long for a talk. She seems to be proud of [not] meeting Gotham's resident cryptid, though her wording entices Oliver to speak up.
"Cryptid?" Oliver asks.
Miss. Crowne nods enthusiastically. "Yes! No one knows where he came from or where he goes at the end of each night. One day, he just showed up, and he's been here ever since."
She continues to spin a fantastical tale about what Gothamites think about Batman and his Birds. Bruce smirks behind his drink. This reveal is going to be really funny.
Down the left hallway from the ballroom, by the bathroom, is the sitting room that was chosen as the 'kid's room'. As soon as dinner had ended and the mingling had started, the Wayne children had spread the information about the second room to all of the heroes that had kids with them. Arguably, this room was much more fun than the ballroom.
Tim and Duke had been the first two to leave the ballroom, mostly so that there was actual security in the sitting room. Duke didn't have a team affiliated with the Justice League, so he mostly floated between the sitting room and the ballroom, like Cass and Steph, but Tim was almost a permanent fixture in the sitting room.
The entire team knows who Kon and Bart are, so thy stuck pretty close to each other as the only familiar faces in the party aside from their families. They left the ballroom soon after Tim and Duke did.
Cassie came in a few minutes later, Andy Curry toddling after her, though it didn't seem like she'd noticed.
Tim meet Cassie at the snack table. "Cute kid," he said, looking over her shoulder, "She related to you?"
Cassie didn't jump, though it was a close thing. She turned to Tim before looking behind her. "Nope."
Humming, Tim crouched down to pick up the toddler. Andrina 'Andy' Curry. Arthur and Mera will be missing her soon. "My name's Tim Drake," he says to both Andy and Cassie, though he coos, "What's your name, hun?"
Andy giggles as e boops her nose before picking her up and standing. "A-dy!"
"'Andy'?" he repeats, "Where're your parents, Andy?"
She points to the door. "Dat way!"
"That way?" Cassie says, also pointing to the door, "Why'd you leave them?"
Andy stuck her tongue out. "Bo'ing!"
Tim stifles a laugh. "Can you tell me your last name, sweety?"
"Curry?" Cassie guesses.
"Yeah!" Andy nods happily.
Tim nods. "Let's get you back to your momma, okay, Andy?"
"Boo!" she shouts, gripping his shirt tighter. Cassie laughs.
Shooting his friend a small glare, he says, "You gotta tell your momma where you are or she's gonna worry!"
Andy's face fell, distraught. "Momma sad?"
Seeing the tears, Tim hurries to say, "No! No, no,no! Hunny, she's not sad, but she will be if we don't go say 'hi', okay?"
Andy nods, her eyes still watery, but she wasn't crying, so Tim would take the win."
Cassie follows as Tim leaves the room. "You're pretty good with kids."
"You think?" Tim chuckles. It was part of his Robin training.
"Yeah, though I don't know how you're going to find her parents in a room of people."
Tim looked at her from the corner of his eye. "I memorise faces pretty easily," he says, "And I made the guest list, so they should be easy to spot. Especially if they've noticed Andy here missing."
He nods at Duke as he passes into the ballroom. Cassie waits outside for him.
Just as he said finding Arthur and Mera Curry was pretty easy. They were talking to Dinah Lance, Mister and Misses Elliot, Jason, and Roy and Lian Harper. It didn't seem like they'd realised Andy was missing yet, so this was going to be a fun conversation.
"Excuse me?" he said, placing his hand on Arthur's shoulder, "Sorry to interrupt, but Andy here was wandering off on her own, so I figured I should bring her back to you."
Mera turned, gasping a bit, though it was probably mostly for dramatics. "Andrina!" Gently, she takes the toddler from Tim's arms, "You were supposed to be with Jackson! Why did you wander off?"
"Bo'ed." Andy huffs.
Arthur chuckles. "Thanks for bringing her back, ..?"
"Tim Drake," he offers his hand for a handshake, "I'm Jason's little brother."
"Squirt," Jason acknowledges, "You sticking around?"
He shakes his head. "Nah. I'm gonna go back to the sitting room."
"What?" Roy chuckles, "Too important to stay with adults?"
Tim raises his eyebrow challengingly. "Andy had the right idea. You adults are pretty boring."
The entire group laughs as he excuses himself, leaving the room quickly. He meets Cassie just outside the door.
"I'm Cassie Sandsmark," she says, holding her hand for a handshake.
Tim accepts, "Tim Drake."
"I know. You're pretty famous, y'know?"
He groans. "Don't remind me, man."
"Not all it's cracked up to be?"
"Not even close."
Cassie laughs and Tim joins her. It'll be a weight off his shoulders when his team finally knows him in and out of costume. Though, he knows they'll be hurt at first, they'll more likely find this prank hilarious, especially when he shows them the Cave footage of Phase One.
He and Cassie find Bart and Kon in the same corner as before, though they both have food and there's more people in the room.
"Hi," Tim greets, "I'm Tim Drake. I'm glad you could make it!"
"Connor Kent," he then points to Bart, "That's Bart Allen."
