#Unseen by most
so-am-smyme9540 · 3 months
Nature Walk with Soam Smyme
April 1, I've found that looks like the sack that used to have eggs. It looks like they've already hatched, so I missed the eggs developing, but I'll be sure to keep an eye on the tadpoles. I'm pretty certain they're frog tadpoles. I guess they could be salamanders, but I've only ever seen frogs hanging around here
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April 13, tadpoles! They're a bit hard to make out, so click on the picture if you need to, they're roughly in the middle. The sacks are also still here, you can even see around the top a couple tadpoles eating on it
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April 21, I spotted a squirrel! This picture is pretty zoomed in, I was keeping my distance so I didn't scare it. I checked on the tadpoles, but there really wasn't much of note. The sacks have gotten kind of dirty.
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April 26, some lil guys having lunch. I think there may be a new egg sack off the the side, but it's hard to tell. As you can see, the water is pretty murky since it had rained the day before. I didn't get a picture since I wasn't sure. I don't know how long it's been there, this is my first time noticing it
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April 30, SO MANY TADPOLES! They're very hard to make out, but I promise they're there. Zoom in if you need to. There was definitely another egg sack or two that just hatched
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May 4, I found a mourning dove! I haven't seen these guys in forever! It flew away before I could get a picture, but I wanted to mention it anyway. May the 4th be with you!
May 7, lots of tadpoles again! They're a bit easier to see this time. I wish I knew how to add videos to Tumblr posts, I got a video of me walking towards them and they all scatter. It looked like the ground itself was moving
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May 10, the space storm that supercharged the northern lights! I made a post about this when it happened, so I'll just put a couple of my best pictures here
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May 24, was at my mom's work and found some ants worshipping a crumb. I took them, crumb and all, outside where they can resume their religious activities
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June 1, so I may or may not have forgotten about the tadpoles for a bit. But! I went back! They've gotten faster, and bigger. In fact, they look kind of weird. I got a picture of them, but it's kind of blurry. They almost look like fish...
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June 6, I figured out why they looked weird! In reality, there's nothing wrong with them at all. I mayyy have jumped the gun when I said there's only frogs around this particular ditch. Because they are not, in fact, frog tadpoles. Theyre salamanders. Plot twist! Whoops
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June 8, a cardinal has made a nest in my mom's fake plants on the porch. I noticed it kept flying away and coming back, so I took a quick peek. If you look closely, there's a baby bird! Only one, I think
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Unfortunately, I haven't been on many nature walks for a bit. My cat had kittens, and I've been struggling to get a job (I had a plan, but it fell through) among other irl stuffs
Once things settle down some, I might make another one of these. Who knows?
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cubbihue · 3 days
Can we see a family photo buut From the anti Cosma-Fairywinkle family? Pleaasee?
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Family Photo! This is Irep's graduation photo from Spellementary!
Shortly after this, he had originally planned to go to Anti-Fairy School to finish the rest of his education. Most Fairies tend to split up after Spellementary, to specialize their individual magic, and learn more about their own cultures and worlds.
However, an incident occurred at the Pixies' Academy, resulting in several fairies being severely injured. Even though Irep wasn't there to see it, he was switched from Anti-Fairy School to a private Boarding school instead. Irep doesn't care much for it, but Anti-Cosmo was very bitter that his son had to switch schools.
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prncssguya · 2 months
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full interview
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algrenion · 2 months
I’m not far into Disco Elysium but I think it is telling that I keep finding myself having to take little breaks, or replay the most mundane scenes, because so many moments have made my heart just… swell.
It’s so melancholic, yet so absurd and so funny, so unfiltered. Its rambling conversations, its violently endearing depictions of unruly kids. The music and ambiance and setting and art, the frank discussions of class and race within its lore. Harry and Kim? I’m entranced by their dynamic so far. They chime so well off of one another, the way I’m playing first time around.
