tryagainenthusiast · 2 days
words of affirmation
summary , jeong jaehyun can't seem to take a compliment about his stroke game...
jaehyun thinks that one of the times that you look your most beautiful is right after the two of you have just had sex. you’re a complete mess, in a good way, your hair is disheveled, and the hot steam from the shower makes it that bit frizzier. your cheeks are going to be a flushed pink colour until the next morning when you wake up, and your lips feel a tad softer with the reminiscent thought that jaehyun was right there only moments ago.
he peeks his head from behind the bathroom door, placing his toothbrush into the little cup that you balance on your sink and shuffling towards you in the obnoxiously fluffy slippers that you bought for yourself, conveniently in his size.
“look at my girlfriend…” jaehyun hums, looking down at your limp body on the bed that is covered barely with his shirt. he leans down over the bed, running his hands down your sides gently, “why do you look so tired?” he jokes, falling into the space next to you, head hitting the pillow and damp hair being thrown across his face.
look at him, thinking he’s so smug. he thinks his subtle bragging goes unnoticed, and it makes you want to take him down a notch. you pull yourself up to his ear, pressing your warm face against his, “its because my boyfriend is so good to me.” you mumble into his ear and immediately jaehyun is frozen still. it’s only until you pull away to look at his face, ears and cheeks red, smiling from ear to ear that he huffs, “why would you say that?” he hides his face in the crook of your neck in embarrassment.
his lips pout to leave small kisses on your skin that try to conceal his utter joy mixed with the feeling in stomach that makes him want to make you feel good all over again. honestly, he could start jumping up and down on the bed, or break out into dance to get his emotions out and stop him from asking you to keep repeating that in your smooth voice a hundred more times.
the look on your face is amused, and he pulls away with a sulking face as soon as he realises, hitting his head against the pillow and looking up at the ceiling to avoid eye contact; but even the shadows that dance across it mimic the way your lips moved when you whispered out to him. “what? what did i say?” you thrum, and he just groans out, furrowing his brows and looking away.
“i can’t say that my jaehyun makes me feel sooo nice?” you breathe out a laugh and he groans again even louder, grabbing the pillow from underneath his head and smothering his face with it to stop his breathing before it gets out control and he explodes out of happiness.
your hand reaches for the pillow covering his whole head and he doesn’t fight when you take it away from his hot face because he’ll succumb to anything your heart desires. he’s still sulking, bottom lip even pouted out a little bit. “you need to learn to take a compliment.” you say, pressing a finger into the exact spot on his cheek where his dimple is, and it appears suddenly because he really cant control himself. “i can take compliments, just not when they’re about that.” he tries to sound serious behind his massive smile.
you scoff, “then how are you supposed to know if you’re doing well?”
he just shrugs. “you tell me in the moment, doing it after feels wrong.” he says, but what he means is that having a post-sex debrief riles him up enough to undo the shower he’s just had, and flashes images in his mind that he saves only for when he misses you. his face turns to take a quick look at yours, and to see the smile on your face that feels almost deliberately evil.
“well i want to tell you now.”
jaehyun shakes his head but it just spurs you on further, “i want to say now that it always feels super good.” the palms of your hands run around the curve of his shoulders and his nose scrunches. you lean back into him to cup his cheeks and see him try and fight a smile, “and your face always looks super cute during it.” you squish his cheeks and he muffles out an unintelligible grumble.
never in your life have you seen him so worked-up. “you’re voice is so nice too.” you nod and he groans out. “just like that.”
“stop.” he groans again, bothered by the smirk on your lips that looks annoyingly good on your face, unsure whether he’s desperately asking you to stop or the blood in his veins that is rapidly pumping away from his face and into something else now.
jaehyun strokes through your hair calmly to distract himself from the thoughts that cloud his head but your slick tongue never knows when to stop.
“and i want to say i wanna do it again.”
you shriek loudly when his hands reach out to grab your waist, pulling you across the bed and into his torso, reaching for you like they have been waiting to be this greedy. his lips immediately at your jaw again and working their way down to your collarbones as you giggle out, arms wrapping around his neck. he doesn’t stop when you laugh breathlessly, trying to push him off you—giving you a taste of your own medicine. “stop saying things like that.” he strums with a grin, pressing a kiss across your giggling mouth in between every word until you give in and lay back weakly. to shut you up and stop this from going too far, because water bills are pricey and because the both of you have to be up early tomorrow.
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The Jersey 👕⚽️
Ona Batlle x reader
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warning : fluffy 💭💗
summary :
Because of Ona constant travels -due to football matches- you were used to being long distance for weeks at a time. During these weeks of absence, you had for habit to wear Ona jersey to sleep. During a late night face time, Ona realised that instead of her jersey, you were wearing a Real Madrid one.
