#YouTube Enables Hate
msclaritea · 10 months
Elon Musk thinks he's Iron Man when he's actually Michael Scott
That Dealbook interview was like the worst Succession scene ever. When will his bootlicking sycophants give it up?
DEC 5, 2023
You can’t script a cringe comedy moment any better than this scene at the Dealbook conference:
Elon Musk: “The only reason I am here, Jonathan, is because you are a friend.”
Andrew Ross Sorkin: “I am Andrew.”
Classic! Michael Scott couldn’t have delivered it any better.
Elon Musk says he felt TikTok 'probing' his mind; platform 'rife' with ...
And then there was his “Go f– yourself” moment followed immediately by the painful 5 seconds in which he slowly realized he would get neither audience applause nor understanding from Sorkin. Worst Succession scene ever. (Or was it the best?)
Also, he said the people of Earth will decide who is to blame if X goes bankrupt: “The whole world will know that those advertisers killed the company…Let's see how Earth responds to that."
Dude, no one gives a f–. “Earth” isn’t losing sleep over this. Your hate-rage platform is a toxic cesspool. All you’ll get from the rest of us is a sigh of relief – and then Threads or something else will be the place we all go to complain when the refs miss a call on Sunday Night Football.
“The trouble with algorithms, is that it rewards extremes. Say you’re driving down the road and see a car crash. Of course you look. Everyone looks. The internet interprets behavior like this to mean everyone is asking for car crashes, so it tries to supply them.”
-Ev Williams (the founder of Twitter)
Gotta be honest: Musk now feels like the worst advertisement ever for Ketamine. Thought that stuff was supposed to heal you, not turn you into a heel.
Every time he opens his mouth lately, his status as a biz wizard becomes increasingly suspicious.
Elon: "Are you trying to blackmail me with money?"
Advertiser: "Well, I mean, I'm an advertiser wanting to buy ads on your platform, but I don't want my brand associated with N@zi propaganda, y'know?"
Elon: "Go f- yourself!"
I’m no MBA, but I’m pretty sure “blackmail me with money” is literally what it means to run a business. Like, if Elon ran a restaurant, would it go like this?
Customer: “I’d like the cheeseburger.”
Elon: ”Are you trying to blackmail me with money?”
Customer: ”Um, I’m trying to order food. This is a restaurant, right?”
Elon: ”Go f- yourself!"
But hey, at least he’s cleared up that he’s “against anti-anything"......". 🤣😂🤣😂
Recall recently, a big push out of nowhere, to bring back Iron Man? But Disney finally said, they were not bringing back the character? That's when even MORE vitriol started pouring out of a bunch of paid assholes on YouTube, against Disney. It seems pretty clear the man baby billionaire, Elon Musk, is pissed because they won't bring a character that in it's heyday, made people like Elon Musk look good. Many advertisers left his site, but he only goes after Bob Iger like a vicious junkyard DOG.
We're surrounded by monstrous billionaires, throwing ketamine-laced temper tantrums.
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ranvwoop · 9 months
fan ocs are great and i love them but I'm never sure if my guys count. fanchars once removed. celebrity worshipper ocs
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moonstruckme · 2 months
hello lovely!
i recently just started to work out a bit more than i used to and i am humbled. i tried to go to the gym but it’s terrifying, so i just did a home workout from a youtube video and like i said before, humbled.
could we get james x reader doing the video with her and he’s very good at all the workouts but encouraging her.
could we get remus x reader doing the video together and they both suck but support eachother
Thanks for requesting <3
modern au
Remus Lupin x fem!reader ♡ 793 words
“Okay team,” the woman on your TV says peppily, “taking things at your own pace, just ease into plank position.” 
“Ease?” Remus pants incredulously. “There’s nothing easy about this.” 
You huff a laugh, but even that tiny movement is almost enough to make your abs give out and collapse you onto your mat. You try to re-solidify, feeling a dribble of sweat roll down your back. 
“Are you breathing deeply?” you tease. It’s a reiteration of what your virtual instructor has been telling you relentlessly since the video started. 
Remus takes a strained inhale. “I don’t see where she finds the time.” 
“Amazing!” your tormentor chirps. She tilts her head up to make eye contact through the screen, looking gloriously glowy with exhilaration whereas you feel slick as a dolphin. At least it’s some consolation that Remus seems as sweaty as you are, and you don’t hate that the exertion made him discard his shirt some time ago. His bare torso is a nice distraction from the ache that’s permeating your body. “Now we’re going to kick it up a notch.” 
You and Remus both make distressed grunting sounds. She still hasn’t let you out of your plank. 
“In twenty more seconds, we’re going to go into a push-up, touching our chests to the mat, then hop our feet up for a squat.” You feel your eyes widen as you watch her demonstrate. Your legs are already burning in anticipation. “Then, jump up and do a clap! Ready? You’ve got this!” 
“Oh, fuck that,” your boyfriend sighs. He lets his elbows drop out from under him, slumping onto his stomach. 
You look over at him. “What are you doing?” 
“I’m taking things at my own pace.” Remus groans as he rolls over and sits up, grabbing his water bottle from the coffee table. It’s shoved to the side to make room for your workout. “Have a break with me, dove. She seems like she can handle this part on her own.” 
You sit back on your knees, lungs and muscles aching with relief. “Pretty sure that’s not the point,” you pant, but take the water bottle he offers you anyway. You take long, gulping sips of the cold water, so desperate that you have to gasp embarrassingly for air afterwards. You wipe a drip off your chin. “You’re such an enabler.” 
