#mismag s2 spoilers
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#i didn't think you meant like that aabria 😭
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fischyplier · 2 days
Misfits and Magic Season 2 Episode 2 "Magma and Mingle": My Thoughts and Analysis
So here are my thoughts on Evan and Sam. Am I the only one that doesn’t see their relationship progressing into romance? I can understand that in this season Brennan and Danielle are having more scenes together. At this point, Evan and Sam's relationship feels platonic to me, but who knows what could happen in the next few episodes. I prefer platonic relationships because they feel more interesting than just romance. Also want to take the time to say, I love and appreciate all the hard work that went into this and every season of D20. Thank you to the crew, the players and Aabria cause misfits and magic has become very near and dear to my heart!
Click below to read more, warning long post:
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Anyways, Evan has gone through a LOT of traumatic experiences since childhood and continues to till this day. Evan's body is riddled with scars, broken bones that healed wonky, etc. He got stabbed on a bus at night trying to retrieve a talisman for Boodle 10 months ago. And I would not be surprised if he's been through more but hasn't had the opportunity to tell his friends or elected to say nothing. I can't help but to read too deeply into the quote "dream small". Is it cause I feel that Evan has learned to dream small in order to not get his hopes and expectations too high? Just a theory... A game theory! I'm sorry.
After 3 years of no contact the pilot project are back! But they haven't really had the time to sit down and catch up. In the video below, Sam says "I feel like there's a lot of things that when we talk you don't tell me." Which kinda leads me to believe, Evan doesn't want to worry his friends so he bottles up his feelings and doesn't open up. And when he does it's always with a smile and jokes to mask the hurt. He isn't just sad, he feels like a burden and tries to not take up space. I can really relate to this.
Even Brennan says Evan is in deep pain. The breakup he went through didn't help but there is more under the surface we as the audience still don't truly know. The experiences of being a lonely unhoused teen is the reason why Brennan chose "belonging" as Evan's ideal track. Because that is the one thing he's been deprived off, humans are social creatures and need to interact with others. What happens to a developing brain when that is taken away? When all you know is your shadow, loneliness and hunger? So when his friend says we can talk, he takes that as a serious invitation. Evan now surrounded by friends wants to do everything in his power to protect those he loves. He doesn't expect it to be reciprocal. You can see that when he says "if I've ever done a bad job about being here for you, I'm always here for you" after Sam says we can talk. When Brennan tears up with that incredible delivery of "I missed you"... I keep rewatching that part! Evan is always on the go, needs to be prepared, needs to be ready when shit hits the fan. Sam has created a safe place where he doesn't need to be hypervigilant and can relax, maybe open up and be a little vulnerable.
Sam is rightfully concerned that something deeper and terrible is going on with Evan.
When Evan continues kicking a half dead Salamander that isn't a threat to any of his friends, a darkness in him wants to kick it mercilessly for pure enjoyment. That even his eyes turns black. The first thing Sam does when she sees this is to attempt to drench it in water like Jammer did. Cause she said that this has become "unnecessarily dark" and that "this is freaking her out". That she'll even resort to spitting on the creature if it means that Evan will stop kicking that crap out of it. The water cools and stops the creature. Sam is a great friend that sees Evan do something twisted and wants to help so desperately. You do not have to be falling in love with someone to do the right thing! I still think they should just be friends.
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I love that in this season we can really see their friendship blossom and not just be surface level chit chat. As they get closer hopefully they can help each other in ways they really need. In the preview for the next episode Evan says, "I don't see you the way you are afraid people see you." Sometimes it takes someone outside of your point of view to see aspects of yourself you are too close to see. And I think that's beautiful.
