#Spider-Verse Glitching Theory
brewsbrownies · 9 months
Theory: (Possibly) The real reason Spider-people glitch in different dimensions
This a VERY loose theory i originally wrote at 2:00 AM so feel free to correct me or add your own thoughts (also, the most convincing evidence for this theory is at the bottom of this post because I had to edit it, sorry)
It's been shown that one of the main problems with traveling between universes in the spider-verse is glitching and it's been said that the glitching is because of their atoms 'not agreeing' with being in a different universe, even in a universe that's so similar to their own, but i think i may know why the glitching is ACTUALLY happening? Just a interesting theory so it might be wrong but i HAD to share my thoughts.
To put it simply: (i think) the glitching is caused by the WAY that one arrives to another universe. Basically, from what i've seen, the inter-dimensional travel watch creates an unsafe passage to a different universe which causes the glitching due to the gateway being so unstable.
Now this may seem very far fetched but also consider that when doctor strange inter-dimensional travels in multiverse of madness the gateway opened was clean and wasn't glitching, with that HE didn't glitch at all either, what I think happened is the actual powers used (similar to the spot) helped adapt their DNA to the universe so it didn't freak out. So it might have something to do with more so 'natural' abilites rather than the tech that was used in ATSV.
The same thing is shown with the spot, HIS abilities are the thing that allows him to travel to different universes which prevents glitching.
Additionally, notice how in ITSV when the spider people (gwen, peter b. Etc) were being taken from their universe and thrown into earth 1610 the wormhole that brought them there had no surrounding barriers as if they were just floating through the spider verse. In ATSV when the portal is created by the watch there is a surrounding barrier tube thing creating a safER (not necessarily Safe but certainly safer) passage way leading to the specific universe they choose to go to, but these wormhole only let's them travel it doesn't make their DNA adapt better. And as i said doctor strange's ability to create gateways to other universes was more natural and not created by using technology, also safer which is likely the reason he didn't glitch is because the powers are compatible or something, where technology is not.
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Also, something else to add to this is that the more unsafe the passage is, the more glitching there is when the portal is opened. Example is when peter b. Is sucked out of his apartment and the entire apartment is glitching heavily, vs the inter-dimensional travel watch's portal, and of course the spot's holes:
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Even more to add, notice how the non-technological way of getting to another universe is much quicker, rather than going through a tunnel to another universe, instead it's a step away. Shown especially with how the spot can easily put his head through one of his holes and immediately be in another dimension. Same thing goes with the doctor strange method as seen in the video of him traveling through different universes.
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I'd even say that if one of the spider-people were to go through the spot's holes to a different dimension than they might not glitch.
As i said this a very loose theory so there might be some holes in it, so i don't mind if y'all correct me.
TLDR: the watch used in atsv creates an unstable gateway to other dimensions which causes glitching, unlike 'natural' (by natural i mean non-technological powers or something similar that's compatible with one's body) powers like the spot who is never seen glitching like the spider-people and can travel dimensions faster.
edit (because i just realised something that ALMOST confirms this theory): If you still aren't convinced and think that it's only because of their atoms not agreeing with the universe they're in then the most damning evidence to exist for this theory that might change your mind has to be that if it really had something to so with their bodys, DNA, atoms whatever, then why isn't miles glitching constantly even though the spider bite he received THAT CHANGED his DNA was from a different universe? That means he has DNA from earth 42 and earth 1610, but he only glitches in earth 42 and not 1610 even though earth 42 spider WAS glitching in his earth and since he has that DNA he should ALSO be glitching in 1610.
If you were to apply my theory than the answer would be that in ITSV miles never went through any kind of portal that brought him to his earth, so his earth-42 DNA was never affected and likely adapted to the 1610 DNA or something. What makes this theory a bit 'scary' though is that, as I said, if you were to apply my theory that would mean that since the 42 DNA re-adapted when miles arrived in earth 42, and it was the 1610 DNA that was making him glitch, that means that if miles were to go through the inter-dimensional travel watch portal back to his world the earth 42 DNA will make him glitch in HIS OWN universe and the 1610 DNA will make him glitch in prowler miles' universe, so he would constantly be glitching since the 42 DNA couldn't adapt again like it did before since it already re-adapted to earth 42 while miles was there, and the 1610 DNA NEVER adapted to the earth 42 DNA to begin with.
And if you still don't understand than I can put another TLDR:
in ITSV Miles' 42 DNA adapted to 1610 since he never went through any kind of portal to a different universe at the time. His 42 DNA re-adapted to earth 42 at the end of ATSV and his 1610 DNA wigged out there since it could never adapt to earth 42, and could only be in 1610. Meaning (if my theory is true) unless he went through one of the spot's portals to get back home, he would constantly be glitching out because 42 DNA hates 1610, and 1610 DNA hates 42.
Make sense now?
Well, anyways sorry if this confusing you, but it makes so much sense to me and I really wanted to share!
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Webs and Masks
(I don't own image)
(Yandere spider verse platonic and romantic x Villain! Spider man reader!)
(Sorry it took so long! warning cursing!Sorry if it's bad!)
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A comic was slapped on the table the cover showing You a spider man jumping away from a crime scene. SO let explain shall we? You had been Spider man for a year and a half. Getting bit by a radioactive spider on the ankle when rescuing a scientist who sadly passed due to radiation from an experiment called InSpid mutation where they would mutate spiders but the spiders got loose. You did die legally speaking having to claw your way out of your grave is not recommended. *You look at Uncle Ben spider man 'how the fuck'* So you decided since you were dead technically you would run the under streets of New York. You expected a hero however he never came your fate had changed. You found out through the discovery of the multi verse and time lines. The spider who was supposed to create your rival had been brought to another universe. Due to this your canon event didn't happen meaning you weren't a true spider man just a villain who is spider man?