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It had been weeks since you last saw Ona in person, the constant travelling for matches keeping her away. You had grown used to the long-distance routine—late-night texts, early-morning calls, and, of course, FaceTime sessions whenever you could catch her in between her busy schedule. But one thing that had become a habit during these stretches apart was wearing her jersey to bed. It made you feel close to her, even when she was halfway across the world.
Tonight, though, you decided to switch things up, feeling a little mischievous. Instead of her usual red jersey, you pulled on a Real Madrid one. You knew it would get a reaction out of her, and it was all in good fun.
When the FaceTime call connected, you were greeted by the sight of Ona sitting in her hotel room, looking tired but smiling. Her hair was still a little damp from her post-match shower, and her eyes lit up when she saw you.
“Hola, cariño,” she said softly, her voice warm despite the distance.
“Hey, babe,” you replied, settling back against your pillows. Everything felt normal, the conversation flowing easily as you caught up about her game and the latest news from home.
But then her eyes narrowed a bit as she looked closer at you. Her gaze drifted from your face to the shirt you were wearing, and her expression quickly shifted. She blinked, then leaned in closer to the screen, her brows furrowing.
“Are you…seriously wearing a Real Madrid jersey?” she asked, her voice calm but with an edge of disbelief.
You couldn’t help but smirk, leaning back on the bed, enjoying how riled up she was getting. “What? I thought I’d change things up tonight,” you teased, tugging at the fabric.
Ona's expression shifted from surprise to something more serious. “Cariño, if you don’t take that off, I swear I won’t talk to you for the rest of the night.”
You blinked, unsure if she was joking or not, but the look on her face told you she wasn’t messing around. “Wait, what? You can’t be serious.”
“I’m completely serious,” she said, crossing her arms, her lips pressing into a thin line. “Of all the teams you could pick, them ?”
The amusement you had felt earlier quickly melted into something closer to mild panic. Ona was the playful type, but football rivalries? Those were sacred, and clearly, this crossed a line you hadn’t fully anticipated.
“I was just messing with you,” you said quickly, tugging at the collar of the jersey as if that might soften her glare. “I didn’t think you’d take it this seriously!”
Ona didn’t budge, her face still set in that stern expression, though there was a glint of something playful in her eyes—like she knew she was overreacting but wasn’t about to let you off the hook that easily. “You know I love you,” she began, her tone softening just a little, “but this? This is betrayal.”
“Betrayal?” you echoed, half-laughing, but the guilt was starting to creep in. “Okay, okay, I’ll take it off. Just don’t stop talking to me.”
She leaned closer to the screen, arching an eyebrow. “I mean it, cariño. Off. Now.”
You couldn’t help but laugh nervously as you reached for the hem of the jersey, pulling it over your head. “Happy now?” you asked, tossing it off to the side.
The second the jersey was out of view, Ona’s face softened, her lips curling into a satisfied smile. “Much better,” she said, visibly relaxing. “Now you look like my partner again.”
You rolled your eyes, chuckling. “I can’t believe you were really about to give me the silent treatment over a football jersey.”
“Football’s serious business,” she said with a playful shrug. “And I’d much rather see you in red.”
“Well, lesson learned,” you said, holding your hands up in defeat. “No more Real Madrid jerseys. Only Barca colors from now on.”
Ona nodded, her expression smug. “Good. Because next time I see you in one of those…” she trailed off, the threat clear, but the playful glint in her eyes told you she was back to her usual self.
“Noted,” you replied, leaning into the camera. “Now, can we go back to talking? I missed you, you know.”
Ona smiled softly, her serious act officially dropped. “I missed you too, cariño. But seriously—never again.”
You grinned, nodding. “Never again. Promise.”
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gothgleek · 2 days
Your Boyfriend’s Mom! Alicent x f!Reader- NSFW Alphabet
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You’re dating Aegon but when he’s being an ass, you’re fucking his mom.
TW: modern au with sexual situations and a little bit of dark!Alicent that includes brief mentions of non consensual nudes.
Border by @saradika-graphics
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Alicent is often wracked with guilt about sleeping with her son’s girlfriend until you roll over and cuddle her. Then she melts into your arms.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
She loves her hair and takes multiple steps to ensure it stays thick and healthy. Alicent also likes her neck because of the way you kiss her there.
She loves your tits- I mean, smile. Just one look and her day is immediately better.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Alicent is a squirter, pass it on.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Those blurry pics she posts on her instagram story? Yeah she’s not bad with technology, she’s posting pics have been while you were eating her out.
Also, in a bit of Dark!Alicent- she has the nudes you sent to Aegon downloaded on her phone.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Outside of her husband, she has read a lot of vintage smut books but those pale in comparison to what the two of you get into.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
She likes to ride. Alicent likes when you’re in control but if you give her just a little power, she’ll have you seeing stars in no time.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Before she’s giggling at all your jokes, during she’s desperate, after she’s got that guilt setting in. And so the cycle continues.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Bush! Bush! Bush!
