#TY ANA <3
upperranktwo · 2 years
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☆League of Villains: Dabi☆
Requested by @gojosattoru ♡
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wemefication · 2 years
i was tagged by @secondhandlovers <3 to spell out my url with songs ❤️
y - yuck by charli xcx
u - unlucky by iu
s - stupid l♡ve (6:00 pm) by weki meki
h - heart attack by chuu
u - unnatural by wjsn
x - 笑看 by 等什么君
i - idk (i don't know) by exid
n - night of weeping by yoga lin
tagging @tohruie @miffygirls @akhire @lovefoolishh @loveinheart @litttlestars and anyone else who wants to do it :)
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dunk-on-em-ao3 · 2 years
Hey! Just wanted to say I've been loving your rise fics, they're a treasure, thanks for your service <3 Was curious if you were working on any wips or fic requests currently that we can know about 👀 ?
Ahh thank you so much for your lovely words!! I'm glad you've been enjoying them.
I have a few ideas rumbling around right now. And a lot of amazing people have left me prompts!
HOWEVER I bought an actual adult house with my partner, and have been in the process of moving for the last month!! I hope I have more time to write soon !!!
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sorrowandpride · 1 year
Finding obvious ana food while looking for healthy (keyword: HEALTHY) recipes on the clock app like what in the Kate Moss cocaine coquette nicotine addiction Lana Del Rey diet Coke is this
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ynwa-chiesa · 8 months
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nazwauzytkownika00 · 4 months
Zawiodłam anę. Marzę o tym, żeby być nimi
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Dla wszystkich pytających
1. Dziewczyna, którą obserwuję na instagramie i tiktoku i jest dla mnie wzorem
2. Bractwo czerwonej opaski - Emma
3. Skins - Cassie 
4. Skrywana tajemnica - Beth
5. Aż do kości - Ellen
A jestem nimi
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Ana PRZEPRASZAM. Obiecuję, od teraz będę tylko z tobą!🦋 Ty jesteś najważniejsza, przysięgam, że od teraz będę postępować tak jak powinnam. Najważniejsze są kalorie i to co mówi waga. Nie mogę na siebie patrzeć w lustrze bez płaczu
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somerandomdudelmao · 9 months
Cass, ty for the part, we are going absolutely batshit insane about the family, i cant put into words the admiration for the entire cycle youve created
nit-picking: not sure what the thingy on Donnie's panel is, but in Mikey's "ana" instead of "and", i presume? and "that" instead of "this" (if you mean . today, this day, not any other)
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FUCK YOU KRANG and happy anniversary:]
Ah thank you so much:3
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meowskinnykitty · 8 months
Zasady anorektyczki, znalezione w starym, internetowym blogu 🦋🎀
1. Ana jest centrum twojego życia. Myślisz o niej kiedy się budzisz i kiedy zasypiasz.
2. Wypij szklankę wody na pół godziny przed każdym posiłkiem, potem jeszcze jedną tuż przed tym jak zaczniesz jeść – to pomoże szybciej poczuć ci się „pełną”. Pamiętaj, że informacja o tym, że jesteś najedzona dociera do twojego mózgu 20 minut po zakończeniu posiłki.
3. Pij co najmniej jedną szklankę wody co godzinę.
4. Zawsze, ale to zawsze trzymaj w pobliży butelkę z wodą – za każdym razem, gdy zwrócisz na nią uwagę – napij się.Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania thinspiracje anoreksja
5. Jedz śniadanie, które zawiera więcej kalorii niż inne posiłki, które zjesz później.
6. Trzymaj w pobliżu siebie tylko taką ilość jedzenia, którą planujesz zjeść danego dnia – nawet gdy będziesz miała napad – nie będziesz miała czego zjeść ( brzmi okrutnie, ale pozwala utrzymać bilans).Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania thinspiracje tumblr
7. Kiedy gotujesz – żuj gumę – nie będziesz podjadać dopóki nie skończysz.
8. Nie podjadaj podczas gotowania – nawet nie zdasz sobie spawy, kiedy twój bilans podskoczy, a ty stracisz kontrolę nad tym ile zjadłaś.
9. Jeśli czujesz głód – napij się wody, żuj gumę, zjedz kawałek selera ( podczas trawienia selera spalisz więcej kalorii niż on sam ma – tzw. „ujemne kalorie”).
10. Jedz mało kaloryczne jedzenie o wyrazistym zapachu/ smaku – czasami pragniesz nie samego jedzenia, ale doznań jakie daje.
11. Nie jedz niczego dopóki nie dowiesz się ile DOKŁADNIE kalorii ma porcja, która leży przed tobą.
12. Celebruj posiłki – gdy jesz – usiądź. Jedz sztućcami, na talerzu. Gdy jesz na stojąco (najczęściej je się na stojąco kiedy się podjada) lub kiedy siedzisz przed telewizorem/ laptopem z ulubionym serialem – nawet nie zauważysz kiedy zjesz połowę lodówki – myśl zanim coś zjesz. A jak zamierzasz jeść – rób to w spokojnym miejscu, gdzie cała twoja uwaga będzie skupiona na jedzeniu.
13. Na lewej ręce napisz swoją aktualną wagę, zaś na prawej – swoją wymarzoną. Za każdym razem gdy będziesz chciała coś zjeść – twoja prawa ręka będzie ci przypominała jak chuda mogłabyś być, gdyby nie to obrzydliwe JEDZENIE.
14. Wyrób nowy nawyk jedzenia posiłków – przygotowuj małe kawałki, licz ile razy otwierasz buzię, ile razy przeżuwasz. Popijaj wodę miedzy każdym kęsem. Na początku liczenie może sprawiać trudność, możesz zostać przez kogoś rozproszona itp. Po jakimś czasie będziesz jednak robić to automatycznie.
15. Używaj małych talerzy w ciemnych kolorach – porcja na nich wyglądają na większe niż są w rzeczywistości, co sprawi, że szybciej osiągniesz uczucie sytości.
16. 4 posiłki * 100 kcal to lepsze wyjście niż jeden posiłek zawierający 400 kcal.
17. Zrób listę „zakazanego jedzenia” – co tydzień wykreślaj jedną rzecz, której już nigdy więcej nie zjesz – kontynuuj dopóki na liście nie zostanie ani jedna rzecz.
18. By zyskać motywację – jedz naprzeciwko lustra – nago lub w bieliźnie kiedy tylko jest to możliwe. Jeśli nie – patrz na swoje zdjęcie które uwydatnia, np. twoje boczki.
19. Jeśli mieszkasz sama – umieść thinspiracje w każdy widocznym miejscu (szczególnie na lodówce, lustrze itp.), możesz zainwestować w tablicę magnetyczną lub korkową i tam przypinać zdjęcia, cytaty, inne motywacje.
20. Kiedy czujesz, że nadchodzi napad – zrób zdjęcie swojego nagiego brzucha – patrz jak szczupło wygląda kiedy jest pusty i nie ma w nim żadnego zbędnego jedzenia – poczuj jak chudniesz, kiedy nie jesz.
21. Kiedy wychodzisz ze znajomymi zabieraj ze sobą niewielką ilość pieniędzy – to powstrzyma cię przed impulsywnym kupowaniem jedzenia, kiedy tylko poczujesz jego zapach.
22. W przegródce, w portfelu gdzie trzymasz pieniądze umieść małe zdjęcie – thinspiracje, która inspiruje cię najbardziej – za każdym razem, gdy będziesz chciała kupić coś do jedzenia – spójrz na nią i zapytaj się „czy naprawdę zamierzam to zjeść?
23. Unikaj wyjść ze znajomymi, którzy mają w planach jedzenie (np. noc filmowa z przekąskami, wyjście do pizzerii itp.) – dopóki nie będziesz pewna swojej samokontroli i tego, że nie zjesz nic, co mogłoby zaburzyć twój bilans.
24. Nie jedz w sekrecie – to okropny nawyk ( nie mówię żeby na każdy posiłek od razu iść do restauracji, ale staraj się zjeść przynajmniej jedną rzecz dziennie w obecności swoich rodziców/ znajomych). Pozbędziesz się w ten sposób podejrzeń o ED.
25. Oprócz zapisywania co zjadłaś i ile to miało kalorii, możesz również zapisywać na co danego dnia miałaś ochotę, ale się powstrzymałaś, tego jak się czujesz, gdzie i z kim jadłaś. Być może to ułatwi to zauważenie tego co sprawia ci największą trudność – będziesz mogła łatwiej się kontrolować w „kryzysowych” momentach.
26. Odkładaj złotówkę za każdym razem kiedy odmówisz sobie jedzenia – oszczędzonych pieniędzy użyj by kupić sobie mały prezent „od siebie” ( prezent który NIE JEST jedzeniem !).
27. Oddawaj za duże ubrania, np. do fundacji zajmujących się pomocą dla biednych. Nie trzymaj ich „na wszelki wypadek”. Musisz się mieścić w te jeansy, które jeszcze miesiąc temu były co najmniej o rozmiar za małe. Inaczej będziesz chodzić nago.
28. Zielona herbata poprawia metabolizm – poza tym dobrze wpływa na skórę i ogle zdrowie.
29. Pij rano ciepłą ( letnią) wodę z cytryną.
30. Ostre jedzenie przyśpiesza metabolizm – jeśli go nie lubisz możesz je zastąpić kapsułkami z pieprzem cayenne dostępnymi w aptece, w internecie, wszędzie.
