#I like them the sane amount
241cookies · 1 year
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In all seriousness, Lanyon allowing himself to be at peace whenever he was alone with Jekyll lowkey portraying how he let his guard down around Henry kinda makes me wanna scream??
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New Page didn't disappoint
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httpiastri · 4 months
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sorry but i honestly dont know anyone as cute as these two
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tacky-optic · 2 months
The agony of being able to go through an entire tumblr tag from start to finish.... ANYWAY. we're back with more food for the hat trick niche ft. rare JigZeni pachislot (zeni acknowledges jigen for 0.1 seconds and jigen forgot he was there even tho he's driving)
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One thing I like about rarepairs is the flexibility. They're a headcanon/hypothetical breeding ground of potential without having to sacrifice too much of the character's integrity, because they rarely ever talk/barely have a relationship to launchpad off of! yaay :'D
So let's talk about how! Five how's, actually. Might've gotten a bit carried away with this one.
As with anything involving these two, somehow, some way, it always circles right back around to Lupin. It kind of has to, given their shared obsession and/or dedication with the guy. But that can split up into all sorts of scenarios, with some equally varied results (and some exceptions!)
~ Getting together in spite of Lupin
In which Lupin's basically that "I messed up so bad that I turned my girl date gay/my guy date straight" joke but everyone's still queer and it's just his partner hooking up with his rival because of how much he's been frustrating them both lately (and oops the proxy hate sex turns out to be really good) INHALES. Does that even make any sense.
I'm sorry but Lupin fumbling the ball is just so funny to me. It is a bit deeper than that, obviously, and this'd have some weird love triangle logistics because Jigen and Zenigata are still hopelessly in love with Lupin, in their own ways. But dipping into that is always complicated and messy-- JUST HOW WE LIKE IT.
This one definitely has the most jealousy on all fronts. For me, there's always this little asterisk on the JigLup/LuZeni pairings because someone's getting left out. Tell me Zenigata's chest wouldn't ache every time he watches Lupin and Jigen escape, an arm slung over the other's shoulder, cheek to cheek, laughs fading off into the cold, lonely night. Tell me Jigen wouldn't hate waiting in the Fiat for Lupin to lose his dogged hunter, mind wandering as to why he's taking so damn long. He grits his jaw when Lupin finally saunters up, victoriously spinning yet another pair of handcuffs on his pointer finger.
There's a silent rivalry for Lupin's attention that they might not even realize is going on until they blow up at each other about it.
It's difficult to tell if Lupin is being genuine or just messing around, especially for Zenigata. He asks Jigen how he deals with him, how he deals with.... everything. Just everything. The "will they won't they"s and the "does he really mean it"s. How does he stay so collected all the damn time. Jigen says he doesn't have a single friggin' clue. Maybe they make out sloppy style about it. Maybe they keep meeting up to vent, drink, exist in each other's company. During chases, Zenigata keeps dipping after Jigen instead of Lupin more and more often. Lupin's standing on a rooftop Pulp Fiction John Travolta style wondering where the fuck everyone went.
Ohhh jealous Lupin, where have you gone. Where did the tms writers hide your unchecked narcissistic ego. The other points after this support Supportive Lupin in some capacity but this one does not. The slow-burn's done slow-burning but it ain't over yet, baby. There's trouble in paradise and its name is Lupin the Third. He is Not Enjoying This. The two guys that are always looking at him aren't looking at him anymore and that just won't do. Drama ensues.
~ Getting together because of Lupin
Matchmaker Lupin! This is if Lupin's relationships with Jigen and/or Zenigata are more platonic-leaning (which is totally valid). The paired fics in Disreputable Company nail this dynamic perfectly imo. But as far as my own separate take goes....