"Cassie Sandsmark," she says.
They all shake hands and merge conversations. For a moment, Tim can imagine that there's no secrets between them.
Eventually, the conversation turns to the Gotham Vigilantes.
"You know the rumors, don't you?" Tim says.
"What rumors?" Kon asks.
He watches his teammates for a seconds before glancing around the room and leaning in to whisper conspiratorially. They lean in as well. "That the Bats and his Birds aren't human."
There's a pause.
"Excuse me?" Cassie blinks.
Tim nods. "No one's quite sure where or when Batman showed up. And the others? None of them seem quite human. Some people think that Batman was created by the sheer amount of magic that's cursed the city."
Bart tilts his head to the side. "Gotham's cured?"
"Yep! Didn't you know that? Can't you feel it?"
"Drake," Damian says from behind the three heroes, startling them, "What are you doing?"
Tim shrugs, leaning away from his friends, "Telling my friends about the magic in Gotham."
"Tt. Baseless assumptions."
"Half of the rogues in the city are undead."
"What?" Kon half exclaims.
"The other half have PhDs in different fields." Damian refutes, "Your point?"
"Yeah, that's fair." Tim agrees, "Konnor, Cassie, Bart; this is my little brother Damian. Damian, this is Konnor Kent, Cassie Sandsmark, and Bart Allen."
"Pleasure to meet you." He was not convincing in the least.
"Nice to meet ya, little dude," Kon smiles.
Damian scowls. "Do not call me little."
"Aww!" Bart coos, laughing, "He's so cute!"
Damian bristles like a cat. "I am not-!"
He's cut off by Jon Kent throwing an arm over his shoulder. "Dami!" he smiles, "You've met my uncle now!"
Cassie does a double take. "You're an uncle?"
Kon shakes his head. "Yep."
"Jon," Damian says, significantly calmer now that his friend is here. "Remove your arm from my shoulder or I will remove it from yours."
Tim clicks his tongue. "Don't be like that, Dami. Who's your friend?"
"This is my nephew, as your heard," Kon introduces, "Jon Kent."
"You're Clark and Lois's kid, huh?" Tim asks.
"You know my parents?"
"'Course," he shrugs, "They've covered quite a few of the events that I've been to."
"You say that as though that's something to be proud of," Damian snarks.
"Shove off, Baby Bat."
If anyone asks, the slip was purposeful.
The group freezes.
For a long moment, their little corner is silent.
"No fucking way." Kon swears. "Red?!"
Tim barely hides his snort. "Surprise."
Damian sighs. "Nice going, Drake."
"Oh, shove off, brat. I was gonna tell them anyway." Quieter, he says, "Though, the meeting I was arranging is redundant now."
"Hold on, hold on, hold on!" Bart interrupts, 'What's going on?"
Sighing, Tim leans against the wall. "B decided it was time to tell our teams our real names, but, in true B fashion, he's being dramatic about it. We've pranked the Justice League, and I have the footage if you wanna see."
Cassie holds up her hand to make him stop talking. It works. "You're Red Robin. Which means you're Robin."
"Yes." Damian confirms.
"That means that Batman is Bruce Wayne." she says. It takes a second for her words to really sink in. "What the hell!"
"Are you gonna keep freaking out, or do you wanna see what we did to the Justice League last month?"
"Are you bribing us?" Bart asks, almost apauld.
"Is it working?"
Part 15 Part 17
#Batman's Biggest Hater#part 16#bruce wayne is batman's biggest hater#batman is dramatic and i will die on this hill#dc#dcu#justice league#dc comics#pranks#they're a family of detectives#using their powers for good#mostly#this one is really dialogue heavy and i'm only a little bit sorry for that#i don't know how to write parties#this was a mistake#lol#only half kidding about that. too#yes this feels a bit rushed#i've lost motivation for this story (a while ago actually) but i'm determined to finish it#timeline? what timeline?
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Haha noo Haku haha you’re too pretty to be a spy haaha
#I have a strong sense it’s him and if I’m wrong I never doubted you bestie !!!!#but he was the other ghoul that appeared with us ep one so…. idk#I just can’t think who else it could be ngl#from frostheim tohma is sort of sus but seems more like a herring#vagastrom they are either himbos or dumb I don’t think it’s them lmao ly Alan and sho but I trust them#and Leo is just a loser so it’s not him either#maybe haru too? but idk seems a bit random and the other two I don’t think so either#sinostra and mortraken too obvious too I think#and Rui already has a lot of heavy lore in his back so not Obscuary either in my book#which leaves hotarubi and I love them but they all sus for traitor vibes#haku ily it’s okay you can be my fav traitor!!!! catch me being incredibly wrong#can’t wait for this chapter to be over you guys best part so far has been that clerk in the store that appeared for like .2 dialogues#tokyo debunker#haku
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now i did not like Nosferatu (2024) for a variety of reasons. but let me tell you. seeing the purity-centered, pearl clutching, absolute disgust-first opinions dominate negative reviews has me feeling like i watched a different film. "this movie is for deranged sex-perverts" my biggest criticism was that it didn't go far enough! all that for a 2hr 12min movie and it was boring!
