#the goal here is to create a welcoming space to ALL and if we cant talk to each other then whats the point
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nebulaedaniel · 8 months ago
since we’re now talking about the racism in the phandom, i’m very glad it’s being brought to light so thank you to @dapg-otmebytheballs @demonqueenart and everyone else talking about this, i want to talk about cancel culture.
now i’m as white as they come, so before reading any of this i need you all to read the posts made by some of the people starting this conversation. here’s some links. xx xx xx xx xx
the reason i want to bring this up is because it’s something i noticed in a lot of the posts bringing up the behavior that dnp have/have had. its bizarre to me that we as a society, but especially we as a fandom, feel the need to disclose that bringing up problematic behavior isn’t an attack or call to ‘cancel’ someone!
to be able to have an open discussion where people CAN evolve and learn, bad behaviors need to be brought up without the immediate assumption that the person talking about it wants to bring harm to the other.
i am not here to defend dan and phil, they are well old enough to have these realizations on their own and stand for their actions, but, without the space to point out these behaviors, there will be no change. if these questions are being brought up within fandom spaces, why assume that the person means harm? excuse my metaphor but why would they set fire to their own house? i can understand wanting to take something with a grain of salt if it was coming from someone not in the fandom spaces at all, or someone not familiar with dan and phil whatsoever, but since it is the fans bringing this up, the absolute least you can do is believe them and listen.
wanting to see change is far from the same as wanting to see someone ‘canceled’ or lose their platform. these discussions are good and important to have, and i want to again thank everyone who has taken time of their days to speak up about this. it’s labor you shouldn’t have to do, and i really hope that we as a fandom learn from this. i know i will.
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cloudcountry · 1 year ago
i have too many mutuals to tag so yk. i cant tag all of you guys, all i can do is hope that you all see this and know how much i care about you.
when i arrived here on tumblr i wasn't expecting much, it seemed to me like everyone had their friend groups already, and i felt like the odd one out. even though i spent those first few days posting my writing and figuring out how to format things, i still felt like an outsider looking in. it didn't feel like i was really participating.
and honestly, i'm not sure when it started. i'm not sure when being here began to feel like a home away from home, like a space on the internet that was my own and that i could shape however i wanted. i'm not sure when it occurred to me that you guys had a hand in shaping it, too. you showed me the characters you loved and the things that reminded you of me, you placed them on my blog like paintings in a museum, for me to look back on whenever the nostalgic urge hit me. you actively tried to get to know me and form connections with me, even if i scared some of you (which im 100% certain i did.) thank you for taking courage to talk to me, i'm thankful for all of you.
there was a point when i was scared too. it was really hard for me to reach out to people myself but i ended up doing so anyway. (raptor, rinna, and sippy, thank you for welcoming me so warmly. i haven't forgotten it.) i know my blog blew up really quickly, given how much content i was posting at the time, but at the end of the day i still don't like thinking of myself as someone famous or a super recognizable blog in the twst fandom. because at the end of the day, i was just someone doing what they loved.
i'm glad i was given the opportunity to start writing when i was young. i'm glad i kept at it, and i'm glad i shared so many stories with my friends on the playground. i'm glad i honed my writing all throughout school, and i'm glad i still practice today. because if i hadn't picked up the pencil to write that first fanfiction of mine, none of this ever would have happened. and i hated writing as a child, so that could have happened. there's probably another timeline where that did, but we aren't here to talk about that hypothetical auburn.
we're here to talk about me and you guys, because you've given me the precious gift of your time. you've invited me into your lives and let me be a part of them, even if it is only through the screen. you've thought about me while going about your day, and i have thought about all of you. we are connected, in this universe where there was every possibility that we never would have met, and i think that's beautiful. i will forever be grateful that my love for writing can make people smile, that it can make them laugh and cry and scream. i will forever be grateful for the gift to make others feel, and for you all for sharing that with me.
thank you. even if you aren't a mutual, your support has touched me. thank you for reading what i create, thank you for commenting your thoughts, thank you for talking to me and engaging in the fandom community. i hope every single one of you has a wonderful 2024, and that we can make each other happier and keep pushing towards our individual goals with each passing day.
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cannicullistic · 2 months ago
Borderline Plural Demographic.
It's the new plural & cluster b inclusive server, with a mission goal to fight stigma, create a safe space for your people, and bring people together!
This is an initial post on the generic guidelines of our server, our mission statement (aka what we stand for) and proposing to our demographic about us.
Guidelines to the Discord Server & Tumblr Community:
Respect everyone who comes in, and out, of our server. We welcome good faith identities such as 'lesboys' or others you may be familiar with, Anti-Contact Paraphilia's, Proshippers & related. We do not welcome TransID or ill faith labels like transHarm or anti labels.
Please note that NSFW Content in general is bannable within our server, however we do not have control over what a user makes their profile picture, status, bio and such. We can only ask them to change server side stuff if they have the ability to on discord. Otherwise if its something like a spam bot, we also ban them on sight.
We are an endogenic, plural, non-traumagenic centric community that welcomes anyone outside of plurality & cluster B to join. We even allow singlets who are willing to learn!
We do not want members here who are 14 and younger, or 31 and older. Our server and community range from 15-30 for security reasons. If we find out you're not in this range, we reserve the right to remove you instantly from the community, no questions asked.
Drama is bannable. Period. If you bring up something with a user that occured over 3-4 months ago, we typically take this information with a grain of salt because we believe after 3-4 months, a person can make a good change for themselves and seek out help, actively get better and improve their behaviour. Do not witch hunt any of our users, it's not acceptable at all.
As this is a shared space between minors and adults, we kindly ask that adults and minors refrain from DMing no matter the situation. If a minor requires help from a vent for example, an adult may not offer to DM, this is a red flag to us and we will question the adult in a ticket, asking why they'd want to be in a private space with a minor where we don't know what they could be saying or planning. We do not say this to think adults cant be trusted with minors.. it's just that we cannot and will not risk anyone being put in harms way like this. Just simply don't DM people of the opposite age group, only keep to your own please.
Respect everyone's role and boundaries. For some you may need to do a bit of extra diving to see them in a users account and or bio, this isn't too hard to do, and saves people from being upset!
Please use common sense when joining our server, and have some level of emotional maturity. We stand by the idea as well that systems are held accountable for their entire system, be advised.
Stigmatizing, stereotyping, giving negative feedback of and discrediting disorders (especially Cluster B disorders) are a punishable offense and will NOT be taken lightly. Also, this is a server that is pro-recovery for all disorders and against censoring food. We also are pro-emotional permanence and allow IRL's and DA's. However, we don't condone constant feeding of delusions unless it is a comfort (or identity) situation for someone.
Lastly; Creating a safe space for Cluster B disorders can be hard on even staff who may have these or other disorders, so how can you the user help us out? By fighting stigma, stereotypes, and supporting those with these disorders by actively reaching out and providing helpful links like our server and our resources!
Our Mission statement
Our mission statement is to create a community that is stigma & stereotype free for especially Cluster B disorders, along with validating the experiences they, and plurals, have. It's the best of both worlds!
discord permalink: https://discord.gg/8PTCt9v5zj
We invite you to take us on as a new community for you to join - feel free to ask questions under posts related to the server or community, and also open tickets within the discord! Remember, you are seen, you are loved, and you are unique. <3
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commander-spaceboy · 4 years ago
Sorry I've posted some of this writing to here already, but a large majority of it is sitting in a google docs that none of you have access to lol, comments and feedback are welcome and encouraged
I’m Finally starting on my rewrite of the Star Wars sequels, I’m literally throwing away everything that happens in the actual movies and just starting out with my own shit, Basically,,, instead of more bull shit first order and “jedi” centric stuff, I’m throwing in a bunch of bounty hunters into the mix
Since the movies follow the skywalker bloodline, I’m starting off by creating children for Leia and Han,, They are both force probably force sensitive, since they are part of the skywalker lineage, but neither of them have trained to harnesses it, instead the younger brother learns about the senate and helps out his mother and grandfather organa anyway he can senate wise, while his sister is off doing god knows what with their father, (probably keeping him in check honestly)
So basically u get a Ben solo and a ray skywalker but they are already written in a better way because they are siblings, we know who the girls parents are, and you can’t ship them because that would be incest!!
Changed my mind already on the roles of the siblings, they're both probs force sensitive, but like, neither of them really care all too much, like they think it’s cool and all, but not for them, instead the younger brother is helping his mother and grandfather organa in the senate, and the sister keeps their dad in check lol
Which, working in the senate is a *very* easy way to get a target on your head, and also being anywhere near Han Solo is a very easy way to get a target on your back, which would give bounty hunters a reason to have a bounty on them
It would have to get more specific but you get the jist
A Jedi probably comes in the form of a padawan Luke has been training who hears of the bounty on the kids heads and takes action to alert and protect them (only to find out both of them are perfectly capable of handling themself
I think it would be funny though if the padawan was the one who ends up getting kidnapped or something by bounty hunters and the person who made the bounty is like “is is very obviously not the fucking kid I put a bounty for???” And then the siblings have to save the Jedi’s ass
I think a Nautolan Jedi padawan would be cool
Bounty hunters am I right????
Lol can take place over the span of like 15 years like the prequels did, orrrrr it can take like 3 or 4 like the og’s did
Have to have some mention of commander Cody in there, otherwise, how will people know it's my fanfiction?
Have something similar to the prequels happen where someone in the senate is sending out bounties for people who oppose them and their ideals. Throughout the movie you are led to believe it is this specific senator, but after they have been taken to jail another bounty hunter shows up and shoots a main character, and that's how the first movie is left off.