31. Rozpocznij swój dzień od rozciągania całego ciała – to „obudzi” twoje mięśnie.
32. Śpij co najmniej przez 6 godzin każdej nocy – podnosi to tempo twojego metabolizmu o 10% i zmniejsza twój apetyt o 15%. Wyglądasz lepiej i czujesz się lepiej kiedy jesteś wyspana. Poza tym – nie czujesz głodu kiedy śpisz.
33. Bądź wyprostowana – pozwoli ci to spalić 10% więcej kalorii przez dzień. Poza tym – tak wyglądasz lepiej.
34. Witamina B6 i B12 podnosi metabolizm i daje ci energię.
35. Jedzenie białka zwiększa tempo przemiany materii o 14%.
Link do bloga: https://anabutterflyblog.wordpress.com/
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sinsofbeauty · 1 year
Red Stained Sunflower Pt.2
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Fandom: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Game
Pairing: Johnny Slaughter x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Use of Pet Names, Suggestive Nsfw content, Mentions of Kidnapping, Obsessive/Clingy Johnny, Jealous Johnny, Small mention of murder
Requested?: Yee
Overview: Looks like you bailed on the little invitation Johnny had asked of you. It wasn’t because you didn’t want to, you actually got quite intimidated. Though that doesn’t stop him from seeking you out and making his intentions clear
A/n: So many of you wanted this to be a series, so here it is!! This is part 2 of 3!
Please comment if you would like to be tagged for part three!!! Enjoy!
Minors DNI!!!!
Part 1 - Red Stained Sunflower
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“Hey Daddy?” You asked your father with the turn of your head. “How long are we gonna be in town for?”
He took a quick glance over to you before shrugging, “Oh maybe an hour or two. Just meeting with some old friends.”
You nodded your head and moved to look out the window. “I was talking to Maria on the telephone, she wanted to see if I could stop by the roller rink.” You replied to his comment. “Hope you don’t mind if I take a little detour.”
You were supposed to accompany Johnny out to the fields last night, but you decided to remain home instead. Now you were making arrangements with friends as though you weren't worried about the entire situation. You felt terrible, but you also couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the circumstances. Yes, Johnny was appealing, and his words would make you want to explode. But LORD! Johnny Slaughter was intimidating.
Your only concern on the trip into town with your father was the fact that you had essentially abandoned one of the Slaughter Brothers. How were you going to justify your absence because you were anxious? Private moments with him... Ugh!! You weren't sure how you would be able to face him after abandoning him in that way. Like, seriously. How were you going to explain to a man like him that the reason you didn't appear was because you're a virgin…?
Your heart was racing when you arrived to the roller rink. Even though you were still troubled by thoughts of Johnny, seeing the group at the rink's entrance helped you feel less concerned. Even if you weren't close to them, you had Maria there to keep you company, so it was well worth it to slip away from your father and his group of friends to spend time with your own. You immediately identified their faces. Connie, Julie, and Ana were all grinning and laughing as Leland and Sonny stood to the side. When Maria's eyes finally found you after searching, they completely lit up.
“Hey! Y/n over here!!” Her delighted voice echoed from across the street.
As you approach everyone, you wave and smile. They all appeared to be happy to see you, which gave you a strange feeling. Can't hold yourself to blame, though; you haven't been able to leave the house much because you've been so cooped up inside helping your father with his work.
“Hey guys!” You say, greeting them happily.
“Y/n! I’m so glad you could make it!” Maria gave you a nice warm hug in return. “You remember Ana don’t you? We brought a couple friends along if you don’t mind!”
“Oh no of course not! It’ll be fun!” You shrug your shoulders, waving your arm to brush off any doubt about more people. “Let’s go inside, yeah?”
Some of the group had their own skates, while others had to rent them when they entered the rink. Since you didn’t own any skates, you obtained a pair that fit you and sat down. Though you found yourself stuck tying and untying your shoelaces. Simply said, they weren't secure enough, and you didn't intend to break an ankle today. Before you notice someone roll over, you sigh and wipe your sweaty palms on your jeans.
“Need some help?”
In his sky blue shirt and navy blue jeans, which were fastened by a brown belt, Leland stood in front of you. The skates he had rented took the place of his shoes, and he was able to move around in them with ease. He was on the wrestling team in high school, and you somewhat recognized him from there. He also hung around with this little group of people. He was really kind to say the least, tall, strong, and fairly attractive for a young man his age.
Your eyes look up at the man who you nodded at with a smile. “Please, I’m having trouble tying them tight enough.”
The Texan smirks and bends down, taking one of your feet and pulling at the strings. “Let me know if it’s too tight, okay?” You nodded once more at his voice as he started tying your skates. Before moving on to the next, he questioned as to whether or not they felt snug enough for you. You felt good about it, and he was very considerate in making the gesture. “Alright, how do they feel?” He asked standing up.
As you rise up, you circle your feet before nodding your head in appreciation. “Perfect. Better than I could ever do. Thank you, Leland.”
His eyes squint when he gives a genuine smile, a gesture to your thankful remark. “Anytime. Say, I don’t see ya’ around here often. Do ya’… know how to skate?”
Oh dear God, you can't recall the last time you entered that rink. You probably haven't done it in months, and you weren't doing it frequently to begin with. You chuckle nervously while rubbing your hands together behind your back. “Uh… kinda? It’s been a while.” You admit to him. “I’m not the best skater but it’ll come back! I just get nervous when other people go fast past me.”
Just standing there made your legs feel like jello. You tried to move closer to Leland but all you did was sway back and forth. He chuckled at this, the male moving forward to grab your shoulders and prevent you from toppling. “I can teach ya’, practice makes perfect.”
“Says the one who was in the wrestling team.” You roll your eyes at him, making the man laugh in response. “I’d be on the ground more times than you’d like.”
“Hey! I’m a good teacher! We can go nice and slow at first, and you’ll still have a great time… in the rink, I mean. That sounded so weird…”
You giggled at his words, making his cheeks dust a soft pink. He was such a dork… cute.
“Come on guys! We’ve been waiting!” Exclaims Julie from the rink, making you and Leland look over.
“We’re coming,” You said, shifting past Leland with your wobbly legs as you made your way over. “I’m trying not to die. You guys are much more experienced at this.”
You almost went over with just one foot on that surface, but once you were stable, everything was good. Leland swiftly followed after you as you joined the others with a sigh of relief. Getting acclimated to the people and the surroundings took some time. You were still unable to go as quickly as Julie or Maria, who frequently sped by you.
“I’m gonna go around a couple times. Think you can handle it on ya’ own?” Leland asks, that genuine smile making you give one in return.
“For now. Go ahead, I’ll catch up eventually.”
After hearing your response, he quickly speeds away while teasing Maria and Julie about catching up. You chuckle, enjoying how this afternoon will play out. It was lovely to see everyone enjoying themselves. Being outside of the house felt wonderful. The gang laughed and joked as they skated around the rink. Leland was always there to catch you even if you were a little awkward and nearly fell a few times. He gave you a comforting smile as you both laughed despite how embarrassing it was. The group stopped to acquire some food after some time spent skating. Even though your heart was still beating from all the excitement, you were happy that you and your friends were having such a good time.
After a few hours, everyone departed the rink exhausted but content. You said your goodbyes and thanked them for an amazing time. You were relieved that you had chosen to go out with them as opposed to staying home or being barraged by your father’s older friends who wanted to talk to you.
“Hey Y/n,” Leland had said, catching you before you left. “I was wondering, I usually come around here at this time of day. Did you… wanna skate with me next week?”
You thought about it, and it didn’t hurt to meet some new people around. Even though he was closer with Maria, maybe a new group of people would be nice to hang around with. “Sure. Are you busy next Friday?”
“Great! Uhm… No, that should be fine. I’ll see ya’ then?”
You nodded your head, grinning as you left, feeling satisfied with the events of the day as you made your way back to meet with your father.
After a long, productive day, you were just finishing your shower at home. You check that your hair isn't excessively dripping before stepping out of the restroom while you're wrapped in a towel. No one was awake to bother you this late in the evening since your father was asleep. Your room was upstairs, turning left down the hall and another left past the bathroom across from it. Your father was immediately up the stairs to the right of the hall in his own room.
You entered your room and turned to lock the door behind you before turning on the lights. Despite the events earlier, your mind still wandered to Johnny. Johnny, Johnny, Johnny. Once more, you were unable to remove him from your head. Another day without communication meant that you would have to make an effort to avoid having to give an explanation. You sigh and close your eyes before turning to head for your dresser. In spite of this, as soon as you open them, you jump and cover your mouth to stifle the surprised sound that escapes from you.
“Johnny!” Looking at the man who was idly sitting on your bed fiddling with his hair, you blurted out. Your heart was pounding furiously. What the hell was he doing here? How did he get in here? What is he doing here??? He just sat in the dark, waiting for you to come in like… like a weirdo!! “The fuck are you doing? Why are you in my room?!”
His clothing caught your attention because it was a little different from what he typically wore. He appeared to have just taken a shower because his hair was moist and combed back. His navy blue jeans were fastened to his hips by a brown belt, and his dark gray long sleeve shirt was rolled to the dips of his arms just above his elbows. He wore his worn-out boots, without gloves to protect his calloused hands, and grinned endlessly.
“Should really keep that back window locked. So much easier than havin’ ta’ lock pick my way in at night.” He spoke quietly, as if he knew your father was in the room next to him. Low, as if he knew what trouble sneaking in here could get him into. “Ya’ don’t look happy ta’ see me sweetpea. Did I do something~?”
“Well for one, you’re in my room… uninvited.” You drew closer to the man who was lounging on your bed, your brows furrowed at him, your nose flared. “And I’m in a towel…naked! What if I started changing because I didn’t know you were here??”