#like?? it was so tame! i was so disappointed!#there were some good things#set and costumes were beautiful#and the PRACTICAL EFFECTS (the pigeon in particular was amazing)#but otherwise it was just kind of eh?#i feel there were few attempts at meaningful characterization#and the bits of character that were there felt somewhat inconsistent scene by scene#so when shit hit the fan and terrible things started happening#it was just sort of like “oh. ok” because there. weren't really characters to care about#one of the two women in the main cast (arguably actually) gets killed alongside her children in what is supposed to be a horrifying attack#but neither her or the children have much character#so its just sort of like 'aw darn thats a bummer. anyway'#and ellen. the dialogue she says HINTS towards a woman with complex feelings and a rich inner life#but it is hardly ever elaborated on. she never fully gets to be a character#speaking of dialogue#the dialogue was awful its like 50% of the reason i ended up not liking it#the victorian-speak was actually okay#it was the content of the lines themselves that were just so bad#just deeply corny and heavy-handed#and not in the typical gothic literature fashion of being corny and heavy-handed mind you#but yeah. very much no characters poor dialogue#so nothing felt meaningful or deserved#by the end the feeling was 'well okay i guess but what did we do any of this for?'#oh and the acting was middling#good in some places (loved the scenes at orlok's castle)#ok most of the time#did not like lily rose depp's performance (the freaky shit she can do with her face is impressive though)#or aaron taylor johnson's#willem dafoe as always is willem dafoe#also what is it with robert eggers and not casting poc? 4 for 4 man?
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Psychonauts (Video Games) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Otto Mentallis & Lucrecia "Maligula" Mux | Nona Aquato, Ford Cruller & Otto Mentallis, Minor or Background Relationship(s) Characters: Compton Boole, Ford Cruller, Helmut Fullbear, Otto Mentallis, Lucrecia "Maligula" Mux | Nona Aquato, Cassie O'Pia, Bob Zanotto Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Slice of Life, Old Friends, bowling, Reunions, Sentimental, Some Humor, Bonding, Secret Santa, Gift Fic, Psychonauts Secret Santa 2024, can't tag the whole psy 7 group as a dynamic but it's basically all them Summary:
What better way to celebrate than to hit up the Astral Lanes Bowling Alley? An old pastime heralds a new era for Otto and his friends.
hello, @jnixz! i was your santa after your original santa dropped. hope you enjoy this psychic 7 story!
#psychonauts#psychonautssecretsanta2024#otto mentallis#ford cruller#lucrecia mux#cassie o'pia#compton boole#bob zanotto#helmut fullbear#psychonauts 2#rose writes something#a bit dialogue heavy but the premise is the seven of them having fun so it's to be expected#just one more story to go on my end
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Letters (a @journey-to-the-au Drabble)
I made another thing (yeah I couldn’t help myself but this one is shorter I think. I hope you like it!) I just. Brain fire.
Inspired by <a href="https://www.tumblr.com/journey-to-the-au/722003448742248448/may-we-hear-about-the-yaogui-attack-0-apologies" >This Post </a>
(Also I suck at linking things I’m so sorry.)
Liu crossed out the line on the parchment before him, splashing ink onto the stone beneath his feet in an frustrated spray.
“No that doesn’t sound right either!” He gritted his teeth, growing frustrated. General Liu, one of the Four great Generals of Flower- Fruit mountain and friend to its King Sun Wukong, had a dilemma.
He set the brush down, still getting used to holding it in his hands. Wukong makes this look so easy! But things of the unmonkey nature came easily to Wukong- how could they not ? He had mastered the mysterious arts that had given him such power, had defeated the demon who had first claimed Water- Curtain Cave in his absence (and more beside.) Wukong had walked among the men of the world and had claimed treasure from dragons.
Wukong would be able to hold a brush with ease and write words with a steady hand. The general tugged at his fur and looked about himself. Rolls of parchment lay about him like discarded rinds of watermelons. All the failed attempts to transcribe what his heart was trying to speak. He tugged more, hairs coming free.
When Wukong spoke of his experience in the world abroad their mountain, he had mentioned how the important people within that strange world of mortals and immortals would communicate through scrolls and parchment.
“It was too quiet at times for my liking!” He reminisced once, splashing some wine as he gesticulated upon his throne. “What silence! What needed to be written that couldn’t be communicated with a clear voice?” He would then call for one of the troop of his subjects to retell a story, for Wukong loved the telling of a yarn through voice and act.
Liu had understood why one would want words written down however. The things he wanted to say- to tell- either fled him like mist before the sun or stuck in his throat like a peach stone. The Marshal scratched behind his ear, brushing the notched edge and remembering. Remembering her.
Rin Rin.
Liu had never been one for such deep hesitation as he was now. In all the Aolai country, among and betwixt the unicorns and the phoenixes who preened and called themselves the most beautiful, where the leopards and the tigers roamed and boasted their own majesty, Liu had faced all that threatened his home with bravery. He loved this mountain, from every blade of grass to every luminous stone deep in Water-Curtain Cave. He thought none of the beasts or birds or celestial bodies in Heaven was more beautiful than his home.