(but it would be more like younger brother perfect and can do no wrong because he is mothers favorite, older sister who does things her own way and at her own speed and because she sees her brother as being the better sibling she feels she cant talk to him about anything that she's going through)
(obv. Not everything between them is going to be solved with a couple of nice words from their sibling, but it would set things in the right direction, and they would know that they are able to confide in each other if need be [say if one of them were to be having a panic attack while mace windu is confronting the senate ™ and need to be comforted and stopped from intervening in a bad way], its important to know you have someone there basically)
At the start the younger brother is like 15 at the least and 17 at the most, but he is very much into the senate and trying his best to become a senator when he gets older, but he gets dragged into gun fights with his sister, father and the stray jedi they picked up at some point
The sister is probably min 19 max 21 so like a 4 year difference between the siblings, even if her mother wanted her to follow in her footsteps and be a peacekeeper and a senator, she followed her father right out into space to cause some ruckus at a space bar and gather more bounties on their heads.
Once again bounty hunters play a big part in this set of movies, I want to have a couple of prominent ones show up, (like not ones that have been seen before in the franchise but like ones that will stick around for a while like a gross piece of gum to your shoe)
Maybe at some point after one gets a little too close to the siblings and realizes they are literally just kids who are scared for their lives and not trying to cause shit they r like “must protect these children!!!” then they get shot and now the heros have a massive fucking problem with people!!!
Obv they will have a bigger role than just trying to kill the main kids, but like, that's their endgame goal.
So I guess in the first movie they would be completely separate from each other, only getting to hear from the other through holos and word of mouth. They still have a somewhat decent relationship with each other at this point, friendly banter as per use.
The second they would spend more time apart then together, but they are together on screen at some points, tension is always high with them. the relationship ship isn't the worst at this point, but as per usual with the skywalkers they def. Dont communicate with each other like they should. And fight with each other verbally a lot.
And in the third they spend most of it together till they get to a tipping point with each other and fight with the intent to actually harm each other, n then the ghosts of obw-wan and anakin show up and r like “Hey what the fuck???” and they realize that they are both having problems they need the others' help to take care of.
Think it would be really funny if one of the two of them marries the jedi during like the second movie, and just like,,, does not tell the other, like skywalker did with padme and obi-wan,,,, i could do so many parallels,,, so many
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fit-as-fxck · 6 years ago
week 3 of being a strong motherfxcker
If you don't want to read my lengthy rundown, feel free to avoid this post. I have a lot to say. I’m headed into week 3 of the training program I wrote for myself and it’s week 2 for my gym partner. As much as I love being on my own, having a partner there makes me push myself more. The first 3 weeks are phase 1 where I'm spending time hammering down technique. Done and dusted. I’m still working on tempo but I really really want to start pushing the weight more. Last week felt good and I'm ready for more. Cardio is increasing slowly again and its continuing to lean me back out. Patience and one step at a time right? I do feel a little sorry for my partner, I kind of threw him into the mix and told him to sink or swim, but hey, he asked for it. And I told him it would be hard. I have some personal matters that may interrupt my routine this week but I don't plan on missing a beat. I’ll adjust if I have to, even if I have to combine days. Im totally ready for this and I really hope my partner continues to catch on fast so I can branch off and do my own thing. I don't want him to rely on needing me there for everything. I sent him the rundown of this week’s program and some notes explaining things. These workouts are hard for me, by the end of the week they leave me feeling completely run over. But its cool thats the point. I'm ready for a kickass week in and out of the gym. Here’s a look at some of my plan and notes: (I genuinely love doing this shit)
Monday: lower body strength 
1.25 mile warmup & 500 meter row
Dynamic mobility warmup
Warmup walking lunges x1, side to side walking squat
Deadlift 1 warmup set then 5x5
Squat 1 warmup set then 5x5
RDL 3x10
Barbell hip thrust 4x8
Leg press 4x8
Back extension 3x10
Hanging leg raises 3x failure 
Tuesday: upper body strength 
1.25 mile warmup, 500 meter row
Rotational shoulder warmup, single lat pulldown warmup
Bench press 5x5
Pullups 4x8
Db rows 4x8
Upright barbell row 3x10
Skullcrushers 3x12
Inverted row till failure
Wednesday: conditioning
2 mile run
1000 meter row
Box jumps
Alternating arm kettlebell swing
Sled pushes
Battle ropes
Turkish get-ups
Thursday: lower body endurance/volume
1.25 mi warmup run
Walking lunges with overhead plate x20 each leg
Sandbag clean and jerk 2 x12-15
One leg RDL 3x15
Seated hamstring curl 3x15-20
Pistol squat transitions 3 till failure
Reverse lunges 3x12-15
Friday: upper body endurance/volume
1 mile run
Mobility drills and warmups
Single arm rows 3x10-12
Inverted rows 3x10
Pullups 3x10
Bicep curls with barbell 3x12-15
Tricep dips to failure 3 sets
Db incline chest press 3x12
Db shoulder press 3x12
Boxing on the heavy bag 
Welcome to Week Two! I’m so proud of you for successfully making it through Week One and learning all that you did. Seriously, give yourself a pat on the back. Celebrating your successes are just as important as anything else. They keep you moving forward. Put your successes in that cookie jar and pull from them every time you start to doubt yourself.
The next six to seven weeks will continue to be physically and mentally demanding. We wont take a deload week until week 8. A deload week is a period when you reduce your weight or intensity to give your body a break and prepare for even harder training. In a sense, you are setting yourself back for one week, in order to slingshot yourself even further ahead.
Cardio: This week we will increase our running distance by about 10%. Runners increase distance by no more than 10% every week in order to avoid injury (at least thats the by the book method and I’ve heard its unreliable in some cases). Because our training is aggressive we will increase by just over 10%. This is uncharted territory so I’m trying to be conservative while also daring greatly. Our warmups this week will be 1.25 miles. Then, we will do a longer run of 2 miles once this week. Our first goal is to get you to 3 solid miles of nonstop running. Our total distance to shoot for this week will be about 6 miles (1.25 miles x 3 to 4, then a 2 mile run). It sounds aggressive but, based on what you’ve shown so far, it is totally attainable (If you feel you need to lower this distance, we’ll drop down to a base goal of at least 5 miles ran this week. Get 5 miles by any. means. necessary.). Our training is aggressive for a reason. Pushing yourself is something you’ll have to get extremely used to. Results don’t come from comfort zones. 
Strength: Just like last week, we’ll have four lifting days, splitting them into 2 strength and 2 endurance days. Our strength focus is on compound lifts. Assuming you feel okay with the form and technique, we will run you through: the barbell bench press, barbell back squat, conventional deadlift, rows, and pullups. Get familiar with always training for strength on those 5 lifts. If we can, we will push you with more weight than last week. 
Endurance/Volume: We will take 2 days to train muscular endurance (how many times you can lift something before you get fatigued). We will have to use a lower weight than what we use on strength days and slightly different set of exercises. On Wednesday we will have our cardio and conditioning day where we also test your endurance and stamina with a “functional” crossfit style workout. If this sounds boring, don’t worry because soon it wont be. There are a million and one ways we can switch it up and endless things we can add i.e. boxing days, crossfit, agility work etc. What we are doing now is creating a foundation on which you will build everything else on. 
Mobility and Injury Prevention: Always, always, always, practice your drills. Every. Single. Day. Warmups and mobility will be done before every single workout no matter what. Especially the shoulders and rotator cuff. If you skip those you will end up getting yourself hurt and no one has time for that. Besides warming up the shoulder we also need to strengthen the rotator cuff, but not aggressively. Tearing that rotator cuff leaves you with a lifelong injury. Open up the chest, shoulder, back and hamstrings. Practice hip warmups, body weight exercises and ankle mobility. If you can, try some yoga.
Recovery: is a vital part of training hard. It builds your body up so you can hit it hard again. Without recovery you will be spinning your wheels going nowhere fast. You are requiring your body constantly adapt under a state of stress and come back stronger each and every time. Your body is ruled by its nervous system. Your nervous system is broken into 2 parts: sympathetic (fight or flight) and parasympathetic (relax and recover). You need to take care of both of these or your body will break down. When your fight or flight is activated for too long without a recovery it can malfunction, your adrenals can fatigue and other very horrible things. Training hard means putting your body under a massive state of stress and inflammation, so you need to allow yourself space to recover and you need to get good at it.
Train hard. Drink water. Eat food. Get sleep. One day at a time. That’s all you gotta worry about. If there is anything you would like to focus on, add, or try out please let me know and I’d be happy to adjust. 
Remember, our goals are:
Main lifts
Strong shoulders
Strong back
Cardio capacity
Being a strong motherfucker 
For the weekend you will need to:
Continue with mobility drills every single day
Drink lots of water and eat lots of food
Take time to relax
Perform a cardio routine i.e. a light jog for a couple easy miles
Practice pushups, tricep dips, pull-ups and walking lunges
You are the master of your own fate. Don’t let others decide how you live, they don’t have the same goals as you. Do what others aren’t doing, so later, you can do what others cant. 
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trve-grimdark · 7 years ago
Tumblr media
Hey there sisters and heretics! I’ve seen quite a lot of banter on the net these past few months (years even) about this or that concerning Sisters of Battle. Now, I don’t give a shit about people’s politics. Its fucking cancer of the mind, and honestly when they try and inject it into make believe games, its even worse (I use a child like term “make believe” to hopefully help people realize how infantile it is to try and inject real world politics into a fictional universe).
But when it comes to people, whoever they may be, misrepresenting lore and game facts, I do feel the need to step in and correct whats being snarked about.
So here’s 3 things I hear people talk about concerning Sisters that are, well, WRONG.
#1: SISTERS ARE NUNS (WRONG). Sisters are not nuns. Ok, yeah we affectionately nick name them “Nuns with Guns” or such, but that’s all it is, a dumb nick name, like Ultra-smurfs, or Space Pups.. Sisters are, in fact, more based off of KNIGHTS. “But CD, Space Marines are knights!” No, not really. Space marines are more Warriors, Monks, maybe even priests to an extent, with some chapters having “Knightly” aesthetics thrown around (Templars, DA’s, etc.) Sisters are the knights of the Imperium.