What’s gotten me most is it’s gut-wrenchingly raw interpretation of psychosis symptoms and dissociation being so competently written, and so realistic/relatable, but with this cushion of sincerity and artistry to hold your hand throughout. It simulates a mental collapse — its ugliness & chaos & inevitable self-destruction, but also the poetry & the strange allure someone might feel to remain in that headspace, in perpetual psychedelic escapism — without throwing you headfirst to drown in that simulation, which is especially important for people who have gone through that trauma before.
In fact, Kim feels like a wonderful metaphor for being the foot in reality that keeps Harry grounded as he struggles not to float into oblivion. Two sides of the same coin of survival in a cruel, amazing world.
It’s… beautiful? It’s just beautiful… it’s so beautifully tender. So philosophical.
Just bursting at the seams with humanity.
This game is a massive tangle of contradictions. Just like people can be.
I honestly don’t know how they did it. I know I’m singing high praise here for someone whose been playing it for only 3 days.
But I’m moved. I feel seen and understood with this game.
It’s kind of breathtaking.
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little-pup-pip · 11 months
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silverfoxstole · 10 months
I don't know if anyone else has been wondering why Big Finish have been using obviously photoshopped pictures of the younger Eighth Doctor on their covers of late but I've discovered the reason: though I don't know the ins and out apparently due to rights issues BF are no longer allowed to use images from the TVM (despite having done so for nearly twenty years previously) and have to photoshop other Paul pics instead, with varying results.
Naturally, me being me, once I knew this I had to go looking for matches, didn't I? Of course I did.
First we have very obvious photos from the Dark Eyes shoot, which often results in TVM Eight with stubble; not a great look.
From the cover of Lucie Miller:
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and Doom's Day (whatever that is; I have no idea):
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Incidentally, this one may have been used again, but this time mirrored and much more heavily photoshopped, on the just-announced Sontarans vs Rutans series:
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Then there's the face taken from a bts photo dating back to the recording of Storm Warning that was spotted a little while ago on the cover of next month's In The Bleak Midwinter by @know-it-all-freak :
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And the Night of the Doctor shot that has apparently just had the collar and cravat changed for Classic Doctors: New Monsters Volume Three:
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I can't find an exact match for this one from Charlotte Pollard: The Further Adventuress but it looks similar to one used on the cover of Dark Eyes 4 so may also originate from that shoot:
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The last couple, from Audacity and The End of the Beginning respectively, are stumping me at the moment, but I'm sure BF are probably sitting on quite a few photos they've accumulated over the years and never released. If anyone else recognises them (or the one above) feel free to jump in!
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smaeemo · 2 months
Season 5 of House was a genuine fever dream.
So just fyi I watched all of season 5 in one day and I am still not totally sure if I have processed even half of it, but like lets get into it.
So SPOILERS in the next part, so QUICK scroll away!
So, ok.
We start out the season strong after learning that Amber died while picking up House from drinking, and because of that, Wilson leaves and tells House that he thinks "They were never really friends,"
House is already going down a dark path of guilt ever since Amber died and has since been drowning in it. But, because this was "technically not his fault" he continues to tell himself such.
Now I don't remember if it was this season or last season when foreteen becomes a thing, but like yeah.
Taub has that whole thing prior to Kutner about how suicide is selfish and terrible and he reveals that he did in fact attempt suicide in med school.