“Yeah,” Remus agrees placidly. He rolls his neck to the side, and you wince when it clicks. “I’m not feeling too bad about that right now. This is inhumane.” 
You heave a sigh, leaning back on one hand and fanning yourself with the other. “You’re right. I don’t know why I’m doing this. It can’t continue.” 
He chuckles quietly. “I’m not a fan of the exercise either, but I wouldn’t say it’s all bad.” 
You turn to look at him questioningly—wasn’t he on your side with this?—and find your boyfriend’s gaze warm and appreciative, skimming lazily over the exposed stretch of skin where you’re fanning yourself. His bottom lip curls slightly. 
You give him a dubious look. “Rem, you’re endlessly sweet to me, but I know this isn’t cute. I’m, like—” you make a face “—damp.” 
“Maybe I like you a bit damp.” Remus shrugs insouciantly. “I think I’m discovering some things about myself.” 
You fold forward with a groan, stretching your back and hiding your smile near the mat. “You’re such a liar.” 
There’s an amused huff of air, and then a kiss lands softly on the back of your shoulder. “You can think that if you want,” he says. “I have some bad news for you, though. You do have to keep doing this at least a while longer.” 
You let out a whine. “Why?” 
“Because you asked me to have James take you to his gym next week, and I did. You know he won’t let you off the hook.” 
“Oh, my god,” you moan, pulling your knees up so you can rest your head on them miserably. “Why was I so hellbent on torturing myself earlier this week?” 
Remus hums sympathetically. “I think you had good intentions.” 
“Ugh, okay.” You straighten, looking back at the video and trying to re-orient yourself in what the instructor is doing. “I have to keep going if I’m going to be even remotely prepared for what James is going to subject me to. Come on, do this with me.” 
Remus makes a surprised sound of protest. “Why do I have to do it?” 
“Because you’re the one that’s friends with the sadist who’s going to torment me next week. Please, Remus.” “Fine, fine.” Remus rolls his eyes, lovesick even when he’s pretending not to be, and stands with you. “But just this once, and then I’m turning you over to Jamie.”
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hey is racism one of your obsessions? also white and ocd. if it is, how u cope with it? i'm really afraid all the time to hurt my loved ones who are black people, and they're the majority of my loved ones. and how do u identify whats racism from whats an intrusive thought?
Most of my race-related OCD is abstract stuff like “if I move out of my parents’ house and try to live my own life outside of their control, I will have to find somewhere I can afford to pay rent, which will probably mean moving into a low-income neighborhood, which would mean inadvertently helping to gentrify the community, which would gradually push the original residents out of their homes and disrupt community ties and support systems and creating housing insecurity, so therefore I can’t move out or move on”.
I think that’s just part of a larger existential terror that I can only ever make the world worse by living in it—a net harm to the universe, molecule by misspent molecule.
I have been letting this ask sit in my inbox for weeks now because I’m convinced that anything I say will be destructive. What if my answer enables or excuses racism? What if my answer fuels the anguish of the mentally ill?
The rational and compassionate part of my mind insists that your loved ones (and mine!) understand that you (and I) are white, and have likely dealt with white peoples all their lives, and are capable of judging for themselves whether you are good to them and deserving of their intimacy. It is impossible to go through life without hurting and being hurt by people you care about—always you will have blindspots and miscommunications and competing needs. That’s just part of the curse of consciousness and being a social species. We all get a little blood on our hands eventually, one way or another… friendship involves knowing this, accepting this, and committing to avoid it and then, that failed, to make things right.
Again: your friends know you’re white. They have reason to expect the best of you or they wouldn’t be your friends. They choose to have you in their lives; trust them to trust you, and to recognize the difference between a beloved friend struggling with a treacherous and unkind brain and doing their best in an inescapably racist society, and a racist who whose bigotry makes them unworthy of their time and affection.
I do think racism obsessions are a particularly difficult manifestation of OCD to cope with because they’re hard to discuss at all without feeling like you’re implicitly asking for absolution. With other types of OCD, it’s common to seek reassurance that what you’re obsessively afraid of isn’t true—but what feels more racist than asking someone to reassure you that you’re not racist…? LMAO.
They say the “cure” to OCD, such as it is, is just to learn how to embrace the existential horror of uncertainty. Tall fucking order. Hell on Earth! But in a bizarre way I have found the rhetoric that “everyone is unconsciously and incurably racist” to be unexpectedly helpful… there is no total psychological purging and mental purification we can undergo, no amount of ritual self-flagellation that will drive the demons out, no pristine state we can aspire to and hate ourselves for soiling. Only mundane everyday commitments to compassion and empathy and solidarity and cleaning up our messes. But even then, a thought isn’t a mess. A thought I’d not a thing that happened or a choice you made. It doesn’t represent an alternate timeline branching off into a parallel universe where you have acted on it and hurt people.
Earlier this year I was playing a video game—during my lunch break I got to wondering what happened if you failed a skill check that I had passed in my own playthough, so I looked up a clip on YouTube and was so triggered by the answer (the player character calls his companion a racial slur in the heat of the moment, without meaning to, even if you’ve played him as a committed anti-racist) that I immediately spiraled and was close to throwing up in the broom closet, and when I got home I opened my own save and tried to make the player character kill himself as catharsis. It was an incredibly unreasonable guilt response to a completely fictional scenario that I hadn’t even gotten in my own playthrough, but in retrospect it was a safe way to explore fear of my own internalized racism hurting somebody and what might happen if my intrusive thoughts came true. It sucked and it was terrible and I was angry at myself for being crazy about it, but it ended up being a small dose of exposure therapy and practice at not repenting for nonexistent through self-abuse.