They are arranged by “Orders” (Knightly Orders), are organized for the purpose of defense and militaristic spreading of the imperial faith (most knight orders where created by the church for religious reasons like this) they use knightly terms for their ranks: Superior, Hospitaller, etc.and they wear armor more akin to Knightly tailored plate armor rather than habits or massive bulky power suits.
Also, they commit acts of violence against those opposed to them (nuns don’t do that) they bear weapons (nuns don’t do that) and do not live in cloisters away from men or other people and interact with men on a regular basis outside of their orders. They also are not commanded to take vows of chastity (Inquisition War had an open romantic relationship between the inquisitor and the Sororitas of his retinue) most sisters simply choose to be chaste because, honestly if your purging the scum of the galaxy, do you need to be tied down by emotional attachment? 
#2: THERE ARE MEN IN SISTERS ARMIES SO ITS NOT AN ALL FEMALE ARMY (WRONG, WRONG, WRONG). There are NO male Sororitas. Period. NOPE. No there isn’t. Nope, don’t even start saying “That priest model. Or that Inquisition character!” Nope. Not sisters. Do not belong to the Adeptus Sororitas. If that’s an argument your making then that means Space Marines have females, because they have female chapter serfs, or because you can attach sisters, or female guardsmen to SM armies. The priests and characters I hear people trying to bring up about this point are not Sisters. The Sororitas is a specified force, a force that can include NO MEN. Even back in the older books like Codex Witch Hunters this was a thing. You couldn’t even take the Orbital Bombardment Heavy Support cause that would mean the ecclesiarchy had ships under arms following sisters around. Newp. Cant have it.
The Sisters of Battle are a force under arms created by the Imperial church, as an official military force. characters and other individuals like Uriah Jacobus are not Sororitus, they belong to the  Missionarus Galaxia or inquisition and are neither commanded to be armed, nor sanctioned as a military force by the church. Sisters CHOOSE to attach themselves to these individuals, like they CHOOSE to attach themselves to larger crusade forces or other imperial organizations, for the purpose of achieving a shared goal. They are not commanded by, or really in command of, these individuals (unless we are talking an Inquisitor with a hefty mandate), and these said persons are not a part of the Sister’s Order. END OF DEBATE. 
#3: SISTERS ARE JUST CANNON FODDER, AND HERE TO MAKE SM’s LOOK GOOD (UGH, WRONG). Yes, Sisters have lost battles. You know...like every other fucking army in the game. No army in the game, whatsoever, has ever had a perfect record of kill to death ratio. Marines die by the company (hundreds) Guards die by the paragraph (Millions) and everyone else follows suite including Orks, Nids, Eldar, Tau, Civilians. And yes. Sisters.
Welcome to the galaxy where your life means jack shit, and jack left town. If I can read about 600 Iron Warriors dying in the span of a paragraph, I can damn well accept a couple hundred Sisters dying to a Necron tomb world awakening. GET OVER IT.
So there is your lore lesson for today. 
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treeyo · 6 years ago
Harvesting yields is one of the obvious goals of Permaculture and the summer season is indeed bountiful.  Rhythms change from spring, foods diversify, and the heat intensifies. Time is an interesting dynamic with day
Home: Treasure Lake
length long but shortening day after day after the summer solstice. With time, the buildup of a permaculture site is about both short term bursts and waiting long term.  I wish I could say my plums are ripening but they are still too young to produce.  However the forest remains abundant with wild foods and the lake continues with its never ending beauty.  Summer, it is a season of enduring heat, managing systems, and yeah picking food. The extreme heat of this region is obvious again this year with the oddity of lack of rain after a spring inundation.  Finally a reprieve yesterday through some good rain.  Photosynthesis again rages as everything springs back to life. And I get the chance to develop the tinystead with others as evolution of living at the lake continues as well.
Summer is also about travel, people coming together here and there, and having fun. Chances to teach come from this cultural trend. I got to do exactly this at Whippoorwill festival in the Red River Gorge area of Kentucky.  After learning from others like Bill’s body hacking (kneepainguru.com) and Tim Hnesley’s mushroom mastery in the field, I got my time to teach as well.  Active forest enhancement, a movement I am pioneering that combines so many fields including permaculture, agroforestry, syntropic farming, and my degree in fish and wildlife management.  It’s about seeing the forest as another important part of the ecosystem that needs intervention to obtain even more yields for ourselves and the other players of the ecosystem.  I had a very engaged group in a sweltering day walking through the forest and learning tips and tricks from my 20 years of experience doing this. I look forward to further launching this movement.  I also got a chance to teach about the interesting tips for a tree planting jar which has been able to plant over a 1000 dollars worth of trees in our local community and Treasure Lake where I live.  In essence we need to drive home investment in tree planting.  Even if you have no land, how can you give back to the earth for this vital resource and noble act?  I encourage you to do so.  Skip going shopping or the bar one night, unless your bar is like mine, where the tips for the night go directly to tree planting.  In the end Whippoorwill was not just about teaching but gathering with community, old friends and new connections.
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Tip money from Treasure Lake collected for tree planting rather than income, a community fund
Tim Hensley of Berea, KY schooling us on mushroom ID
My next teaching opportunity is right around the corner with me and Abby coming together once again.  Its almost paw paw season and I am stoked to continue to educate people about this plant as it exemplifies my work of active forest enhancement.  My focus will be on the propagation side of it all this time.  Lets see what we make with the harvest this year as well!
Paw Paw fruit
Harvest and Foraging
I have planted countless gardens over the years and one of the staples in them is tomato plants.  Everyone loves them, they are challenging but abundant, and aromatic.  You have to trellis them, baby them, and voila, delicious veg.  However I don’t eat tomatoes raw, so all these gardens I have barely enjoyed them.  This year I planted amish paste tomatoes as my Italian blood asks for this kind of food everyonce in awhile.  So I have been getting nice yields from my plants in the guilds of two newly planted Mt Ash trees out in front of the bar.  Mixing perennials with annuals, I love doing it and don’t forget that part of food forest management.  Plug some annuals in before the perennials fill out and obtain a yield.  Soon I will share my recipe for pasta sauce!  Also in the forest when we have had our little bit of rain the oysters growing on fallen hickory and chicken of the woods on well rotted oak have flushed.  I need to go check again now that it finally rained again!  Definitely after whippoorwill andTim’s session i am seeing even more.  It’s also one of the reason I love working with Abby because she is always teaching me something new as I adjust back to this ecosystem. Another harvest we obtained based off of our handwork and ecosystem management was honey.  Well its mainly the bees hardwork but we took a tiny bit, a fraction of a normal harvest as well still encourage bees at this site.  It’s been a challenge with how we have managed this hive but as I get into it more, well more yield comes.
Chicken of the Woods Primordia
Chicken of the woods maturing
Amish Paste Tomatoes
Daniel, My neighbor down the road, holding a bit of his Egyptian Walking Onion Harvest dried at the lake
honey from our hive
oyster flush on pignut hickory
TinyStead Development
I still am moving into the tiny house and developing its surrounding area. I need to go slow with this, again tiny steps as i said in my last update blog. But me and my friend, carpentry master, Tom, hammered out a deck on the northside of the tiny house.  Two years ago we took apart a deck and built picnic tables for the campgrounds at the lake with the bigger wood.  The deck planking we still had and I got a chance to salvage more deck wood from a project my friend Bryan was working on.  So then me and Tom combined this into an oddly shape deck maximizes all the reused materials.  Ok me and Tom occasionally screamed and yelled at each other, but we are like that.  In the end it was fun and I’ am grateful for Tom’s effort to build this with me.  Community continues to be vital in this project and I am grateful for all who put in effort to evolve this place.
Tom being Tom
deck construction
deck construction
deck construction
Before deck
Deck after
Urban Permaculture
Occasionally side gigs pop up for me here and there like puffball mushrooms in a field.  I have been heavily vested in the Cincinnati Permaculture Insittutes edible Nursery both in the city of Cincinnati and here at the lake. Its one way in which I practice urban permaculture as our nursery helps to fuel edible plantings.  I enjoy it.  Through that, I have gotten hooked up with a landscaping job of furthering bringing life and functionality to an urban garden that has had some issues with continuity.  Its definitely a problem in designs that one must solve.  Anyway i have been just cracking on when i can, clearing the jungle overgrowth and mulching the existing fruit trees that have been growing.  The overgrowth has not been welcome by the community of Lincoln Heights where the garden is located.  Its a African American community, set up in the 1800’s, that really could use a space like this to help with food insecurity and connection with nature.  So i chop and drop vegetation and sheet mulch as i slowly bring the jungle under control for the purpose of making the space more usable.  Its been a fun job, not easy at all, but indeed when i leave the site i look back and say, wow, that looks much better than it did before.
Beginnings of sheet mulch
freshly mowed with next layer of sheet mulch of grass clippings on top of previously mulched fruit trees
Thick mulching
Fruit trees and gardens
And with that phrase what if humanity could do that?  What if our time on earth granted us the opportunity to co create with nature and others to beautify this planet.  In the face of so much social turmoil, just as Rob Hopkins, predicted in his book Transition Towns, well it really comes down to what will be your legacy?  You cant control humanity but you can control your actions and being an influencer of positive change.
Treasure Lake
Mussel shell eroding
Monarch, will the world still see this in 50 years
the lake
Bee Balm
Sunset boat rides
the campsite we call florida, a favorite spot on the land for me
paw paw
  Summer Yields Much: TreeYo Project Update Blog Harvesting yields is one of the obvious goals of Permaculture and the summer season is indeed bountiful.  
