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lesbianlenas · 14 hours ago
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KATIE MCGRATH as MORGANA PENDRAGON Merlin (2008-2012) ☆ Episode 1.06
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lesbianlenas · 24 hours ago
idk why i keep watching these videos of this straight women showing clothes and stuff (NOT my beloved straight youtube woman this is a different woman) like she is so beyond normie heterosexual woman it’s crazy but i just like put on her youtube videos and go comatose i am not enjoying myself i am just turning my brain off completely. but anyway in this video i had on just now she was saying she shaves her legs EVERY DAY bc of a sensory thing and i’m like girl. the sensory problem is having stubble on your legs. if ur leg hair was like it was supposed to be u would not have sensory issues w it. i have had fully grown out leg hair since 2019 and i have never once not a single time EVER been like wow it is bothering me to have leg hair. and i have a lot of sensory issues too. women shave their legs for so long they forget what it’s like to have real leg hair and think the stubble they get on their legs after shaving is what it feels like to have grown out leg hair 🙄 she also made a comment in another video abt wearing long skirts when she doesn’t shave her legs bc she doesn’t want “to blind ppl” i’m like girl. if ppl are blinded by seeing a woman w leg hair they don’t deserve to have eyes. can the next it girl trend be fully grown leg hair so i can stop listening to women hate their natural bodies and claim it is sensory issues so they don’t have to analyze their compliance to patriarchal beauty standards already. from a lesbian leg hair is sexy bc adult women have leg hair and i am attracted to adult women 👍 time for men to learn that lesson and women to enforce it perhaps.
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lesbianlenas · 1 day ago
i need so badly to get rid of the clothes i don’t wear anymore but i find it so hard bc even clothes that i rarely wear i do sometimes wear 😭 and i know every single clothing item i own i know that sounds weird but it’s true they are like a rolodex in my brain so i’m like what if one day i want to wear it…..but at this point i am hoarding clothes so. i still have the first ever flannel shirt i bought in 2014 like 😭 i have so many clothes that i bought before i even went to college or in my first yr of college 😭 like i need to just be like ok i have to get rid of this even tho it is hard. but i don’t want to…….harrowing.
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lesbianlenas · 1 day ago
"like they just show those on tv???????" they also show scenes from porn on tv. was curious about a show a lot of people in one of my fandoms were foaming at the mouth about. got jumscared in the first episode by them just straight up showing videos from porn sites................ these people can call me prude all they want, idc. but i believe you should keep this shit at least contained to specific sites and not making it easily visible even in a show with mature raiting
WHAT 😭😭😭😭 why tf are they showing real porn in a tv show that’s crazy…..no i agree tho bc society has become so obsessed w porn and sexual imagery and porn addicted men in particular are many of the ppl making tv movies and so much has become needlessly porn adjacent. like there is nothing wrong w depicting sex it is the gratuitous sex that serves no purpose other than forcing actresses to get naked and the excessive oversexualization that is an issue to me. ppl need to be asking themselves is this sex/nudity necessary for this scene or am i just displaying my porn addiction rn and spare us fr…..like this might be so crazy but i don’t want to see random actors or actresses naked for no reason 😭 porn is a plague on our society and menaces us in many such ways…….
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lesbianlenas · 1 day ago
love how in a time where everything is so terrible u can still get news alerts w sentences that u truly do not expect to see 😭
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lesbianlenas · 2 days ago
can i be real i am SO sick of seeing ppl saying everyone is female at conception when it’s not remotely true and perpetuates the severely misogynistic idea that females are incomplete males. my professor in my reproduction health law class even said this. like it just blatantly is not true. first of all you are already male or female at conception (NOT to defend the trump bill which was only worded this way as a way to stick in pro life ideals) bc it is determined by whether a sperm carrying an x or y chromosome fertilizes the egg and that is what conception is. quite literally the most basic level biology did everyone just collectively lose their brain cells? second of all this is literally like aristotle in ancient greece saying that women are deformed males and males are complete human beings while women are not 😭 like congratulations you are as misogynistic as man from 300 bce AND you have the privilege of proof that it is not true. the left and the right are truly no different when it comes to misogyny it just comes in different forms and language. the right will claim life starts at conception to force women to birth babies they do not want and the left will say actually every man started as a female in the womb bc females are incomplete males you dumb conservatives lol 🤣 both are lying to promote their own political agenda and yet each side will parrot these things at each other as if they are true no fact checking no critical thought. women are nothing but a political token to both sides. you TRULY cannot win as woman like really!!!!!!
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lesbianlenas · 2 days ago
stardew valley truly just abt living my butch farmer fantasy (that i dont actually have at all bc i would hate farming) w different styles of butch lmfao
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lesbianlenas · 2 days ago
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lesbianlenas · 3 days ago
i was born in the wrong generation i should have been a second wave feminist scholar. instead i’m stuck in this stupid anti feminist period 🙄
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lesbianlenas · 3 days ago
honestly it is soooo frustrating how popular it became for ppl to say they have adhd when they don’t. like it is so insanely debilitating to have and ppl treat it like a personality trait it’s so 😭 like i’m glad u find one of the hardest things in my life to be a funny little bit hehe i’m so silly i have adhd 🤪 ok. my brain feels like a rock inside my head that i have to chip thru with the world’s smallest drill that has a battery power of 25 mins to get anything done. but i’m glad ur having fun!
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lesbianlenas · 3 days ago
i’m really tired of it when can we talk abt women’s issues again. like for real.
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lesbianlenas · 3 days ago
my period and my adhd interact in an absolutely insane way i have smth due at midnight and i have been sitting here watching youtube videos i am not even enjoying on 2x speed for hrs bc i cannot get myself to even have the will to move and i was practically falling asleep a few hrs ago despite getting over 8 hrs of sleep like 😭 the second my period hits it’s so over i can’t do ANYTHING. i was talking to someone else w adhd like 2 weeks ago and i was saying abt how it’s so hard to do work on my period and she was like yeah bc adhd meds don’t work during our periods and i was like 👁️👁️ bc my ritalin LITERALLY does not work during my period and i didn’t realize that like it did not occur to me that it was not working even though it wasn’t idk 😭 so like yes i will submit this late idccccc the adhd wins the period wins i will go back to watching nonsense youtube videos now
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lesbianlenas · 3 days ago
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lesbianlenas · 4 days ago
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First look at the upcoming second season of The Ex-Wife
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lesbianlenas · 4 days ago
idk if u guys have seen that one post that’s like name three f/f ships u like in the tags or smth bc every time i see it it’s so funny 😭 u can tell how ppl are trying to performatively scrounge up f/f ships to prove they care abt them so bad. most of them are like the two women characters that get in the way of the m/m ship or random side characters like i KNOW u guys do not actually ship that lmfao. how abt for $1 name an f/f ship that is the main pairing of the show and that u don’t mainly ship an m/m couple from. AND name at least 3 reasons why u ship them that are specific to the pairing. i’ll wait!
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lesbianlenas · 6 days ago
ive been seeing a lot of pics of lucy dacus and julien baker and no shade to them TRULY but i could NOT date someone that much taller than me it would obliterate my ego. a few inches i could deal w but THAT much? 😭 i would have to get some kind of leg implants to make myself taller to cope…
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lesbianlenas · 6 days ago
men will be like bare minimum i think women are people too :) and think that makes them a feminist and then they will turn around and have a porn addiction. like ok. well i don’t think u actually view women as ppl at all 👍
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