I dunno. This has been a long uncomfortably personal ramble but I hope it’s helpful. I don’t know if your friends know you have OCD (or how it manifests) and I don’t know whether telling them would help. But allowing yourself to trust others to trust you is far more useful than beating yourself up for thoughts you don’t want. I have on occasion warned people that I am cautious about doing certain things with them—particularly drinking—because there is a risk that I may spiral and show symptoms humiliating and uncomfortable to both of us, and I don’t want to put them in a position where they witness or feel like they have to help me manage the white guilt elements of my disorder. These conversations have usually gone well, and the mutual understanding to boundaries takes some of the tension out, which seems to reduce the triggers. It’s messy and awkward and maybe it limits who is willing to be friends with me, but IMHO it’s better than surprising someone.
As for determining whether something is an intrusive thought or actual racism, I guess my answer is: does it matter? Would you manage them differently? Intrusive thoughts may be an evil voice in your brain, but racism is an evil voice in society’s brain.
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g-xix · 8 months
Okay, so, hopefully you all know TheBurntChip (Josh Larkin), and his lovely jovely gf Sabina:
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Beautiful couple, seem happy together, no problems there.
One thing i think im seeing with the YouTubers' Girlfriends (let's call them YTer gf's, abbreviated) is that there's a certain trend in assets for which fans pick and choose to determine whether or not a YT gf is "per standard" and collectively liked.
For example, Faith and Talia have gone through shitloads of hate from fans because they actually speak their mind and are consistent with their own personal ethos within whatever content they produce and share online.
Like the whole Mia-sat-on-Ethan's-lap incident which resulted in Faith making a TikTok and speaking out on social media multiple times to call out the fact that yes - she's unhappy about it - and also the fact that it's a very valid thing to be unhappy over
Aaand this created a lot of backlash and hatred from Sidemen fans, because they don't like hearing anything that's inconsistent with what is a stereotypically immature male opinion, generally consistent with patriarchal societal roles... And this is shown through a lot of Talia and Faith's comment sections by the adolescent male SDMN fans
Hence the assumption can be made that Sidemen fans dislike YTer gf's that are too vocal about problems they've faced which aren't relevant to male audiences.
Thing is, there's obviously some YTer gf's that these fans really like, but...
Why do they like them so much???
Well, I think that both Sabina and Tennessee are two YTer gf's that can be used as examples of wamen that are completely adored by these adolescent male SDMN fans.
But their reasons for being so liked to much are so very contrasting.
Tennesse is loved because she's beautiful. We've been through this quite a bit when i went through the whole "I can't believe Danny would put his ex through that" pipeline following Locked In... But it's worth pointing out that (as far as I know), the toxic Fifa fanboys seem to love her because she's a clearly good looking woman who's undeniably got personality too (watched the saving grade pod w her on it last night) and i don't think she's said anything too inconsistent with male opinions yet, sooo... Makes sense why she's liked; imo she plays into the ideal woman from a man's perspective very well
Alternately, Sabina seems pretty reserved on social medias - not really speaking that much as a social media personality, rather just sharing her life on insta n tiktok, whatever - nothing wrong with that.
I think that the fanboys like Sabina quite a bit though, as she posts cooking content on TikTok, and idk why but there's an agenda on social medias atm, that a woman who can cook is wifey material... This woman-must-be-good-at-cooking culture ofc stems from historical patriarchal roles for women to fulfil the duty of housewives, thus being able to cook n clean - but i really have no idea why this still exists in a modern day society considering there's been so many changes within the world which now enables women to work equal jobs as men
I don't know whether this belief of cooking-women being a blessing is a toxic sorta concept though, because there's a certain tenderness and nicety to having someone cook you a meal - regardless of whether it is a male or female tbh
Either ways, Sabina does make meals and does her cooking thing on TikTok really well - like - honestly? Some days I'm jealous that I'm not the one able to eat some of the stuff she can bake n make... Back on track - yes - Sabina bakes/cooks her things n films Chippo's reaction to trying them out
Male audience love this ofc, bc it fulfils the whole woman-cooking-for-partner thing which is favoured amongst males
What's this big whole rant about though?
Well, the male fans hate Faith. Love Sabina.
Okay, cool.
These two facts weren't directly correlated until Sabina's recent post though...
