makoakamaka · 1 year
She rolled her eyes, “Yeah but it would have been nice to have someone around.” She nodded her brows furrowing, “at least he has you.” She cleared her throat and shrugged, “I guess first things first would probably be… if you would hire me. I need something on the side. Just until I grow some more traction online.” She shrugged, “I guess everything though. I came here to find you.”
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Makoa nodded and looked towards her. “Have you ever been a waitress before?” He asked curiously. “Not that I won’t give you a job, I just need to know if I need to pair you up with someone to start or if you’re good to handle your own.” He said and ran a hand through his hair. “Well...you found me. Now you aren’t gonna get rid of me...it’s kinda how I work.”
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makoakamaka · 1 year
Siggy nodded, “they need you to be around mostly and keep pushing yourself.” She pressed a kiss to his cheek and smiled as she pulled away, “I believe this is cause for a celebration honestly because progress is progress. What do you say we stop at the diner on the way home? Or the bakery and get a cake or something?”
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Makoa nodded and smiled as she kissed his cheek. This wasn’t exactly how she had imagined the start of their life going but he would take the fact that he and Bryce were still alive after the accident they were involved in as a win in his book. “Yeah! One or both of those sound like a great plan.”
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makoakamaka · 2 years
Siggy soaked in the moment and loved every minute of it. She missed this and she hadn’t realized the security just his size gave her. “You’re getting better at it though.” She smiled letting him sit down and relax again before nodding. “I think we can handle that. The kids can definitely motivate you for sure.”
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Makoa smiled softly as he settled back into the chair, wincing slightly as his muscles relaxed from being used. He used his hands to massage his back a bit and nodded. “If the kids need me to do something, I will definitely get it done, that’s for sure.”
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makoakamaka · 2 years
Naia nodded sadly, at least they had that going for them, “it’s more anger than just feelings. It’s one reason why I had to leave, aside from the whole jail time.” She shrugged, “it’s just disappointing, ya know? He was there, he was around the whole time and I never fucking knew it.” She shook her head, “No thanks, adding to the side childhoods isn’t something I’m really into.” Her brows raised and gently nodded, a part of her upset Makoa’s kids apparently had a present father. “I’m sorry, is he… okay?”
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Makoa nodded his head and looked over, raising an eyebrow at the mention of jail time but he wasn’t going to push it. “Yeah, I get it, but you really didn’t miss much, honestly.” He shrugged. “Understandable.” He said and nodded. “Yeah, yeah his perfectly good, just a broken arm is all.” He said. “Is there anything that you want to know about me?”
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makoakamaka · 2 years
She went straight over to him wrapping her arms around him and crying into his shirt. “I told you, it would happen.” She smiled looking up at him and wiping her eyes, “we just had to be patient, but you’re getting there. I’m so proud of you, baby.” She took another hug and before pulling away wiping her face so he could get back in his chair. “Is there anything we need to keep doing at home or need to change at home?” Her brows raising gently at him, “you know I’ll help however I can and the kids will too.”
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Makoa couldn’t help but smile as her arms wrapped around him. He wanted to wrap his own arms around her but he was afraid that if he let go of the bars then he would fall. “You did.” He said and nodded. “Enough patience. Something I’m not good at but you are.” He let her pull away and then sat himself down in his chair, letting out a breath as he was tired and had used all his energy. “Just keep stretching. The kids just need to keep being there to motivate me.”
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makoakamaka · 2 years
She licked her lips and nodded, a little upset at her own actions. “I don’t know. I think his heart. All I know is he didn’t do shit for me but tell me I had a brother out there somewhere.” She shrugged, “l’m sorry for my reaction, I didn’t expect to even find you. I went my whole life without knowing him and could have done without that one too.” She sighed before pointing, “what happened to you? Were you always in a chair?”
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Makoa nodded his head as he looked over towards her. “Well, I know the feeling of him not doing anything for you think.” He ran a hand through his hair. “It’s okay. I know the man can cause a lot of feelings.” He shrugged his shoulders. “We are better off without him on this planet with us.” He sighed as he shook his head. “I can tell you about my childhood sometime but it wasn’t great.” He sighed before looking at the chair. “No, I uh, I was driving with my son and there was an accident and I was trying to protect him.”