She used to wax because that is what her husband preferred but now she’s letting it grow free with the occasional trim now and then.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Alicent wants to be romantic but she knows you’re not the person she can do that with. You’ll both say sweet nothings to each other but that’s as far as the romance really goes. Sometimes she’ll fantasize about romantic and loving sex while she masturbates.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
You took her to the store to buy Alicent’s first vibrator and she uses it almost every night. She sends you pictures as well.
Sometimes when you visit Aegon, she will masturbate in the hopes you catch her.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
She is working up the nerve to invite you to a long weekend that will involve roleplaying as her favorite characters. Perhaps even having you hunt her down in the woods and taking her amongst the trees. She’s also into the idea of filming you.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
She’ll tell you it’s in her car by the lake outside of town but it’s really in Aegon’s bed. Something about the guilt makes it feel super sexy.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
She lets you hit it because you make her laugh.
Also, pictures of yourself in green lingerie and pearls. She likes you in all lingerie but green has a special place in her heart.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
She’s not into hair pulling or extreme bdsm. She still considers herself vanilla. Also, she won’t have sex in places that are too public because she doesn’t want the other PTA moms talking about her.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
She’s such a pillow princess, she’s never going down on you… unless you ask nicely. But even then, she’s doing it so you can eat her out.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Most of your encounters are quickies so fast and rough is the name of the game. Occasionally, she’ll ask you to be a little romantic but even then it’s gonna be fast.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Most of the time you two are having a quickie in the car, in the bathroom, or on Aegon’s bed. The two of you rarely have time to slow down.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Alicent isn’t a huge risk taker. Sure she’s fucking her son’s boyfriend, often in public, but those are in controlled environments like abandoned parking lots, empty parks, and her pool. She doesn’t have any interest in bdsm.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
She can cum 3-4 times with you in relatively quick succession. She had reached a number of ten orgasms in one day, just through the course of the day rather than all at once.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
You bought her her first vibrator and butt plug. Then she bought herself some nipples clamps to surprise you when you got home. Those are her only toys (so far).
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
If she’s feeling frisky, Alicent will tease you in public- running her hands over you, placing her hand on your thigh, and whispering sweet nothings. By the time you two end your in bed though, she wastes no time.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Despite being a secret, she is so incredibly loud- this is the first time she’s ever received pleasure and passion. Alicent will shout your name, beg, moan, and on a few occasions, knocked over loud objects so she can get fucked. You’re genuinely surprised no one has caught the two of you.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Alicent went to the Sept to beg for forgiveness after sleeping with you for the first time. Then she went to the parking lot and had sex with you again.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Her breasts grew to an even C cup after having kids, she also has some softness in her arms and belly.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It comes in cycles. Ovulation horny has taken her to places she would rather forget about afterwards.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
She’s out like a light. But the slightest noise will wake her up so she’s caught you sneaking out to go back to Aegon’s room.
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fischyplier · 2 days
Misfits and Magic Season 2 Episode 2 "Magma and Mingle": My Thoughts and Analysis
So here are my thoughts on Evan and Sam. Am I the only one that doesn’t see their relationship progressing into romance? I can understand that in this season Brennan and Danielle are having more scenes together. At this point, Evan and Sam's relationship feels platonic to me, but who knows what could happen in the next few episodes. I prefer platonic relationships because they feel more interesting than just romance. Also want to take the time to say, I love and appreciate all the hard work that went into this and every season of D20. Thank you to the crew, the players and Aabria cause misfits and magic has become very near and dear to my heart!
Click below to read more, warning long post:
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Anyways, Evan has gone through a LOT of traumatic experiences since childhood and continues to till this day. Evan's body is riddled with scars, broken bones that healed wonky, etc. He got stabbed on a bus at night trying to retrieve a talisman for Boodle 10 months ago. And I would not be surprised if he's been through more but hasn't had the opportunity to tell his friends or elected to say nothing. I can't help but to read too deeply into the quote "dream small". Is it cause I feel that Evan has learned to dream small in order to not get his hopes and expectations too high? Just a theory... A game theory! I'm sorry.
After 3 years of no contact the pilot project are back! But they haven't really had the time to sit down and catch up. In the video below, Sam says "I feel like there's a lot of things that when we talk you don't tell me." Which kinda leads me to believe, Evan doesn't want to worry his friends so he bottles up his feelings and doesn't open up. And when he does it's always with a smile and jokes to mask the hurt. He isn't just sad, he feels like a burden and tries to not take up space. I can really relate to this.