Sabina chefs up some tacos for Chip, and whilst some of the comments are normal cooking TikTok comments, a lot are a bit more... targetted towards Faith:
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First time Faith's ever been slewed in Sabina's comment section n the point that i made this whole rant for is that:
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Perfect response imo, not just disagreeing and leaving it open ended, but also pulling Faith up when Faith's been demeaned by these weirdos online
I'm a big supporter of the "you can big someone up without pulling someone else down" notion, and big up Sabina for pulling Faith the fuck up when someone's tried to reduce Faith to praise Sabina
So much respect for Sabina for this one negl - didn't really have any idea about what she was like as a girlie - but this reply's firmly sold me into believing that Sabina is one for the girlies 🙏
(post-writing, blooody hell i realise there's a lot of unecessary waffle here... apologies everyone)
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0sbrain · 11 months
Check the extension is up to date
Go to your filter settings and reset them (MAKE SURE TO MAKE A COPY BEFOREHAND)
Go to the filter list and update quick fixes by clicking on the clock next to it
Make sure you don't have other adblockers enabled on youtube
if this doesn't work, check you don't have any filters for youtube, reinstall ublock, clear your cache and restart your browser
here's the long form explanation by uBlock themselves, it may seem overwhelming at first but following the steps is really easy
(as always, please reblog so people can see this since tumblr hates links. i'll try to keep the post up to date if there are any updates, so if you see this in the future, check if it is up to date)
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gaystan · 1 year
cartman and kyle host a podcast called fireside chats with kyle and eric that’s basically just red scare, cartman is dasha and kyle is anna
they're constantly beefing with each other on twitter and some people are convinced it's staged to promote the show but kyle just hates cartman That Much
a majority of their listeners are just there for the occasional mention of their batshit childhood experiences amongst all the terrible political takes
like "umm i don't wanna hear this insane opinion on al gore i want to know more about how you guys swear that he tried to get you to help him kill manbearpig when you were 8"
fans wonder if these events are true or if they're enabling each other's schizophrenia
cartman is always saying the worst reactionary things while kyle's takes are deceptively normal until he hits them with one that makes listeners go hey WHAT?
kyle resents being called a reactionary but cartman LOVES it, wears the label like a badge of pride
there is CONSTANT discourse about whether or not cartman's antisemitism is ironic or not, with the reasoning "why would kyle be friends with him if it was genuine," and kyle regularly takes to twitter to say "IT IS NOT IRONIC."
kyle peaks the mic multiple times an ep yelling at cartman, says they'll edit it out in post, never gets cut because neither of them can edit
reddit posts go up are after every episode giving timestamp warnings for when kyle gets super loud
cartman has a christian music era, gets tradcath allegations and does little to discourage them
there are people who rpf ship kyman. cartman knows about this and tweets at fans asking them to send him fic recs
secretly jacks off to them
has a bit where he gives a shout out to his favorite kyman fic of the week and kyle breaks the mic every single time screaming at him
he posts unbelievably cringy "ironic" thirst traps to his instagram story at night and "ironic" drag pictures but the outfits and makeup are too good to be a joke
he also posts pictures of butters in bed with like bites on his neck to brag about getting hot tail but it's also just as unsexy
this is how he accidentally comes out, he was so distracted by the need to flex that he forgot he's still trying to beat the gay allegations
the "ironic" kyman fic jokes stop being funny
butters is adam friedland and kenny is the girl he cheated with
the butters show is cohosted with dougie and part of the alt right pipeline
stan is kyle's offline boyfriend in a B list rock band and wears fireside merch on stage sometimes
this includes the isis shirts which he swears up and down he didn't know were isis shirts
deeply apolitical by choice so whenever kyle talks to him about podcast stuff he nods along like whatever you say honey
he still listens to it he just tunes out of the political talk
the day his fans find out he's gay is the biggest day for them since his 2021 single hit the hot 100
everyone analyzing his old lyrics like oh my god. this was about a MAN. it all makes sense.
kenny is a twitter microceleb and socialite, much like with cartman controversy is part of the brand
gained thousands of followers over the butters cheating discourse
thirst tweets about kyle and they're secretly unironic
comes on fireside and rates youtubers he's slept with, kyle is disgusted and cartman is delighted
chapo trap house is craig and those guys
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Jesus fucking Christ I fucking hate "The Doll Community" especially Monster High and g3 monster high, I really do...
I was just watching a video of this big name doll youtuber reporting on doll news, as they do, and they were covering the new Beetlejuice Skullector Two Pack, but what got me is they how said some pretty Anti leaning shit that was just unnecessary?
Like they literally said: "Obviously NO ONE ships Beetlejuice and Lydia so NO ONE would promote this as a romantic thing.. But if it's a wedding set that's set to release Valentines day then la de dah blah blah!"
And like? I honestly didn't know if this person was just saying this to just like, cover their own ass so THEY didn't get harassed by other tenderqueers because they were young, or if *they* genuinely believed what they were saying? Because from what I've watched from their channel, they're young and don't seem to know or care a lot about horror as genre in general? Like I don't mean to gate keep, but they're one one those obnoxious Monster High fans I made of fun of in my one post where it's like, "knows nothing about horror, just learned who Elvira is, only got into mh as a kid as the 'alternative' to their conservative ass parents who already believe pokemon is The Devil letting them experience Actual Horror and just never stopped consuming the dolls and Skullectors regardless if they're even familiar with the source material" kinda people? And yeah, that gets really annoying?
But I obviously didn't want this to be my cutting off point for watching their channel because ... Doll news?
So, I just wrote up the most, civil. neutral comment I could possibly articulate explaining how the Beetlejuice fandom's been practically built off of nothing but shipping for 36 years and how people can think whatever they want but Winona Ryder does ship it and it was quite frankly unprofessional of them to alienate Beetlebabes who might want to grab the two pack by implying there's a right way and a wrong way of interpreting the movie and the relationship between these iconic characters and they should respect the older fanbase and all the history that came before the musical?
And I was about to post it, but then I got nervous when I remembered, that I once purchased a doll from this person, which meant that they had my address at one point, which meant if they didn't like what I was saying, they could like, maybe dig it up and dox me? Or at least threaten to and I'd have cause to panic over it being like, legit or not? And I tried to brush it from my mind like nuh nuh they're cool they're cool... They're not on *that* level of Anti...