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toomanysinks · 6 years ago
Why unicorns can raise $1 billion but can’t figure out diversity and inclusion
Sarah McMillian Contributor
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Sarah McMillian leads sales at Temboo. She has been recognized as a leader in diversity and inclusion by MIT, her alma mater, Complex and The Root, and advises tech companies on how to become more diverse and inclusive.
In the early 2000s, Hasbro revived its “My Little Pony” toy franchise. Of all the colorful creatures in Ponyville, my favorite were the unicorn ponies.
Unicorn ponies were magical, whimsical and, most importantly, rare. I identified with the latter.
I was 13 years old and had just been selected for a competitive math, science and computer science program. Of the 100 students in the program, I was one of two black girls. But, I was lucky. Just like the Earth ponies embraced the unicorns, my white and Asian classmates made me feel welcome.
I wish that was always my experience in the tech industry.
The tech industry is no more diverse than it was when I was 13. But more tech companies than ever have committed to becoming more diverse and inclusive.
So why doesn’t commitment always translate to Ponyville?
Goodbye Ponyville, hello world
Six years in my intensive math, science and computer science program almost prepared me to study at MIT. Multivariable calculus? Check. Getting over the fact that you’re not the smartest person at school? Check. Having to worry about being discriminated against by your classmates? Not check.
Here’s an example. My senior year, I was working with a team of 21 other students to develop a new medical device. Peer valuations determined part of my grade, which concerned me. I worried that some of my classmates’ feedback would be clouded by biases against black women. I felt pressured to be perceived as intelligent-but-not-intimidating, confident-but-not-aggressive and approachable-but-not-dense.
Though I largely received positive evaluations, not one, but two, of my teammates told me to “be less aggressive.”
I felt singled out and discouraged until I heard from some of my other black classmates. They’d been excluded from team meetings, and assigned the most menial tasks.
Creating diverse and inclusive tech companies starts with individuals.
How could this happen at MIT, a place that prides itself on being a diverse and inclusive center of innovation?
People discriminate. Institutions tolerate discrimination. People learn to tolerate the discrimination against them. It’s a simple, vicious cycle that few institutions and companies design against.
During the three years after I graduated from MIT, I became fed up with being treated as “less than.” It was time to find a unicorn.
Unicorn (noun)
uni·corn | \ ˈyü-nə-ˌkȯrn
a mythical, usually white animal generally depicted with the body and head of a horse with long flowing mane and tail and a single often spiraled horn in the middle of the forehead
a diverse and inclusive tech company
Following the Rainbow Trail
Finding a unicorn was not easy. My Google search yielded plenty of startups with billion-plus valuations. Few startups were very diverse or inclusive.
That’s why Temboo, a NYC-based industrial IoT startup, intrigued me:
A tech company led by a woman of color.
An engineering team with an equal number of women and men.
A product focused on accessibility and the democratization of programming.
A diverse team of employees from different cultural backgrounds.
And, most surprisingly, when I arrived for my first interview, I was greeted with a giant hug. This is New York. Random hugs don’t just happen.
Every person I met had a background and interests different from the next. Of all the companies I interviewed with, only Temboo asked why I chose to lead the black employee resource group at my previous position. Even the company’s physical space was different than most tech companies — an independent office nestled in the heart of the TriBeCa neighborhood of NYC.
When I made the decision to join the team, I was hopeful. Maybe this would be a place where I would be respected and appreciated for just being myself.
My Little Pony: NYC tales
During my first few months, I held onto the past lessons that taught me I needed to formulate an acceptable version of myself for my colleagues. However, with time, I understood that at Temboo, Sarah is enough.
My kinky hair could be braided or in an afro, but my hairstyle had no bearing on my perceived intelligence. I could openly critique the lack of diversity at the industrial IoT conferences we attend, and hear resounding agreement.
There were, admittedly, a few times I felt judged. My deep love of obscure reality TV shows and pumpkin-flavored foods is questionable.
I found my unicorn and I’m happier for it. Now, I want everyone working in tech to find their unicorn, so I’ve started to think about ways that I can help pass the torch.
Stuck in Bro-nyville
Most tech companies are following the same recommendations to become more diverse and inclusive:
Diversify your talent pool.
Create community with employee resource groups.
Tie performance evaluations to diversity and inclusion goals.
Call out the lack of diversity.
Take the example of this medium-sized tech company that was preparing to revamp its employee resource groups. The company invited me to speak on a panel, and share what I’d learned from leading the black employee resource group at my previous company.
For example, my team organized Microaggression Awareness Week. The results were tangible: the next week during an executive leadership meeting, a senior manager stopped to ask his peers if something he said was a microaggression.
But we could not convince the recruiting team to tie their performance ratings to diversity and inclusion goals. They did not want the burden of responsibility, and asked my team to come up with new ideas to attract more diverse talent.
Diverse and inclusive tech companies have better retention and financial performance.
Another panelist shared her experience of coming out in the workplace at 50 years old. After 18 years as a senior executive at a Fortune 500 company, she moved to a small tech company. The atmosphere was totally different. Jokes about someone’s sexual orientation were faux pax, and the company even built a float for the NYC Pride Parade. After a 30-year career, she finally felt safe enough to be herself at work.
The panel ended on an encouraging note, but issues remained. One of the company’s employees shared with me that in order to avoid discrimination, he goes by his Anglo-sounding middle name. His job is to lead diversity and inclusion initiatives.
How to grow a horn
Unfair behaviors like stereotyping, harassment and microaggressions are the primary reasons employees quit tech companies. Women, underrepresented minorities and LGBTQ employees bear the brunt of discrimination (Kapor Center).
Diverse and inclusive tech companies have better retention and financial performance. McKinsey examined the relationship between the diversity of company leadership and financial performance in 2014 and 2017: companies in the top quartile for gender diversity were 15-21 percent more likely to experience above-average profitability compared to companies in the fourth quartile. For ethnic and cultural diversity, the likelihood of above-average performance increased to 33-35 percent.
Creating diverse and inclusive tech companies starts with individuals. From management to junior employees, everyone needs to continually rethink, unlearn and relearn.
Rethink personal biases.
Unlearn habits of discrimination.
Relearn how to respect others who are different.
Companies help end workplace discrimination by signaling their intolerance. Temboo’s culture and practices are a great model.
Unicorns are magical, but diverse and inclusive tech companies are not. They ask the people who work there to redefine what is ordinary.
source https://techcrunch.com/2019/04/23/why-unicorns-can-raise-1-billion-but-cant-figure-out-diversity-and-inclusion/
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ecotone99 · 6 years ago
[RF] Online
“I’d never think such a thing could move me, even after all these years, some people living their lives in one harmonious mass in the realms of the internet. I could never experience anything like that again, not for all the currency, credits, nor real life cash in the world, this isn’t story about saving the world, nor is it about being stuck in a video game with no way out. This is what I felt.”
“Imagine you are 30 feet behind twisted metal and crumbled concrete, your mohawked bastard of a friend is rocketing grenades while your dreadlocked companion unloaded 30 rounds of sulfuric plasma bullets through a husked swarm of tendrils and flesh tissues, and there you are, in the middle of raw and uncut chaos, aliens are dying, and the people are killing, for once in your life, some white kid in the middle of western suburbia had a shot, whoops, there goes the city block, some dumbass just unlocked the hydrogen bomb the size of a baseball, they call it the bench cleaner, you just shrug it off. For you have a chance of a chance to meet a new person in life, someone who will change your perspective on the realm of this universal construct of a simulation we call life, you pray, unloading the brass casings from some conglomerate of hardware parts and some dull knives, you haven’t been playing long, and it reflects that, your friends don't care, they just want someone new to play with, even if you did buy the game later."
"You wake up, slog through school and each passing algebra and calculus test, every science essay, every film critique, you just want to relax, you want to pull your hair out, sometimes numbers don't add up and things don't make sense grammatically, but in the end, what strives you is to get home, and play. You hear the final buzzer, and run, drive, or bus home, it doesn't matter, what matters is that you made it home, just in time for the event, you throw on that bundled headset and you open up your friends list, they are on, just like they said. They invite you to a party, and you are intimidated at all things linguistic. "Run a 45-78 code strat here, and set up shield detonators here." you sit in silence, you are in awe of these words, these strategies, but you push on and slowly get broken into the world and its offerings, you can barter with a space pirate, seduce a alien badass. The world was an intricate place, but as a drop in the ocean, you felt overwhelmed, things didn't make any sane lick of clear common sense, but thank god your buddies were there, they held your hand, help you get that XP, and get newer weapons, you take a screenshot, something quick, and something uneventful, maybe a wrong press on the controller, nevermind, it's there."
"Rinse and Repeat, school is a bore, and video games are done after chores, you quickly shove things around your room to play with your buddies, something hasn't clicked like this in years, like a warm and fuzzy feeling. You continue playing this game with them, taking hilarious screenshots, and playing custom created maps made with an insane level of detail. You make even more friends, and you see this tiny little world for what it is, you continue killing alien rebels on the surface of Titan, no this isn't some AAA title conceived in a time frame, this is art, a world you can be immersed in, people from all around the world, share one common goal, to help and to protect, people traded goods, and people just helped out, some had devil horns and flannel shirts, some had cyclist helmets and obscenely revealing suits, you were a drop in this ocean, but something keeps drawing you back, something that hasn't been felt in years."
"School is done, you have a piece of paper that legally allows you to pursue a career, you decide to play one more time, you sit down, check your friends list, no one is on, no Demonis246, no XxGerardionxX, no Drellax, nobody, you feel isolated, you feel alone, something warm is cooling down, something dreadful, you frantically check online, what was once a huge ocean, was now a lake, people dwindled, and the aliens got easier, almost like the game got, boring, whatever you persist, waiting for that beep but it never does. You shrug and accept that they aren't coming back, and so are you."
