#Nancy (in Karen from Mean Girls voice): do you want to do something fun?!? do you want to go to a party?!?
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heavencasteel420 · 2 months ago
I still wanna write the impulsive S1 Stoncy three-way that’s predicated by Joyce going missing instead. There’s no UD and she’s fine; she just got accidentally locked in a weird closet at work or something. Both because I don’t want to deal with too much sci-fi or tragedy, and because I think it’s very funny for the rumor mill at Hawkins High to abruptly switch from “the weird kid’s crazy mom went missing (probably because she’s crazy)” to “the weird kid, the most popular guy in junior year, and some cute but dorky sophomore all had a threesome.”
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monstrous-femme · 5 months ago
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love 💞
From newest to oldest, and unfortunately leaving out many stories I adore but that aren't as sophisticated writing-wise because I've grown as a writer since then.
like a damaged nerve, like a dark bird Stranger Things | Robin Buckley/Chrissy Cunningham/Nancy Wheeler | 87k
In 1993, Nancy falls asleep on Barb's grave and wakes up in 1985. From there, she finds herself completely unstuck in time. It's also a love story.
Novel-length time travel fic about grief, recursive, Sisyphean vibes, also I think the longest fic I've written in any fandom.
In Her Hips, There's Revolution Stranger Things | Eddie Munson & Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley/Nancy Wheeler | 70.5K
Finally, she's able to get the number in right. The ring is sharp against her ear. Pick the fuck up, she thinks, and someone must be listening, because the ringing stops "All right, Harrington, what's on this week's nightmare menu? And don't tell me the one about drowning in your pool again, man, we all know that's rich kid--" "It's Nancy." A long pause, then a laugh. "Wheeler? To what do I owe this late-night honor?" "I, um." Nancy's tongue feels stuck to the roof of her mouth, like bare skin on upholstery. "I was wondering if you've got a couch I can crash on?"
This fic exists because I read a punk!Steve fic and in it Nancy was not into the punk scene and I was like. But what if she was, though. Riot grrl Nancy? Riot grrl Nancy. Complete with Ronance and Nancy and Eddie as best friends. Described by readers as "Jane Austen with more alleyway head." One of my only fics to get an & pairing and not just a / pairing, because the friendship really is that central.
objects in the mirror (are closer than they appear) Stranger Things | Joyce Byers/Karen Wheeler | 5.3K
"Which do you think you're having?" she asks, pushing herself back to the land of the ordinary. "Lonnie wants a boy," Joyce says. "Your husband?" Joyce snorts. "If you can call him that." There's something nice about how that sounds, like the idea that just because you said your vows in front of God and your whole family doesn't mean you have to call the man your husband. Karen smiles. "You know what?" she says. "Give me a cigarette after all." The smile Joyce gives her back is like a secret between friends. "My kind of girl," she says, fishing into her purse, and when Karen takes the cigarette between her lips, Joyce lights it for her.
This fic was for Women's Wrongs day of Stranger Things Femslash week, and I was so proud of the strange fucked-up short story vibes I managed to get here. Joyce and Karen spousal murder 5ever.
pretty girls with bloodstained teeth The Magicians | Margo Hanson/Alice Quinn | 4k
“You’re angry,” Alice says. Margo opens her eye to see that the smile on Alice’s face matches the one in her voice. “And you’re right to be.” “If I’m angry, it’s because there’s a monster who seems to show up everywhere I go.” Alice lifts a finger and runs it along Margo’s cheek, leaving a trail of ice crystals down its path. “Oh, Margo,” she says, sugar in her voice. “You’ve never been as good a liar as you think you are.”
This was my OG monster!girls story, based on the idea that Alice stays a niffin and seduces Margo to the dark side. It was so fun to write that it actual inspired the original novel I wrote and currently have on submission.
Chimera The Magicians | Alice Quinn Character Study | 1k
She is part girl, part monster, and moving forward is a statistical improbability.
In defense of one of my favorite unlikeable female characters.
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lonesome-witching · 1 year ago
Let's Go Upstairs
Another prompt for @rabbitofdeath-atcastleaarrggh. We continue the story of Robin and Nancy after the story from last time where Karen and Joyce were getting ready to propose to each other. We skip past the proposal and end up with Nancy helping prepare the wedding and Robin being a good girlfriend.
You can read my previous prompts or send me some new ones.
Things had been busy. Well, Nancy had been busy. She had her classes and the school paper and now she had taken up helping with the wedding planning. And that only mean that Robin was taking up more shifts at Family Video, it’s not like she had anything better to do with her time now that she was barely seeing her girlfriend.
And it was fine, it was perfectly fine, Nancy called every night, and they did eat lunch together almost every single day. It was just that she could barely handle another shift serving the ignorant assholes of Hawkins. Which Steve must have noticed when she started cussing out customers under her breath. Not a single one had caught her yet, but it was only a matter of time.
So, Steve had forced her to take a break. And Robin’s room felt a bit claustrophobic when she was there alone. So, she had decided to visit Nancy. She was almost getting withdrawal symptoms from being away from Nancy too long.
She rang the doorbell. She was nearly buzzing at the thought of being near her girlfriend again. The door opened revealing…
Karen Wheeler.
“Oh, hi, Robin. Come in, come in.”
“Hi, Mrs. Wheeler.” Robin waved as she stepped over the threshold. “Is Nancy here?”
“She’s at the kitchen table.” Karen reached out for Robin’s arm. “Maybe you can get her to take a break.”
“I’ll definitely try,” Robin replied with a smile before walking into the kitchen. When Nancy came into view, Robin could feel her breath get stuck in her throat and her heart speeding up.
Nancy Wheeler was sitting at the kitchen table with a pen in hand, a notebook in front of her and glasses on her face. It might have been the most gorgeous sight Robin had had the pleasure of ever encountering.
Nancy looked up. “Robin, hi. What are you doing here?” It sounded slightly harsh. Robin took a step back. “No, no, not like that. I’m glad you’re here. It’s just that I’m so busy.”
“Maybe you should take a break.” Robin walked forward. Her girlfriend was almost in reach.
“I really don’t have the time.” Nancy took her glasses off her face and closed her eyes.
“How did I not know you wore glasses?”
“I don’t wear them all the time. I don’t really like wearing them.”
“Why not?” Robin pressed her lips against Nancy’s cheek. “You look hot in them.”
It almost felt like it was just them. Like this was their house and she and Nancy had already made their vows. It was something Robin was thinking about more and more often. Marrying Nancy. It felt like this unachievable goal.
Except for right now. Now that Nancy was leaning into her touch, it almost felt achievable.
“Robin,” Nancy whined. It sounded like stop and keep going all at once.
“I was thinking we could go out and grab some milkshakes. Or we could watch a movie? Or—” Robin lowered her voice. “Or we could go upstairs and have some fun.”
In her head Robin was one step ahead. Thinking about engagement rings and proposals in a very different way than the girl laying in her arms.
She would do it. She would propose to Nancy. It didn’t matter that they were still so young. Robin knew what she wanted, and she wanted Nancy Wheeler to be her wife.
“Yeah, I’d like that,” Nancy muttered, sighing happily. It was all too easy to imagine that Nancy had read her mind.
Robin pulled Nancy up. “Let’s go upstairs.”
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freya-ulfsdottir · 2 years ago
Roll for Initiative
Chapter 3: Shut Up and Dance with Me
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“Girls! Your dates are here!”
They descended the stairs one after the other, Nancy first, there was no way that both of their dresses would have fit at the same time. Chrissy was still giddy over the condom incident, but when she caught sight of Eddie, her breath caught in her throat and her jaw fell. He stood in the entryway fiddling with his rings dressed in what looked like a brand new, and unripped, pair of black jeans, his combat boots, shined up so they gleamed, a black button down shirt open at the throat and cuffs rolled up to his elbows, with a black vest over it, buttoned to show off his narrow hips, and a red tie pulled loose so the knot hung down with the V of the open collar. He’d done something different with his hair. Instead of the slightly frizzy waves, his hair hung in shiny defined curls, like he’d actually used conditioner and some sort of hair product. The overall effect had her star struck.
“Wow, you look like a rockstar,” her voice was a breathy gasp, “Holy shit my boyfriend is so pretty!”
“Come on sunshine, seriously?” He took her hands and held them out so he could look at her, “You look like an actress ready to walk a red carpet, I look like a scruffy nerf herder, in comparison.
“Oh shut up, I like scruffy nerf herders,” she stood on her tiptoes and gave him a chaste peck on the lips so as not to mess up her lip gloss, “You can be the Han Solo to my Princess Leia any day.”
Everyone was milling around admiring each other when Karen came in with her camera, “Ok everyone! Picture time!”
She took pictures of each of the couples, and then a few group shots with both her camera and Jonathan’s. Until Nancy called a halt so they could get going.
“Ok, who is riding with who?”
“I mean, technically we could all pile into my van,” Eddie volunteered, “I mean, if you guys want.”
“Yeah! That sounds like fun! As long as you don’t drive like your usual maniac self,” Nancy teased.
“I promise, I will drive carefully,” he held up three fingers, “Scout’s honor!”
“Come on, you were never a boy scout,” Steve scoffed.
“I think we should do it!” Jonathan spoke up from Nancy’s side.
“Yeah, I trust you Eddie,” Chrissy linked her hand in his.
“There’s no way I’m riding in that death trap, no offense,” Steve held up his hands, “I’ll take mine, and whoever wants to ride with me.”
“Awww but Stevie, I cleaned it out and washed it and everything!” Eddie harassed him as he swung his hand that was linked with Chrissy’s.
“Well, since technically you are my date, I guess it would be disloyal to take off with another guy,” Robin stuck her tongue out at him.
Vickie giggled, “Alright then, the three of us in Steve’s car and the four of you in the van?”
“Sounds like a plan!” Eddie clapped his hands and held his arm out to Chrissy, “Shall we?”
“We shall!” She replied, looping her arm through his as they walked out of the house.
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Chrissy's dress!
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harringtonspolaroids · 3 years ago
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐩𝐭. 𝟕 | 𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐞
a/n: about time i finally posted this! i lowkey hate the ending but when do i not. also i am so here for the karen wheeler slander.
word count: 4363
warnings: smoking, mentions of sex, mentions of billy’s abuse, a ton of cursing, mentions of self doubt and self hatred (it’s light tho), physical fighting, mentions of blood, cuts and bruises, this is not proofread its midnight goodbye
read: part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6
You felt eyes on you as you walked over to your locker. There were always eyes on you, but today they felt especially malicious. You didn’t doubt that Billy had already told his ‘friends’ he was going out with you in an attempt to prevent them from going near you, but that had brought the worst evil known to mankind upon you. Jealous teenage girls. 
You always knew people were jealous of you, whether it was from your stunning looks, your wealth, or your wardrobe, but no girl had ever been that desperate to take a guy from you. Hell even when you dated Steve no one really gave a damn. But now even the girls in your own clique were giving you the dreaded side eye. 
Nancy was walking down the hall, laughing at something Jonathan said. You walked right over to them, pulling Nancy away, “Sorry Johnny boy, I need her for a sec.”
Nancy started to complain and you quickly shut her up, “Do people know me and Billy are going out?”
“What? No, I’m sure you’re just paranoid. I mean when I-”
“You didn’t go blabbing to anyone did you?”
“God, Y/N what type of person do you think I am? I am so not a gossip.”
You sighed as you stopped over to your locker, Nancy resting her head against the one next to yours.
“Either way, why do you mind? You like him, why don’t you want people to know about it? He is your boyfriend right-” 
At the mention of the word “boyfriend” you accidentally slammed your finger on the cold metal. 
“He is not my- we’re just…”
“Exactly! But we’re not- that.”
“If you say so. Are we done now? I don’t want to leave Jonathan alone for too long. We’re making plans for-”
“Fine, go” you smiled as you waved Nancy off, watching her speed walk to find Byers.  
Just as you started taking books out of your locker, you felt a pair of strong arms turn you around.
You gently slapped Billy’s arm around your waist, “God, B, not here, not in public.”
“How come?”
“Did you tell anyone we were… you know…”
You sighed, “Yeah.”
“I may have accidentally said something to Harrington. And Hagan. And pretty much anyone who was near me in the locker rooms.”
“What the hell is wrong with you? Are you insane, you can’t go around telling people that we- we’re not- if you didn’t want to put a label on it no one else has to know about us. Can’t we just keep it private, for now at least.”
“Why? You’re still my girl.”
“As long as we aren’t official then I am not your girl.”
“Look, I just may have mentioned we’ve been hooking up because Harrington was talking shit.”
“I doubt Steve would ever-”
“Let me make it up to you. I’ll do whatever you want.” Billy’s voice trailed off as he let his eyes bore into yours. 
You weighed the idea around for a bit. 
One on hand if you let this one go, Billy would think he could do whatever he wanted. On the other side, you did have a couple of ideas that would be very fun for you. Your mind was already running with images of what could happen, with him doing whatever you wanted. It was either your self respect or a mind blowing evening. 
“Fine. You can come over at 8.”
You could always convince him to not be a dick later. 
“Great, I’ll see you then.”
You repositioned the glasses of manhattan’s that were sitting on your bedroom's coffee table, taking care to make sure they looked just perfect in the candle lit area. You smoothed your french tipped hands over your seafoam green silk dressing gown. It was one you had chosen for the very occasion and you felt absolutely gorgeous in it, ready for whatever apology Billy would choose to deliver, hopefully one he would perform on his knees. 
You took one last look around your room, seeing how the candles you had lit made your normally, white satin sheets, glow into a warmer hue, one that matched your eyeshadow. You walked over to your mirror that was strategically placed in front of your bed, and wiped away a stain of god knows what. 
Now it was perfect. You only had to wait. 
15 minutes. That’s how late Billy was. You knew he could be careless and lose track of time, but he never was irresponsible with you. That’s when you heard the phone ring. You immediately scurried over to answer, admittedly a bit embarrassed at your desperation to hear Billy. 
The phone rang for a couple seconds before Billy answered.
“Hey, I uh, just wanted to let you know that I can’t do tonight. Sorry.”
“Are you fucking kidding me? B, I spent all night getting everything ready for us. What’s so important that you just had to cancel on me?”
“My step sister. My dad’s getting on my ass about it. Apparently she and her little group of friends ran off to god knows where and now I’m getting in trouble for it. It’s so fucking stupid. She's twelve. I shouldn’t be expected to care for her, she’s old enough to do whatever the hell she wants. It’s not my responsibility and but now I have-”
“Billy.” You interjected his rant, “What do you have to do?”
“I have to find out where she is and get her home. But I don’t have any idea where she is.”
“Well maybe I could help.”
“Y/N, as nice as that is, you don’t need to help me. I can handle it on my own.”
“But the point is, you don’t need to handle it on your own. That’s what I’m here for. Can’t you just accept my help?”
The two of you stood in silence for a moment.
“I’ll be there in 10.”
You heard the line go dead, and as much as you resisted it, you felt a small smile grow on your face. Even though your plans for the night were ruined, at least you could spend time with him. You sped over to your closet changing quickly into something casual, as you let your mind think over where Max could possibly be. 
This was going to be a long night.
“What else is left?”
You looked at the notepad that you had suggested on taking, one with a list of potential addresses of where Max could be at.
“Only places left are Nance’s and-”, you groaned, “Byers.”
“Which one’s closer?”
You looked over at Billy, who’s knuckles were practically turning white from his grip on the steering wheel.
“Nancy’s. It’s a left from here.”
Billy nodded and turned in silence. For reasons unbeknownst to you, he was in a much less chatty mood than usual. You figured he was annoyed about getting grounded and having to spend the evening on a wild goose chase to find his step sister instead of spending it with you. You didn’t press it. 
When he had first pulled up to your driveway, his eyes had been twinged with red, like he had been crying. You also didn’t press that issue, knowing how it would make him feel.
Instead you just watched the view of suburbia, as you pulled closer the neighborhood you knew belonged to the Wheelers.
Billy spoke to you as he parked, “You’re staying here. I’m asking this time.”
“You take too long. Jesus, you spent like an hour talking to that Henderson woman.”
“It’s not my fault she was bored and I was polite. I so did not want to be talking to her”
“I’ll finish this up faster than you, trust me. The sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can both get home.”
“Whatever.” You rolled your eyes as you watched him leave and knock on the door. 
You turned back to pay attention to the radio, ignoring whatever he was doing. You skipped through the stations until you found one that didn’t annoy you with the screeching of guitars, and concentrated on your attire. 
It wasn’t until the songs were beginning to get on your nerves that you finally decided to focus on what Billy was doing, and thank god you did.
Nancy’s mother was delighting in the attention Billy was no doubt showering her with. You knew both you and Billy had very similar tactics when it came to convincing people. You both used sex. However, this was a situation in which it should not be applied. It was totally like if you were all over Nancy’s dad. Gross.
You opened the passengers door and increased your normal walking pace to reach Billy, wrapping an arm around him the moment you got to him.
“OMG, Mrs. Wheeler, long time no see!”
“I’m sorry, have we met before?”
What a bitch. You had stayed over at Nancy’s at least 100 times and now she had the audacity to pretend she didn’t know you.
“We have! Both me and Billy are in Nance’s grade and I’ve hung out with Nancy for like a year now. It’s okay though! You must have totally forgotten, with all your household duties and chores and kids and whatnot. Don’t worry, it’s a completely normal part of aging. It happens to everyone who's on the verge of senility.”
You heard Billy cough to cover up a laugh that almost escaped him.
“Anyways,” you drawled, “me and Billy here, are looking for B’s sister, Max. She’s just a really spunky redhead girl and we are both just worried sick about her.” You lowered your voice to a pouty whisper as you moved closer to her, making sure that Billy wouldn’t overhear, “Maxine almost feels like… a younger sister in law to me, y’know. So I am just… fearing for her and her safety.”
You pulled back, leaning back into Billy’s touch, especially his hand that had now found its place resting against your waist. 
The woman let out a laugh, trying to relive the tension in the air.
“Well Billy, I think your step sister might be at the Byer’s. She was with my Mike and they told me they were heading there. Good luck.”
And with a quick squeeze to Billy’s hand, Karen swiftly closed the door and left you and Billy standing there. The moment you heard the door lock, you pushed Billy away and headed straight to the car, not even wanting to look at him.
“What’s with you? Don’t tell me you got jealous.”
“I am not jealous!” You snapped. 
Billy was laughing, “Are you sure? Because what I just saw happen back there seemed pretty jeal-”
“Oh my god can you just forget about it!  I just thought that it was fucking weird for you two to be hitting on each other- and even weirder she was into it.”
“I wasn’t flirting, it's called getting what you want Y/N. You should know that better than everyone.”
You rolled your eyes and moved Billy’s hand away from crawling up your thigh. 
“The point is your my-” Your voice trailed off and you silently cringed as you realized what you had almost said.
“I’m your what?”
“You know.” You turned to look out the window, but Billy moved his hand to your jaw forcing you to look at him. 
“No, I think I want to hear you say it.”
You were sure you looked like an idiot. “I don’t think I want to,” you whispered.
“I do. Do you want to be my girlfriend?”
You felt like you could scream. Billy could be very upfront about what he wanted, but it was never like this.
You weren’t good with words so you just did what you did best. Make a move. Quickly closing the gap between you, you kissed him, feeling him smile against you. 
“So, we’re official?”
Billy nodded and you reached for his hand holding it. It felt nice to finally put a label on it. 
“Do not get out of the car.” That was the only thing Billy had told you. It was going to be quick. He was going to get Max, and leave. In your opinion, telling a middle schooler that you needed to go home should not take more than a minute. You were impatiently tapping your foot against the floor of the Camaro, anxiously waiting for your boyfriend. Boyfriend. You liked being able to call him your boyfriend. 
It was getting cold in the car, Billy refusing to leave the heat on because it would “waste gas” and you were getting annoyed. It shouldn’t take this long and it was making you suspect the worst. You couldn’t even look towards the house due to your stupid sugestion of parking farther away. You couldn’t take it anymore. 
You opened the door, exiting the car, when you heard the sound of yelling and general clatter coming from inside the Byer’s house.
Running as fast as you could with 2 inch heels, you slammed the door of the old house open. Billy and Steve were fighting and the group of kids there, some who you didn’t recognize were screaming at Steve to win. You had no clue how it started, but you had to get involved. Moving over to Billy’s side, trying to make your voice drown out the sounds of others you yelled at him, and Steve to stop, but the two boys were so caught up in each other it seemed like everyone else was invisible. You pulled on the sleeve of Billy’s shirt so hard it almost tore, Billy pausing for a moment to look at you. You took advantage of the pause and let go of him, moving quickly over to Steve slapping him.
“What the fuck-”
“What the hell is wrong with you?” You looked back and forth between the two boys, “This wasn’t supposed to-” 
Max was holding a needle in Billy’s neck, sending him straight to the floor. The poor girl looked stressed out of her mind. You stayed silent as you watched her grab a baseball bat with nails stuck in it, as she hovered over Billy, raising the bat.
“From here on out, you leave me and my friends alone. Do you understand?”
“Screw you.”
God he was an idiot. 
“Say you understand! Say it. Say it!” Max screamed as she brought the bat down between his legs, narrowly missing his groin.
“I understand.” Billy finally said.
Max ripped out the bat out of the carpeted floor and threw it to the side. You immediately ran over to Steve in the kitchen, who looked the worst out of the two, and tried to tend to his cut lip and bruised face. 
“Don’t what?”  You asked as you wet a towel that was resting against the sink.
“Don’t help me. I don’t need or want your help.”
“Steve, I'm your friend. Now shut up and let me fix this-”
Steve grabbed your hand and pushed it away. “No! You are not my friend. What, you think you can just use me for one of your fucked up games and then act like we’re cool? I still haven’t forgotten about the party or the way you treated me like shit. And now? Why did you have to get in the fight-”
“I did it so that he would stop, you knew he wouldn’t finish until you were practically-”
“-I genuinely thought you cared about me.”
“Steve please.”
Steve shook his head and groggily moved out of your reach. “I can clean myself up or Dustin can or someone else. But I want it to be anyone else but you. Don’t talk to me.”
Steve walked with some difficulty, towards Nancy’s little brother and a curly haired boy who looked like he was trying to seem like he hadn’t overheard your squabble.
You rolled your eyes and moved over to Billy and Max, not feeling that worried about Steve. It would all blow over later, he was just pissed now, but he’d get over it quickly, right?
“Can you help me move him over to the couch?” You asked Max.
The redhead nodded and with her help, you were able to drag Billy onto the couch.
“You know, he was only here because he got into some shit with his dad at home, right? He was worried.”