Except Her.
He wanted to tell her. Tell Rin Rin how she rivaled all the clouds in heaven for her softness. How no flower could compare to her eyes and how they shined like the sea when the sun hit it. Her smile could make the trees cry and her anger could chase the stripes off a tiger.
Liu was afraid. Not afraid of her. Afraid to miss this opportunity! His tail lashed and sent a bit of paper skittering over the stone floor, knocking into several stone bowls of almonds.
The mountain was a paradise. The waterfall that crashed beyond, the pine forests that dotted the slopes where their needles spiced the air. He had faced tigers and demons, fought and thrown himself into situation after situation of danger without a second thought for himself.
Now he was hesitant. He acted as he had on that day Wukong had found Water- Curtain cave: hesitant. Marshal Liu had not been hesitant since that time- so why had he returned to this state ?
Liu looked down at the paper and groaned.
“I just want to tell her how beautiful she is…”
Steps approached from outside Liu’s room.
“So this is where you’ve been!” Wukong called, stepping into the room with a frown on his face. “I have been waiting for you in the Throne room for hours! Sentries have spotted what look to be the makings of a camp. We have a troop of creatures lurking in the shadow of our mountain and I need my Generals— what is all this stuff ?”
Liu didn’t bother to cover up his failings- he just lay his head on the stone table and glared at the brush.
“You only called for a meeting a few minutes ago, my king.” He replied from the table.
“Minutes- hours. It has been too long! What have you been up to in here?”Wukong picked up a paper scroll, the feathered crown on his head bobbing.
“You are as pretty as a … hmm. You never finished this one Liu!”
Liu moved his face to flatten into the stone table, feeling his cheeks burn and his ears itch. Of course my king would start reading them.
Shuffling paper noises sounded again as Wukong picked another scroll up.
“My heart becomes a candle when you are near—“ he frowned. “You crossed out the rest in a mess of black.”
Liu wished he could dissolve into the stone.
“You smell as sweet as a magnolia flower- your eyes are the shape of stars —“
“Please My King.” He begged. “Spare me.”
“You wrote them Liu! I am only reading.”
“And I ask for mercy, please.”
“Seems you’ve had trouble finishing whatever you were trying to say.” Mused the Sage.
“None of the words formed well enough on the paper.” Marshal Liu sighed. There came a shuffle and a brush beside him. He lifted his head to see Wukong had crossed his legs beside him, a shoulder companionably against Lius. The Monkey King twirled the brush between his fingers, unrolling a new scroll of parchment.
“If I help you Write your love poem to Rin, Will you stop mooning so sadly ?” Wukong cocked a brow at his general, side eyeing him in a way only a friend could.
Marshal Liu felt his pride pricked, just a bit. “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Liu- you have been my friend for countless years. Longer than most monkeys usually live.” Wukong dipped the brush into the inkwell, checking the ink stone and grimacing at its diminished size. “I know you from the tips of your ears to the ends of your fur. We have fought and bled side by side. You may be a master at strategy and planning but. My friend.”
Wukong turned his whole face to stare at Liu. “You suck at hiding how in love you are with Rin Rin.”
The Marshal sat up, opened his mouth to defend, to deflect —
Wukong, Great Sage Equal to Heaven, waited. His face set in a neutral and very are you really going to argue with me? expression.
Liu closed his mouth, tugged at his fur and set his chin on the stone table. “She makes me feel so—-“
“She’s so—!”
“I just can’t get the words out!” The Marshal admitted finally. “Each time I start to tell her, I freeze. I’ve tried so many times!”
When Rin and He had shared a sweet patch of strawberries he had tried to say how he loved her.
When Rin had been tending to a scratch on his face, chiding and reprimanding him for his recklessness again. Her anger had made him want to hold her and reassure her that he was fine.
When they had decided to stay out late, tails curled together as they counted the stars. Liu had wanted to compare her to each one.
And each of these times his words had either fled him or had refused to come out.
“And you thought to write them out because they keep getting stuck.”
Liu nodded.
“Give me the words and I’ll write them down.” Wukong set the tip, ready. “If I write this for you, then will come and put your mind back to keeping our mountain safe?”
Guilt itched beneath his fur. “My King i'm sorry—“
A affectionate rub of Wukongs head against his own shut the general up as the king tugged at his ear in play.
“Liu. I may not understand the power of what you are feeling,” Wukong cut off, tail thumping against the Marshals “but that doesn’t mean your feelings aren’t important. And … seeing you so distressed makes me distressed. I can help my friend in this simple task at least.”
Liu felt a warmth well from him. For all his Kings boasting and prideful proclamations, Wukong cared for each of his subjects - even in the face of his incomprehension. He would do what he could to ease his friends, his subjects, his families struggles. Wukong began to write as Liu began to speak, his face warm and his hands slowly beginning uncurl from his fur.
After just an hour with Wukongs transcribing and Liu describing, the confession was complete. Liu clutched the scroll and strapped it to his side.
