#I’ll tell you that for free
hancocksleftnut · 5 months
Has anyone done this yet
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dragonsareverycool · 5 months
A Brothers Reunion
The small summoning circle lit up, casting a soft green glow, as two eyes watched it with weary hope.
Two demons argued violently about a soul, and Danny sighed from his spot on the throne that fully claimed him a month ago. While he still found it hilarious how thoroughly this guy managed to swindle so many of the high ranking demons, it had started to cross into annoying territory. Danny was seriously considering making a whole office dedicated specifically to hold all the paperwork one ‘John Constantine’ was seemingly generating with his very presence. Suddenly, Danny felt a soft tug on his core, much gentler then the summoning rituals of all those crazy cultists that keep popping out of nowhere used. More like the circles he gave to Sam Tucker or Jazz. But he could feel the summoner’s emotions, and the poor guy on the other end felt like he was about to cry.
Danny mentally went through everyone he’s given his personal line to. Then, he shot up and called for Fright Knight to send the demons away while Danny quickly allowed himself to be pulled through the summoning circle to where his brother waited anxiously.
The circle flared, and a large eldrich like figure quickly crawled through. Then, a very familiar voice muttered
“Man I wish these things weren’t so dramatic. I already scared the shit out of the justice league because of it” as the being’s form shifted to the more familiar form he took when seeing Damian for the first time in a decade. His white hair looked a little longer now, and his eyes a less toxic green.
“Danyal” Damian said stiffly. Danny looked up, making eye contact with Damian before responding
“Damian” in response Damian lunged, pressing a blade to Danny’s neck before asking a question only Danny could answer.
“What’s the last story you told me?” Danny simply smiled nostalgically,
“There’s the Damian I know. I told you about Canis Minor 16 days before I died the first time.” Damian heasitated before putting away his weapon and paused before he quickly started to hug Danny, who returned the hug.
“… first time?” Damian asked, still in Danny’s arms.
“Mother didn’t tell you what happened to me after, did she?” Danny asked into his twins hair. Damian didn’t even bother to say anything and just turned his head to look at Danny balefully, before Danny sighed and said
“Of course she didn’t. I was dunked into the Lazarus pits, before mother dropped me off in the middle of nowhere America, where she forbade me from ever talking about my old life or ever attempting to contact you.” Damian paused to process this, before saying
“And the second time?” Danny sighed at that, his face set into a grimace. Damian started to move, bringing Danyal over to his bed, where Danny realized Damian had summoned Danny in his room. Damian sat them both onto his bed, and curled further into Danny’s arms, while gesturing to continue.
“I was adopted by a couple who claimed to be ‘ectobiologists’ who already had an older daughter named Jazz. She’s my sister.” Damian nodded solemnly at that, mentally adding ‘Jazz’ to his list of siblings. Danny pulled out his brick of a phone and started showing Damian pictures of his adoptive parents, his sister and everything else as he spoke about it. “They’d been working on a project in their lab since before they adopted me, longer then they’re had Jazz even. When I was fourteen, they finally tried to turn it on. It failed. It was a portal to what they called ‘The Ghost Zone’, but that realm is much more. The Infinite Realms are the glue that holds all universes together, and its a kind of afterlife. They didn’t know half of that, only that some souls of humans who died stay there, and even then, they thought that these ghosts were only a husk of their former selves, and couldn’t feel pain.” Damian started to connect the dots at that and asked
“You’re one of these ghosts?” It was almost a statement, but Damian wasn’t going to make many assumptions. Danny nodded before continuing
“I had two friends who convinced me to show them the failed portal. I walked inside of the portal we assumed was completely defunct, and I tripped over one of the many wires on the floor. When I tried to stabilize myself, I hit the on button.” Damian’s eyes widened, and he froze while Danny paused. After a moment, Danny continued, saying “My adoptive parents had connected the portal to the towns power grid, and the portal opened up on top of me. Electricity and ectoplasm, what ghosts and the Infinite Realms are made of, clashed inside my body, killing me and reviving me repeatedly until the portal finally spit me back out. I only half died that day.” Danny put his phone away and focused on playing with Damian’s hair. Damian reveled in his brothers affectionate touch like when they were small.
“Half?” Damian asks after a minute or two.
“Half. I technically have several ghost forms, and I have a human form” Damian looked up from Danyal’s arms, his eyes asking the obvious question he was a little afraid to ask, though he’d never admit it. Danny smiled at the unasked question, and rings of light formed around him, before dissipating and revealing a very much alive eighteen year old Danyal Nightingale. He grabbed one of Damian’s hands and pressed it against his neck, allowing Damian to revel in feeling his former dead brother’s pulse. Damian tested Danny’s wrist, and put his ear against Danny’s now warm chest.
Damian will deny the appearance of tears to his death, but Danny didn’t say anything, he just held Damian closer. After a while Danyal started to talk about the stars. Filling the silence with quiet but passionate rambling about stars and space. It was familiar. It was safe and warm and then Richard ruined the moment by slamming open Damian’s door yelling about a ‘Family Game Night’ and got a knife for his troubles. Of course he dodged with practiced ease, but then he realized Damian wasn’t alone in his room. Time seemed to freeze at the stand off. Dick had frozen, as the joy on his face seemed to leach away at the realization that there was an intruder.
