#lots to stew in
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tacky-optic · 3 months ago
binged the comic twice now cos im a freak. reaction to the... uh. middle part? the whole thing. spoilers for that.
holy fuck, just. just the whole administrator/zepheniah loredrop. jesus christ. whatever the hell they had goes well beyond rivalry or antagonists or adversaries or whatever. there's literally no word for it. "i expect unflinching, round-the-clock brutality" YEAH NO SHIT
i'm so glad we'll never know what she told him; whatever the imagination can concoct will always be more hellish than anything put to canonized words. but the portrayal of her short-lived vindication, the loss of what made her want to carry on living, the drastic and successful resolution, then the timely (and literal) revival offered by grey… he really was nothing in the grand scheme of things. just a tool.
and at the very end, not remembering WHY she's done all of this-- why she decided to torture zepheniah specifically with this for as long as she has-- just continuing to HATE FOR THE SAKE OF HATE because it makes you FEEL something. FOREVER. "JUST YOU AND ME." "ALL THAT WASTED TIME. IT WAS WORTH IT."
i think zepheniah was just a vessel for her. something to put her hate in. another means to an end. whether it has anything to do with the intro art is up in the air-- its inconsistent consistency can attest to that. honestly, what exactly happened or who that little girl truly is or who she's crying over doesn't really matter.
because it all crumbles to fucking dust. everything pauling unknowingly swore her whole life/worth as a person to. sick.
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tacky-optic · 7 months ago
gonna be normal about lupin up top and insane about zeni at the bottom for a sec.
i love when people talk about lupin and Legacy because i. cannot. it eludes me. lupin eludes me. but for the variations of lupin where I and II's ghosts are very much prevalent, yes. simply yes. lupin III earned his rivalry with zenigata.
anyway, zaza man. good god ok one second. im fine im okay im so okay about this
i love thinking about past/transition/present zeni. you made me crack out my list op. my little zenigata timeline list that i made to try and define what the hell he is, or what he could be from special to movie to series. there are SO MANY goddamn depictions of this guy, but this was the easiest way to nail it down for me. inside you there are three zenigatas....
early zeni
- generic noir detective angstlord - tired - one of those total workaholic hardasses. no fun, no chill, ever - not even remotely pleasant to be around. runs solo because getting assigned to be his partner is some sorta Higher Form of Punishment - cruel, cold, calculating, etc etc, to a borderline villainish degree - anger issues because of-- - VERY repressed fellings for lupin. surely that tight little feeling he gets in his chest whenever he sees him must be hatred
mid zeni
- insane - tired - probably subconsciously aware that he's into lupin, but the denial is still off the charts - bombastic? that's a word - actually lets himself be happy! sorta. he's trying but its still kind of a lie - probably the simplest phase imo, if only bc he's going through a wholeass Total Restructuring right under everyone's noses
late zeni
- took over a decade but he actually mellowed out, good for him - tired - calculating in like, a cool unscary way - still has bursts of anger/insanity, just not as intense as early/mid - definitely more amicable/tolerable to be around, both on and off the case - wholly aware he loves lupin in some regard. the guy, the rivalry, the chase, the whatever. he feels love and no longer denies that it is, in fact, love
the basic gist tends to be "he was Miserable and Horrible until he Wasn't." ok ok, to be fair, there is still a degree of fatigue at play here that'd drive most other folks insane. he kinda had to become that little piece of the pie that "most" doesn't cover to compensate, hence why he's still totally miserable, just in a new special edition "indeterminably lupin" flavor (and the extra side of hypercompetency he's adopted that comes with it).
zenigata really did throw everything away for lupin. that's going to fking hurt and we're shown it fking hurts, whether it's played off for laughs or for genuine sympathy, and it's a real and resonant feeling, despite the oddness of its origin. but when presented with the choice between misery within perpetual mediocrity versus self-isolationist misery with the chance of a madcap burst of genuine, bone-deep, near-manic enjoyment here and there, we all know what this guy will end up choosing 100% of the time.
one of my favorites from the untranslated manga was this short storyline where zeni starts out as this mega cliche Serious Noir Detective Guy (from what i can gather the first panel is basically your run-of-the-mill angsty monologue about how crummy the city is) but the literal second lupin's mentioned the entire genre of his life changes.
friendlier art style. genuinely smiling. the japanese roughly translates to "playtime's over". all of that intense shit they just showed him doing?? that's nothing. easy. just another day. but then BAM. LUIPIN. AND HIS LIFE STARTS FROM HERE. HIS LIFE STARTS FROM HERE.