We see that Kutner starts to decline nearing the end, now yes I understand that Kutner was technically written off because Kal Penn was offered a job in the Whitehouse (thanks obama), but lets analyze this as a whole. Kutner, being one of the prime characters that everyone compares to House. One of the characters that is supposed to have an element that most anyone can relate to, a character with a tragic backstory and a reason for how he acts. Another character that acts like House but for different reasons. Kutner at his core, is an enigma that I suppose we as watchers were supposed to unfurl as the show went on. However, we all know that his time was cut short. And I think that in itself this was an accurate representation of what suicide can look like. As someone who has been suicidal and attempted before, what I can say is that most of the time for me, it was on impulse it was at a random time because something set me off. And for Kutner I think it was honestly the fact that he was constantly compared to House (alongside many other things). Imagine that you were an adopted brown person into a white family after watching your bio parents be brutally murdered. You spend your life with an already complex understanding (or lack thereof) of your identity and personality as a whole. We see that Kutner has always had trouble with that (the bullying as an example) and how he is very frequently connecting with patients who he believed were in similar situations that he had been in. Like many kids who had to grow up too fast, Kutner now in his late 20s is just now discovering this ideation of what it means to be a child/have free will. And with this, we see this personality that comes of it, and his lack of understanding of what that looks like. We see him finally taking accountability of his bullying after years (which could also be interpreted as making ammends) and how when the patient tells him he is really not a "people person,"
Kutner's identity his whole life has been practically decided for him, whether it be being adopted into a white family, growing up too fast, being a bully, not being a "people person," or the most prevalent in the show being like House. While House's character and personality is a complex one and romantized one at most, he is a genuinely miserable person who has the goal of making everyone around him miserable as well (whether that be subconsciously or not) House is one of the most complicated and complex people I have ever seen. He is portrayed by himself mostly as someone who is only there to solve puzzles, an apathetic "monster," someone with no morals, etc. And we as viewers are constantly reminded of this in many ways, such as his treatment of patients, Cuddy, Wilson, etc. but we also get to see his more soft and human side. Which the team very rarely sees, given that he hides that from his employees and is also their authority. If anything, constantly being compared to House was something that one could only assume would start to chip away at you especially if there was truth in it. Take foreman for an example, he tried so hard not to be like house, not to be what he feared most, and that was losing his morals, aka becoming what he perceives as house. Then take Kutner, Kutner his entire life has been put into boxes never truly getting a chance to properly form his own identity, and that eventually builds and builds. And I think that from his last case, or something along the lines of it, he discovered that he was too much like house, or that his attempts that finding his own identity were futile. Kutner has a deep rooted unsolved trauma that effected him in his everyday life no matter what he did. And in spite of that and because of it, he acted the way he did, for better or for worse. And all in all, they had to kill of Kutner not only because Kal Penn's job, but also because they could start to humanize and change House's destructive path or at least divert it a little bit.
Kutner and Amber died for House's character development, which is why when House starts to go down an even deeper and darker spiral of guilt after Kutner dies the episodes start getting even more House-centric. This season we saw more human sides of house than we have ever seen before, and we also see what that does to him. Whether that be the methadone arc, or the flagrant disregard for his life, and of course the hallucinations. Kutner's death effected House in such a deep way that he started taking so much valium that along side his sleep deprivation caused his guilt to surface from repression and give him actual hallucinations. Amber being the one he had repressed for too long, Amber being the dominoe that started this whole clusterfuck.
Then of course we have the nightmare (hallucination) that was the last 2 episodes of the season, wherein the lipstick and Cuddy were both being used as metaphors for his own dependency and addiction. Along with the case that argues his "split brain" one side, the creative side making the hallucination telling him that be should become clean and sober and using Cuddy as an example for that. But then the otherside taking cuddy and her lipstick and using it as a metaphor for his obsession. In this season we see House's everything decline as his world falls apart, Cuddy, Wilson, his team, his dad, everything and then we finally see him snap.
House going to rehab what arguably the overarching point of this season, the point being that they slowly send him down a descending path, and then when he gets to the final step he does something, the one thing he can do, which is admit himself to rehab and admit he has an issue. Amber, Wilson, his dad, Kutner, Cuddy, and the hallucination was a wake up call for him and even he knew that early on, hence the one meeting with his psychiatrist. Even then, he knew he needed help. And his breaking point, was seeing Kutner and realizing all of his growth, his whole perception of his "life story" and character development was fake was his last straw.
House finally broke, and that was this season's point. House's pain and guilt finally winning him over, and eventually breaking him.