He had been able to attend the Council with a lighter heart and a smile on his face. The discussion and the plans to increase patrols along the pine forest to the west of Flower Fruit Mountain had been unanimously agreed upon as the troubling information came to light.
The scouts' reports had indicated that there had been activity - a half made campfire kicked over and cold with bones from what looked like a small deer- not a few leaps and bounds from the slopes. Liu had frowned at the description of the tracks- five footed, fur and the scent of musk in the air. Another band of Monkeys … but they seem to be scouting us as well.
When Liu had this brought to attention, an immediate patrol had been sent out to gain more information on how many may be circling their home. The unspoken kept being danced around but all in that council chamber had a suspicion. Demon Monkeys….
Until they knew further who and what they were facing, Wukong wouldn’t risk a war troop to prowl the nearby hills and leave the rest of his family and people exposed.
Liu had a bit of time beneath the growing moon of night to find Rin Rin now. Before his nerves left him. Wukongs handwriting had made the words look better, flow better, feel better to the Marshals eyes. His King had sat through his flowery language, and had written it all diligently if with a little bit of snorting at times. (“Don’t compare her to pine nuts!” “But she smells of the pines and the wood and everything I love!” “…. But pine nuts ?”)
If his words failed him, Liu had them written down. If they stuck in his throat, he could pull them apart with the help of his letter. His heart was thumping, his fur was sticking out a bit as electric nerves rolled on his skin. Liu was in full armor having come from council, and it jangled softly in the night air. But it was a comforting jangle- a separate staccato rhythm against his body.
As the moon rose outside of Water-Curtain Cave casting the spray in silver light, Liu gazed out. Some other monkeys mingled in the cooling air enjoying the clear night. Tending to loved ones by either grooming fur, sharing ripening fruits from the many orchards across the vast mountain, or cuddling down in the soft grasses to gaze upward. Liu greeted each in turn, butting heads or brushing hands. Pride welled in him, making Liu stand taller. This was his home- his family. The peace they lived in was hard won and protected by their King and his Marshals- and that peace was precious.
A small bundle of babes shot past, one carrying a lychee fruit as a prize to be kept from the others. A pair of older simians gazed into the waters of the pool, leaning into each other. Liu would fight a thousand demons, all the celestial beings in the world, to keep this peace. He would tame dragons and pull the moon down from its boughs in Heaven to preserve this peace.
Liu turned, green eyes seeking. There, just beneath the pomegranate tree overlooking a mossy spray of water, he spotted the cloud gray of Rin Rin. Even in the shadow of the tree he could see her moon flower perched behind her ear, the fur perfectly groomed in wonderous swirls. He wished he had a bouquet of moonflowers to bring her or a cup of tea to present to her. He wanted to come bearing gifts and to tend and tidy her hair and weave flowers throughout it.
He came bearing his heart instead.
Said heart thumped against his chest. Steady Liu.
Liu took a moment to groom his finger through his fur, his tail, and to dust at his armor. He grabbed at a small patch of pine needles, snapping them between fingers and briefly rubbing the tips over his fur. He wanted to look his best to smell his best to be his best.
Then, gathering himself and tapping the scroll's top at his hip, Liu straightened and stepped forward.
He would tell her how much she meant to him. He would show her how much she was worth to him- between the words he had been able to wrangle and place onto a page.
Liu would never get the chance to unwind that scroll however. The night air that had been full of gentle chatter and warm conversation was broken by screams as the mountain's peace was shattered into a thousand screams of fury and fear rang off the mountain.
#hcwrites#writing stuff#I Hope you like it !#this was a bit more difficult because I kept looking at RinRin and Liu art of him giving her his cape flower#like. it kept melting my heart#very dialogue heavy#Marshal Liu is a boy with heart eyes for only one girl#rin rin#jttw au#jttw monkey king#for journey to the au#this one may not be my best only because I wanted to write more but I didn’t want to imped on what was already created#I Like filling in the blanks inbetween because it’s fun to make connections#drabble stuff#I may have made Liu a bit too obsessed with pine needles#had to pull down my big old Journey to the West book to see how many fruits and details they list for Flower fruit mountain#THEY HAVE A LOT OF FRUIT WTF I DONT REMEMBER IT FROM THE FIRST TIME READING#but again that was years ago#I’m reading a shorter version and then will be diving into that four book translation#this was fun to write because I was able to take from the book itself to give dimension to the mountain#I love adding dimension and culture to writing it jsut makes me want to go there and see and touch and feel and smell everything#if you need me to edit anything I can do it though! like if I didn’t get yer boy right I don’t mind fixing it !#hcfanfics
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Seven Sentence Sunday!