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there's no way the more introspective variations of his character don't think about, or at the very least consider it. he doesn't wholly understand everything about himself, but he knows what he is at his core and he knows what feels right and wrong.
the split between then and now probably throws him off. there's totally embarrassment for how he behaves with lupin versus dealing with the aftermath of lupin. imo the distinction between that transition period and now would probably be that he doesn't deny when he gets out of line anymore. takes it more in stride than being all denial-crazed/cagey about it, doesn't try to write it off as entirely lupin's fault. "there's always some softcore justice in there but that was mostly me doing what i wanted to do" he says to some effect in front of the burning dozen-car freeway pileup
but yeah. now this might just be how i interpret "self" in a general sense, but his true self is whatever he is at the present moment y'know? but there's no shot in hell that'd ever cross his mind lmao. nothing's ever so simple and it's alllllll lupin's fault
Sometimes I think about how Zenigata gave up his entire life for Lupin and I feel so full of every nameless emotion. Like… that is such pure love to me.
Imagine living a life where you’re respected by your peers and good at your job and every day when you go to the store the man at the counter knows you not because you’re on tv but because you’re a stand-up guy and a pillar in your local community, and then one day you realise you could have everything and nothing every day forever INSTEAD of a guaranteed regular adequacy all the time and you go, “that works,” because it means that you get to lay eyes on someone you hate to your core and love to your core and feeling everything is better to you than feeling just a little.
I wonder if Zeni lost himself a little in that transition, and how much he ‘found’ once it evened out. I wonder if he’s closer to two selves than one, now. The person he was before Lupin is so disconnected from who he is with Lupin to me. I’m not sure I could pinpoint which one is his ‘true’ self tbh. Also like.
Do you think in the same way Zenigata lost himself— his old self— when he found Lupin, Lupin found himself when he found Zenigata? Because I figure that kind of thing must click into place when, as someone who has spent their entire life feeling like a clone of those before you, suddenly you have a driving force that is all your own. You have a person who never went after your father or your grandfather, you have someone who hears your name and thinks of you and not them and it’s like. Wow I finally have the agency I’ve been craving.
Is that love? I think this is love. Maybe this is what they mean when they talk about how a relationship requires give and take. Sigh.
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broareweabouttoviberightnow · 2 months ago
Darry slams the phone down a little harder than he means to, clatterin' it against the wall 'n the pleasant everythin' is just fine voice falls away immediately.
"Everyone with a rap sheet not biologically related to me better start cleanin' or beat it now." Everyone who'd been piled up loungin' on the couch is suddenly on their feet.
"What's goin' on, Dar?" Soda 'n Pony both don't have to ask, jumpin' over each other sprintin' down the hall 'n throwin' the door open so hard it slams against the wall. Clothes fly hodge podge out into the hall, hittin' the wall 'n pilin' on the floor.
"Child fuckin' services are makin' an unexpected call the bastards." Dallas makes a sympathetic sound but grabs Johnny's collar 'n pulls him towards the door. Johnny sighs 'n digs his heels in, jarrin' Dally as he stops. He jerks his head at the laundry room 'n Dallas groans but follows him, both hastily foldin' the pile of laundry Darry had been cajolin' Pony into for two days.
"Oh shit man." Two jumps on top of the couch, flickin' his knife out 'n usin' it to unscrew the traffic signs Steve, Dallas, Two, 'n Soda had stolen months ago 'n Darry had been diligently ignorin' ever since.
"Where's the vacuum?" Pony reappears in the living room, eyes wide. Soda lurches around behind him, head 'n shoulders completely hidden behind the pile of dirty clothes.
"Closet, I'll get it, Pone." Steve ducks behind him, rippin' the closest door 'n yankin' the vacuum from its dusty home.
"Wait no- I got it-"
"Ponyboy Michael why don't you focus on doin' the dishes like you were supposed to do last night." Darry's frantically yankin' windows open to air out the house, which smells a little too much like an ashtray for comfort.
"But I-"
"Pony c'mon." Soda shifts the laundry to one arm 'n grabs Pony by the front of the shirt, draggin' him into the kitchen.
Two finally gets the sign out of the wall, shovin' it under the couch to hide it 'n runnin' into the kitchen to grab a couple of the sketches Pony's done that Darry has pinned to the fridge to cover the screw holes.
"Pony, why are their unrolled cigs under your bed?" Steve shouts 'n Darry watches Pony cringe through the doorway from where he's tryin' to make the mess of shoes 'n coats by the doorway look more presentable.
"Ponyboy Michael we talked about you rollin' your own goddamn kools." Steve snickers 'n Pony stops lookin' at Darry with big, pleadin' eyes to look outlandishly pissed.
"Go get 'em, Glory God, we gotta get rid of 'em." Pony ducks past Darry, not fully managin' to avoid the whack on the back of the head Darry sends him.
Pony disappears into his room 'n they can all hear them get in a couple solid hits back 'n forth. "Ponyboy Michael 'n Steven Thomas we do not have time for this." There's a brief pause 'n then a stingin' slap. "Ohh, Steven Thomas Randle if that leaves a goddamn mark I'm takin' it out of your ass." Pony unsuccessfully tries to hide his snort behind a cough 'n reluctantly shuffles back out, droppin' the cigs into Darry's hand. He shoves the whole mess deep into his pocket 'n clips Pony upside the head again.
