#TITAN Incorporated
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avas-demon-plot-twists · 1 month ago
Going through some of the information we have received thus far in the comic's progression, and going over previous theories, I think I finally have some concrete theories that might illuminate the goals of Greed/Greed Host (I will be referring to them as one due to a bonus theory at the bottom), as well as some of the history with Sloth Host, and what Olai knows about Magpie. You’re forewarned, this will be long and tin-foily. Strap in. A long time ago it was theorized that Sloth Host would be paired with the demon we now know as Tylotung due to the snake image within the potion panel of Wrathia's plan arc. I think this theory was close - not that Sloth Host is paired with Tylotung, but that they are the same race. I think Sloth may have been a part of their kingdom and perhaps usurped the crown, agreeing to languish in service to Titan to keep the throne, perhaps even submitting themselves to the process I will outline below in order to keep their position. In previous interviews with regard to the Alice in Wonderland inspirations; Sloth Host is referred to as The Duchess (an antagonist to the Queen of Hearts). Perhaps they are at war with a DIFFERENT Queen. I'm not sure if Tylotung was a ruler or not (I can't remember I'm sorry), but at they very least they rebelled against Titan - I believe that they were forced into Erios as a Titan experiment, perhaps this was Sloth Host’s way of ridding themselves of political opposition/taking power. Moving from here to get into Veevra Avarace (Greed's) involvement - I would like to circle back to the plan pages (see second to last pair of pages for Greed). They seem to be farming some kind of souls from crystals - I believe it has something to do with the demon warriors. I believe that this image is meant to symbolize Greed being the true puppeteer to all of Wrathia’s warriors - perhaps someone pulling the strings of Wrathia herself. Being as they are Titan's premier weapon mechanic, I believe they are also responsible for the technology that afflicted Erios with Tylotung, as well as Gil's pairing with Nevy (I think that Nevy’s memory loss was a part of the kinks of this process).  Perhaps they are even the reason for Ava with Wrathia/Maggie with Tuls/Odin with Pedri if any of the above referenced were receiving any sort of aid from a Titan hospital. (Before you come and tell me none of them did - we do not know this for certain; it was established that Titan has been ruling for a long time, so even if not directly linked, being serviced by Titan RoboRats, it could STILL be Titan technology. In any case, I think at the very least the first two I am positive about - Ava, Maggie & Odin could have been random chance or perhaps something even more deliberate, and I will touch on these below...).
I think that Veevra presented their ability to create super-warriors and superior weaponry as a mechanism to get in with Titan, I think Titan LOVED what Veevra brought to the table, and I think that Titan is rolling out their own “demon” making program to facilitate more of their cultish activities. In terms of this in action there are two ways we could be going: ONE - Titan KNOWS about Wrathia’s Demon’s placements, and deliberately set them into bodies in order to monitor and destroy the opposition, and is creating his own army of “demons” at the speed of sound. TWO - Titan doesn’t know everything about the soul-bonding process/Wrathia’s warrior locations, and is trusting Greed’s knowledge of it (perhaps Greed positioned themselves as a ‘defector’ of Wrathia, but is working on the inside to help dismantle the machinations of Titan either to benefit Wrathia’s cause or their own — surprise plot twist the big bad is Greed after we defeat Titan?) to fight an enemy that Greed clued them into. In either case, Titan would need to create their own warriors, and a lot of them, hence Odin’s notebook, and the various signals - some being Titan, others being ‘organic’ demons? I think per another theory that D in his notebook stands for Dead, with T standing for Titan, and perhaps M being for the ‘Giant Mother’ Goddess he referred to; perhaps he actually picked up on Avas Signal, and ASSUMED it was coming from Maggie (just another note, I don’t think Dead necessarily means they weren’t originally Titan signals; it’s quite possible there were failures along the way to strong Titan Vessels. Pretty sure Titan, and Greed for that matter, view other lifeforms as expendable in the name of conquest).
I think this entire thing is a giant conspiracy, and various races have agreed to work with Titan in exchange for access to Titan tech, as well as protections/powers within his domain: eg Erios agreeing to be a part of the program (they sign everything put in front of them to get more from Titan Industries), my suspicion about Sloth Host (selling out a monarch, as well as themselves to keep status quo/obtain a luxurious life), and SOMEHOW Olai is able to stay afloat, AND gets access to titan technology - I think the story Olai gave Odin about ‘finding’ the tech is a total lie. I think he might’ve made a deal to kick his brother to the curb. I think he truly is terrible enough to sell out his own family to benefit himself, AND I think he could have done it twice. At the very least, I really do think he is behind Magpie’s possession. (Remember Odin’s story is the wolf and the fox, where Odin is implied to be the fox, and it would appear that Olai is positioned as the wolf: the wolf uses conniving and treachery to control the fox - I think if my theories are correct, once this is all revealed to Odin, Olai will meet a Titan-centric demise). 
I think that Magpie is not a “demon” vessel, but a Titan Vessel. Does anyone else find it odd, in hindsight, that Magpie’s “demon” was SO friendly? She was four(?), and she was completely jazzed about her “invisible friend.” At Magpie’s age, I believe this was likely an idea given to her by whatever inhabited her eg ‘we’re friends, let’s be friends.’ 
