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System blog, adult
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aurangg · 20 hours ago
i’m so glad you’ve been posting more frequently 🩷💚
thank you
lots of stuff happened
but that made me happy so tysm
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aurangg · 24 hours ago
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hey, been a while. anyway, here's garfield and hatsune miku being besties (:
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aurangg · 2 days ago
Hot take: Alters who come from 18+ or controversial sources should be able to express where they came from and not have to live in fear of being forced not to exist or change how close to their source they are.
!! You shouldn't force anyone to hide themselves just because you're uncomfortable! Also introjects can't control their source
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aurangg · 3 days ago
No contact with my entire family because not a single one is safe to talk to.
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aurangg · 3 days ago
The system community is filled with white American voices, it's like an echo chamber of individualistic white Americans that parrot the same American view of society and the world. It's impossible to feel like you belong when you aren't white American. They ostracise you and push you away because you're an anomaly in their echo chamber. You're the odd one out and you're not in on the club. Can you even call it a community of people with complex dissociative disorders at this point when there's no diversity and it's vastly a specific demographic of people? It wouldn't be too bad if the community was friendly and accepting and educated of the world outside America and white experiences but it's not.
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aurangg · 3 days ago
Pop Psychology has genuinely rotted peoples minds and has completely caused a misunderstanding of what terms mean and what it is to have something pathological.
Like everything is a symptom of ADHD or Autism or trauma according to tiktok these days, and most of them are normal human experiences and don't need to be pathologized. It is causing people to go into the comments and be like "wait that's not normal?" when it is incredibly normal, especially judging by the amount of people who say they experience it in the comments. There is an over pathologizing of every experience or emotion.
Gaslighting is: A form of emotional abuse with the intent of causing someone to question their reality and belief system to the point they feel like they can no longer trust their perspective on things.
Gaslighting isn't: Being lied to or having someone remember an event in a different way then you leading to a miscommunication in arguments because you both see your own reality as true.
Manic episodes are: A Bipolar specific experience where someone is euphoric while also out of control of themself leading to incredibly self destructive behaviors like binge drinking, excessive spending, excessive sexual activity, lack of sleeping, etc, that is noticeable by others and lasts for over a week.
Manic episodes are not: Quick bursts of euphoria that lead to an excess of energy for a period of time that aren't accompanied by self destructive behaviors.
Depression is: An extreme overwhelming feeling of sadness leading to an inability to enjoy things one usually enjoys, struggling with interacting with others, excessive sleeping, fatigue, lack of appetite, inability to care for self, and is accompanied by other feelings such as self hate, suicidal ideation, and a feeling of worthlessness.
Depression is not: Being sad.
OCD is: A disorder characterized by distressing experiences involving both obsessions and compulsions making it hard to function in day to day.
OCD is not: Needing things to be clean, perfect, or organized (however just right OCD does exists but once again requires the obsession and compulsion).
A narcissist is: Someone diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder who is disabled by their experiences which are characterized by believing you are superior to others, struggling with or lacking empathy, a grandiose sense of importance, a sense of entitlement, this is usually caused by overcompensating for a lack of self esteem.
A narcissist is not: Your abusive parent/partner or just in general someone with a high self esteem.
A trigger is: A distressing emotional experience caused by an outside stimuli typically leading to flashbacks and a fight or flight response.
A trigger is not: Something that causes you to feel uncomfortable or upset for a short period of time.
A trauma bond is: An attachment to someone (usually an abuser) who causes the traumatic experience and causes a push and pull relationship where the abuse is followed by something positive leading to the two people forming an attachment (or bond) over the cycle of trauma.
A trauma bond is not: Bonding with someone over shared traumas.
Codependence is: Excessively relying on your partner for things like self esteem, making choices, self identity, and having a lack of boundaries.
Codependence is not: Depending on your partner for various things from time to time.
Trauma is: A distressing event with long term consequences that lead to flashback and a complete disturbance in identity and how one views themself or their life.
Trauma is not: Temporary distress or feelings of discomfort.
Flashbacks are: A physical or emotional feeling that you are revisiting a traumatic moment and reliving it in a way, causing significant distress and inability to function during the flashback.