"Anyone else have any illegal shit they'd like to turn in while we're on the topic?" Darry glances up 'n finds five pairs of deeply guilty eyes peerin' back at him. "Oh my God."
"Look, you have to promise not to get ma-"
"So, uh-"
"Man, maybe-"
"Everyone shut up. I'm goin' to close my eyes for thirty goddamn seconds 'n if it is out of my house by then I won't say anythin'." Darry presses the heels of his hands to his eyes, tries not to think about the poundin' migraine flutterin' in his temples.
Both the back door 'n front door slam 'n at least four pairs of feet hit the ground runnin'. Glory almighty, he didn't even want to know.
The kitchen tap flips on 'n he listens as Johnny goes to join Pony, flyin' through the pile of dishes. The door to Steve's beater slams closed 'n the four delinquents of the hour file back into the house.
Darry drops his hands from his eyes 'n shoots Two, Soda, Dallas, 'n Steve a glare that says we'll be talkin' about this later. Most of them at least have the decency to drop their eyes to the floor.
"Alright, someone's gotta straighten up this fuckin' living room, one of you needs to go get the beer cans off my lawn, 'n I need two of you to run down to the corner store 'n get some groceries so our fridge doesn't look like y'all ate me out of house 'n home."
"I'll go get the fallen soldiers, they're prob'ly all mine anyways." Two ducks back out the door with a sheepish grin, catchin' the screen door so it doesn't come off the hinges.
"Me 'n Soda can go get the groceries, we can take the beater." Steve fishes his keys out with one hand 'n grabs Soda by the shirt front with the other.
"Oh, nuh-uh. With my luck, you two would get so distracted I wouldn't see you until three hours after the lady leaves. Soda, you get started on the livin' room. Steve 'n Dallas go get the food. 'N take the truck. At this rate, your beater wouldn't start 'n you'd get stranded in the parkin' lot."
Steve shrugs a shoulder, takes the keys 'n Master Card Darry tosses him 'n Dallas nods, both of them peelin' back out the door. Soda pouts but goes to start pickin' up the clutter without a fight.
Lord, if only they were this agreeable all the time.
Pony 'n Johnny report back to Darry, shakin' the water from the dishes off their hands. "What else do you need, Dar?" Johnny wipes the back of his hands on his jeans, 'n glances around for another job.
"Yeah, Johnnycakes, can you help me with dinner? I want somethin' on that table when they show." Johnny nods 'n Darry ruffles his hair affectionately. "Pony, go get in that shower. You look like you just rolled around in the dirt." 'N he's not even that far off. He's got a smudge of ink right across his nose from whatever he'd been workin' on. Pony scowls but turns 'n goes for the bathroom.
Darry waits until he's shut the door 'n then follows Johnny into the kitchen. "Hey, wanna make that casserole they liked last time?" Leave it to Johnny to remember what meal the child services workers had liked.
"Nah, can't make them think we're doin' anythin' to fancy for 'em."
"Gotcha," Johnny nods 'n opens the cabinet, "so, pasta." Darry chuckles, rufflin' his hair again 'n fallin' in beside him to start the water boilin' on the stove.
At some point durin' their meal prep Dallas 'n Steve return, hoistin' five bags between the two of them, frantically arrangin' 'em in the icebox. Pony slides in, takin' over stirrin' the sauce, hair ungreased 'n curlin' around his ears. Darry drops a kiss to his temple 'n slicks his bangs away from his eyes. Soda takes his place in the bathroom, the shower turnin' back on.
Before Darry realizes it, dinner is plated on the table, the sink is empty, 'n the house is as close to spotless as it ever gets. Relief 'n exhaustion hit Darry like a freight train. They make quick work of packagin' up plates for Two, Steve, Dallas, 'n Johnny 'n Darry squeezes shoulders 'n musses up hair 'n makes them all promise to come back in two hours when the visit is done.
His stomach does an unpleasant twist when Steves's headlights swing out of the driveway. He hates these visits. He truly does. He runs a hand up 'n down his neck nervously, glances at the clock.
Pony's head nestles against his side 'n Darry drops an arm around him, pullin' him in. "We'll be alright, right Dar?" And Darry does what he does best: sound more confident than he feels.
"Yeah, kiddo. We'll be just fine." Soda slides back down the hall in he socks, trippin' n' stumblin' like a foal. "Glory, Soda, please don't bust anythin' before the government folks get here."
"Aw, Dar, you're always ruinin' my fun." Soda grins his wide crooked smile 'n Darry feels Pony relax against his side.
"That's what they pay me for. Now, c'mon 'n eat before it gets cold." Pony pushes himself off Darry 'n Soda grabs him rufflin' his damp hair 'n makin' Pony hoot a laugh. They've just plopped down when there's a knock at the door.
All three of them whip around to look.
