#Spider man theories
brewsbrownies · 9 months
Theory: (Possibly) The real reason Spider-people glitch in different dimensions
This a VERY loose theory i originally wrote at 2:00 AM so feel free to correct me or add your own thoughts (also, the most convincing evidence for this theory is at the bottom of this post because I had to edit it, sorry)
It's been shown that one of the main problems with traveling between universes in the spider-verse is glitching and it's been said that the glitching is because of their atoms 'not agreeing' with being in a different universe, even in a universe that's so similar to their own, but i think i may know why the glitching is ACTUALLY happening? Just a interesting theory so it might be wrong but i HAD to share my thoughts.
To put it simply: (i think) the glitching is caused by the WAY that one arrives to another universe. Basically, from what i've seen, the inter-dimensional travel watch creates an unsafe passage to a different universe which causes the glitching due to the gateway being so unstable.
Now this may seem very far fetched but also consider that when doctor strange inter-dimensional travels in multiverse of madness the gateway opened was clean and wasn't glitching, with that HE didn't glitch at all either, what I think happened is the actual powers used (similar to the spot) helped adapt their DNA to the universe so it didn't freak out. So it might have something to do with more so 'natural' abilites rather than the tech that was used in ATSV.
The same thing is shown with the spot, HIS abilities are the thing that allows him to travel to different universes which prevents glitching.
Additionally, notice how in ITSV when the spider people (gwen, peter b. Etc) were being taken from their universe and thrown into earth 1610 the wormhole that brought them there had no surrounding barriers as if they were just floating through the spider verse. In ATSV when the portal is created by the watch there is a surrounding barrier tube thing creating a safER (not necessarily Safe but certainly safer) passage way leading to the specific universe they choose to go to, but these wormhole only let's them travel it doesn't make their DNA adapt better. And as i said doctor strange's ability to create gateways to other universes was more natural and not created by using technology, also safer which is likely the reason he didn't glitch is because the powers are compatible or something, where technology is not.
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Also, something else to add to this is that the more unsafe the passage is, the more glitching there is when the portal is opened. Example is when peter b. Is sucked out of his apartment and the entire apartment is glitching heavily, vs the inter-dimensional travel watch's portal, and of course the spot's holes:
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Even more to add, notice how the non-technological way of getting to another universe is much quicker, rather than going through a tunnel to another universe, instead it's a step away. Shown especially with how the spot can easily put his head through one of his holes and immediately be in another dimension. Same thing goes with the doctor strange method as seen in the video of him traveling through different universes.
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I'd even say that if one of the spider-people were to go through the spot's holes to a different dimension than they might not glitch.
As i said this a very loose theory so there might be some holes in it, so i don't mind if y'all correct me.
TLDR: the watch used in atsv creates an unstable gateway to other dimensions which causes glitching, unlike 'natural' (by natural i mean non-technological powers or something similar that's compatible with one's body) powers like the spot who is never seen glitching like the spider-people and can travel dimensions faster.
edit (because i just realised something that ALMOST confirms this theory): If you still aren't convinced and think that it's only because of their atoms not agreeing with the universe they're in then the most damning evidence to exist for this theory that might change your mind has to be that if it really had something to so with their bodys, DNA, atoms whatever, then why isn't miles glitching constantly even though the spider bite he received THAT CHANGED his DNA was from a different universe? That means he has DNA from earth 42 and earth 1610, but he only glitches in earth 42 and not 1610 even though earth 42 spider WAS glitching in his earth and since he has that DNA he should ALSO be glitching in 1610.
If you were to apply my theory than the answer would be that in ITSV miles never went through any kind of portal that brought him to his earth, so his earth-42 DNA was never affected and likely adapted to the 1610 DNA or something. What makes this theory a bit 'scary' though is that, as I said, if you were to apply my theory that would mean that since the 42 DNA re-adapted when miles arrived in earth 42, and it was the 1610 DNA that was making him glitch, that means that if miles were to go through the inter-dimensional travel watch portal back to his world the earth 42 DNA will make him glitch in HIS OWN universe and the 1610 DNA will make him glitch in prowler miles' universe, so he would constantly be glitching since the 42 DNA couldn't adapt again like it did before since it already re-adapted to earth 42 while miles was there, and the 1610 DNA NEVER adapted to the earth 42 DNA to begin with.