So then I just tried to check and refresh the comments to see any more overt ship bashing was taking place and of course, I just immediately find this:
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So then I do this little blackout thingy for the usernames so that none of this can get back to youtube, and I go to screencap my comment so I can at least post it here in a vent, but I lost my comment trying to get the screen cap thingy to work and accidently clicking the youtube refresh button... 😔
... I just...I hate having such a lil' ghost face moment right now, but just like... I hate you legit fake horror fan Monster High collectors who can't appreciate horror having romantic subtext when that's the entire point yet you keep hoarding all the dolls anyway, I hate you little faggity boys with broccoli haircuts and split dyes who pressure girls into sending you nudes and the retired Mommy Vloggers who enable you, I find you extremely annoying XCanadensis, I hate you for your extremely annoying editing and intros zombiexcorn, I like you Lookin' Bratz but I hate your bratzline podcast cohost for fully admitting to doing a binge watch of all the Harry Potter movies in the franchise for "the first time ever" in fuckin' 2024 with absolutely no disclaimers or acknowledgment of the elephant in the room there and thinking that was a good idea to disclose something as quite frankly as disgusting as that and ruining what could've been a nice gothic doll chat for me and putting sour taste in my mouth about listening to the rest of your podcast...
And I especially hate that one dude with the ugly live action beauty and the beast dolls with the pink hair and the bowl cut and the glasses who for some reason keeps insisting every time she's brought up that Ghoulia Yelps can't be disabled/autistic because she's supposed to have some type of racial coding...
(I love you weirdo OOAK Doll Artists, you're the only Real Ones left! ❤🫶)
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just-antithings · 5 months
I know that a lot of proship people are anti rpf and that's fine. But I also feel like a lot of rpf criticism comes from a place that's entirely not relatable to me. When people hear rpf, they usually imagine people being obsessed with 18 years old youtubers. I read and write rpf about professional soccer players, usually older/retired ones.
I do that mostly because I really love the sport, but it kills me to know how disgusting the industry is. Rpf somehow makes it better. It allows me to be delusional, to give those players a reason to be the way they are, to make them relatable. And I know a lot of fellow rpf writers who feel the same.
Obviously, I'm not going to send my fics to the players or something. I doubt they'd even click on it, in the sea of hateful comments from teenage boys they receive lmao, but still. I'm not assuming that every single player is a sexual predator, has ties to mafia or whatever. But at this point, I acknowledge that every single high profile player knows someone who does. That the industry enables or even rewards these disgusting individuals.
Personally, I don't feel bad for writing things about them which I wouldn't write about said 18 years old youtuber. Rpf is the only reason I didn't go crazy and didn't lose my love for the sport years ago. And, on old livejournal, people used to treat football rpf more like faceclaims either way. It's made up.
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h8crimesmd · 11 months
youtube comment sections are w i l d
i was looking for scenes from the tritter arc and evidently, there's a ton of people hating on wilson for turning house in, leaving him after the overdose, etc. etc.
i don't get it.
there's a lot you can say about whether or not wilson should have hung house out to dry. for me, i'm not sure what else he could have done.
his license is suspended, house only lets his fellows help wilson when it's convenient to him, his car is impounded, his assets are frozen. it's interesting that tritter doesn't try this on any of the other doctors, cuddy included. was he right to turn house in? maybe not. but i think after a certain point, he was just fed up. which he's allowed to be!
a big thing i saw was that people didn't like when wilson seemed surprised and got mad that house just acted like house, but i think we forget that he's also a human being that can hope for change. he's got the patience of a saint, but that patience isn't infallible.
he knows how serious the investigation is and what the stakes are, and it's not unreasonable for wilson to hope that house would change in these circumstances.
and it's not entirely unreasonable for wilson to get angry when he doesn't.
there's that scene where he yells at house to get help, to show some remorse. it's so important to me that we see wilson get angry every now and then, otherwise he's a doormat. don't get me wrong, we see him roll over for house all the time, but it's in situations like these when he really puts his foot down that we see house actually listen. you can see him sober up when wilson tells him to get out of his office.
onto the overdose. it wasn't medically safe for wilson to leave him there, that's true. he could have vomited again and choked etc. there needed to be someone there with house.
however, i don't think that someone should have been wilson.
wilson, who's been both enabling house's drug habit and trying to get him off of it.
wilson, who lied to a police officer about writing prescriptions, something that could have definitely gotten his license taken away and/or arrested.
wilson, who was fully willing to go to jail for house, so much so that he tells tritter that he won't testify.
and wilson, who found the person he was trying to protect overdosing on stolen pills written in his name.
i definitely think he could have called someone, or even an ambulance or something to make sure house didn't just croak, but i don't blame him for walking away in that moment. most people would have cut their losses way before.
anyway i have so many opinions on this. feel free to engage and tell me your thoughts.
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I decided to watch helluva boss and imma do 2 separate posts for seasons 1 and two (why did I write it like that…?)
Season one
God I love this show. The writing is way more my speed than Hazbin hotel on Amazon, I enjoyed the writing in the pilot, but once Amazon took over the humor just didn’t really land for me, and tbh the plot took over and I started focusing more on that, and in general I’m more partial to the rapid fire YouTube dry comedy and this sentence is a friggin mess- I found HB SO FREAKIN FUNNY
Dude when he goes “FUCK, a new hole” I lost it
“Just try and sue us”
“We’re rich and we’re hot”
“I can just buy all the things!”
