#I’m conflicted honestly
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work-of-waking-up · 2 years ago
I wonder how different everything would be if Lottie hadn’t abdicated her throne and crowned Nat in her place.
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bellaciao-ciao-ciao · 1 month ago
Good morning to all the #neverkamala pro Palestine protest voters and the “influencers” who asked their followers to abstain from voting or vote Jill stein. Where is she btw?? Did she crawl back into her hole now that the election is over?
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Anyway good luck and just know that those protest vote influencers who influenced you won’t be suffering. They’ll be sleeping perfectly fine. The victims will continue to be victims and those that actually did the right thing will now be forced to suffer as well because of short sighted ego. And those that protest voted will continue to deny any accountability and “oh it didn’t even make a difference guiseeee I swearrrr” stfu.
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labelma · 1 year ago
I keep seeing a post going around saying that people should stop using the “colonized” names for cities in Israel/Palestine and should instead use the Arabic names.
I need you guys to be so for real right now, Hebrew is quite literally the indigenous language of the area. Like believe what you want about Israel, but Hebrew objectively and factually originated in that land. The earliest record of written Hebrew is the Khirbet Qeiyafa inscription, found near Beit Shemesh which dates back to the 11th-10th century BCE.
The first record of the name Jerusalem is in the Egyptian Execration Texts which date back to the 20th century BCE.
Arabic was introduced to the land in the 7th century CE. The first recorded use of “Al-Quds” was in the 9th century CE.
I could do this for every single ancient city in the land. Bethlehem, Hebron, Jericho, Jaffa, Beer Sheva, Acre, and Ashkelon all existed prior to the Arab conquests in the 7th century CE and the introduction of Arabic to the land.
The fact that we use the Hebrew names of these cities isn’t some conspiracy to make them sound “more Jewish”, the modern Hebrew names are direct descendants of the ancient Canaanite words for these places. Hebrew is the only surviving Canaanite language.
Believe what you want about Israel, but claiming that the Hebrew names for these cities are “colonial” names is a disgusting erasure of Jewish history in the land.
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myokk · 4 months ago
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fast sketch of ominis & fast intro to the ominis longfic I'm working on!! This is going to be the most self-indulgent pride and prejudice ripoff that ever existed, 100% based on the ominis of my oneshot💘
I am just OBSESSED with exploring the idea that he’s a natural legilimens & OBSESSED with the thought that he thinks too much for his own good🫶🫶🫶
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Ominis Gaunt has always suspected he is cold-blooded.
It makes sense, really.
He always seems to be cold: frigid, long fingers that are often stiff and difficult to move; goosebumps raising the skin of his arms and the back of his neck any time he walks through the drafty halls of the dungeons; even his eyes, he has been told, are reminiscent of ice. They are apparently quite unsettling. The only time he feels comfortable in his body is when he basks in the heat of the sun.
His earliest memory is of the cold. It went like this: he was four years old: his older brother, Marvolo, had led him outside as a joke, he swore up and down that it was just a small joke, and how was he supposed to know that poor, blind Ominis would not be able to find his way back home? When his parents had finally found him, his frail mother sobbing and holding his tiny, blue, hypothermic body to her chest, Ominis remembers feeling quite perturbed at the disturbance. Couldn’t he just be left alone, in the silent soft snow?
He does not know if he has ever felt warm since.
As he strides through the dungeons, the copious amount of warming charms he casts on himself do not seem to be enough, but he keeps casting them anyways and also: wrapping his wool scarf more tightly around his neck, quickening his pace in the hopes that blood flows more easily through his limbs, wishing that he had remembered his gloves. Winter is always a terrible time of year (this winter more terrible than usual), and every breath of warm air leaves his lips reluctantly. How he wishes that he could just hold on to it a bit longer and yet the warmth leaves him precisely fifteen traitorous times a minute, the frigid air gleefully entering and burning its way down his throat in response. Maybe it’s a punishment of some sort.
His whole life has been defined by punishments and sometimes he preoccupies himself with the thought that it is the only way he can view the world. Most of the punishments are manifested in curses inherited from his family. (His parents and Marvolo insist that they are gifts, but Ominis begs to differ.)
First, his blindness: the only true punishment-curse that even his family rejects: caused by inbreeding, no doubt. He did not cry after his birth and his mother cradled his tiny body in silent arms, lovingly whispering nonsense-evil-Parseltongue to him but when he opened his eyes and she saw a brilliant celestine blue with no iris, she screamed in horror and shattered the frigid peace of the room. His parents tried everything to fix him, make him whole, throwing money at various possible solutions to no avail. Magically induced disabilities are not, apparently, curable by magic.