And if you still don't understand than I can put another TLDR:
in ITSV Miles' 42 DNA adapted to 1610 since he never went through any kind of portal to a different universe at the time. His 42 DNA re-adapted to earth 42 at the end of ATSV and his 1610 DNA wigged out there since it could never adapt to earth 42, and could only be in 1610. Meaning (if my theory is true) unless he went through one of the spot's portals to get back home, he would constantly be glitching out because 42 DNA hates 1610, and 1610 DNA hates 42.
Make sense now?
Well, anyways sorry if this confusing you, but it makes so much sense to me and I really wanted to share!
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Ok so not once, but TWICE, RIPeter in ITSV says he’s worried using the collider would create a black hole under Brooklyn. And guess what appears in Mumbattan once Spot uses the collider…
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A black hole…
It’s obvious Miguel is wrong about canon events, whether it’s out of ignorance or is intentional is unknown. Because when the world he lived in disappeared, it did not look like it was being enveloped by a black hole. It almost looks like everyone was glitched out of existence.
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It’s unknown if they’ll be able to fix Mumbattan, but it’s clear something fishy is going on…
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incorrectquotesmcu · 5 days
Sam: I admire you, Peter.
Peter: Really? Why?
Sam: You’re happy with who you are. You don’t get jealous of other people. Instead of being weighed down by ambition, you just float along like a dead body in a river.
Peter: I couldn’t just take the compliment. I had to ask why.
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tttrashmouth · 1 year
obsessed with the shot in atsv where gwen is at her window at the beginning and has her mask off but when she’s looks into the window’s reflection she’s still spider woman. then at the end her coming back again after losing miles and looking into the reflection in her window and this times it’s all her because spider woman cannot exist without gwen herself and her realizing that she’s just a person too
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ivvyela · 2 months
thinking about that theory where peter parker is the mcu's anchor being. and like. the possibilities of it. imagine learning your entire universe's anchor being, the person who pretty much controls the fate of the universe, is some guy who just doesn't exist??? not even dropped off the face of the earth, but there is no proof of this person even existing in the first place???? and maybe strange or the fantastic four or whoever feels responsible for/is tasked with finding and protecting this anchor being but that's kinda hard to do when you have Absolutely Nothing to go off of.
or alternatively, peter himself learning that the entire universe is basically relying on him staying alive, and he already has a lot on his shoulders but this??? having lost everything and everyone and now learning that the weight of the world is literally on his shoulders and fuck!!! he just wanted to be a friendly neighborhood spider-man but that's parker luck for you!!
and like. there's so many ways to take it and i haven't seen anyone considering this and guys. guys. consider it. take it and run with it or what have you. fuck it and throw doctor doom in the mix for the irondad girlies because surely that will be fun.
and i know i know the theory doesn't fully go hand in hand with the mcu cannon but. fuck the cannon. let me scream into the void about this. let me shove it in your faces and hope someone does something with it. let me have my silly where's waldo peter parker anchor being au.
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shadowgasp · 1 year
in Into The Spiderverse we see Miles meet Peter
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his colors originally look like this. green and purple. which are his “canon” colors and are supposed to represent him
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but then they change. they turn red and blue signifying the change of canon and therefore his fate.
so instead of him becoming an enemy to Spiderman, he becomes a friend to spiderman.
and instead of Earth 42 Miles becoming spiderman, he becomes the prowler in a world where spiderman can no longer exist.
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ghostflowerhotpotch · 3 months
Theory time- Adapting to the new universe?
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I am not the first one to say it, but during the glitching in Earth-42, at some point Miles' shoes ends up changing; you can compare the top of his shoes, originally pure red, to dots and circles.
I found this interesting, because it could imply that while things that are originally from another universe would disintegrate (as it was told to us in the first movie,) maybe Miles, because he has the spider from this universe, can kind of just adapt to it?
Is a crazy theory, but hey, is fun to think of possibilities isn't it?
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walmart-the-official · 7 months
What if I did something horrible to my notification box.
I made a poll with some of the newer trends. I vastly miscalculated what the results would be due to how close the Ides were and how few people knew about the rosin thing.