"Skip 10 years, you have a career, and things are shaping up to be the year, big investments, big payouts, something feels off, like you grew up too fast, like someone handed you a briefcase and said "Welcome to the big boys" when in reality, it feels like you had dull knives, and everyone elses were sharper. You get home, anyway how, you sludge past the lit TV, your significant other cheerily exclaiming there is mac and cheese on the stove, homemade with 4 cheeses, you weakly offer to eat a bowl, but deep down something is killing you, no it's not cancer, nor is it life threatening, something warm, and fuzzy, like something you used to cheerfully do. You slump and tear up a bit, how is life tormenting you like this? How can life taunt you with a feeling you have experienced but don't know the name to? You begins to cry a bit, and excuse yourself to the bedroom, and you see a relic of the past, a poster, labeled "Space Tormentors 3: Titan's revenge" and it hits you, the memories flood your cerebral areas responsible for emotions and you, just, stop. You shrug it off, and slouch near the computer, and next to it, a dusty unplugged console with college stickers and a photo of your wedding, you shrug and plug it in."
"The sounds of a ravaged space scape haunt you, you feel helpless, you feel overwhelmed, like a whole new piece of life was just formed together out of matter. You flood the streets, emptier than before, the once ravenous space world full of alien hotties and human feats of violence, are gone, from the echoes you hear someone."
"Welcome to Ember City!" you reel back, the NPC's are still here, in a world waiting for their customers to return, a world uninhabited since you could last remember, you check your pictures, and immediately begin to feel, warm. Snaps of you creating weapon strats with the words 100% legit and no fail as tags, pictures of friends long since gone, and for once in your life, you feel disconnected from reality, the memories of all a past life, now gone, funny pictures of unlikely poses, and cool alien deaths with REKT in the title, you finish with one last picture, a group picture, everyone you used to see everyday after school, after sloppily doing your chores, talking which milkshake is better or what state you all live in, of course you didn't want to say where you lived, but they were from all corners of life, Santa Monica, Denver, Salt Lake, New York, Tokyo, Wales, Sicily, Moscow, all around the world, all localized within a 480p by 720p pixelated picture, but out of all of them, you seemed the most out of place, like where did you come from, how did you meet them, how did they accept you, and of course, you never know, but the feeling is gone, and the warm and fuzzy feeling, is nothing, you cant cry, nor shout, you sit in a dazed stupor, at all the times you thought you wasted, all the times grenades were thrown, all the weapon strategies that never lived up to their expectations, and most of all, the times you experienced the best nights of your life. You finally decide on what emotion to convey, tears start flowing, and you cant stop it, this is after all only 20 years, how could so much have so little impact on you, well, you grew up, and so did they."
“I’d never think such a thing could move me, even after all these years, some people living their lives in one harmonious mass in the realms of games, I could never experience anything like that again, not for all the credits in the world, this is never going to change what you felt, you shrug it off and proceed to eat that cold mac and cheese, it's been 5 hours and no one has responded, but you feel one day showing their families, or maybe a friend, or doing the same thing like you, that they will see it, and forever be grateful for being in their lives."
last signed on: yesterday
submitted by /u/MetadonDrelle [link] [comments] via Blogger http://bit.ly/2Iu74D5
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realtalk-tj · 7 years ago
why is everyone at tj so competitive? like why can't they mind their own fricking business and stop making others feel bad about taking "Omg only 2 APs as a sophomore??" like even in summer chem people r so competitive for like top 5 and stuff why cant they just do something because they like it???
Response from Flitwick:
seems like a vent but ok
Why is everyone at TJ so competitive? Why do people [insert toxic behavior here]?
TJ is certainly a competitive place - a lot of people come in with the mentality of striving for the highest echelons of achievement, and I suppose that’s a not a bad thing. As for “why,” I think it’s mostly just the culture of parents and students putting pressure on students to “do great things” so they can look good. (I guess, in your case, that includes summer chem top 5. :/) This still isn’t really a bad thing - however, as you noted, putting others down in order to get ahead is really just a toxic thing to do and it’s really not ok. Unfortunately, it’s really really common. Bragging about how many AP classes you take or how little sleep you get is the norm nowadays.  
Apparently, the end goal of all of this is to look better to good colleges and get admitted to them (maybe even an iVy lEaGuE  :O). Personally, I’ve been disillusioned by the whole “ivy-league-top-college” thing, but a lot of people are shooting for it, and allegedly the way to make yourself feel ever slightly closer to it is to belittle the person next to you for being “farther,” where the metrics are the things I’ve mentioned before - sleep deprivation, hard classes, etc. I find it sad that this is what we value now, especially for newly minted freshmen who’ve already adopted the toxicity that TJ has.
(Validation intermission - 2 APs as a sophomore is pretty good. Of course, at base school, people can take APs with more freedom because TJ’s AP courses are really rough in comparison. You will have plenty of room to take more in the next two years yourself and don’t be discouraged by people who look down upon the potential for expansion that you have.)
Why don’t people do things because they like them?
There’s a surprisingly fine line between being passionate about something and doing something because they feel forced to do. This goes back to the “ivy-league-top-college” thing once again, unfortunately - the more extracurriculars and high achievements you get out of school, the more ‘well-rounded’ you are and the better you look to colleges. Often people tend to do clubs that have officer positions that are easy to get or claw their way to the top of one because an officer position shows leadership, which looks good on college apps.
However, I find this is not the case for some. I remember talking to my recently-graduated senior friend who ran two pretty large academic clubs - and he does what he does because he wants to give back to the community/ies of people that he was welcomed into as an underclassman, and not for some ulterior motive. I think people who are really passionate about things and like them will give back to the community - and even though it may be work, it’s enjoyable, and eventually, they become really good at what they do.
This response was way longer than I initially intended it to be - but yeah tl;dr people are motivated by getting into good colleges and stuff and so they do these things to feel like they’ll have a better chance at getting into one. My advice: you do you, they can do whatever they want. Pursue the things you like, and make room for yourself - after all, you’re the one you always have to live with after high school and college, and you gotta take care of yourself.
Response From Fleur:
People at TJ have some misguided beliefs. Like...
False Belief #1: I will not get into college with my grades. You sure will. In reality, you will get into a college even with some Cs and Ds. There are thousands of colleges out there. Everyone except maybe like 3 or so people each year at TJ get into and go to a college right out of high school. And then maybe those 3 or so people went into the military or joined the Peace Corps or took a gap year before applying. And trust me when I say my class did not all have mostly As by a long shot.
False Belief #2: I will only succeed in life if I get into an ivy league. Nope. Nope. Nope. This could not be further from the truth. There are some people who are unemployed after graduating from an ivy league because finding jobs is not always the easiest thing in the world. There are also people who are swimming in tens of thousands of dollars of college debt. Some people decline ivy league admission to avoid that because they know they’re better off without it. Also, school rewards people who conform and not people who take risks. The most successful people would fall into the latter category, many of them did not do well in school at all. And again, there are thousands of colleges out there. There’s no reason why you need to go to an ivy league. It’s a great opportunity if it comes your way and you can afford it, and that’s why so many people apply. But if it doesn’t, that’s perfectly fine it’s not necessary.
False Belief #3: I have to get into ___ college to be happy. Again, completely false. There are many different paths in life. You could take a few years off from school, go to NOVA, transfer, graduate from a four year college, get into graduate school, go get your PhD...etc and be perfectly content with your life. You could also go to college right out of high school and end up in the same place doing the same thing eventually. What matters more than anything is that you get that degree at all that you’re hoping for. Simply going to a specific college is not what’s going to make you happy. There are tons of people dealing with depression, sexual violence, childhood trauma and all sorts of other rough things at highly selective colleges just like everywhere else. The name of the college you go to is not going to make your personal or interpersonal issues go away. It’s the most important things in life that will lift you up and help you build resilience through the rough times ;)
False Belief #4: I’m not good enough because of my grades, GPA, extracurriculars...etc. Everyone who goes to TJ is not stupid. You can’t be stupid and get into TJ. Having a good head on your shoulders and a decent amount of potential is a prerequisite to admission.
False Belief #5: If I don’t get into _____ college, I’m a failure. Woah there. Your life is just beginning. Ya’ll just become adults when you leave high school. You’re not expected to be experts in a field like some middle-aged professional at age 16.
False Belief #6: If I'm going to succeed, somebody else must fail. When you lift other people up, you all do better. Not competing with others has been shown to help in the long run. It enriches your life, and you gain connections down the road too. And realistically, if you help out 1 classmate, or even 5, their higher test scores from your help are probably not going to change the curve enough for refusing to help them to do you any good. The classes I do best in college in are when I have a study buddy. We make sure that the other one does well. Screw the curve, if my study buddy is struggling with something, I’ll take time away from my life to review that part with them for an hour, knowing that they’ll probably repeat the favor with me later on. Again, screw the curve, I’ll go into it with the attitude that I’m going to make sure we do so well the curve won’t matter. And that helps a lot. It builds character and rock-solid friendship to help other people out and endure a weed out class with them.
False Belief #7: I'm a disappointment to my family because my GPA isn't up to their standards. Children cannot physically be disappointments or failures. Ya'll haven't lived long enough to have the opportunity. If this is the opinion your family holds, then it's a wrong one. You have too much worth for this to be true. You haven’t even started on a career path yet! In addition, failure is necessary on the path to success. You cannot succeed unless you fail. That’s a secret to doing well when you’re creating things. I’m someone who produces novels and songs. Sometimes I’ll spend months on a project only for people to hate it, agents to reject it, and leading me to feel like I suck at what I’m doing and have zero talent. Only about 1 in every 10 songs I write seem real good in pursuing. The rest collect space on a shelf. But you can’t quit when things don’t work out. You have to keep going. And going. And doing. And creating. And going. And creating. Until something that you do works. That’s what you do, just keep producing until something works out. So keep it up! :)
False Belief #8: My future depends on me taking more AP classes and getting better grades. It does not. There are many paths in life to get to the same place and none of them depend on the amount of AP classes you take, getting all As at TJ, or going to a specific college. Some high schools don’t even offer AP classes or tests. Because we’ve already established that you have intellect and potential and worth, you’re already set up to have the ability to go places in life.