SO to sum it up you were bit by a radioactive clone spider became villain spider man and is working on creating a way to go into different universes.
Other than that you like visiting your neighbor every Sunday for game night. This family was the Morales family your universe is the only universe you're alive in all the other universes you go missing or you're found dead by spider man. You hoped this peace will stay for as long as it can.
Until a portal opens in your lab or a spot? A man with a plain white face and a spot in the middle popped his head out looking around. Thoughts run in your head but the main one is how the hell is he doing that. The man looked at you before asking "Hey do you want to fuck up this Spider guy's introduction? He's kinda attacking my rival Miles Morales and I need someone to be in the inside" You look at him wide eyes grabbing his face. "He's attacking my buddy? I'm gonna crush that man with my thighs" You jumped through the portal getting sent to this spider verse HQ
"So it hasn't happened yet but Miles Morales will show up in two months sorry" The portal closes behind you.
You look around realizing how fucked you are in this situation. He sent you a month ahead?! You got caught in an hour after glitching and was brought to Miguel o Hara. After finding who you were and why you were there you were given a day watch to stop the glitching. Miguel was curious about you and your time line theory.
You spent hours explaining it and showing it through spider webs. The Spider can choose different webs Some Spiders don't even have webs but the things that make them all alike is what defines them. Every Spider man has choices that change in different universes that is their time line however if it changed the time line collapse on itself. Sometimes these webs are built and can change however if they are already prone to change. For example you can say anything to a person in pompeii before the volcanic explosion but that doesn't damage the time line since it was coming to an end.
Miguel loved this theory since it went with his until you went on with time loops and got stuck in a loop for an hour.
However the reason why you came creeped onto him before he knew it. You became friends with the children of the Spider verse MayDay,Hobie,Paviter, and Gwen. Spotting you multiple times from a window seeing you jump across buildings just to make sure they weren't injured when they came back. Wolf spider he figured due to your attachments to younger spider people. The other got quite attached to you being there. Since Miguel wouldn't allow you to leave for an odd reason.
The day it finally happened before you knew it. Miles Morales came to HQ after fighting the spot. He seemed to recognize you from his universe hugging you. At first you returned it until he didn't let go.
Miles had known the reason why you disapeared in his universe seeing it for him self. You were close to him like another dad before you went missing. Seeing you alive squeezed his heart his reaction was holding onto you.
You had to get help from Peter B and Gwen to get him off.
"Going to introduce yourself, kid?" you asked the boy patting his shoulder. "I'm Miles Morales Spider man in my universe" Miles smiled showing his teeth. "I'm Doctor (your name) the evil version of spider man in my universe bit of advice pretty sure Miguel has Rabies don't let him bite you and being spider is not all of the swing shift your weight when you jump to where you want to swing the jump matters." You smile showing off your fangs. Miles looked shocked at your fangs you really were different here.
Jess called the two of you over saying Miguel wanted to see us. Hobie groaned before you dragged him along happily. Walking in pocketing the final things for your watch. Miguel kept you here only with a day pass so you started making your own.
You plopped into a seat ignoring what was about to happen. Miles spoke to Miguel while you were finishing your watch. Everything was in place when suddenly Miguel threw a desk down at Miles scaring you. Quickly grabbing Miles away from it. You looked up at Miguel worried "The hell man! You can't just hit a kid!" You yelled at him "He's an anomly!" Miguel yelled at you glaring down at Miles.
Seeing you were backing down he looked at Miles "Let me explain...follow me" He led them to a room filled with holograms. "This is the spider verse in every universe there is cannon" Miguel went on with his lecture when he brought out cannon events. "These things happen in every universe this is what makes spider man" there was a pause a thing you dreaded with Miguel in the two months you had known him. Those pauses is when something bad will happen "That included when a chief is close to spider man they die every single time" Some thought ran through your head....you didn't know any police chief's Mile's dad never got through the police acedemy so he was a security guard in your universe..So are you really spider man you have spider man dna but are you truelly spider man haha butt oh speaking of butts why is miguel cheeked up on a tuesday afternoon? Where did he get all that ass?
Your thoughts were cut off when Miguel mentioned your name. "Huh" "(Your name)...Run!" Peter b yelled at you. Looking for the danger you saw an approaching Miguel and a running Miles. You booked it sliding easily through the halls knowing the place for weeks. Miles was right behind before jumping on your back. You stumbled in shock before continuing to run. "Don't listen to them (Your name) come back" Miguel called for you.
Now you don't know true fear unless you had been chased by Miguel. Mother fuckers growling behind you clawing at walls going through them. There was a crowd in front of you so you did the first thing that came to your head. "Evacuate the building Miguel o Hara from universe 2099 have is chasing after me and I was listening!" People usually only hear the first part so they move quickly. You passed through quickly holding Miles close before jumping. Looking down you saw Miguel's claw almost catching you. He desperate look for you brought actual fear in your bones. "Miles why is he after me" You asked Miles landing on a random building "Miguel was saying stuff about canon events when he said me saving my dad would cause my universe to collapse and the reason why your universe had no other spider man was because you were supposed to be in his!" Miles yelled catching his breath.