But now, I redeem myself with the classics and I'll probably miss one so feel free to reblog and make fun of me for it so I can get a larger sample size.
Have fun (:
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mamaspidershit · 4 months
Peter: How do you feel about children? Natasha: They’re okay, I guess. I mean if I saw one, I wouldn’t throw a rock at it. Peter: Why would you throw a rock at a child?! Natasha: I just said I wouldn’t??
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fotibrit · 6 months
it would be funny as fuck if Tony had been preparing for a while to rebrand Iron Man colours from red and gold to the shiny blue that Tonys holograms are in. Because if that were the case, Tony may have had serious reservations about bringing Spider-Man onto the Avengers for the simple fact of dammit i wanted to be red and blue but the kid already claimed those colours
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brewsbrownies · 9 months
Spider-Verse Theory: who destroys the universes when a canon event is disrupted?
What causes a universe to collapse when a canon event is disrupted? Obviously we know that a universe falls apart (or disconnects from the spider-verse, but that's a whole other can of worms) when a canon event is disrupted, but why? I've heard a few ideas but I've yet to see anyone bring up Loki. (the show)
In Loki season 2, the TVA monitors potential disturbances in a certain timeline that could cause incursions, which destroy two universes by colliding, an example would be that if uncle Ben doesn't die when he is supposed to, two universes get destroyed by a ruined universe branching off and collides with a different one. So to avoid an incursion the TVA will cut off the timeline so it doesn't crash into a different timeline (universe). It is possible for a universe to self correct back into the stable timeline as seen with miles compensating for the death of his Peter parker when he became spiderman, and if a universe is fixable than the TVA will send whatever workers they have to fix it.
I don't think Miguel was wrong about canon events i just think he just didn't understand them as much as he thought he did. I believe the TVA cut off 'Miguel's universe' when it branched off too far and too fast and was unfixable. That universe's Miguel dying was likely an especially important canon event.
And if Miguel 2099 killed that Miguel, it would still have similar consequences.
In earth 1610 Peter parker WASN'T supposed to die but as I said his death was compensated for when miles replaced him, because of that 1610 might look something like this:
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I hope this makes sense, and if anyone wants to add onto this theory or explain why it wouldn't work or something than go ahead.
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whaliiwatching · 1 year
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see what happens
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lildoodlenoodle · 1 year
If spider noir wasn’t kicked off the ‘elite spider task force’ (I think he was but Imma keep going anyways) then the reason I think he would quit, besides general bad vibes, is Miguel referring to Robbie’s death as a canon event. That man would turn fucking feral.
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incorrectquotesmcu · 5 months
Peter: How do you feel about children?
Wade: They’re okay, I guess. I mean if I saw one, I wouldn’t throw a rock at it.
Peter: Why would you throw a rock at a child?!
Wade: I just said I wouldn’t??
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So I was watching ATSV for the fifth time and I noticed a very interesting detail in the background of the panning shot when Miles is on the rooftop of Earth 42.
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Right there in the top left, there's an incredibly prominent 8.
Now, I'm probably grasping at straws here, but I have a feeling that it wasn't placed there for no reason, since the reoccurrence of the number 42 ended up being important (it, for example, shows up as the lottery number that wins Miles a spot in Visions, on his shirt, and is also created by debris after Miles's 'failed' leap of faith in the first movie, where he breaks the goober).
So assuming I'm right and this number is, in fact, significant in some way, my next thought (obviously) was to wonder what it might just be. Initially I couldn't think of anything that significant (a spider has eight legs/eyes? The squad that's off to rescue Miles is composed of eight people?)
...and then I remembered about earth-8.
In case you don't know what it is, it's a universe in the comics (which I have never read) where Miles and Gwen are married and have children, so obviously I instantly latched onto this interpretation because my brainrot is near-terminal.
If (and this is a big if) my interpretation is correct, this might be foreshadowing for the next movie: seeing as it's been confirmed that we'll be seeing Gwen variants in Beyond I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility that we'll be seeing Earth-8 next movie...
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nattule29 · 2 months
…I’m going to stop posting benrius now
Brooklynn: Darius why you gay for that guy?
Darius: I’m not!
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