Which demons have we seen refer to themselves as ‘friends’? Have any of them? While yes, we have had Tuls, and Nevy: these demons could be considered friendly, but let’s examine this. Tuls I would say is more of a passive aggressive doormat due to Maggie’s directly aggressive personality (I think frankly if he could have strong-armed her, he probably would have - and I don’t mean violently, I just mean by being the more potent personality). He’s a pushover/sad sack of mulch as Wrathia put it - he’s nice enough, don’t get me wrong, but it doesn’t seem as he tried to win Maggie over so much as he’s just along for the ride and in a slight state of apathy/fear. To be fair we haven’t seen the entirety of this relationship, this is just my take. With regard to Nevy, Gil is TERRIFIED of her as well as what she means to him, and she fails to communicate well enough with him to break this barrier right up until she makes herself useful. Even then, she doesn’t classify herself as a friend per se; Gild does once she ‘dies’. Even so for the most part, the demons are upfront in their saying “our relationship is transactional. You have something you want, I have something I want - let’s make a pact.” If not completely going after their own motivations irrespective of their host. Friendship is not the highest priority unless serving another power (in Nevy’s case she still asks him for something - to help her find her place in the universe; and you can even see her get visibly upset/insistent on him doing this for her prior to regaining her memories - she hasn’t built up the friendly rapport to trust him to do her bidding).
I think the reason Magpie had such a positive relationship with her “demon” is because Magpie’s Vessel is not truly a demon, but a diabolical link to the Titan Hivemind. I think that a sentient agent was put inside of her: something savvy enough to communicate the message that they are ‘not a threat’ and get her to comply at a young age. It may not even be a ‘demon’; we never saw Magpie’s possessor. For all we know she could be seeing a ‘friendly’ image of Titan themselves (anyone else find it weird that we don’t get to see her demon; and that her eyes in her cast photo are TITAN BLUE?)
In terms of the process, I believe the paradise machine has something to do with this. With what we saw of The Paradise Machine, and what we have seen of Titan's technology, they are able to replicate the demon curse abilities (notice how Strategios could do this PRIOR to their reboot; almost as if they knew what Ava would potentially be able to do) to a degree, as if they have some tactical knowledge of it, and it could be someone is greedily withholding the actual intel (effectively by way of potions - perhaps they don’t know exactly the way to brew the potions, only how to use them/what they do essentially; jury’s out on that one). The Paradise Machine failed (Prudith was already not functional in this frame; the skin did not fit), because the construct it tried to fit over Prudith was coded for Ava’s frame; can you imagine what it may have produced if it were making a new Prudith? As far as the order of possession, and how things happened, I think that Maggie, Ava, Odin & Sloth Host may have been accidents/tests - perhaps releasing demon souls to observe how the pair bonds work in order to perfect the accuracy of the "soul bonding" process. I will have to observe Sloth host to confirm this theory / gather the order, but per the Potions Page I believe the aforementioned listing would be the correct order [with each iteration bringing them closer to perfecting the process before bringing their findings to Titan/deciding to place demons within hosts].
It could be that Veevra themselves is a free agent seeing as they are also paired with a demon that looks suspiciously similar to them? Perhaps they infused themselves to become twice as strong? Perhaps their interior 'demon' is their alter-ego (why is the titan page right after the greed page in the above linked pages of demons)? If you've read this far, thanks for tuning in. This was a long scramble to put together, and I would love to hear any insight. Can't wait for the updates, and hope the above stuff at least sounds interesting?
TLDR: Greed will be the real villain.
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marinatedsaltea · 8 months ago
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Sadly a few days late because I got ill, but happy birthday Derrick J Wyatt..
Thank you for everything
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sillybigbird · 9 months ago
Jason: Oh right, that's today. Thank you tho.
Dick: *not processing what he said* 🎶ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY HAPPY B-🎶 Did you just fuckin' forgot its your birthday-?
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mysterycitrus · 1 year ago
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trying to nail down my version of korys fit
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comicpolls · 1 month ago
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distortedclouds · 1 year ago
I can't be the only one who noticed this, but while Armin is doing an Extra (TM) dramatic speech about them being Survey Corps, Annie very flatly says: I was Military Police, and Armin just keeps going which was absolutely hilarious!
you know their relationship is all bickering and fun after 3 years!!
This is the face of a man
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so fucking tired!
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hhhhomnom · 2 months ago
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who up sym-bionic-ing they titan
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romancemedia · 2 years ago
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Cartoon Romances + Arm and Arm Together
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comic-art-showcase · 1 year ago
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Teen Titans as Mystery Inc. by Emma Kubert
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greenandpurpletournament · 7 days ago
Best Green and Purple Character
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mikyapixie · 2 months ago
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Happy birthday to the wonderful Hynden Walch!!!
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limayde · 3 months ago
My favorite characters from 2024
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♪ One of these things is not like the other ♪
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aphroditaeon · 3 months ago
me reading and watching literally anything: how can i make a passionate torrid intricate Levi au out of this 🤔
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sillybigbird · 10 months ago
Au where Dick totally haateess being batman and the mannerisms Bruce used, so instead of calling Damian's Robin "Robin" or "Damian" he calls him "My teenager" like a tiktok mom when he's talking about him in third person. Also, Jason and Dick fighting bc that nickname like two divorced parents trying to win their son's custody and that provokes Damian to spend more time with Babs and going in patrols with Tim bc he's sick of that bullshit.
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zal-cryptid · 1 year ago
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DC characters - Robin (Damian Wayne)
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marcobodtseye · 1 year ago
broke out the watercolors and started thinking about timeskip Marco
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Redesigned my idea for Marco as the warhammer, so there’s that
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