Your face instantly turned red as his smile grew larger. He wasn't even required to respond to the question. You snort before turning around and returning to your door to lock it. The worst-case scenario would be your father interrupting you two. Yes, you were a grown woman, but technically speaking, sneaking someone into the house would not look so inviting. Especially if it was the Slaughter boy.
“Jesus… just— why are you here?” You ask, turning back to the man who you didn’t realize stood in those moments you were turned around. He appeared... distracted. It seemed as though he was thinking about or bothered by something.
“Oh me? I jus’ wanted ta’ see ya’!” He said with the slight wave of his hands. “I wanted ta’ know whatchu were doin’, cause… obviously, it wasn’t me.”
“Yeah about that…” You trailed off, looking at the floor for a moment. It was… a nice floor. Maybe staring at it would help you think about how to tell him without feeling like a total idiot. “I just got… a little nervous.”
You looked up at the man as he surprised you with a chuckle. His facial expressions were unpredictable. He appears disturbed one second, then happy the next. Even just looking at him made you feel conflicted. Your hands were holding onto the towel that was about to fall down your body as he started to approach you. “Nervous hm? About what?”
You sighed as you cast a glimpse his way and fiddled with the towel covering your body. “I don’t know how to explain…”
“Come on now, ya’ don’t have ta’ be scared ‘round me,” Johnny gave reassurance while smiling oddly relaxed. Observing the shit-eating grin that emerged on his face, you gave him a little glare. “Okay maybe a lil’ bit~. But come on, it can’t be that bad!”
He makes you huff and shrug your shoulders in response. Why did talking about this seem so embarrassing? It was Johnny… In any case, he didn't have much to say about it. Right? You grumble, your mouth twitching slightly as your nose flares once more. “I didn’t come because… I was nervous about being a virgin.”
The last few words were mumbled, but it appears like Johnny heard them right away. At that instant, Johnny's lips curled into a wicked grin, which his hand moved to conceal right away. You shivered, a chill running up your spine at the laugh that burst forth from his throat seconds later. “That’s the reason? Cause, nobody’s taken yer lil’ cherry yet~?”
“It’s not funny!” You exclaim slapping his bicep, only to obtain another silly laugh from him. “It’s a sensitive thing! I have a right to be anxious about it!! Especially if… those intentions were indicated.”
“Oh honeybee, ya’ think I’d feel any different?” Johnny said with the shrug of his shoulders. “I mean— I’m a lil’ surprised! A pretty girl like you? I would’ve expected it to be long gone by now.”
“Well it’s not so you can stop teasing me about it,” You pout, crossing your arms with the shake of your head.
At that very time, Johnny was getting closer to you and dipping his head slightly. His eyebrows dropped, his gaze became unreadable, and his hands, which fiddled with his belt, twitched in anticipation as his voice abruptly shifted to a low tone. “How cute, and ta’ think, I’ll be the one takin’ it from ya’~.”
“Eh- You-…” You turned in defeat as the sentence that attempted to form failed miserably. You scowl and head to your dresser to look for something to wear. “God I hate you sometimes. I can just imagine how much it would hurt.”
Johnny smirked as he approached from behind you and gently grabbed your shoulders. “Oh I won’t hurtcha, much.” He replied. “I’ll go nice and slow for ya’ darlin’.”
“I doubt that,” Smiling, you respond before shutting the dresser door and turning to face Johnny. His eagerness was evident from the little shudder of his shoulders as his hands were now in his pockets. “You’re thinking about it too much.”
“Maybe I am~.” He says, slyly smiling while momentarily averting his gaze. “Ya’ know I can’t help myself doll. Even now, just lookin’ at ya’ makes me excited.”
You rolled your eyes after moving around him to your bed, placing your clothes on it with a soft pat. “I’m in a towel with nothing under it, of course you’re excited.” You say sarcastically.
“Well, ya’ did look good earlier today,” Johnny stated, making you freeze in place. He had a menacing smirk on his face when you turned to face him.
“You were in town today?”
“Jus’ happened ta’ be,” Responded Johnny with a shrug. “Saw ya’ walkin’ ta’ that lil’ roller rink on the side of town with ya’ lil’ friends.”
“Yeah, I had planned to go out with them that morning.” You spoke to him, fiddling with the towel.
Johnny moved a few steps closer to you while humming and tilting his head. “Oh I know! Ya’ looked like ya’ had fun, especially with pretty boy touchin’ up all on ya’.”
As much as how he seemed, his vocal tone also appeared to shift. He appeared agitated, as far as you could tell. You didn’t even have to mention Leland, he had been watching you that whole time. The encounters you had with the other young adult in question. He absolutely despised it. Just having the idea of how furious he would have been as Leland assisted you in any way he could. Was he… no, he couldn’t be.
“So, you’re telling me that you followed me and watched me with my friends today?”
The man's mouth twisted in annoyance as he let out a little giggle. “Curiosity got the best o’ me, I will admit.” Johnny said, his half lidded eyes looking away. He clenched his jaw and pursed his lips before turning to face you.
“Well, we’re just friends if that’s what you’re wondering.”
“Sure– I mean, I have no problem with it! I mean if ‘e touches ya’ again,” Johnny lets out a laugh. “He never will, let’s jus’ leave it at that.”
“Oh? Is that so?” You ask with a smirk. “And to think, Johnny Slaughter is jealous of another man.”
“Jealous?! AHA– I’m not jealous!” He makes an effort to justify his obsessive tendencies, but it simply serves to highlight it. His eyes widen, “I jus’ didn’t like how ‘e was feelin’ up on ya’, how’s that bein’ jealous?!”
“You’re getting all defensive.”
“Right now?”
“I’m jus’ sayin’ I’m not!”
You couldn't help laughing, which made the man snarl. It was cute how obvious he made it. Observing his vulnerable side manifest itself in this way due to someone else? Johnny's jealousy wasn't anything you anticipated. He was a man who frequently showed little regard for the actions or words of others. However, it was a different story when it came to you. He seems a little uneasy when his family would speak to you. The man appeared to be extremely possessive of anything he so claimed as his.
“Come on now, you don’t have to be scared around me,” You spoke.
Johnny's cheeks had turned a delicate shade of pink. He rolled his eyes at your remark and scoffed while shaking his head. “I ain’t scared sunshine,” He replied with his smile coming back. “If I was, I wouldn’t have snuck into ya’ house.” Your eyes widened in shock as the man grabbed your arm and drew you up against him. “I wouldn’t tell ya’ righ’ now, that yer my girl.”
“You don’t have me just yet.”
“Oh, I don’t?” Johnny lifts your chin and lowers his face to meet yours only a few inches away. “But ya’ want me, no? Jus’ lookin’ at those eyes ya’ want me.” Your eyelids flutter closed as he rubs his nose against yours. He was well aware of the fact that he had you. “I’ll treat ya’ like a princess darlin’, I’ll spoil ya’ so rotten that ya’ can’t get enough of me. Cause I want ya’, I need ya’.”
If this was a way for Johnny to swoon you over, he sure was doing it. However, you were curious to see how much further he would swing. He draws back his head and lets go of your chin as you open your eyes in order to tuck a hair behind your ear.
“You should tell me more.”
“Really?” Johnny says as his brows begin to converge. When he senses your seriousness, he smirks and lets out a tiny chuckle. “I’d kill for ya’, I’d die for ya’, I’m sooo head over heels.”
You smile, shaking your head. “You’re so funny.”
“Amused?” He hums, making you giggle in response. In return, pleased by the remark, Johnny snorts. “Needy lil’ thing aren’t cha’? Makin’ me all soft.”
“I thought you were excited.”
“Cheeky lil’ brat ya’ are darlin’,” Johnny scoffs. “If I wasn’t I wouldn’t be so damn close! Y’know– I wouldn’t be talkin’ fa’ someone who’s so red in the face.”
“You’re just as flustered as me,” You roll your eyes. “You should’ve seen your face when you got all jelly~.”
“Eh– I wasn’t–... sh-shut up.”
“Make me~.”
Johnny's eyes appeared to be playing cat and mouse with you. As if it wasn’t the third or fourth time he licked his lips this evening. His teeth were exposed in a ferocious smile, giving him an almost feral appearance. “Oh I could– but actually, it probably wouldn’t shut ya’ up sweetheart.” He takes your hips, making you softly gasp. “You’d be loud– no you’d be screamin’ honey. I’d make sure of that– oh I’d make sure, the only thing on your mind is me~.”
Johnny made a sound of interest as you placed your hands on his chest. The excitement he felt then was much greater. The way his hands drew you in his direction and the way they tightly grabbed your hips caught you off guard. Once more lowering his head, Johnny first brushes his cheek against yours before moving his lips toward your ear. His hands shifted, reaching your waist.
“Is that what ya’ wanted ta’ hear? How I’ll make sure those legs of ya’s are shakin’ when I fuck ya’ good? Hm? How I’ll make ya’ cum, over, and over on my cock? I can only imagine.” Your body tenses up in response to his comments, and he grins as a result. “Feelin’ ya’ squirm under me. That cute lil’ pussy clenchin’ so tight you’ll make my head spin. Ohhh darlin’, I wanna feel ya’ nails diggin’ in my back as I take ya’. Inch. By. Inch~.”
A subtle sound came from you. Considering that it was subconscious, you weren't sure if it was a whimper or a moan. Your thighs drove together as you made an effort to hide the sudden jolts that surged up through your abdomen. He... really did have a way with words.