"I knew something was up with him but i got a plan for us. I think I finished the watch I might be able to bring you home I just need to scan you" You pressed a few button before scanning him showing his universe. Opening the portal you saw Miguel claw his was up the building. The portal was unstable but it was fully open you threw Miles through. You turn around to see Miguel right behind you breathing down your neck. "Miguel...hey bud" you say nervously backing away from him. "You weren't planning on leaving right?" Miguel asked you his hand grabbing your coat sleeve. "Close the portal Mi Vida I can take you home now" Miguel said leaning down to your neck. After spending some time with this man you knew something was up but this was to far. "Miguel let go.."You asked him breathing quickly anxiety almost pouring through your ears as you heart pounded in your chest. "Are you scared of me" Miguel asked taking off his mask showing you his face. "We all want you back. What about those spider kids will you really leave them? Your soft to soft for your own good Mi vida" Miguel whispered in your ear.
Instinct was the last thing that came out of your body. Kicking your legs using Miguel as a boost sending yourself through the portal behind you ripped you jacket with his claw. Miguel landed on his ass looking at you launching himself at the portal luckily it closed before he could get through.
You looked around seeing you were on a tall building's roof. In front of you was a wall spray painted memorial of two people on it. You and Miles's dad. "Well damn-" you were knocked out quickly.
You woke up on a couch blinking seeing yourself in a familiar place. Looking up you saw Miles tyed up to a bean bag talking to another...Miles? Oh were in the wrong universe!
"Miles!" You yelled out both boys looking at you. Miles 42 gasping seeing you awake going over to you quickly. "Careful Uncle (your name) we just didn't want you running off like before...it's really mean yelling at your family because they wanted to keep you safe and when you went missing and was pronounced dead we knew it was fake! I knew you wouldn't be killed that easily! You were just sleeping!"
...."Huh" was the only thing you could get out before passing out again.
(part 2 coming up next sorry!)
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herstuf · 1 year
Spider-verse little theories/thoughts I had following seeing the movie:
The spider that bit miles might be dead but it’s been preserved which means it’s dna is still there which means earth-42 miles could still become a spider-man.
Hobie has been stealing tech since the beginning because he never trusts establishments and has his own happy little tech lair full of everything the band would need to fight Miguel
Miles wasn’t supposed to be a spider man so canon events don’t apply to him. Miguel knows this and is bitter about it and that is why he is SO angry at Miles specifically.
Miguel’s choice to take over another Miguel’s life is like fucked up for a lot of reasons but the most glaring one to me is did he sleep with that Miguel’s wife while pretending to be the Miguel that died? That is beyond fucked I don’t even have the words for it.
Earth-42 Miles had more tech than Uncle Aaron’s prowler. What if he is already aware of the multiverse/spider-verse but just hasn’t been able to get it going. Likely because that world doesn’t have a collider since there’s no Spider-Man to fight to lose Kingpin’s family over and create the series of events for it?
Alternatively he was bit, is a spider-man, but he lost his dad in the collider fight and it changed him differently from how it changed the other spidermen. (Not sold on this one but it did pop into my head)
Not totally a theory mostly just an observation: Earth-42 is older. By the grey and Uncle Aaron’s hair and the slightly more mature shape of that Miles’s face and height I believe it is at least 2-4 years ahead of our Miles’s time.
We also don’t know immediately that Prowler Miles is evil. The possibility of all the glitches and villains appearing in wrong universes means it could have happened in that universe. Means that he could have fought them. While he might not be a hero in the way we think of Spider-Man he could be more of an anti hero, such as Eddie Brock or even Batman.
Speaking of Eddie Brock: he’s now jumped to the MCU’s spider world, earth 616(?), and now The Spot has travelled to his. This connects them more and implies either that there will be a spider-man in Eddie’s universe, OR, that Venom himself counts as the Spider-Man of that universe, which then tosses Miguel’s Canon Events theories out of the water.
How many anomaly spider-peeps are there. Miguel is hung up on Mikes for being bitten by a spider from another universe and leaving that universe without one, but is he the only one? If every universe is creating colliders, exploring the multiverse, it stands to reason that The Spot exists as a scientist in other universes and could cause the same situation to happen. Miguel’s technology seems to imply he can see all in the multiverse but how can that be possible in a world of infinite universes? He must have missed something at some point.
If there were two Miguel’s there could be more. If we operate on the theory that each (large) decision has two paths then each time a “canon” character makes a choice another universe must be created where they made the opposite choice. If Miguel’s theory about canon events collapsing universes is unilaterally correct, then how many have collapsed before? How many are collapsing as they speak? How would they know?
In the comics Hobie is the prowler before thinking he killed spider-man, changing, and then becoming Spider-Man himself (I think, correct me if I’m remembering wrong because it has been years). As far as Miguel’s theories go does that make him an anomaly since there should only be one Spider-Man per universe, or is that the path his universe and others identical to Hobie’s are meant to take?
Please someone talk to me about this movie
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rofax · 1 year
Okay okay okay just saw Across the Spider-Verse and have A Thought. Hear me out:
Miguel is not a "true" Spider-Man.
(I KNOW he is a Spider-Man in comics but the movies are establishing their own canon so stay with me here.)
I feel like the movies planted a lot of flags about how he is so, so fundamentally different from the other Spiders. Consider:
• He enters and has a CAPE. Spider-Man doesn't wear capes. It's disrespectful.
• Why is he getting a musical sting that is reminiscent of Prowler's? Why does he get a villain score? Extra suspicious given the big end reveal about the universe with no Spider-Man.
• "I'm not a bad guy!" "You look like one!"
• Peter asking, "Spider-Man is supposed to be funny. Why aren't you funny?"
• He says he isn't like the other Spider-Man's. Maybe he means because he makes the hard choices. Maybe it's more than that.
• Comic Miguel injects himself to get the powers of the Earth-616 Spider-Man. This Miguel is also seen injecting himself to get his powers. There's not really any indication of when this started. I'm thinking it started AFTER he lost his "family".