“You should commit die”
“Hehe, Trumpet!”
These are just my kinda lines, I don’t know how to explain it, I was wheezing all throughout the season
The music OH LORD when I say I’ve listened to stolas’s lullabye, lulu land, cotton candy, and house of ozmodius like 100000 times I’m… exaggerating but like you get the point the music here is friggin fantastic I also really like how a lot of the music is diegetic, I think that’s a fun touch. I don’t remember whether this is the case in Hazbin, but in this one it was like… I don’t know, it made sense that they were singing when they were singing… am I articulating myself well? I don’t care, iykyk if not, no prob
The animation is great, Viv loves them spinny shots and I am here for it. The amount of genuinely amazing action scenes is super impressive, and even the chill scenes have a ton of personality
The voice acting might be what steals the show for me, idrk anyone’s names cept Alex Brightman but BLITZS VA NEEDS AN AWARD, also slight tangent but I don’t know what it is with stolas’s va but he sounds a lot like a bird in the same sense that Gary Oldman sounded a lot like a bird in Kung Fu Panda 2, what is it that casting directors recognize in actors that screams bird?! Because both of these men are just SO BIRD DOES ANYONE GET WHAT I MEAN moving on, Ozzie’s voice was also effing PERFECT it slid silkily over me like… silk butter or smtg it was the perfect lust voice, I loved it. Everyone else was also great, but they were extra great.
It was also just so fun? Like in hazbin there’s very little just… shenanigans to enjoy, nothing wrong with that because it’s not that type of show, whereas this season is jam packed with them. Like I’ve heard that everyone hated episode 4, but like I don’t know I loved it😆 I just found it to be good old fashioned chicanery, and I liked the chaos and stupidity of it, made for some entertaining TV. This story engine is just mad entertaining for me.
I also enjoyed the writing of most of the characters (Millie, Moxxie, Loona, and Octavia still leave a bit to be desired imo, but whatever, they can’t all be winners and there’s nothing wrong with them) Blitz kinda reminds me of a Barney Stinson type character, which I really enjoy, and I also really like how his boss persona kinda infects everything he does while simultaneously being what’s screwing him over, his nature is kinda like a snake swallowing its own tail, which is tragic and beautiful, and Stolas compliments him well by being, not an enabler, but… I don’t know a clever way to say this… Stolas is a wreck in the best way and he just works. He’s short sighted, like extremely so, like how he thinks sleeping with Blitz will fill his emotional void so he does it but it just drives them further apart so it’s like he’s in a hole and in order to get out he’s gonna dig to pile up dirt so he can climb out but he’s an idiot and that’s a stupid idea and I loved his whole arc. Very enjoyable stuff drama.
Kinda random but whoever Viv’s foli artist is also deserves an award, the sound effects in this show are pristine and it’s incredible (yes I’ve seen the scene where the gun sounds go off a few seconds too late, and yeah, mistakes happen, but every bone crunch sounds and other stuff like that being so enunciated in an indie show is extremely impressive)
Anyhoo, very fun, very emotional, nice to look at, very funny, yada yada- altogether great season 1.
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bluie-c · 6 months
Okay now that we're all settled down after the video, can I just say a quick fuck the Brighton group for trying to spread around the rumor that Dream enabled the situation with Caiti when it became very obvious right from the beginning from Ghostie, Caiti, and George's own statements Dream was in the dark about the entire situation.
Like he even tried to reach out to Ghostie and Caiti and wasn't told shit because according to them "HE didn't do it, but George did." Like he tried to get clarification, tried to resolve the situation, tried to talk, and tried to actually find out if anything has happened. How is that enabling? That's like, the opposite of enabling!
It's so fucking obvious that the Brighton group used that excuse as justification to continue hating on Dream when it became clear to them that their excuse of it being Dream bringing Caiti to his hotel room (as revealed by the coullion Average as fuck Harry) wasn't true.
And what's worst is that we know they won't apologize. They built their entire careers being "morally better then the Dream team" so the idea of them having to apologize and admit they were wrong could damage their careers. And that's so fucked up that they built their careers on such flimsy pedestals that even admitting they were wrong could topple anything. And it's nothing but their faults for this.
Fuck the Brighton group for making this whole situation a hell of a lot worst then it actually was. Fuck them for making Caiti's situation worst because I already see a ton of youtube videos calling her out and calling her a liar and claiming she's not a victim. Fuck them for being nice to George's face and yet apparently knowing about this situation, bunch of clout chasing snakes.