“Awwwe~. Are ya’ gettin’ excited now?” Johnny had moved his head away from yours, taking one good look at your reddened face. His tongue ran over the top row of his teeth as he took one good look at your body. The rise and fall of your chest, your gaze struggling to meet his, and the mere sight of your thighs clamping together. Heh. How could he not notice? “It looks like ya’ are.”
You were startled, or perhaps more accurately, flustered. In that instant, Johnny made you feel just how you'd imagined when you'd read about getting hot and bothered in books. You were completely in shock as you stared at the man with your mouth open and nothing coming out of it. How could you respond to that? Could you… even respond? Observing his every move while remaining motionless, nothing came out of your lips, not a single word.
“Gotta question for ya’ doll,” He said, glancing at the wall for a moment. “Don’t have ta’ be shy now, I know what ya’ want. How about ya’ come down ta’ the fields like we planned, yeah?”
You swallowed thickly, seeing as he removed himself from you entirely. What a damn tease. “Tomorrow?”
“Preferably,” Responded Johnny. “Or ya’ plans with pretty boy can go bye bye next Friday, and ya’ can spend it with me instead.”
“You're still on that?” You say with a raised brow. “How do you even know we made plans?”
He growled and clicked the roof of his mouth with his tongue, his eyes moving away from you. “I heard ya’.”
“Heard me? Or you were eavesdropping?”
You and Johnny exchanged looks, and that glare gave you all you needed to know. Let’s be real, it’s a little odd knowing that he had been spying on you, but seeing him jealous was like seeing a spoiled little boy now getting what he wanted.
Johnny’s eyes fluttered closed with a sigh, crossing his arms in defeat. “Y’know— you… I— yer really gettin’ on my nerves!”
“Good,” You say with a small smile. “And I’ll think about coming tomorrow.”
“Oh there’s no thinkin’ honeybee,” Johnny said with a mischievous smile. “I’ll make sure yer there, I’ll steal ya’ if I need ta’— hell! If it means I need ta’ kidnap ya’.”
“You wouldn’t do that.”
“Maybe if ya’ wait long enough, you’ll find out~.”
Part 3 is up!! >>> RSSF PT.3
@optimsluv @chernayawidow @yixxes @marriedtoeddie
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014miki · 10 months
WE ALL LOVE YOUR WRITING!!!! But we need Yandere Liu Kang 🫦
OMG TY <3 and yes, take.
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♥︎‹ 𖤩 𝐎𝐇 𝐀𝐍𝐀 .
TW: dark concept, yandere themes, violence, unhealthy jealousy, obsessive protection, non-gender specific (yiii) and song lyrics (not at all).
liu kang x reader. (yandere version)
✦ tomas vrbada version here!
✦ johnny cage version here!
✦ rain version here!
a/n: I am very sorry for the wait but i had unforeseen problems, after they returned my computer i had extra tasks due to late. Also yesterday i had surgery which was necessary for my brackets (my treatment) possibly ends in april since it started in may of this year and i must say that the difference was quite fast and noticeable, i suppose because i am still very young (XD) well leaving that aside... i hope you all like it.
> used song: oh ana by mother mother.
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>﹏<"Even the gods themselves have weaknesses, except that Liu Kang was a man who fought for his desires, which were increasingly twisted. No one would think that seeing you at that event was the trigger for releasing a dark nature that not even he himself could have thought he had."
🍓▋୨★« ་. 01.- He had introduced you to his champions, however after having introduced you to them he wanted to have a small conversation trying to have you as another ally on his side of the fight since he knew that there was someone plotting and he needed someone to verify that, you innocently accepted. So far they started well and it would be the last normal attitude you would see in him.
🍓▋୨★« ་. 02.- You were someone without anything special, you were just another ordinary person who lived in Edenia but he saw something in you and that was why he had introduced you before, something very special that you didn't even know. For him you were like an angel.
🍓▋୨★« ་. 03.- During the mission which he had assigned to Kenshi and the others, he took that opportunity to learn more about you. From the smallest detail of your life, one of the things you are most good at is finding out about someone.
🍓▋୨★« ་. 04.- ¿Intense? Nah, not even because they provoke it, he must dominate his darkest and most primitive instincts. He just wished that no one else would come near you, that would make he lose sanity. If that happened to happen, that person would disappear, although of course he would not do it by typical means, he would disappear through a black hole.
🍓▋୨★« ་. 05.- Unlike the others, he was one of thinking things before acting which has made him always one step ahead. But if i had to act i would do it immediately. First he would talk to you so that the news wouldn't be so sudden, after that he would say what he feels for you so he would give you the choice: agree to be by his side or erase you from existence… disappearing from existence doesn't sound very fun, on the other hand…
─ Maybe playing at being more than a god is not good for your safety, but today… today i will be and i will be one who gives you the choice of what is best and convenient for you…
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ilyasorokinn · 2 years
andrei “all star” svechnikov , andrei svechnikov
note, finally my all-star fic is here! this year, it was between sid, svech, ilya and petey. i did write a petey blurb, so go check it out. if you want. anyways, i hope you enjoy. another note, this fic is part of the "mr. and mrs. svechnikov" series. check out this masterlist for more. in this fic, theo is around 4 while ana is 3. pair, andrei svechnikov x reader summary, the svechnikovs go to their first all-star game together. warnings, children/kids word count, 2717 words
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gif credit to bestie @ryanpulock
(gif not mine)
Andrei, the entire way home, was tying to figure out a clever way to tell you he had been invited to the All-Star games. It came to him as he turned down the street of your house.
He quickly pulled into the dirveway and hooked his phone up to the speakers. He made it to the doorway when he finally pressed play on the song.
"Hey now, you're an all-star, get your game on, go play Hey now, you're a rock star, get the show on, get paid"
He heard you let out a scream when the song first started and laughed, pushing the door open to find you gaping at him from the living room, "What the hell?!"
"I'm an All-Star, baby!" He exclaimed.
"There are so many better ways you could have done that." You tried to slow your beating heart. Even your watch was asking if you were okay due to your elevated heartrate.
"Oh, come on, it was funny." He pointed out.
"We'll get back to that when I'm not about to have a heart attack."
After the initial shock, you were excited. You were going on a paid vacation, most expenses were paid for (most) and the climate was set for hot and even hotter so you were excited, to say the least.
Because the Canes were playing till the very last second, you didn't get into Florida until Thursday morning, but you were set to stay until the next Thursday.
The moment you stepped off the plane, there were cameras everywhere, all part of the Canes media or the NHL media. Andrei held Anastaisa's hand and helped her down the stairs, flashing them a professional smile. You stood behind Theo, watching him carefully climb down the stairs behind his sister.
After you got settled into your hotel room, you went with Andrei to media. You weren't normally allowed to be with him, but exceptions were made.
The three of you stood off to the side, watching him and looking around at everyone else who was doing media. Theo ran up and hugged Andrei's leg, looking up at all the reporters nervously. Andrei, not wanting to lose his train of thought, only placed a comforting hand on Theo's head, acknowledging him.
When all the questioning was over, the Canes media wanted to get some shots of him "Is it okay if we ask Theo and Anastasia a question?" One of the media people asked, "We're asking all the kids questions and putting together a little compilation."
Once they were given the okay, the cameras were on Theo and Anastasia. Andrei was crouching next to them as Theo held an iconic tiny microphone for both of them.
"So, Theo, tell us, who are you most excited to see this weekend?" Theo looked around at all the other tables to see who else was at the event.
"Crosby." He answered, "And Ovi, oh, and Marner!" Theo exclaimed happily.
"And what about you, Anastasia?"
Anastasia pondered the question for a second before answering, "Moose and Juice," She stated.
Andrei smiled in response before translating, "Mikko Rantanen and Juuse Saros."
Theo tugged on Andrei's pant leg, grabbing his attention and everyone else's as well, "Can we go swimming now, daddy?" Theo asked.
Everyone laughed, "Yeah, we can go swimming, buddy."
Theo had stated that he wanted to walk the carpet with Andrei where all the fans would be and all the paparazzi would be before the Skills competition.
You got him dressed in his best outfit, one which he chose specifically for this situation, "Will people ask for my autograph?" He asked excitedly.
"I don't know, buddy." You tied his shoe as he answered all his questions best you could, "But I do know you're gonna get your picture taken by all those people with cameras."
"Really?" His face lit up.
"Yeah, really." You nodded, a smile finding its way onto your face.
"Like daddy?"
"Just like daddy." You nodded, smoothing down his hair.
When both Andrei and Theo were ready, both you and Anastasia sent them off, with a promise of seeing each other in a couple hours. You got yourself and Anastasia ready before you headed over to the arena.
She was sporting one of the jerseys you had customized with "Little Svech" on the back with the number 37. You waited for Andrei and Theo in the hallway near the locker room.
As more and more players started filing out of the room, her eyes would go wide as they walked past, giving each of them a high-five, even if she didn't know who they were.
"Mommy, you see?" She jumped up and down as she gave Kirill Kaprizov a high-five.
"I did." You nodded, before spotting Andrei and Theo coming out of the locker room, "Look, there's papa and Theo." She whipped around and ran over to greet them.
Andrei was wearing a reverse retro Canes jersey and a hat while Theo wore his matching "Little Svech" jersey.
"Mommy, mommy!" Theo ran over to you the best he could in skates.
"What, what?" You asked.
"I met Breadman and Hughesy," Theo told you excitedly.
"Did you really? Wow."
"We missed Sid and Ovi." He frowned.
"That's okay, I'm sure you'll meet them soon." You reassured. You turned your attention back to Andrei who was smiling so big, and opened your mouth to say something but switched your attention to Theo and Anastasia who were excitedly talking to each other about all the people they met.
