#Anti Cosmo is lending his shoulder to Irep for more support haha
cubbihue · 12 hours
Can we see a family photo buut From the anti Cosma-Fairywinkle family? Pleaasee?
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Family Photo! This is Irep's graduation photo from Spellementary!
Shortly after this, he had originally planned to go to Anti-Fairy School to finish the rest of his education. Most Fairies tend to split up after Spellementary, to specialize their individual magic, and learn more about their own cultures and worlds.
However, an incident occurred at the Pixies' Academy, resulting in several fairies being severely injured. Even though Irep wasn't there to see it, he was switched from Anti-Fairy School to a private Boarding school instead. Irep doesn't care much for it, but Anti-Cosmo was very bitter that his son had to switch schools.
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