Even Brennan says Evan is in deep pain. The breakup he went through didn't help but there is more under the surface we as the audience still don't truly know. The experiences of being a lonely unhoused teen is the reason why Brennan chose "belonging" as Evan's ideal track. Because that is the one thing he's been deprived off, humans are social creatures and need to interact with others. What happens to a developing brain when that is taken away? When all you know is your shadow, loneliness and hunger? So when his friend says we can talk, he takes that as a serious invitation. Evan now surrounded by friends wants to do everything in his power to protect those he loves. He doesn't expect it to be reciprocal. You can see that when he says "if I've ever done a bad job about being here for you, I'm always here for you" after Sam says we can talk. When Brennan tears up with that incredible delivery of "I missed you"... I keep rewatching that part! Evan is always on the go, needs to be prepared, needs to be ready when shit hits the fan. Sam has created a safe place where he doesn't need to be hypervigilant and can relax, maybe open up and be a little vulnerable.
Sam is rightfully concerned that something deeper and terrible is going on with Evan.
When Evan continues kicking a half dead Salamander that isn't a threat to any of his friends, a darkness in him wants to kick it mercilessly for pure enjoyment. That even his eyes turns black. The first thing Sam does when she sees this is to attempt to drench it in water like Jammer did. Cause she said that this has become "unnecessarily dark" and that "this is freaking her out". That she'll even resort to spitting on the creature if it means that Evan will stop kicking that crap out of it. The water cools and stops the creature. Sam is a great friend that sees Evan do something twisted and wants to help so desperately. You do not have to be falling in love with someone to do the right thing! I still think they should just be friends.
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I love that in this season we can really see their friendship blossom and not just be surface level chit chat. As they get closer hopefully they can help each other in ways they really need. In the preview for the next episode Evan says, "I don't see you the way you are afraid people see you." Sometimes it takes someone outside of your point of view to see aspects of yourself you are too close to see. And I think that's beautiful.
That leads into my next point, no I don't think the progressing of their relationship means that romance is in the air. I can't remember where I read it but another person said it best, intimacy doesn't mean romance. You can get close to someone, be a shoulder to cry on and depend on without developing feelings. You can love and respect your friend and keep it at that level but develop on that intimacy of a great friendship. I feel like it made the most sense for these two to get closer in this season because they have more in common now. Before it was just the fact that they were students learning magic at Gowpenny and being NAMPS (non magical person or let's be serious MUGGLES!). But now Evan and Sam have both underwent break ups and that's something they can really connect on. I really hope they don't get together right after cause that sounds like a rebound and to me, story wise pretty boring. And in my honest opinion, jumping into another relationship right after being with K is a little too soon. Evan needs a friend not a lover, at least for the time being. He needs to keep his inner darkness and insecurities in check. That or a therapist.
Hopefully this doesn't age like milk, and if they do get together I guess I'm wrong! :3
Thank you if you read till the very end, here is a gif of Brennan giving you a thumbs up!
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Why? Cause you are pretty cool!
Please consider liking or reblogging this post if you liked what you read. And I'd love to hear your thoughts on this episode and if I should continue!
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login-pic · 1 day
Thinking about how Satoru Gojo’s love life is actually fucked.
(Younger Years)
Short yapping analysis! (Skip to the summary at the bottom if you’re interested but don’t want to read much)
This is my first post ever so sorry if it’s bad! I’m still learning how to use everything :( I wrote everything fast and didn’t re-read so there might be grammar and spelling errors!
(Squint and you’ll see obsessive themes, unhealthy mental health, and Trama)
I’ve seen some people talk and think of Gojo as a good charmer and a good person when it comes to love but I don’t think that’s exactly right.
I’m not saying that’s it’s bad to write him this way (contrary, please do! keep it up, I love him). I’m saying that him compared to other characters in the series, he’s definitely not on the top 5.
Gojo has been given almost everything his entire life. He’s been blessed with almost everything his entire life.
He is part of the most strongest clan, he has shit load of money, is blessed with power, good looks, etc. all of this giving him a ton of fame in the jjk society.
Everyone knows him, almost everyone hates him. So because he has “everything”, imagine him being rejected.
Gojo was never properly taught how to show love. He was separated from his parents and people only see him as the strongest. So as the strongest why give sympathy to the people below you?
Imagine him falling in love for the first time. Real love, I’m talking every time he sees them his chest hurts and begins to sweat. But it’s someone weaker than him (worse if it’s someone extremely weak).
He’s obviously going to be confused. He’s going to potentially see them as a threat. And he’s going to “hate” them. Until he figures it out or someone explains it to him.
But once he confesses or tries to flirt the person is not going to think he’s being serious. His whole “I’m the strongest! You’re weak!” talk is going to fuck it up.
(Depending on the person) they’re going to brush it off and think Gojo is joking. And this is going to butt hurt him. How could you reject the strongest??
With his influence and power in the jjk society getting you to be his bride won’t be that difficult. it will have a few complications, but he’ll probably be able to do it. He can force the person into a marriage with him.
this could take a deep dark turn if not dealt with properly.
Even if he ends up with the person who could’ve done it willingly or not it’s still a lose lose because he’ll probably only visit you when he wants to. and you can’t just leave because he has you. He’d probably not text you for days or see you for weeks until he feels like it.