"Hey, I have an idea," You grabbed their attention, "Do you guys wanna be with papa out on the ice or do you want to sit with me in the stands?" You knew the answer before you asked the question.
They each latched onto one of Andrei's legs in response, to which both you and Andrei both laughed, "All right, I'll see you both later. Be good." They both nodded, "Listen to the adults in charge." They wrapped their arms around you, "Love you." You kissed their heads.
"Bye, mommy." They each kissed your cheek.
You stood up to meet Andrei. You wrapped your arms around him, "Skate really fast." You told him.
He laughed, "I'll try." He responded, "And don't worry about them, I've got them. Have fun, or as much as you can."
"I'll have two beers in your honor." You pulled your head away, with a smile on your face, so you could look him in the eyes.
"Sounds good." He leaned down and kissed you softly before you both pulled away.
You found your spot rather quickly and took a sip of your beer. From the ice, Anastasia spotted you and waved enthusiastically. You laughed, waving back to her.
"She's cute." The woman sitting next to you commented.
"Thank you." You beamed.
Down on the ice, Theo and Anastasia were having the time of their lives, hanging out with all the other kids and meeting all the other hockey players.
Theo and Anastasia were sitting on the bench, Ilya Sorokin sitting in between them, babysitter. At the same time, Andrei participated in his skill, snacking on ice cream bars as they watched the fastest skaters.
"Ooh." Anastasia winced when Cale Makar tripped and went flying into the boards. She looked up at Ilya, who laughed at her reaction. She giggled in response.
Kevin Fiala skated around the rink, and both Anastasia and Theo enjoyed it, but when they saw their dad step up to the starting line, they jumped up off the bench and started cheering.
"Papa!" They both jumped up and down, garnering the attention of people around them, who simply smiled at the two of them.
They didn't stop once as he skated around the rink. They only stopped when he skated over to where they were. They all looked up at the jumbotron and saw that he was now in first place.
"Wow." Theo gasped, and Andrei smiled proudly.
After Stephenson and Larkin went, Fiala and Andire were announced as the two finalists, "Go fast, papa." Anastasia told her father
"I will." Andrei laughed, kissing each of their heads once again. He skated out to the center of the ice with Fiala.
Andrei wanted to win it, but in the back of his mind, he knew that his 3 biggest supporters would be proud of him regardless of what happened.
Kevin Fiala went first and got 14.114. Andrei lined up behind the line and took a deep breath before he skated as fast as his legs could carry him.
He blocked out the sounds of people cheering and all the eyes on him and just skated. He skated until he made it back to the starting/finish line.
Once the timer stopped, he slowed down and looked up at the big jumbotron to see his time. He couldn't help but smile when he saw the 13.699 in big numbers.
He could practically hear Anastasia and Theo cheering from their seats and jumping up and down. He skated back over to the bench to do the interview but waved over across the bench to Theo and Anastasia whose smiles were almost as big as his.
"Andrei you realize, with Brady looking at you, you just outworked every single guy here with that lap. How do you feel right now?" Kevin, the reporter asked.
"I think I just got lucky, to be honest." He could hear his own voice come through the loudspeakers around the arena, "But I would never expect to win this, and I'm kind of excited."
"You know everybody around the league now is going to look at you as a Speedster. Are you ready for that title?" Kevin asked.
"Ah no, I'm not sure if they're gonna look at that" Andrei chuckled.
"Wow, great job congratulations, your first All-Star Game. You're the fastest skater." Kevin shook his hand.
"Thank you so much. Appreciate it." Andrei nodded.
After the tournament and the rest of the challenges, you waited in the tunnel near the locker room with a few of the other partners. You were talking with Johnny Gaudreau's wife while you waited for the rest of your family to come out of the locker room.
When Andrei finally exited the locker room, he was dressed and carrying both sleeping children in his arms. Your heart swooned when Andrei smiled.
He handed Anastasia off to you, "I have to get my bag, but I'll be back." He turned to head back into the locker room, but you grabbed his hand gently to stop him.
He looked confused as he turned around, "I'm proud of you, All-Star." You whispered, leaning up and kissing his cheek.
The next day, Anastasia and Theo were up bright and early. Jumping out of their bed and into yours, "Wake up!" They both shouted, jumping up and down.
You groaned, shoving your head under the pillow, "You promised us chocolate chip pancakes last night." Even though your eyes were closed and you couldn't Theo's face,
"Why did we do that again?" You reached over and softly punched Andrei in the shoulder who was in a similar position as you.
"To get them to sleep." He replied, his voice muffled by the pillow.
"Come on, come on!" Theo jumped off the bed and grabbed Andrei's arm, trying to pull him out of bed.
You both eventually pulled yourselves out of bed and got yourselves ready then took Theo and Anastasia down to get breakfast. After breakfast and spending some time at the pool, it was time to get ready for the game.
Andrei got ready a little quicker because he had to be at the arena a little earlier than you had to be, but he helped Theo get ready before he left.
"Goodbye, I love you both." He kissed each of their heads, "Be good for your mom. I'll see you on the ice." He booped Anastasia on the nose, making her giggle.
"And I love you, too." He turned his attention to you, "I'll see you later."
"See you on the ice." You kissed him, hugging him and savoring the feeling of him being there with you, "Love you, too."
Theo was sitting next to you chowing down on some popcorn while Anastasia stood on your legs, dancing to the music blasting through the speakers.
"Stormy!" Theo pointed a few rows over to the familiar mascot. That caught the mascot's attention, and he looked up. Theo waved erratically. Stormy finished the interaction he was having and then made his way up to your row.
You were luckily sitting at the end of the row, so Stormy sat down on the steps next to your seats after giving Theo and Anastasia big hugs. Theo and Stormy talked (which was more just Theo talking and Stormy nodding along) while you waited for the first game to start.
Al the set pieces were set up on the ice already so you waited excitedly as Anastasia babbled and danced away. The lights eventually dimmed, and Theo screeched, clamoring into his seat, holding tight to Stormy's hand.
The Central Division was announced first, then Atlantic, then finally Metropolitan, "From the Carolina Hurricanes, Andrei Svechnikov!" Andrei skated out from the big monitors.
Theo stood up in his seat and cheered loudly. Stormy jumped up and down with him, "Look, papa." You laughed, pointing down to the ice. Anastasia followed your finger down to Andrei. She giggled, looking up at you.
After all the games and Takchuk was named MVP, Andrei was in media, Theo sitting happily in his lap, "How was your first Al-Star game, Svech?"
"it was great, I had a lot of fun, and getting to bring the kids along is a plus."
"What're you gonna do now that you have a week-long break?"
"We're going to Disney World." He laughed, eliciting a laugh from the reporters in the room.
"I'm sure Theo and Ana are excited."
"So excited." Andrei nodded.
Theo tugged on Andrei's shirt sleeve and Andrei bent down, his ear to Theo's mouth, "Ovi and Sid." He whispered, but his whispering wasn't very quiet.
The reporters chuckled, "We'll go find them later." Andrei whispered back before turning back to the reporters.
"We won't keep you for long, Andrei. Seems like Theo is excited." Andrei nodded appreciatively.
"Thank you." He picked Theo up and exited the room.
The TikTok of the kids answering who they would want to see the most went viral, and in particular, Theo and Anastasia went viral. Most of the comments were saying that now Theo and Anastasia had to meet their favorite players, so the media set it up.
You and Andrei led Theo and Anastasia to the ice where Sid, Ovi, Mikko, and Juuse were waiting to meet their Number one fans, media all around you.
Theo let out a gasp when the rink came into view and he saw Ovi and Sid standing on the ice. Anastasia heard and turned her head to the ice.
"Juice and Moose!" She announced your presence, causing the four players to turn to you. All of you laughed as they skated over to meet you halfway.
Theo, suddenly shy, hid behind Andrei's legs as Sid bent down in front of him, "Hi, Theo."
"Hi." Theo waved shyly.
"I heard you were a big fan." Theo nodded. Ovi produced a puck and handed it to Theo. Theo reached out and took it.
"What do you say?" Andrei whispered down to him.
"Thank you," Theo responded.
"You're very welcome." They both smiled.
Anastasia was just as starstruck as Theo, hiding her face in your neck as Mikko and Juuse stood in front of her. They both smiled as Juuse produced a puck and handed it to her.
"Thank you." She responded.
"You're welcome, Ana." They both smiled, "It was nice to meet you."
She only smiled, clutching the puck to her chest. You smiled down at her, "Wow, Ana. You met Juice and Moose." She beamed. Theo bounced up and down as he flashed you his puck, "Wow, look at that! They both signed it!"
"We have to add it to my collection." He told you.
"We'll do it at home." You brushed a hand through his hair, "Now, come on, Disney World is waiting for us."
my taglist: @mitch-slap @kolsmikaelson @ashleymarine @typical-simplelove @rosesvioletshardy @laurenairay @kidlnthedark @bowen-power @lam-ila @catahshart @stars-canucks @drei-mrssvechii @iwantahockeyhimbo @2manytabsopen @nicohischierz @calermakar08 @hamilton160 @Pierrelucduboiis @thescooby-gang @sammysworldddd @mista-svech @paintlavillered @Hyppeln-agnes @samanthasgone @hockeyboysarehot @nicoleloveshockey @thedukes-56-5 @tkachukswife @hockeyunits @sidcrosbyspuck @dumbxblond3 @kaydenissleepy @Yagetintoit @seventieswhore @michellekirby30 @jamieeboulos @Coffeeandteaandflowers @bibella8swan @cuttergauth @boqvistsbabe @sophia-bordeleau @jayda12 @yangofyang @lifeofpriya @beccaiscold
add yourself to my taglist!