“You know about Neil?” Max looked suspicious.
“Yeah, he told me he was all frustrated-”
“I got it.” She seemed like she knew something that you didn’t but you chose to ignore it. “It still doesn’t give him the right to be an asshole. He almost killed Steve-”
“That’s a bit of an exaggeration-”
“He attacked Lucas for no reason-”
Max pointed towards a boy who was helping the other two kids bring Steve outside.
“Max, you are absolutely right. It’s not a good excuse and he shouldn’t have done that, but you have to try to understand where he’s coming from.”
“I have tried. And just because you’re the girl he's choosing for the week doesn’t mean you get to lecture me. You don’t even know me! Now if you excuse me, I have to go help Steve and the rest of the guys. I’ll be back before he wakes up.”
“How long is that supposed to be?”
“Two hours? I don’t know.” The girl shrugged and ran out the door, presumably trailing behind Steve, Mike, Lucas, and probably Dustin. 
You shook your head, not only was Steve mad at you, so was Billy’s little sister. Great. You moved over to sit on the couch, moving a piece of hair out of Billy’s face. His nose was bleeding and so was his lip but it wasn’t even half as bad as Harrington’s. You figured you couldn’t really do anything but wait for the drug to wear off, so you might as well take advantage of the situation. You looked for a broom in the kitchen, and started sweeping away. The floor was covered in shards of broken glass and you did not want Mrs. Byer’s to find out that a fight had broken out. You also noticed that the fridge was stuck closed. You didn’t touch it after seeing some strange liquid pooling at the bottom. 
The low hum of the tv had practically lulled you to sleep, your head resting against the front of the couch. It wasn’t until you heard Billy groaning and shuffling on the makeshift bed that you woke up. Stretching your arm’s you turned to look at Billy.
“You feeling better?”
With half hooded eyes, Billy shook his head to look at you. “What happened?”
You stood up to sit next to Billy, “Max said you went after her friend, Lucas. Then you got in a pretty big fight with Steve. That was really wrong of you Billy.”
“I know, I know, I just don’t wanna be like him.”
“Like who?”
“Like that… fucking asshole.”
You moved closer to him, moving his face to look towards yours.
Billy finally met your eyes. “Like my dad. He’s such a jerk and… I’m just so tired of it.”
“But that doesn’t mean you get to attack people for no reason. Especially Max’s friend or Steve. Lucas is a middle schooler B.”
“God, it wasn’t even that big of a deal. I went through worse and I wasn’t even his fuckin’ age.”
You chewed on your lip. You had wanted Billy to open up with you and now he had, and you felt awkward. He had clearly never told anyone this and he was high on drugs. What if he got mad at you? Or what if he thought you were getting too close? Hell, what if you were the one that felt like that. You had never been this emotionally involved with anyone, not Steve or Nancy or your other childhood friends. You weren’t even this close to your parents.
You could just stop this. Let him tire himself out by talking and then leave. Or you could stay, like he had that night. You chose the latter. Something in you pulled you to this boy and you wouldn’t leave. You chose to not fail him like others clearly had. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“I’m such a mess.”
You sighed deeply, “No you are not.”
“Yeah I am. I don’t even know why the hell you even agreed to go out with me in the first place. Or why you’re even here. You should be out with Harrington or someone better.”
“No I shouldn’t. Steve doesn’t make me happy.”
“And I do?” Billy scoffed, as if the idea of him not being a total nightmare to someone was absurd.
“Yeah you do. You’re fun when you aren’t trying to be a major dick. I also just…” You trailed off realizing what you were about to say to him. “Really like you.”
“You mean that?”
“ ‘Course I do.”
You pulled away from him and sat further away, staring at the television. You needed to tell him how you really felt. Even though it could backfire, at least he was a little out of it. He’d probably forget.
“And I even think I might love you.” You kept your eyes glued to the monitor, not wanting to look at Billy’s face in case you messed up. “And I know you probably think that you don’t deserve to be loved but you do, and you like to keep up these ridiculous walls and you like to pretend like you don’t care about anyone when you and I both know damn well you care about me. Just like I care about you.”
You felt Billy shift on the creaky old couch and you could feel him placing his hand on yours.
You let out an empty laugh. “Yeah.”
“So you love me?”
“Guess I do Hargrove.”
“That’s a big thing to say.”
“Trust me, I know. I don’t think I’ve ever told any guy that.”
“Does that mean I’m your first?”
You turned to look at Billy, a smile growing on his face to match yours. Only he could make a joke at a time like this. “I think it does.”
“Then, I guess you’re my first too.”
Billy kissed you, much differently than the way the two of you normally kissed. It was soft, gentle, and meaningful. 
When he separated from you, he finally said the three words you had been dying to hear him say. “I love you.”
You rested your forehead against his, squeezing his hand.
The sound of the door opening made the two of you jump apart.
“What’s going on here?” 
You and Billy stared at the woman who you presumed to be Jonathan’s mom. Max was standing next to her, her arms crossed.
You immediately stood up and walked to the older woman, turning on your charming persona. “Mrs. Byer’s I am so so sorry for the mess- Steve was here and he got into a small argument with Billy and there was a bit of a mess, but I cleaned it up. Like I said I am so sorry-”
“Oh don’t worry about it honey. I’m sure it was all just a… misunderstanding.” Mrs. Byers gave you a warm smile, one you rarely saw on adults. “Max said she knew the two of you and you were supposed to drop her off, is that right?” 
Billy finally got off from his place on the couch and walked over to you. “Yeah we’re both supposed to take her home.”
“Great! So you two can get going now, I’m the one who’s sorry for rushing you two it’s just- I already have Will and Jonathan waiting in the car so, I’m a in a bit of a hurry-”
“No- No it’s totally okay Mrs. Byers-” You started.
“Please call me Joyce-”
“We are the ones who were intruding.” Joyce seemed too nice for her own good. At least she was better than some of the other parent’s you’d met.
“I’m gonna take Max to the car-” Billy nodded to you and Max to confirm his actions.
“Don’t forget, I’m the one who’s driving.” 
Billy and Max made their way to the camaro and with the quickest (a five minute) goodbye possible, you finally left the Byer’s house.
“Remember to call me tomorrow!”
“I know, okay?”
Billy gave you a quick peck on the lips as he walked to the front door of the Mayfield-Hargrove residence. Max lingered behind for a moment.
“Could I tell you something?”
You tried to appear nicer to the red-head girl, still feeling a little attacked from your quarrel earlier. “Sure.”
“I have no clue what you and Billy are doing, but whatever it is it’s working.”
“Excuse me?”
“He told me sorry. I don’t think I’ve ever heard him apologize to a real breathing person before.” 
“Oh.” You were a little shocked at the apparent rareness of his forgiveness. Billy had apologized to you several times. “That’s a good thing right?”
“Duh. Maybe you’re not so bad.” Max opened the door of the sports car, before giving you one last farewell, “Hope you’re the one that sticks around.”
And with that you watched as Billy and Max entered their house.
You drove off in Billy’s beloved sports car, taking time to think about what had happened tonight. 
You were Billy’s girlfriend. You had told him you loved him and he had said it back. He was seemingly trying to fix his relationships. 
But on the other hand, you had gotten into a terrible fight with Steve. 
At least there were more pro’s to the night.
You parked Billy’s car in your driveway carefully. You had refused to let him drop you off home first, so you planned to just drive by in the morning tomorrow and give it to him.
You breathed in the smell of smoke that stained the car. It was another thing that Billy had let take control of, even if it was small. 
You really did love that boy. 
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strangerontheotherside84 · 5 years ago
Wild Child || Part 2 (Billy Hargrove x  Reader)
Disclamer: as mentioned in my last post, I have decided to continue my fic “Wild Child” (which was actually finished after part 8). And yes I know we’re all horny and y’all just wanna get to the kinky stuff (I see you) but maybe give it a try and also check out the previous story to kinda get the pre-story behind all of this. Or at least read part 1 of this you kinky fucks :D
Warnings: language, smut, 18+, nsfw, smoking, drinking, drugs
„You're late.“
„Yeah sorry had to drop off my sister at the Wheeler's house and Karen was nice enough to offer me a drink.“ Billy answered while stepping through the door, quickly following you into the kitchen to that fridge full of beer you had promised him earlier. „Dude, stop calling her Karen it's gross.“
„Hey there's nothing I can do. I feel like she really wants me to call her Karen, y/n. Can't deny a woman her deepest darkest desires.“ „Ew Hargrove shut up. I swear to god if you're really going to screw Nancy Wheeler's mom I'm gonna lose all my respect for you. And I don't have too much of that to begin with.“
„You can't deny that she's kinda hot. Also, what can I do she's really asking for it. Must be a very unsatisfying marriage.“
„I'm not gonna comment any further on this...but maybe go see a therapist about those mommy issues.“ you commented snarky, handing Billy a half rack of beer from the fridge.
„Oh fuck off y/n.“
„Love you too. Come on, we're going to the basement. The stereo down there is way better. I need you to check out some of the new releases I took from work.“
You were lying on the old leather couch staring at the wodden ceiling while „Raise Hell“ by Anthrax was blasting through the speakers of the Panasonic stereo. You quickly sat up as you heard a familiar noise.
„Hey Hargrove, quit going through my stuff!“
„So this is where you hide your weed, huh?“ the curly haired boy replied, not even bothering to look at you while he continued to go through the small drawer in the corner of the room.
„Amongst other things, yeah.“ you got up from the couch, your naked feet touching the fuzzy carpet-floor as you walked over to Billy, quickly snatching the cigarette case, which contained all of your pre-rolled joints, from his hands.
„So you really weren't lying about that porn collection.“ Billy sounded a bit surprised as he spotted the several vhs tapes behind a few bottles of Jack Daniel's.
„Told you so.“ you mubled while trying to light the joint between your lips, those matches were definitely ancient. „Don't underestimate me.“
„I could never. But let me help you with that.“, the curly haired boy fished a zippo from the pocket of his tight Levi's jeans and put on the flame in front of your face while licking his lips.
„Thanks.“ you mumbled with a devilish grin, while inhaling the smoke and blowing it into Billy's face.
„You're welcome.“ he replied, taking the joint from your lips.
„Didn't think I was sharing that.“ „Well now you are. So, y/n you wanna get drunk and stoned while watching some porn or were you just talking shit earlier?“
„I’m never talking shit, Hargrove. Here how about this one: Shana Grant plays a singer who must overcome her corrupt manager, who himself is involved with the mob. Well if this doesn't sound like fun. It better be good I payed 5$ for that.“
„It sure does. I wonder what will happen.“ Billy joked as he made himself comfortable on the couch, opening another beer. „Put it on then.“
„Well she really is working hard on overcoming that corrupt manager.“ you chuckled while taking another sip from the bottle of Jack, putting out a cigarette in the ashtray in front of you. Your head was starting to feel kinda dizzy, but you would never admit that. At least not until Billy would do the same. You lurked over to the blonde boy sitting next to you on the floor, trying to observe his movements as inconspicuous as possible.
“It's a tough business.” Billy replied, chuckling as well. He had his arms streched out on the leather couch behind you guys, his  red shirt was almost completely unbuttoned, as usual. “Can I help you y/n?”. God dammit. You really were shit at observing people when you're drunk.
“Nope all good.” you replied while stretching yourself across Billy's lap to reach for another can of beer from the half rag that was placed to the boy's right. You could feel his eyes on you as you slowly moved back onto your place, your crop top riding up and allowing him to catch a short glimpse of your boobs.
“Can I help you?” you returned the question while raising an eyebrow.
“Nope all good. That's a very nice shirt though.”
Even though you knew what he was refering to, it really was a nice shirt. It had Metallica's Ride the Lightning cover on it and you had cutten off the sleves and turned it into a crop top. However, it had gotten a bit shorter than expected which meant that it was now barely covering your chest. But you really couldn't be bothered with that kind of stuff anyway.
“So what do you say y/n. Was it worth spending 5 bucks on this?”, Billy drew your attention back to the TV that was still playing the VHS tape.
“All in all yeah. However, I must say that they look kinda bored from time to time. If I'd wanna see that I'd set up a camcorder in the Sam Goody's storage room.”
Your last comment caused the curly haired boy to burst out laughing, “And I thought I was having a hard time. But you're right they do look kinda bored, which is a pity. Looks like a lot of fun.” he hummed the last part in your ear while putting his arm around your shoulder.
You blamed it on being drunk and stoned but his actions actually caused your whole body to shiver with excitement for a split second. Wow you really were gonna give in to him that easy? That'd be a new record.
“It does. Although, I think I'd look less bored.” you replied, taking another sip from your beer and trying to stay focused on the small TV.
“I bet you would y/n. It's such a shame that all these losers you hook up with don't seem to know how to treat you right.” Billy muttered with his husky voice while taking a deep pull from his cigarette, throwing back his head to release the smoke into the air.
“Well thanks for your condolences Hargrove. And you think you'd do it better? Some of that stuff looks kinda hard.”, you taunted while gesturing your head towards the TV, your body now being turned towards Billy.
“We both know I will.” the curly haired boy leaned towards you, only to put out his cigarette in the ashtray behind your back while spotting a dirty grin on his face. You could feel his hot breath on your skin, your heart rate rising at the thought of all the things you'd like him to do to you right now.
“Don't dissapoint me then.” your words were nothing but a low hum but they were enough for Billy to press his lips onto yours within a heartbeat. Although it had been a while since you last hooked up together, the feeling was more than familiar. You both knew exactly how to move to push each others buttons, your kisses were nothing but a constant fight for dominance. You quickly got rid of your crop top while Billy was taking off his shirt only to meet his lips again seconds later. The tall blonde trailed his kisses across your neck, suddenly burying his teeth in your flesh, causing you to hiss. Billy pulled away from you spotting his usual cocky grin while sticking out his tongue.
“You need to get out of these pants if we wanna try what we just saw.”, he advised teasing.
“Ditto.” you replied with a wink. “And just so that you know,” you began while getting rid of your tight black leggings, “When I say it would be fun to try what we just saw I mean all of it.”
“You dirty slut.” Billy groaned while grabbing you by the throat, pushing your back into the cold wodden wall. You wrapped your legs around his waist while holding onto him by his neck as he pushed inside you. You could feel Billy's back muscles tightening as he began to thrust into you with full speed. “Fuck.” you moaned.
“Like it when I fuck you like that y/n?”
“Fuck yes.”
You knew you wouldn't last long if he continued at this pace but before you could say anything Billy pulled out of you, moving a step back while slowly letting you slide down the wall. You smirked at him, licking across your lips before sliding your tongue up his throbbing cock, the taste of yourself mixed with pre-cum meeting your lips. Billy let out a deep growl before grabbing you by the hair, forcing himself all the way into your mouth. The fact that you didn't even gag caused him to grin “You're such a dirty girl, way too good for anybody in this town- fuck y/n”. His words were could off as you began to deep throat him, slowly at first but then getting more and more messy, all while keeping eye contact with the curly haired boy. Billy's moans were music in your ears, you loved to be the one dominating him, especially since it seemed like something that was rather new to him.
“Get on the couch.” Billy hissed out of breath while pulling your hair. You did as you were told but not before slowly sucking on his tip one final time. “What? Can't handle me pretty boy?” you teased smirking while slowly walking past him towards the couch.
“You better save that attitude for later.” The tall blonde growled as he followed you, “Get on your knees.”
Billy quickly positioned himself behind you, firmly grabbing your hips. You could feel your own arousal dripping down your thighs, as you waited for him to finally push into you again. “You're always so wet for me,” Billy hummed against your core, causing your legs to start shaking “And you taste so damn sweet.”
You could feel him adjust himself at your entrance, the tip of his cock teasing you for what felt like forever.
“When did you become such a fucking tease, Hargrove?”, you groaned.
“What was that?”
“You heard me the first time. Just fuck me already.”
“You want me to fuck you, y/n?”
“Yes Billy pl- fuck.” This time it was you being could off as the tall blonde smacked into you, causing you to gasp.
“Like that?” he continued to tease as he began moving in a steady rhythym, “Or faster?”, Billy adjusted his speed at his last words.
“Faster...fuck Billy...fuck me harder.” You cried out, while the curly haired boy was continously hitting your sweet spot. You could feel your body tightening while you got closer and closer to your orgasm.
“Do you want me to pull out?” Billy growled while breathing heavily.
“No...just cum in my ass.”
Billy hummed at those words “So you really wanna try everything we just saw.”
He slowly pulled out of you, your whole body aching at the sensation of being left wanting more, just before he carefully pushed inside of you from behind, causing both of you to gasp.
“Fuck y/n I'm not gonna last much longer.”
“Just fuck me Billy..please.”
You did not need to tell him twice, after giving you some time to adjust to this new feeling he began to move with a steady rhythym, slightly fastening his pace.
“Fuck Billy...you feel so good.”, you had tried anal before but that was while being drunk at a party with some dude that clearly didn't know what he was doing, but the feeling of Billy fucking you from behind was something you'd never experienced before.
You're whole body was shaking and you could feel your lower abdomen tightening as you got closer and closer to your high.
“Fuck Billy I'm gonna cum.” You managed to cry out right before your orgasm rushed over you like a crashing wave, you buried your sweaty face and palms into the leather couch while moaning loudly.
This sensation caused Billy to let a fitlhy moan escape from his lips as he came inside of you, making sure to fill you up with every drip of his cum, before pulling out and collapsing on the couch.
The two of you had to take a few moments before either of you could say something. Both still breathing heavily, while sliding down onto the floor, trying to process everything that had just happened.
“So y/n, you're still not sure if I'd do better than those guys in the movie?” Billy chuckled out of breath while putting his jeans back on and lighting a cigarette.
“I'll think about it.” you replied dry while following his example.
“We're a really good team.” “Yeah a team of drunk and stoned idiots.”
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fangirl-1523 · 5 years ago
Cherry Bomb: Chap. 1
For clarification, Milven is purely platonic and events from Stranger Things 3 did not happen, such as Jim Hopper's death and the Byers and Eleven moving away.
June 14, 1985
"Roth... Roth...." the voice of Mike Wheeler said coming from the comm.
[Y/N] groaned and picked it up. "What you want, Blackbird?"
"You want to come over and play some D & D? With the rest of the party? Over." He asked.
[Y/N] [L/N] had lived next to the Wheeler family since she was five. Her family had moved there for a change of pace as it was a small town and very different from Indianapolis. She and Mike had grown up as window neighbors.
"But my elvan archer will die! It's happened every time. So much for me trying to be a female Legolas. Over."
"Then, bring your other characters. I know you created like twenty, so you can continue on playing with us for ten hours. Over." He told her.
[Y/N] could faintly hear the sound of snickers and giggles from the other end followed by the normal "Shut up!" from Mike. She sighed to herself.
"What will I be getting out of this again? Over."
"Time with the greatest people you have ever known? Over." Mike paused before adding. "We have food. Blackbird out."
"I'll be there in a minute. Roth out." [Y/N] put the comm down and left the room.
She didn't hear the endless teasing from Eleven, Max, Lucas, and Dustin. Or any of what Mike said in retaliation of their teasing and mochery. Instead, while that was going on, she hopped down the stairs to her mom. At the moment, it was just [Y/N], her mom, and her cat at the house (her parents were seperated, but they both liked the small town life of Hawkins, Indiana).
"Hey, momma, can I go over to the Wheeler's right now? Mike invited me over to play Dungeons & Dragons with the party." She asked finding her mom in the kitchen baking some deserts.
"Sure, sweetie. Just be back by six. You're father will be over here to pick you up for the weekend." Her mother, [Mother Name], replied.
It was the Friday after school let out for the summer and the first thing the party wanted to do was play Dungeons & Dragons. Of course some people (Max Mayfield) resented that notion seeing as it was summer which meant no more school and some more beach.
"Okay. Love you! Bye!" [Y/N] kissed her mom's cheek and zoomed out the door to her neighbors house.
She knocked on the door and Nancy opened the door for her. The upcoming senior at Hawkins High sighed before allowing the young girl that hadn't been involved with anything weird yet into their house. One thing the party, Jim Hopper, Joyce Byers, Nancy Wheeler, Jonathon Byers, and the Scoup Troop all agreed on was to leave the girl out of it. Out of all of it. [Y/N] went down towards Mike's basement where she found the boys setting up the pieces at the table and the girls were setting up snacks such as chips, some bite sized deserts, and soda.
"Hi, [Y/N]." Eleven said.
"Hi, El." [Y/N] said coming over to the two girls.
"[Y/N], which character are you playing?" Mike said looking through the folder labeled [Y/N]'s characters.
"Uh... actually... I wanted to try to be... a... uh..." then the girl mumbled what she wanted to do.
Max Mayfield and Eleven smirked (as they had heard what she said). Dustin Henderson asked for her to speak up, so they could hear her. All they got out of her was a smear of red across her face. Now that the boys were staring at her and her two only female friends were smirking, she instantly regretted every decision she had ever made.
"You know what? Just forget it. I'll use my elva-."
"She wants a chance as Dungeon Master, but she is too nervous to say anything to you four." Max said cutting her friend off.
[Y/N] tried to cover her face with her hands as she waited for the laughter to come right afterwards. It was a stupid idea. A stupid, silly thing to suggest she do. Way to make a fool out of you, [Y/N]. the [H/C] haired girl thought to herself before shying away from her friends.
"Since when do you know how to be Dungeon Master?" Dustin asked as he and Lucas sneakily (not that sly though) glanced over at Mike.
"It can't be that much difficult than putting on shows with action figures and dolls while my little cousins intervene about what the different characters could do." And Mike taught me.
"I say we give her a shot. I'm tired of doing the same thing ever single time." Max said.
"We don't do the same thing every time!" Lucas retorted back at his girlfriend.
"It's the same thing, but different outcomes based on the die roll." Eleven agreed.
"Just let her be dungeon master, guys. For one day. I actually want to see where she'll go with it. I'll just be a Gnome Thief." Mike told them.
"I don't have a problem with that." Will Byers added making his first statement in the conversation.
"Go on, [Y/N]." Dustin said glancing at the seat next to Mike. "You can sit there."
[Y/N] didn't see the glare Mike sent Dustin as she sat down in the seat. Eleven and Max got some food before sitting down.
"So, are we ready?" she asked them.
"Yeah. Let's see what you got." Lucas told her.
"To be clear, this is going to be totally -."
"Just start already, [Y/N]." Mike interrupted her. "Yes, we're well aware this is 'Geek Improv'."