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The Arcana HCs: M6 on social media
He is on all the apps, you name it, he probably uses it
He's on theatre kid tiktok
Shamelessly posts thirst traps with niche references
Too many of them are doctor inspired
Perfectly understands the female gaze and takes full advantage of that
Embraces the cringe
Malak regularly photobombs his posts and there are multiple compilations of him fighting off/cussing out a shrieking crow
He canonically has a beautiful singing voice that he does not know how to use, voice coaches love duetting and reacting to him because it is so impressively terrible
He also needs to be carefully monitored though, for two main reasons:
One, all his posts need to be reviewed before he posts them, because he's terrible about internet safety
Two, because everyone gets hate comments and he already has nasty self-esteem issues
Portia gets into so many fights in the comments on her burner account
He is quite popular and has a large and dedicated following
As much potential as they have for stardom, they are an extremely private person and they are very aware of what kind of place the internet can be
He probably has BeReal and spends most of his time on SnapChat (you know he loves watching drama unfold)
Also has a very aesthetically pleasing Instagram that they forget exists. Scroll through and you'll see random photodumps of all the places they've traveled recently, spaced six months apart
Faust has her own account
He is the type to lurk, never comments, rarely likes, prefers to save something for later to show his friends in person instead of sharing or tagging them
They do love trying out what they see though, like viral pasta recipes and room lighting ideas
Except he'll add his own flashes of creativity as he goes
Sometimes it pays off, like when they got their whole living room to feel like an oasis
Sometimes it doesn't pay off, like when he tried an already sketchy viral food hack and added charcoal
They don't mind integrating social media into in-person situations, if the only thing you have energy for is cuddling up in a pillow pile and scrolling through saved videos together, they're down
Facebook and LinkedIn
She's trying her best, she really is, but she has places to be and things to do and she'd rather spend her free time with the people she loves or getting some well-earned rest
The screens also contribute to her headaches
All her sisters are older than her, she has Facebook to keep up with them
She doesn't know that most of them keep with the times enough to have accounts on other platforms as well
She uses LinkedIn for networking, obviously
She does enjoy being entertained though! She loves it when you tilt your phone screen towards her so she can see whatever made you smile or laugh
Regularly asks you or Portia to show her everyone else's most recent posts
Julian's tiktok page is a mystery that never fails to make her laugh
She loves to be included in your posts and is always willing to pose with you for a selfie
She is a fantastic camera woman, she can follow angles and lighting like nobody's business
She does not know how to write captions
He doesn't have one until you or Asra sit him down and walk him through the process
He chooses Instagram because he can see cat pictures that way
And because it's the platform most of you guys have an account on, so he can keep tabs on everyone
He has all of his privacy settings enabled
Most of his posts are pictures of Innana or the chickens (mostly the chickens)
No captions, ever
Every now and then someone from the Kokhuri will stumble across his profile and send a message request
He'll wait until you're free to sit with him while he messages them
He's slowly putting a family tree together of the people he's made contact with
Heartily dislikes the reels feature, the constant stimulation puts him on edge
Honestly prefers YouTube, he got a great ad blocker and he watches nature compilations and wilderness survival videos
He also watches videos about wolves so he can take care of Innana better, but he has to be careful when he does that because if the wolf in the video howls she does too
He stumbled across a fan-made compilation of Julian's thirst traps once and refuses to speak about it
Snapchat for the gossip, Tumblr for all the novels she's become a fan of, and Instagram for Pepi and her garden and baking endeavors
She is on everyone's Snapchat story. If she spots someone new at her workplace she's already sending them a friend request
Tumblr is her guilty pleasure, she has spent hours in the library devouring novels and now she can read and write as much unhinged fanfiction as she wants to
She also loves interacting with other people who enjoy the books and characters she does
Fanart makes her squeal
She hasn't found out about AO3 yet but once she does it's over
Her Instagram is gorgeous. She posts once or twice a day with garden updates, candid shots of Pepi being precious, and baking tips and tricks
Her feed is full of the wanderlust hashtag and it's fueling her bucket list
She has a decently sized following and loves it when people message her
She also has a tiktok burner account to monitor her crazy older brother
Definitely stays on top of all the trends and incorporates them into her Instagram posts
He wants to be famous, he really does, but everything he tries flops
Obsessed with tiktok, it's where the young people are
It's also perfect for his limited attention span
Constantly trying to hop on new trends, but always misses the mark ever so slightly
Tried to put the LED light strips up in his bedroom, but he couldn't keep them straight so they're all slightly wonky
Refuses to take them down
He fell down the "alpha male" pipeline once and it took so much work to get him back out, he was insufferable
You got Nadia and Asra to give him a good beat down while you went through his phone and deleted all the accounts that couldn't be saved
You only let him back on when he promised to share his accounts with you, and he agreed on the condition that you help him try to get famous
You suggested he post about the things he knows, like self-defense tactics and survival
He gets a boost when you post a video of him trying and failing to follow a tiktok dance tutorial while he uses increasingly creative language and it goes viral
He's got a small following now and he's so proud of both of you
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opinated-user · 9 months
Lily (and Ginger) commenting on how much she’s grown…
Growth? What growth?? She’s seems to be the exact same person she was before? Am I missing something?
Is it because she’s had a lot of shit thrown on her this year and she didn’t break down? Things like her sister calling her out on the fact she r**ped her, or YouTube videos made about her and how toxic she is?
Since enough people caught on on how awful she is, she gets more hate, but her “powering through it” and not taking accountability counts as growing?
Is she…a child? What part of anything that’s happened this year considered growth? Sounds more like regression to me.