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blueve1vet · 6 days
Hiii I love ur blog sm, can we be ana buddies?? Ima girl btw, u can call me Jana 😻
ofc!! message whenever you like and i will try my best to respond, my name is ian ;3
im a boy but happily taken w my boyfriend no weirdos or strange men here ty 😾
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purplebrokenheart · 3 months
Zbiór podstaw ..
Chcesz być inna? Silniejsza? Lepsza?
Więc zapomnij o tej przyziemnej, pospolitej czynności, jaką jest jedzenie
~Jedzenie jest słabością, a Ty przecież nie chcesz być słaba ~Niejedzenie sprawia, ze jesteś wyjątkowa, lepsza od przeciętnego człowieka
~0 jutra... Od rana... Od poniedziałku... Coś takiego nie istnieje. Masz być silna i wyjątkowa już od teraz, od zaraz. nie od poniedziałku!
~Wszystko czego nie zjesz sprawia, ze jesteś bliżej ideału...
Kościste ramiona...
Wystające żebra...
motylków ★
1. Jeśli nie jesteś chuda, nie jesteś atrakcyjna.
2. Bycie chudą jest ważniejsze od bycia zdrową.
3. Będziesz sie głodziła i robiła wszystko co w Twojej mocy, aby wyglądać coraz szczuplej.
4. Nie będziesz jadła bez poczucia winy.
5. Nie będziesz jadła niczego bez ukarania siebie za to.
6. Będziesz liczyła każdą kalorię i ograniczała ich ilość.
7. Najważniejsze jest to, co mówi waga.
8. To proste: chudnięcie jest dobre, a przybieranie na wadze - złe.
9. Nigdy nie jesteś "zbyt" chuda
10. Bycie szczupła i niejedzenie są dowodami prawdziwej silnej woli.
11.Waga jest wskaźnikiem moich codziennych sukcesów i porażek
12.Wierzę w perfekcję i chcę ją osiągnąć.
13.Droga do szczęścia jest stawaniem się kimś lepszym niż wczoraj)
~To ja decyduje o tym co wkładam do ust i co będę jeść!!!
~Nic nie smakuje tak cudownie jak świadomość, że chudnę
~Skusić się na...? Co to znaczy?! Ty nie masz ochoty jeść!
~Głód to Twój przyjaciel, pokochaj go. Jedzenie jest tym, czego najbardziej nienawidzisz
~Każdy człowiek je, to nic niezwykłego
To ja decyduje o tym co wkładam do ust i co będę jeść.
. Nic nie smakuje tak cudownie, jak świadomość że chudnę.
Skusić się na...? Co to znaczy ?! Ty nie masz ochoty jeść!
Głód to Twój przyjaciel, pokochaj go. Jedzenie jest tym, czego najbardziej nienawidzisz.
Każdy człowiek je. To nic nadzwyczajnego.
Jedzenie jest słabością, a ty przecież nie chcesz być słaba.
Niejedzenie sprawia że jesteś wyjątkowa, inna od przeciętnego człowieka.
. Od jutra, od rana,od poniedziałku... Coś takiego nie istnieje!
Masz być silna i wyjątkowa już teraz! Od zaraz! Nie od poniedziałku!
10. Wszystko czego nie zjesz sprawi, że będziesz bliżej ideału.
★Chudość smakuje lepiej
★Nie jem bo, nie zasługuje na jedzenie
★Nie będę się poddawać myślą o napadzie bez walki
★Nie będę marnować poprzednich dni, w których mało jadłam i wysiłku, który w to włożyłam
★Nie odpuszczę ćwiczeń bo, mi się nie chce
★Nie będę słuchać myśli „przecież zasługuje na jedzenie, wcale nie wyglądam tak źle"
★Dieta trwa tu i teraz, a nie od jutra
★Będę kupować, tylko dietetyczne zamienniki jedzenia i picia
★ Ulane uda i brzuch nie są atrakcyjne
★Będę zasypiać głodna
★Głód jest dobry, kiedy czuje się głodna znaczy, że chudnę
★Tylko słabi i żałośni ludzie pocieszają się jedzeniem. Ja jestem silna
★Tylko słabi i żałośni ludzie pocieszają się jedzeniem. Ja jestem silna
★moja samoocena zależy od liczby jaką pokaże waga
★To proste: chude jest piękne, grube nie
★Tylko chude dziewczynki zasługują na miłość i szacunek
★Jedzenie sprawia, że źle się czuje więc nie jem
★Zjedzenie czegoś zakazanego nie sprawi, że będę szczęśliwsza. Wręcz przeciwnie - wywoła wyrzuty sumienia.
★Nikt się mną nie przejmie dopóki drastycznie nie schudnę
★To nie ma być zdrowe. Ma być skuteczne
★Wole chodzić głodna niż gruba
★Głodówka boli, ale działa
★Żeby się głodzić potrzeba samo dyscypliny. Ja ją mam
★ma być niskokalorycznie a nie zdrowo
★Każda kolejna godzina fasta sprawia, że jestem chudsza
★Jedzenie to nie przyjaciel, ana jest
★Każdy kolejny dzień restrykcji przybliża mnie do celu
★Liczy się, tylko ana
★Nie chce czuć obrzydzenie patrząc na swój brzuch i uda
★Im mniej jem, tym lepiej
★Tylko dwie rzeczy są ze mną szczere : waga i ana
★nie wierze nikomu kto mówi, że dobrze wyglądam
★Nigdy nie będę za chuda
★Jestem dumna z siebie, kiedy uda mi się odmówić, pokonać napad
★Ana jest moją towarzyszką. W przeciwieństwie do ludzi ona nigdy mnie nie zawiedzie
★Kiedy chcesz się poddać, pomyśl o tym jak dużo już osiągnęłaś. Serio chcesz to zjebać?
★Tylko ładne dziewczynki mają przyjaciół
★Bycie motylkiem to zaszczyt. Musisz na niego zapracować
★Tylko rygor doprowadzi mnie do perfekcji
~Ile byś nie zjadła to i tak będziesz mieć wyrzuty sumienia
~Jedzenie jest złe, jest oznaką słabości
~Nie istnieje coś takiego jak idealna waga. Ile byś nie ważyła, zawsze jest za dużo
~Jeżeli zdarzy się „wpadka" musisz się pozbyć tego co zjadłaś
Moje przykazania any, alfabet any i powody do bycia chudą
A - Anoreksja, moja królowa - upadły anioł, który niszczy moją duszę
B- Bulimia moja koleżanka i bezsilność, co wkrada się w życie
C- Chudnięcie im więcej tym lepiej ...
D- Doskonałość, zawsze daleka
E- Egoizm - wcale nie myślę tylko o sobie/ED zaburzenia odżywiania
F- Figura wciąż ta nie upragniona
G- Głodówka, szczyty wytrzymałośći
H- Hamowanie głodu tabletkami ...
I- Izolacja, tylko Ja i Ana
J- Jedzenie, surowo zabronione !
K- Kalorie, obsesja liczenia i kłąmstwo które jednak triumfuje
L- Lustro którego oblicze sprawia rozpacz
M- Miłość do anoreksji i kości/ Męczarnia przez katowanie się ćwiczeniami
N- Nienawiść do swojego ciała
O- Obiektywne spojrzenie którego mi brak
P- Pragnienie, bycia piękną
R- Restrykcje wobec samego siebie i Realizm, którego nie znajdziesz we mnie
S- Satysfakcja jest cudowna
T- Thinspiracje które pomagają/ Thin do tego dążę
U- Ukrywanie nie jedzenia, ciągły stres
W- Ważenie się chwila nie pewności
Z- Zero wymarzony rozmiar
1. Jeśli nie jesteś szczupła, to znaczy, że nie jesteś atrakcyjna.
2. Bycie szczupłą jest ważniejsze od bycia zdrową.
3. Będziesz się głodziła i robiła wszystko co w twojej mocy, aby wyglądać coraz szczuplej.
4. Nie będziesz jadła nadprogramowo bez poczucia winy.
5. Nie będziesz jadła niczego nadprogramowo bez ukarania siebie za to.
6. Będziesz liczyła każdą kalorię i ograniczała ich ilość.
7. Najważniejsze jest to, co mówi waga.
8. To proste: chudnięcie jest dobre, a przybieranie na wadze - złe.
9. Nigdy nie jesteś „zbyt” szczupła.
10. Bycie szczupłą i niejedzenie są dowodami prawdziwej siły woli.
11. Waga jest wskaźnikiem moich codziennych sukcesów i porażek.
12. Wierzę w perfekcję i chcę ją osiągnąć.
13. Droga do szczęścia jest stawaniem się kimś lepszym niż wczoraj.
Powody do bycia chudą:
1. By dumnie i prosto kroczyć ulicami i śmiać się innym prosto w twarz.
2. Możesz iść do sklepu kupić bluzkę, która ci się podoba a jest tylko w jednym "małym" rozmiarze.
3. By stanąć przed lustrem nago i powiedzieć z uśmiechem na twarzy "chude jest boskie".
4. Mama i ojciec nie ględzą ci, że wyglądasz jak prosiak.
5. Nie wstydzisz się pokazać w kostiumie kąpielowym.
6. Masz więcej energii i siły witalnej.
7. Cieszysz się, kiedy po miesiącach odchudzania nosisz rozmiar 32 a nie 46.
8. Każdy prawi ci komplementy, jak świetnie wyglądasz.
9. Czujesz się dobrze w swoim ciele.
10. Czujesz się dowartościowana, kiedy patrzy na ciebie gruba baba, a jej wzrok mówi, "ale ona jest chuda, ja tez chcę".
11. Jesteś idealna.
12. Możesz ubrać to, co chcesz i nie wyglądasz grubo, wszystkie ciuchy świetnie leżą.
13. Wszyscy ci zazdroszczą.
14. Czujesz się dowartościowana - znasz swoją wartość i moc - wiesz na ile cię stać.
15. Chudsza = lepsza.
16. Jedzenie kosztuje.
17. Wraz z ubytkiem wagi wzrasta pewność siebie.
18. Nie masz już "tego problemu".
19. Masz kości "na wierzchu", a to jest piękne.
20. Czujesz się lekko i dobrze ze sobą.
21. Nie masz obrzydliwych fałd tłuszczu i możesz nosić obcisłe ubranka.
22. Nie wstydzisz się nagości.
23. Nie toczysz się po chodniku.
24. Jesteś pewna siebie.
25. Twój facet nie sapie podnosząc cię.
26. Nie masz strachu przed dotykiem.
27. Czujesz, że panujesz nad jedzeniem, nad sobą, nad swoim ciałem, że masz siłę.
38. Jesteś kimś dla siebie samej.
29. Umiesz spojrzeć w lustro i powiedzieć "jest dobrze".
30. Możesz popracować jako modelka, kiedy kasy brak...
31. Możesz bez problemu przejść np. pomiędzy ciasno ustawionymi krzesłami.
32. Nie zazdrościsz chudszym.
33. Ludzie mają cię za perfekcjonistkę, bez jednego włoska na bluzce, albo pyłku po cieniu do powiek na policzku.
34. Śliczne ciuszki w rozmiarze xs nie leżą na dnie szafy tylko idealnie na tobie.
35. Wszyscy zazdroszczą ci takiej silnej woli.
36. W lecie jest ci chłodno, a w zimie zawsze można włożyć cieplejszą kurtkę.
37. Ludzie patrzą na ciebie inaczej. I lepiej oceniają. Zdecydowanie.
38. Jakie oczęta robią ludzie, którzy widzieli cię wcześniej przed "dietą".
39. Nie tracisz czasu na żarcie.
40. By wreszcie być szczęśliwym...
Mantra pro ana
1. Każdy dodatkowy kilogram sprawia, że stajesz się brzydka, nieatrakcyjna, do niczego, nielubiana...
2. Każdy kilogram, z którym się pożegnasz sprawi, ze będziesz szczęśliwa, lekka i bez wyrzutów sumienia.
3. Ana to twoja najlepsza przyjaciółka - daje ci możliwość bycia piękną i szczęśliwą!
4. Aby sprawdzić swój charakter i silną wolę musisz przestać jeść, przestać myśleć o jedzeniu!
5. Będziesz wartościowa, wtedy i tylko wtedy, gdy staniesz się szczupła, chuda - piękna.
6. Sama wiesz jak ludzie patrzą na grubych, obleśnie otyłych ludzi, przecież nie chcesz być tak postrzegana!
7. Nie chcesz słyszeć śmiechów za plecami i dogryzania szczupłych koleżanek.
8. Musisz udowodnić wszystkim, jaka jesteś silna i jaka jesteś naprawdę piękna, bez tych wszystkich fałdków na brzuchu, trzęsących się ud i pośladków, obrzydliwych "opon" na biodrach - bez nich byłoby ci lepiej.
Jeśli tutaj dotarłeś/aś to chudego dnia motylku 💜
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qxvicxa · 1 month
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༻Kolerzanka z ana/ed༺
.*✵*. Szukam motylka/ gąsieniczki, z kturą będziemy pisać codziennie. O tym ile zjadłyśmy, ile spaliłyśmy, jak się dzisiaj czujemy z ciałem, jakie mamy cele, co nam wyszło a co nie z ed,
Będziemy się motywować, lub gardzić, będziemy mogły wymyślać kary, bądź karzda karać druga gdy zepsuje. Polegało by to na tym że naprzyklad główne podsumowanie będzie o 19, napisze w tedy do ciebie, jeśli tego nie zrobię bo np. Zapomnę to ty napiszesz o 20. Oczywiście w trakcie dnia możemy pisać o tym co zjadłyśmy i o pomoc z tym.
Może być to miłe, lub hardcorowe.
Narazie mogę „przygarnąć „ do tej „zabawy” 3 motylki.
.*✵*. Obcje są trzy;
1. Gardzisz mnie gdy zrobię błąd, ja gardzę Ciebie gdy zrobisz błąd, karzemy się nawzajem gdy bardzo zepsujemy, potem sprawdzamy czy wykonałyśmy kary. Możemy się wyzywać. Jeśli któraś chce by ją zgardzić pisze a druga to robisz
2. Piszemy do siebie podsumowania dnia, w trakcie też jak podszebujemy. Możemy pytać siebie na wzajem, o porady. Motywujemy gdy kturas ma załamke i chce się poddać.
3. Głównie piszemy podsumowania, w trakcie dnia, ale możemy się gardzić. Nie bardzo hardcorowo, ale i tak. Piszemy o Anię i podajemy sposoby ( w innych obcjach też)
.*✵*. Osobiście bardzo poszukuje koleżanki motylka z obcji pierwszej, 2 i 3 są dla was! Pomagając mam pomogę też sobie :)))
.*✵*. Napisz w kom, i na pv!
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whenanafallsinlove · 2 months
(i hope i did this right 😥)
HIII, TYSM!! sending lots of love and hugs! <3
🪩"JUST LIKE A FOLK SONG" - send a character, and I'll make a moodboard with the folklore song you + them give me vibes of!
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invisible string - sero hanta x reader
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mapileonxputellas · 2 years
Best Christmas Present (Alexia Putellas x Reader)
Loved this Christmas one! Please send in anymore Christmas ideas... Requests 1, 2 and 3. 3k words x
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“Final question for Y/N before we move onto Alexia.”
The joys of being the vice-captain of Barcelona meant joining Alexia for the press conference before the final game of the year. It felt like the middle of the night as you pulled up at the training session, hours before the training session all to face the questions of the media.
Having Alexia with you made it bearable, the two of you having been in a relationship for over four years now. The 7am wake up didn’t feel too bad when you were greeted with the love of your life in your shared home with Nala asleep at your feet.
“Y/N, how would you assess the season so far and what plans have you got for the Christmas break?”
A seemingly meaningless question to probably everyone in the room but one that brought up a touchy subject for yourself.
“In terms of the season so far I am pleased with both my own performance and the team overall but we know we cannot rest on that going into the new year. We’re more determined than ever to keep that unbeaten record in the league and reach the Champions League final again. We miss Alexia and others on the pitch at times but we’re trying to find alternative ways to break teams down effectively.” You answered, feeling your heart almost beat out of your chest as you thought about the second part of your answer. “I’m going to take the Christmas break to rest up and recharge ready for the new year in Spain.”
Out of all the things you loved about being Australian, the distance between there and your now home in Spain was not one of them. Christmas had never been an issue before, with the long break in the league you usually had time to travel there and back but this year the league structure meant that wouldn’t be possible and your parents’ health problems meant they couldn’t make the reverse journey.
“So you’re not travelling to Australia?”
“Sadly not.”
A simple answer but saying it out loud every time made it more real for you. Feeling a little nudge of your feat you slightly turned your head to find Alexia almost assessing you, making sure you weren’t going to breakdown so you sent her a weak smile accompanied by your blurry eyes.
Her smile immediately dropped noticing your mood and slightly scooted her chair over so her hand could grasp your own and draw patterns on your hand to calm you down.
The rest of the press conference was a blur for you, just focusing on the hand connected to your own and vaguely listening to Alexia. All you could think about was the new-found reality that you would be celebrating Christmas alone this year. This was your favourite holiday and it wouldn’t be the same on your own with no-one to celebrate with. This time the final question was a blessing as you quickly thanked the media before shuffling out of your seat.
You could feel Alexia’s eyes on you as you walked out the door but you didn’t have any time to talk about what had happened as you were thrust into a full changing room ready for the training session.
“Here come the love birds.” Claudia shouted as you entered. Trying to distract yourself you went straight over to your cubby between Ana and Jana. “Can’t even keep your hands off each other for twenty minutes.”
“Leave them alone.” Ana defended you. “They’re just in love.”
“What are you talking about anyway?” You questioned, quickly trying to change into the training gear.
“Let’s just say you weren’t as subtle as you thought you were.” Jana teased as you sat down. The young girl had spent a lot of time with both you and Alexia and often referred to you as her team mum.
“Alexia getting handsy.” Mapi interrupted her. “You should see twitter honestly it’s like you’ve got married never mind just held hands in a press conference.”
“I thought it was cute.” Ingrid added. “Don’t listen to them.”
“I always preferred your girlfriend Mapi.”
“Right back at ya.”
Just as you finished tying your boot laces a hand came and rested on your knee before your girlfriend came into your vision, kneeling down in front of you. Her glances around the room gave away that she was waiting for the room to clear before she spoke.
“Are you ok?” She whispered. “Why didn’t you tell me….”
“Can we do this later? Please.” You almost begged, not wanting to get upset and then have to go out into the cold.
“Promise you’ll talk to me later.”
“I promise.” You replied, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “Thank you for back there.”
“Anything for you.”
You avoided the conversation for as long as you possible could by busying yourself around other people. Offering to give Jana a lift home who lived round the corner from you both, taking the longest shower possible and busying yourself with making tea before you sat down together for dinner, ready to face the music.
The silence was overwhelming as you both sat down, twirling the pasta round your fork as you avoided eye contact. Slowly making your way through the meal.