Flashbacks are not: Thinking about something embarrassing that happened to you in the past or discomfort over memories.
Panic attacks are: A complete inability to function typically due to anxiety leading to getting "stuck in your own head" and an inability to interact with the outside world during the duration of the attack.
Panic attacks are not: Short episodes of anxiety.
Dissociation is: An out of body experience and a complete disattachment from ones self, past, present, and experiences. A feeling that you or the world around you isn't real.
Dissociation is not: Spacing out (though spacing out can be a form of dissociation, just not a pathological one).
Hyperfixations are: An intense need to interact with something and an inability or strong difficulty to switch tasks and think about something outside of the hyperfixation, usually temporary and gone upon completion of the thing. Hyperfixations can be as simple obsessively cleaning your room. During hyperfixations people typically don't eat, sleep, or get up to use the bathroom.
Hyperfixations are not: Being obsessed with a form of media.
Special interests are: A specific interest in something that is all consuming and interferes in daily life with an inability to think about or discuss things outside of the special interest leading to social deficits and an inability to properly interact with peers, as well as an inability to interact with or be interested in things outside of it.
Special interests are not: An obsession or strong attachment to a media.
A meltdown is: A complete shut down in processing due to excessive stimulation and an inability to interact with the outside world.
A meltdown is not: A temper tantrum or anxiety attack.
Being nonverbal is: An inability to interact with the outside world using typical speech and requiring an AAC instead.
Being nonverbal isn't: Not feeling like talking or feeling too overwhelmed to talk.
Selective mutism is: An anxiety disorder making someone struggle to speak or interact with their peers.
Selective mutism isn't: Not feeling like talking.
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aurangg · 3 days ago
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can you guys look after him I'm going to sleep
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aurangg · 10 days ago
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aurangg · 15 days ago
People seriously underestimate the long term effects of constant loneliness
"why are you so weird?" Idk, maybe because being completely isolated while growing up has destroyed my brain and now I'm nothing more than a human-mimicking creature that bases all of my actions on what I think is normal human behavior rather than just doing things naturally
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aurangg · 22 days ago
i think some "health advocates/educators" do less advocating/educating and more pathologizing. both in mental and physical health conversations. i think that some people confuse dissociative disorders and harmful dissociation with normal experiences due to the amount of people who have started pathologizing normal behaviors or trying to armchair diagnose people that they don’t know with a disorder.
i'll see some therapists or advocates or whoever else (online) very vaguely talk about a normal experience but phrase it in a way that makes it sound less normal or even harmful. for example, dissociation in the form of daydreaming and zoning out. daydreaming and zoning out are NORMAL experiences but when some of these people talk about it, they make it seem like part of a larger dissociative disorder when it's not.
i think this pushes a lot of (younger or more vulnerable) people into believing that their normal behavior is abnormal or harmful, which can cause placebo effects or unwanted medical attention, which can lead to both medical trauma or just generally negative experiences.
or, additionally, talking to someone who is describing mild to moderate dissociation and telling them to look into a complex dissociative disorder like OSDD (OSDD-1 specifically) or DID without asking any further questions about their experiences/possible symptoms.
its quite frankly dangerous especially when dealing with younger people or people who are in treatment for other mental health conditions who might be easily influenced or convinced.
the "this isn't normal??" comments on some videos or posts where the OP is describing a normal human experience but using terms such as dissociation, trauma, disorder, etc. but what really gets me is when the OP will reply and tell the person that "no, it's not normal! look into/research x!"
anyway, more or less of a ramble, may or not be somewhat incoherent haha.
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aurangg · 26 days ago
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aurangg · 26 days ago
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aurangg · 26 days ago
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Part of the 'Wandering Echoes' collection.
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aurangg · 1 month ago
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aurangg · 1 month ago
Yeah it's not that big of a deal I'm over it now (I developed a lifelong disorder and will never be able to live a normal, healthily abled life because of the abuse)
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aurangg · 1 month ago
people trip me out when they say shit like “oh i miss being 10 years old and not having problems” like the fuck you mean you didn’t have problems
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aurangg · 1 month ago
too tired to make food -> tired from not eating food -> too tired to make food -> ...
why is fatigue such a vicious cycle
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