Darry shoots them a grin that he hopes doesn't look as nervous as he feels. He blows out a long breath, puts his hand on the knob to open the door, glancin' around one final time to make sure nothin' is out of place when his eyes fall on-. "Oh, glory." He reaches up beside the door 'n yanks out the knife Dallas had pinned the shoppin' list to the wall with. "What am I gonna do with y'all?"
"Keep us!" Soda hollers 'n Pony dissolves into giggles. Darry watches them for a moment, Soda's eyes flashin' 'n the sound of Pony's laugh.
"I'm gonna do my best." 'N he opens the door.
also a tag for being very sweet in the tags this is one of the fics I was cookin' up at work today more to come SOON @horsegirlsodapop ilyyy 😭🫶
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lucabyte · 11 months ago
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i feel like people are sleeping on the occam's razor situation of how buckwild it is to outright accuse a guy of being a clone of your friend even if you DO have a lot of circumstantial evidence. there's other options is what im saying. they could just be like. a guy. that's a sensible deduction. you should explore that deduction. ignore my shirt that reads I <3 RED HERRINGS.
i still think odile has the correct theory on lock but she's smart enough to know it needs like... a real smoking gun to be able to bring it up without sounding insane.
anyway. (mirabelle voice) i know its rude to speculate but has anyone else noticed the grieving? they seem to be grieving. does anyone have any thoughts on the grieving? i have some thoughts on the grieving.
#[isabeau voice] am i insane or does sometimes loop talk like they might have killed their whole family. is that just me? just checking.#nille design highly inspired by @kiwibrain's since its the one that imprinted in my mind. liberties taken since i didnt look @ reference#anyway i have a lot more thoughts on this? i guess ill hide them in the tags...? scroll down i suppose.#isat#in stars and time#isat spoilers#in stars and time spoilers#isat act 6 spoilers#isat loop#isat siffrin#isat bonnie#isat nille#isat fanart#in stars and time fanart#doodlebyte#----------------------------------------------------------------------#anyway the extra thoughts. are literally just my general thoughts on postcanon. (and thus are the context for all of my postcanon doodles!)#which is i think nille joins the party before loop reappears for a start (either from a period of nonexistence or just wandering around)#and that like. i think the party should be able to integrate loop as a completely new person. because they are! the secrecy isn't great but#They and Siffrin shuffle into different ecological niches in the party (eg. i think sif is more squeamish after it all but loop isnt)#and while it's not *exactly* what Loop wanted they get that beggars can't be choosers. and its pretty good#(i am glossing over how i think loop's reappearence drags both them and siffrin into a massive behavioural backslide and is likely a bit#distressing to watch go down. cycle of argument -> lovebombing -> normalcy -> repeat. etc etc. but since they are no longer literally#stewing in the worst pressure cooker of all time they do resolve it via productive conversation on their own time. its fine)#the party well-meaningly tries to deduce things from loop's vagueries and are able to pin down the DEAD FAMILY vibe pretty quickly.#but eventually the question of their prior identity falls by the wayside because well! they're just their friend loop! (also change belief)#as for how The Truth Come Out... this is what i mean by The Isabeau Torment Nexus(tm). which is that i think... isiloop should almost occur#BEFORE isabeau knows who loop is. he's just genuinely charmed by them eventually and tries to close the open end of the polycule#which FREAKS LOOP THE FUCK OUT because thats just too genuinely sick and wrong. and obviously w emotions high its not a great confrontation#ANYWAY told u i had more thoughts. if i were normal itd be a text post but.
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angryducktimemachine · 1 year ago
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I watched the Granada Holmes Hound of the Baskervilles and this is my explanation (and defense ?) of Holmes just absolutely horrible looking stew.
[ID: a digital drawing of Sherlock Holmes. He's walking across a moor with his hands behind his back, holding a letter. A thought bubble above him reads "I forgot my damn stew by the fire." /End ID]
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faemothra · 5 months ago
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something spooky for the spooky man’s birthday
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ruporas · 2 years ago
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[ID: Digital illustration in color of Vash and Wolfwood from Trigun Maximum. It’s two 3 panel comics that illustrates the same sequence. The first focuses on Vash. In the first panel, he’s in a hurried motion with a worried expression. In the second, he’s stopped, huffing a breath out as he’s scanning for Wolfwood (not pictured). In the final panel, he breaks out into a relieved smile, eyes lighting up with warm cheeks.