I was tagged by @try-set-me-on-fire @eddiebabygirldiaz @watchyourbuck @captain-hen @wikiangela @daffi-990 @giddyupbuck thank you <333333
Have more of the trapped in an elevator fic that's casually nicknamed put them in the pressure cooker fic, it's looking like a how long can I make them circle around the fact that they are in love with each other and just think the other doesn't feel the same way and pulling back when things get too serious and that's literally called "it's gravity after all" because for once in my life, one of my fics has a title and that title it's not a song I added in the end just because a work needs a title. prev snippet (the pov in this is alternating and I'm making this thing where they are following each other's train of thought even if they don't know and ugh if I can make this look like it does in my head is gonna be SO GOOD also I'm googling so much stuff to give Buck random facts it's kinda funny)
“You had to resuscitate me?” Buck asks, tilting his head while studying his face and it takes too much effort not to recoil, to try not to show how it had affected him. Not that he's sure he manages. “Yeah,” he nods and Buck keeps looking at him while shifting around on the floor, pulling one of his knees up and resting his arm on top of it, hesitating for a bit before speaking. “Did you know that the number of people who got struck by lightning is that high because most statistics count being hit by the charge getting released from the first point of contact as getting struck too?” “Huh?” Eddie frowns because that wasn't what he thought Buck would say. “One lightning can hit more than one person,” Buck shrugs, “statistically speaking, if you got thrown off the truck after the lightning hit, we both got struck by lightning that day, your turnout was just more efficient in insulating you from the charge than it was for me since I was the first point of contact, and you got hit by the side flash of the electricity leaving the metal,” he says as if it was just another thing he had gotten caught up researching and Eddie shakes his head once he realizes he's staring at him, trying to organize his thoughts long enough to say something. “Did you research every possible thing you could about lightning after you woke up?”
no pressure tagging 💜: @bucks118 @honestlydarkprincess @housewifebuck @cowboy-buck
#911 wip#buddie wip#writing#put them in the pressure cooker fic#seven sentence sunday#no but really theres this one bit of it that i just flow the narration to buck that I'm obsessed with and i need to finish this#but its dialogue heavy and dialogue is hard#even more when im literally forcing them to talk#and like they are bringing up everything#but they pull back once things get tense and ugh
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Everyone's comm beeps in their ear, drawing their attention. "Kon, Jon, Cassie, and Bart all know now. I'm bribing them with the footage of Phase One." Tim's voice says. Their comms beep again and the line goes silent.
Dick sighs. Yeah, that checks. Honestly, he's surprised those four hadn't been told way earlier than now.
"What's wrong?" Wally asks from beside him.
"Nothing," ha answers. He finishes the drink in his hand in one go.
Wally snorts softly. "Yeah, sure. I assume someone's blown it?"
"Tim and Dami. Both Superboy's, Wonder Girl, and Impulse all know now."
"Our Wonder Girl?"
"Ah." A beat. "The problem?"
"No problem. Though, B might say something."
"I thought he was all for telling the teams?"
"He is! This was all his idea! But Tim's bribing the other four with the footage of the Cave."
"You mean the footage that I haven't seen yet?"
"Then what are we waiting for?" Wally grabs his hand, "Let's go get Donna and go watch!"
Dick sighs again and goes along. He clicks his own comm on and says, "Me, Wally, and Donna are gonna come watch, too. Wally insists."
Damian's voice comes next. "Since when does Troy know?"
"Probably since I told her and Wally."
"What?" Steph's voice whines, "You've had two people know for so long?"
Before he can respond, Barbra hisses, "Hey! This is supposed to be a distraction free line, guys."
Jason snorts, "Me, Roy, Lian, and Duke are on our way, too. You girls should come watch; we'll make a party out of it."
"Good idea," Cass says.
Dick can see Bruce on the other side of the room, unable to react to a thing that's being said in his ear. Ha!
Bruce watched his kids all leave the room. He's glad that their teams know, though why did they have to let it slip while the party was still going on? Oh, well, nothing to do about it now. Especially because Oliver's agreed to give a speech.
"Ollie, dear, it's time for your speech now, isn't it?"
"Ah, yes." Oliver says, light pink dusting his cheeks at the address Bruce had been using since they were in high school. He made his way to the stage, the band quieting as he took the podium. "If I may have everyone's attention for just a moment?"
Great start, Ollie.
"Like all of you, the invitation to this gala tonight came as a surprise. A welcome one, but a surprise nonetheless. Now, I won't keep your attention for long, but, on behalf of Bruce, I'd like to thank everyone for coming tonight. This Gala tonight, Charity for Justice, is a fantastic way for us to give back to the people who work so hard to save us. And it's not just the Justice League; Doctors, Teachers, Veterans, et cetera. They're all heroes who deserve all the help we can give them. Being here tonight, while it may seem superficial, is a step in the right direction to helping the heroes of the world. Now, I don't know how Bruce is going to get this money to the Justice League, but I'm not one to questions his ways or his motivations. He's been a friend of mine since we were in high school, and I trust him with my life. Thank you, Bruce, for hosting tonight; And thank you all for coming and donating." Nodding to the audience, Oliver walked from the stage as they clapped.
Bruce smiled at Oliver as they met at the bottom of the stairs leading to the stage. "Thanks, Ollie. I didn't know you trusted me so much."
Oliver matched his smile. "'Course I do, Brucie! And what you're doing tonight is really good. I might just have to steal this idea from you."