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silkentine · 3 months
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Brooooo it takes me like 16 hours to do freaking line art these days. I’m sooooo pooped. Having so much fun though!
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ohmerricat · 6 months
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england we are in shambles
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Cute date idea: i kidnap you then chain you up in my basement and fuck you senselessly whenever i please 🔪🌹
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seagull-scribbles · 1 year
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But tonight, I’ll need you to stay
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iris-kinnie · 2 months
I’ve made this rb game in the past, but I wanna do it again! Reblog with an F/O (or more than one!), and I’ll give them a Pokémon!
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nebulaedaniel · 3 months
since we’re now talking about the racism in the phandom, i’m very glad it’s being brought to light so thank you to @dapg-otmebytheballs @demonqueenart and everyone else talking about this, i want to talk about cancel culture.
now i’m as white as they come, so before reading any of this i need you all to read the posts made by some of the people starting this conversation. here’s some links. xx xx xx xx xx
the reason i want to bring this up is because it’s something i noticed in a lot of the posts bringing up the behavior that dnp have/have had. its bizarre to me that we as a society, but especially we as a fandom, feel the need to disclose that bringing up problematic behavior isn’t an attack or call to ‘cancel’ someone!
to be able to have an open discussion where people CAN evolve and learn, bad behaviors need to be brought up without the immediate assumption that the person talking about it wants to bring harm to the other.
i am not here to defend dan and phil, they are well old enough to have these realizations on their own and stand for their actions, but, without the space to point out these behaviors, there will be no change. if these questions are being brought up within fandom spaces, why assume that the person means harm? excuse my metaphor but why would they set fire to their own house? i can understand wanting to take something with a grain of salt if it was coming from someone not in the fandom spaces at all, or someone not familiar with dan and phil whatsoever, but since it is the fans bringing this up, the absolute least you can do is believe them and listen.
wanting to see change is far from the same as wanting to see someone ‘canceled’ or lose their platform. these discussions are good and important to have, and i want to again thank everyone who has taken time of their days to speak up about this. it’s labor you shouldn’t have to do, and i really hope that we as a fandom learn from this. i know i will.
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incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 2 months
Up until Pizza Sim occurred, Henry did not know what happened to William. He just thought that he was completely gone.
He knew of the others that were still there—his daughter, Elizabeth, etc. So, initially, Henry’s Pizza Sim plan... just did not involve Scraptrap at all.
Henry knew he’d have Lefty and some of the others there, but that was it. When he and Michael started to plan, Mike just. never told him about Springtrap & the attraction.
...At least not for a while- when the rabbit arrived, and Michael finished with the salvage, he just called Henry up like: “Oh, hey, by the way, guess who showed up-“
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blobitech · 3 months
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Good morning blosc fans please let me i
Okay sooo I’ve had this guy for over a year but i finally updated him (this ref is from March but i had the urge to post it now 😭😭
To put it short Lux is an energy vampire but is super different than Nos (xd sibling angst but it’s one sided cuz Lux is all who tf is you if bro is ever rebuilt)
His scythe is disguised as a parasol and since he looks nothing like his brother he p much gets away with existing in public the first few times cuz he just looks like a doll if anything
Lux also doesn’t speak or emote like ever. He’ll just stare and shit but he’s very gestural and expressive in body language (i think it’s kinda awesome to think that Lux was made as a second attempt and therefore with more “killer instinct” and “resistance to disobey” I’m yapping lol)
He was originally known as the “robot reaper” or smth other cuz instead of biting, he’d slice mfs up and take their energy and drink it as tea (he doesn’t like to show his teeth) and wore a cape to conceal his identity and it’s kinda like an alter ego kinda thing the first few times since yeah . Also a bit of a teehee silly little romance going on with XR cuz they met when Lux was his silly little self trying to get on his “good side” or smth to eventually attack but the tin can went AWOOGA and Lux didn’t do anything at first but he doesn’t hurt him in the end and tho he has an identity crisis he still wouldn’t let anyone hurt him xd (I can’t live without oc x canon help 💙
Uh yeah BUTT cuz the ref is old i do make my art of him kinda inconsistent but ill also show a recent piece + mood board cuz yeah
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mumblesplash · 2 months
sometimes art improvement is not that complicated. for instance i have recently revolutionized my lighting process by realizing 1) the edges of shadows don’t always have to be clean lines and 2) highlights can go places other than hair
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tiktaalic · 5 months
Anybody else think about apocalypse world and get so mad .
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Sup- me again.
So I’m seeing people now say Viv is a Zionist? Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe there may be two reasons for thinking this-
One is her working with Amazon. Which, this started four years ago when the show got picked up, so I don’t think it’s really the same as her knowing about what they did and still doing it intentionally.