False Belief #9: My friends won't like me if I don't get good grades. People are self-centered and most likely they will be too busy focusing on themselves to bother you about your grades. You’d be surprised at how little people care to judge each other.
False Belief #10: Other students are out to get me in this cutthroat environment. Even if you feel there is competition, you can still find other people to collaborate with! Collaboration is what you’re after, after all :) And even when it seems like there are people who are not on your side, remember that there are a lot of ridiculously nice people in this world who have love to give and will support you if you give them the opportunity to. For example, complete strangers do a lot for each other and a lot of the work I do capitalizes off how strangers can best help each other. I volunteer on two suicide hotlines. Volunteer means you don’t get paid. You also choose your hours. When you want to remember that there are people too good for this world, remember that every single day there are people who sign up to take a hotline shift from 2am-4am in the morning to talk to people who are suffering out of the goodness of their heart.
As for why people don’t do things because they like them, I honestly think it’s because they just don’t know how. I also think that many TJ students are told what to do in terms of “you should do this because it looks good to other people” and I’ve found that some families of TJ students emphasize looking good to other people or making a certain amount of money or having a certain amount of prestige surrounding them, and it’s understandable that parents want their kids to be successful in life and such, especially if they worked really hard to give their kids opportunities they didn’t have growing up. So I think that sometimes people do things because they think they should and don’t think enough about what makes them excited about being alive.
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popularchips-blog · 7 years ago
Installations For The Gram
New Post has been published on https://popularchips.com/dailies/installations-for-the-gram/
Installations For The Gram
“Instagrammable” has become a word of the generation. Be it arranging the perfect brunch layout or snapping a striking outfit shot with stunning backdrops, every experience in life can be an “Instagrammable” moment. In some cases, people travel to specific locations just to capture shots for the gram.
No one knows for sure which came first but there has been a rise of museums for the gram, with iconic exhibits that people could not help but whip out their phone for a FEW Instagram worthy shots. While the exhibits may have bigger goals, there is no doubt that social media especially Instagram has been a major contributor to their success.
With a little help from Popular Chips platform, we will be sharing some of the top posts taken at these places through using hashtags and geotags!
Museum of Ice Cream Official Site
Rooms filled with hanging yellow and pink bananas, giant ice cream sandwich swings and sprinkle pool – sounds like a scene right out of a kid’s sweetest dream? This place really do exists with walls of millennial pink, life size exhibits and sprinkle pool that you can dive right into for the perfect shot!
First started in 2016, the Museum of Ice Cream has only been to two places so far: New York and San Francisco. In these places, tickets were sold out within five days of opening at New York and for San Francisco, entire six-month run worth of tickets were snatched in 90 minutes.
i scream, you scream, we all scream.. when i blow up the bathroom because i'm lactose intolerant
A post shared by Liza Koshy (@lizzzak) on Sep 2, 2017 at 6:39pm PDT
Museum of Ice Cream pics are on AspynOvard.com today! Have any of you guys been? What did you think? I loved it!!
A post shared by ASPYN OVARD (@aspynovard) on Sep 17, 2017 at 10:02am PDT
Just as I imagined it. It was bananas. 🍌 🍌
A post shared by Arielle Vandenberg (@arielle) on Sep 11, 2017 at 12:45pm PDT
I Learned Gummy Bears Got My Back… Had Phone Calls On A Pink 📞 With Bae… And Had A Sugar Party… all at The #MuseumOfIcecream
A post shared by Ciara (@ciara) on Aug 17, 2017 at 4:04pm PDT
@museumoficecream is now in SF! Hope all my friends get to experience the sprinkle pool ✨🌈
A post shared by Danielle Lombard (@daniellellombard) on Aug 23, 2017 at 1:22pm PDT
Via @insidertravel: The @museumoficecream is what dreams are made of – cotton candy and soft serve, that is. 🍦 #icecreamdreams #insiderart
A post shared by INSIDER art (@insiderart) on Sep 25, 2017 at 1:50pm PDT
Oh you know, just doing a lunge while pressing an 800 lb popsicle, no biggie. 💁🏻 We FINALLY got tickets to the @museumoficecream today. 🍦 It is literally a museum that was created for the purpose of taking cool Instagram photos. They said average time to go through it was 45 min. We took like an hour and a half. Definitely got our money's worth 👍 What's your fave flavor of ice cream? 📸 by @samlivits #blogilates
A post shared by Cassey Ho (@blogilates) on Sep 6, 2017 at 5:29pm PDT
hi mtv welcome to my crib 🍭🍦🍭 @museumoficecream
A post shared by @marycake on Sep 18, 2017 at 1:58pm PDT
  29Rooms official site
Refinery29 is the leading digital-media company focused on women with over 500 million audience across all platforms providing its audience with the inspiration and tools to discover and pursue a more independent, stylish, and informed life.
29Rooms is Refinery29’s funhouse of style culture and technology. It invites visitors to create, play and explore the multi-sensory playground with 29 themed rooms that are packed with magic and brimming with inspiration. Tickets for the installation space has been sold out every single year!
@refinery29 's #29rooms is EVERYTHING! Shout out to @alexameadeart for her amazing installation. I am obsessed with her & her work. 🙌🏼🎨p.s. Check out my story for more bts of #29Rooms
A post shared by Victoria Justice (@victoriajustice) on Sep 10, 2017 at 11:27am PDT
⚡️ #nyfw #29rooms
A post shared by Chloe Bennet (@chloebennet) on Sep 7, 2017 at 7:53pm PDT
I feel like we are being watched. #29rooms @dbelicious #harmony @refinery29 @chloexhalle @benjaminshinestudio
A post shared by Neil Patrick Harris (@nph) on Sep 8, 2017 at 6:11pm PDT
YAY! At 29 Rooms with @refinery29 — Currently in the @dysonhair room testing out their ultra fast hair dryer. Cant wait to take this home, it's a game changer! 💨 #sonicspin #29rooms #ad
A post shared by Tess Christine (@tesschristinexo) on Sep 7, 2017 at 8:32pm PDT
Guys how fun is this @ultabeauty carousel at #29Rooms! So excited to walk through the rest of the rooms to see the other art pieces. Follow me on snapchat to walk through with me😉👻 FoinikaKay #ad #ultabeautyR29 #exteriorglam
A post shared by Foinika Kay (@exteriorglam) on Sep 7, 2017 at 7:05pm PDT
Love Walk ❤️ tonight at @refinery29 #29Rooms w/ @aldo_shoes #aldocrew #ad
A post shared by BRITTANY XAVIER (@thriftsandthreads) on Sep 7, 2017 at 7:23pm PDT
💕💖✨ ice dancing 💃🏽 welcome to my snow beach, where pink is the new black it's always cool to twirl 😝 This pretty little pink snow globe at #29rooms was crafted to celebrate the launch of the dazzling new @juicycouture fragrance Viva la Juicy Glacé #vivaonice 💕 #ad #vivalajuicy
A post shared by Color Me Courtney 🎈 (@colormecourtney) on Sep 7, 2017 at 6:34pm PDT
Color Factory official site
With 15 interactive color experiences, the two story Color Factory is a place bursting with excitement for all visitors. Visitors can expect to walk through room filled with ribbons, experience tonnes of confetti falling on them and even jump into a bright yellow ball pit for a little fun and Insta-worthy Boomerang!
The creator behind Color Factory, Jordan Ferney, understood the importance of not just the fun experience when visitors are there but also the quality of photos taken. To ensure that each installation would look as good in photos as it did in real life, much thoughts were put into the crafting of the perfect scene.
This San Francisco pop-up museum is an interactive fun house! 🎨#thecolorfactory #insiderart @alyweisman @colorfactoryco
A post shared by INSIDER art (@insiderart) on Aug 17, 2017 at 1:13pm PDT
Color hallway at @colorfactoryco #colorfactoryco
A post shared by Oh Happy Day (@ohhappyday) on Aug 6, 2017 at 2:49pm PDT
Peek-a-blue 💙 more on stylecharade.com Read all the details of our visit to @colorfactoryco on the blog! Also, this lace dress is only $64! @liketoknow.it http://liketk.it/2sjT1 #liketkit
A post shared by Jenn Lake (@jenniferlake) on Aug 8, 2017 at 6:15am PDT
First strings first 🌈 details on the blog Loved spending the morning at @colorfactoryco! More on Insta Stories 📲 @liketoknow.it http://liketk.it/2sift #liketkit
A post shared by Jenn Lake (@jenniferlake) on Aug 5, 2017 at 3:10pm PDT
my afternoon was full of so much COLOR and happiness! 🌈 i had the chance to preview the new @colorfactoryco here in SF, which is an awesome pop-up experience. each room is designed by an incredibly talented artist and all the rooms are so FUN and interactive. see it all on my IG Stories! ❤️💛💚💙💗 Color Factory opens to the public next week, but you can purchase tickets right now! 🎟 anddddd i would highly suggest doing it now before they sell out. thanks to @callme_christine the queen of color for coming with me! #ColorFactoryCo // my dress is on sale, but since it's almost sold out i linked a bunch of fun 🍊dresses here: http://liketk.it/2scbO #liketkit @liketoknow.it #ltkunder50
A post shared by sarah tripp (@sassyredlipstick) on Jul 27, 2017 at 8:23pm PDT
There are over 200,000 yellow balls in our epic ball pit. 💛 (photo by @4theloveoftoys) #colorfactoryco
A post shared by Color Factory (@colorfactoryco) on Sep 7, 2017 at 2:38pm PDT
The confetti room at the @colorfactoryco 🎉😍🌈✨💕 I cannot wait to post my blog today! Check my ig stories !!!! #colorfactory #sf #thecolorgang #color #museum #colorfactoryco
A post shared by Amy Roiland (@afashionnerd) on Jul 27, 2017 at 4:27pm PDT
dreams do come true 💡🔌 giant #litebrite (like, literally, bigger than my bedroom)" #colorfactoryco
A post shared by mandana ansari 💫girl & the bay (@girlandthebay) on Aug 15, 2017 at 4:07pm PDT
  Visiting a museum in this social media generation is beyond just the art, it is about capturing themselves within the spaces and recreating the perfect “Instagram” moment. 