Ominis is not sure that he hates being blind, although he suspects everyone thinks that he should. It is as much a part of him as his fifteen-breaths-per-minute, and he thinks that vision is not all it’s cracked up to be. He is always terrified at the thought that his tenuous hold on sanity is only due to the fact that he cannot see, until he realizes he shouldn’t be terrified of hypothetical situations that cannot come to pass. He consoles himself with the thought that maybe, if he has had to give up his vision for his sanity, it is a small price to pay. Although, he also thinks sometimes that it would be nice to live a life without any morality holding him back.
He is entirely too introspective, after all.
It is precisely this introspection that is his downfall in this moment (and his cold blood). Ominis is so busy casting warming charms on himself and thinking in circles that he cannot use his wand to help him sense his environment and so he should not be surprised when he crashes into her.
And yet he is. Terribly surprised.
Maybe if he were not so caught up in his own thoughts he could have paid more attention to his surroundings. Instead, he spent too much time ruminating on his reptilian heritage and has now barreled head first into his arch-nemesis.
Rosalie Harris.
The girl who has stolen his oldest friend from him.
The girl who is currently making angry noises as she clambers to her feet and is picking up the things that he has crashed everywhere. Even if he could see, Ominis is not sure he would help her. Helping her would be akin to betraying himself, after all.
“Hey! Watch where you’re - oh, hello, Ominis.”
“Rosalie,” he says shortly, nodding his head where he thinks she might be standing and stepping to the side. He tightens his grip around his wand, feeling the texture of the wood change from rough to smooth as he runs his thumb down it. Smooth where he always seems to worry it, rough where the wood refuses to yield to the brushes of his thumb.
He surreptitiously casts the spell - he has at least done it so many times he no longer needs to say it out loud - and his surroundings light up. Or, he supposes that is the most apt description, considering he cannot actually differentiate between light and dark. He senses Rosalie’s silhouette to his left - she is standing with her arms crossed and her foot taps impatiently as she waits for him.
Waiting for what? he thinks, slightly irritated. She never seems to leave him alone and he wracks his brain trying to think of something, anything he can say to get rid of her.
Maybe if he speaks in Parseltongue, she would finally be scared away for good. He does not really want that second reminder of his family’s curse, though.
His family preferred speaking in Parseltongue with each other, believing the ability made them morally superior to everyone else and Ominis had not even realized until he had arrived at Hogwarts that no, it was not normal. When his name had been called at the Sorting, furious whispers had erupted amongst all the students, and his every step (terrified, confused, unsure - he had still been getting used to using his wand to navigate his surroundings) to the stool at the front of the Great Hall was plagued with a susurration reminiscent of snakes. Except these whispers, sneaking their way into his mind, had been unkind and overwhelming.
(He had not realized in that moment that he was also hearing their thoughts.)
Maybe now, with Rosalie standing in front of him and just annoyingly waiting for Merlin-knows-what, Ominis should use his Legilimency to find out what Rosalie wants. (He hates it, though.) It would not be difficult. (The thought makes him shiver in horror because he doesn’t want to abuse the ability.) He can feel the edges of her mind, her magic, and all he has to do is reach out - she is right there, and -
Her arms are crossed, he hears an impatient huff.
Why hasn’t she left him alone yet?
Hadn’t the Hogwarts Express already left the station, bringing all of the students home for the winter holiday? Ominis had thought he would be one of the only students left in the castle, and if he is being honest with himself, he had been looking quite forward to having the place to himself.
Ominis’s winter has just gotten infinitely worse.
Going to Gaunt Manor for the holidays is out of the question (he will not think about the nightmares that have been plaguing him ever since he received the owl demanding he go home), and Ominis does not want to be more of a burden to the Sallows. They already do enough for him over the summer, and Sebastian and Anne have convinced him to go to Hogsmeade with them at least twice over the next two weeks. Besides, with Anne’s curse progressing, Ominis does not want to be in the way.
“Why are you still here?” Ominis asks. He knows his voice comes across as cold as his blood, blunt, but he cannot help himself. Ever since Rosalie arrived - her entrance to Hogwarts also causing quite the stir - Ominis has been intensely annoyed by her presence. She is too happy. Too carefree. Too…well, everything he is not.
And, she does not seem to leave him alone.
Rosalie is always there, always hanging around Sebastian. (Taking Sebastian away.) He even showed her the Undercroft, which had almost caused a rift in their relationship. Ominis could not believe that Sebastian would be so careless, showing someone who for all intents and purposes is crashing her way into their lives, forcing them to pay attention to her. They barely even knew her, and yet Sebastian thought it was a good idea to show her such a sacred place?
