#OSDD 1a
evilsystem · 9 months
being immortal and having DID must be crazy. yeah our boy Carlos hasn't fronted in 300 years and just woke up to the sound of Uptown Funk and started screaming
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aurangg · 4 months
Something really not talked about with trauma disorders is the paranoia.
Being scared and jumping to conclusions when people stand a little too close to you, not believing people’s compliments and thinking they have hidden motives, not believing when people tell you they like/love you, thinking that strangers you see on the street want to hurt you, etc.
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lefluoritesys · 1 year
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like-this-post-if-you · 7 months
Like this post if you have DID/Osdd
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yourlocalnpd · 6 months
hey systems I would advise you to keep a certain number of things out of your bio because OSDDID inherently says a lot about your past and triggers so there are certain details only your close friends should know, and not just anyone perusing the internet
your age - predators are more than happy to fake their age to match yours. Being young and plural are unfortunately traits prone to manipulation
your headcount - aside from assholes fakeclaiming you, people can take it and use it against you.
who your trauma holders are, and, more generally, the roles of your alters. it's basically telling abusers who to target and who to avoid
any information about your littles whatsoever. For all the world knows, you have none. same with who age regresses.
any system descriptors beyond DID/OSDD1/PDID/etc. the internet does not need to know if you have complex DID or something like that; it's your trauma.
what your triggers are. people will try to trigger you on purpose. this includes front triggers
all your other disorders, particularly personality disorders - abusers can try to make you dependent, "favorite" them, avoid others, etc.
These aren't rules, and there are obviously different situations that call for different levels of privacy. Just use your judgment: who can see this? anyone who came across my blog or people I friended on simply plural? trusted friends on simply plural? Systems are very vulnerable to further abuse because of their fragmentation and trauma mindsets. Don't let anyone take advantage of that.
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crypticmutts · 5 months
Systems who mask are valid
Systems who don’t Mask are valid
Systems who are diagnosed are valid
Systems who are undiagnosed are valid
Systems who can’t get diagnosed for ___ reasons are valid
Systems who could get diagnosed but chooses not to are valid
Systems that are nonhuman heavy are valid
Systems that are introject heavy are valid
Systems that are brainmade heavy are valid
Systems that have no host are valid
Sustems that split easily/often are valid
Systems that don’t split easily/often are valid
RAMCOA systems are valid
Systems with unknown trauma are valid
Systems who have high alter counts are valid
Systems who have low alter counts are valid
Systems with medium alter counts are valid
Systems who identify with neopronouns and xenogenders are valid
Systems who also have other disorders are valid
Systems who love their system are valid
Systems who hate their system are valid
All systems are valid.
Remember, this is a complex disorder. Your brain is protecting you in the best way it knows, there is no right or wrong way.
ENDOS DNI!! Not for you.
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thecorvidforest · 10 months
Plurality Wrapped
This year you:
Fakeclaimed yourself 5,729 times
Accidentally discovered 92 trauma memories
Immediately forgot 92 trauma memories
Contradicted something a different headmate said 288 times
Almost outed yourself 45 times
Had littles spend all your money 67 times
Forgot what you were doing 2,890 times
Failed to mask as the host 176 times
Split who knows how many new headmates
Repeated the same story 39 times
Got jumpscared by your reflection 103 times
Your top moods this year:
Who the fuck am I
What if I’m secretly faking it
How long have I been standing here dissociating
I suddenly hate (current activity)
When did we split (headmate)???
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Me: Can I even really call it trauma, though? It wasn't *that* bad, right? Other kids have definitely been through worse.
The men in my head that my brain created to love and protect me because I couldn't handle my childhood otherwise: 🧍‍♂️😐
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disrealities · 5 months
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Different words for "alter"
Voices, Parts, Faces, Alternates, Pieces, Players, Harmonies, Perspectives, Signs, Glyphs, Runes, Virtues, Actors / actresses, Remnants, Scraps, Clones, Doppelgängers, Counterparts, Replicas, Alter egos, Stars
Non traumagenic systems / those that support, encourage, or otherwise believe in the existence of non traumagenic systems DNI!!!
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theswiftheartsystem · 7 months
Plural culture is thinking you’re just genderfluid and abrosexual, and fluid with pronouns, and change interests back and forth very quickly, and just randomly changing names because you just decided you don’t like that other one and this one’s so much better, then changing it back, and-
(even without these things you are still valid💙)
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I’m gonna un-fakeclaim y’all real quick.
You’re a real system. You’re the realest system. Look at all your symptoms. You’re clearly a system. Think about your alters. Yep, everything about your alters, you’re def a system. Your system is full of variety? Yep, you’re real. Your system has little/no variety? You’re real. Omg, there’s no way you think you’re faking. You’re so real.
No no, imma stop you right there, because I know what you’re gonna say. “Oh but this and this and this-!” That doesn’t matter. You’re real. You’re a real and valid system.
Anyways imma head to bed now, goodnight all you very real systems!
