wanderingmind867 · 23 days
I have posts I know I could make, especially with me being so stressed lately. School comes back in a week, and I'm still not sure if I'm going or if I'm taking the semester off. This is my last possible year of High School though, so I lose all sense of routine once I lose high school. And that terrifies me. I'm also still about being sedentary online, since I feel like I barely do anything (now that I have this account and lost my old tablet). In fact, I'm so stressed about everything that the next paragraph will just be one long list of stressors:
I'm stressed about turning 20 in February. I'm stressed because I have no friends in real life besides my dad. I'm stressed because I have a very volatile temper, and I think it might hold me back from getting friends. I'm stressed because I never told my dad about me posting on here, even though i'm super dependent on him. I'm stressed about my stomach, because it still acts up occasionally. I'm stressed about the future and about losing what little consistency I feel I have left. I'm worried about all of this (and probably more). And when you have this many stressors, i suppose it makes sense I haven't managed to make posts about all of them before. It'd just be too time consuming to do one post for each. sigh...
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Biked during a work meeting.
As part of my "always be moving" challenge.
So the reality is- no, I am not *always* moving.
The whole point is to get more active during the day.
I am working on making sure that I am utilizing the time I have.
Reality is- a sedentary job will give you weight and health problems and that you can't just create extra time. I have 20+ years at this job and the more I worked, the fatter I got.
However, I am challenging myself to use time that would normally be "dead time" as an avenue towards pushing a little more activity into my day.
First it was: "I stand at my desk during meetings."
Then: "I stand for at least an hour every day."
Now it is: "I stand for at least 2 hours every day."
And: "I ride my bike at my desk during meetings [if I am not presenting]"
I think it is working because it has been gradual.
I have time to get used to the new rule before I up the ante, and I have time to manually challenge the rule. For example, is the rule reasonable? Is it doable? Will it help build the life I desire? Will it help me get the daily "wins" needed to progress in my journey?
If the rule fails the test, the rule gets changed.
I am working to get up and do things when I have time and energy. Allow myself to sit and rest for a bit, but then get up and get something done. I have a lot of shit to do as an employee and a caregiver. It helps me balance life.
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vanitysunday · 11 months
I think I've lost a pound of water weight, I'm measuring at 149.2 which hey it's something. I'm not too concerned with the scale right now, just as long as it's trending downward I'll be satisfied.
I do want to focus on how I feel because right now physically I feel good and a little I guess agile. Like last month it was a whole strenuous activity for me to go up and down the stairs. I had to be careful with each step because I just didn't have the strength and I felt so heavy, also the stairs in my house are steep. It was built in 1900. (Sometimes I feel like I was built in 1900 too.)
But I noticed this morning that I've kind of been able to easily go up and down the stairs without thinking about it at all the past couple weeks. My body feels light, that's most likely the strength that I've regained so moving my own bodyweight doesn't feel as taxing anymore. This is fantastic and really what I've needed for the last year.
I think the tiredness that I was feeling was not only because my sleep was all over the place but also because I lost strength and moving my own bodyweight was tiring.
I still have a ways to go overall but feeling good physically is the best thing to happen for me to continue focusing on my health. I think walking on my walking pad for a minimum of 150 minutes a week for the past 3 weeks has done a lot more than I thought it would for me.
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relahospital-16 · 2 years
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Risk factors for sciatica are sedentary individuals, endurance athletes, age(between 30 and 60), diabetes and obesity.
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healthy-tips-stuff · 16 hours
How to Combat a Sedentary Lifestyle: Tips for Staying Active
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remorsefulheart · 26 days
So I'm a sedentary piece of shit, and recently I started doing workouts, starting with those 35 to 40 minutes videos on youtube. Every time I finish a set, I want to give up, but then my brain says "girl the Sloth..." and I keep going
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miltonbler · 7 months
(Milton José de Oliveira)
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itsangrynar · 3 months
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mishalogic · 1 year
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Blue billed teal
Origin: South and eastern Africa
Sedentary species
Breed all year round
Stay in small groups or pairs
Like shallow bodies of water
Feed by "dabbing"
Will eat crustaceans, seeds, beetles, water insects ... Wikipedia
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senor-monstruo · 1 year
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This is how to start an exercise program after being sedentary for years. You should probably read it. But that's just what I would do if I were a sedentary person looking to stop being sedentary for longer than a week. Yeah, that's what I would do!
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wanderingmind867 · 4 days
I still continue to feel way too sedentary online. And I hate it. I mean, I have an excuse now (what with me having school and everything), but even when I'm home I feel lazy. I haven't looked up a lot of stuff lately, I haven't really browserd tags on here, etc. I've been pretty sedentary, and that's upsetting me. But since I have school soon, I'm not gonna have time to post about all of this. So I just have to remember to repost this after school. So I'm just gonna copy some of this back into my drafts, before I forget.
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malakkc-poetry · 1 year
What’s the most fun way to exercise? The best way to exercise is to do so with someone who will be encouraging, loving, and supportive. That way, your initiative for doing something ‘healthy’ will feel like fun rather than a chore. I love exercising in the sun, where its rays rejuvenate my ability to cope with a world that has taken things to extremes. Exercise is movement Xed by a complacent…
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Stood at my desk for 3 hours today.
Celebrate the wins!
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Unbelievable Health Risks from a sedentary lifestyle or Sitting Too Much ...
Sedentary lifestyles are the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality. A pandemic has added to the problem. People are working from home. For details, click on-https://maansisurvivalaidfoundation.com/sedentary-lifestyle-affects-peoples-health/
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healthy-tips-stuff · 19 days
How to Combat a Sedentary Lifestyle: Tips for Staying Active
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tenth-sentence · 2 years
With the rise of dense, sedentary, food-producing populations came the rise of chiefs, kings, and bureaucrats.
"Guns, Germs and Steel: A Short History of Everybody for the Last 13,000 Years" - Jared Diamond
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