(It does not help that she is intelligent, and Ominis has caught himself on more than one occasion about to ask her about her opinion on something before he catches himself.)
“I was looking for you.”
Ominis tilts his head at that and fiddles with his ring. He considers walking away, leaving -
“I mean…Sebastian said that you were also going to be here over the holidays and since everyone else just left I thought -”
“Thought what?” Internally, Ominis winces at the biting tone to his voice. It came out harsher than he intended, his voice loud and echoing through his mind, bouncing off the cold, stone walls surrounding them.
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glassrunner · 4 months ago
while isha was very much a cutesy character that helped soften some of the harsh moments of season 2, i ultimately feel that her existence was unnecessary.
the moment she appeared onscreen and immediately tagged along with jinx, i got the sense that she was incredibly hamfisted into the plot for the purpose of eventually making jinx Suffer More. the progression of their relationship (which i understand happened over a timeskip, but seriously that timeskip is doing too much heavy lifting -- a problem in its own) from "annoying kid following me around" to "new little sister" isn't elegantly alluded to, it's constantly made extremely obvious. and just to make sure we get the point, riot puts the final nail into that narrative coffin by having jinx literally say aloud that isha is a basically a younger version of powder and paints her hair blue. and then two episodes later, she's gone. just to give jinx yet another reason to go insane, which she doesn't really need.
isha has literally no dialogue. she serves to remind the audience of jinx's past, minus the trauma. it's easy and expected to project a young powder onto every scene she's in, which is just a waste of a new character. but even before the direct isha/powder comparison, jinx declares that she's discarded that persona, that "jinx" is no more. somehow, isha's mere presence even calms down jinx's psychosis to the point that she has a mild break for presumably the first time in a while only after isha is taken away, which just feels extremely lazy and gratuitous -- like the big bad Insanity is just a convenient lever to pull when the plot needs more tension and drama, rather than something that jinx has suffered from her whole life, and which silco's death amplified to the max.
all of the interesting plotlines i was looking forward to, like caitlyn's spiral into vengeance and fascism, jinx's rage and grief and psychosis causing chaos, vi and caitlyn either reconciling or being unable to in the end... it all just feels like it was brushed aside. jinx, after firing a rocket that killed half the piltover council, decides she just won't fight piltover anymore; caitlyn, who's grateful for ambessa's support and guidance in her crackdown on zaun, suddenly turns on her to aid vi; vi, forgetting her life-threatening feud with jinx, abruptly remembers they indeed are sisters who shared a life. so many conflicts conveniently resolved in seconds, when they should've taken at least a few minutes to untangle -- all because we needed so much time devoted to isha and jinx's relationship.
don't get me wrong, i LOVE the emotional moments that have been present so far. i think they do still hit, but their beauty is definitely muted because the pacing is a complete disaster. it was really difficult to enjoy isha having a bug battle with jinx when 1. i didn't even really recognize that jinx and 2. i was constantly thinking about what the other characters were doing. with how many plotlines need to be wrapped up before the finale (zaun's independence, the black rose vs. the medarda clan, mel's supposed magehood, etc.), i'm really not confident that we'll get a satisfying ending, and honestly i wouldn't have minded not having isha in the plot at all if it meant we could get a more coherent and less rushed overarching storyline.
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alex-the-nonsensologist · 11 months ago
Magnifico stans: He was right, in the end! The ungrateful people of Rosas DID end up revolting against him! Asha: *Magnifico cruelly destroys her mother’s wish in front of her, AND has her face plastered on Wanted posters, AND has false accusations made against her* Asha’s friends: *other than Dahlia, have literally been useless and done nothing of significance, but still get outed as aiding the “traitorous” Asha* Queen Amaya: *literally gets threatened just for telling her husband to calm down* The people of Rosas: *literally get bound and restrained, while Magnifico laughs in their face about it* Everyone: *gets fed up and does not put up with this bullcrap* King Magnifico: How could this happen to meeeeee?
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artem1sc0re · 18 days ago
I find it kind of interesting that out of all the things Nicole could beat Aiden at, it was chess; Which requires a lot of thinking, analysis and foresight into the opponent’s strategy. (There’s a deleted scene on YouTube where Nicole reveals that the one thing she was better than Aiden at was at chess. timestamp 4:33)
Do you think Nicole knew more about Aiden than Aiden himself thought she did? Because I mean the game itself is strictly in Aiden’s perspective, meaning that we’re seeing things from Aiden’s viewpoint. Jordi isn’t intimidating but is comedic, although from the perspective of Marcus, he is intimidating asf, Damien is underestimated until the very end.