Laughing, Bruce patted Oliver's shoulder before taking his place on the stage. "Thanks, Oliver, for speaking tonight. I know it was last minute, but you did great." The crowd chuckled a bit as Oliver raised the glass he now held. "At the risk of sounding like a broken record, thanks again, everyone, for coming here tonight. I know a lot of you are far from home, but it means a lot that you made the trip out.
"Admittedly, this entire gala was a spur of the moment decision. My kids, actually, came up with the idea, so if you're going to thank anyone, it should be them. They did everything on their own while sat back and let them do their thing.
"When you think of heroes, you're most likely to think of the Justice League and their sidekicks. But, who were the heroes before the Justice League was founded? Perseus, Heracles, Aeneas, Remus, Romulus, Vldar, Ragnar Lodbrok, Hua Mulan, Guan Yu. All of them were warriors. But, does combat make a hero? I don't think so. I think the thing that makes a hero is the willingness to help; the willingness to give even if you have nothing to give; the willingness to do what it takes to make sure someone gets to live even just a little bit longer.
"Oxford dictionary defines the word 'hero' as "a person who is admired or idealized for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities". While I agree, I think that this is a much too niche definition. After all, I've met hundreds of people who I would consider heroes, heard thousands more stories- and not one of them has been 'admired' or 'idealised' for it.
"Tonight, I've asked for donations from each of you. All of the money will be going towards helping the heroes of the world; those who are recognised as such, those who aren't, and everyone in between. Every donation made will be matched by not only myself, but Wayne Industries as well. Then, all the money will be anonymously give to the heroes of every city represented here.
"Again, I'm so glad everyone could make it tonight, and I'm beyond glad that you've all be generous enough to help our heroes. Please enjoy the rest of your evening." The applause was loud as he walked off stage, the music picking up softly before crescendoing as the crowd began talking again.
The comm in his ear clicked just before Barbra started speaking. "That was a good speech, B. Brought some of us to tears."
He picked up a drink and sipped it as he spoke into his own comm piece. "You're watching the cameras?"
"Naturally," Damian said.
"We're all too comfortable to move," Tim explained, "So Bab's pulled the cameras up on the TV just as Oliver finished speaking."
"I've never heard Batman talk so much..." That was Bart Allen, clearly close enough to hear him over Tim's line, but not close enough to be intentional.
"Hell," Donna was probably sprawled across Dick and Wally, "I've never seen him express emotion and I knew who he was!"
Bruce hid a laugh and a smirk behind his drink. "Watch it, now."
There were a few squeaks as the comms all clicked off, Barbra taking care of his as well.
The ballroom was emptying, slower than he would like, but faster than expected. The kids (because that's what they are, no matter how old they may be) all trickled back into the ballroom, waving goodbye and joining their families as they went, though his own kept themselves near the door to say goodbye to everyone leaving. He decided to join them.
Just as Oliver, Dinah, Roy, and Lian were leaving, he stopped his old friend and pulled him aside.
Oliver's guard was still down, relaxed even as Bruce pulled him into a completely empty room and shut the door. He heard the click of a comm turning on, though no one spoke, so he could only assume it was his own.
"I was just about to head home; What's up, Bruce?"
"Oliver, there's something I need to tell you." This was gonna be so funny.
When had first started out, he knew that having the same voice in and out of costume would be a potentially detrimental mistake, so he'd dropped his voice as low as he dared and added the grit to it. Eventually, he'd gotten a voice changer, but he'd kept up the training to make sure he didn't damage his voice in case the voice changer ever broke.
Taking a deep breath, Bruce turned around and dropped his voice. "I'm Batman."
Part 16 Part 18
#Batman's Biggest Hater#part 17#bruce wayne is batman's biggest hater#batman is dramatic and i will die on this hill#dc#dcu#justice league#dc comics#pranks#they're a family of detectives#using their powers for good#mostly#this one is really dialogue heavy and i'm only a little bit sorry for that#i don't know how to write parties#this was a mistake#lol#only half kidding about that. too#yes this feels a bit rushed#i've lost motivation for this story (a while ago actually) but i'm determined to finish it#I CAN'T WRITE SPEECHES#this was unnecessarily hard#why are words hard?#omg this is so cheesey#i'm proud of it though#bruce's speech came out really good for me completely winging it
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Also I hope the action scene made an ounce of sense because half the time I was writing it I felt like this

#I actually enjoy writing action to an extent?#but it always turns out better in story format than in bullet point format#next part is probably going to be another one shot style bit of writing since it's pretty dialogue heavy
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so i maaaaaay have fallen deep into spirk suddenly 👉👈 without warning i don't even know how i got here sent help