Dissect Gojos character however you want but to me he’s definitely the type of guy to not know how to take “No” for an answer.
Summary: (Young) Gojo is horrible when it comes to love and he’s a piece of shit. Him in a relationship would probably only cause pain to the other person. They cannot just leave the relationship. Why? because he’s Satoru Gojo. Until he gets bored of the person, he’s not going to just let them leave.
(This is all before his development and gets a bit over the “I’m the strongest” phase. Basically when he gets shit on by Toji.)
Maybe I should write an Xreader fic about this…
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active-mind-15 · 3 days
Headcanons for Akashi when he's angry? 😡
Been a hot min since I've done one of these long ass headcanon posts exploring different Akashi emotions/scenarios, so here I am again. Anger was per the suggestion of @japeneselunchtimerush, so shout out to Aura for once again feeding my Akashi brainrot. Let's get into it!
Usually, before I get into the headcanons, I talk about if there have been any examples of it happening in canon, and for anger, there have been! The most prominent example was during the Teiko arc, when Murasakibara was not listening to Akashi anymore and later confronted him, causing Akashi to switch for the first time. The anger I would argue is more apparent in the anime version, but it's still there in the manga, just as more of an undertone, though. Aside from that, though there aren't really many other instances I can think of apart from during the Winter Cup finals when Akashi realized his team was being overwhelmed and tried to make a comeback. Although, I'm debating classifying that purely as anger since he was clearly having a breakdown. But let's move on to the actual headcanons, I've rambled on this bullet point for long enough.
Firstly, what would make Akashi angry? Going off canon, we already know that one of these things is disobedience/belittling, especially when it comes to Akashi's own authority, but what else can we say makes him angry? I would say he's similar to Kuroko in the sense that he can't stand when he sees people being rude to others. I can imagine him seeing someone being the victim of harassment and bullying and he stands up for them, kinda like how everyone stood up for Kuroko in Extra/Last Game when Team Jabberwock attacked him. He's especially protective over his friends and would never let anyone say one bad word against them, lest they face his wrath.
(^^ As an extra thought to my previous point, I wonder if he ever had to reckon with being angry at himself for the scissors incident during the Winter Cup. I'm sure he's probably beaten himself up over it many times over.)
The examples I've given thus far are all serious things to get angry over, though. So, to lighten it up, I'm going to talk about situations in which I think Akashi would get mad for pettier reasons.
He'd for sure get mad at people disrespecting his height. Y'all saw how he dunked on Seirin in the WC finals just to show off and said "Did you think that was a move for tall people?" Technically he's above average height for his age, but when you put him next to his teammates, he looks so tiny since everyone else is freakishly tall. I'm sure his intimidating captain aura prevents most people from making jokes about his height anyway, but someone on an opposing team might be meanspirited enough to do it and he'd get pissed, like how Kuroko got pissed when Papa mistook him for a child.
Another petty reason I think he'd get mad is if someone isn't paying attention to him while he's speaking. I can especially imagine this happening with the Teiko gang because you know them mfs cannot collectively focus on something for more than five seconds. So imagine him talking about something serious only for him to turn around and almost nobody is paying attention. I've said once before that I think Akashi would be petty enough to pinch or kick somebody for something, so I think that this would be one of the times where this is applicable. He seems like an ear-puller to me, too. Just saying.
I'll give one more petty example for funsies, but I think he'd be mad if he didn't get what he wanted/things are not going his way. Not in the "I'm on the brink of defeat and the meaning of my existence is about to be nullified" type of way we've always seen for him, but in a "the cafe I frequent is out of my favorite drink and I'm about to make it everybody's problem" type of way. He just gets dramatic about minor inconveniences.
So now that we've talked about what could make Akashi angry, let's talk about what he would look like if he was angry. From what we've seen in the series, even when he's angry, he remains calm. He chooses his words carefully and is not the type to shout. The only time he's really raised his voice is when he was arguing with himself in his own headspace, but raising his voice at other people seems like a serious no-no for him. Even though he's calm while he's angry, the anger will still show on his face. The knitted brows, the deep disapproving scowl, anybody would be able to tell that Akashi is mad from a mile away. But if he's only mildly angry, I bet he'd look more pouty than actually mad, much to Mibuchi's delight because it makes Akashi look very adorable.
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Come on. Look at that face. You're telling me you wouldn't pinch his cheeks?
How do other people react to him being mad, though? If he's seriously angry, it's like the air shifts. Nobody gets in his way when he's really angry. But when he's just mildly irritated, I think as time goes on, his friends will try and make him feel better, especially if the reason why he's mad is trivial and something that can easily be remedied. Like "Oh, Midorima's not free to play a game of online shogi with you right now? You can play shogi with me instead!" or "You forgot something in the gymnasium? I'll go get it for you!" I just like the idea of Akashi's friends, especially Rakuzan, going out of their way to do things for Akashi the way he does things for other people. It's what he deserves.