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runsonsweetpotato · 8 years ago
intelligentsia cup day 10: fulton market crit n shit
wow. the final day. i cant believe it already here.
i wake up to a text from usac saying theyre already outside. it 5:15am ok guys cool.
usac will be filming a racer profile with me for the final day of intelligentsia cup. they cam to my house last night and got sound bites as well as some video of a faux commute so we wouldnt have to do it all before the race.
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[photo: michelle moore]
today though, they are following me to the race to film some final shots from my commute. i sent them a map of 3 common routes i take and we did a hybrid of shots from the lakefront path, to halsted, plus a couple of bridges and alleys, etc. it was kinda fun, and kinda anxious feeling. i wanted to get there by 8a to warm up.
we get to the race and they want some shots with the helmet rig. i buckle the helmet and hop on the course to ride with lauren and may. this thing is heavy. i feel slow. my mouth tastes like being sick is coming. 3 laps and i take the thing off. i need to focus on warming up. we rode around for not nearly long enough and went to the cwec tent to prepare.
usac was there and filmed me pinning my jersey, zipping it up, stretching, talking, staring. it was really hard to focus with them around. i didnt feel like i was in my zone, nor that i had the space to do so. but, the goal of filming with usac, for me, was to let women of color know they can race if they want to and they are welcome always - so my discomfort is an incredibly small price to pay.
at one point we looked up and there were all the comrades - bailey, jesse, aaron, shelby, morgan, jason, dan, also dan. plus alex and chase showed up too. that felt awesome. they all looked so great in their kits and their cheers and smiles were major fuel.
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[photo: i forget his name]
we lined and got ready for the final race. may, lolo, and i were gonna do it. the bell rings.
may had already decided she was gonna go off the front. and 2 laps in she did. she pulled for about 3 laps and couldnt get back in the pack. i counter attacked. for some reason, it slipped my mind that attacking is supposed to create a gap so someone has to work. i p much just rode up to the font and sat there. not a really good move. i swerved off and fell back into the pack.
may attacked again. this time pulling for 2 laps. i counterattacked then the lady from wellfit did the same.
and then, may attacked a third time. this time sara from psimet and i jumoed a bit with her. the pack was still there, but very strung out. may pulled off and sara was on the front with 2 to go. she was screaming for her teammates (erin had a flat and vincci was a bit behind me). she pulled for a lap then the pack grouped up with one to go.
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[photo: need to look it up...]
the pace livened. turn one. turn two. people are shifting on the back stretch. through the chicane. i yell for lauren to give it all shes got. tussles for placement into turn three. turn 4 and im on the inside. the sprint begins. lauren bolts away from me. lots of ladies bolt away from me. i try to dig. my legs feel like noodles. my brain isnt telling my hands to shift often or fast enough. i throw my bike a little, and its over.
i drank 2 beers.
finish: 12/34
finish omnium: 4/51
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blushandhoneypaper · 8 years ago
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Hey Y'all! I don't love being in front of the camera, but the #jkinstachallenge asks us to tell you all a little bit about ourselves! P.S. This photo was taken by @jessicaleephotography a month or two ago and does not show the stress induced current zit under my nose. You are a PEACH, Jessica! Here are a few fun facts about moi!⠀ ⠀ 1. My husband and I are going to Santorini, Greece at the beginning of June. We are SO excited and would love any travel tips anyone has to offer! ⠀ ⠀ 2. Today was our last day of school! Along with painting and running my business, I have been teaching art for the past three years at the same awesome little community school in Knoxville. My side of the hallway has had pack up our entire classrooms into little boxes because we are getting new floors. YAY! I am realizing how much STUFF it takes to teach art... 112 boxes to be exact! Even though this has been a ton of work to pack up, I cant wait to be able to be able to create a very organized space once our floors are in.⠀ ⠀ 3. This last summer, I wrote and illustrated a children's book, "D is for Dog: Dogs A-Z." I am leaning towards making a goal to create another book this summer, but inspiration has not struck yet! Any ideas are welcome! ⠀ ⠀ What are you looking forward to most this summer?! http://ift.tt/2rRmbL4
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thesnootyushers · 8 years ago
Welcome back Rangers fans, after the disaster of Power Rangers: Turbo, I am happy to say that I love this series, it is probably one of the best, no actually it is the best series. He we go 5…4…3…2…1 In SPAAACE.
Without further ado lets take off (see what I did) and look at the series’ major plot.
 On the Cimmerian Planet, the evil Dark Specter is celebrating his conquest of Eltar with his guests in the United Alliance of Evil: Rita Repulsa, Lord Zedd, Master Vile, The Machine Empire, Divatox, General Havoc, and their many minions. They have captured Zordon and are draining his powers.  As the villains enjoy a banquet, an unwelcome guest crashes the party — a Red Power Ranger. Dark Specter sends his chosen disciple Astronema to pursue and destroy him.
After losing to Divatox,  T.J., Cassie, Ashley, and Carlos leave for space with  Alpha 6 in search of Zordon and are taken to a strange spaceship. Unbeknownst to them it belongs to the mysterious Red Ranger. When finds them examining the ship, The Red Ranger (Andros) initially doesn’t trust his new guests, but when they help defend the ship (Astro Megaship) from Astronema, he gives them all-new Astro Morphers as an act of gratitude.  This allows them to transform into Space Rangers. At this point T.J becomes The Blue Ranger and Carlos becomes The Black Ranger. The girls colours remain.
From the Astro Megaship (which can also transform into the Astro Megazord), The Space Rangers patrol the galaxy as they try to locate Zordon and rescue him from Dark Specter. Specter’s goal is to absorb Zordon’s power into himself. However, they are frequently forced to postpone the search in order to protect Angel Grove from Astronema, her loyal general (and adopted father) Ecliptor, and the seemingly-immortal bounty hunter Darkonda. Alongside new allies such as D.E.C.A., the Megaship’s onboard A.I.. New resources are also granted in the form of the Delta Megazord, the Mega Voyager, and the Mega Winger.
Towards the midpoint of the series we meet  The Silver Space Ranger Zhane, Andros’s childhood friend from their homeworld of KO-35. This is a space colony where humans evolved separately from those on earth.  Following a battle, Zhane sacrificed himself for Andros and was badly injured resulting him being placed in a cryogenic tube aboard the Megaship, after a crash landing he is awakened from deep freeze and fights with The Rangers. However, he would always De-morph unexpectedly.  The reason he couldn’t stay morphed long is because while he was in the cryogenic tube, his Ranger energy was “leaking”, he needed to recharge his powers, which he did when he found an electric storm, getting his Digimorpher recharged back to full maximum power.
  As the series progresses we find out  that when Andros was a child, his sister, Karone, was kidnapped by Darkonda.  Andros made it his goal to find her.  Throughout the first half of the season Andros has flasbacks to the day his sister was abducted. Through a combination of his and Astonema’s backstory . It’s revealed that Karone had become the evil princess Astronema.
After she was abducted by Darkonda, she was left in the care of Ecliptor who became a fatherly figure to her and trained her to be an evil warrior. The memories of being Karone faded away and she was turned against The Power Rangers, believing then to have destroyed her parents and her brother. After years of training and competing against other evil warriors, Astronema was later trained in the dark arts. She was awarded the Wrath Staff, which she uses to manipulate others and battle her opponents. With Dark Specter’s help, she gained the space station, Dark Fortress, and an army of robotic soldiers called Quantrons. However, when she found out who she truly was, she sides with her brother and the Rangers and helped him find Zordon.
She was later captured by Dark Specter and brainwashed. Her emotions were removed and was inflicted with cybernetic implants that controlled her (many of us fans call this version of her “Circuit Astronema” or “Locutus Astronema”).
During this time, Circuit Astronema created the Psycho Rangers. The Psycho Rangers are five insane cyborgs programmed to imitate and terminate The Power Rangers. They are all powered by Dark Specter’s evil energies, weakening him as part of Astronema’s larger plan to kill her master and become the sole ruler of the galaxy.
Everything culminates in the two-part finale, “Countdown to Destruction”, where Zordon is nearly completely drained and Dark Specter orders the villains under his command to attack the entire universe. Across the universe, The Alien Rangers, The Phantom Ranger, Blue Senturion, The Gold Zeo Ranger and KO-35 rebels are defeated and captured. The Space Rangers struggle to defend Earth, but are overwhelmed and forced to retreat. Even Zhane and his Zord, The Mega Winger, are no match.
Darkonda and Dark Specter destroy each other, leaving Astronema in command as the “Queen of Evil.” While Andros boards the Dark Fortress to appeal to his sister, the remaining five Space Rangers engage in one last fight for Earth and are even joined by the citizens of Angel Grove.
On the Dark Fortress, Andros finds Zordon, who requests his energy tube be shattered. Doing so will release good energy that will destroy the forces of evil and save the universe, but also kill him. Astronema and her brother battle until he deflects an energy bolt back killing her. Following a battle with a now enraged Ecliptor,  Andros has no choice but to grant Zordon’s request and smash Zordon’s tube killing him.  His sacrifice was not in vain as the many monsters are subsequently turned to dust by the energy wave, while Lord Zedd, Rita Repulsa, and Divatox  are changed into normal, non-evil humans.
Once the battle is over Andros carried Astronema’s body down the ramp of the Dark Fortress, he laid her on the ground and began crying. A few tears hit her cheek and she was restored to her true self.