The second I think is early on in the strikes when she bought Starbucks and McDonald’s. I want to start this off by saying that I do participate in the boycotts and do not support those companies or any that condone genocide. That being said, this was still early in the strike period- not many people are on the internet and fully aware of when something happens like I and many others were. And since, I personally haven’t seen her violate that boycott (I could be wrong so feel free to correct me). I hate to say it, but not everyone is aware and on the internet- I wish we had more people participating in the boycotts and protests but there will always people who remain unaware of events outside of their own.
All of that being said- I have also seen many Hazbin fans speak up about it and say things like “boycotting doesn’t work” and “I don’t participate bc what can I do”. Boycotting DOES work! It has worked! Please, if you are in the position to do so, boycott and continue to not fund companies like McDonald’s and Starbucks! I promise you, you’ll be fine without them. Do not have the mentality of “what can I do, I’m just one person” because I promise you, a million other people think that way and you can make a difference. No one is insignificant.
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royaltea000 · 3 months
we know that alfred is insane over gil, but is gil insane over anyone? it doesnt have to be the degree of insane alfred is
Gil is insane overall so it’s very hard to spot a difference when he’s being more so but I like to think, as all unhealthy sibling relationships go in this series - that he’s obsessed with Ludwig. Not to the extent that Ludwig is fixated on him but he’s very much an overbearing helicopter parent in his own trying to make it seem like I don’t give a shit way. He’s calmed down sooo much in modern times but I Know that boy was going through like no less than 20 lessons a day when he was born
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chaotic-orphan · 9 days
I found your blog today AND I spent like the whole day just reading your work.
I ended up spending ALLL My afternoon and evening reading the Intoxicating Fear up to the latest chapter and oh my GOD did you deliver. Kit is a fucking charmer of an asshole. LIKE HOW AM I CHARMED BY THIS SADISTIC MF???👁️👁️
😭 Your writing is just so good.
Haven't had anything make me feel so strongly for a while.
👉👈Your replies were restricted though, i would love to be added to the updates list if that's possible.
I kept seeing your name flash while up in my notifs during the day and am so happy my writing made you feel so strongly!!!🥹 thank you for telling me, and reaching out to tell me my damn replies were blocked [[idk how many years I have been on this app and still I am learning new things]] but i fixed it now so thank you again!!! And of course I will add you to the tag list!!!! Thank you for reading, I’m so happy you enjoyed it <3 ((I am smiling wide rn)) but unfortunately I cannot answer why Ambrose is so charming, I secretly think he’s just compelled us all into loving him? And thinking he’s cool?
Although, I have a little question if you’re up to answering??
Now, full disclosure, I am putting you on the spot but there is an opt out option if you don’t want to answer, and the opt out option is this emoji: “😌” [so mysterious, so demure, so mindful]
BUT MY QUESTION IS — because it’s been a hot topic in the last day or so — Kit and Ambrose, did you feel any gay subtext between ‘em? Are you waiting for Ambrose to run in, save the day, swoop Kit in his arms and kiss him? I was only yesterday (?) made aware that this is a common enough thing from people who read the series and fresh eyes would be wonderful on the topic
@jesterrinobutter idk if tumblr tags people when their ask is answered so JUST IN CASE :)
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weezerlvr228 · 21 days
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rivers if he was absorbed by poisonous gas but didn’t care too much
#weezer#rivers cuomo#poison gas#poison#maybe i’ll get more fans#THE WEEZER ARMY MUST GROW#THE WEEZER LVOERS !#please send me asks guys am so bored!!!#plus also dms are always open for any of u! i love u all n would love to talk to any of u#i took this pic and Wonderfront#i miss it. i wanna see them again :( but im broke!#i have to spend my money on my anniversary gift for my boyfriend which i’m NOT complaining about bc i love him obviously but am seriously SO#broke. i will draw whatever you guys want actually#for either 1) a follow (or if you are already following ; then free) 2) a little kiss#not on the lips though#but ya! please send. asks i always love interacting with you all! you guys r so sweet <3#there’s this tiktok user#maladroitlover579 and i love their videos so much they’re genuinely so silly n funny#i love commenting on their videos you guys should check them out they r huge weezer fan too!!! if you couldn’t tell by the name#omg today someone complimented my hair and i got so happy#MY OUTFITS HAVE BEEN SO FIRE LATELY🤤🤤 today i wore a short denim skirt with an off the shoulder black long sleeve with white leg warmers!#then yesterday i wore a black tube top with a long black skirt which hugged me#before i wore my brown sweater with my black skirt (which has POCKETS.) so it was super cute.#then monday i wore black yoga flares; white tank top with cute buttons; and a red shrug!#i got compliments on my style. 😎 guess i’m just the cutest girl on the block#or should i say… ON GHE BLOG??!#cuz it’s weezer blog… and i’m the only girl posted on here consistently….#always between my words i wanna add ‘da’ in the middle of them because that’s a running joke w my boyfriend#like da obviously! 🙄 da seriously? 😒 da Lol 😂#idk he’s silly and i’m silly
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