• He found a world where he wasn't alone and took the place of that Miguel when he died. IIRC, at no point does it show either versions of that Miguel as Spider-Man. Just that this Miguel had a family and he wanted that (ala kingpin).
• When the big anomaly is destroying that reality, why does he not just thwip thwip away with his kid? Does he not have powers?
• He is furious at Miles for robbing a reality of its Spider-Man, but surely he did the same thing when left to take the other Miguel's place?? Unless he was never Spider-Man to begin with.
• Spider-Man dying isn't part of the spider canon we have been shown. Why would it be so disruptive for Miguel to take his place? JUST because he is an anomaly? The other Spiders in the first movie didn't fundamentally destabilize Miles' reality, they were just going to glitch apart themselves. It shouldn't have such a butterfly effect for Miguel to do what he did, unless maybe the original Miguel was adjacent to Spider-Man. Maybe he was the cop who died in that world. Maybe he was the Uncle Ben figure. Somehow his death was important to the Canon.
• Why does he not bring up his Uncle Ben or his cop-close-to-him dying? Why is his tragedy only the one he created and not the usual Spider canon?
• I know he's a cool cyberpunk Spider-Man but he's the ONLY one we see with different colored webs. He is very visually distinct from the others.
• "Are your sure you're a Spider-Man?"
Theory: Miguel was just a scientist who found a world where he wasn't alone and stepped into it. When he brought on destruction by being an anomaly to the Spider-Canon, he chose to become a Spider-Man to preserve the canon and keep the universes in tact... but he was never supposed to be a Spider-Man either, just like Miles. He doesn't follow the canon either.
Also I think because Miles and probably Miguel exist outside the Spider-Canon, they won't be bound by it and will be able to disrupt it. I feel like a significant portion of Miguel's redemption arc/Heel-Face-Turn is going to be realizing Miles is right and helping him because neither of them should have been Spider-Man but both of them became him anyway. Because anyone can wear the mask.
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movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
So confused where fandom/fic writers got this interpretation that Miles does stupid shit that doesn’t make sense or barely works out in the end or puts his friends in unnecessary danger all the time. Like in both movies the others simply underestimate him and don’t understand what Miles is doing cause he thinks like Miles, not like your everyday Spiderman. He uses his Venom Strike to throw Kingpin in the ITSV movie and literally saves Gwen and Peter because they went into battle less than ready. Then had the entire plan to lure the Spiders in ATSV, yet I keep seeing him written like he doesn’t think or gets his friends in trouble even when he understands the danger. Most of the time his different thinking has helped or led people to fix personal issues.
The first movie alone pretty much sets in stone that the exact opposite of what he wants is others to get hurt by his actions, inactions or the actions of others and trying to live up to that belief and the expectations it carries. Across the Spider-verse hammers it home with how he constantly tries to save people because that’s what he should do, rather than listen to some theory that is clearly not absolute at best and outright wrong at worst. Every fic has him being the one to cause issues and not fix them when his planning and actions literally helped save Gayatri and her father.  (c’mon we know the glitching was the spot)
Yeah, I get making him stubborn or strong willed cause he doesn’t listen all the time but usually it’s for a good and valid reason, if he listened every time he was told not to, guess how many of our beloved characters would be dead?
#cause all the times he acts rash are because hes being lied to misled or not treated like he is gonna have to be spiderman and is spiderman#first gwen with the entirety of spider society and why he couldn't come then talked over by Miguel and blamed for what he couldn't possibly#control not to mention the shoddy nature of miguels entire theory#cause if it was true 1610b earth 42 and mayday wouldnt have happened or would collaspe casue miles was never supposed to be spiderman#so many things would be going wrong if it was true#miles is pretty level headed most of the time and quick he outsmarted the guy who made the trans dimension tech for crying outloaud#he simply doesnt tell his exact plan he does it and its up to others to figure it out cause why would he narrate his plan to them#he litteraly tells miguel he just doesnt know what miles is doing in response to miguel thinking hes just running blindly even Peter & Gwen#are suprised cause the whole point of miles story is others thinking they know it and underestimating him#him being dumb and rash and naive in fics just isnt a good source of conflict especially if its post ATSV and BTSV#he is constantly stating he doesnt need to prove himself as spiderman to anyone but himself soemthing he realizes in ITSVs climax#he already knows he spiderman and be damned if hes gonna try to prove it to someone who wanted his dad to die like yall treat him like he#learned nothing Miguel made more issues by not listening to Miles about the spot like he wants to wait for him to get stronger so Miles dad#will die think about that and say Miles is rash and doesn;t think again he isnt inexperienced or naive anymore save that for Pavitr who jinx#himself and has only been spiderman for 6 goddamn months#miles morales#across the spiderverse#atsv#spiderverse#atsv spoilers#spiderman#mini rant over im actually going to sleep now
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goldenhourwriter · 1 year
i have a theory
we all saw how very….very passionate Miguel was about keeping the canon events in line…
but here’s the thing. i keep seeing things everywhere where it’s like “if miles wasn’t meant to be spider-man then his dad doesn’t have to die”
i have a theory that counters this.
now canon events are messed up all the freaking time, sometimes they’re little, like we’re humans. we can’t plan out every single little thing, which means in each universe something has to go different, but it has to still follow the outlines of the plan. so, there has to be different outcomes/paths that could cover what “mistakes” happen (aka, peter parker dying, miles becoming spider-man).
so, if miles wasn’t meant to become spider-man, and the universe still isn’t glitching and falling apart, then i personally think that’s the universe giving him another chance. one of the possibilities/outcomes that could happen, and the universe was prepared.
but, in this second chance, the rules still have to be followed to help form and shape who spider-man is. so, the captain, his dad, has to die. he has to die so that other outcome of the universe doesn’t cause the whole downfall of his world. but like i totally get miles wanting to stop it, and i don’t agree with Miguel CHOKE-SLAMMING HIM INTO A METAL TRAIN HEADED FOR THE MOON.
but miguel probably got harsher with him because he KNOWS THAT the universe is giving him a second chance, just doesn’t want Miles to suffer with the same mistakes Miguel made. Miguel CLEARLY holds guilt for what he’s done, and he doesn’t want Miles going through what he went through/is going through.
anyways i’m done.
i should be in charge of the spider-verse tbh.