The second comic focuses on Wolfwood. In the first panel, he’s looking downwards to the right with a cigarette in his mouth, wearing a neutral expression. On his face are notable scratch marks to indicate him being in a fight prior. In the second panel, he turns towards the viewer, lifting his head as he notices Vash (as from the previous sequence). In the final panel, he smiles warmly with teeth and holds up a peace sign. END ID]
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[ID: Sketchy black and white drawings of Vash and Wolfwood, continuing off the comic. Wolfwood’s back is to the viewer while Vash’s profile can be seen, now by Wolfwood’s side. He has a bright smile as he says to Wolfwood, “You’re safe!” Wolfwood responses, bearing a grin too, “Who do ya think yer talking to? ‘Course I am. Look, I got them alive.” He points to two figures who are tied up and have comically large head bumps. Vash looks to them with an uncertain expression as he says, “Oh! You did, huh… Are you sure they’re alive?” Wolfwood, with a more irritated expression, responds “What, didn’t think I could do it?” Vash says, “No, no! I knew you could!” and pats Wolfwood on the cheek and his head comfortingly. END ID]
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weevmo · 1 year ago
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Sneezing Dust Bunnies!
it's been so long since I've done any pixel animation! So much fun - definitely going to try again -
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simplydnp · 9 months ago
There’s something so beautifully heartbreaking about the man who’s so anti fate/destiny being forced to believe in those things bc he has someone that loves him so deeply and unbelievably 🥺🥺🥺🥺
see, i don't think it's just that someone loves his whole, authentic self. i think it's that he loves them back. equally. it's that they're in this together and it feels like they always have been. it's how life never started for him before this. it's that love is nebulous and unfathomable and unreachable, and yet, he's gotten a taste. it's that, when the universe was created, every single neutron in existence was formed. and all the ones that eventually became you and me, were together. what explanation do you have for praying to a god that's not listening to fix you, to take this all away, to make you better--and someone offers you a hand. and a smile. and sure they help you up but you climbed out of there goddammit. you put this work in, side by side. you've fought every battle together. faced every crowd. sacrificed. and you're coming up on spending more life on earth with them than without. and without thinking or asking; you've already got the next twenty planned. how can you rationalize the fact that you were on the same planet, at the same time, in the same place, if it wasn't meant to be? there's billions of people here and there's been billions before. but your person knows you better than you know yourself. and you love them more than anything. how can you ignore that they're your perfect half--from interests to opinions to humour. how do you miss the way a room lights up with both of you there. how it feels like magic. and no one else will ever understand. how can you stop the feeling in your chest. of when you know in every universe, you'd end up here.
you can't.
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dovalore · 1 year ago
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carbuncles with incorrect geometries
but... where have i seen these strangely edible shapes before?
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tacky-optic · 1 month ago
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its that fanciful romanticistic day yet again so JIGZENI HEADCANONS be upon ye (in no particular order of importance or seriousness)💥💥💥
- zenigata is jig’s type. gotta get that outta the way first lmao
- favorite fic tropes: reluctant partners, wound dressing, cigarette lighting, slow burn, frenemies with benefits 
- and ok as much as id love this dark noir grizzled detective/hitman mobguy romance love/hate situationship whatever they're probably on the heathier end of the 10 possible lupin ships. they're both just too fucking honest and awkward about romantic sorta stuff yknow
- they both like really black coffee. like nasty "how tf can you drink this its literal tar" black
- zenigata runs hot, jigen runs cold-- obligatory "opposites attract" dynamic
- they both overthink things and small, awkward, semi-flirty situations haunt them for hours. they've brushed knuckles accidentally at a bar once i stg. worst day of their lives they still can't stop thinking about it
- really stand-offish around each other in public (virtually no pda outside of things people might not notice; nudging feet under a table, lighting each other's cigarettes (which is practically kissing for these people let's be real), hands brushing when theyre cuffed in the back of a prison van together, etc etc. normal guy shit)
- they feel obligated to not acknowledge each other, essentially. they're not SUPPOSED to acknowledge each other, it'd break the status quo, "why does that inspector that's always on the news suddenly care about his rival’s partner so much" -- people would get suspicious. best to simply not
- but when they're in private they NEED to be near each other at the very least. eyeshot/earshot. tbh this basically boils down to jigen lounging on top of zenigata. see temp boyfriends-- jigen uses that cop like a basking rock lmao
- facial hair... jig probably digs the five-o-clock shadow look but it usually means "bad mood" for zeni. real late nights, real big loss, real bad scolding from the higher-ups. lupin's dead for the third time this year and he's at the end of his rope about it. shit like that.
- lupin domesticated the shit outta jigen ok. he's the mother hen now. he knows what it looks like (and feels like) when someone's not taking care of themselves so he does the whole shebang-- cooking, cleaning, making sure everyone's hydrated n fed n not slowly rotting. he scolds lupin (plotting heists spiral) and goemon (training spiral) enough that they know to be more careful, but zenigata doesn't get that sorta constant attention since he's solo most of the time
- what im getting at is that jigen checks in after really rough shit ykno. things that might not hit their side very hard but he knows is devastating for zenigata. makes sure he isnt drinking himself into a gutter, makes sure he's sleeping, makes sure he isnt eating exclusively half-assed cup noodle, makes sure he gets cleaned up/shaved. then when zeni's tentatively grateful and Over It and threatening to arrest him again (in that order) he dips
- I FUCKING LOVE THE PATCHUP TROPE and i blame this fandom exclusively. there's this one jigzeni fic where zenigata admits to practically being the gang's third-pick medic and i really really like that idea. so yeah that mother hen shit goes both ways because thats just how zenigata is innately
- hes super cushy with jigen specifically cause jigen's kinda like when you try to clip a dog's nails when they do NOT want that to happen. theres always the looming threat that shit might get loud. and bitey. aaany moment now. but jigen sucks it up real quick when he sees how big this fuckin guy's hands are and how good he is with them winkwinkwink
- put these two alone together for too long and they'll blurt out shit that they BOTH need to hear but have always been too. idk. nervous? afraid? to say. probably afraid. they hate that it's so easy to talk about what's weighing on them
- mostly intrusive thoughts about lupin, but sometimes it's little stuff. i.e. "i actually don't like black coffee all that much but i can't bring myself to sweeten it up because i feel like i don't deserve it/it doesn't feel like i earned it."