Overall, Akashi is a person who does not get angry often, and I feel like part of that reason is because he's always been taught to compose himself and not express emotions that can be perceived as negative. So, I can imagine what a struggle that must be for him, especially when he truly is angry but feels like he's not allowed to show it. So I would hope as time goes on that he feels more comfortable being open with that while still being able to show emotions in a healthy manner.
Alright, I've yapped enough, time to pack it up. Hope you guys enjoyed.
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minus-plus-zer0 · 2 days
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The Bakusquad Gaming Group - Ch. 3 - Shipping O-o
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| Masterlist | The Bakusquad Gaming Group Masterlist | | Previous | Next (TBD) | ♡ Genre: Fluff, suggestive ♡ Pairing: Gamer!Bakugou x Gamer!Reader ♡ Tags: Crossover (MHA x multiple franchises), gaming AU, Quirkless AU, aged up
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Ever since your gaming channel started collaborating with Dynamight's, both of your fanbases have noticed your shared chemistry together.
And as your onscreen interactions increased, so did the shipping.
Shipping was never a big thing within the Bakusquad, especially considering Bakugou's near violent reaction towards anything sweet or romantic. But you were both sweet AND romantic, and yet Bakugou didn't have a problem with you. Everybody collectively raised their eyebrow at that.
Ever since your fans noticed, they ran wild with the ship. Fan accounts tagged your social media with new fanart of Bakugou and you, mashing your names together to form a title for the ship as it sailed beyond a point where you could even dare to stop it.
Your previous streams together didn't help matters as you flirted(?) on-camera. Given your growing feelings for Bakugou, obviously you didn't mind the prospect of actually dating him later on. You also flirted just because it was fun for you, for him, and for the chat.
But the shipping grew intense, and maybe you should've seen that coming.
Needless to say, you worried about how this would affect your actual relationship. At least the fanart was tame. The fanfics were NOT. You didn't know who wrote those wretched things, but you made the biggest mistake of your life by opening one of them. You could never unread what was once read.
You recalled the words from that single fanfic excursion, the ones that made you cringe.
"Bakugou nuzzled his girlfriend on stream, declaring her to be his one and only super duper true love. It was then that he asked her to marry him. But neither of them noticed that the camera kept rolling as they made out, and the chat went wild when they--"
You threw your phone across your room. You didn't check it for hours out of pure shame.
Most of the analyses regarding your relationship included any number of misinterpretations. You couldn't get their fan theories out of your head. Was Bakugou too close to you while you played games together in his apartment? Did Bakugou try to hold your hand during your last playthrough, like the fans suspected? Did Bakugou like all of your social media posts because he liked you in particular? You just didn't know anymore.
The real life shipping put a lot of pressure on your relationship. Your chat moderators (the other Bakusquad members) always had to deal with the shipping discussions that inevitably ensued afterwards. You felt like a bug underneath a microscope sometimes. Bakugou recently texted you about a restaurant he wanted to show you, but you declined. You didn't know how you could show your face to him after all this.
Unlike other content creators, you two previously helped fueled the fire of the shippers before realizing how bad it would get. Originally, you thought it would just be good fun, that it wouldn't get out of hand if you leaned into it as a joke rather than trying to dissuade people from it. And having people supportive of your budding relationship with Bakugou felt nice. But clearly that was the wrong move, and both of your fanbases had transformed greatly as a result. You never expected the shipping to reach this extent so soon.
Days later you denied a few more hangouts, just to give yourself some time to think. You didn't ghost Bakugou, you just put your friendship on hold temporarily.
But Bakugou wouldn’t let you avoid him for long. One day, he texted you something serious.
“We gotta talk about this.”
He posted a link to a social media account detailing the "Bakugou x You" ship. It was filled to the brim with "hints" of your relationship, fanart, wedding theories, romantic video compilations, and more. You cringed at the sight of it, but you couldn't leave Bakugou hanging.
You texted back. "Okay ;-;. I'm at my apartment, wanna meet me there?"
He agreed. Half an hour later, Bakugou showed up at your door. You opened it, meekly.
Bakugou stood there, expression impassive but unusually silent. Then, he spoke.
“You wanna let me in?”
You sighed and sidestepped, gesturing for him to enter. He followed you over to your living room couch, where you both sat. Your cute, pink home was much smaller than his apartment, and so was your couch. Thus, there wasn't much space between you two and there was little else in the room to distract you.
Bakugou stuck out like a sore thumb against the prettiness of your house. It made you uncomfortable to look him in the eye, but reluctantly, you did. He was already staring at you, looking quite serious.
"Those fans are a little embarrassing, haha..." you said.
"They're really fucking stupid."
It kinda hurt to hear him say that. You couldn't help but take a liking to the boy as your friendship progressed, so you almost hoped he would have a different reaction. But him egging the fans on would've been more strange...
"Um, I can tell them we're not dating, I guess?" You twiddled your thumbs. "Maybe that will help, if only a little."