- 🧿 (Luc)
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cavityinmybrain · 5 months
it is incredibly exhausting to go through tags for a disorder i have been diagnosed with and see almost every post say “endos dni” “i hate endos” “endos fuck off” like oh my fucking god can you not make a single post about being disordered without sticking it to the endos or whatever
like hi hello, i am both diagnosed with OSDD and i identify as an praesigenic system because i dont care why my system formed and you shouldnt care why my system formed (and also bc people were breaking their own dni by following me, an endo supporter). you are creating a hostile space and alienating parts of your community because you refuse to understand that others can have different life experiences
its also really exhuasting when im looking for posts about OSDDID and everything is either a coining post telling endos to fuck off or a post bitching about endogenic systems existing.
i am just so tired and angry about it. disordered endogenic systems exist. endogenic systems diagnosed with OSDDID exist.
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lefluoritesys · 5 months
Yet another thing I don't see talked about in the DID community: the host anxiety of letting go of front.
Obviously it doesn't happen to every system, as some systems don't even have a host; but can we talk about the fear and anxiety about potentially never coming back to front if you fully let go, as a host? I dealt with it for a year and a half until I was able to actually start letting go and sitting off front for long periods of time. But there were times when 5 minutes off front fully caused me panic attacks.
This fear especially comes when you are a baby (newly discovered) system. This feeling that you built a life for yourself, and suddenly, you feel like you'll lose it to other people. And it's not that you want it all for yourself, but losing it entirely is what's scary. And there is usually a whole inner world behind you... who knows what happens inside of it, what it can do, who lives there? As well as, it's scary to let go of control of events IRL. Who knows how others would handle it, even if you know them well already?
And that's just our reasons.
Moral of the story: y'all are not alone, and it gets better.
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It is so fucking funny to see singlets go 'God it felt like I was someone else back there' and you just sitting there with the occasionally someone else disorder like 'Ah yes. No clue what that feels like'
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dreamers-collective · 12 days
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Reminder that you can wholeheartedly love your system and sysmates and still have days where you feel tired of being a system. Sometimes being a system makes hard days easier, but sometimes it makes them harder, and that’s okay too.
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requiemsystem · 8 months
if you suspect you may be a system or have recently discovered that youre a system, things can be confusing and hard. im making this post as someone who has been aware of being a system for about 5 years and has been diagnosed for 2. these are things i wish we knew and did. i hope it will be helpful to some of you and i wish you luck on discovering things about yourself and your system keep in mind everyone is different and systems are no exception, so what i list here might be incredibly beneficial for one person but do nothing for another. find what works for you. i will try to provide a variety of advice in order for you to see what fits you best DO YOUR RESEARCH research the disorder, try to find others experiences and things you think would help you. this is especially helpful if you are suspecting and not yet sure if you have it, researching symptoms and others experiences can be very helpful in determining START SYMPTOM LOGGING this can be as simple as "i blacked out today" or "i dont feel like myself right now", you dont have to be identifying switches or putting names to alters, theres no rush to be able to do that and some systems have no desire to do that symptom logging is useful because it can help you identify potential triggers and patterns in your symptoms. for example, if you can remember what happened before a period of amnesia and remember being exposed to a stressful event or something potentially triggering, this would be worth writing down to see if its a recurring pattern REACH OUT TO OTHER ALTERS this can be done in a variety of ways, but the easiest way would be to leave a note in a place itll be seen. for example, a sticky note on a mirror (if you live with other people and cant do this, try leaving a note on your phone in a frequently checked app) i would advise saying something along the lines of "hello, i am (name) and i would like to communicate with you. i suspect we have a disorder called (DID/OSDD) and we share the same body and mind. please write back to me in (location, can be a notebook or app etc) and tell me some about yourself if you feel comfortable" but you can say whatever works for you. i just think the main points to cover are having DID/OSDD and introducing yourself as well as asking for an introduction in return START WORKING ON COMMUNICATION this takes a lot of practice, so i always say its better to build up early rather than late. we have a whole post on it that can be found here REMINDERS AND THINGS TO REMEMBER if you do not remember your trauma, do not dig for it. it isnt safe to try to remember trauma without professionals help. if you happen to remember, thats one thing, but dont intentionally seek out triggers to try to remember denial is common and not a sign of faking, if you were faking you would know and would not be in denial. being wrong about having DID/OSDD (if you are suspecting but not sure) is not the same as faking no two systems are the same. you dont have to look exactly like some other system you know or online to be real its normal to not know everything right away. you wont know all your alters immediately, you may not be able to access (and you may not have) your innerworld, you probably wont remember all of your trauma without professionals help, etc. its all normal its totally ok to keep information about your system private. there is no need to share with anyone you do not feel completely safe and comfortable with switching at any frequency is normal, there is no "correct" amount to switch. any amount of alters is normal, there is no "correct" amount of alters. any level of amnesia is normal, there is no "correct" level of amnesia apps like simply plural and bots like pluralkit can be incredibly helpful for some systems, but there is absolutely no pressure to use them if you do not feel comfortable - grey
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