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probably-ace-ok · 1 year
Right so here’s my Spider-Verse theory about canon events and what happened to the universe that got destroyed by Miguel.
1) I think canon events are a thing but that they’re not set in stone — there are just certain patterns, certain event that tend to occur for every spiderperson, just as they do themselves (not every spider is also Peter Parker, but a lot of them are Peter Parker, or a variant of him). They can be altered or changed, but they tend to repeat as long as there’s a spider around, which is why Miles experienced them despite not being ‘meant’ to be Spider-Man.
2) The reason that universe collapsed? I think it’s because of the watch technology. The first movie put so much emphasis on the fact that you couldn’t permanently stay in another universe, that it would destabilise you — doesn’t it seem a bit odd then that the sequel seems to show a simple bracelet can prevent it? What if the cost of stabilising a visitor from another universe is that it eventually destabilises the universe they’re in instead? It would explain why they’ve apparently had other incidents with universes being destroyed before — when a spider with a watch stays too long in the wrong universe, it eventually causes problems. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see the Spider Society HQ being effected by the glitching in Beyond due to how many people from other universes hang around there.
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Why Miguel O’Hara is not “Spider-Man” and why he might have collapsed the multiverse. Nerd Time.
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First of all, let me say... if you like him, great. As a character, I like him as well and I can even see why he does some of the things he does. However, the way he treats Miles is wrong and inexcusable.
Now, why do I say he’s isn’t Spider-Man? Well, he is in a way, but not like the others. Miguel isn't bitten by a spider, he's seen injecting the venom in himself, and he seems to need to continue to inject himself with the venom to keep his powers stable, but he doesn’t have everything. For example, he doesn't seem to have a Spider Sense, (or at least this version of him), where’s my proof? When Renaissance Vulture is in Gwen’s dimension, and he tackles Miguel down, and he doesn’t sense it. Not to mention, his webs are different, they’re glowing while the others stuck to white webs, or are natural webs (again see the Renaissance Vulture scene). Peter B even said that Miguel is the only unfunny Spider-Man, and that's what Spider-People are known for, that’s their thing, they're funny. Miguel isn’t. He’s serious. He’s different.
He said to Miles, “you don’t deserve to be Spider-Man” and “you don’t belong”, and it’s projecting. ANYONE can wear the mask, even Miguel. Clearly, he doesn’t feel like Spider-Man, because he’s different... because he got his powers differently, he has different powers... however, the main thing that makes him not Spider-Man, is his treatment of Miles. He’s mean, he’s borderline cruel. He doesn’t believe in trying to save everyone but knowing you can’t yet you still, he believes in you save the bigger picture, no matter what, who cares if a few people die. He’s apart of the Big Boys, he is the Big Guy, he’s in charge, and when Spider-Man becomes apart of the Big Boys, he no longer has time for the Little Guy. He’s no longer Spider-Man...
Now canon... this belief I have is more personal, and more of a theory rather than a fact, I think canon is bullshit! Think about it, for Peter One it was his Aunt not Uncle Ben that said “with great power comes great responsibility”, Gwen became Spidey and now in this universe, her Dad is no longer Captain, he gives it up, in the Miles Morales game Peter Parker doesn't die, Jessica Drew (depending on which version) is brainwashed by Hydra, but in this version, she might not have been. You see what I mean? Canon changes all the time. For example, Peter Parker is Jewish... but MCU Peter doesn't seem to be Jewish. Matt Murdock is Daredevil, but in Gwen's dimension he's Kingpin, etc.
We know that the dimension Miguel entered to take over from his dead self collapsed... that’s why he believes in canon... however, for all we know, when Miguel entered that other dimension, replacing Gabriella's original dad, that caused the dimension to collapse, not the "canon event", but the fact he was in the wrong dimension for a prolonged period of time, and he keeps doing it. Taking Spider's out of their dimension, putting a stop to "canon events" in their dimension by accident or alternating "canon events" (Spider-Gwen's Dad no longer being Captain), and yet those dimensions haven't collapsed... Miles' Dimension hasn't collapsed... Gwen’s hasn’t...
But, what about Pavitr’s dimension? Well, The Spot was there... he was opening up portals to jump dimensions, and we saw what happens when a portal or beam is open for a long period of time to an alternate dimension, the world around the portal glitches. We saw that in Into The Spider-Verse. Yes, Pavitr dimensional string might look different, but that could be because... Pavitr’s canon has changed, and we haven’t seen another dimensional string with changed canon. We’ve just seen “perfect canon timelines”. And as far as we know... nobody else has seen a dimensional collapse, nobody knows exactly what causes it. It’s what Miguel has said, it’s Miguel’s word.
But, that bit is more of a theory! I know that, it’s just a theory! A spider theory! Aaaaand cut!