They're both just so. So emotionally constipated. Intentionally or not, Jigen's been screwed over in the romantic interest department to many times that he's intentionally reduced his acquaintance list to how many fingers he's got on his right hand. Zenigata practically unloaded an entire clip into his foot as far as maintaining healthy family/friend relationships go. Spoilers for Zenigata Keibu, but he 100% knew what he was saying when he told Haruka he'd go back to her once he caught Lupin (I can never be yours), and that Zenigata's supposed to be the freest one! Bound not necessarily to Lupin specifically, but to The Chase forever.
Anyway. Jigen and Zenigata are Isolated. The fact that someone would consider them attractive is so foreign that they'd think its some kind of sick joke or ruse to screw them over instead of anything that could ever be even remotely genuine. They need someone to shove them out of their little self-made paranoia bubbles, and Lupin just loves to meddle in people's businesses. I dunno. I just think he'd think it's funny.
*dramatic finger point* "haha zenigata, you are banging my partner!!" "you... you tricked us into our first date? made the reservations?? th- the tailored suits???" "lu you friggin roller-skated out in a waiter outfit and immediately bought us the most expensive top-shelf booze they offered. not even remotely conspicuous about it" "lol yeah. good times"
He's just happy two of his favorite humans are finally getting laid for once, y'know?
~ Getting together for Lupin
Jigen and Zenigata are forced to team up. Okay, this scenario only goes down if 1) Lupin goes missing or is KO'd for a prolonged period of time or 2) the Truce demands they separate for a while. On top of seeing this play out in other fics, my good friend duke and I have been messing around with (a variant of) this idea for a while now (aka they've been letting me run around in their au Rampant and Unchecked. ty duke).
In ""canon"", if these two were to become at the very least amicable towards each other, this'd be the way to do it. In all honesty (and my personal bias for them aside), I'm genuinely shocked they haven't done this before. Not even an episode, tms? That 4-ish minute block in POTP is all you're giving me? One bar chat in the kobayashi sendoff ep. Okay. I'm not miffed i swear
Like I mentioned in this previous post, the idea of the two of them being able to function together without Lupin as a crutch is upsetting at first. They're used to following him to the Ends of the Earth and they're used to him living rent-free in their heads. They've convinced themselves that they're hopeless on their own, that if he disappeared for good they'd just go back to being two husks vaguely shaped like humans meandering around with no meaningful north star to head towards. Don't get me wrong, if the situation was Bad, Goemon and Fujiko would be devastated, too. But they could move on, albeit with a heavy heart. They're kind of known for heading out on their own should the situation call for it. But Jigen and Zenigata are in for the long-haul for better or for worse, whether they like it or not (they do not).
They're on edge the whole time. Hostile towards each other and passive-aggressive at best to any unfortunate folk they have to interact with on this stupid side quest they've been unwillingly shunted onto together.
It helps immensely that they're both "cut that out" people to anyone but themselves, because they can be that for each other. There's a lot of bickering/conflicts of interest and methodology. "You're being too harsh", "You're one to talk", "You're so goddamn stubborn", "You're such a hypocrite", etc etc. But holy shit they're so freakishly effective together, to a frankly terrifying degree-- maybe even moreso than with Lupin because they're honing the fuck in and nothing else-- no banter or bullshit-- and that's what gets them through to the end. Maybe it helps them come to terms with whatever sort of issues they've got going on, maybe it doesn't. Bare minimum, they come out of this with newfound understanding of each other. At max, uh.... see the point after this next one.
~ Lupin-adjacent
A shift in fixation. The slightest glance, the slightest exchange of eye contact for a second too long, the briefest moment of consideration, and the thoughts start spiraling. This is "in spite of Lupin" without the spite. The urge to know absolutely everything about someone, down to the marrow, just gets shifted a little bit to the right onto another guy. It's just them, in-between heists, with barely any mention of the Chase and anyone else involved therein. Their own little adventure away from the status quo. It's weird at first, sure, but it's new and exciting and real dang nice having things not revolve exclusively around him for once. It's a shot for Jigen to mess with Zenigata for once and the closest thing to a willing vacation Zenigata can get. Win-win! Well. Sorta.
