#Kids Harry and Teddy
lucigoo · 6 months
Thank you for giving me the stars
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Latest Marauder fic, its another animal Au, based off this amazing art work by @depsidase found here Is Axolotl Remus/Chameleon Sirius Thank you for giving me the stars And as always, a small snippet:
“Your weird,” they heard from a small voice above them. They both lifted their heads but Remus, due to the scars and damage done to him over the years, could barely see in front of him. “Who is it Teddy, love?” he asked the little one beside him. “It’s a strange .... thing, in the branches.” Teddy replied uncertainly. “Hey, Im not a thing. I’m a Harry,” the little voice said, still above them. “What’s a Harry?” Remus asked, still confused. Axolotls barely saw colours as it was and the canopy was a big mix of green and sunlight. Whatever was up there was still a mystery to him. “You mean who? Who is a Harry? Im a Harry sillies,” the small voice said as Remus saw a small, green reptile crawling towards them.
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omniluci-estumbra · 9 months
Part 1/? of Draco’s Adventures Babysitting Teddy (Andromeda had to run errands)
Draco spends the remainder of the time arguing that he should be a condiment with more flair - at least an aioli but Teddy knows the truth that he’s mayonnaise core
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blueironywrites · 1 month
Title: Comfort
Rating: PG
Prompt: Defeat from @wolfstarmicrofic
Word count: 299
Summary: Sirius loses a game. Teddy doesn’t take it well.
I am writing a fic for each of the prompts this month. You can read all of them here.
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As Sirius hurried his way through the maze of corridors, he barely noticed the contrast of the drafty hallways with the warmth of the locker room he had just come from. His mind was on one thing, and one thing only.
Turning a corner, he immediately relaxed at the sight of his husband’s smiling face. Remus straightened up from where he had been leaning against a wall, their small son balanced on his hip. As he walked the few remaining steps to Sirius, his familiar brown eyes warmed Sirius from the inside out.
Suddenly, the last few hours didn’t matter. Nothing mattered, other than drawing his husband and son into his arms and breathing in their familiar scents.
“Oh, you are a sight for sore eyes,” he said, with a small sigh, greeting Remus with a lingering kiss as he leaned over to take Teddy from Remus’s arms, smiling as Teddy immediately clung tightly to Sirius.
“Hey, buddy,” he said, softly, trying to get Teddy to look at him. Teddy was having none of it, and burrowed his face into Sirius’s shoulder. To Sirius’s shock, Teddy started crying softly and he shot a concerned look at Remus.
“He’s a bit upset you lost,” Remus said, softly, placing a hand on Teddy’s back.
Heart bursting with love for his son, Sirius chuckled slightly. “Oh, Teddy Bear,” said Sirius, “It was just one game,” he said.
Teddy turned his face up to Sirius, tears running down his small face. “Papa, you l… lost,” his voice breaking on the last word, and he began crying again. Sirius shared a grin with Remus over Teddy’s shaking body.
Bringing a hand up to meet Remus’s where it was placed on Teddy’s back, Sirius rocked back and forth. “It’s okay, buddy,” he crooned, “It’s okay.”
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Teddy is one of those kids who challenge death constantly…
Did this a while ago, hope you enjoy it 🌻🐝✨
Have a fantastic remaining Sunday 💚🦡
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shrimpalbuspotter · 3 months
I'm bored, so here's a list of my favouritest harry potter ships that may or may not be in any particular order that I won't disclose
- Jeverus
- Snirius
- Snupin
- Scorbus
- Hinny
- Drastoria
- Marylily
- Dorcalene
- Rosekiller
- Princewater
- Snulciber
- Charity Burbage x Aurora Sinistra (Charora?)
- Albus x Karl Jenkins
- Prongstail
- Perciver
- Snackchaser/starbucksprince
- Rose Granger-Weasley x Polly Chapman
- Delphi Diggory x Persephone (oc I made just for her)
- Bill Weasley x Fleur Delacour
- Teddy Lupin x Victoire Weasley
-James Sirius Potter x Alice Longbottom
OK that's it and OBVS I like more than just these but... these are the ones I REALLY like. As in ilk think about them alot.
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smoking-converse · 8 days
Teddy: raises his voice a little
The wotter kids:
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short666bread · 1 year
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I mostly don’t adhere to/care about the canon timeline at all, but sometimes I think about how Teddy and Scorpius are the age that they are
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when i see fanart of the marauders raising their children i start to feel some type of way. like, what are these tears welling up in my eyes?
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rewritingcanon · 4 months
Ask and you shall receive! Ng hcs! (Note: some of these I've heard before and stuck to while some are original, also idk hoe to format this lol)
Albus had a fnaf phase when he was 10 that stuck with him for years.
Teddy is really good at drums and bass guitar
Albus is really good at math but not so good in English class.