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makoakamaka · 2 years
Ahlai had only been in town for a few months and most of that time was spent trying to set up her new house and getting her boys settled in their new life.  After leaving her life as a surfer/sex worker in Hawaii to run off with Bodhi, they’d spent years traveling and going to surfing competitions all over the world, settling in Australia when they needed a break or needed somewhere to have their children.  She’d been so happy with their lives, she loved to travel and she and Bodhi made an amazing living as surfers, and she was as far away from her family as she could get.  They’d been talking about having another baby, hoping for a little girl this time, when she had entered a local competition near their home on the beach.  She couldn’t remembered what made her fall, as she’d been knocked out by her board and had to be rescued, but when she woke up in the hospital she learned that in addition to a serious concussion and nearly drowning, she’ essentially destroyed her knee and was unlikely to ever surf again.  As if that wasn’t bad enough, before she was even discharged from the hospital, Bodhi decided he didn’t want to take time off from surfing to care for her and let her know he would be filing for divorce and he wouldn’t fight her for the kids, and just like that, he was gone, and her whole life was uprooted. 
Now that they were settled in and Ahlai was between surgeries and had a brace that allowed her to get around easier, she decided to take the boys to the zoo for the afternoon, as her older son, Anchor, loved animals and her younger son, Tide, would move into the barn at the petting zoo if she’d let him.  Tide had dozed off in his stroller at this point, so Ahlai let Anchor determine which animals they saw and he pulled her toward the lions and she suggested he get a closer look while she checked in on Tide.  She was making sure the two year old shielded from the sun when she heard her name and straightened up.  “Makoa?” She couldn’t believe he was actually here, she hadn’t seen him since she’d left him to run off with Bodhi, something she couldn’t regret because of her sons, but she was embarrassed about how she acted at that age.  “I can’t believe you’re here…I’m practically speechless…I didn’t think we’d ever see each other again.” 
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Once it was confirmed that it was actually Ahlai, Makoa couldn’t help but smile. He wheeled himself over towards the other, careful not to disturb Cece who was sleeping soundly against his chest, or was until he looked down to see her eyes opening. He stopped the wheelchair next to the other, Leilani standing next to him as her attention was pulled from the lions. “I thought the same thing and yet, here we both are!” He said, grinning. “Lei, do you remember Ahlai?” He asked as he turned to the little girl who was nodding her head. “Hi.” She said bashfully as she turned to face her father. “How long have you been back for?” He asked curiously, hand reaching to mess with Leilani’s hair a bit.
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makoakamaka · 2 years
Nai’a pushed out a steadying breath and nodded, “I figured you wouldn’t know about me.. I mean I didn’t know about you till the day he died. I didn’t know about him either…” She sighed and shook her head, “Nai’a… Kapule.” She nodded, “that’s probably best because I can’t promise I’ll control my temper.” She shook her head and knew she had somewhat made a fool of herself but seeing him successful and not at all bothered by what she had gone through in the last couple years. 
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Makoa watched her for a moment, trying to judge how he should handle the situation before leading her to his office, a small room in the back that he had just changed the layout of to make more room for his chair. He closed the door behind them and watched her for just a moment. “Nice to meet you Nai’a. I’m sorry it’s under these conditions...” He said and he looked over towards her. “What exactly...happened?” He asked cautiously. He had no clue what her relationship with their shared birth father was and he didn’t want to talk bad about someone she might have cared about. 
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makoakamaka · 2 years
Siggy hadn’t expected much change in Makoa’s physical therapy but she hoped for it every day. She wasn’t a religious person but she was pretty sure she had even caught herself praying for it more than a couple times. It hadn’t been easy for Makoa after the wreck and she knew that but she tried to help. The kids were also a driving force and it especially when it came to picking Makoa up from therapy. After all he was typically the first stop before heading towards the school.
Her jaw dropped at the sight of Makoa standing again, before she covered her mouth still amazed to finally see it. The tears of joy that streamed down her face as he took his steps pulled the most vulnerable sounds from her she had probably ever made in his presence and a part of her wanted to hit the floor in just pure awe, but her eyes never left his as he stood there, before she laughed, “can I hug you like that or would it risk ruining the moment?” She teased before wiping her eyes.
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Makoa could feel the tears starting to swell in his eyes to match those of Siggy, the emotions of what exactly was happening in this moment and what it meant for him and her and their family that they had created were at the forefront of his thoughts, as they usually were. This time though, it wasn’t the question of if or when he would walk again after the accident, but that he was actually doing it. While he would likely need the wheelchair and then other aides in his journey still, the question of the ability to walk again was answered in this moment. 
“I think a hug from you is exactly what I need in this moment.” Makoa said as he looked lovingly over at Siggy, wanting to feel her against him at a normal height again. “Though if you’re gonna do it, I need you to come do it now because I’m gonna need to sit back down here sooner rather then later.” He said honestly as he watched her from the bars.