“Why didn’t you just tell me?” Alexia broke the silence.
“It’s complicated Alexia.”
“What’s complicated for me is the fact that you didn’t want to tell me.”
“There’s nothing you can do though, your family is here and mine’s not.” You wiped away the sole tear that was slowly trickling down your face. “I thought they were going to come here but then with their latest problems the health insurance wouldn’t cover them. But it’s fine, I’ve got everything I need here and we can celebrate together the day after.”
This time though it was Alexia who was confused. “What?”
“It’s fine at least you’ll get two Christmases.”
“Babe take a step back, I’m not letting you spend Christmas day alone.”
“I mean what other choice do I have?”
“Spend it with us.” She reached over to grab your hand. “My mum always cooks enough for the whole village and she loves you.”
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because that’s your family Ale.”
Well and truly before this year you’d never even had the option of celebrating Christmas together with the distance between you all. “They’re your family too and before you ask whether they’d be OK with it, my mum will be just worried the whole day if she knows you’re spending the day alone.”
“I feel like I’d be intruding.”
“I promise you wouldn’t be, this past year you’ve been a rock to me and my family and we owe you this at least.”
“You don’t owe me anything Ale.”
“I do, you gave up so much of your time watching me playing football, all those nights you stayed with me in hospital and then you’ve been the brunt of all my mood swings.”
“I did it because I love you.”
“And I love you so let me do this for you now.” Ale slipped out of her seat before gently sitting on your lap. “You know one day we’ll have both our families together, little ones running around and we won’t be the guests anymore. Consider this the first step in that, I don’t want to spend Christmas apart from you any longer, I’ve done that for four years and that’s long enough.”
“You’re a good persuader Miss Putellas.” She was getting to you and the smirk on her face said she knew that as her fingers gently dragged back and forth on your exposed collar bone.
“Please, I won’t be able to celebrate if I know you’re here all alone.”
“I’m calling your mum tomorrow and double checking this is alright with her.”
“Is that a yes?”
Reaching up you gently grabbed her chin to draw your eyes together. “Yes Ale, I’d love to spend Christmas with you.” The only way to seal the deal was with a kiss which you almost immediately pulled away from as a thought came into your head. “I need a full list of who will be there so I can add them to the Christmas present list.”
“Babe I’ve already started just putting both our names on them.”
“Well the shit ones I just put your names on.”
“Very funny.”
Moments like these cemented how much you loved the woman on your lap, throughout all the moments her newfound fame had given her she was still your Ale. As your lips gently caressed each other’s you thought of the perfect way to thank her for all of this to truly show how much you loved her and thankfully you knew exactly how you could do that.
Christmas with the Putellas family was definitely an experience. You knew how much Eli loved being a host and that showed on Christmas day.
From the beginning you were made to feel just as much a part of the family as Alba and Alexia: from the stocking embroidered with your name on to the heap of presents for you. It almost made you emotional thinking about the family that you had gained from your love for the Spaniard.
The day however only grew from there with family member after family member being welcomed into the house. Even though you had met everyone before it was still quite overwhelming so you tried to help Eli as much as possible in the kitchen. Cooking was definitely your other passion away from football and it helped you to forget about all the craziness going in the other room.
“How is my favourite daughter finding today?” Eli asked as she wrapped an arm around your shoulder before dropping down into a whisper. “Have you got a plan yet?”
Before you could even answer though another voice piped in. “Wow mama you could at least pretend not to have favourites.”
You loved Alba like a sister and you knew she was only joking, further shown as she joined you in a group hug. “Alba is just jealous.”
“No me and Alexia always knew you was the favourite. Alexia sent me to get you by the way, we’re playing games with the children.”
“Tell her I’m helping mama.”
“No you go.” Eli almost pushed you out, giving you her best authoritative look. “You’ve helped me more than enough today.”
“I’ll be back.” You promised.
The living room was far from the quiet serenity of the kitchen, both the sofas were filled with extended family, children were scattered across the carpet playing all sorts of different games and you found your girlfriend on the armchair trying to work out the latest game they wanted to play. You couldn’t help but watch as she tried to answer the questions of her young cousins all whilst looking incredible in the black blazer set she’d settled on, a stark contrast to your red dress. Your thoughts were interrupted though as Alba bumped your shoulder knocking you out of the daydream.
“Having a bit of trouble there.” You teased taking a seat on the arm of the chair. “These are supposed to be for children you know.”
“Shut up.” With one arm still holding onto the instructions the other tugged your waist causing you to slide down the arm of the chair onto her lap. You couldn’t help but press a kiss to the top of her head as she still tried to wrap her mind around the game.
“How about I do the next game?” You announced getting the attention of all the kids. “Count to twenty and I’ll be back.”
Scrambling to go to your backs you left in Alexia’s old room you found the parcel in your overnight bag ready for this exact scenario. Coming empty handed was never an option for you.
“Here it is.” You announced getting everyone’s attention. “Who wants to play pass the parcel?”
Your suggestion was met with a round of cheers as everyone got into a circle to include all the adults on the sofas. Taking a seat on the floor you were ready to start when one of Alexia’s cousins, Ana, sat down on your lap. Your arms instantly wrapped around the young girl as you started the music, each time letting the girl pass the parcel on to Alexia.
“Why did you not sit with me?” Alexia asked Ana dangling her hand over the chair to tickle the girl, pouting to feign her hurt.  
“Want Auntie Y/N.” Even just her calling you Auntie made your heart skip a beat, you couldn’t believe how lucky you were to now call these people your family.
“Yeah Auntie Ale.” You teased sticking your tongue out.
“She’s my favourite too.” Ale admitted to the little girl, faking a whisper. “Don’t tell her than though.”
“Secret.” The little girl whispered, thinking this was a real secret even though you could obviously hear both of them.
“Yeah keep it a secret.”
“What are you two talking about?” You asked gaining the attention of Ana who simply curled back into your lap.
“Nothing.” She answered. “Love you.”
“I love you too.”
Alexia couldn’t help but just look the at the two of you together. Your attention split between a conversation with her uncle and trying to soothe the girl in your lap.
“You’re so whipped.” Alba whispered teasingly into her sister’s ear. “Stop staring.”
“Shut up Alba.”
Your moment didn’t come till after the meal had finished and everyone was still sat around talking. Alexia was curled up on the chair next to you, both of your hands intertwined on your lap as you mixed with everyone. But the box in your bag upstairs could no longer be ignored and now felt like the moment.
“I’m just nipping to the bathroom,” You whispered to Ale before slipping out the room.
Quickly refreshing yourself in the bathroom before retrieving the little box hidden in your overnight bag. You’ve played in front of nearly one hundred thousand people in your career but this is the most nervous you’ve felt before.
You couldn’t stop your hands from shaking as you slowly made your way into the dining room again. Stopping behind Ale’s chair your hands rested on her shoulders as you cleared your throat to gain the attention of the room, all eyes suddenly focused on you.
“Sorry for interrupting all your conversations but I just wanted to say something in front of you all. Firstly I want to thank you for today, you’ve all welcomed me into your family and took me in as one of your own. To Eli, thank you for being an amazing host and for the amazing food.”
“Which you helped with.” She pointed out. “We’ve all loved having you here, plus Ale would have spent the whole day being miserable without you.”
“Whining even more than usual.” Alba teased her sister.
“As you all know I’ve been with Ale for more than four years now and they’ve been the best of my life.” You started, Alexia turning to face you. “We’ve been through more struggles than anyone will know, with injuries and the pressures of being who we are but we’ve always had each other and I know I wouldn’t have come this far without you by my side.”
“What’s all this for?” Alexia asked.
You ignored her question to continue. “You’re my best friend. I love everything about you even when you keep me awake snoring at night or when you burn my toast in the morning. You’re always the first to offer to give me a massage after a match, you always remember my green tea in the morning but more than that you make me feel more loved than I’ve ever felt before.”
The realisation of what was slowly happening was dawning on Alexia as tears streamed down her face.
“I’d love nothing more than to have the rest of my life to continue to show you how much you mean to me and stand by your side to share every moment together.” You said, slowly getting down on one knee, opening the box to reveal the ring you’d chosen. “So Alexia Putellas Segura, will you do me the greatest honour and be my wife?”
“Yes, yes of course I will.” Immediately shooting out of her chair she wasted no time in gathering you in her arms, spinning you around in the air. “I love you so much.” She whispered, planting you back down on the floor to kiss you.
“I love you too. I hope you like the ring.”
“It’s perfect. Everything you choose is perfect.” Taking the simple but elegant diamond ring in your hand you slid it onto her finger like a glove.
It’s only then that you realise you’re not alone in the room, both of your eyes immediately turning to Eli and Alba. Tears uncontrollable streaming down their faces as they gathered you in a group hug.
“I’m so happy for you both.” Eli whispered, kissing both of your heads. “No-one deserves this more than you two.”
“You’re both made for each other.” Alba added, first hugging you as Eli took Alexia in her arms. “That ring as well, wow.”
“You should thank Eli for that as well.” You admitted as you swapped to get your hug from Eli. “I can’t take all the credit for that.”
“You knew?”  Alexia turned to the both of you.
“Y/N came to me a few months ago and asked for my permission which I of course gave her. I didn’t know she as planning on doing it tonight though.”
“It just felt right.” You admitted. “All your family here and we both love Christmas. Of course I’d love to have met your father and ask him but I felt this was only right.”
That again set Alexia off as the tears started again. “I love you.”
“I love you too my fiancée.” Bringing her into your arms the cheers started as you sealed it with another kiss. “Forever.”
“Forever with you.”
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