Eleven looked from Mike to [Y/N]. As soon as she started to go to school with the party, she met [Y/N] almost as soon as she stepped into the door. And instantly, she understood why Mike hadn't been able to return her feeling. And now, watching the two of them, it reminded Eleven of why that was. Time passed and they all realized how much more involved she was with the details than Mike was and they all knew the adventure they were on was all sprouted from her mouth like bullshit. Because it was. She was making it up as she went along.
"You have reached the end of your quest. But your quest is not over. Instead, one of your party members carries a dark secret. One of them is actually the Great Darkness that vows to shrall the land in eternal night. You hear the cackle of what sounds like the Wicked Witch of the West Hehehe! As the sound bounces off the walls of the cave, you wonder where and who the sound is coming from. But it's too late. Your hear it say 'It's too late for you. Hehehehe!' And the voice is coming from-."
"[Y/N]," Karen Wheeler, Mike's and Nancy's mom, said walking down into the basement, "your mom says your dad is waiting for you. Time to go."
Karen Wheeler went back upstairs and Dustin leaned over to Mike, "Since when does your mom come down here?"
Mike simply shrugged. "Can we finish this really quickly?"
[Y/N] shook her head getting up from her seat. "Sorry. Dad's impatient as it is, and we're supposed to go to Chicago for the weekend. I'll be back Wednesday though. We can finish it then. Have a good weekend, Blackbird. Fellow geeks." She saluted them.
"Bye, Roth. Have fun with your dad." Mike said as she went back up the stairs.
"Dude!" Max exclaimed once she was out of earshot.
"What?!" Mike fired back.
"Do you two really have to act like that?" Max asked him.
"Like what?" he asked her.
"Like that! Two love sick idiots. Why don't you just ask her out?" asked Max.
"He can't."
"He's tried."
"Countless times."
"Failed countless times."
"Stuck in the friend zone, is he." Dustin said in the voice of Yoda.
"He's not that stuck. She likes him back. Right, El?" Max asked looking at her female friend for assistance.
"She does." Eleven nodded her head in agreement. "Just ask her out."
"Do it. When she comes back." Max told him.
"Jeez, okay, I will." Mike told him.
Wednesday came, and he commed [Y/N]'s radio. "Roth... Roth... Roth...."
No answer. Usually she would pick up after the second or third Rorh, but silence filled the radio. He tried again thinking her mom may have cleaned up her room while she was away (it has happened before). Silence.
"[Y/N], you there? Blackbird here ... trying to talk to you. Over." Silence.
This was weird. It was strange. Even when she was angry with him, she never metaphorically left him on read. She would radio in that she was angry and didn't want to talk and there would be a "I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU! I HATE YOU!" followed afterward that she didn't really mean. And that's when he heard shouting, yelling, and screaming from next door. It sounded like her parents.
Mike got out of his basement and along with his family and the rest of the street watched the scene play out between [Mother] and [Father] who hadn't spoken or saw one another in months.
"What do you mean you lost her? She was here yesterday! She called telling me she was back in Hawkins!" [Mother] yelled.
"I went to get food, and then she's gone! I checked everywhere for her! She's not here! And I'm pretty sure she didn't go back to Chicago! So, yeah I lost her! But I didn't lose her OKAY? She's missing! Gone! And it's not my fault! Dear god, why would you think it was my fault?" [Father] yelled back.
"It wouldn't be the first time you thought that." [Mother] mumbled before shouting, "If you didn't lose her, then help me find her! Help me find my daughter! Before something awful happens to her!"
[Y/N] was missing? Mike looked over at Nancy who was looking at him back. They both knew that the Upside Down had a part to play in the disappearance of [Y/N] [L/N].
What Netflix Original would the characters of Stranger Things watch the most often?
Eleven - Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (Eleven would compare the events of her life to Sabrina's events in her life when they are sorta similar)
Mike - Orange is the New Black (gives me Mike vibes)
Max - Sex Education (gives me Max Mayfield vibes)
Will - A Series of Unfortunate Events (i feel like he would have read the books in elementary school, so he felt obligated to watch the show)
Lucas - Lost in Space (i didn't know what to pick for Lucas, so I just picked something random)
Dustin - Voltron Legendary Defender (Dustin has always given me vibes that he's a cartoon watcher type of TV person)
Steve - Daybreak (gives me Steve vibes)
Nancy - The Worst Witch (this was an accident. Nancy didn't want to watch it, but saw the trailer, thought it was interesting, and watches it afterwards).
Robin - Disenchantment (doesn't it just scream Robin at you?)
Jonathon - You (he would have heard about it from Nancy who wanted to watch it and he got hooked)
Joyce - Santa Clarita Diet (funny zombie humor)
Hopper - The Crown (this would have started off as something that both Hopper and Eleven watched together as a sort of father-daughter show or whatever, but he got hooked really, really fast)
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darling-i-read-it · 5 years ago
Billy Hargrove x reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: making out
Author’s Note: I always have so much fun with the teens in the same story as the kids I love writing the interactions so I had a ton of fun here! I hope you like it!
Requested: by @biliyonce can you do something with billy x fem!reader and the party while they’re watching a movie or something and billy and his girl are all over each other lmaooo i would honestly love to see how the kids would react
Summary: the request!
Genre: fluff!!
(not my gif)
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Karen asked you if you wanted to babysit Mike and Holly and his friends while she attempted to bring Ted out somewhere for dinner. She told you that she would have asked Nancy, but she was supposed to be at a school function and Steve, the regular babysitter had to work late.
You knew Mike and his friends really well. You used to hang out with Nancy all the time and whenever they come over you were usually hanging out with her. When Billy and Max came to town you got to know most of them better while Max convinced her brother to truck her and her friends around when they needed it.
You and Billy started dating within the month he showed up at your hometown Hawkins. He explained to you that he wasn’t looking for a long term relationship but that quickly changed when you went out on a date on a whim. A year later you were both going strong and you asked him this weekend to come over and bring some snacks.
You sat on the kitchen counter, staring at Will while he made sandwiches. Dustin was looking through the VHS tapes to find something to watch, Mike was making popcorn and chatting with El while Lucas argued with Dustin about movies. The doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of the final member of the party and her brother. You walked over to the door and let them in, taking bags from Max and giving Billy a quick kiss.
“I’m glad you guys didn’t get stuck up in the storm it's getting pretty bad,” you said, rushing them inside and out of the rain. While Steve was their usual babysitter and they all really loved him, you were rather close. You let them do what they wanted for the most part sometimes taking them out for fun.
Tonight however you figured everyone could eat junk food and watch a few movies before Karen and Ted came home. Holly was already tucked into bed as it was nearing around 9:30 and everyone was trying to get things situated.
“What movie have you decided upon?” Max asked as she entered the kitchen. Billy wrapped his arms around your neck from behind, leaning forward against you so his face rested on your shoulders.
“I hope it's a scary movie,” Billy voiced right next to your ear.
“I handle scary movies better than you do Hargrove,” you countered and he rolled his eyes.
“Get a room. We’ve chosen Poltergeist,” Dustin said.
“It was between that and Friday the 13th but most of us have seen that one.”
You and Billy had seen Poltergeist together on a date a while back but you didn’t say that. You were usually a stickler with movie watching but the fact you had seen it already gave Billy some leeway with his shenanigans which he knew all too well.
“Put it in, Billy and I will grab some blankets you guys put the movie in.” Billy followed you to the basement. You could still hear the kids rummaging around upstairs, throwing popcorn and laughing at something. You had every intention to grab some blankets with your boyfriend turned you around with a sneaky smile.
“We have to grab blankets,” you told him, only half meaning it. His hands were already in your hair and you had kissed him in 3 seconds flat. You could feel the intent behind his lips tonight and had to pull the plug. You patted his chest with an innocent smile before grabbing a blanket and shoving it at him.
He whined but if you had been down there one moment longer the kids would have come to find you. You tossed some blankets around and saw everyone had already settled down together. Max, Lucas and Dustin were sitting on the floor against the couch, Mike and El were in the love seat, no surprise there and Will was sitting on the floor against the loveseat. The couch was open for you and Billy. They had the movie on and the opening credits began just as you and Billy sat down. He sat up straight and you laid down so that your head was resting on his lap.
The two of you behaved for most of the movie. It wasn’t until about the halfway mark where you felt Billy's hands moving from your arm down to your waist and you looked up at him from his lap with skeptical eyes.
You sat up slowly, trying not to gain more eyes on the two of you. You saw Mike and Eleven, staring intently at the screen. You got up and grabbed another glass of water before leaning against the back of the couch and against Billy's back. He took the glass of water from your hands and put it on the end table so that you could put your arms around him from behind. You worked your way to his mouth, him turning around so that he could kiss you better. It didn’t take very long for Lucas to hit Billy's foot to stop.
“Get. A. Room!” Dustin yelled throwing popcorn at the two of you. You smiled against the kiss, letting Billy guide you over the couch so that you sat on it as well. You could hear the sounds of disgust around the room and saw the break in immersion of the scary movie.
When you eventually did pull away you erupted in laughter.
“Mike you stop throwing candy at me you make out with Eleven like you’ll never see her again,” you joked.
“I can’t! That's my brother, you’re my brother please get a room!” Max explained.
“Is that what makes her happy scream Max?” You raised an eyebrow, still sprawled over the couch. Max turned red and everyone laughed causing El to go into confusion.
“Maybe when we get out of here,” Billy pointed out and it was your turn to go red.
“Not with that attitude baby,” you pointed out.
“I just want to watch the movie,” Will pleaded. You liked Will a lot. You just wanted him to be happy.
“Let's finish the movie then Billy and I will shut up.”
“At least a foot in space,” Dustin demanded.
“Between our lips maybe.”
All day: @swanky-batman @caswinchester2000 @alexander-reformed
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moonlit-imagines · 6 years ago
Chicago (Part 1)
Steve Harrington x Wheeler!reader
a/n: set just about where s3 starts
prompt: reader is mike and nancy wheeler’s cousin
part 2
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From the Windy City to a boring little town in Indiana, what a downgrade. You were being forced to finish school in Hawkins and live with your Uncle Ted and his family. You didn’t see that side of the family very much, so it didn’t make the move any more desirable.
Last time you saw your cousins was when Holly was born. That was about five years ago, and everyone had grown a lot since then. They were unrecognizable. Your Aunt Karen picked you up from the train station and brought you to her two-story house that you’d call home for the next year. You grabbed your suitcases from the trunk and she showed you to your room.
“Y/N! It’s good to see you, god you’ve gotten tall.” Uncle Ted said without moving from his chair.
“Yeah, good to see you, too.” You followed Aunt Karen upstairs. Mike ran down the halls and passed righy by you, but backed up once he processed who you were.
“Y/N?” Mike’s head tilted.
“Hey, Mike. Long time no see.” You chuckled.
“You can talk all you want at dinner, Michael, y/n needs to get settled in.” Karen proceeded down the hallway.
“See ya, kid.” You followed your aunt down the never ending hallway of the giant house. It was bigger than what you were used to.
“We already have you enrolled in school, so you’re all set. Classes start in a couple weeks, senior year, yay!” Karen cheered. “You get to graduate with Nancy.”
“Sweet.” You dropped your bags on the floor. “Where is Nancy?”
“Probably with Jonathan.” Your aunt chuckled.
“Jonathan?” You flipped your suitcase open and unloaded some clothes.
“Her boyfriend. He’s an interesting kid.” Karen sat down in a chair beside her. “A lot different than the other guy she was dating.”
“Polar opposite?” You hung up a few shirts.
“Exactly.” She snapped her fingers. “What’s up with that?”
“I think she’s discovered boys and trying to figure them out. Good luck with that.” You joked. Karen stood up from the chair.
“Well, I’ll leave you to unpacking, I’ll start dinner, Nancy should be home in less than an hour.” Your aunt stepped out the the room.
“Thanks, Aunt Karen!” You told her. You refolded some clothes that moved around during your trip and put them in the dresser drawer. You took a quick look around your new room, which was bland and boring. You had no posters or pictures or trinkets or anything fun. Just your clothes and your bags. You had a year to make it your own, though.
You finished your short task and walked downstairs, running into a boy who was about your age. He was with Mike and a few other kids.
“Y/N, hi, you should come downstairs and meet everybody. You’re going to see them a lot.” Mike explained.
“Alright...” You chuckled. Your cousin led you downstairs to a group of younger teens who all waved at you.
“Everybody, this is my cousin, y/n, from Chicago.” Everyone waved at you. “Y/N, this is Dustin, Lucas, Max,” he pointed at each person as they greeted you, “El, Will, and—”
“I’m Steve. Steve Harrington.” Steve cut Mike off and shook your hand. “It’s a pleasure.” The kids were chuckling at his efforts.
“He’s our designated babysitter.” Dustin smiled and nodded. You giggled at the boy’s description of Steve.
“Yeah, I mean, I take care of these kids a lot, they’re kinda reckless.” The group shot him a glare.
“Noted. Well, it was fun meeting you all, I’m gonna take a quick look around Hawkins. See you around.” You walked up the stairwell and told your aunt that you were going to explore for a little bit. Steve followed you out the door.
“Hey, why don’t I navigate a little? Show you some cool places around town? I’ve got a car, I could take you to the mall.” He proposed. You hesitated to respond. “It’ll be fuuuuun.” Steve shook his keys.
“Fine. I wanted to get something for my room, anyways.” You shrugged.
“Perfect. This way!” He pointed to his maroon BMW and unlocked the door for you.
You and Steve walked side by side through the mall.
“And that’s where I work.” He pointed to an ice cream parlor where a girl was serving ice cream. “That’s Robin, she’s mean to me sometimes.”
“Interesting, very interesting.” You giggled.
“You want some ice cream?” He asked.
“Sure? I guess I could go for some. Just not too much, my aunt is making dinner now.” You followed him into Scoops and approached the counter.
“Hello, Robin. This is Y/N Wheeler, I’m showing them around town today.” Steve introduced you.
“It’s nice to meet you.” You told her.
“Yeah, you too. Steve can I have a word in the back?” She opened the door to the breakroom while you sat and waited in front. “Wheeler? As in Nancy Wheeler? As in your ex-girlfriend Nancy Wheeler?”
“It’s her cousin, they’re not really close. Y/N’s gonna be here for this upcoming school year. By the way, you should hang out with them, they’re pretty cool.” He told Robin.
“You like them, don’t you?” She shook her head disapprovingly.
“Maybe a little. I mean, I’ve only known y/n for half an hour, but half an hour well spent.” He awkwardly chuckled. “It’s not like they’re innocent either, y/n’s flirting back a little!”
“Does y/n know that you’re their cousin’s ex?” Robin reasoned with Steve.
“Nancy doesn’t care about what I do, so what’s the big deal? I’m gonna get some ice cream and have a nice time with y/n.” He pushed the swinging door open and got some ice cream for the two of you. “What do you wanna do now?”
“I kind of need some room decor. Posters or something nice?” You suggested.
“I know just the place.”
You rustled through your bag of posters and the little stuffed animal Steve bought for you.
“Thanks again for the Chewbacca plush.” You smiled at him.
“Of course.” He parked in front of the Wheeler residence. “Now go eat dinner, I’ll definitely be seeing you around.” You shut the door and winked at him through the glass. He watched you enter the house, then left the scene.
“Hey, everybody!” You announced. Nancy heard your voice and rushed over to you, engulfing you in a hug.
“It’s good to see you, y/n. It’s been too long.” Nancy pulled away.
“Agreed.” You ruffled your hair a bit to fix it.
“Dinner’s on the table, c’mon.” She led you to the dining room. “So what’d you do?” She eyed your bag.
“Oh, yeah, the Harrington boy took me shopping at the mall. I needed to find something to hang up in my room.” You pulled out the Chewy stuffed animal. “And he got me this.”
“Ooh, he’s quite a catch, y/n. You guys would be great together.” Nancy told you.
“You think?” You smirked.
“I know. Seriously, if he’s buying you stuffed animals, he probably likes you. You should give him a chance.” Nancy poured you and her a glass of juice.
“Maybe I will...”
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carol-effing-danvers · 5 years ago
push me, pull you
this is part three of the series “run long, roam far, return soon” part one: “knock me the fuck out (i dare ya, babe)” (cont.) (fin.) part two: “where we grew up”
(click here if you’d prefer to read this in AO3′s format)
“You guys have been in here for over twenty minutes,” Steve complains, turning into the kitchen of the Wheeler’s house – not the same as the one they lived in while Nancy and Mike where in high school. Karen got her heart set on a fixer-upper after Mike left for college and it became a passion project for her. It’s old, charming, and deeply haunted. “What are you two doing?”
Quickly, El turns away from Billy, nervously running her hand over the end of the braid draped over her shoulder. She’s dressed a little nicer than he normally sees her today, in a sweet flowing dress patterned in butterflies that leaves her shoulders bare. There’s always been an innocence to her, despite her childhood, or maybe because of it. A wide-eyed wonder that he secretly hopes she never loses.
Steve notices that Billy looks concerned as he informs Steve “El’s gotten herself ready for a big date.”
“Billy,” she pleads, mumbling at her hands. “I can’t.”
“Just ask,” he coaxes softly. “Even if he says ‘no’, anything is better than wondering. You know that.”
“Ask who what?” Steve asks, confused. Then, feeling like he’s been hit with a frying pan: “Jesus fuck, please do not say Lucas, I will have a fucking heart attack-”
Lucas has spent six years hoping that Max would see what a monstrous snake her husband was and leave his ass and Max has, from what Billy’s told, regretted most of the eight years since they broke up for good. Steve can’t take watching life break El’s heart that way, not sweet and loyal Eleven.
“Henderson,” Billy says, clipped and brusque. “She’s talking about Henderson.”
“Why would you talk El into asking Dust on a date?” he says, even more confused now. “Eleven doesn’t even want to talk to Dustin. I mean, I don’t think you hate him, but he’s pretty sure that you do. He can be dramatic sometimes.”
El trembles as she slides down the wall into a crouch. “I can’t!” she tells Billy, her eyes filling with tears. “Billy, I can’t! I’ve already messed it up.”
Crouching beside her, Billy says, “Why d’you never talk to him, honey?”
She shrugs, staring at the floor as she wipes furiously at her cheeks. “I can’t-I can’t remember how to talk around him,” she says, swallowing against a fresh urge to weep. “I forget words.”
“Yeah, baby, I know. Love can make you super dumb.” Billy says sympathetically and Steve feels sucker-punched when he realizes that he is talking about the way teenage Billy felt about teenage Steve.
Turning on his heel, Steve enters back into the group of people laughing around a game of mock D&D in Max’s living room. “Hey,” he says, smiling at Dustinas he gestures wildly with a half-empty glass of Guinness. “Can I talk to you for a second?”
“Um, yeah.” Dust downs the rest of his glass and hands their shoddily made up script to Erica. “Have fun. Make me proud.”
“Wow, the bar has never been lower.”
“I love you too, you little shit.” Steve begins pulling him along toward the kitchen. He’s not sure he’ll ever get over Dustin growing up to be bigger and taller than him. Bemused, he asks, “Where are we going?”
“I think that it’s time for El to apologize to you,” Steve says firmly. It was the one thing he was sure of – his realization may never have arrived if Billy hadn’t been laying in the hospital bed and apologized in that dead, traumatized monotone.
Dustin begins to resist a little. “No, Steve, c’mon. The six of us don’t really have to be attached at the hip.”
“You think she hates you.”
“No, I said she didn’t like me,” Dust replies patiently as they approach the kitchen. “That’s not the same thing.”
Billy and El are where he left them, and if he didn’t believe it before, he believes it when he actually looks at her reaction to seeing Dustin.
Eleven’s back straightens up and her eyes widen, leaning away from their approach like someone is actively holding a gun to her head. If Billy’s reaction to his own love was rage, El’s reaction seems to be terror.
“Dude, what did you guys do to her?” Dustin is just as clueless as Steve was, but it doesn’t take a genius like him to notice that she’s been crying recently. “Eleven…”
Even the simple act of hearing her name makes El tremble. Dustin can barely seem to stand looking at her and it pains him. Steve says, “If you guys ever want to get past this, then she needs to apologize to you.”
“Why the hell do you think she needs to apologize to me? I’m the asshole, you dipshits! Have the two of you seriously been telling her that was her fucking fault?!” Crouching, Dustin mutters, still without looking quite at her, “C’mon, you don’t need to do this. Go to The Party, I’ll talk to the idiots.”
“Dustin, what you talking about?” Steve demands, “What’s your fault?”
Startled, the younger man looks at him, blinks, then quickly says, “Nothing, stop harassing her about this. She doesn’t need to apologize, we don’t talk to each other, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have my back, okay?”
Billy tries to say something, but Steve cuts him off. If he knows what Dustin sounds like when he’s tired, then he also knows what Dustin looks like when he’s done something he shouldn’t have. “Why do you look guilty? Dust, what did you do? Why did you call yourself an asshole?”
Awkwardly fluffing his curly hair, like an exceptionally sad-looking poodle, Dustin grimaces and tells El, still without looking her directly in the eye, “Sorry, I thought you already told him. I should have known you wouldn’t rat me out. I’m sorry they’ve been bugging you.”
She stares at him, wide-eyed, as he turns to Steve and bluntly says “Eleven doesn’t like me because two weeks after graduation, after she broke up with Mike, I basically shoved my tongue down her throat.” Everyone in the room gapes at him in shock and he sighs heavily, “We were all at a bonfire, I was drunk, she was really drunk, She didn’t want to talk to me anymore, and I totally respect that. You guys need to stop this weird crusade to force her to like me, because it’s my fault. I earned it.”
Dustin flails his arms in a ‘so, there’ kind of gesture, and adds, “El, I’m so sorry for this whole thing, I should’ve apologized immediately, but you look so freaked out anytime I go near you, and I didn’t wanna corner you like some kind of creep. You’ve always been Mike’s girl, and it was so fucking gross and sleazy for me to…”
“I’m not a possession.” Eleven interrupts, her voice hard and cold. “I don’t belong to Mike Wheeler. Michael Wheeler doesn’t own me.”
“Of course he doesn’t,” Dustin assures her. With a nervous laugh, he adds, “I don’t think anyone could if they tried.”
And El’s face fills with a helpless rage that reminds Billy painfully of himself. You idiot, he thinks, watching Dustin’s face, so full of friendly sympathy. So clueless for a kid so smart. She wants to belong to someone. She wants to belong to you.
Were his feelings that obvious?
Oh, totally, Robin’s voice answers in his head, explaining to Erica on the phone. There poor Billy-boy was, heart on his sleeve, checkin’ Steve-o out like he was on the effing menu. And Steve got so flustered every time Billy walked in, he never even noticed.  
“You kissed me,” she repeats angrily.
“I’m sorry,” Dustin repeats, miserably. “I took advantage of you, El, and it took me so fucking long to apologize, but I really am so sorry.”