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zaynes-nieve · 1 year
WOOo okay I finished the movie and after 7 hours of non stop thinking back on the movie and watching the clips and hitting my self for not realizing why that fucking spider was glitching even after watching into the spider verse 10 fucking times- All I really gotta say was money, well spent it was amazing take as much time as you need for the part two to be just as good. No but really. There are so many different plots running through the movie it actually gave some of the people I watched it with sensory overload with everything they had to take it but I liked that a lot having some many lines running in unison leads to fun theories. For example one that could easily be solved is that if Miles is meant to be an anomaly for being Spiderman due to a spider that wasn't from his world, why would he have to go through canon events? My uncle already had a general idea of essentially even if he was originally an anomaly being Spiderman and that bond of webs between the spiders in the spider verse is what causes the canon events to happen, even if they weren't meant to be spiderman. Two also love the duality between the spider society and the spiderman we know. I think it's because in the sense neither of them can really be called the Villian. Both have really important and pressing reasons why they are doing what they are doing and even though it's easy to cheer for Miles, a lot of the spider society has points that are also important but I think it's because of that responsibility of holding the universe together that doesn't allow them to be "selfish" like Miles wants to be. That Spiderman personality and all that. Another can be the 42 dimension itself since if canon events are needed to keep the universe together why is it still there when it doesn't have a spiderman. BUT FINALLY THE BETRAYLLLLL NOT JUST BY GWEN AND PETER B BUT THE OTHER SQUAD TOOOO WOOOOOW, I knew it was coming but DAMN it hurt. And it must have hurt worse for Miles "I am literally going into the sciences of multiversal travel at the chance to see y'all again" Morales to find out not only did they have a way to visit but they never did on purpose. Damn.
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zeravee · 9 months
Topic of the Day: Spider-Verse (ATSP)
Right so like.. Miles not being in his universe when his dad dies would be bad because then the canon event won't happen. Like, doesn't he need to grab his dad and cry by his side?.. Or no.
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If there was supposed to be a spider-man in Earth-42 and that canon event never happened, wouldn't that make the world glitch out of existence???
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(These are just little theory things)
P. S. I'm not done with trolls (I never will be lmao)
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rayj4ck · 1 year
Spiderverse theory with spoilers under the cut
So we all know metanarratively that O’Hara is wrong about the Canon, but I was thinking about it and realized we already have two universes to prove it
1610: Miles’ universe, which experienced the Canon break of Spidey dying doing something he shouldn’t have been (saving Miles).
But that’s kind of weak. Miles picked up where he left off, so Canon may have adjusted. However…
42: Experienced the biggest possible canon break of all, there never was a Spider Man. And yeah, 42 isn’t doing so hot, but the point is it’s still there. The Canon can’t have caused O’Hara’s therapy-verse to collapse.
(My theory is that it was his glitching. If a glitching Spider spends to long in another ‘verse, the glitching spreads there. And while that Spider can get better by returning to their ‘verse, the other one is permanently damaged. Possibly doomed)
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breadsticc · 1 year
I have a Fan Theory ✨
Well, part fan-theory and part over-analysis of the movie.
It is very long, but I hope you enjoy!
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So, let's establish some facts that we learned from the movies and comics. I watched the movie several times, and cross-referenced a lot of my facts with fandom pages, but this is still only based on MY understanding. The spider-verse is a little complex, so if you notice any error or have some conflicting information PLEEEEASE share it with me I will eat it up om nom gimme spider
Anyway, fact time:
Every version of Spider-Man has canon events that are guaranteed to happen. These canon events are what tie the Spider-Verse together.
When a canon event is disrupted or prevented, that universe eats itself
An "anomaly" is just something that is in the wrong universe (which will occasionally "glitch" until they're sent home or wear these special bracelets that stop the glitching).
A spider, along with many other anomalies, were brought to Earth-1610 from several different universes by a device called the Collider
Miles (Earth-1610) was bitten by the spider from Earth-42
Earth-42 has no Spider-Man, Miles-42 becomes the Prowler, Uncle Aaron helps him, and his dad (Captain Morales) is dead.
Earth-1610 loses it's Spider-Man and is replaced by Miles, his Uncle Aaron is revealed to be the prowler, and his dad is soon-to-be dead according to canon
When Kingpin's collider on Earth-1610 is destroyed, the scientist who operated it is consumed by it, turning him into Spot.
From the official comics:
Each dimension has a Spider-Totem, which is a term referring to a class of "multiversal supernatural entities... linked to a mystical force called the Web of Life and Destiny" - Marvel Wiki
Hobart "Hobie" Brown (Earth-616) was the prowler, who eventually impersonates Spider-Man to help Peter Parker (a crude summary), while Hobie-138 was the original Spider-Man in his world. ✨
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Now, I saw someone make an interesting point in the comments of some tiktok video. They pointed out a "major plothole":
Why are Earth-42 and Earth-1610 not collapsing if Miles is the original anomaly?
The simple answer is that Miguel was wrong about some things. Obviously he's right about canon events as a whole, but Miles himself is NOT an anomaly (except when he's in other words besides 1610).
Who becomes a Spider-Totem is not a canon event, otherwise every Spider-Totem would be the same. ANYONE can be a Spider-Totem. So, when Miles is bit by the spider, the universe corrects itself by having him replace the Spider-Man before him. That world never really lost its Spider-Totem, so the canon is still intact.
I know what you're thinking here - "Okay, what about Earth-42 that lost its Spider-Totem?" I'll get to that later, bear with me.
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One thing I want to make clear is that Miguel was definitely wrong about Miles - the original anomaly was not Miles. To quote Miguel from the movie:
"YOU'RE A MISTAKE! If you hadn't been bit, your Peter Parker would have lived! Instead, he died, saving you. He would've stopped the collider before it ever went off, Spot wouldn't exist, and none of this would have happened. And ALL THIS TIME, I HAVE BEEN THE ONLY ONE HOLDING IT ALL TOGETHER! You don't belong here. You never did."