The loneliness, though-- that's what makes itself most prevalent during the in-between times. They really don't have much left outside of the Usual. Forgetting the bare essentials, days blending together, moving around the masses like a ghost.... it's familiar, and it's common, not being sure whether they actually like someone or they're just desperately lonely. Zenigata wallows in it, Jigen shoves it down. They've got images to keep. but getting noticed for what they are is simultaneously the worst thing to ever happen and the highlight of their day. Real wholesome bonding material, ain't it
"I tracked you down for only you". "I dragged you into this issue because I want you here". "You get it".
~ Secret fifth thing
*points at playbohz mag* "lol wouldn't it be funny if zenigata was jigen's type??" *points at y series, miyazaki's zeni, island of assassins, that one manga where they put him in a tshirt, etc* "oh my god zenigata is jigen's type."
It's just a one-night stand lmao. I feel like I see this one a fair bit too, mostly because it's super duper simple and doesn't require a crap-ton of emotional angst setup just to get them into the same bed. It's the above point diluted into, like, an afternoon lmao. It doesn't have a lot of depth by design. Curiosity gets the better of both of them, plain and simple. They get buzzed enough at a bar, skip off to some motel to do what they gotta do one time and never speak of it again.
A part of me likes that, but another part of me in the deep deep recesses of my psyche is hollering "TACKY YOU GOTTA TURN THIS INTO THE SPITE BULLETPOINT!!!"
NO. For this one they get one nice hookup and THAT'S THAT. Sorry not sorry.
Maybe it's easier because there's actually something to decipher. There isn't some esoteric idea of "Lupin the Third, Gentleman Thief"; a mystery man(?) with a million little gadgets and masks and smiles; this unwavering, unpredictable force of chaos that likes taking shiny things from one place and hiding them somewhere else over and over again with no real rhyme or reason.
It's easier to find solace in turning to the guy next to you and going, "what do you think that is?" than in going up to "that" and poking it with a stick in hopes it'll give some sort of answer. "That" won't. "That" likes watching you guys flounder around together too much :)
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leelarots · 18 days
want you to know that I love leaning into the idea that implying theta had a crush on him from day 1 of the academy was just insane projection from the master and that in fact he was the one making doe eyes etc
I'm not saying that theta didn't like him back, but like... him falling first... falling hard... the shame of being so attracted that he tries to deflect it on the doctor. the added possibility that koschei never felt like theta reciprocated his love to their intensity (this feeling intensified after they drifted apart/the doctor left gallifrey something something koschei thinks he did the rock murder with all the toxic devotional subtext that has
idk i find it fun
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surreal-duck · 1 year
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category 5 valkyrie incident
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pnease-and-derb · 2 years
everyone who draws the underwater kiss scene seems to conveniently forget that xie lian was dressed like a pregnant woman with a nail in his foot while escaping a feral fetus demon
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thedrotter · 7 months
hello dearest gamers ... today I have spent 3 hours translating the little character descriptions in the Re:Kinder page of Parun's website for the sake of me doing some wiki pages for em' characters and now i will share it with you!!! (ᵔ◡ᵔ) Here it is!! It's very likely a bit flimsy but it gets the point across (i hope).
(Oh yeah by the way the text in brackets "[ ]" is me butting in to clarify things not actual translated text)
The protagonist of this story.
He holds the key to the story. [to unclasp it, or to solve it! The word used implies that, but I wasn't sure how to write it in in a way that sounded natural.]
A third grader in elementary school.
He is Shunsuke's childhood friend!
Has a gentle and kind personality.
A third grader in elementary school.
A friend of Shunsuke and Ryou.
She is usually kind, but can be scary sometimes.
A third grader in elementary school.