“I don’t remember,” El seethes, fists clenched. “You kissed me, and I don’t remember.”
“You were really drunk,” Dustin says gently. “But I promise, I won’t ever do that again, okay?”
Oh, that is the opposite of the thing Eleven wants to hear. She’s so angry – she feels like something she so desperately wants has been taken from her, and now Dustin is telling her she doesn’t even have the chance to get it back again.
“Bastard,” she hisses, eyes beginning to shine and glitter with unshed tears. On the stove, a kettle begins to whistle sharply, even though the burner it’s sitting on isn’t even lit.
Dustin begins backing away, eyes wide, and El lunges, grabbing the front of his sweater with clawed fingers and kissing him, passionate with anger and six years of love that she’s just been choking herself on.
She pulls away just as abruptly, and Dustin’s lower lip begins to bleed sluggishly. “You bit me.”
He doesn’t sound mad, just quietly shocked.
“That’s all you can say to me?” she demands, as the tears begin to slide down her face. She has made herself into a fool, and for no good reason. She told Billy this was a mistake.
“I…yes?” He’s bewildered by the combination of passion and violence, and even more bewildered by the tear. Maybe the kiss made them even now? But then why the hell is she crying? Fuck, he’s been trying not to upset her, Dustin can’t stand it when Eleven cries, but somehow, he’s managed to do it anyway.
Swiping angrily at her eyes, El darts toward the back stairwell beside the sink. Dust, feeling like something important was slipping away from him, grabs her arm, though he knows that’s the last thing he should do with El when she’s upset. That’s how you end up suddenly knowing what the ceiling feels like on your back. “What do you want me to say?” he pleads, grabbing both of her elbows. “Just tell me what you want, and I promise I’ll do it.”
LOVE ME BACK!, she wants to scream.
“Nothing,” she says dully, limbs going slack like a puppet with its strings cut. The lie crushes her. “I don’t want anything.”
“Do you just…really not like me, then?” he asks in a small voice, and the question startles her into a half turn. “Because you didn’t remember my dumb drunk kiss, but you always act like I’m a Demogorgon that’s about to���eat…you…”
Her face is a brilliant crimson, arms crossed defensively over her chest. His lower lip still stings. “Oh.”
“Don’t look at me,” she says in a mumble, shoulders hunching. She covers her eyes, tears spilling out from beneath her fingers. Chin trembling, she repeats, half-pleading, “I don’t want anything.”
Dustin swallows hard, licks his lips. He’s been less nervous presenting his actual dissertation plan. “What if I want something? Would that be okay?” He watches her chewing on her lower lip before she nods. “Can you please look at me?”
Slowly, arm trembling, she lowers her hand and stares at him, her gaze darting at him and then away, frightened and hesitant. She’s barely able to raise her voice. “...okay.”
He never had the slightest conception of the power his touch could have over her, but when his hands cup her face, all of the cupboard doors suddenly swing themselves open. His thumbs wipe at the trails of tears on her cheeks and the dishes on the shelves tremble along with her. Dustin lets her relax enough to look him straight in the eye and says, deadly serious, “Do you have any idea how fucking difficult it is, finding a girl who can measure up to you?”
Her brows pinch together.
“Because I’ve tried,” he confesses. “For twelve years, in three different states, I’ve tried to find a woman who can compete with the first girl I ever fell in love with, and it’s asking way too much of one person.”
Eleven listens, stunned, as he continues “Because that girl is the kindest person I know, and the strongest, and the bravest. She’s clever, and funny, and beautiful, and wise. She’s stubborn as a mule and she pushes anyone who’s ever loved her to be the best version of themselves. She can flip cars without breaking a sweat, and she makes a chocolate cake so delicious that after my first bite, I cried literal tears of joy.”
She’s crying again, and the bags of flour and sugar on the counter have split their seams and begin to pour their contents all over the countertops and the floor. Like Eleven’s heart is bursting, and they burst with her in sympathy.
Pressing his forehead to hers, Dustin whispers “That’s all I want. Find me your equal. I’ve tried, but every time I come home, I see you and I know it’s no use. No matter who they are, they can’t be better than an Eleven.”
“…I can’t say anything that nice,” she admits, holding his hands to her skin. “I’m-I don’t have the words…”
Karen’s tulips, half dead in their vase, are suddenly blooming in full life on the center island. Billy and Steve grin at each other.
Very quietly, Eleven says, “You carried me.” At his confused look, she continues “In the school. When we were young. You carried me. I remembered that.”
“Yeah?” He doesn’t know why, because she seems to think this is very important.
“It was the first,” she tells him. “The first time I really knew what ‘safe’ felt like. It was you. It’s always been you, too.”
Dustin laughs. “We’re a pair of perfect fuck-ups, aren’t we?”
Seriously, she asks “Are we a pair?”
“We could be. If you want.”
She considers that for a moment. “Does it mean I can have a real kiss now?”
His eyes flicker down to her lips. After fully breaking, his voice has always had an almost musical quality, but it seems especially nice to her. “They both felt pretty fucking real to me.”
The back of her neck tingles. As stubborn as he accused, El insists “More?”
Dustin glances nervously at Steve and Billy.
Steve laughs and Billy rolls his eyes. “At least go upstairs, we don’t need to watch the two of you making out.”
Billy sighs as El drags Dustin up the stairs. He’s intensely familiar with dating someone who looks innocent but turns into a fucking maniac in the sack when they’re in the right mood.
Fuck, I hope the kid has a seatbelt and a fucking helmet.
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reddieorrnot · 6 years ago
Hey! I saw your post about byler request. Im craving a pinning Mike fic. Usually will is the one doing the pinning. Maybe after the move and will visits for the holidays and mike is whipped and trying to court him. I want mike to court the fuck out of Will
those who ask shall receive! it’s a bit iffy, i had a bit of trouble with pinning mike. hope this is alright! 
Will sat on the basement floor, legs crossed, and grin plastered upon his face. Happiness radiated off the scene before him, as he watched Lucas kiss Max on the cheek, and her eyes lit up. His group of friends and had all come together for a Christmas Eve party at the Wheeler house, as Karen Wheeler had openly accepted to be hostess. And considering the delightful pine scent in the atmosphere, the warm fire, and delicious food, the mother had done well. Everyone was laughing and smiling, all having a joyous time. Will felt safe, comforted, and most of all… home. He had gotten to choose the next Christmas movie for the party to watch, and he gleefully suggested A Christmas Carol. There was one thing off though, something he couldn’t explain. As Will tore his eyes off the couple before him, he slowly turned over to face the night’s mystery. As expected, Mike Wheeler was staring at Will. As Mike made eye contact, Will swore a blush made its way onto his face as Mike looked away. It wasn’t the first time that had happened today. Will had caught Mike staring at him multiple times, and it appeared that no matter how many times Mike’s actions were revealed, he wouldn’t stop. Will looked back to the gift exchange occurring and thought about all the other things that had happened leading up to that moment. 
When Will had first arrived, Mike wasted no time to hug him first. Will, Eleven, and his family barely had their feet through the door before Mike engulfed him. It was a hug that felt starved, desperate. As if being put before Eleven wasn’t already a surprise, the way Mike held WIll and brought him closer was enough to shock the boy right there and then. When Will finally felt like it was the appropriate time to pull away, Mike had fumbled over his words, struggling to put together a coherent sentence. It was confusing but all the more entertaining for the Byers boy. 
“I… I missed you, Will.” Mike finally muttered, low enough just for Will to hear. Will turned his head to see where Eleven had gone, his eyes landing on her in the arms of her redheaded friend. Will let out a dreamy sigh, returning his gaze to Mike. Mike’s words rang through his ears, words that he never thought would mean anything. Will pictured Mike missing Eleven, not him. But his words said otherwise, making Will’s heart speed up. 
“I missed you too, Mike.” He said bashfully. A smile crept onto Mike’s lips, and as the others came to greet him, it never faltered. 
After greetings and welcomes, everyone split up into doing their own thing. The adults found a home in the dining room, sipping wine and conversing. Nancy and Jonathan hung out in the kitchen, and Will and his friends sat in the basement. They were playing a game of twister, Mike and Lucas currently on the mat. Dustin was calling out the directions, laughing in-between turns because in his words, “You guys look so stupid!” 
Lucas was having a lot of fun, smirking as he moved with ease. Mike, on the other hand, looked far too determined for such a silly game. He kept mumbling about wanting to win, and badly. Lucas simply made a joke out of it, with Max building on the teasing. Unfortunately, Mike didn’t get what he wanted for once. When he was told to move his right hand to a blue dot, Mike slipped due to the difficult instructions. Lucas hollered with laughter, calling himself the king of twister. 
“Good job, Lucas!” Will smiled and gave Lucas a high five. 
Lucas was overly happy though, as he ignored the high five and pulled Will in for a hug instead. Will simply accepted the gesture and hugged him back. Over Lucas’ shoulder, Will noticed Mike pouting at the scene before him. Will was taken aback, no one could be pouting over losing to twitter, that was overly dramatic. And when Lucas pulled away from the hug and took Dustin in while singing his own triumph song, Mike looked away from Will and at the ground. Will felt like he was supposed to be getting something, but ignored the feeling. 
After the games, the party simmered down. The teens sat on the couch and snacked on the occasional treats Nancy or Jonathan would bring down for them. Soon the conversation steered in the direction of school. Eleven was talking to everyone, explaining how things were now due to the absence of her powers. She briefly spoke about what a good teacher Will was, helping her catch up on school material. The compliment brought up a giggle from Will, who was flattered. He went to deny the statement but was cut off.  
“Yeah, well, Will’s always been one of the smartest out of all of us,” Mike announced. It was random, unnecessary in a sense. Everyone else must have felt the same awkwardness as Will, because before anyone replied, there was a beat of silence. Mike seemed undisturbed though, letting his statement stand forth proudly. The heightened attention made Will nervous, and after a few seconds, everyone began to agree with Mike. 
“Thanks, guys.” Will chuckled, letting his eyes linger a bit longer on Mike. Will didn’t consider himself one of the smartest of the group, they were all intelligent. But the comment still boosted his self-esteem a bit, miraculously. 
After a few minutes had gone by, bouncing from topic to topic, Will felt a tap on his shoulder. 
“You know… You look really nice tonight.” Mike’s voice was soft, his words caught Will by surprise yet again. Not just because it was from Mike, but it was rare for anyone besides his mother to compliment his appearance. Matching Mike’s gentle tone, Will meant to accept the compliment but failed. 
“I don’t really think so… I forgot to plan out a good outfit for tonight…” Will tugged at his pale yellow sweater, referencing it. It was true, Will had spent so much time helping Eleven get ready (willingly) that he had forgotten about himself. He had settled for a pair of dark wash high rise jeans and a yellow pullover as previously stated of a yellow hue. The other boy’s outfit differed. Mike had a pair of khakis on, paired with a striped t-shirt. To top it off, he had added a black bomber jacket, it was a new style. Will wouldn’t admit it out loud, but Mike was the one who looked really nice tonight. 
“No, no. I really do think you look good.” Mike insisted. Will searched for some sort of pity in Mike’s eye, some sort of indication that his words weren’t from the heart. All Will saw was a glimmer of adoration, this made Will’s heart sting. He chose to ignore the unspoken tension between the two, and just gave Mike a smile. 
“Thank you, Mike.” 
It seemed to be as if Mike was going to say something else, but he was interrupted before he even began. Eleven had grabbed Will’s wrist, pulling him to his feet. A playful expression danced upon her face, leaking into an enthusiastic smile. Will was nervous about what was to come next. 
“Max put on the Girls Just Wanna Have Fun track! We love this song! Sing with me?” 
For a second, Will was in an indescribable state of embarrassment. There was a part of him that wanted to deny that he had ever even listened to the song and that he would never sing along to such a feminine song. But a deeper part of him ached to sing with Eleven, perhaps even Max. A part of him wanted to have fun, despite how… gay it would make him look. After the internal dispute, Will nodded at Eleven and returned her excitement. His friends were never ones to make fun of him, he had even thought about coming out to them. But it was too soon, Will wasn’t ready. He hoped his little performance with El wouldn’t give it away itself. 
Before he knew it, Will was dancing around with Max and Eleven, singing along, and giggling. Dustin and Lucas shouted out lines here and there, surprising Will by knowing anything besides the chorus. When Will didn’t hear Mike’s voice for a while, he turned to see what the boy was doing. 
Mike was looking straight at Will, with a foolish grin on display for everyone to see. Mike’s eyes were wide with awe, and Will felt his face get hot. He didn’t want to assume anything, but it was obvious that if Mike were to stare any longer, he would start to drool. Luckily, the song was ending soon anyways. Will let out one last line, then collapsed into a group hug with his girls. 
“I didn’t know I was attending a concert?” Dustin joked, putting a confused face on.
“Me either? When did I buy the tickets?” Lucas played along. 
Their comments threw Eleven and Max into yet another fit of giggles, they told the two that it was even better than a concert. Will gave himself the dare of looking back at Mike, and he did so. 
Mike was still looking at him, and after a moment's hesitation, he breathlessly said, “Yeah… even better than a concert.” 
Will pretended like he didn’t hear it, but he couldn’t hide the smile that made its way to his face. 
A Christmas Carol played on the television, as Eleven passed around the bowl of popcorn. Will was brought back to reality and remembered where we was. He wanted to kick himself for thinking so much about everything that had happened with Mike, that he had missed the first two minutes of the movie. He pushed those thoughts aside and grabbed a handful of popcorn. 
They were about thirty minutes into the movie, and about 20 remarks telling Dustin to stop commenting on everything had been made. Every time someone told him to shut up, Will couldn’t help but laugh. They all knew Dustin wasn’t going to quiet down soon, but they still tried. At some point in the movie, Will felt a nudge in his side. 
“Come with me, I’ve got something to show you,” Mike whispered, beginning to stand up. Will didn’t want to miss anything from the movie, but Mike sounded urgent. So as quietly as possible, Will stood up from where was previously sitting on the floor. Max noticed them leaving, but didn’t say anything as she turned back to the movie. Mike didn’t say much as he led them out of the basement, and straight upstairs. Will took this as a sign to not say anything either, so he kept quiet. But when they had gotten to Mike’s room and there was still a blanket of silence between the two, Will finally broke.
“What did you have to show me?” He asked. Will looked around the room, it looked was neater than usual. Mike must have cleaned it up recently. It didn’t make much sense though, considering Mike never cleaned his room. Everyone knew Mike didn’t mind there to be a mess where he slept, Will, contrastingly, enjoyed a cleaner environment. 
“Well… I know we’re supposed to do it later but…” Mike kneeled down beside his bed, reaching underneath it. What he pulled out made Will’s heart flutter. In his hands was a nicely wrapped present, with a blue bow on top. Will could tell just by looking at it that Mike hadn’t wrapped it himself. Mike must have noticed what was running through Will’s mind because he chuckled and spoke again.
“I tried to wrap it myself, to like… impress you or whatever,” Will’s mind lingered on the idea of Mike trying to do something for him, “But I failed horribly. Got Nancy to wrap it instead, she even added the bow. Isn’t that cool?” 
“Yeah, it’s a nice blue.” Will felt like an absolute dork complimenting the bow, but he was at a lost of words. Mike didn’t have to get him a present, and he especially didn’t have to go to the means of wrapping it. Mike never tried to wrap anyone’s presents. “Thank you, Mike.”
Mike chuckled and brought his hand to the back of his neck. An indication of nervousness, WIll thought. “You don’t get to thank me yet, you haven’t even opened it!”
Will nodded and began delicately unwrapping the gift. Before him was an art kit, filled with colored pencils and sketching ones. Had it been any kit, Will would have been thankful. But it had been a specific one, an expensive one, that WIll had wanted for months. He didn’t bring it up too often though, maybe mentioned it once or twice. So as he traced his finger along the packaging, he filled with shock. 
“How’d you remember I wanted this? Oh my god…” 
Mike sat down on his bed and looked at the ground sheepishly, “I pay attention to you, Will. Always have.” 
He didn’t mean to, he really didn’t, but Will couldn’t control the scoff he let out. Mike’s words contradicted his actions for months prior to Will moving, when he had been all over Eleven. They had broken up sometime between the move and the Christmas Eve party, but Mike’s behavior was still something that happened. “You didn’t pay much attention to me when you were with El…” 
Mike groaned, letting out a sigh. “I know. And I’m really sorry about that. I was a complete asshole and you never even got to hear me apologize, so I’m saying it now.” 
It was simple, but self-aware. So Will accepted his apology. “It’s a few months late now, Wheeler. But I’ll take it.” 
Mike laughed and shook his head, “I really am sorry, Will.” 
“Hey… it’s okay. You’re just a teen boy, it’s basically expected.” 
Mike smiled, “Get used to it because you’re this teen boy’s best friend.” 
Will simply rolled his eyes and returned to look at the present, baffled once again. 
“The day you said you wanted it, I wrote it down somewhere. I kept track of its price and saved up on the side.” 
Will didn’t tear his vision from the gift in his hands, “But why?” 
Will didn’t get a response, instead, he got a Mike who looked at him with big puppy eyes. Will’s gut knew what that meant, but he needed further confirmation. So Will slowly made his way to Mike’s bed, and sat down next to him.
He repeated himself, “Why?” 
“Because I like showing I care,” Mike answered simply, it was a hollowed-out reply, like the surfaced version. Will took a risk and pressed firmer on the topic. 
“Is that it?”
The room went quiet, all the noise from the party beneath the two boys being muffled. The room felt like a bubble, something like their own world. Mike must have felt the same safety because he finally continued to speak. 
“Because you matter to me. Because I care that you get what you want for Christmas, and that you know I’ve missed you, that I get to be the one to hug you and impress you by winning some stupid party game. I care that you get to know you look good and all of that. And… and…” 
Will swallowed nervously, his insides feeling like bundles of nerves. His eyes bounced from one attribute on Mike’s face to the next anxiously. He looked at how Mike’s eyes glimmered in this lighting, and how his freckles laid upon his skin. And lastly, he looked at how soft and gentle Mike’s lips looked. 
“And… what?” Will whispered unintentionally, his heart racing to such an extent he hoped Mike wouldn’t hear it, 
“And I care that you know I like you.” 
All night people had been grabbing Will and pulling him into things. Mike pulling him into a hug when he had arrived, Eleven pulling him up to dance, Lucas pulling him into his victory celebration. All were completely okay, Will found happiness in all the actions. But his favorite by far of the night, was at that moment. When Mike laid his hand on Will’s cheek, and slowly pulled him into their kiss. 
It wasn’t fireworks, or explosions. There was no fire of desire that got put out. It was home. Mike’s lips were as soft as previously assumed, and his thumb caressed Will’s cheek in a way that made time stop. It took a second for Will to kiss back, primarily because a boy he had been secretly crushing on for years was kissing him, and secondly because said boy was Will’s first kiss. But when he finally realized that even though this was Mike, it was also his best friend. Everything was always okay with his best friend. Will kissed Mike back, following in the same pattern of his movements. After a bit of time, Mike finally pulled away. The ball was in Will’s court, him kissing back could have meant anything, what really mattered was what he’d say to Mike. 
“You tried to impress me with winning twister?” Will realized with a laugh. 
Mike simply rolled his eyes and brought Will in for another kiss.
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fanwarriorfictions · 6 years ago
A Stranger Things 2 Fanfic
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Chapter Four- Part Three
   When Phina had gotten home from Steve's house, it was 10 o'clock. And her mother had been waiting for her.
   As soon as the door to the garage had closed behind her, Karen's voice rang out, "where have you been?"
   On the way home, Phina had thought of the perfect lie, and she didn't even look at her mother to deliver it, "Lisle's. We have a chemistry project due tomorrow and we lost track of time."
   "No you weren't," Karen snapped, "I called Lisle, she doesn't even have chemistry this semester. How many times have you used that lie, ten, fifteen? Well I'm done letting it slide, where we're you?"
   "Nowhere important," she replied.
   "Look at me Seraphina," Karen snapped again, "do I look like I'm in the mood for this?"
   Phina's head snapped towards her mothers, "and do I look to be in the mood for this!"
   Karen instantly saw the redness to her daughters eyes, the puffiness. Her daughter had been crying, a lot. Karen was in shock, Phina hardly ever cried, ever. The last time she did, was when they thought Will Byers had died.
   "Phina? What happened, are you hurt?" Karen's anger had dissipated as she hurried over to check her daughter for injuries. "Did you crash your bike? What.."
   "I'm fine mom!" Phina pushes her mothers hands off her. "I just want to go to bed."
   The tone of her voice told Karen that she wouldn't get any answers from Phina tonight, but she knew her daughter well, when she was ready, she would.
   "Ok sweety," Karen sighed, "please come get me as soon as you're ready to talk."
   Phina gave her mom a halfhearted smile as she made her way to the stairs. The weight of the day pressed down on her, so heavy that she almost crumbled beneath the pressure. She almost didn't make it to her door.
   Phina pushed open the door and stopped. Like her mother had been waiting for her down stairs, Mike was waiting for her on her bed.
   "Where have you been," he asks, sounding exactly like their mother.
   "What are you doing up? You should be in bed, you have school tomorrow," she says.
   "So do you," he fires back, "you ran away earlier."
   He gives her a look, "why? Where did you go?"
   Phina sighs, this is a conversation she wanted to avoid more than the one with her mother. She takes off her shoes and her jacket, taking her sweet time before she has to answer. Mike moves over so she can sit down next to him, turning her body to face him. They watch each other in silence, both of them waiting for the other to speak.
   "I was scared," she finally whispers.
   The look Mike gives her is one of confusion, "why?"
   And the one she gives him is sad, "because I saw the way you all looked at me. Because I looked in each one of your eyes and saw fear, of me. Because I saw what I did. I could have hurt you Mike, I could have hurt all of you. I don't know if I could live with myself if I had."
   Mike's shook his head, "you would never hurt me."
   "Not on purpose," Phina argues, "never on purpose. I lost control Mike. Everyday I find my powers becoming more and more unchecked, and I'm terrified."
   "Stop it," Mike chides her, "if you're scared of yourself, how are you supposed to learn to control it. You can't push it away, that'll just make it worse."
   Phina let her head fall, "what if I can't control it?"
   "You will," Mike argues, "because you are my sister and you never give up, ever. You are the most strong willed person I have ever met and you'll find a way, I know it."
   Phina smiles, "glad to know someone believes in me."
   He smiles back, "of course I do. You're my superhero."
   "And you're mine."
   "Phina? Have you seen your brother..."