- neither can bring themselves to tell the other that That Doesn't Make Sense and is In(s)ane. they both know it's nonsensical and neurotic but they both feel the same deep deep down, too. they get why. they hate it they HATE that they align on a intuitional level
- but once they break that initial barrier of extremely awkward silence where they just KNOW they're thinking the same thing, they can not and will not shut up about how they're feeling
- don't get me wrong. jigen totally vents to lupin (and to goemon and 10000% to fujiko too) but only zenigata can match that same level of angst he has and that's what makes said venting actually, genuinely, deeply relieving. because fuck, he gets it
- they're a tag team of worry. hype men of worry. there's this one mike birbiglia bit from "old man and the pool" -- can't even enjoy a comedy special without this pairing whacking me upside the head with a two-by-four, smh-- that is apparently jigzeni to me:
- "she's worried, and then because she's worried, i'm worried. we're like an anxious improv group. like... i initiate with a worry. she "yes and..."s the worry with some misgivings. i close out the scene with some neuroses, and then sometimes we have sex, and that's so fun."
- on that note, jigen's Worry is very much internal whereas zenigata's is very much not. this is borderline fascinating to them. "how're you so calm all the time" versus "how're you so hopped up on all this energy all the time". the answer is waiting till 2am to unpack by screaming into a pillow and/or drinking till they zonk out
- they tend to gravitate to certain places for what i guess you would call "noncommittal company"-- ambience, if anything-- and since they tend to be holed up in the same areas random bar encounters happen frequently
- they talk about drinking habits a lot. preferred drinks, cocktails, brands-- they're both big fans of whiskey
- jigen buys them both a bottle of real high-their top-shelf shit after particularly rough yet successful heists (the ones where they team up to take out nazis or whatever the hell) and zenigata (after a lot of convincing) never really turns jigen down when he offers him a glass
- okay so either these two happen slowly over many, many months (with the backdrop of many, many years behind them) or they happen IMMEDIATELY, no unpacking, no real deep thought from either of them. if they don't have that “ah, fuck it” moment then they've got a lot of silent pining to look forward to (which i rant about [here])
- damn i think thats it. im pretty shit at coming up with really cushy slice of life bits lmao, it always devolves into deranged character analysis
- some day i will comprehend the art of cozycomfy 'this is how they like their toast' stuff......some day
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tacky-optic · 7 months ago
OKAY WHEN U INITIALLY SENT THIS I WENT "i can read this in like. 10 mins maybe??" BUT THEN I SAW HOW MUCH YOU WROTE AND WENT "it'd be an insult to not sit down and devour this properly" SO HERE I AM. FINALLY. IT'S DECADENT. IT'S IN THE PLAYLIST NOW.
enough screaming uh. gosh. this is one of those "lupin to zenigata" songs that i feel are so so rare and hard to come by because it's from such a specific angle. the interpretations from zenigata's pov are [chef's kiss], though. i can tell how much thought you've put into this and it makes me so giddy
i suppose if i absolutely had to interpret a lyric of my own, it'd be that ‘Daddy’s little princess/Mummy’s little nightmare’ line. for whatever reason i get a very clear image in my head of lupin for that one. like you said it's tricky as hell for a totally luzeni-centric context, but if you frame it solely from lupin's point of view, it feels deeply self-reflective.
prince/princess stuff insinuates the inheritance of something grand (king/queen), and as far as upholding the Lupin Family Legacy goes, i'd say the third did a pretty damn good job of etching out his own chapter. like mentally i see one of those conventional family portraits of i, ii, and iii that has that obvious 'no one's genuinely smiling in this, are they' undertone. the "mummy's nightmare" thing is pretty on the nose if you subscribe to all the tomoe stuff from teal jacket.... dude's dramatically and defiantly silhouetted in front of the burning family home yknow
as far as hooking that into luzeni goes.... i'd be grasping at straws honestly lmao. most of this song feels like a presentation of self-- this is what i am, this is my legacy, my life, this is what you chose to give and lose everything to-- you're all in now and i'm not letting you just walk away.