Has a shy and quiet personality. [this sentence was a bit tricky to translate, there's a nuance to it i could not understand but this is basically what it's trying to say]
She has just recently moved into town.
A fourth grader in elementary school.
Has a strong personality that puts even that of the boys to shame. [in other words, it outshines theirs!]
She also cares about being fashionable.
A fifth grader in elementary school.
Oldest member of the group. [in between the kids, ignore Mami for a second Dx]
Seems older than he actually is, with a composed personality.
A sixth grader in elementary school.
Has a weak and frightened personality. [which can also be read as timid and nervous (though it implies fear so frightened it is).]
For all the things that happen [to him] in the story, I give my condolences.
A third grader in elementary school.
Shunsuke's older sister [a sister figure, not literally his sister but wasn't sure how to write that in] next door.
She and Shunsuke are close friends!
A second year student in high school.
Appears in the middle of the story.
A young boy that is a bit strange.
A second grader in elementary school.
Was it anything completely new and mindblowing no but is it fun to know what it says yes !!! 😊
#re:kinder#not art#do let me know of any mistakes!!#i do not speak japanese i worked with very limited understanding of how it works and goofy amounts of research😭#but it's honest manual work#cuz the automatic site translation had me raising eyebrows#so 3 HOURS OF SITTING DOWN HERE I GO!!!😍😍😍#basically me trying to see what adjectives bro uses to describe the characters#tell me. i am writing the personality section for them pleas e tell me#oh yeah i am writing wiki pages for the main cast cuz im insane#YOU KNOW HOW THERES RPGGG MAKER RPG WIKIS AROUND WITH REKINDER ON IT#i want the characters to have nice pages like all the other characters in those sorts of wikis#and i so conveniently have a nearly 40k word document on this game i made for the purpose of analysis cuz im sane#SO WHY NOT#specially for the spanish wiki because at least the english one has pages made for all of them spanish one has a sentence💔#in the characters page at least cuz i added silly tiny descriptions of the characters in the main one#THE SILLY LITTLE GUYS WILL GET THE PAGES THEY DESERVE!!!#because you know reading wikis on your favorite characters is very fun#i want people to be able to do that with them too#and it also gives me an excuse to talk about this game for more hours than i already have#even if its to a wiki#anyway play re:kinder 😊#oh yeah if youre curious on the honorifics . boys are given kun girls are given san. mami is given oneechan#didnt really mention em cuz they aint used in english
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whiskeyswifty · 1 year
#this is such a niche gripe i guess idk its why it's in the tags#but i really get so annoyed by how a lot of this fandom acts like they know everything about her especially like where she goes#and what she does in her free time because they think they KNOW about everything but#all you know is what she chooses to show you like specifically paps like...... she calls them. all celebs do. 99.999999% of the time#these days it's how that industry works which i KNOW for a fact but like don't take my word for it if you don't believe me fine#but it's how it is and i can tell you that from professional experience but also like#the amount of friends and people i know who've seen her places all over the city for YEARS now#and there are no pap photos of her in those places nor did anyone know she went to that building/restaurant/bar/event#there are a feeeeeew places in the city which are celeb hotspots and the paps might skulk around there but that's cuz#they are known spots for that and waiters and staff tip them off for profit shares#like i know someone who saw her literally last night at a restaurant#there are no photos of her there and no paps outside#like if you think she doesn't leave the house or go somewhere without you knowing cuz you think she's papped everywhere...#thats just simply not true lol couldn't be FURTHER from true#she goes so many places and does so many things that you just don't know about. it's VERY easy to live a private life in the city#EVEN THIS WEEK she's gone more places than you've seen her getting papped at cuz i know people who've seen her!#i can't tell you the amount of famous people i've come across in these situations and the press and social media were none the wiser#people i've sat next to at a crowded brunch counter or people walking their dog or taking their kid for a bike ride like.... ALL THE TIME#famous people love new york cuz new yorkers don't bother them and they can live in relative obscurity#idk what i'm getting at i guess this weirdness like I AM GONNA SHUT DOWN ANYTHING THAT I DONT HAVE PROOF OF#is so deranged to me because...... you only have ~proof~ of like 10% of her life#so the other 90% of it didn't happen cuz.... you a blogger on the internet don't have photographic evidence of it????#IS THAT NOT THE MOST INSANE THING TO SAY????#idk really weird that people just think they know her and shut down any one who poses something that doesn't fit into their#frankensteined version of her that they made out of a bunch of paparazzi photos and flight trackers and deuxmoi posts taped together#as if THATS somehow MORE sane and a more realized person#idk if i'm making sense i'm annoyed whatever whatEVERRRRR