   Karen opened the door to find her two kids fast asleep. Mike was cuddled into Phina's side, her arms wrapped around him. They had fallen asleep last night before either could think of getting Mike to his own room.
   Karen smiled at the two, who looked peaceful in sleep. She walked over to the bed and gently started to shake Phina awake.
   "Time to get up hun," she said warmly.
   Phina's eyes slowly blinked open, taking in the blurry image of her mother, "hmmm."
   "Good morning," Karen chuckled.
   "Mornin'," Phina mumbled, poking her brother's side.
   He grumbled something inaudibly and turned over to the other side of the bed, out of Phina's arms.
   "If I have to wake up, so do you," Phina chuckles.
   "Not necessarily," Mike mumbled.
   Karen smiled at the two of them, "well breakfast is almost ready."
   Mike turned his head slightly, "breakfast?"
   "Do you like those grapes Holly," Mike asks.
   Phina and Mike had both gotten ready quickly after their mom had mentioned breakfast. Phina hadn't eaten since yesterday at lunch, so she was starving, and toast with strawberry jam never sounded better.
   Phina was making her toast now, probably a bit more than necessary but, whatever.
   "Hey mom," Nancy said as she stood up, "I was thinking about staying the night at Stacy's tonight? We were gonna have a girls night."
   Nancy came up behind Phina and stole a piece of toast from her.
   "Romantic comedies, do our nails, gossip," Nancy carried on with a little smirk at Phina.
   "Make your own Nance," Phina grumbled halfheartedly.
   "Sure! That sounds fun," Karen said, ignoring Phina.
   Nancy sat down in her spot next to Holly, "toast?"
   Phina whirled around, she was giving Holly the toast she stole from Phina, "really?"
   "You made four pieces of toast," Nancy laughs, "you'll live."
   "You don't know that," Phina jokes, "I could die."
   To say Steve Harrington wasn't focused today was an understatement. He'd been known to the school as King Steve, star basketball player, a womanizer. Well, things changed. And the jean everything wearing, mullet having Billy Hargrove was here to ruin his reputation.
   Steve could vaguely hear the coach yelling but, he wasn't focused on that. He was focused on Hargrove, who had been making a fool out of Steve's team.
   Billy laughs as he gets the ball, again, "all right! All right, all right! King Steve! King Steve everyone, I like it, playing tough today."
   Steve was getting annoyed very quickly, "Jesus! Do you ever stop talking man? Come on!"
   Billy lazily dribbles with one hand, laughing again, "what? You afraid the coach is gonna bench ya now that I'm here? Huh?"
   He suddenly moves forward quickly, not giving Steve any time to prepare. Billy shoulder checks Steve as he runs past him to score. Steve grunts and falls backwards, definitely not the first time he'd been knocked down today.
   A hand reached down in front of him, Billy's. Steve warily grabs it, bad idea. Billy pulls Steve halfway up to him.
   "You were moving your feet," he says, "plant them next time, draw a charge."
   Billy pushes Steve back down roughly, walking over him to get back into the game. Steve couldn't tell if the advice was somewhat friendly, or threatening.
   Steve let the lukewarm water run over his face, trying to somewhat come off the adrenaline from the game.
   "Don't sweat it Harrington," Billy said from his right.
   Steve's annoyance shot through the roof just at his voice. The prick had been showing him up in every way since he got here.
   "Today's just not your day man," he continued.
    "Yeah. Not your week," Tommy butts in, "you and the princess break up for one day, she's already running off with the freaks brother."
Steve gave Tommy an annoyed look.
"Oh shit, you don't know," Tommy chuckles, "Jonathan and the princess skipped yesterday. Still haven't shown. But that must just be a coincidence, right?"
Tommy smirks, "I'm mean, you don't seem to be to beaten up about it, considering Carol saw the Freak of Hawkins leaving your house last night. Switching Wheelers, huh? Classy."
Tommy laughs loudly, annoyingly, as he leaves the showers. Steve glares at him as he goes, starting to shampoo his hair
"Don't take it to hard man," Billy interjects, "a pretty boy like you gots nothing to worry about. Plenty of bitches in the sea."
Billy slowly turns off Steve's shower, "am I right?"
He claps Steve on the shoulder, turning to leave the showers as well, "that Phina chick? That's a real nice catch right there, sad I didn't make it first."
Steve's anger flares at the comment. He harshly turns the water back on, his hand stingy when it makes contact with the metal nob.
Phina walked briskly to her bike after school, wanting to escape the place as quickly as she possibly could. All day she had been hearing little comments about her. She was used to this type of stuff, and had dealt with no shortage of rumors in the past, but this, this was different. People had been making comments about her, and Steve. Someone must have seen her at his house last night, and assumed the worst.
She had also heard little comments about Jon and Nancy, who had not been at school at all today and has apparently skipped yesterday as well. Again, the worst had been assumed. This is why Phina hated this place, because everything you said or did was turned against you.
Phina got to her bike and was out of there in less than five seconds. She flew past people who stared and whispered to each other. The lies that spread between them like wildfire gripped at her, trying to bring her down. She drove to the only place that didn't have the pressure of judgement, where she was happy, the forests.
She went out far, parking her bike behind a few trees so any cars that passed wouldn't see it. Then, she went farther. Walking at least a mile into the trees. With her connection to the forest, she would never get lost, for the trees whispered directions to her.
The stress that plagued her lifted with each step farther.
That is, until she felt it. The sickness that infected the earth around her. It was like she had entered a quarantine zone, the sickness abruptly starting.
Phina turned her confused gaze to the trees, which were turning a strange gray color, some sort of weird liquid seeping from them. She took a step towards the nearest tree, her hand reached out to touch it. It was a gooy substance that made her face scrunch in disgust.
The color, the goo, it was all to familiar. All to like the upside down. It was happening again.
   The sun had faded awhile ago, leaving Phina in the dark. She had followed the path of the disease, which lead back towards town, but not quite. She had left the forest and was now in the farm areas outside of Hawkins. An entire patch of pumpkins had been destroyed by this disease.
   She carefully placed her steps as she walked through the field. The rotten pumpkins were full of that goo and she did not want to get that all over her.
   The sound of an engine in the distance simultaneously drew her in and made her aware that she was trespassing. She drew closer to the noise and a sigh of relief shot through her, it was Hopper.
   In front of the car, was a very large hole, which had dirt flying out of it in small increments of time.
   "Hopper," she asks as she gets closer to the hole, seeing him digging.
   He whirls around, "Phina? What the hell are you doing here?"
   "I could ask you the same thing," she pointed out, "what are you doing?"
   He sighs, "investigating."
   "Does it have something to do with why all my trees are dying," she asks, gesturing around.
   "Possibly," he answers, throwing another shovelful of dirt out of the hole.
   "Why are you digging a hole Hop," she asks.
   He sighs, she wasn't gonna leave without the answers she wanted, "because of Will."
   Phina's heart stops, "is he ok?"
   "He's fine, for the most part," Hopper sighs again, this time, more defeated, "whatever happened to you two yesterday has caused him to, act different. He's been drawing non-stop. I've got a theory, and unless you're gonna pick up a shovel and help you can go on home and wait for me to prove it or not."
   Hopper goes to dig again when he sees it, the goo. He shovels out a little bit of it, looking at it with strange curiosity.
   "What the hell?"
   Phina slowly climbs into the hole, to get a closer look. It seemed like there was a thick layer of this stuff, almost like how a portal to the upside down looked like before it opened. Hopper digs at it again, yelling a little bit as if it'd make him stronger. The small hole opens, some dirt falling through it which meant that there was an opening below it.
   Hopper hits it again and again to make the hole bigger. He looks up at Phina who has curiosity written all over her face.
   "Stay here," he says.
   "No chance in hell," she snaps.
   He'd fought her on a subject like this before, he knew he'd lose, "fine. Wait for me to yell before following."
   He sat down on the ground and slowly went through the hole. Phina looked on worriedly, what was down there. Hopper fell all the way through, giving Phina a heart attack before he yelled for her to go down. Phina lowers into the hole, Hopper helping her down. When she hits the ground, he takes out his flash light and they look all around them.
   "Holy shit," Phina whispers.
-2328 words-
Did y'all like that little Steve pov, good way to introduce the rumors about Steve and Phina, which will have a roll later on.
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the-angry-pixie · 7 years ago
Ok but what if... Mike was really homophobic...
Bear with me, I’m going somewhere with this I swear. And the way is  BYELER. 
Major Warning - this fic explores and deals with homophobia, abusive behaviour, self-destructive/self-hate behaviour, bullying, hate speech/slurs and dub-con. Let me be explicit, MIKE displays all of these tendencies in this fic. Please do not read if you don’t think this will be your cup of tea. Please keep yourself safe and heed the warnings. 
ETA BECAUSE PEOPLE STILL DON’T SEEM TO BE GETTING IT: Mike in this story is very OOC. Like it says right there in the title - this is a WHAT IF story. I don’t actually think Mike’s character is like this. Oy vey.
This started as a story prompt for other writers. Then it became like a HC post, and now its like a weirdly formatted 6000 word wholeass story under the cut. I didn’t mean for it to get so long....
- ok so its like an AU where the upsidedown and Eleven didn’t happen
- what if Mike broke from the group when they entered high school
- like what if instead of puberty hitting him in all the wrong ways, it instead hit him in all the right ways. maybe those long limbs earned him a spot on the basketball team and he becomes a bit of a jerkish popular jock
- further to that, what if... what if he joined in on the bullying of Will in a BIG way
- Will was being teased for being a “fairy” before any of that upsidedown business happened. That’s a canonical fact.
- Of course Will is devastated the first time Mike calls him a “fag” and stands by as two other jocks push him to the ground and throw his bag in the garbage 
- Of course he doesn’t know what to do when he sees Mike among the group of individuals hightailing it away from his locker, spray-paint can in hand, as Will approaches and beholds the slurs and horrible drawings graffiti-ed across his own and the neighbouring lockers
- he can take the other guys being jerks but Mike, who he has practically known all his life... he doesn’t know how to respond to that, he doesn’t know how to fight back against that. 
- Its not even like he ever even told Mike the truth about his sexuality. Will was careful to hide his feelings. There’s no way he could know... so why does Mike always act like this is personal? Like Will is personally offending him just by existing?
- it goes on for years. Will getting by as best he can with the constant bullying and the help of Dustin and Lucas who remain by his side, even after he tells them the truth, that all the rumours are true, that he is what they say he is.
- it all comes to a head one night. Will walking through town after seeing a movie with the guys. He thinks he will go visit his Mom at work and bum a ride home hopefully. He see’s the group of jocks hanging out in the street, Mike among them, arm around some anonymous girl. They look rowdy, they look drunk. Will is nervous and crosses the road ducking into an alley to take an alternative route. He doesn’t know that Mike saw him.
- He thinks he’s home free when he emerges from the mouth of another alley, but Mike is waiting for him, leaning against the wall in the shadows. He pushes him back into the alley with a “where do you think you’re going Byers?”
- Will is somewhat relieved to see Mike is alone, maybe he can be talked out of whatever he has planned. And so he isn’t ready for the first shove that smacks him back against the brick wall. 
- “I asked you a question Byers! Where the fuck do you think you’re going?!” and Will can see fire blooming in Mike’s eyes as he tries to sidestep him but only gets shoved back against the wall again, this time banging his head so hard that black splotches swim in front of his eyes
- And suddenly all of Mike’s 6′3 frame is pinning Will against the wall and he can smell the alcohol on his breath
- “Please Mike...”
- “Shut up faggot! Is that what you’re doing back here. Meeting one of your faggoty friends? Sucking his cock like the fucking disgusting queer you are?”
- The terror is building inside Will. He never thought he would ever feel this way around Mike but here they are and he feels like his lungs might be collapsing
- “Mike...”
- “You think you’re better than me don’t you. That you’re above it all. The way you walk around that school. Looking the way you do. But you’re wrong. I know what you are. You’re nothing. I am better than you, in every fucking way. I am.”
- “Mike please...”
- But there are fingers clutched around his jaw and Will’s eyes are wide open as there are suddenly lips mashed against his. A tongue violently invading his mouth and teeth clacking painfully against his own.
- The kiss is brutal and furious and tastes of cheap booze. Nothing gentle or affectionate about it. But for a moment Will forgets every horrible thing that has ever happened to him at the hands of the boy in front of him because... 
... because he doesn’t think he has ever heard anything as... as sad as the anguished groan that almost sounds like it is being ripped from Mike’s throat. 
- Will remains perfectly still, neither participating in the kiss or pulling away from it. He couldn’t even if he wanted to. Mike’s grip is just so desperate.
- Slowly the taller boy pulls away. His eyes are bright and wild as he steps back panting heavily.
- Will can’t move, can barely think, his head is throbbing and he needs time to process what just happened. Mike’s voice is low and threatening and slashes through the silence.
- “If you tell anyone, I’ll fucking kill you.”  And with his sleeve rubbing harshly against his mouth, he runs away.
- So now Will knows Mike’s secret. And everything makes a little more sense, but not a lot.
- And he could have left it at that. Gone on as usual and never acknowledged what had happened in that alleyway ever again.
- But Will cant. This is Mike... and no matter what he’s become... to Will he is still that boy that was his best friend for years. Who he used to patch up whenever he would do something reckless like ride his bike with no hands or climb a tree that was way too flimsy to hold his weight. The boy who had cried and admitted to him that he sometimes felt so lonely when he went home from sleepovers it was like his insides were clenching in on themselves... trying to turn him inside-out, or maybe make him disappear altogether. The one who never made fun of him for being afraid of the dark and sometimes even held his hand as they fell asleep beside each other...
... the one he had been well on his way to falling in love with before Mike had... become what he’d become.
- So he pursues it. He approaches the bear completely ready to poke. But Mike doubles down on either pretending he doesn’t exist, or throwing insults at him like he is being paid for it. Will can’t seem to get a moment alone with him.
- and so Will bites the bullet and sneaks into Mike’s room to wait for him to get home from practice one night. It’s no trouble, they used to climb through each others windows all the time before... 
- at first Mike does not react well. He rages, he threatens, he denies. But he doesn’t lay a hand on Will. And that is his trump card. As long as Mike doesn’t physically hurt him, he can take the verbal beating. He knows Mike is confused. And he knows how scary that can be.
- and so he accepts Mike’s weak-at-best excuses. That he was drunk and didn’t know what he was doing. That he was horny because Sally Davidson had cock-blocked him earlier that night. That Will was so goddamn girly looking that anyone could get switched around on a dark night. Will sits on Mike’s bed and nods with a wry eyebrow raised that he knows Mike sees and then.... he leaves. He makes sure to make eye contact with Mike before ducking out the window though. Tells him if he ever needs to talk, he’ll be there.
- things don’t necessarily improve for Will after that... but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t notice that Mike is no longer an active participant in his bullying. Maybe its just a coincidence that Mike just happens to never be around. Will chooses to believe it isn’t. But he has to test the theory. He has to push a little harder.
- So he takes another chance and climbs through Mike’s window a second time about a week later. He doesn’t allow Mike enough time to cuss him out this time. Just sits on the edge of his bed and starts chatting away as if they are good friends. As if nothing’s changed. He asks him about Holly. He asks him about Nancy. His parents. He asks how practice went. Has Mike thought about college yet. Etc etc.
- To his utter surprise, Mike stares at him for a long time, sighs, collapses into his desk chair, spins around a bit staring at the ceiling and... begins to talk
- He finds out that Holly is an insufferable terror that Mike hates to love. That Nancy stopped checking in after awhile and barely ever comes home for holidays. He finds out that Mike still hates Ted’s fucking guts and also hates that he wants to impress him so much. He finds out that Karen drinks too much and that Mike keeps a stash of confiscated bottles under his bed that he has no guilt about dipping into on nights where he feels like it. He doesn’t learn anything about basketball practice because “what the fuck would you know about sport faggot?” And he learns nothing about college because apparently Mike doesn’t like to think about the future too much because “whats the point...?”
- Will leaves again the way he came. There are no pleasantries, no “we should do this again”. Just an instinctual knowing that Will has to keep pushing whatever this is. Because there is something desperately wrong with Mike. He can feel it.
- but he doesn’t know what he can do. He talks about it vaguely with Dustin and Lucas, carefully leaving Mike’s name out of it. It is Dustin that first floats the word “depression” into the conversation. And it fits. And it scares Will.
- Will hasn’t had cause to observe Mike closely for a long time. But he observes him that week. Observes how he almost seems glassy-eyed and not present when he sits at lunch with his friends. How a frown creases between his eyebrows when Sally leans over to kiss him that disappears before she leans back and has a chance to see it. That the only time he seems genuinely happy is when he is on the court and he is concentrating so devastatingly hard on bringing his team success.
- And if Will’s heart just happens to flutter a bit with the new intimate knowledge of just how sharp Mike’s cheekbones have become, or the cute way he wipes sweat from his brow, or how his lips go cherry red after he’s been chewing on them... well that’s another thing entirely and not what matters right now.
- Will was just considering whether he should visit Mike’s windowsill a third time when a mysterious note appears in his locker. “Come help me with my science homework nerd. Wednesday night. I’ll leave the window open. - M” and Will’s heart just might do a little dance.
- It quickly becomes apparent that Mike does not need any help with his science homework. He knows most of the answers when Will tries to quiz him. Maybe Will shouldn’t be surprised. Mike had always been smart, no matter what sort of meatheaded company he keeps these days. But then if he didn’t need help, then why was Will here?
- He keeps the charade going though because he can’t deny, Mike being nice to him is a bit of an addictive activity. And he is being nice, all condescending comments about nerdism aside. He hasn’t called him faggot once tonight. Thats progress!
- He even asked about Will’s mom as he was leaving that night. And so, with one leg hanging out the window, bewildered expression on his face, Will tells him that Joyce is well. That she smokes too much and worries about Jonathan at college, and puts too much effort into yelling at Lonnie on the phone to pay child support, and wishes Will and the boys would hold their D&D campaigns at their house instead of Lucas’s because she doesn’t like Will biking home late at night
- Is it just Will’s imagination or does Mike’s face almost look wistful as he talks on? Mike blinks it away pretty quickly though as he scoffs and turns away from the window. “whatever, later nerd”. And that’s that.
- Life goes on. Mike still pretty much ignores him at school. But Will will take that over the bullying any day.
- The second time things come to a head is again late at night with Mike drunk, and Will completely sober. He’s just finished a campaign, but chosen to not sleepover at Lucas’ like Dustin. And so he’s walking his bike in the dark, enjoying the crisp evening and the view of Ursa Major. Must be close to 1am when a car screeches past him. 
- Curious, he pauses at the end of a cul-de-sac. Of Mike’s cul-de-sac he notes with interest. He watches as the car pulls up outside Mike’s neighbour’s house. Watches as a figure stumbles out of the car. Notes a few laughs and cheers emerging from inside the car and then watches in horror as the car pulls away and drives off.
- He knows instinctually that the figure is Mike, and he can gather that he must be drunk by the slumped way he is down on one knee, hands to the grass and appears to just be staring at the ground breathing.
- What kind of fucked up friends just leave like that?! Not even helping him inside?! Not even making sure they are in front of the right fucking house!! 
- Will is full of indignant anger! And it is this anger that drives him to march over and bend down and ask if Mike is okay. 
- “Where the fuck did you come from??”
- “Doesn’t matter, can you walk? C’mon big guy, lets walk.”
- Will is so fucking grateful the door to the basement is unlocked. The state that Mike’s in, he’s fairly sure they couldn’t have handled a quiet entrance through the front door, and definitely not sneaking through Mike’s second story bedroom window.
- He does not expect the rush of nostalgia that momentarily overtakes him as soon as he lays Mike down on the same old couch that was there when he was 10 fucking years old.
- Rinses out a cup at the same old laundry tub and fills it with water for Mike. Walks past the same old shelves laden with familiar board games - though they appear to be collecting dust... its all a bit discombobulating
- There are a few differences of course. Will can see the old playing table and chairs stacked into a corner. The comics that used to stand proudly on the shelves by the board games have disappeared. Probably in storage or maybe even given away...
- He looks to the boy in front of him as he puts the cup on the coffee table. Probably the most changed thing of all in this dusty old basement.
- “Do you still write Mike?”
- “Huh?” Mike’s head doesn’t even lift from where it is leaning against the back of the couch. Will stands awkwardly off to the side. Not sure if he should sit or not. He feels like he’s invading.
- “Like short stories. You used to write these really neat short stories. Do you still do that?”
- He watches as Mike’s brow furrows in concentration. After a short silence Mike utters vehemently “Course not. Writing’s for faeries”.
- Of course it is. Will thinks sourly. Why do I even fucking bother? He feels angry and tired and suddenly a great yearning to be home. To be away from here.
- He starts to shuffle towards the door, not really looking forward to the cold ride home, but he feels like he’s done all he needs to do here. Time to go-- 
- “At least, that’s what Ted always says...”
- Will pauses at the doorway and looks back. Mike’s head has popped up over the back of the couch. His eyes look wide and stricken, like he’s shocked to see Will leaving. 
- “Ted’s an asshole” Will murmurs.
- Mike chews on his lip for a few moments. “I know. I hate him. But... he doesn’t like me either so I guess fairs fair.” Mike turns and sits properly on the couch. With only the view of the back of his head, Will hears him mutter. “It’s funny, I always thought parents were meant to at least like their children but I guess mine are the exception...” 
- He sounds more sober. And Will considers keeping on walking but... the way Mike is sitting... he looks so small, so lonely and so... haunted. Will carefully approaches and sits at the very opposite end of the couch.
- “I’m sure Karen likes you...” he tries to reassure but Mike is already shaking his head.
- “Karen is in no state to like anyone. She checked out on emotions a long time ago... I guess she passed that along to me right? Not just the drinking habits. How twee.”
- “Mike...” Will doesn’t really know what to say.
- “Nancy definitely doesn’t like me... doesn’t talk to me anymore. She says I’ve changed. Says who I’ve become is ugly or rotten or... something like that so... that’s another person to add to the party.” At this Mike pauses to stare at his clasped hands before letting out a barking laugh that has Will worrying about him waking the people upstairs. “Fuck man!” Mike exclaims. “I’m pretty sure even my friends don’t even like me all that much! So there we have it! Nobody likes Michael Andrew Wheeler! Game, set, match!”  
- “I like you...” Will whispers and the words are out before Will even realises he’s the one talking.
- He watches as Mike’s head whips around to stare at him intensely. Feels caught by the dark gaze. Mike is moving closer to him, sliding along the couch until he is directly next to Will. Making Will feel pinned like a small struggling animal inside a trap.
- “Do you really?” Mike’s voice is deep and serious.