Tumblr media
i don't know about you, but i don't really take the judgement of the fan that was groomed since they were 15 as unbiased objective fact about the person that groomed them in her 20s. let's remember for a second that none of us is LO's friend (thankfully) or are in close relationship with her, so it's possible that there are some sign of growth that we aren't privy to because of that. having said that... from what i have seen, LO has been willing to show and even the things that LO has slipped without fully intending to.... i don't see either what growth either of them is supposedly refering to. this year alone LO has doxxed an artist for copyrighting a video of MO after she used their fanart without permission, lied about having had cancer to try to distract people from child molestation coming from her real life sibling, to whome she quickly turned to accuse of being responsible for the CSA she suffered despite being a 6 year old child. she has lied about the sexual history of Brittany to pathetically include herself on it like a loser creep. she is currently enabling the rapist of Sunny because he dared to call her out for racism. she has ignored every warning possible about an actual child predator cozying up in her community that she knows includes vulnerable people. she is defending the rapist of Courtney just for a chance to prey on her niece and nephew.
she has taken zero responsibility for anything wrong she has ever done, including the plagiarism, and in fact she has double down to say that she "has never done a damn thing wrong my entire life."
if i was really needing to come out with something, then i guess at least she's not yelling insults to anons as frequently as she did before. but she should have never done that in the first place, and in that post i shared she still blames the people affected by her abusive violent behavior of being "stubborn" and not aknowledging her growth, and she never uttered the words "i shouldn't have done that, i'm sorry", so i'm not actually taking that as a sign of anything but LO being the same insecure, vindictive, spiteful, horrible person that i have known her as for years now.
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marrowhyena · 2 months
Anonymous Coward asked: Do you speak any other languages than english, and if not, considered learning any
I took three years of German in high school, then had a scheduling conflict with the only German IV class, so I became his teaching assistant in a lower German class instead because I liked my teacher a lot. I think my dumb logic as a 13 year old entering high school was that I had to choose a language and I couldn't roll my R's, or whatever. 
 It was a reoccurring novelty on my channel that I would randomly speak or understand some German. Some claimed that it was accent-less, sometimes, or whatever. A bit of a gimmick was that we all chose a German name from a list on day one and would address each other as those names throughout all four years of the class. Twitter, Youtube, and the Xbox 360 all came into existence around 2006, when I was 16 and in the middle of these classes, so a lot of my usernames became Sebastian because that was my not-my-name moniker that I already had ready. 
Yes, I was already basically a furry, but I didn't have a named fursona until 2022 and doubt I would have openly embraced it as my name all the way back then. 
 [As an aside, folks fixate on me mentioning that I was a furry when I was a minor, and then juxtapose that with me making the point that minors probably shouldn't be online. This isn't really a contradiction. First, yeah, I was an unsupervised minor online and that probably wasn't great. But second, I grew up on a very, very different internet than the one that exists today. It's not just about how Twitter makes no effort to separate minors from adult content etc, but also the upsetting way that the internet forms this secondary layer over middle and high school that further enables bullying and paranoia. We know the internet is fucking kids up nowadays. When I talk about having "usernames" in 2006, we're talking about Halo 2 and cat videos. Even when I mention websites that still exist today, they were purely chronological feeds with manually-curated front pages. There was no algorithm as we understand it today. FurAffinity is like the only website that still functions like things did in 2006, and people hate using it for that exact reason lmao]
Anyway that was a surprising amount of my identity in the early years of doing let's plays [2011-2015], insofar as having any distinguishable features whatsoever was your "identity" among a sea of nearly identical gaming channels. I was the guy who played puzzle games, took his time, rambled a lot, spoke some German, and would randomly spout off rock facts because I was also freshly graduating college with a bachelor of science degree in geology. I was surprised by how excited people would get about rock rants. I got excited when I saw basalt columns in Dragon Age Inquisition, but quickly started to notice that they were absolutely everywhere in games, so I started maintaining a gallery that listed them all: https://imgur.com/gallery/columnar-jointing-watch-Alpmz 
I didn't have a particular attraction to German or geology, though. I took German because I was asked to pick a mandatory language class as a young teen, and I took geology because I dropped out of computer science and needed to still get a degree because I was raise to go to college. So in the years since my memory of both has faded significantly. My last German class was in 2007, and my last bit of geology in 2013.
Realistically, the most useful language to learn would probably be Japanese. That might seem unintuitive since everyone in California says Spanish for obvious reasons, but understanding Japanese would actually come in handy for my job pretty regularly. It sure would have helped when I was litigating specific elements of Beastars, that's for sure. Lately I just send screenshots of stuff to Toaster with the caption "heeeeeeelllp" 
 [Smile or comment on the answer here](https://retrospring.net/@Boring_Keith/a/112854073679531772)
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sentience-if · 7 months
Okie another modern question. What's a modern concept that would absolutely irk the ROs? (technology, traffic, social media, trends, whatever fits, etc)
Klaus: cameras being everywhere, whether in friends' pockets or strangers/paparazzi. he'd never be able to stop thinking about the fact that someone could be photographing him right now. also I just know Thaddeus couldn't go twelve seconds without taking a selfie and forcing Klaus to participate
Ira: develops a love/hate relationship with how easy the internet makes it to access information. on the one hand, accessibility good, but on the other, the easy spread of misinformation would drive Ira up a wall. they take psychic damage every time someone says they "googled something"
kat: fast fashion/ the quick turnaround of trends. Kat straight up does not understand why someone can't just pick an aesthetic and stick to it. Who gives a shit if it's ""in style"". her beef with fashion influencers is off the charts
Val: I was going to say subscription services but then I remembered Val is a literal pirate. so I'm gonna go with anything that makes you sign up or download an app or enable permissions on your phone. they'd rather communicate with smoke signals than give out their email. val probably doesn't even have an email.
Connie: the whole concept of alpha/beta males would give Connie an aneurysm lmfao. I'm not really sure how modern of an idea that is, but specifically the youtubers and the weirdly masculine-branded like.... hand sanitizers or whatever
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