James has anxiety and adhd
Teddy is pansexual and victoire is bi
Lilly is the only one of the potter siblings with glasses
Albus paints his nails black and wears eyeliner
James Secretly loves reading both old and new literature books but he doesn't let people know because it isn't expected of him
Victoire is a healer and is a very dedicated worker
Lilly made reserve seeker in her first year, harry cried over it
Albus has bipolar disorder
Teddy makes sure to have tea with his grandmother on the weekends with her freinds
James is really family oriented and gets homesick really easily, he also kisses both of siblings foreheads sometimes to their displeasure
Victoire surfs because she crew up in shell cottage right by the water
Dominique is a trans woman
Scorpius has brown eyes like his mom and multiple bueaty marks on his face
Teddy had a small gap between his teeth but changed his teeth with his metamorphmagus abilities cause he was terrified of getting braces
James is really good at singing but doesn't do it often
To the suprise of the hogwarts staff Lilly is the most like grandpa James not her older brother
Alice is plus size
Craig was the first person to stand up for albus when he was getting bullied. James thanked him for it and now they talk to each other whenever they see eachother
Scorpius has natural eye bags and because he's skinny and kinda pale people think he looks like a corpse which is ironic considering how full of life he is
I don't know how to end this so I'll stop here but I might make a part 2 or do hcs for each individual character idk.
omg i agree with SO much of these but i’m especially passionate about lily being the only potter sibling with glasses and scorpius having tonnes of beauty marks. i feel like i havent seen anyone else who also thinks scorpius is us riddled with beauty marks??? not just on his face but also neck, shoulders, chest etc. i thought it was only me lol.
and i really like the idea of james secretly being good at singing. i feel like he tries to “jokingly” belt songs that are hard to sing to sing terribly and annoy other people and this is how everyone finds out he’s actually really good at it 😭
and the idea of teddy using his abilities to get straight teeth would be so hilarious because ik for a fact he def don’t know shit about dental and will probs continue to fuck his teeth up even more. andromeda takes him to the dentist and it’s literally that dentists worst nightmare. like tf happened here??
also yes the idea that james sirius potter is the next marauders menace and fred weasley ii is the next weasley twin is outdated and boring. get the daughters in here rn.
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cursedwithwords · 2 months
Continuation of the previous ask regarding kids, Albus and Scorpius have at least one son while Lily and Lysander have a son and a daughter (twins).
I've thought way too much about it, and it's mostly set up to work with the plot and timeline for TBOTS, but like.... listen, I'm very attached to them. Although I've got more confirmed about Lily’s twins than Al's son. I just know he's a Slytherin like his parents.
But for real guys what do you think, especially of a future scorbus kid. Any thoughts? Cuz now I'm fully invested in this topic.
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impishtubist · 1 year
summer homework
for @greyeyedmonster-18 and @femme--de--lettres and everyone else suffering through finals rn, ilu <3
Harry hears the sound of the Floo, and then Sirius’s booming voice. “Where are my favorite Potters?”
Harry rolls his eyes as his three children leap up and hurry into the living room. He follows, watching as the three of them dart around Sirius and throw themselves at Remus.
“Oof!” Remus says. James surpassed him in height over a year ago, and AJ caught up to him over the winter hols. Lily isn’t far off, and so Remus is completely engulfed by the three of them. “Hello, loves.”
Sirius puts his hands on his hips in mock outrage. “And where’s my hug?”
James, AJ, and Lily disentangle themselves from Remus and, ignoring Sirius entirely, go back to what they were doing. Sirius’s mouth drops open. “I don’t even get a hello?”
James sighs and looks at Harry. “Dad?”
Harry rolls his eyes again and says, “The kids want me to tell you that they’re not speaking to you.” 
“What? Why?” Now Sirius really is outraged. “What did I do?”
James, AJ, and Lily look at Harry. Harry shakes his head. 
“I’m not doing this all night. If you have something to say to Grandad, do it yourself.”
“Grandpa, tell Grandad he shouldn’t have assigned us so much bloody homework over the summer,” AJ says to Remus.
Remus’s eyebrows shoot up, but he turns to Sirius and says, “The kids aren’t talking to you because you assigned--”
“Yes, thank you, I heard,” Sirius says. “You and James have OWLs and NEWTs next year. You both need to be prepared.”
“What about me?” Lily pipes up. “I don’t have OWLs and NEWTs.”
“You still need to keep your skills sharp.”
“That’s not fair!”
“Grandpa never gave us summer homework,” AJ says. 
“They’ve got a point, Sirius,” Remus says. “Their previous Defense teacher never gave them summer homework.” 
“Well, maybe their previous Defense teacher shouldn’t have had a run-in with a bunch of Inferi that resulted in him having to take a year-long leave of absence!”
“That’s true,” Remus concedes. “I probably shouldn’t have done that.”
“You’re still coming back next year, Grandpa, right?” AJ asks hopefully. “We don’t have to have Grandad again?”
“Actually, kids, that’s what we wanted to tell you at dinner tonight.” Remus slips an arm around Sirius’s waist and leans into him. “I am coming back next year, but so is Grandad. We’re going to be co-teaching Defense.” 