That leads into my next point, no I don't think the progressing of their relationship means that romance is in the air. I can't remember where I read it but another person said it best, intimacy doesn't mean romance. You can get close to someone, be a shoulder to cry on and depend on without developing feelings. You can love and respect your friend and keep it at that level but develop on that intimacy of a great friendship. I feel like it made the most sense for these two to get closer in this season because they have more in common now. Before it was just the fact that they were students learning magic at Gowpenny and being NAMPS (non magical person or let's be serious MUGGLES!). But now Evan and Sam have both underwent break ups and that's something they can really connect on. I really hope they don't get together right after cause that sounds like a rebound and to me, story wise pretty boring. And in my honest opinion, jumping into another relationship right after being with K is a little too soon. Evan needs a friend not a lover, at least for the time being. He needs to keep his inner darkness and insecurities in check. That or a therapist.
Hopefully this doesn't age like milk, and if they do get together I guess I'm wrong! :3
Thank you if you read till the very end, here is a gif of Brennan giving you a thumbs up!
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Why? Cause you are pretty cool!
Please consider liking or reblogging this post if you liked what you read. And I'd love to hear your thoughts on this episode and if I should continue!
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largeworm · 10 days
Teddy "can we PLEASE go touch grass" Theodore
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enemyanemone · 11 days
Mismag s2 tomorrow/today… I’m not fucking ready
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ghostcashewart · 10 days
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take. a. BREAK.
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charidotella-art · 4 days
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i have one theory from episode 1 of mismag s2 and it's that EVAN is (surprisingly) the one who initiated the breakup with k. erika narrated k as being "unexpectedly single" which suggests they were not the one to dump evan! and k was much more visibly anxious about seeing evan than evan apparently was at seeing them. evan loves to belong so it would be a neat narrative twist for him to be the one who left, and i think it would make sense if what k said in the holiday special about not staying together with your high school partner forever got in his head. but ultimately, i'd be really excited if he ended it for some reason that was related to setting HEALTHY EMOTIONAL BOUNDARIES (in regards to their constant conversations in s1) or maybe because he was concerned with how deeply k has been embedding themself in the internet.
personally i wouldn't be opposed to them getting back together, but my priority (which i have no doubt that erika and brennan will deliver on) is watching them act out their fraught interpersonal web and ultimately coming to a cathartic conclusion that creates a new bedrock for a healthier dynamic between them
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patchdonal · 10 days
Did I hear that right? Dr B and Nurse Stitchnit are partners now? Aabria sorta snuck that in and I love it.
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audible301 · 2 days
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I for one would like to know SO MUCH MORE about Victor’s invisible familiar
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ghostcashewart · 3 days
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they are NOT hungry.
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goathouseofficial · 10 days
haven't made a jammer post which is unacceptable because i delight in him so here's a jammer post
him leaving gowpenny because they took away his autonomy is so visceral to me. immediately became a crucial part of his character in my mind. he is such a chill dude but at the same time the personal laws and values he has are so strong that as soon as something crosses a line he's out of there
actually on that note i wonder if there's going to be any resentment for k for volunteering him when it inevitably lasts way longer than a few days. but personal loyalty and forgiveness are also core values for him!!! but we haven't seen jammer snap, I don't think. and lou wilson has this incredible power of having his characters snap at just the right moment for maximum gut punch so. lots of possibilities there!!!
jammer working with kids and being good with them is so not a surprise that it loops back around to being delightful. does that make sense? like, of course he does! and that feeling is again so indicative of how lou wilson builds his characters that im mad about how good he is. also idk from the way he was played in that scene he knows all the kids names, all the ways to deal with each one individually, he's got a bunch of little tricks up his sleeve to deal with them. everything is just so jammer
finally the divide between jammer being so committed to his team and community back home but not really close to anyone in particular vs jammer apathetic to the larger magical world but still so devoted to his friends.. there is a key internal conflict and im so nervous because lou pcs always stomp on my heart and then make me want to thank him for it
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misfits and magic is a sitcom
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lyndentree63 · 10 days
Origami Day: What a fun little adventure in multiculturalism and manual dexterity for children.
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patchdonal · 1 day
Look on the bright side, Evan! Now your fake hospital report to your job will be extra believable.
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