- All Will can manage is a slow nod.
- Mike bites his lip releasing it into a small predatory smile.
- “Good. Prove it.”
- And they are kissing. Will kind of knew it was coming this time. Doesn’t mean he is prepared for the harsh way Mike grips at his face and then his neck, moving eventually down to his shoulders jerking him forward. His sharp breaths that Mike seems to swallow as his mouth seals itself against Will’s. This isn’t the first time Will has french kissed, but this time there is nothing caressing or gentle about what Mike’s tongue is doing in his mouth. Will isn’t sure if he likes it. Kissing shouldn’t feel like a fight should it? he thinks dazedly.
- He tries to retreat from the kiss, to pull it back just a little. Make it something not so... not so aggressive. But Mike just grips at his shoulders all the more desperately.
- A throaty moan, a mirror to the one Mike uttered in the alleyway that night. The one that almost sounds like its laced with pain. And suddenly Will’s hand is being grabbed and unceremoniously thrust against the front of Mike’s jeans where he can feel the hard line of his erection.
- Whatever trance Will had been operating under breaks at that. He wrenches himself backwards, feels the hot lines of broken skin where Mike’s fingernails drag against his hand that he pulls away.
- Will tries to sound firm even though he currently feels like he might shatter if pushed too hard. “You can’t keep doing this to me Mike. I-Its not appropriate and its not... nice!”
- Mike looks... Mike looks upset... then he looks annoyed, then he looks thunderous.
- “Fine. Fuck off then faggot.”
- “Mike...” Will could feel tears gathering in his eyes.
- “No really. Fuck off. I thought all of you queers were meant to be begging to get something in your mouth. I must have the most prudish fag in town right in front of me here.”
- “Stop it. You don’t mean that. Any of it.” Will hated the quaver in his voice. The trembling in his shoulders.
- Mike looked murderous as his face twisted into a sneer.
- “Oh boo hoo. Did you think I actually gave a shit about you faggot? I was just trying to get my dick wet. A mouth’s a mouth after all. Sally doesn’t let me do anal with her. Thought I might get to finally give it a go if I got you drooling enough for it...”
- Will was feeling so much. Why was Mike being like this?! Lately he had been so... and Will had thought that maybe he was...  
- Then again, why was he surprised?? Wasn’t this consistent with the behaviour he had experienced for the last 4 or so years? Wasn’t this par for the course? 
- “You’re a coward” Will finally managed to get out past his swollen tongue. He was sobbing openly now, he felt like the insides of his lungs were burning. “You’re just a scared little boy who doesn’t like himself and so you take it out on others. Take it out on me! Fuck you Michael Wheeler. I hope you die!”
- He was up and moving before he even recognised his legs were working. If Mike said anything after that, he did not hear it. It was like there was wind whistling in his ears and he could not grab his bike fast enough, could not pedal hard enough. He just needed to escape. Escape the words and the taunts and just... all of it.
- Escape Mike...
- Will spends the rest of the weekend in a strange funk. He replays the events over and over. Mike’s face swims in front of his eyes. Angry, sad, lascivious, lonely, desperate.... Will feels sick to his stomach. He shouldn’t have said what he said to Mike. No matter how horrible he was being, Will should have kept his cool. He knew how unstable the teen was and yet he still pushed him. He just had to push him. 
- Will knew no matter what, he had to talk to Mike on Monday. He would do it in front of all of his jock friends if he had to. He would take the abuse and the bruises. He just had to tell Mike that he didn’t mean it, that he still cared.
- But... he couldn’t find him... he didn’t appear to be in any of his usual spots or in fact anywhere inside Hawkins High that bright sunny Monday. It made Will’s teeth itch and his stomach tumble with anxiety. First period, second period, all the way through to lunch.
- Will gathers a tray of food but doesn’t think he can eat. He’s staring solemnly at his tater tots when he feels his friends slide into the table across from him.
- “Will, did you hear about Mike Wheeler?”
- “What?” Will’s head snaps up, his eyes wide. “What about him?!”
- Lucas looks to Dustin who looks equally as surprised at Will’s reaction.
- “Dude’s in hospital...” Dustin says carefully.
- “Dude whats wrong? Why do you care so much?!”
- Will feels like he is going to throw up. “Tell me Dustin!”
- “I don’t know all the details. Apparently he fell and cracked his head open or something.” 
- “Yeah I could hear the ambulance sirens from my place on Sunday morning” Lucas added. “Apparently it was some sort of bathroom freak accident. But like, not in the shower, he had his clothes on and everything. But apparently there was blood everywhere.”
- “Oh God...” Will’s head is buried in his hands. His worst fears coming to fruition right in front of him. “Oh God he did it he tried to do it. And its my fault.” Because he knows. He knows it wasn’t an accident. Mike tried to hurt himself and it was all Will’s fault because he practically told him he wished he were dead.
- And then Will is sure he’s going to throw up and so he flees the cafeteria, much to the astonishment of his friends. He empties the contents of his stomach into the nearest toilet with just a moment to spare. And even after there is nothing left to come up he still retches. Over and over again. It feels like punishment. Except its not enough. He hears the door open behind him but he just doesn’t care. 
- “Will what is going on? What’s gotten into you” Will feels a soothing hand against his hair. 
- “You mean what has gotten out of him?”
- “Shut up Dustin.”
- Will rolls over and looks up blearily at his two friends squished into the stall with him. “Is he okay?” he asks his voice trembling, dreading the answer.
- Dustin looks worried again. “I-I don’t know. Nobody does. But if something really bad had happened we’d hear about it right?”
- “Something really bad HAS happened. And its my fault. I need to go, I need to see him.”
- “Wait Will. Hold up. You’re not making any sense. Since when do you give a shit about Wheeler?! He’s one of the assholes that makes your life hell!” Lovely Lucas. Beautiful, sensible Lucas. He just doesn’t understand. Will needs to leave right now.
- “I-I can’t tell you. Its private. But I need to go see him. I think he tried to do something to himself and I think its because of something I did.”
- “What the fuck? What are you talking about?!”
- But its actually Dustin who shushes Lucas, pushes past him to help Will will up. He gives Will a long probing look and then rubs his shoulders a few times. “You’ll explain to us later right?”
- Will nods enthusiastically. “Cover for me?”
- Dustin smiles. “’Course bud.”
- And Will is flying. Well really, he wished he could fly. He pumps his legs as fast as they can go but it feels like he is riding through quicksand. So slow, what if its too late? What if Mike slips away from him?? He arrives at the hospital and in a daze demands the room number for Mike’s room. He doesn’t think he’s ever been so curt and rude in his life. But there is just no time.
- Until he’s in the doorway and he see’s the figure in the bed and BLESSED HALLELUJAH the figure turns to look at him with wide, surprised eyes. If Will’s cheeks weren’t already flushed from exertion he knows he would be blushing right now. But its almost like he doesn’t care.
- He rushes the bed. Thankfully there are no parents present but he thinks he would have done this even if they were.
- He pulls the boy on the bed into a hug. Clings to him. Lets desperate little cries creep out of his throat as he starts up a mantra of “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it, I’m sorry.”
- He feels some fingers come up and kind of pat at the back of his head. “Where the fuck did you come from?” They are the same words Mike said two nights ago, but the tone is so different, so gentle.
- “School?” Will answers lamely as he leans back into a standing position.
- Mike chuckles slightly. His eyes wandering to the corner of the room. 
- “I heard about your accident. W-what... what happened?” 
- Mike shrugged, still staring at the edge of the room. “Head trauma. I fell and my head hit the edge of the bathtub. It was stupid.”
- “Bullshit.”
- “What?”
- “I call bullshit. Tell me what really happened Mike.”
- Mike met his gaze and his face kind of looked like he had sucked on a lemon. “I’m telling the truth goddammit! That’s what happened!! Besides what difference does it make?! Does it really matter if I tell you that after you left I got stuck into a bottle of vodka? Or that I got it into my head to take a bunch of my mother’s sleeping pills? Or that I’m now on suicide watch and they won’t let me go home? No! It makes fuck-all difference! Its not like you care you fucking son of a bitch!”
- “Don’t be thick Mike. Of course I care. What do you think I’m doing here?!”
- It’s at this point that Karen Wheeler comes wandering through the room door, styrofoam coffee in hand and Mike just rounds on her. She looks stunned when she see’s Will standing beside her son’s bed. But Mike is having none of it.
- “Get the fuck out Karen! Out! Byers and I are having a conversation!”
- Karen’s mouth falls open at her son’s violent outburst but she retreats without saying a word. 
- Mike watches her go then turns his icy gaze on Will. “Right. Like I was gonna say, I know exactly why you are here. It’s guilt. Guilt for what you... what you said right before you left. Don’t try and dress it up as anything else. You just feel like maybe I did it because of what you said.”
- “Well... did you?” Its probably the least tactful thing to say but Will is feeling a bit too raw from, well, from everything.
- Mike fiddles with the bandage on his head, avoiding eyecontact. “Don’t flatter yourself. I was thinking about killing myself way before your candyass came along.”
- “But why?! How-- how could you?”
- “Because I hate my life alright?! You have no idea what it is like to be me. I’m not a good person. I bring exactly nothing positive to this world. It’s like Nancy says, I’m rotten. Good for nothing. And apparently a faggot on top of it all!”
- Mike’s last sentence hangs in the air, sharp like a knife. Filling the room with a heavy tension. The unspoken truth that felt like it had been standing in the corner of the room of every single interaction that Mike and Will had had in the last month or so. Will had known this very thing for so long but to hear Mike speak it... to see from the look of miserable horror on his face how it was slowly tearing him apart. It broke Will’s heart.
- Slowly, carefully, like dealing with a spooked animal, Will sat in the chair beside the bed. “It’s called being gay Mike. And it’s not a bad thing.”
- “It’s-- it’s disgusting...” but even Mike sounded half-hearted and defeated, the words rasping out as though on autopilot.
- “Well. I’m gay. Do you think I’m disgusting?” Will regretted the question as soon as he said it. He knew the answer. Had had it spat at him on many occasions by this very person. Maybe it would feel different this time though, now that the real truth was out in the open for once. He braced himself for the hurt.
- “No...” 
- Will eyes raised to find dark brown ones fixed upon his face. 
“I-I don’t think you’re disgusting... I never did... I think you’re--”
- But he never got to finish that sentence. From outside the room both boys heard the hooting and hollering that could only be achieved by adolescent boys. Many adolescent boys.
- Will recognised the voices of some of the notable figures of the Hawkins High Senior Basketball team. They sounded close.
- He suddenly felt a bruising grip on his forearm where it was lying on the mattress. Stunned, he turned to see Mike staring at him, fear in his eyes.
- “Hide!” he hissed. “They can’t see you here. Quick, the bathroom.”
- Will is about to protest. Is getting ready to argue but Mike grips him harder, almost looking like he is about to cry. “Please Will.”
- Its probably the first time Mike has said his name in... well... years. And so Will quickly darts into the adjoining bathroom, glad for his forethought to grab his backpack too. It’s gotta only be seconds later, just as he is sliding the lock home that he hears the obnoxiously loud entrance of what must be about six people.
- The comments are a-plenty. Will cringes as he takes a seat on the closed toilet seat lid. He almost feels ill when he hears Mike’s voice, so unlike the soft tone of just moments before, greeting his “friends”.
- The back and forth is not particularly interesting. Will quickly grows bored of it. Mike spews his story of slipping over in the bathroom again. One of the anonymous jocks accuses him of trying to suck his own dick and that’s how he fell. Another one asked what pain meds he’s on and whether he could score him some. And yet another truly romantic soul asks if it’s okay for him to claim Sally if Mike dies because apparently that “pussy is tight as shit”.
- Will rolled his eyes and gritted his teeth. He didn’t know how Mike could do this day in and day out. The Mike who guffawed along with those brainless wonders and slapped their hands in highfives and told them to “fuck off from my girl, that’s my piece of ass”... was so, so different from the Mike that sometimes would come out around Will. The Mike that reminded him achingly of the little nerd kid with the gap where his two front teeth should be and the lego Millennium Falcon figure that he had painstakingly put together all by himself. How... how was Mike not exhausted from the whole thing?? Having to act like that every, single day. 
- Will can almost begin to understand how Mike’s path could have led him to where he was now. Will might not have an easy life, but at least he had people who truly loved and understood him. Who did Mike have...?
- Not one of his so-called friends have even asked how he’s feeling, whether he’s doing better. The closest they have gotten is asking him if he will be at practice this week, to which Mike answers “No. Doc says I have to take a break from basketball for awhile...” The responses range from “Fuck that!” to “You’re gonna get as soft as that Byers queer.”
- It makes Will mad. Not the comment about him. Just the fact that he’s the one hiding in he bathroom when its so glaringly evident that these boys don’t give a shit about Mike. He’s the one Mike doesn’t want to be seen with, like he’s some sort of disease. It’s not fucking fair!
- Eventually, Mike’s company leaves. Will hears Karen come back in for a moment and Mike sends her away again. Then he hears him call “You can come out now.”
- Will enters the room. He’s still feeling weird. He looks at the boy in front of him who is staring stubbornly back at him. Daring him to judge. I hate this boy, but I also kind of love him. But maybe that’s not the best thing for me... Will thinks forlornly.
- “You have shit friends.”
- “I know.”
- “They’re not real friends.”
- “I know.”
- You should not hang out with them anymore.”
- “I...”
- “You could come sit with me Lucas and Dusty again?”
- “Will...”
- “Just think about it. And you should... you should start writing again. Maybe keep a journal or something. Something to get all of those thoughts out of your head. I dunno...”
- “My therapist said the same thing.”
- “Hmm.”
- “Yeah...”
- Silence befalls them. Will sways in place, not really knowing what to do but feeling like he should do something.
- “You’re going to be okay you know.” he offers quietly, trying to sound confident in his words.
- “Sure.” Mike doesn’t seem convinced as he stares down at his blanketed lap, suddenly finding his fingers very interesting.
- “You are. Things are shitty right now. But...” Will inhales deeply, thrusting himself out into the open one last time. Giving the stupid boy in front of him a clear target to shoot him down once again. “... you have me alright? I’m here for you... if you want.”
- “Okay.” Mike doesn’t look up. But its something at least.
- “Okay... I’m gonna go...”
- “Okay...”
- Will gives an awkward wave, a hug seems a bit too much right now, and exits the hospital room. The interaction leaves an odd taste in his mouth, but deep down he knows he can only do so much. It’s up to Mike now. No more pushing.
- Mike is out of school for the rest of the week. Not that Will is looking out for him or anything. He doesn’t go back and visit him again, is not even sure if he’s been discharged from hospital or not. These days he’s living on faith a lot. Lucas and Dustin grill his ass and he tries to be honest with them. He doesn’t out Mike, but tells them pretty much everything else. They’re his best friends after all. They sit there with stunned expressions as the whole story unfolds. 
- But that’s nothing compared to the looks on their faces on the following Monday when a nervous voice speaks from behind Will’s slumped form at the lunch table.
- “Can I sit here?”
- Will turns and is met with dark brown, hopeful eyes.
A.N. Ba-BAM! I have no idea what the fuck this was. And I am sorry for the weird formatting. Oh and the angst. Very sorry about that. But it would make my day if you would let me know what you thought! Thank you. Hope you enjoyed. :)
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alivingfire · 7 years ago
Ohmygod I love podcasts!!! Can you rec me some? It's hard to find good ones sometimes.
i’ve been knee deep in podcasts for about three months now, and i have, apparently, wide and varying interests, so i’ll put a little descriptor of each. also, i listen to podcasts on the Stitcher app, but i think all of these are on itunes if you prefer that, and i linked the websites if you want more info. 
my favorite murder - this is 100% my favorite podcast now, but the first time i listened to it, i had to switch it off. start from the newest episodes, get a feel for it, and then you can go back and start at episode one, which is still interesting but before the hosts really find their footing. basically, karen and georgia are two friends who love true crime, so they talk about their favorite weird murders and mysteries. it’s dark, but it’s also really funny (they’re both comedians) and i think they learned to really strike a balance between jokes and the serious stuff. they’re also super feminist – their sign-off at the end of each episode is “stay sexy, don’t get murdered.” 
someone knows something - canadian investigative journalist david ridgen tackles unsolved mysteries, one story per season. if you like documentaries, you’ll like how this podcast is set up. ridgen interviews witnesses, friends, families, police officers – basically everyone around the cases he’s looking into. it unfolds like a story and you really feel like you’re right in the middle of it. you don’t have to start at season one, but definitely start at episode one of whichever season you pick, because these are episodic and won’t make sense if you go backwards. 
lore - this podcast is SO GOOD, and it’s actually just been turned into a short miniseries on amazon prime that is incredibly creepy and well done. lore is written by a horror author, aaron mahnke, who takes you through the scariest stories and legends, and how they came to be part of our world. the first episode is about vampires, and it legitimately has such a twist ending that i screamed. if you like spooky, mythology and legend and history-based stuff, this is the best. 
literature and history - think about your favorite dorky teacher who makes ridiculous jokes and is so. genuine about learning and teaching that you get interested in the subject because he’s so interested in the subject. now imagine that guy was a harvard professor who totally knows his shit and he starts a podcast. starting from the beginning of history, this guy takes you through the pieces of writing that have changed the world. he’s super soothing and i’ve already read a couple of books he recommended. definitely start at episode one for this one, chronology is important and he builds on each episode. 
no such thing as a fish - if you like dry british humor and trivia, this is the one you’ll want. the writers of the super famous british panel show QI (the show stephen fry hosted) talk about their favorite random facts that they discovered and researched that week. super funny, and you’re still learning. 
good night stories for rebel girls - if you are a strong woman or love strong women or want to someday be a strong woman, listen to this podcast. this is still relatively new, but the format is amazing: the writers and hosts turned the stories of real women throughout history into fairytales. incredibly inspiring, and you get to learn about awesome women you might have only vaguely heard of. 
nancy - the best lgbtq podcast you could ask for. lgbtq people, stories, histories, pop culture, and interviews that will absolutely have you bawling. this is an NPR podcast, so it’s interview-heavy, but the subjects are handled well and there’s no queer tragedy here, it’s all very hopeful and realistic without being pessimistic. 
ID10T - this used to be called nerdist, and it’s hosted by chris hardwick, the guy who used to host @midnight on comedy central. basically, hardwick and either his cohosts or a famous person – as of this post, the last guest was antonio banderas – talk about ~~nerd things of the week: movies, comics, video games, tv shows, etc. etc. it’s basically just pop culture, at this point (because video games aren’t just for nerds anymore, kiddos), but what’s fun about it is that hardwick is incredibly unapologetic about absolutely loving the things he loves. it’s more fun to listen to this guy geek out about stuff than listening to other people find ways to criticize the things you love, i promise.  
gilmore guys - pretty much what it says on the tin - two guys watch gilmore girls and talk about each episode. you’re probably wondering why you would want to listen to some random guys talking about a show you (presumably) love, but they’re really careful to stay away from anything mansplain-y or judgmental. one of the guys, kevin, is a huge gilmore girls fan, and the other host, demi, is watching for the first time, so it’s interesting to hear their discussions, especially regarding race, homophobia, and a lot of other issues that the the show writers tiptoe around. definitely don’t start at season one for this show – it’s super rough and there’s even a little minute-long intro on the very first episode that says so. start at about season three, there’s not a lot you’ll miss and they’ve got a rhythm down by that point. 
welcome to night vale - if you’ve been anywhere near podcasts or, tbh, tumblr, for the last few years, you’re probably at least slightly aware of WTNV. in all honesty, it lives up to the hype. it’s not scary so much as unsettling, very southwest gothic and supernatural. WNTV is the story of a strange town in the middle of the desert, told to you by cecil, the town’s local radio broadcaster. cecil tells you all about what’s going on in night vale, from the shadowy city council who sends monsters after people they disagree with, to the radio station’s cat floating in the bathroom, to old woman josie’s angels that hang out in her house. it’s interesting because, underneath all the unsettling creepiness, it’s super feminist, super pro-lgbtq rights, and super anti-authority/anti-establishment. if nothing else, cecil’s voice is one of the most soothing of all the podcast voices, and the quality of the writing and acting is superb from episode one. 
wooden overcoats - hands down one of the funniest dramedies i’ve ever seen or listened to. wooden overcoats is the story of a tiny british island, where brother and sister rudyard and antigone funn run the island’s only funeral home, at least until a guy named eric chapman moves his own funeral home in right across the street and ruins everything for them. everyone, from the mayor down to antigone herself, falls head over heels for chapman, and rudyard has to find a way to keep the family business running even though he’s not very good at his job and would prefer to do as little as possible. the voice acting is SUPERB, and i genuinely mean it’s hilarious, with lots of gallows humor and funny timing. 
the penumbra podcast - the penumbra is a hotel in the middle of nowhere, and every person staying there has a story. some of the stories are one-offs, and some of them, like the story of juno steel, space private eye, are recurring. it’s very old-timey radio style, lots of noir monologues and humphrey bogart-esque one-liners. some of the early episodes are rough, but they’ve actually gone back and re-recorded the juno steel ones, so they’ll be the best to start with. 
the bright sessions - do you like superheroes? do you like the dark side of superhero stories, where people with powers have to deal with being different and strange and emotional all while trying not to accidentally time travel or read someone else’s mind? this one’s for you. the bright sessions are therapy sessions between dr. bright and her patients, who are atypicals, or, basically, superheroes without the spandex. dr. bright helps her patients work on controlling their powers, all while a shady secret government organization watches overhead. you’ll want to start from episode one on this story, but you’ll probably immediately have a favorite patient. 
the bridge - another not so creepy, but more unsettling podcast. set in a slightly-different alternate universe where there’s a hundreds-of-miles-long bridge that stretches across the atlantic ocean from the united states to europe, you join a bored traffic reporter as she tells stories from other watch towers and stations along the bridge, which, after decades of use, is mostly abandoned. all the while, creepy stuff starts happening on her watch, and she and the other bridge employees have to figure out if they’re really in danger, or if they’ve been at sea too long. 
the truth - a lot like the penumbra podcast, the truth is a collection of short stories, acted out like actual movies. the first one caught and hooked me – what would’ve happened if apollo 11 didn’t land on the moon, and instead became the first space tragedy? the stories are (again, i have a pattern) dark but funny, and they’re incredibly creative. 
you must remember this - classic stories from the classic hollywood era, from marilyn monroe to charles manson and a lot more early stars we’ve completely forgotten about. 
wolf 359 - stories set in a space station floating out in the middle of nowhere, the crew of wolf 359 search for alien life and try not to die lightyears away from home. 
alice isn’t dead - made by the creators of welcome to night vale, so i’m sure this is good. alice is a truck driver who has to road trip around the country (and beyond) to find her missing wife.
the podcast history of our world - a lot like literature & history, this guy is just so excited to teach that he makes you excited to learn. he’s also really good about covering underrepresented people, which is more interesting than learning yet again about history from the side of colonizers.