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makoakamaka · 2 years
Makoa had been working hard in physical therapy to continue the road to regaining function of his legs. As hard as this was, he would not have made a different decision if he had the chance to do it over again, as long as his son was safe, he would go through this over and over again. He hadn’t told Siggy anything about his milestone he had hit as he really wanted to surprise her with it. He looked at the time on the clock, knowing that Siggy would be there soon to pick him up. He had his physical therapist help him stretch out. He could feel the butterflies lining up as he saw the car pull up and once he saw Siggy coming in to the office, he pushed himself up from the floor and used the bars to help hold himself up in a standing position. He waited until he saw Siggy walk into the big room and waited another moment to let her take in the fact he was up to his normal height before slowly, carefully taking one step after another, his therapist walking next to him, arms out ready to help steady if he needed to. Makoa watched Siggy for her reaction as he got to the end of the bars, holding himself up using the bars as his therapist pushed the wheelchair over for whenever he needed to sit back down.
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makoakamaka · 3 years
She had asked for him at the diner but never expected him to roll up. Her brows furrowing when he did and to a point she control the anger she felt towards the brother she never got the chance to know. “So you’re Makoa?” She nodded and licked her lips, shaking her head. A bit of pity at the shape he was in before she slid him the piece of paper with the obituary and a copy of your birth certificate. “Your dad is dead, I’m his daughter. I hope you at least were better off than me growing up.” She shook her head, “I tried so hard to make him matter and that fucker… the first time I met him was on his death bed. You should know you were better off where ever you ended up not knowing him.”
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Makoa had been going to the diner a few days a week now to get himself out of the house. He hadn’t gotten much further with physical therapy and it was frustrating to him. His physical therapist said it was good to get out of the house and he was needed at the diner so there he was. He was working at a table going over the books when someone said his name and he looked up, taking the things that were given to him. He looked them over and raised an eyebrow. “Oh..uh...” He said as he set them down. “Okay....well can’t say I’m upset that he’s dead. But I had no idea of any sibling. I was an only child going into foster care.” He said trying his best to let both things settle in. “You’ll be better off without him. I didn’t catch your name?” He asked, trying to play it cool. The thought of having a sister was crazy to him but he couldn’t say he was surprised. From what he knew of his father, he got around, but he was young when he was taken away. He moved his hand to his hair, pushing it behind his ear as he looked back at Nai’a. “Why don’t we go get a cup of coffee somewhere a little more private and we can talk?”
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makoakamaka · 3 years
Makoa had finally decided to go back to the diner, having left it in the capable hands of one of his managers. He had called ahead, making sure there was a wide enough path that he could get through with his chair, at least through the front and to the back office. He knew he wasn’t going to be able to get through the kitchen, but he at least wanted to be of some use. He arrived at the diner and thanked the uber driver, who was always the same one, and wheeled himself to the door. He took a deep breath and then pulled the door open, struggling to push himself in and hold the door, which made him realize he needed to make that easier for not only him, but other customers who might need it. 
He was struggling with the door until he felt the pressure lift from his arm and he looked as he saw someone hold the door for him. “Thank you.” He said as he wheeled himself in and turned the chair around to face the person who had held the door open. “I didn’t think that would be that hard but uh, guess I was wrong about that.” He said and laughed a bit.
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makoakamaka · 3 years
Makoa was on his own for the day with Cece as Siggy was busy on a job and he decided that he wanted to be able to go out for the day instead of being stuck in the house. He got Cece’s diaper bag ready and slung it across the back of his chair before strapping Cece into the chest carrier and grabbed a booster seat for Leilani, hoping to be able to leave it with the front desk area of the zoo. The uber arrived and he got in, happy that there were uber’s that could pick him up with a wheelchair accessible van so he wouldn’t have to transfer into the car. He had decided to take Cece and Leilani to the zoo, something he had enjoyed doing when he was growing up. Cece was too young to enjoy the animals but he knew Leilani would love it. 
They were looking at the lions when he saw a familiar face. “Ahlai?” Makoa asked as he wheeled over, Cece against his chest and Leilani on his lap. It had been a long time since he had seen the other and he wasn’t sure if he would see her again. The last time he had seen her, he wasn’t in the wheelchair, with Siggy, nor was Cece even a thought in his head. The two of them could have once been something, they were heading that way, or at least he thought they could have been but then things changed and they suddenly found themselves separated from each other and he had fallen for Siggy and now here Ahlai was in front of him once more.
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makoakamaka · 3 years
Siggy nodded, “I mean technically I would have to get up to feed her anyway. Pretty sure you’re not producing.” She chuckled but smiled, “I get it, but I promise you I am getting enough rest and you help when you can. You just keep working on your physical therapy and you’ll get where you can help more each day. Plus, even when you’re not helping me with Cece you’re helping with the others. You do more than enough to help, Makoa.” She said holding his cheek for a moment after the kiss and smiling at him. “You’re doing so good right now and I’m so proud of you.” 