#havoc updates#no i am no kidding#no worries! this will pass though! i won't forget the other stuff i've been working on. this is just a pattern with me#did not predict this out of all things would happen though#it's not like i'm only now into this btw as i watched the show as a kid. grew up with it even though i had no media literacy at all#everything flew over my head. probably cus it's dialogue heavy and subtext wasn't even close to being in my vocabulary#it's just so strange tho cus it's not like i'm even THAT into it but the old man yaoi's now got me on a bit of a choke hold rn#like damn it! they easily fit in the dynamics i like with characters. they also just have such immaculate dialogue together. peak material#i yearn to write characters with that level of chemistry#also a part of my soul yearns to draw fanart but also like... what would i draw? just them holding hands?? maybe???#i mean... there's no harm in it but also i'm so shy about it atm -///- i've never drawn these two losers before and i'm nervous!!#also it just hit me that all my other interests are either games or animated and this is the only life action show out of them all#think i'm also unsure what to due cus it's been ages since i've touched the franchise as a whole and i'd have to do SO much catch up T-T#the most i remember is that i watched the stuff but not the nitty gritty. also my brain is a bit occupied hyperfocusing on another franchis#soooo yeah... that doesn't help at all. darn you brain! why can't you just hyperfocus on more than one thing at a time!#and why must you suddenly hyperfocus on one thing for a week or a whole month before going back to the same old ;-;#gosh. am blabbering so hard rn. my bad#no clue what this post even is#hope my incoherent ramblings were entertaining for those who read this far :D
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yall.... I think you're actually getting an update for 1cdat... no fucking way! after a year... and... some... more :')
I'm actually gonna post it in a day or two... or maybe even in less than 24h... depends on whether I feel like making a teaser or not hahahaha (ig I could aways just make the moodboard for it anyways hahaha, I'll see what happens)
Well... those are some good news about that damned smau... but.. that also means that now I have to start the second part of what was supposed to be a one parter that I separated in two once I realized that... maybe... just maybe... it's not a good idea to post a 14k+ chapter like that with the spead i write at 😭😭😭 I can't possible make ppl wait for two years... one was enough LOL
#lilith.txt#1cdat#I ACTUALLY FINISHED IT? WOW#ok... i might revise it a bit....#BUT ITS ACTUALLY DONE I DONT BELIEVE THAT I ACTUALLY FINISHED IT!!!!!#i wanted to post it not much past a year since the last release... but... what can you do#hope everyone is enjoying the new album and is ready for some heavy angst... this is a rather depressing chapter and a big pivot in MCs life#i wanted to get it right... and tbh i was planning to have two different scenes happen in one chapter... that was silly of me#hihihi#with my writing style? impossible LOL#also... i use ellipses too much... take them away from me. why do i make so many pauses like that tf#ik it goes with the story but too much is too much man lol#also... thank god i prepared the chapter template in advance like..... a year ago....#i forgot how i did stuff... its been so long 😭#im not back back but one heafty chapter is coming... next... one that starts angsty but ends on a brighter note i hope#also... how the fuck do you write nice dialogue???? thats my fucking weakness dude???? i always get lost in the sauce 😭#soon 🥹
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#Meme#Shitpost#The Stanley Parable#WPTSP#I decided to replay the Detonation ending to see if he had any change in dialogue if I just chilled near the main controls lol#He didn't - but he Did have something to say about me replaying this specific ending so#That was fun#There's a lot of things I've forgotten in the interim hehe ♪ The shock didn't last long but it was fun while it did <3#I do like the image of Stanley just patiently and calmly making his way to this point and then plopping down on the catwalk haha#I did have to annoy him with the Broom Closet a couple times first though hehe He deserves it#Little guy :)#And with that I think I'm done for the moment - I got all the endings I could recall and test through without spending four hours on one end#I like the Art ending but I never intend to get it haha#But I think I got all the rest! Even Heaven! :D Fun fun#I dunno why I saved all the heavy ones for tonight heck - even though I know them they still make me a bit uneasy#Especially the Apartment ending ahh I still remember being freaked out the first time I saw that one#Makes me want to replay the original HL mod hehe - what became the Museum ending is so different!#And also the device used to haul Stanley around haha#Temptinggg#Anyway happy almost 4/27 here :3c#WPVG
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Wheeeeeeee one last scene left to write and I'll have a fully drafted chapter 5 for katc
#i blew through a dialogue heavy scene yesterday. about 2k in one sitting#now i have a much quieter. more sensory and introspective bit that's just syb and boomer#and once it takes me a long time to write that? edits babey.#whining wombat#ive also just. been getting more excited about katc recently. which is a good thing#but also ugh. this slower scene is gonna take me forever to write but the pacing really does call for it#after the chaos of syb's day she needs a little moment of quiet
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reading a fic and seeing the writer break heavy's english even more than in canon
#txt#reading 'going through the motions'#the sniper/scout killed me a lil bc isgaf but i saw a little bit of it in a screenshot and it interested me#but COME ONNNN CAN NO ONE WRITE HEAVY#typically qhen i think of his dialoge i immediately think of things that couls be lost from polsh to english#like missing 'the' or 'a/an' since thats not a thing in polish etc#jst overall slavic stuff#but. POEPLE DO NOT KNOW HOW L WROTE H#COMICS. HE GETS AO MUCH SPOTLIGHT. DIALOGUE AND RESPONSES AND VOICE COMMANDS.#POKER NIGHT FORRHE LOVE OF GOD#it annoys the shit out of me bc of course the slavic guy. the ooh russia graaah Kys.
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