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twinknote · 3 months
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha i think i'm going to go. Actually insane
my brother's gf's parents just put in an offer on a house for them today and it was accepted! and anyone who is not deeply mentally ill and traumatized and disabled and stuck living with their shitty fucking parents in their shitty fucking moldy decrepit hoarder's house would be happy for them! and i'm Soooooooo not! i fear i need to be kept 1,000 feet away from their happy celebratory housewarming shit bc it makes me want to kill everyone and then myself! like my mom texted me that they got the house and i immediately just started having a mental fucking breakdown and laughing and crying hysterically!!!!!!!!
like wow that's awesome!!!!! that's so awesome that you have rich parents who can just. randomly decide to buy you a house!!!!! that's so cool and good for you!!!! it would be so cool if my parents even had a decent house that isn't full of mold and bugs and mice and probably asbestos and has no usable dining or living room because they're piled with random fucking shit!!!! it would be so cool if some evil rotting smell didn't waft through the vents regularly!!!! it would be so cool if they were functional and capable of cleaning!!!!! it would be so cool if they were able or willing to help me live literally anywhere else, or GOD forbid realize that maybe living here isn't good for me!!!! that would be SO awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but it's So cool that your parents bought you a 3 bedroom house on a whim 👍 it's so cool that my brother gets to live there without having to go through any of the barriers that come with buying a house. it's so cool that people are just able to make money and live in safe and comfortable places and both of those things feel entirely impossible for me to the point where i truly just feel like i'm not meant to be happy or even just safe and sane. it's so cool that people just magically get their basic needs met and i'm just over here like ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha i'll never have that! that's awesome 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
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waffulaa · 1 year
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heybaetae · 10 months
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aromacaque · 1 year
skulltrot #1 donnie defender everyone should be so fucking scared for whenever i eventually get that video essay out for him because somehow SOMEHOW my mikey analysis was 50 minutes long and ... i can't say for sure how long one on donnie would end up being but if it ends up being longer than that somehow i will disintegrate or something i think
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imwritesometimes · 1 year
I hope all the people setting off all the large loud and clearly illegal fireworks now and in the days to come that are scaring my cats and all the critters in my yard fuckin blow their hands off 🙂✌️
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bsdisfreetherapy · 2 years
sooooooo, I found a new anime that I will also be obsessing over now. Jump ship while y'all still can
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can you guys all please actually actually be so kind to each other and I mean it tangibly like stop being a coward about what you’ll lose cause it doesn’t fucking matter more than being kind and you know it just fucking do what you can we’ve already lost so much what is the fucking cost of being kind to you anymore. people are so fucking desensitized to their own bullshit they’re dealing with like they’re so casual and blaise and ignorant about things that even harm them directly like why not at least be kind about it why not at least deal with the bullshit that comes from being kind instead i am so sad abt this why do people have to make it so hard. like I get capitalism and colonialism and whatever plays into people being raised to be unkind but are we that fucking fallible like that really fucking sucks bro