Nicole is smart as hell and I absolutely love her for that. How she knew Aiden enough to know that he was on a revenge spree and immediately told him to stop going after them otherwise she will cut him off with no hesitation? How she immediately got defence practices for her and Jackson after cutting off Aiden, how they were able to find an alternative way to healing that isn’t murder or revenge?
RAGHGHGHGHGH i wish there was more Jackson and Nicole content in bloodline, ESPECIALLY from Jackson’s perspective, because THERE’S BARELY ANYTHINGGG. I don’t want it from aidens perspective since we know how much of a nut job he is at times, I WANT IT FROM THEIR PERSPECTIVE. (Just imagine me slamming my fist on a table through each syllable, that’s how I feel rn)
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baconcolacan · 11 months ago
DUDE I HONESTLY DO NOT KNOW I think it would be SUPER SUPER FUNNY if he did, I have my reservations because of how volatile the fandom is in general, but whatever happens happens.
Tord coming back is a bit of a point of contention amongst a lot of people, I’m happy for the Tord kissers ofc they finally have their man back, but I’m just generally,,,,afraid,,,,,,having been in the ew fandom since classic
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s-ccaam-era-crepe · 3 months ago
wough weird sad feelings about my dad who could have expected that
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bill-ciphers-nightmare-blog · 5 months ago
If you get out of the Theraprism, will you let Calypso go?
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rita-rae-siller · 6 months ago
She is complete…. The Timeline is finally done. Nothing like outlining 35+ years worth of backstory lore only to have to start writing the actual story outline 🙃
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excelsior9173 · 6 months ago
this is… a tough one. idk. it feels bad but i’m also at the point where it’s like, it is what it is, y’know?
my sister and i are very much the black sheep in the family as far as my dad’s side is concerned
and i think the worst part of that is that we didn’t do anything but be ourselves- dad’s family takes the fact that they never liked our mom out on us kids. we’re too much like her.
for me at least it’s always been subtle. i wasn’t always a problem, or undesirable. my sister had always had it harder, i gradually fell out of favour with them. i feel so distant when i visit, i’m close with my one cousin and that’s about it. everyone else sort of feel like strangers at this point. they’re getting bolder with their distaste too- try to veil it behind humour but it’s starting to get pretty blatant
i knew they’d poke fun at my colourful hair and facial piercing and i knew they’d hate it when i got tattoos (shocker- my grandma can barely bring herself to look at my ink) but the comments have gotten more blunt. convinced my cousin to get matching tattoos with me, she loves it and is planning more! my uncle has “jokingly” lectured me/confronted me about it three times now. like he’s trying to play it cool but is pissed that i have “corrupted” his precious daughter i think. he’s a control freak and i took that control away my grandma straight up flinched when i walked out of a camp bathroom in shorts and said “i’ll never get used to those tattoos”. like thanks, grandma, but i didn’t get them for you to enjoy them. all that shit is kind of water off a ducks back now, i expected those reactions, i was prepared for them. i don’t really care it’s honestly rather entertaining to me to see how much they’ll tie themselves in knots over choices i make for my own body.
the part that really made me realize i was falling out of favour as opposed to my cousin who can do no wrong in their eyes (i don’t hold it against her, i love her dearly and she was the closest thing i had to a sister growing up- until my sis transitioned) was my university convocation.
my cousin convocated last year, and i convocated in june. it was a whole big thing for my cousin! everyone came to see, we all took pictures with her, went out for a nice meal and had champagne to celebrate. my convocation? idk the family all came, we took a few pictures, went out and had lunch. they gave me their gifts and then everyone left- they had other plans to get to. i just- it felt like there was a lot less fanfare and celebration around it all. it was all “good job exie, but your cousin did it first and she has a grown up job related to her degree so 🤷‍♀️” they all ask my cousin how work is going, they ask her questions related to her degree, all that stuff. i get none of the same treatment. occasionally i’ll get asked something psych-related, but it always feels like they’re asking for the sake of being able to make a point. like i’m just a research engine and there’s no interest in my education. i genuinely wonder if any of them will even care once i get my next degree. it’s the same thing with holiday/birthday gifts. i feel like there’s thought and intent when they get gifts for my cousin, and for my sibling and i it’s just… random shit. the worst part is that my dad and aunt have asked for wishlists. my dad makes an attempt- his gifts are always thoughtful, last year he got me a heated sweater because i do dog walks in very cold weather. but the rest of his family? i got a mug and some froofy soaps and some kitschy novelty booze glasses (i have maybe a drink a month. except for new years and august long). even after they ask for a list :) i think i have become a stranger to them. my interests are so foreign and uncomfortable that they won’t even make an attempt at this point.