EOS 10 - i have at least listed to the first episode of this, so i can confirm what everyone says: this is basically the show scrubs, set in space. a lot of doctors who think they know what they’re doing but are really on their own with no clue what to do.
heaven’s gate - more true crime! heaven’s gate was a cult that committed mass suicide in 1997. the host dives into the lives of the cult members to prove that anyone could’ve been caught up in the story.
if anyone has any recs, i’m happy to add to my list!
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clary-jace · 7 years ago
it was enchanting to meet you
summary: the mark appears the day after mike's twelfth birthday, and on november seventh, the day after his best friend disappears in the middle of the woods, it burns. soulmate au.  pairing: mike wheeler x eleven  word count: 7,429 notes: ok so this is my first try at writing a mike/eleven fic and i’m very pleased with the outcome of it!!! in all my years of writing fic i’ve never ventured into the soulmate au variety of fic, but yknow mike and eleven are literal soulmates, so it almost doesn’t feel like an au. please let me know what you think!! thank you for reading, friends!!
(read on ao3) 
The mark appears the day after his twelfth birthday.
He doesn’t notice it at first, his eyes still foggy with sleep when he spots it. Barely registering it, he absentmindedly brushed the mark, assuming it was just a smudge that had appeared overnight, or maybe was left over from the day before, he paid no mind to it as he pulled his shirt over his head, the mark covered by the soft fabric of his long sleeved polo.
The mark is completely forgotten by the time Mike is sitting at the breakfast table, his mom dishing out eggs and bacon for him and his sisters and his dad hidden behind his newspaper, the soft noise of that day’s weather playing from the living room television. It’s almost amazing how, average, the whole thing is. Him and Nancy bicker as they usually do and their father scolds them for their language, and thirty minutes later their mother hurries them out the door.
Years later, Mike will reflect on completely menial the whole day was. How he just went to school and didn’t pay any mind to the curve his life was starting to take.  How it took him nearly three days to properly notice the mark on his arm and what it symbolized.
It was a Saturday when Mike finally took real notice to the now permanent blemish on his skin.
He was rolling up his sleeves as got to a particularly riveting part in the campaign that he had spent a week planning, Dustin was shoving trail mix into his mouth in antipatiation and Will looked like he was going to pass out he was so on edge. Lucas, however, was paying significantly less attention to the campaign, complaining of a headache and sore throat, and was the one who noticed the mark on Mike’s forearm.
“And then…” Mike pauses, allowing the anticipation to hang in the air, Dustin and Will both leaning forward in their chairs.
“Dude, what the hell is that?” Lucas’ voice broke through the silence, his hand reaching out and wrapping itself around Mike’s wrist.
Will slumped back in seat, the moment gone, taking a deep breath while Dustin rolled his eyes and looked like he wanted to punch Lucas in the face for interrupting. Mike was just confused, his eyebrows knitting together as he looked to where Lucas’ hand was grabbing him.
“What’s what?”
“This, on your wrist.” Lucas pointing out, his thumb brushing over the mark.
Dustin and Will both leaned forward in their seats, both of them forgoing their earlier annoyance at the interruption, their curiosity peaked. Lucas pulled Mike’s arm towards the center of the table, bringing it into the dim overhead light of the Wheeler basement.
“Is that a…?” Will asked, his eyebrows disappearing into his hair as he got a good look at the mark.
“Soulmate mark.” Dustin finished, a satisfied smirk falling onto his face. Mike paled, pulling his arm away from Lucas’ and examining the mark for himself. Will and Lucas were now sporting equally as satisfied smirks, almost like they were thrilled that they got to be here for the discovery of it.
There, as clear as day on Mike’s right wrist was the word ‘no’ the word small, but clear. It was settled right below his pulse point, the letters curving over the stretch of his skin. Grazing the mark lightly with his finger, Mike gulped as the mark moved with the pull of his skin, not peeling as he picked at his slightly with his fingernail.
“Dude.” Dustin breathed lightly, snapping Mike from his daze and reminding him that all of his friends were still sitting around the table watching him. “Do you know what this means?”
That he did. He knew exactly what it meant.
It meant that he was one of the few people in the world who had a soulmate.
They had all learned the story back in fourth grade. About how the first word that your soulmate ever speaks to you appears on your forearm when you turn the age that you are when you meet them for the first time and how the mark burns when they speak them. However, he also knew that this wasn’t a normal occurrence. In fact, the whole story had been taught to them as a myth, a story, something that supposedly had happened to a couple people in the history of the world, but there wasn’t any scientific evidence or enough occurrences in the world to prove that it actually happened.
“What do you think hers says?” Dustin asked, his voice gleeful and bright. “Who do you think it is? Do you think it’s a girl at school? There are a bunch of girls at school that you’ve never spoken to before, do you think one of them is your soulmate?”
Lucas rolled his eyes as Dustin rambled off question after question, clearly resisting the urge to reach across the table and swat his trademark hat clean off his head. Dustin hardly noticed though, his eyes wide as he looked at Mike, desperate for any kind of answer. Unfortunately for them though, Mike was just as confused as they were.
“Doesn’t it have to be someone he hasn’t met yet?” Will questioned, drawing his eyebrows together.
“No, it’s the first word that his soulmate speaks to him, doesn’t matter how long they’ve known each other, at least that’s how I remember the story. And, objectively, I have the best memory of anyone sitting at this table, so chances are, I’m right.”
“Dustin, for the love of God, please shut the hell up.” Lucas groaned, putting his head in his hands.
“Excuse me Lucas, I’m just trying to help. I’m sure now that Mike knows he has a soulmate out there, he wants to find her. Don’t you want Mike to be happy, jeez.” Mike could see Lucas open his mouth, no doubt to fire back his own response, which would probably lead to an argument that he certainly wasn’t in the mood to listen to.
“Both of you please stop.” Mike interrupted. “As much as I appreciate you guys trying to help, I don’t know anything, so bickering about the whole thing isn’t gonna help much.” Dustin and Lucas have the decency to look a little ashamed of their actions, but it’s Will who replies.
“I think it’s really cool that you have a soulmate.” He says in a soft voice, shrugging his shoulders slightly. “But, if you don’t want us to talk about it, or tell us anything about it, then we totally understand, right guys?”
Dustin and Lucas both looked down at the table, Dustin running his finger along the edge of the game board, while Lucas began rolling his game piece between his fingers before placing it back on the board.
“Yeah, totally. Sorry.”
Mike merely nods, desperate to change the subject and get back into the game. He wasn’t really sure what to make the whole thing, his heart clenching in his chest uncomfortable when he thought about it for more than five seconds at a time and he was itching for his friends to drop it so he could focus on something else.
The four were silent as they readjusted around the table, Lucas sitting up from his slouched position, his previous headache seemingly forgotten. Will started to get that look on his face that he got when things were about to happen in the game. Even though Mike was the dungeon master, Will seemed to be able to sense when something major was about to happen. Dustin, however, while silent, didn’t look like he was one hundred percent back in game mood.
“Wait since your tattoo says no, do you think the first thing that’s going to happen is that she turns you down when you ask her out? That’s rough, dude.”
“Shut up, please.”
“Yeah, okay, that was a low blow. Sorry.”
As spring began to shift into summer, the tattoo on Mike’s wrist became a thing that just sat in the back of his mind. He noticed it sometimes, and would press his fingers against it, to remind himself that yes it was definitely real and not going away anytime soon. But, he found that if he focused on it for too long, he would become itchy all over his body.
It was uncomfortable to say the least.
He still hadn’t told anyone else about it, hell, he probably wouldn’t even told the guys if they hadn’t seen it. Dustin liked to rib him about it when they were sitting around the lunch table and Lucas raised his eyebrows nearly every day when Mike showed up to school in a long sleeve shirts, even as the temperatures began to raise to summer like heights.
It was just that, Mike already felt weird enough at school. Him and his friends constantly being used as punching bags by Troy and the other bullies, he didn’t really want to give anyone more ammunition to make him feel like an outsider. Besides, it’s not like it was anyone else’s business.
He definitely did not want to tell his parents.
His mom would probably get really excited and overly invested in the whole thing. Mike knew that she sometimes worried that he was never going to find anyone interested in him. It wasn’t like his parents were particularly subtle when they talked about how his passion for D and D and comic books weren’t helping him socially. So, no doubt, if his mom found out that the universe had perfectly aligned him with another human being, she would do everything in her Karen Wheeler power to help him find her, which he was just not ready for.
Nancy would no doubt tease him mercilessly. That was just in the nature of their relationship to begin with, but Nancy always loved poking fun at him whenever she found out that he was talking to a girl. Last year when he had mentioned that he had to work with Shelby Thompson on a history project at the dinner table, she had teased him about it for weeks. No, telling Nancy was definitely off the table. Especially because he also thought she might be a little jealous, she had always loved the soulmate myth and he knew when she was younger she had always wished she would get one.
And honestly, he would rather die than mention anything like this to his father.
He could always tell Holly, but then again he didn’t know if his three year old sister was the person he wanted to trust with this information.
Summer hit Hawkins, Indiana that year with gusto, the temperatures never getting much lower than the high seventies and clouds hardly ever tainting the blue skies. It became increasingly harder for Mike to cover up his mark with long sleeves on a day to day basis. Luckily, it was easy enough for him to leave the mark free around his friends, their teasing still present, but less frequent than in the immediate aftermath of the discover.
Hiding it from his parents, however, was a monster all on it’s own.
During the day he would disappear from the house with his friends before either of his parents could bat an eyelash, always skipping breakfast and returning long after his mother and father have sat down to eat. Sure, about a month into summer vacation and he was seriously missing his mom’s cooking (not so much the awkward dinner conversations, but his mom’s cooking usually made up for it), but he was pretty desperate to keep his secret.
And it worked, at least for a while. About halfway into July his mom had it, turns out that both Mike and Nancy were skipping out on dinner almost every night, Mike staying out with his friends, running around in the woods and hanging out at Castle Byers until the sun went down and Nancy spending almost every night at Barb’s house, so she started forcing them to come home for dinner at least three days a week.
“I have no idea if you two are even eating, so I need to have some peace of mind and know that at least a couple days a week you are eating something besides pizza and soda.” She had said one evening when Nancy and Mike had both slipped in well after dinner.
Nancy had looked like she wanted to argue, something no doubt about how she was a teenager and it was embarrassing to have to leave her friends just so she could come home for dinner, but their mom had cut any argument off with a simple look. Mike simply nodded, before taking off up the stairs and into his room.
The rule was enforced the next day and was quite possibly the most awkward meal the Wheeler family has ever had, which was saying something. It also happened to be the hottest day of the summer so far, so Mike spent the entire meal with his right arm under the table, eating his dinner exclusively with his left hand.
“Michael, why are you eating with your left hand? You’re spilling food all over the table.” His mom finally questioned after he had knocked a considerably large spoonful of peas into his lap and onto the table.
“Uhh...just an bet my friends and I are doing.” He could see the look Nancy was giving him out of the corner of his eye, but refused to meet her glance. One look at her and the whole lie would come crashing down. “We’re trying to see who can do the most everyday activities with their non dominant hand, so I’m doing everything with my left hand.”
He has to admit that he pats himself on the back a little bit for that lie. It definitely doesn’t sound like something out of the realm of possibility when it comes to the bets that him and his friends would do, it would one hundred percent be something Dustin would come up with, but still.
“Well, your friends aren’t here right now Michael, and I doubt any of them will know if you ate your dinner with your right hand instead of your left hand.” His mom says, using that familiar tone, the I’m not arguing with you anymore on this, so either you can listen to me or be punished tone.
“But mom, we have to make sure all of our information is accurate, we all promised that we would do everything with our left hands. I can’t break a promise.”
That seems to get his mom to listen to him, and he smiles in relief when she seems to give up arguing. She merely sighs and goes back to her own meal. Nancy is still eyeing him weirdly, but he ignores her too, focusing instead on the weird tingle that had spread across his skin when he had mentioned never breaking a promise. At first he thought it was maybe just a chill, but the air is still outside, and the tingle seemed to originate from the mark.
He ultimately shakes it off, desperate to finish his dinner and get away from the table. He rebuffs his mom’s offer of desert, not really feeling like dripping ice cream all over her fancy table cloth and getting an ear full of a lecture after the fact.
However, he doesn’t make it very far once departing the dinner table, as Nancy is hot on his heels, obviously still weirded out by his actions during dinner.
“What?” Mike all but growls, spinning around to look at her when he’s in the doorway of his bedroom. She recoils slightly, taking a small step back but hardly backs down, only crossing her arms to glare at him.
“Geez, I’m just wondering what the hell has gotten into you. You’re acting weirder than usual.”
“Well, I appreciate the observation, but nothing’s going on. Like I said, my friends and I are doing an experiment. Didn’t think it would be this much of a conversation starter.” Mike notes, raising one eyebrow. He turns to go into his room, desperate to end the conversation, only Nancy reaches out and grabs him by the wrist, causing his blood to run cold.
“Mike, wait -,” she pauses, and Mike can practically himself go still under her touch. He doesn’t turn, not wanting to see her face, feeling far too embarrassed and flustered. “Have you been drawing on yourself or something? Is that why you didn’t want mom to see your arm? She does get really weird about that kind of stuff.”
Mike didn’t realize just how much breath he was holding in until he lets out a sigh of relief, turning slightly to give her an embarrassed smile.
“Yeah, Dustin and Lucas were writing things on their arms in permanent marker and I ended up getting hit with some of it.” He easily lies, shaking his head. “I knew mom would be pissed at me, so I lied about the experiment thing, her and dad usually check out whenever I bring up science.”
Nancy hummed, clearly only half listening as she continued to inspect the mark on his wrist. He could hear his blood pounding, loudly, in his ears, the longer she looked at it, the more anxious he was becoming that she would realize what it really was.
“Wait, this doesn’t look like it was written in marker, or pen, or written in anything for that matter.” Her eyebrows were crinkled together and Mike could feel beads of sweat forming in his hairline. “This looks like a tattoo…”
He yanked his arm from his sister’s hands, pulling it into his body. “It’s not a tattoo, Nancy.”
“Yeah, of course it isn’t. It’s a soulmate mark!” She exclaimed, trying to grab his arm again. He resisted, taking a step into his room and folding his arms across his chest.
“Shut up! I don’t want mom and dad to hear, just leave it alone.” Nancy nodded, seemingly understanding why he didn’t want their parents hearing. “It’s not that big a deal.”
“Not a big deal? Of course it’s a big deal, Mike.”
Mike scoffed, desperate to drop the conversation. He was already uncomfortable enough with someone else knowing, especially that someone being his older sister, the last thing he wanted to do was actually talk about it.
“Ok fine, maybe it is. But I don’t want to talk about it alright, so can we just drop it.” He sighed, dropping his arms from their cross position across his chest, his left index finger absentmindedly scratching at the mark. “Sorry, I just don’t wanna make a big deal about it so can you just not say anything about it to anyone?”
Mike hardly ever pleads with his sister for anything. Hell, he hardly ever has any reason to, but now he’s willing to do pretty much anything to keep her from revealing his secret to anyone.
Nancy considers his words for a second, before sighing and nodding. “Yeah, Mike. I won’t tell anyone. On one condition though.” He groans. He should have seen that one coming.
Her entire face lights up, Mike is pretty sure she could light their Christmas tree next year. That does little to calm the nerves that are bundling in knots in the pit of his stomach.
“You have to tell me when you meet her.”
Mike’s pretty sure he lets out an audible sigh of relief, not because he wants his older sister to be privy to his private life, but because he was pretty sure she was going to ask him to do something for her.
“Fine, yeah. Whatever.” As non committable and bored as Mike’s response is, it seems to be enough for Nancy as she smiles and nods at him before retreating from his doorway into the direction of her own room.
Mike reads that as the end of the conversation and directs his attention elsewhere before his sister’s voice calls out to him again.  
“Hey, Mike.”
There’s a moment between them, one that rarely occurs between them, where Nancy smiles at him and he feels a weird affection for his older sister that always kind of makes him want to throw up after he experiences it.
“I’m happy for you.”
She disappears before he can formulate any kind of response, but he still smiles nevertheless.
Sometimes when he lays awake at night, he thinks about what his soulmate might be doing.
He tries to avoid the subject of who is soulmate might be, or what they look like, mainly just because then he gets overwhelmed with pictures and images and weird sensations that cause him to feel like he needs to stick his head out his window to calm down.
So, as summer begins to bleed into early fall, Mike spends night after night staring at the mark on his skin and just, wondering. He’s always prided himself on having an active imagination, it’s the reason he was unanimously voted as the dungeon master back in fifth grade when they started playing D and D, so his mind runs wild wondering what his soulmate might be doing.
He wonders if his soulmate is trying to find him. This thought tends to bring him a lot of guilt because, all things considered, he really hasn’t done anything to try to find his soulmate. Mainly because he would have no idea where to start, but it does make him feel like a pretty shitty soulmate to think that she, or he, might be out there searching for him while he sits around and does nothing.
He hopes that’s not the case, he doesn’t want to feel like he’s failing his soulmate before they’ve even met. But he’s a twelve year old kid, it’s not like he knows how to look for people, his soulmate would understand that, right?
Since that train of thought brings him almost as much anxiety as the big who? question, Mike typically just likes to imagine that his soulmate is doing the same thing that he is. Laying in bed, looking at the words on his or her wrist and hey, maybe they’re thinking about him.
When that’s the image that’s flooding his brain, he finds that it’s pretty easy to fall asleep with a smile on his face.
Things get interesting when school starts up again and a new girl joins their class at Hawkins Middle. Her name is Abigail and according to Dustin, she’s the prettiest girl that’s ever he’s ever seen in his entire life, and he’s convinced that she’s Mike’s soulmate.
Mike has never hoped that Dustin has been wrong more in his entire life. (That’s a slight overreaction, Mike definitely wanted Dustin to be wrong more when he told them he was pretty sure they were all going to get radioactive poisoning after swimming in the lake the summer before sixth grade, but this time is definitely high up on the list.)
It’s not that he doesn’t think Abigail is pretty, it’s just, if she was his soulmate, it would be a huge letdown. Mike wasn’t exactly expecting fireworks to explode in the sky and for the world to tilt or anything, but when Mike sees her for the first time, nothing about him feels any different. His heart doesn’t race, he doesn’t get goosebumps. In fact, if Dustin hadn’t pointed her out across the cafeteria, Mike wouldn’t have even noticed her.
“You’re just being negative, because you don’t want to admit that one, I could be right, and two, that your soulmate could be sitting over there.” Dustin retorts when Mike denies his initial claims that Abigail could be his soulmate.
“I’m not being negative, I really just don’t think it’s her.” Mike replies with a sigh, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. “Besides, I figured you’d be happy about it considering you can’t stop staring at you, now she’s all yours.”
Dustin pretends he doesn’t hear Mike, shoveling a bite of mashed potatoes into his mouth.
“Mike’s right, she was in my math class and I happened to sit next to her and I didn’t see any kind of tattoo on her wrist.” Will adds from Mike’s side.
“It could have just been really small or something, we all know Mike stumbles through his words maybe the first thing he says to her “um” or something just as short and dumb.”
Lucas snorts at that one, adding his first contribution to the conversation, but doesn’t add anything additional, too focused on the chocolate chip cookie in his hand.
“The mark on my wrist is literally the word “no” and it’s perfectly visible, hell that’s how you guys found out about it. If Will was sitting next to her and couldn’t see a mark, it’s probably because she doesn’t have one.”
At the mention of his own mark, all three of his friends glanced to his right wrist, which was adorned with the new calculator watch he had bought himself with a good chunk his summer allowance that he had saved. He had always kind of wanted one, and when he realized that school was starting again soon and it was still a little too warm in Hawkins to pull out long sleeve shirts and sweatshirts, he knew he needed something to cover the mark with.
“I hope you realize that none of this deteers me from thinking that she is your soulmate. Just accept your fate, Michael. The pretty blonde girl with the most adorable blue eyes is the girl that you are destined to spend the rest of your life with.”
Mike is pretty sure that Dustin actually sighs when talking about this girl, and he can see Lucas and Will exchange an amused glance, while Mike can only sigh and try and drop the conversation.
“I don’t really understand why you want her to be my soulmate so badly consider you talk about her like you’re in love with you. Besides, I really don’t think that she is.” Dustin opens his mouth, no doubt to argue but Mike doesn’t let him. “And no, I’m not just saying that.”
“Fine. Don’t believe me. But at least go up and talk to her, you won’t know for sure until you actually say something to her.”
Mike glances over to where Abigail is sitting and quickly shakes his head. Yeah, going over and talking to her is so not happening.
“I am not going over there and talking to her.”
Will and Lucas also look over to Abigail’s table and seem to understand Mike’s logic almost immediately, but Dustin, always determined to argue his way through situation, isn’t hearing it.
“Why? Scared I might be right?”
“No, she’s just sitting with Stacey and her annoying posse and I’m really not in the mood for getting laughed at right now.”
“Fine. But you have to talk to her by the end of the day.” Dustin counters, pointing his spoon at Mike, who only narrowly avoids getting splattered with chocolate pudding in the process. “Swear to me, Michael. You have to swear it.”
Mike knows that it’s nearly impossible to avoid swearing out of anything when Dustin is the one asking, he really only pulls out that big of a gun when it’s something he really cares about. Despite the fact that Mike knows he’s completely right in this case, he supposes it won’t hurt too much to humor Dustin’s theory.
“Alright, yeah, I swear it.”
And Dustin doesn’t let him forget it either. He’s on Mike’s heels all day long, fortunately for Dustin (and somewhat unfortunately in this case for Mike), the two of them share all of the rest of their classes of the day together, so Dustin is able to follow Mike around for the rest of the day.
However, Dustin’s wish doesn’t come into fruition until the final period of the day, English, when they walk in and Abigail is sitting there. Her blonde hair, which was previously down the last time Mike saw her, now tied up into a ponytail, “maybe she had gym class or something” he thinks absentmindedly, not caring all that much one way or another.
What he does care about, though, is the strength in which Dustin’s elbow is nailing itself into his ribs repeatedly when he sees that she too is in this class with them. Neither Lucas nor Will are here, the former in history and the latter in his art elective, and Mike can’t help but curse them, lucky bastards.