Siggy smiled and nodded, “we should do this more often when we can while Bryce and Emma are in school. Won’t be long and Leilani will be joining them and I’m going to be heart broken by that. I won’t have my little buddy with me to go on shoots anymore. My little assistant is growing up on me too quick.” She said watching the little girl skipping in front of them before looking at Cece pressed against Makoa’s chest. “that one will follow her probably sooner than we expect too and I’m definitely not ready for that.” 
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Makoa listened to her and nodded. He knew that she was right, but he still felt bad and it was harder for him to get passed it in his head which was screaming that he should do more. “It just feels like I haven’t even made much progress with physical therapy and I don’t know. Kinda hard to think that I’m doing that much.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Thanks but I don’t know what there is to be proud of.” He could feel the emotions starting to well up inside of him and he shoved them back down, not wanting to make Siggy think anything was wrong. It wasn’t that he wasn’t happy with his progress, but he just wished he could be further along in the process.
“Don’t remind me. They grow up so fast.” Makoa said as he looked down at Cece and then ahead at Leilani. “I wish they didn’t. I can remember Lei as a baby, just a month old and how small she was. I was scared I was going to crush her or something on accident.” He said with a smile as he wheeled down the sidewalk. “I mean, I can always take her place as your assistant but I’m not sure how much help I would actually be. I think Cece might be a better choice then me.”
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makoakamaka · 4 years
Siggy smiled, “I can too.” Her smile faded a bit and she looked up at him, “you help, you make sure I don’t pass out with her and you’re there for moral support. That’s help enough for me.” She smiled pressing a kiss to his lips before smiling at Leilani and chuckling, “let’s go get dressed then, what do you say Lei? It will be so much better than a day in our pajamas.” She chuckled standing up, “You want me to get her dressed too?” She said pointing at Cecily “or do you wanna do it?”
Once they were all ready and started their walk to the park she was busy watching Leilani skip along the sidewalk just a few feet in front of them. “It feels like it’s been ages since we took her to the park.” 
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Makoa looked over towards Siggy and let out a small sigh. “I just feel like I’m not doing as much as I want to do because I can’t. It makes me feel bad.” He said and kissed her back gently. “No, I can do it.” He said as he gently set Cece down on the couch next to him and quickly transferred himself back to his chair. He had hoped to be out of the chair soon but he was still not able to feel much past his hips. It was hard to be patient when he wanted nothing more than to get up and walk and get back to how it was. He smiled softly at Cece, reaching out to pick her up and settle her into the sling carrier he wore to hold her against his chest as he wheeled himself towards where her clothes were, picking out an outfit and carefully changing her into them. 
Getting Cece back into the sling, smiling at the warmth he felt on his chest from her body, Makoa took her out and they were on their way. “It has been a while, hasn’t it? I hadn’t even realized it had been this long.”
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makoakamaka · 4 years
Siggy nodded against his shoulder and smiled, “I will take a nap when these two do, maybe we can all take one?” She said pulling away to look at him, “you’re welcome and I promise I will. I wasn’t really tired until I laid down on the couch. Once I got still and Cec was keeping me warm, I just couldn’t help it. She slept pretty good last night, not all the way through the night yet but she gave me enough time in between to get some nice little naps.” She nodded and looked at Leilani, “I think she would enjoy that. A quick trip just the four of us before Bryce and Emma get back from school.” 
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Makoa nodded his head and kissed Siggy’s forehead. “I can get behind a nap.” He said with a laugh as he slowly rocked cece back and forth carefully in his arms. “Well that’s good then. I wish it was easier for me to help in the middle of the night.” He said as he sighed, laying his head back on the couch. He felt bad that he couldn’t be more of a help. “Yes, let’s get to the park then, what do you say Lei?” He asked and the young girl grinned and jumped up and down. “Yay!”
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makoakamaka · 4 years
Siggy sat up beside him, carefully cradling Cecily in her arms before passing her over. “I’m fine. I’m pretty sure tired is going to be a thing for us for a while with this one.” She chuckled, running her hand over the baby girl’s head. She pressed a kiss to Makoa’s cheek and laid her head on his shoulder. “You slept good? I would have got you up but I thought you deserved to sleep in.” She was still watching Leilani be fully invested in her favorite show. “What’s the plan for the day? Especially with these two little ladies.” 
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Makoa smiled as he held Cecily in his arms, not really looking away from her until Siggy rested her head on his shoulder. “Probably, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take some naps.” He said as he nodded. “I did. Thank you for that, but I’m telling you, you should make sure you are getting enough sleep. I’m gonna start to worry about you.” He looked down at the young girl. “I dunno, but it’s a nice day, I’d hate to be cooped up in the house. What do you think about a trip to the park?”
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