“Really?” Harry says. “That’s great!” 
“Okay, but we don’t have to do our homework, right?” James says.
“Sorry, James Sirius, but you still have to do the homework Grandad assigned you. All of you do.”
James pulls a face. “You’re the worst grandparents ever.”
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trying to figure out whether the "scorpius malfoy-potter" and "albus malfoy-potter" in a fanart is because theyre drarrys kids or because they married each other 🕵‍♂️🕵‍♂️🕵‍♂️🕵‍♂️🕵‍♂️🕵‍♂️🕵‍♂️
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Harry (to Teddy): Wait you’re stealing sweets from your housemates to resell to other houses?
Teddy: Yeah. I duplicate and transfigure it first.
Harry: You can’t do that.
Teddy: Why?
Harry: Because it’s stealing!
Teddy: You steal. You both steal Professor Slughorn’s potion ingredients all the time.
Harry: That’s different.
Teddy: How?
Harry: Because you’re gonna get caught.
Teddy: So it’s okay as long as I don’t get caught?
Harry: No. It’s not okay at all.
Teddy: But Big Ted said we needed money.
Harry: That’s nothing you need to concern yourself with.
Theodore: How much are you making?
*Teddy rattles off some high numbers*
Theodore (impressed): Bloody hell, good job kid! I think you should let him keep doing it, Harry.
Harry: (to Theodore) You stay out of this. (to Teddy) You stop stealing. I mean it Teddy, shut it down.
Teddy: Fine! I’ll shut it down. Do I have to stop selling the O.W.L and N.E.W.T. answer booklets too?
Harry: The what—How did you get those?
Teddy: Did you forget I’m a metamorphmagus? I just walked into the staff room and they were sitting on the table.
Harry: Shut it all down. And I mean everything.
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greenerteacups · 1 month
Thanks for your answer about Remus & Tonks!
I read both posts attentively, and yeah, I agree with pretty much everything. That plot point always baffled me, I always wondered why JKR went there. Was it a way to thwart the fandom, which was already start to annoy her at the time? IDK. I'm not judging the relationship (in Canon), I'm neither pro nor con, it's just that it always mystified me. But I like your take about Tonks being a v. realistic 23 y-o, a lot!
Anyway, thanks again for taking the time to answer. Have a lovely day! :3
Of course! You have a lovely one, too.
If we're talking about Doylist interpretations of the story — i.e. why the Author as a person whose to do something, as opposed to what's going on purely inside the text — I don't have the history to remember if Wolfstar was big enough at the time for JKR to notice or want to respond to it. Sirius dies in Book 5, which seems like enough to sink the ship in any case. My theory is that she decided during the outlining process of Book 5 that she wanted the series to end with Harry being the guardian of a child whose situation paralleled his — a war orphan whose parents were killed fighting Voldemort — to demonstrate that the story had come full-circle.
At that point, I think she looked at the characters she'd sketched out for Book 5 and decided Lupin would be the best candidate, since he would be the only person likely to name a seventeen-year-old Harry as godfather (my read of that scene is Lupin's deep in the textbook Marauder project-my-relationship-with-James-onto-Harry coping mechanism, which is why he's so shocked when the Literal Neglected Child rips him a new one for attempting to neglect his newborn child). At that point, Rowling needs to find Lupin a wife, and Tonks is one of the few female characters who's (a) unattached and (b) potentially of the age to be considering marriage and children. So she spends the next two books setting up the marriage, childbirth, and eventual martyrdom at the Battle of Hogwarts.
Like you, I don't take this as a point in favor or against their relationship; I think that most dynamics can be interesting if done well, and there was a lot to explore in Tonks and Remus. But the later books got really fucking crowded, and you see the toll in plot lines like this, where the scenes they have together just aren't enough to establish two people who are falling in love.
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padfootastic · 1 year
hello miss padfootastic, today I am thinking about godfather Harry who would move mountains for Teddy, when Remus never moved mountains for Harry. :(
yES!!! miss imp ur so so right for this
i don’t care how ooc it might be but i truly fully believe teddy was a traumatised harry’s salvation postwar. he kept that boy alive. physically AND mentally. harry will literally do anything for him and nothing is ever too big or too much for his godson.
i’m thinking of—harry, parenting teddy, wondering about how easy it is (it’s not, really. he’s a child bringing up another child. but take away the nappy changes and the constant crying and the keeping a living being other than yourself alive part, and it really is easy. bc he loves parenthood. loves teddy. so much) and wondering why remus never wanted this. how he could have given it up so easily. it’s honestly just really sad? like makes him hold teddy tight and never let go? primarily i think he just pities remus at that point.
i can ALSO see harry being offended, not on his behalf, but primarily on teddy’s. because this wonderful, amazing child should’ve not had his father attempt to walk out on him, shouldn’t have had to grow up an orphan but that’s what it is. i’ve only read one fic w a similar premise but i rly need more where harry is just. mad at remus postwar for his treatment of teddy lmao.
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