i kind of thought it would hurt more. realizing that i am not loved to the same extent as my cousin. that my sister, if they knew the truth, would be loved even less than i am now. but it doesn’t. i feel kind of numb to it. like i guess i knew this was inevitable. i would never be the perfect niece/grandkid. and i’m not saying it doesn’t hurt- it does, but it’s sort of like a long, old ache. it’s been hurting so gradually for so long that it’s sort of just a part of me. it doesn’t feel as bad as it is because i’m used to it. and that sucks to say. but it is what it is. i am not going to compromise any part of myself to earn the approval of people who can’t be bothered to even attempt to understand.
there’s more i wanted to say, or perhaps i wanted to say this all differently. idk. but that’s my rant tonight lol. family is great but it also fucking sucks.
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heavencasteel420 · 2 months ago
I still wanna write the impulsive S1 Stoncy three-way that’s predicated by Joyce going missing instead. There’s no UD and she’s fine; she just got accidentally locked in a weird closet at work or something. Both because I don’t want to deal with too much sci-fi or tragedy, and because I think it’s very funny for the rumor mill at Hawkins High to abruptly switch from “the weird kid’s crazy mom went missing (probably because she’s crazy)” to “the weird kid, the most popular guy in junior year, and some cute but dorky sophomore all had a threesome.”
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eebi-after-hours · 6 months ago
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scribbling some more of the gravity falls au but had to take a sec for rose with longer hair because ??? thinking
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lesbianlenas · 1 day ago
the way that some ppl thrive off of drama and conflict is wild to me…..like i cannot imagine. some ppl live their lives trying to get other ppl to argue w them and it’s like why are u doing that…..and then they’re like why does everyone dislike me 🥺 and ppl like that never look inward either they’re like it must be other ppl that are the problem as if there is not one common factor in every conflict they have had. truly i just don’t get it. like try being personable for five mins and maybe u will have some joy in life. on god.
#michelle speaks#watching hrs long youtube videos on toxic ppl really opens my eyes to so much 😭#literally all of my toxic friendships have been w ppl like that. and they ONLY did it w me too. like i am NOT the type of person who really#gets mad at ppl other than my family lol & truly w friends i had healthy relationships w i never had a REAL argument w them#esp bc getting older i have valued honest communication soooo much but when i was younger too we would just like not talk for a few hrs#& then it would be fine w my GOOD friends. whereas the not good friends would purposefully start conflicts w me to rile me up and then act#like i was evil for getting annoyed w them and it’s soooo frustrating to deal w ppl like that bc u cannot win no matter what#but like i am free from those ppl at this point bc i was apparently too wicked for them i guess! 🙄#or genuinely i would not do anything and they would decide i did smth to be mad at#it is crazy what ppl will do to u when u try to be a good friend to them. like i am not perfect in any way but as someone who has lived w#someone w anger issues my whole life & has suffered from what it’s like to deal w that i have put in the work to not be that person#and it honestly upsets me that despite all the fact that i KNOW i am not that person at all like i rarely get mad at ppl fr#ppl that i have loved or cared abt have purposefully tried to idk. act as if i am??? and for what????#and it’s soooo frustrating too bc when u talk abt urself ppl are like well you just don’t know who u are or whatever tf#meanwhile i have been emotionally honest w myself since i was a teenager in the pursuit of developing a healthy mental state to prevent#being unable to control myself so like. i KNOW the type of person i am lol. and i have had ppl be like no u dont etc blah blah ok well what#if i do. what if i dont lie to myself & i am honest abt my emotions & allow myself to process them & figure out the healthiest way to deal#w them. AND i did so bc i care abt how my emotions impact other ppl & it is important that i make rational rather than emotional decisions#ESP when i have emotional dysregulation (which some ppl have heavily used against me) from my adhd which has forced me to learn the skills#to prevent myself from acting impulsively based on extreme emotions as i did when i was younger 😑 what then!!!!!!!!!#anyway i’m yelling at the wall for no reason idk what i got all annoyed abt at this point. genuinely no idea.#genuinely this was abt no one in particular just ranting and raving in a fashion that would win me a lobotomy in the 60s#just reflecting on many things i have felt since like 2011 tbh lmfao. however i use my repressed anger to write an insane rant on tumblr#dot com rather than idk. riling up someone i care abt until i can take my anger out on them. crazy concept!
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javaberrychip1998 · 1 year ago
I do have to say that I’m in love with every single one of the main characters in this show.
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