Bakugou exhaled through his nose. "You don't have to tell them anything, at least not for my sake. The rumors stop my old hag of a mother from asking when I'm gonna get a girlfriend, so that's actually a benefit. I always tell her to fuck off, that I'm never dating anyone, and I've stuck to that my entire life. Now I don't gotta do that. But I know you, and I know you're probably not always comfortable with how people see ya."
"Well have you seen the fanfiction?" You shook your head. "Are you proud of your mother seeing that too?"
"Wha--she hasn't seen that shit yet!"
"So you have read it!"
"You have too!"
You both glared at each other, now flustered. His glare was much more ferocious, but yours was equally unwavering. You couldn't believe what you were hearing.
"So we both read it..." you said. "...What tags did you choose?"
Bakugou squinted at you. "You first."
"No, I asked before you did."
Bakugou groaned loudly. He rested his head in his hands. "...Rivals to friends to lovers, fake dating, mafia--"
"Mafia?! Why--"
"--Soulmates, and domestic fluff. There. Happy? What about you?"
"Why would you read about us in the mafia?!"
"Hey! I asked you a damn question!" He poked you in the stomach. "Now you gotta answer! What were your tags?!"
Now it was your turn to look ashamed.
"...It was smut."
"Wha--How can you look me in the eyes and say that?"
"I couldn't!" You covered your face with your hands. "That's why I was avoiding you..."
Bakugou raised an eyebrow at you.
"...What did you read, exactly?" Bakugou asked, quietly.
"I don't know! I didn't even finish it, I threw my phone away before I could even reach the end. You know, the 'smut' tag was recommended everywhere. Don't tell me you didn't check it out too!"
Bakugou remained silent, and that spoke volumes.
"So we're both guilty," you said.
"...Does it bother ya?" Bakugou asked. "I can get the rest of the Bakusquad lackeys to moderate the chats better so they quit talking about us."
"That'd never work, and you know it." You slumped against your small couch. "Since our shipping fanbase isn't as rabid as others, maybe it'd be better not to poke the bear and try to fight them off. My main concern was originally how this would affect us..." You both looked away from each other. "But... now that I know we're in the same boat, I guess I don't feel as uncomfortable as I did before. Like it's easier to deal with this if we're both on the same page. Does that make sense?"
Bakugou looked at you. "No. Not at all. But if you don't give a shit, then I don't either. I only needed to know this shit wouldn't come between us, and that it wasn't creeping you out. So long as they don't progress to stalking we can just keep the finer details of our relationship a secret. Just don't go telling them everything we do."
"But you already had that rule in place, didn't you?"
"I fucking did. And clearly it was for a good damn reason." He wagged his finger at you. "It'd be easier to hide stuff if we got all my lackeys in on this. I'll get the Bakusquad to at least try and moderate more shit and suppress how much these extras invade into our lives, even if we can't stop 'em completely. In fact, we've got a convention coming up and you can go there to see the squad."
"I heard about that!" you said, sitting upright. "I actually wanted to surprise you guys by popping up at your panel at the convention, but since the shipping got stronger I thought it'd be better to lay low..."
Bakugou shook his head. "Hell no. If you already thought of going, then it only makes sense to have you come directly with us. We're not gonna let that shipping stuff mess with ya or creep ya out. I'll protect both of us. Besides, me and the guys already talked it over and they'd love to meet ya in-person after moderating our streams for so long. Just put on a disguise if you're still worried."
"A disguise, hm?" You playfully stroked your chin. "You're about to see a whole new side of me! Oh... but there is one last thing I wanted to discuss..."
Bakugou looked at you, concerned. "What is it?"
"...Can I read the mafia fic you read?"
"You're still fucking on that?!"
You shrugged. "I just wanna see what they wrote! Like, who would even think to write that about us? Isn't that interesting? Isn't that why you checked that fic out?"
Bakugou glared at you, but didn't say anything. You knew you were right.
"Hold on." Bakugou pulled up his phone and scrolled through his search history.
You tapped your feet happily, clapping your hands. "Oh this will be so much fun!"
"Don't go fucking judging me for this," Bakugou said.
"What did you think of the fic? Did you think it your favorite? Did you leave a comment talking about how much it changed your life for the better? Did--"
"I did exactly none of those things!" Bakugou snarled at you. "Now quiet down and look."
Bakugou roughly scooted over on the couch to you, bumping against your hip. His phone displayed the mafia fic, clear as day. There were multiple other tags such as "Fluff", "Love at First Sight", "Soulmates", and more...
You looked at up, with one question clear on your silent face. "Why?"
"You wanted to read it so freaking read it already!" He shoved the phone in your face.
"No." You folded your arms. "We're reading it together. I wanna see your reactions."
Bakugou looked like he could die.
But he did as you asked.