With the universe now safe, T.J., Cassie, Carlos, Ashley and Alpha 6 intend to settle down on Earth. Though initially intending to remain on KO-35 with their people, Andros, Zhane and Karone decide to join their friends on Earth…..The End
So ends what will be known as the Zordon Era. If that had of been the end of the series as a whole, what an incredible ending it would have been. It was amazing. It was a space opera, fun, emotional and you actually cared about everyone. I was invested in every episode because every episode had something in it. It was brilliant. I’ll admit the effects and so on were abysmal, but come on, it’s Power Rangers. The story was so good and the characters  accessible I didn’t care. It rounded off a series I had followed every week, without fail, for six years. This was a payoff like no other and it was real closure.
It wasn’t perfect there were also a few teeny weeny issues I had with it, but they are so small in comparison. I am not ready to talk about them just yet.  This was the case for most people because the audience came back En Mass. I t had higher viewing figures than Power Rangers had ever seen in its entire run. Merchandise sales once more went through the roof.
With the tight, quality writing and the fact it didn’t use a lot of Sentai footage also meant that there were less fillers. Yet due to the quality of writing the fillers they did have were really good. Their purpose was to show The Rangers learning and growing, whether it was dealing with their own problems, becoming more tactical, learning to live with loss  or the more varying shades of good and evil that exist. Regardless of its purpose, it moved they main plot along, which was something that had never really been done before on any level of this series.
Here are some of my favourite episodes from this great series.
A Wasp with a Heart – A wasp monster doesn’t have it in him to be evil, he helps and befriends Cassie, who sticks up for him when confronted by the other Power Rangers, who also have to deal with Sting King a really evil wasp monster. Waspicable is hurt by Astronema for being weak and Cassie is devastated. She goes ape shit. It’s a really nice moment.  It also creates a sticking point later in the series when Andros wants to trust Astronema and he uses this as an argument winner. In the broader sense it addresses a theme entrenched throughout this series. What is the nature of evil? Are you born evil? Do you choose evil? Are you made evil? Its a very simple way of exploring a complex theme.
‘In Five of a Kind‘ T.J is developing new strategies to how to defeat the Psycho Rangers. It’s a good episode because we see him thinking about a  plan as opposed to just going in and fighting. For several episodes this hasn’t worked so now he is trying something new. It shows how he is growing and developing as a Ranger and a soldier. I like this episode because it shows how human T.J is and all his bravery and willingness to fight means nothing against an enemy that can physically beat him.
‘Always a Chance‘ has Carlos make a mistake during a fight with a monster and injure Cassie. After this he is wracked with guilt, self doubt and fear. This was also brought up in the Turbo finale  He feels he cant continue as the Black Ranger. Adam returns to offer some training, he works with Carlos helping him defeat a monster. Carlos starts to trust himself and continues on and grows as a Ranger.  This again builds Carlos as very different than what you would expect. Unlike Andros who is  a cold, focused warrior and T.J. who is brave and ready to go second in command. Carlos is quite and a reserved fighter. He also still makes mistakes and is unsure. It’s like I said about him in the Turbo finale, It paints him as a believable teenager in over his head.
One of the many things that make this series so great, is that The Rangers are up against it. They cannot defeat Ecliptor or the Psycho Rangers they get beaten every time they encounter each other.  They are searching for Zordon with no clue as to where he is. They are fighting an army of villains. Technically every villain faced so far. They are on their own, finding their way, without a mentor and as in real life it’s hard. This was something I noticed when watched it back. I either missed it when I was younger or I didn’t realise its affect until I got older.  It adds to the sense of urgency and danger faced by the Rangers. It makes their drama much more realistic and serious. It also also builds the villains as scary powerful adversaries  in turn adding to the urgency and danger.
 This series was supposed to be the last, after the disaster that was Turbo. The budget was almost non existent and the Sentai this was based on was not actually in space but in virtual reality. So the crew, since it was the last series adopted a ‘to hell with it’ attitude and really went for it.  A great deal of the budget would be spent creating cheap green screen space footage for the Zords traveling in space as well as shooting new fight scenes with the Space Rangers which were tinted a different color for broadcast so as to create the appearance of the battles taking place on alien worlds. They used several sets so many times and even borrowed from other shows.  They also recycled the villain costumes. Maligore from The Turbo Movie is actually The Dark Specter.  The main villain Astronema, wore the costume that the character Jessica Preist wore in the 1997 Spawn film. Apparently someone knew a producer and they were allowed to borrow it.
With a  low budget the crew was trimmed and some new cheaper writers were hired. These writers knowing money was tight instead focused on the character and story. These writers deserve more recognition than they get. The story in this season is phenomenal. There are the few stupid bits that still annoy me but on the whole the writing is way above par.
All The Rangers are given more development, even though it’s small and comes throughout the entire series as oppose to just one stand alone episode they all grow very nicely. What was planted at the end of Turbo blossoms into an awesome team. The biggest focus is on the new character Andros, his story is very typical as the loner who learns teamwork but his development is tied up in the other four Rangers. They help him as much as he helps them. I also like how they give reasons for his isolation and refusal of help in the form of the comatose Zhane.
This series would be the first to be completely serialised, in that it relied on a continuing plot that unfolds episode by episode. This series also featured plot devices and storylines never before seen in a Power Rangers series.
Something that that makes it so highly regarded was because it’s the first Power Rangers series to feature sympathetic and multi-dimensional villains in the form of Astronema and Ecliptor.  Astronema was a truly impressive villain. From the start she is chosen to lead the attack and she does pretty well. Her Job is to destroy The Rangers and that is what she tries to do. When it goes wrong she doesn’t pout or scream or throw tantrums she  learns and tries again. She is focused, sure she looks very cheap sci -fi, but it works and the changing of her hair colour episode to episode just adds to the uniqueness. Her acting is pretty good. She does chew a bit of scenery in places but it can be forgiven.
Circuit Astronema is even better she is white faced, with horrible bowl cut ginger hair, lifeless eyes and a hollow synthesized voice. She could be believed to be a completely different person. What I love most of all about Circuit Astronema, is when she is given the implant that kills all her emotions she then decided to usurp Dark Specter and takeover. That is believable and fitting with the plot. Dark Specter wishes her to have no love, loyalty or emotion. He succeeds but in doing so blindly creates his biggest enemy.  It shows his ego and oversight.
The Psycho Rangers, were also awesome. They were scary and powerful. Circuit Astronema made them from Dark Spectre with the intention of quietly draining him of power . When the psychos fought it drained him even more.
Unlike other evil Rangers who just were putties in disguise or punks in morph suits. These were tough, they defeated The Rangers many times. The reason the Psychos never killed The Rangers is because Circuit Astronema kept pulling them back as she wanted Dark Specter as weak as he could be. Circuit Astronema  was a genius, prior to the chip  she would have killed our heroes because that was her main objective. Now however it’s Dark Specter.
Now we get on to probably my second favourite character next to Astronema and T.J…..ECLIPTOR. I love this guy. He was one of the most lethal fighters in the known universe and the veteran of countless battles. Although it’s not outright stated, there are hints that he is responsible for the catastrophe on KO-35 that caused the settlers to evacuate. Nobody seems to know where Ecliptor came from. He is referred to as legendary warrior. What’s more he can just cut through The Rangers like butter. He is nails.  There has never been an encounter when he hasn’t come off better. Only through interference or retreat have The Rangers won the day or survived. If Andros had not broken Zordon’s tube in the finale Ecliptor would most likely have finished him.
Although his true motives are unclear one thing is certain, his love for Astronema (Karone). He has trained her and protected her since she was an infant, he was charged with raising the captured Karone into a life of evil so that she would become an acolyte of Dark Specter.  This just adds to the beauty of these characters and again addresses the theme of evil. He looks at her as a queen and daughter and he truly loves her,  standing by her regardless of her choices. his seems more in keeping with what you consider good qualities and choices. However it is also important to note that he was the one who turned Karone evil when she was a child so it really plays with your emotions.
As a child I really liked Ecliptor. I know he looks very silly and cheap, as is the case with most of this series. As the series progresses though and you get into the story,  like with most things in this series, you forget about it and just marvel at this Space Warrior.
Now we come to a niggle.  Astronema being brought back to life as Karone by Andros’ tears.  As a kid I liked that she was alive, but even then I thought that the method was ridiculous. What’s more is,  I remember how upset I was when I though she was dead. It made everything so final. This was truly a war and not everyone made it. Looking back I wish she had stayed dead it would of made a bigger and better impact. I get why they did it, it’s a kid show. I wish they had explained it away by saying it was the energy wave Zordon released when his tube was destroyed. The tears thing is a bit too far.
Now we have not so much a niggle, but more of a gaping wound. The only moment of Turbo stupidity (see what I did)  with this series was the two part crossover with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation series. I honestly think it was because Fox kids and Saban who produced both shows decided to try and keep the failing Turtles alive by plugging it on Power Rangers. The episode was a travesty. The turtles are brainwashed by Astronema and attack The Rangers. The Rangers break the mind control and they all fight together. It is the only Black spot on this series record.
In spite of that massive misstep, the series was renewed and all was good again. What the show decided to do following this series success was have every series as a contained narrative. Each one with a new set of Rangers and villains. This way you could focus and control the story and characters.  It would allow freer use of the Sentai. It  could be marketed easily at a new generation of children every year or so . For older fans, they could then be safe in the knowledge that if this series didn’t work for them, come back next series for a whole new story and cast.  The show had finally learned and found a formula that would see it through another 19 years.
Come back next time when we explore the lost galaxy.
      The Power Rangers Legacy Volume 6: In Space Welcome back Rangers fans, after the disaster of Power Rangers: Turbo, I am happy to say that I love this series, it is probably one of the best, no actually it is the best series.
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