“Dude, go ask if you can sit next to her.” Dustin stage whispers, really not all that quietly, moving out of the way as more kids come into the classroom. They’re still standing near the doorway and quite a few of their classmates are glaring at them for standing in the way. “Even if she says no, which she very well might, that means she could be your soulmate.”
“First of all, do not say that word with other people around like this, I don’t need anyone else knowing, and secondly, I don’t want to sit next to her, what if she says yes.”
“Then, Michael, she’s not your soulmate and tomorrow you and I can sit next to each other. Just do it, you swore you would and the party doesn’t break swears, so go.” Mike doesn’t  have any opportunity to argue before Dustin quite literally pushes him in the direction of Abigail and Mike has to actively make sure he doesn’t run into any of the desks that Dustin hadn’t been accounting for.
He watches with a sigh as Dustin makes his way to the front and sits in a seat near the blackboard while Mike is forced to sit over by the window, a place he usually avoids as the light typically glares off the blackboard weirdly for him and makes it hard for him to see. But, Dustin’s right, he swore he would do this and party members don’t break swears.
The closer and closer he gets to her, the more nervous he becomes. He still doesn’t think she’s his soulmate or anything, but she’s still a girl and Mike Wheeler doesn’t talk to girls, especially ones he doesn’t know, hell, he barely even talks to girls he’s related to. So, he’s kind of out here in uncharted territory.
“Um, hi.” Mike manages to say when he’s standing right next to her. She looks surprised when she directs her attention to him, a small smile on her face. “Is anyone sitting here? I mean, do you mind if I sit here?”
She considers him for a moment, before letting out a small laugh. “No, go ahead. I’m Abigail, but you can call me Abby.”
Mike nods once he’s taken his seat, not wanting to look too relieved. The mark on his wrist was as cool as ever and he’s still as soulmate-less as ever.
“I’m Mike.” He replies, letting himself smile a little. Luckily, he doesn’t have to worry too much about holding any kind of conversation with her, as the teacher makes a move to stand in front of the class and Mike isn’t one to talk when the teacher is trying to get the attention of the class.
Mike can only flip Dustin off when he turns around halfway through the class.
As fall drags on, Mike starts to get worried.
It’s not like he still doesn’t have plenty of time, his birthday isn't until March, so he still has almost six whole months left to meet his soulmate, he’s just anxious and anxiety leads to worry.
He still hasn’t told anyone else, his sister keeping her promise to not tell their parents and with his watch, it’s getting a lot easier to hide the mark both at home and at school. In fact, all things considered, things are going as well as they could. Which is another reason he’s worried.
Basically, everything about having a soulmate makes him even more anxious than he already is on a day to day basis. Between worrying that the whole thing might be some kind of fluke and he doesn’t even have a soulmate (after he’s gotten, so used to and almost, happy about the whole thing) and he’s destined to end up alone and never have anyone love him, ever, and worrying that someone is going to find out, whether it be his parents or Troy fucking Harrington, he spends a lot of time worrying.
“Mike, you know everything's gonna be fine, right?” Will asks one day when Mike is particularly on edge. It’s a few days after Halloween and the two of them are doing homework in Mike’s basement.
“Do I give off the impression that I’m worried about something?” Mike asks, his pencil tapping loudly off the corner of his notebook. Will merely raises his eyebrows in response. “Fine, it’s just weird, I don’t even know what I’m so worried about.”
“You’re worried that the universe made a mistake and that you don’t actually have a soulmate because you haven’t met them yet and you’re worried that someone is gonna find out you have one and you don’t want anyone outside of us and Nancy to know.” Will says, like it’s the simplest thing in the world, barely looking up from the homework he was doing and Mike’s jaw actually falls open.
“Are you a mind reader and you just never bothered to tell me?” Mike asks after a couple seconds once he gets over the shock that somehow Will seemed to know exactly what it was that was bothering him.
Will laughs softly, shaking his head. “I’m not a mind reader, Mike. I just observe people and you’re pretty easy to read. Besides, you’re one of my best friends, I like to think I know you pretty well.”
Mike considers all this for a second before giving his friend a grateful smile. “You really think everything’s gonna be alright?”
“Yeah, I really do.” Will says, a small smile on his face. “Unlike Dustin and Lucas who seem to like that you have a soulmate just to tease you over it, I actually think it’s really cool and I’m really happy that you have someone out there that’s made for you, because you’re a good guy and you deserve that.”
Mike smiles and he’s pretty sure that he’s never been more grateful to have Will Byers as one of his best friends as he does right at this very moment.
“Thank, Will.” Mike says, his voice uncharacteristic a little thick with emotion. “That really means a lot.”
“Don’t need to thank me for telling the truth.” Will replies with a shrug, directing his attention back to his homework. “But, you’re welcome.”
The two share a small smile and Mike feels the worry melt away from him a little bit, Will was right, everything was going to be fine.
Except everything is totally not fine because three days later Will does missing and it sets Mike’s entire world on an axis. When Will doesn’t show up at school it sets a panic into Mike that he’s never felt before and he realizes he’s never been more anxious than he is to go out and find his best friend.
Everything that day seems to drag on and the only thing on Mike’s mind is going out and looking for Will, so when night finally comes and him, Lucas and Dustin prepare themselves for their journey, Mike’s on edge and practically jumping around his basement.
“Mike, dude, calm down. We’re gonna find him.” Lucas says, throwing his flashlight into his backpack.
“Yeah, yeah. I know. I know. I feel like something else is going to happen while we’re out there though, but I don’t know what. Like I’m worried about something that isn’t even there.” Mike says, and he means it. He knows that most of his current nerves have to do with Will, but there’s something else, something stirring in him that is worried about something else entirely.
“Well, everything’s gonna be fine. We’re gonna find Will and then we’re gonna all go home and tomorrow will be a new day.” Lucas says, clapping Mike on the shoulder and Dustin nods his encouragement from the corner.
“Yeah, you’re right.” Mike says, giving his friends tight smiles. “Let’s go.”
It’s raining harder than they all expected by the time they finally arrive at Mirkwood about twenty minutes later, none of them wearing quite the right protection, but none of them wanting to turn back. They came out to find Will and that’s what they’re going to do.
As they make their way through the woods, the weird feeling that Mike had felt earlier only grows stronger. It starts in his stomach and spreads throughout his entire body and soon he can barely hear himself think. The sounds of Dustin and Lucas bickering sound far off and distant, despite the fact that they’re right next to him. Then, he hears a snapping noise in the actual distance, which stops him in his tracks.
Shushing and stopping his friends, he shines the flashlight in his hand in the direction of the noise before turning, nearly jumping out of his skin when there’s suddenly a person in front of him. Not just any person, a girl.
Holy shit.
Mike’s entire body feels like it’s on fire as he looks at her. It’s hard to tell at first that she’s a girl, a short buzzed haircut in place of what’s usually long hair, but her soft features give her away and also make Mike’s heart feel like it’s going to burst out of his chest and he has no idea why.
Immediately, Dustin and Lucas start asking her a million questions, who are you? have you seen anyone else around here? where did you come from? can you hear me? But, Mike barely hears them. He hasn’t been able to stop looking at her, and it’s almost like she feels the same way because her eyes have been on his just as long as his have been on hers. Mike swears that the world could explode around them and he wouldn’t even notice.
“Mike? Man, are you alright?” Lucas asks, snapping Mike out of his daze. He tears his eyes away from the girl’s, ignoring the way his skin tingles and his heart immediately longs to look at her again. He doesn’t reply to Lucas with words though, only giving him a small nod.
“Can we get the hell out of this rain? It’s obvious that he’s not out here and I’m completely soaked.” Dustin complains from his other side. Mike has already directed his attention back to the girl and is already starting to think about what they’re going to do with her, it’s not like they can leave her out here.
“Yeah, let’s go. C’mon Mike.” Lucas says, tugging on Mike’s arm, trying to pull him away. Were they crazy? They just wanted to leave her here? In the rain, when all she had on was a t-shirt, she didn’t even have shoes on. He gave them both a look, trying to tell them what he was thinking before taking a couple of hesitant steps towards the girl.
She looked nervous as he approached her, but didn’t step back. That weird feeling was back and it was stronger than before and suddenly it all seemed to click into place. Was she his soulmate?
“Do you need any help?” He asked her softly, trying his best to keep his voice as even and calm as possible. He didn’t want to freak her out, even though his heart was beating wildly in his chest and his entire body felt like someone had set fire to it.
The girl didn’t respond at all at first and Mike momentarily wondered if maybe she didn’t hear him, or didn’t understand English, but eventually she gave him a small nod. Wordlessly, Mike smiled, removing his jacket and putting it around her shoulders, he hardly needed it, she looked like she was going to die of hypothermia if she was out here any longer.
“I’ll take you back to my house and then we’ll figure out what to do from there, okay?” The girl was still looking at him with a wide eyed expression, and had yet to say anything to any of them, but she nodded again, seemingly willing to follow him home. Dustin and Lucas on the other hand were looking at him like he had three heads.
“It’s the right thing to do.” He said to them as he led the girl back up towards the road, where they had left their bikes, not leaving his friends any room to argue with him.
This girl, this girl who might be his soulmate, needed help and he was going to give it to her.
Twenty minutes later, they’re back in Mike’s basement, the girl on his couch, with his jacket still around her shoulders, her body still shaking, while the three of them stand in front of her. Mike can tell that she’s nervous by the way she’s looking at them, and Mike almost wishes that Lucas and Dustin weren’t here, that maybe she would be less on edge if it were just the two of them.
He wonders if she’s feeling all the same weird feelings that he is.
As the seconds begin to tick on, Mike’s entire body continues to tingle and he’s anxious to hear the sound of her voice. She still hasn’t said a word to either of them and part of Mike worries that maybe she isn’t able to.
However, beyond all that, Mike’s heart seems to tug him towards her. Even though Lucas and Dustin seem to not want anything to do with her, Mike can’t bring himself to abandon her. He’s only known her for about a half an hour and he already feels such a strong devotion to her, like if he walked away from her now, his heart would be missing a piece.
He swears that this girl is his soulmate and every second that ticks on without knowing for certain feels like an eternity.
Finally, Mike gets a moment away from Lucas and Dustin’s nosy glares when he brings her over to the bathroom so she can change into something warmer. He can’t help the soft smile that falls upon his face as he helps her, the look of wonder on her face as she looks around his bathroom tugging at his heartstrings in a way he never thought something could.
It makes him sad that she somehow isn’t accustomed to all the simple luxuries that he lives with every day of his life, but it just burns a determined fire in him to make sure that someday she’ll live with all of these luxuries and more.
When she stops him from closing the door, the small smile that had been on his face morphs into confusion.
“You don’t want it closed?” He asks softly, glancing between her and door. There’s a moment of hesitation on her part, where she looks at the space between him and the door before her eyes are on him again.
“No.” The word is soft on her lips and once it hits Mike’s ear, his entire body tingles. The story had said the mark would burn, which had always made Mike think it would hurt, but no the sensation is quite the opposite. He feels like he’s being hugged on every inch of his body, like all of his clothes had just been put in the dryer and he had crawled into clean sheets, like hot chocolate and his mom’s homemade chocolate chip cookies right after coming out of the oven. It was the most wonderful feeling Mike had ever felt.
He managed to stumble through the rest of their conversation, his body tingling when he got to hear her voice once more, before leaving her to get changed. He couldn’t believe he had actually found her.
Before he went back over to Dustin and Lucas, who he knew weren’t going to be impressed with what they had just witnessed, he allowed himself to beam. And even though Will was still missing, he really did believe everything was going to be okay.
He had found his soulmate and somehow, at this moment in time, that was everything.
people who asked to be tagged: @stydixa, @janeswheeler & @mileven-353
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jxpper · 7 years ago
I’m Sure They’re Fine
Joyce and Hopper are going out on their first date night alone. Of course, the parents weren’t too keen on leaving Will, Mike, Lucas, Dustin, Jane, and Max with Steve to babysit. The parents only asked one thing of the group - Don’t burn the house down!
Rated T for Language and other things implied
2.2k words
Six months without a single date. Joyce and Hopper had hit every base necessary to their relationship, hugs, kisses, much more intimate moments, along with arguments and more. But not once did they ever go out on an official date night out,
That was until the night of December 18th, 1985. Joyce had managed to find a wearable black dress in the bottom of her closet. She was surprised that it even fit since she hadn’t worn it since junior year of high school.
Hopper finally shed out of the beige police uniform for something a little more comforting. Black pants with a green button up shirt, and a groomed face. At least he didn’t cringe in the mirror.
Jonathan already had standing plans with Nancy when Hop and Joyce agreed to a spontaneous date. The two nervous parents agreed that Steve Harrington would be the best option for babysitting…saying that ever so loosely. The truth was, he was their only option.
They didn’t mind him alone to watch the kids when the frantic moments of demon possession and gate closing came along – until they found a sedated Billy on the floor and a frozen demodog in the freezer. But tonight would be different, hopefully. No demons, no demogorgons, no anesthetized assholes, just a fun night for everybody.
Luckily, Steve had arrived at the Byers’ house with a car full of kids, as usual. Dustin, Lucas, Mike, and Max had arrived for a night with Will and Jane.
Both Joyce and Hopper agreed her house would be safer grounds for Jane to stay rather than the Wheelers’ home. Still being careful about where she goes and with who, Hopper knew that it was easier for everybody.
“Damn, Mrs. Byers! Got a hot date tonight?” Dustin knowingly joked, earning him a smack from Lucas and a playful glare from Joyce.
As the boys argued over whether that was too ‘presumptuous’ or not, Joyce gathered her keys and cigarettes into her purse. She wanted to yell at Hopper for being late when there was still five minutes until he was supposed to show up.
Part of her was so nervous that she wanted to get it over with already. The other part was just her anxiety trying to come up with reasons why they shouldn’t go. Joyce continued her attempts to override her panic as she waited for Hopper.
A partial knock sounded at the door before Hopper stepped in with Jane in tow.
“Joyce! Hopper said you’d ’look like a snack’ but I don’t know what that means. But you do look good though!” Jane laughed as she hugged Joyce. He must not have realized he was talking out loud when he ran over this date in his mind.
“I didn’t say that! She sure uh… she sure has a colorful imagination.” Hopper mumbled with a nervous groan as he nudged his daughter off to the party.
“Well, you’re looking pretty dapper yourself.” Joyce smiled as she adjusted the collar of his shirt. “Are you ready to go?”
“More than you’ll ever know.” Hop chuckled as he kissed her forehead. “You look stunning by the way.” She looked less like a snack and more like a three-course meal with dessert.
“Thanks, it’s nothing really.” She lied right through her teeth. It had taken almost an hour and an entire bottle of cleaner to scrub the vomit stain out from the ‘58 winter formal. Karen had added a little bit too much schnapps into her drink and Joyce was left to carry the sick teen home.
“Alright, pizza will be here in an hour. Do not stay up past 11:30, alright? I’ll call and check on you if I’m not home by then. The roads are nasty so no leaving either. Please don’t burn the house down while we’re gone.” Joyce looked around for confirmation of the group.
“Alright, bye.” Joyce kissed the top of Will’s head before Steve assured her he had it under control. She didn’t believe him for a second but Hopper had rushed her out before any other argument.
From the house to the restaurant, their conversation was built around how their day went. Jim could tell that Joyce was clearly nervous about leaving the kids alone in her house, but he didn’t want that to ruin their night.
As Hop pulled into a parking space and turned the car off, he rested his hand on her knee. "I’m sure they’re alright.“ He said with a comforting smile. It had only been fifteen minutes, what was the worst that could’ve happened?
“You put that lighter down right now Dustin James Henderson or so help me God!” Steve yelled as he chased the fourteen-year-old around. Dustin ran through the halls laughing as the flame from the lighter billowed.
Hopper opened the restaurant door for Joyce as they walked in. His hand on her back certainly calmed her down but not enough to stop worrying.
“Reservation for two, under Hopper.” He nodded and the hostess grabbed their menus. They were in the fanciest Italian restaurant that the next town over had to offer. Jim had certainly gone all out on this one.
“Wow, Hop. This is really out of our ballpark of Doritos and beer at midnight during Golden Girls reruns.” Joyce joked as he pulled her chair out for her.
“You deserve it, Joyce. It’s been a rough couple of years. You deserve a nice night out.” Hop replied as he glanced around their table. This was the first time in months that he would be eating with actual silverware..
“Thank you, I really appreciate all of this,” Joyce said with a soft smile while she opened her menu.
The worry of leaving the kids home had caught up with Jim while he looked over the wine menu. Did he really trust seven kids home alone while he and Joyce ate steak?
“Jane! Stop trying to lift the lighter out of his hand! If he drops it, the whole house is gonna go down!” Steve yelled as Jane continued trying to move the flame out of her friend’s hand. Obviously, Dustin was doing this to get a rise out of Steve, but it was just getting annoying.
“I’m sure the kids are fine.” Joyce and Hopper mumbled in unison as the worries continued to plague their nice evening.
As the waiter came and went with their order, Joyce nervously swirled her wine glass. “Should I call them and just make sure they’re okay?”
“If it will make you feel better, they’re probably just playing video games and eating pizza.” Hop tried to comfort her when he was actually trying to comfort himself.
“I think I’ll call, just for peace of mind.” Joyce murmured before excusing herself. As she made her way to the payphone outside, she fished a quarter out of her purse.
“Shut the fuck up, everybody! The phone is ringing!” Steve snapped as Lucas yelled at Dustin for swinging the lighter in the air.
“Steve?” Joyce asked nervously as the phone clicked on.
“Joyce, everything alright?” Steve asked. It was evident from her voice that she was antsy and nervous.
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that? How are things going?” Joyce asked as she lit a cigarette.
“Everything is fine.” Steve lied nonchalantly. Dustin was running through the house with a flaming lighter, Jane was trying to use her powers to stop him, Lucas and Max were yelling for him to stop, while Mike and Will screamed over the Atari.
“Al-alright… Hop and I are gonna finish up here. We will be home soon. Make sure everybody cleans up the pizza plates.” As Joyce continued to prolong the conversation, she carefully listened for any signs of distress in the household.
“Will do, Mrs. B. Enjoy yourself tonight. We’re all just hanging out.” Steve’s voice sounded like a smile but truthfully he was plotting Dustin’s death with each passing second.
“Alright bye.” Even with a reassuring call ended, Joyce didn’t feel the slightest bit better about the situation.
“Everything alright at the house?” Hopper asked as Joyce trailed back into the restaurant.
“Yeah, Steve said they were all doing alright,” Joyce replied as she slid back into her seat.
“Joycie, they’ve been home alone a million times. I’m sure it’s gonna be okay.” Hop rubbed his thumb over her hand as he searched for recognition in her eyes.
“They’ve never been alone altogether, not like this at least. Just motherly instincts, you know?” She asked with a sip of wine and a bite into her food.
“I understand. The first few weeks that Jane was at the cabin, I thought I was going insane with the idea of leaving her alone. If anything, I’m sure Will is holding down the fort.” Hopper smiled.
“The fire extinguisher is in the cabinet next to the stove! No! The other side of the stove!” Will shouted as Steve riffled through the kitchen.
“Yeah, he’s always been the adult of the group, in my opinion, him and Mike at least. I’m sure it’s nothing.” Joyce laughed as she hooked a green bean on her fork.
“Pull the pin to make it work you, you idiot! You have to pull the pin!” Dustin shouted as Steve fussed with the fire extinguisher.
“This is all your fault! If you weren’t being a squirrely ass with the lighter, trying to be a dick, this wouldn’t have happened!” Steve shouted back before the extinguisher gushed with white foam.
“Yeah, it’s Henderson I’m worried about. Trouble just seems to follow that kid like it’s his shadow.” Hopper finally managed to make Joyce full-blown laugh. It was nice to see her smile nowadays. Even as the grin became more frequent, Hopper didn’t want to take it for granted. There had been too many days where that smile wasn’t even a thought.
The nervous pool in her stomach was growing again and much more rapidly. Joyce’s smile was defeated with a frown while her foot tapped anxiously.
“I’m sure they’re fine. What’s the worst that could happen?” She asked, trying to reassure herself it was all fine.
“Jesus H Christ! How dry is this Christmas tree?” Steve groaned as the tree seemed to become more and more enveloped in flames with each moment passing.
“I’ll get a bucket of water!” Dustin shouted as he ran off to the kitchen.
“Unplug the tree lights first!” Max shouted just as Dustin was about to dump the pail of water onto the tree.
“They can’t do much. It’s not like they could burn the house down.” Just as the words escaped Hopper’s mouth, they both felt a welt of worry grow in their guts. Their nervous glances met and no words were needed.
“I’ll pay the tab, you go pull the truck around.” Hopper tossed her his keys and she jet-packed out the door. Hopper chucked a couple Jackson’s on the table and ran out to the blazer.
“Let’s just call 911, they can come and put it out before they get home!” Mike suggested as the flames on the tree grew bigger.
“The chief is gonna kill us!” Lucas groaned nervously while Max ran to the phone to call 911.
Hopper had to admit one of the sexiest things he had ever seen was Joyce Byers in a black dress and in the driver’s seat of his blazer. That was definitely going into his bank of perfect memories.
As they drove through the dark and snowy roads, Hopper flipped on the lights and left Joyce to drive faster.
Hitting the outskirts of Hawkins, Joyce heard what sounded like a firetruck coming from the west.
“Dear God.” Hopper groaned as he rubbed his face with his palms.
“You don’t think?” Joyce asked nervously as she floored the gas.
“No, it can’t be. Just a coincidence.” His words were, of course, no solace to either of the worried parents.
When the police blazer finally touched the road the Byers’ house resided on, Hop and Joyce both saw the firetruck heading towards her house.
“For fuck’s sake!” They both groaned angrily. “I swear to God, Hop. They burned my house down.” Joyce didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at the irony.
Pulling into the driveway, she saw three firefighters carrying a scorched tree out of her house. Seven teenagers stood outside shamefully as one of the firefighters was clearly chastising them.
“What on God’s green earth happened?” Hopper shouted as the two of them shot out of the blazer.
Six of them looked over at Dustin with a furious expression. No words were needed to explain that Henderson had caused the uproar.
Joyce groaned inwardly before collapsing into Hopper. Rubbing her back shamefully, Jim looked around at the worried faces of the teens.
“The tree was the only damage. Once we got in here, we were able to put it out. You got lucky this time.” The fire chief nodded towards Hopper as if they were having a mental conversation.
“Alright. I think we can both agree that Doritos, beer, and Golden Girls reruns are our best bet from now on.” Hopper joked, causing Joyce to laugh with shame.
“Not for a second was I sure that they would be fine." 
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