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(This isn't meant to offend any shippers of the fictional Bakugou x You ship, for I am one OuO. I bet Bakugou would love tooth-rotting fluff Bakugou x You fics as his guilty pleasure. Btw the next chapter will be longer than this one and is already in the works!)
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deviousdevilx · 2 months
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out of context, this just looks like two gay daddies supporting their daughter lol
and the haters (and jealous on the other side; Robby is more confused, Terry is SO JEALOUS, and Kreese is like wtf with a dash of homophobia)
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solroskajan · 5 months
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The solver is gone (?) They put Bizcuit in a normal worker body. They really didn’t expect him to grow sharp teeth or a tail. He doesn't need to drink oil to live but that won't stop him from trying. (cw: vomiting)
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(I actually drew most of this before episode 7, but I felt like cleaning it up a bit and posting it now)
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rileyclaw · 1 year
how do you survive as a toh artist
who said anything about surviving
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theinfinitedivides · 7 months
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live footage of Taemin outside of the SM headquarters
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becquerel · 2 years
im so sad the guy making the 6+ language minecraft server sucks so bad because that is a perfect study for a linguistic anthropology person like me but knowing the person running it it will be a mess and people will be bummed with it in like 20 seconds
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silvergreenseraphim · 8 months
The character we are analyzing and expressing sympathy for, the one that was truly a subject of detestable circumstances and Shinra’s cruelty and control, the character with tragedy written into his very conception, and that deserved a much better life…does not exist within the Sephiroth that left the library and burned Nibelheim.
He died during those seven days and while the writers may have included nods to the tragedy of that loss…
“FFVII Rebirth Director Hamaguchi says that, in FFVII Rebirth, when Sephiroth burns Nibelheim to the ground, there is a slightly lonely look on his face as he breaks into a grin. So, he's looking forward to how people will react to these more human aspects of Sephiroth.”
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…while they may hint at his deeper grief, it is still truth that what drowns any of his sadness out is violent anger and hatred. The dark feelings that drive him to be cruel, sadistic, and merciless towards the innocent. Who Sephiroth once was is gone…and we can say how tragic that is and we do, but this never means we are standing behind him or supporting who he is now.
This reborn Sephiroth is a walking dead shell with nothing but his old soul’s rage and madness left. He is just the villain with evil motives now. Very few think he is in the right without being ironic.
I say all of this to make it clear that people ought not to be attacked for studying and sympathizing with his old self.
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koipalm · 2 years
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more akira outfits
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ca-suffit · 8 months
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"Louiee did u ever think that noticing race is the real racism?"
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midnightlamia · 2 months
just finished the umbrella academy. rant & spoilers incoming:
let me get this shit straight: the hargreeves siblings didn’t ask for their powers or to be born. said birth and powers were forced on them when reginald hargreeves couldn’t just shut up and die with the rest of his planet/wife. then he flies down to earth, adopts them all, and some 30 years later, we find them running around, constantly trying to save the world from an apocalypse, only to eventually find out that the apocalypses are happening not because this random fucking alien unleashed sparkle dust on the galaxy and abused children that weren’t his in the name of his wife….but because the hargreeves were just born.
that’s it. the reason the cleanse happened is a) their punishment for being born and b) abigail felt bad for an experiment gone wrong and decided to make it the entire timeline’s problem. and the only way to stop it isn’t to figure out a way to stop reginald from unleashing the marigold/coming down to earth & allow all of the og 43 children to be born naturally, when they’re supposed to be, but to….erase the children that never asked to be born from existence while leaving a million loose ends, unanswered questions, and shitty character choices that don’t get developed or explained in any way.
this season was just…….it was definitely a season of a show, i’ll give it that. the pacing was all over the place, so much so to the point where, if anything, we needed four MORE episodes, not four less. i have so SO SOOO many questions. where tf is sloane? what about the other 35 kids with marigold in them? why didn’t we see five create the commission? does durango give superpowers the same way marigold does? why couldn’t ben just drink the marigold himself if he wanted his powers back??? WHY THE FUCK WOULDNT YOU JUST GO AFTER THE MAN WHO UNLEASHED THE OG MARIGOLD INSTEAD OF THE INNOCENT HUMANS WHO GOT STUCK WITH IT WHO THE FUCK CAME UP WITH THAT?? YOU COULDVE DONE A WHOLE THING WHERE THE COMMISSION WAS ORIGINALLY DEDICATED TO FIXING REGINALD’S AFFECT ON THE TIMELINE OR LITERALLY ANYTHING—
literally just kill this last season with fire. burn it at the stake. i’m so pissed and so done. i’ve been watching this show since i was in fucking eighth grade, and i was so excited. i thought they were gonna do a whole thing where it could’ve been like “ben was always meant to die and now the universe is out of whack” or just SOMETHING other than what we got. steve blackman, i genuinely hope you have the worst fucking time for the rest of your life, you raggedy, smelly, conniving, ass-backwards bitch.
thank you and good night.
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