#tagged#maybe I’m finally processing my emotions after pulling off the thing and maybe that’s good but I just don’t fucking know man#it fucking sucks#it could be 6 months of emotions I haven’t been able to fully process happening all at once#but it’s also like#am I just never gonna get closure on humans sucking ass as much as they do#am I never gonna get closure on the sheer amount of humans failing to be a safety net for the people who aren’t so kind bc turns out they#aren’t kind either#am i just gonna be fucked up abt this forever like I have been my entire life#like holy fuck god damn I am fucked up and all I can seem to do about it is try not to be fucked up to other people to keep myself sane#but what about me hello#is this the woman experience like#idk what to do bc almost no one is kind to me in a way I can fully trust#so I guess I’ll just bleed out kindness for others till I die I guess#and if I’m lucky it’ll teach them how to be kind back to me#but some people you can never be kind enough to I guess#is that really true#I get it’s to protect you from staying with toxic people forever#but what about never giving up on people what about being kind just to be kind#I don’t care abt being glorified for being kind i just want to know the kindness had an impact#I guess I’m supposed to care abt getting it back like sure yeah I deserve it too#but is that actually going to ever happen#so like whatever I’ll just keep being kind until I’m out and I just disintegrate quietly into the wind while no one even seems to like#sit with me and the weight of what I’m going through about it and really really try to be there for me even if I talk about it#I really am going though it holy fucking god damn#I thought I was mostly feeling more fucked around my period but it is a week after my period and I’m just feeeeeeling it Whoo#like I’ve slowly realized how often I’ve felt incredibly anxious and fucked up and then try to just go abt my day but it is so much more#than usual#and none of the therapists I’d maybe trust are taking insurance#how the fuck can you even start a therapist relationship when you want to vent abt covid and None of them are fucking masking anymore
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lemonduckisnowawake · 5 months
*gasps as I crawl up to this blog, covered in blood and sweat and gore* After 300 pages of story scenes, 700 pages of short stories, multiple documents of additional short story dumps, 7 folders, and some other things, I have successfully found at *least* FIVE romance scenes that aren't written with hatred and pain, aren't written out of spite, aren't made to be ridiculous and/or funny, aren't heavily made to be an allegory, aren't noncanon cause meh, AND aren't made to be a tragedy. At least 5 (it's sadly less than five but I'm done looking at what I didn't) small written things in over 6 years of Serious Writing that feature a romance that is soft, taken seriously, canon, AND not made to be purposefully ridiculous cause I Could Not.
All that to prove to a friend I could do romance softly and seriously after they shared something really very sweet and well written. ALL THAT JUST TO SHOW THAT I KIND OF ALREADY SHARED SOMETHING LIKE THAT A FEW WEEKS BACK
#i hate romance#it is suffering. it is pain. it hates me just as much as i hate it#AND THE THING IS#i may cry about my allergy to the feeling but I'm actually...okay???? with it???#like most of my beef with it is the fact that people expect me to think it matters personally to my life (no)#or that it's just...badly treated even in fiction trying to glorify it (that's the first problem)#lemon duck quacks#by the way the thing i finally shared was still very funny (to me) but honestly sickeningly cute and awkward#i cannot believe i wrote it#lets see...there was skies (implied romance though)#then two non canon ficlets (hence they didn't COUNT)#and two separate things that were 20 pages (ew. old writing) and 14 pages (a lot funner) but TOO LONG#so ...4 in total#i am almost certain that i DID have something in my fairy tale retellings folder#But You Would Not Believe The Amount of Romances That Focused on Dynamics Between People That were NOT The Main Couple#like i would have people react to it or have some Outside Dynamic between one of the couple members and someone else#discussing it#oh there was also the chives romance scene (had outside interference though and not really soft)#and another outside interference awkward flirting scene (so also didn't count)#and yes i KNOW for a fact that I inserted characters to interrupt romances on purposes because younger me disliked having them#but really and earnestly thought books should have it at least somewhere for non mcs#anyway i think will go lie down and contemplate my choice to use a sunday to hunt down any (relatively) sane romances I'd written
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