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floorpancakes · 6 months
ok but im rly into the idea of till having a new era that brings the light back to his eyes and drives him forward if he gets to escape the arena. idk where he'd go from there but i want to see ivans sacrifice both haunt him and drive him to actually live his damn life after being the captured bird refusing freedom cause of mizi. once he knows she's alive with the resistance he might be able to actually experience other things and widen his world and if that happens and he puts his personal sense of rebellion towards the human cause OR settles into finding some other way to feel fulfilment that isn't a single person that could be deeply fascinating to me i think
#alien stage#ramble#idk#till alien stage#as an xxxholic fan i want to see caged birds fly and all the fear and loss and grit and progress that comes with it#till era would be so fucking fun#especially when characters r built arnd one person or one goal or something you want to see them find new things to suffer or thrive abt (?)#random inconsequential thought imagine till hooking up with hyunas besties and they become a resistance throuple#idk i just want till to experience the wider world as the one that was the most restrained by his heart AND literally#cause even compared to the other anakt kids he suffered so much in those damn buildings and labs#i wanna see him freed and what that means for ivans legacy as the person who was unseen but someone who both contributed to and desperately#tried to stop his pain and confinement no matter what#honestly the thing i wanna see most rn off the top of my head is#till coming to terms with what he knows and sees about ivan now#no matter how he feels about it i think ivan wont be forgotten that easily#i want to know whats going thru tills head rn immediately in this moment#cause this snapped him in some way and he is acutely aware of things he didnt even notice before#while handling the mizi desth thing#that he assumed was happening#if he is assumedly saved i want to see the explosion that is knowung mizi is alive#knowing ivan is dead and how ivan felt#and knowing he has a way out of the cage#because its a triple whammy#i want to see his brain exploding in real time thinking abt all these things#and what sort of person the revelations will make him become#also i want to see mizi and till have like an actual conversation cause itd be a wildcard especially right now
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statementlou · 6 months
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kindahoping4forever · 7 months
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📸: Ryan Fleming
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she-anemone · 11 months
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Sburb gives its toughest battles to its saddest kids
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supjello · 2 years
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"Your son?" "My apprentice, but I think of him like a son."
#pentiment#andreas maler#casper ziegler#my art#it took me about two seconds to go full 'if anything happens to my beloved casper i'm killing everyone in this town and then myself'#'and then no one will be around to solve this murder mystery because we'll ALL be dead'#(some spoilers to at least where im at in the game>)#my andreas loved his son but found no love with his wife#(though he wanted to. he really wanted to.)#drifting off alone and finding this kind of 'what if' when he took casper on and began travelling#and it wasn't fair to anyone involved. not his wife who had to face loss alone#not andreas who was trying to cover up the hole august left with another family's son#not casper (though he wouldn't know this- since he didn't realize the extent andreas really cared about him like a father)#but most things went unspoken and most consequences unseen#so there was just this deep undercurrent of silent fatherly love and worry beneath every interaction#between the two#and it KILLS me even though i know 99% of this was me reading between the lines they let me choose#i wonder if my andreas kind of secretly wished casper's family didn't make it through the turmoil#it's a fucked up thought and i think he'd feel extremely guilty if he ever caught himself thinking it#but there's got to be some extreme dread there about the idea of the apprenticeship ending and this boy he considers a son cutting ties#and really having to face going back to his wife who he (rightfully) feels guilty about leaving.#even if she never loved him#and even if only pain was there to return to#ANYWAY#I FEEL TOTALLY NORMAL ABOUT ANDREAS MALER#edit: guess who just completed the game. guess who’s own art is now making herself SAD
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killa-trav · 1 year
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Bradley writes: A bit of a strange celebration this one, a determined Mason Mount squeezes the face of Rasmus Højlund after the Danish striker had put Manchester United 2-1 up against Turkish side Galatasaray in the Champions League at Old Trafford.
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catilinas · 5 months
translating a shitload of latin on a sunday afternoon in april feels good feels organic
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douchegrayson · 10 months
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He's watching Donnie blow things up.
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aardvaark · 8 months
every time brennan says psychology is a "soft science" i’m like. bestie. beloved. i’m so sorry but i have to tell you something about anthropology
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