Peter Parker was supposed to stop the collider before it went off, meaning none of this would have happened if the spider never bit Miles. The SPIDER was the original anomaly.
But Miguel was right about the multiverse, or at least as we understand it from the comics, the Web of Life and Destiny. It was created by a goddess of spiders, Neith (Earth 001). She also is the one who creates the Spider-Totems inside of the web. The web is kept safe inside of a great temple, guarded by the Master Weaver. This is a really fun one that I'll come back to soon. Trust me.
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The movie sets up an interesting parallel with Spot and the Web. The Spider-Verse, also known as the arachno-humanoid poly multiverse (a stupid name), is what ties all of the spiders together. Spot, because of his collision with the collider, is an entity that can traverse through holes both within and between universes. He can be anywhere in the multiverse at any time.
He may claim to be Miles's arch nemesis, but he could very well easily become the main antagonist to the entire Spider-Verse. He is a threat to every single spider, because of his ability to be in the right place at the right time to disrupt every canon event and cause every universe to collapse, one by one. (god damn he's cool.) The only logical way to defeat Spot is to have every Spider-Totem work together, which is already being set up by the end of the movie.
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Here's another question: What happens to a Spider-Totem when their universe dies? It's not made very clear in the movie, but it's safe to draw the conclusion that a Spider-Totem is not destroyed when their universe shatters. Miguel states that he watched his world disappear when he disrupted the canon (it was to make the point to Miles that he has to choose between saving the lives of the entire world by letting his dad die, or saving his dad and watching him disappear along with everyone else.) But if he watched it happen and he's still here... then what happens if this occurs to other Spider-Totems, and the web of the Spider-Verse falls apart? Is it just a dark end to each universe, leaving all of the Spiders to fend for themselves in whatever universe is left? Is that the only REAL way to defeat Spot?
There is also a possibility that Miguel might not even be a Spider-Totem, as he was not bitten by a spider, only gave himself gadgets and injected himself with spider-soup so that he can be a replacement for his world's Spider-Man. But, that would mean that they'd have to explain how he has canon events, if not a totem. If he IS a totem, then that means it is canon that there can be multiple Spider-Totems in a world, just not at the same time.
And what about Earth-42 with it's missing totem? Shouldn't it start collapsing?
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To answer this, let's bring back the facts I mentioned from the comics. In Earth-616, Hobie is the Prowler. But, in Earth-138, Hobie is Spider-Man (also known as Spider-Punk).
As the Prowler in 616, Hobie helps Peter (that world's Spider-Totem) in several ways, mostly involving impersonating Spider-Man at Peter's request. He's a good kid, despite the life of crime he leads. There are several parts of the comics that show that he, in some way, hates the crime-ridden lifestyle, as he wasn't given much of a choice.
We see this same energy in Miles of Earth-42 in the movie, minus the part about helping Spider-Man (YET). The mirror between Hobie-616 and Hobie-138 (comics) is seen in the movie as well, with Miles-1610 being that good-hearted kid who became that world's new Spider-Totem.
Another Fun-Fact about 616:
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Takeaway: Hobie Brown was the original Prowler on Earth-616, but this role was later taken by Aaron Davis (Miles's Uncle).
So, it's clear that in the same way that anyone can become a Spider-Totem with the right conditions, anyone can also become the Prowler. That clears up one part of the issue. (Note, it's not quite the same as Spider-Totems since the Prowler, like many other villains, do not appear in every universe.)
But Earth-42 is still missing it's Spider-Totem... or is it?
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Thanks to a twitter post I found from reddit, it turns out that in spot's origin story, there's a brief moment where we see the spider on its way to bite Miles from Earth-42, but is transported to Earth-1610 instead.
Oh yeah. It's big theory time.
Earth-42 is still there because the Spider-Totem hasn't disappeared. There's three directions that Beyond the Spider-Verse can take this.
Miles-42's can still be bitten, can still be made into Spider-Man. His canon event was not disrupted, only delayed. This one is a bit weak though, as it doesn't explain why a captain's death cannot be delayed, since that canon event does not have to play out in the same way each time.
Miles-1610 is somehow Spider-Man for both 1610 and 42. If they went this route, they would have to find a way to explain the glitching while Miles-1610 is on Earth-42.
Since Earth-42 only exists in the movies, not the comics, and we've already seen some worlds be created as possible futures of other worlds, they may just write this as it is: a world without Spider-Man. This could be their answer to every time someone has asked "what would happen if Spider-Man never existed?"
I like the third option a lot - it opens up a world of possibilities (literally). Imagine seeing Spider Society cornering Spot into this universe, working together to turn this dark Totem-less world into a home for Spider-Society to coexist with everyone else!
Anyway, I'll probably add more to this later, but I've spent almost the entire day on it and I want to play Tears of the Kingdom (btw I drew Purah, go check it out.)
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naaddiie · 1 year
Okay, spoilers for Spiderman: Across the Spider-Verse, so uh. Y'know, keep scrolling and stuff if you don't want that.
Okay, all good? Great.
The thing about Miguel going on about how "canon events" being disrupted destroys dimensions is that... he's wrong?
I mean, we've already seen Earth-42 and Earth-1610's "canon events" being disrupted with the whole dimension hoping spider, and stuff, and they're both still standing. Sure, Earth-42 is a little worse for wear, but it didn't literally glitch out of existance like Miguel's new dimension did.
And the thing is, neither is Pavitr Prabhakar's. Iirc, his earth isn't glitching at all even after disrupting the canon event. One of The Spot's holes is swallowing it slowly which is to be expected when a man made of inter-dimensional portals throws himself head-first into a collider, if you ask me.