which makes the whole thing a pretty big pie in the face, honestly, especially with the understanding that zenigata himself already knows that even if he did walk away, he'd just come back of his own accord anyway. all lupin has to do is call or wave or flash a grin and he'll be there, his choice. no coercion, only desire.
i feel like i'm legally obligated to throw my own song out on the table-- i swear this autoplay was destiny. spotify was cooking. "terrible thing" by AG. i'm very literal lyrically so i cant really elaborate much ;;; but these're the ones that jump out at me a lot--
Lose my self-control with you (when I'm with you) Do things I don't want to do, ooh
Oh for you, you terrible thing
A wreck, a wreck you make You leave, you leave me in your wake
Oh honey, let me go Don't you ever let me go
then the flip-flop between calling him 'terrible' and 'beautiful' throughout, ofc. "love to hate, hate to love" is pretty much the staple.
"you'll never get rid of me" vs. "i know and i hate that i don't give a shit". common toxic yaoi w
I’ll never leave you alone by the staves is the luzeni song of the century for me. Just felt like I needed to put that out there.
I could elaborate on this so bad and I might later but rn I just needed to write it down as a statement. It’s fact. It’s here on my tumblr blog.
Also. Winter trees has been one of my favourite songs for years now. You shld listen to it if ur seeing this
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birdwithavendetta · 28 days ago
trying to make art for @keferon's apocalyptic ponyo au (specifically jazz and prowl) and-
Tumblr media
were doing great here, were doing so good, no problems at all, not a single one
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roykleinberg · 6 months ago
sorry for epic mickey posting on main in 2024 but the remake has me brainrotting so hard again. and I need desperately to unpack the psychology of oswald not only a) recreating mickey's house in wasteland and b) putting it right next to ortensia's house. gus frames it as oswald "hoping you would be forgotten someday" which makes it sound like another act of bitterness on oswald's part, like he believes mickey ending up just like him is inevitable and he's crossing his fingers in anticipation of it. which seems very much in line with his attitude elsewhere in the game, to be fair.
but.......... he recreates a space to feel just like home for mickey. oswald's spent his time in wasteland either carefully constructing a world free of mickey mentions, or living on top of a literal mountain of garbage mickey merch stewing about how much he hates him. but he still makes and maintains a familiar place for mickey to be comfortable, just in case he ends up forgotten too. he also makes him neighbors with ortensia. you could argue that the house would just be a big gotcha when mickey is forgotten, something for oswald to rub in his face in a see, I knew you'd end up here sort of way. but I don't think he'd make that neighbor arrangement out of malice. he wouldn't do that to ortensia, at the very least. she's the most important person in his life -- and part of mickey's family too, by extension. maybe he did actually want mickey to feel like part of the family, like he wasn't totally alone with his sister in law living right next door.
oswald is bitter and jealous and angry -- but he also knows how awful it is to find yourself in wasteland, removed from everything (and potentially everyone) you know and love. for as much as he resents mickey, he doesn't actually want him to suffer. so he's got a house and a family waiting for him.
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midnight-mourning · 5 months ago
Or at least, happy spookvember! Unfortunately couldn't get this out on time like I wanted, BUT it's here now (or will be soon). I figured since the poll I made back at the end of September was so close, I'd just give you guys a bonus of a Halloween thing for funsies. So, if you haven't guessed it already:
click the read more please
in 24 hours, or less.
Let me explain
So, the promptober ended up being MUCH longer than I anticipated, and I think with how much that happened, y'all need to sit and digest it before i hit you smack in the face with another one. I also need time to write it and it's gonna end up being worked on today and tomorrow both. By the time you see this I will be back at it.
BUT KNOW THIS, it's on it's way, and it picks up right off where we left off in the promptober. It's going to be a much more light-hearted read as well.
So, KEEP THIS POST SAVED, as I'll update it with the one-shot once it's finished, as well as an ao3 link. I'll also post an update with the link so you'll hopefully be notified once it's here. SO, hope you enjoyed the first part, and be on the lookout for part two soon :)
IF YOURE SEEING THIS AND YOU HAVEN'T READ THIS STORY FIRST. DO SO. It's basically the set up for this one.
Okay, here's your story, hope you enjoy! Ended up being much longer than I anticipated but she's fun.
Borrowed Time
Word count: 5511
"Hurry up! We're gonna be late!" You hear your sister call from outside your room. 
You adjust your shirt collar once more, and double check the green paint covering any and all exposed skin on your body hasn't smeared. Though, you doubt it. Lisa made sure to completely cover you. Be that because she wanted your costume to look nice or simply because it was a ploy to make you miserable, who's to say?
You turn around, facing your brother who's sitting up on the bed, still looking very cute in his pumpkin costume. 
Your sister bursts into the room, "Let's goooo." She moans, marching over to you and starting to shove you towards the door with gloved hands.
"Hey, hey cool it Frankenstein. There's a baby on the bed that has to come with us."
You can't see her eyes through the goggles she's wearing, but her frown tells you she's not pleased. 