What happened to Miguel's world looks a lot more like what happens to the spider-people if they stay in a dimension they're not supposed to be in for too long.
(Which is where this entire theory starts to unravel on my end bc he was already wearing a watch that should've prevented his presence from glitching things out. Also, the spider from Earth-42 is still in Earth-1610 at the begining of the movie and everything is, once again, completely fine. And also, nothing's happened to Gwen even though she probably spends a mayority of her time in Spider HQ and hasn't been home in months, though she does hop around a bit so that might be preventing anything bad from happening? Point is, I don't think the running theory of disrupting "canon events" being the thing that levels universes is Correct. Idk exactly how wrong it is. But it is.)
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silentdiacht · 1 year
(edit: read the notes)
I have a theory about Across the Spider-verse that I haven't seen anyone else bring up yet.
Ok, so, at this point I think most of us can agree that canon events are BS and that either a) Miguel is misinterpreting how the multiverse works or b) He does fully understand how it works but he's not telling the whole truth.
In the movie Miguel tells Miles that he went to a universe where he replaced a dead version of himself who had a family. One detail he conveniently leaves out however is how the other Miguel died.
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We see him standng right next to the corpse of his counterpart, presumably at the moment of his death. But this is just his perspective, not the event itself.
What if our Miguel killed the Miguel from the other universe and that's what caused it to collapse?
We've only seen 3 other characters die in the series so far: Gwen's Peter parker, OG Peter Parker and Uncle Aaron. In all 3 instances they were only killed by people from their own dimension, Gwen (indirectly) kills her Peter and Kingpin kills OG Peter and Aaron. What if dimensions only collapse when someone from one dimension kills someone from another, thus their story ending earlier than it should have?
How did other Miguel's universe not immedietly collapse when our Miguel killed him? Well, we don't get a clear idea of how much time passes between other Miguel's death and the collapse so it could have been a few days or even weeks later. In the first movie Gwen was in Miles' dimension for about a week before even starting to glitch out so it's not outside the relm of possibility.
This isn't 100% perfect and I could be completly wrong about it but it is an interesting theory to chew on until Beyond the Spider-Verse comes out.
Feel free to reblog if you have your own theory or want to build on this one.
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(Loki/Spiderverse) Theory: I think Time-slipping is the same glitching thing that happened to the Spider-people when they are out of their timelines for too long.
I know they're called two different things but it seems to be the same issue: You are out of your timeline for too long, things start going wrong. I can also guess why it hasn't happen to Loki before and why it didn't occur to Scott or any of the other MCU people when they traveled. My guess is they simply weren't out of their main timeline for that long for things to go wrong. Loki has not only been outside of his timeline, but literally was out of the Multiverse when it seemed to reset and thrown back into it. The Spider-peeps not only was outside of their respective timelines for long periods of time, but they also didn't always have the most stable time traveling/multiverse base (I don't think a machine colliding and a base filled with hundreds of different variants would be that stable to exist). My guess for why people like Sylvie and America Chavez don't get this problem is they keep moving, can't be (my idea) kicked out/altered by a timeline if you leave a day later. Also in the Spider-verse, people seems to freak out when they see the glitching like it is the weirdest/unsettling thing ever...We see it as just cartoony animated glitches but if what happened to Loki is what they see, the the reaction makes more sense.
So, that's my theory.
Unrelated, but if this is true...Can we please see Scott get this issue in Kang Dynasty. I feel like his reaction to it would be hilarious (his reaction to time-travel experiments and every new science thing is great) and it could be fun if the time-slipping also messed with his size-shifting.
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wormsisworth · 8 months
Across the Spider-Verse thoughts. Very long, not very coherent. And disclaimer I love Miguel guys I promise
Ok so
I think Miguel is wrong. 2 main things
I think the Spider-Society is supposed to/has a lot of parallels with fascism. The constant survellience is the biggest one, as is the whole imprisoning and policing situation. The posturing and propaganda, esp with how they treat Miles. And then the whole cannon events thing. Might be a stretch, but I see the whole, “being Spider-Man means exactly (and only) what I say it does and all these things must happen and any deviance from The Path (even unintentional) is to be punished, but its actually all for the greater good. Source? Mostly just trust me bro*.” And Hobie’s position within it, and the way it ties into Miles’ arc and everything. Especially because I believe Other Miles’s arc is going to have a lot to do with ‘other ways to be a hero’ and ‘there is no set path,’ etc.
*2. This is more nit picky and a theory of mine. How do we know breaking cannon events are bad? Miguel’s case, Miles’s situation, and Pav’s universe are the major events that go towards Miguel being right. But Pat’s universe breaking down seems like it has a lot more to do with the Spot than anything (the animation is different for now). Mile’s anomalies isn’t because of him but because someone openned an unstable multi-verse portal in his universe. And Miguel’s daughter? I have a theory that is has more to do with him being in the wrong universe for too long. People in the wrong universe glitch out (it’s wrong, causes things to be unstable), but Miguel’s tech prevents that. But maybe that wrongness and glitching has to go somewhere? And maybe it deteriorated the entire universe after years of being held back with his multi-verbal tech.
Also what identifies cannon events? An algorithm created by a severely traumatized man, who’s completely valid in thinking what he does, but he’s also biased. And I think the whole Miguel seeing Miles as himself and projecting his self-hate and unresolved trauma on him is important to some of the themes. Tying in to above, Miguel feels the need to control everything in order to not have bad things happen again (over simplification of trauma for the sake of the argument), so he controls the Entire multi-verse. He can’t control Miles, Miles in unpredictable and defines who is for himself, he’s an anomaly, and must be dealt with
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