You turn to face her fully, "Lisa. We can't leave Gabe at home."
She groans, and starts trudging out of your room, "Fineeee, but hurry uuupp."
"Okaaayyyy," You say, and put your focus on your little brother. 
You put your hands on your hips, "Alright Gabriel, ready to go?"
He sneezes. 
"Good enough for me," You nod, scooping him up and heading downstairs. 
Your neighborhood was filled with people in their 60s or older, all retired types and the likes, with a few families with kids Lisa's age here and there. Meaning it was a gold mine for candy. You make your usual lap around the block, Lisa guiding you as you pull Gabe along in his wagon. 
As you return to your house, Lisa's bucket and the wagon having collected a good bit of candy, you reach down and snatch up a chocolate bar, snacking on it.
You decide you have to mess with her at least a little bit, "You sure you still want to go to the Plex? This is quite the haul, you know."
"Yes! You promised!"
You laugh, ruffling her already crazed hair, "Just making sure. Go dump your candy on the table while I strap Gabe in, yeah?"
She rushes off, and while you're putting your brother in the car and loading up the wagon your phone buzzes. 
It's Abby, 'Hey! You going to make it to the party tonight?
Gonna be super spooky~ :)
And there's a costume contest! Winner gets a sweet prize'
You text back as you start up your car, Lisa rushing back out the door to get in, 'I'll stop by for a bit, team's making me, but Lisa's foaming at the mouth to trick or treat this year and that's my priority'
'Yeah that'd be mine too if I was dealing with her
Thankfully mom and dad have Jack and I don't'
You walk up to your porch, double checking you left the candy bowl out and lock your front door.
'If I have to take a guess, she'll be exhausted by nine and I can drop 'em both off in the Daycare for a bit
but not for long, I wanna be in bed by 11 tonight'
'What are you, 30?'
You get in your car, ignoring Lisa's whining to get a move on, 'Hahahahahaha no.
Just slept bad during my nap earlier'
You pull out, heading to the Pizza Plex. When you arrived, the place is packed, you just manage to grab a parking spot. As soon as she's out of the car Lisa is heading for the entrance, and you have grab her so you can get Gabe out and situated in his wagon. 
Upon entering, you're actually quite impressed. You'd seen some staff setting up over the past few days, but now that all the decorations were up it really added to the wow factor. People milled about from place to place, all dressed up, and Halloween music played from speakers all across the atrium. 
You look down to your sister, "Alright, where do you wanna start first-aaand she's gone. Dang it, Lisa."
After a quick search you spy her at one of the many tables and booths set up. You give her a brief scolding but then continue on with your evening. 
By seven you're the one that's exhausted, you're pretty sure you've hit every spot once if not twice. Except for one, that is. 
You'd been saving the Daycare because it's where you'd wanted to end, but now you had no choice, Lisa had quite literally visited every trick or treating spot already, and played most of the carnival games. 
The doors are open, and inside you see kids running about playing games and such. Tending to a long line of trick or treaters is Mia and one of the other helpers. She's dressed as a werewolf, while the other helper-Carter maybe?-is dressed as a ghoul.
The former greets you as you approach, "Hey! Good to see you! Love your costume."
"Thank you, I made it for them," Lisa speaks for you, chest puffing with pride. 
Mia drops some candy into her bucket, "Well of course! Excellent work, Dr. Frankenstein. There's more candy and goodies inside if you'd like to take a peek."
Your sister turns to you, eyes wide. You nod, and she's rushing in, almost knocking over Carter in the process. 
You cringe as you watch after her, her maniacal laughter echoing in her wake. 
"Sorry about her," You say as you step to the side, pulling Gabe's wagon up to beside you.
Mia waves her hand, "No worries, but look at this cutie here!" She bends down to Gabe's level, "Hello Gabriel! You look very handsome this evening."
He giggles as she continues to fawn over him. In the meantime, you scan through the Daycare, looking for the bot you're pretty sure was the subject of your crazy dream earlier. 
He shows himself for you, suddenly appearing on the ground in front of a group of kids, who shriek from fear and delight. He raises to his full height slowly, using his cape to cover part of his face. 
His cape bursts open and he poses, hands up and fingers clawed. It causes the little group to scatter, laughing as they run away. 
As he straightens again, he suddenly pauses for a moment, his focus turning to you. His rays spin once or twice and you smirk, waving. 
Another pause, then, one hand to his chest, he bows low. Your phone buzzes as he rises again. 
'We need to talk.'
You frown, but then shake it off, 'Can't even compliment my costume first? Lisa spent like three hours getting me this green'
'It's, fine. Perhaps a bit tacky, but fine'
You have to hide your gasp as you look up to him, he's now busy with several kids,  'You know, there's a particular emoji I want to send you right now, but I won't because at least one of us has class
I hope that glitter glue stains your faceplate'
'You're simply jealous I look better than you, it sounds like'
You grit your teeth, 'When and where?'
'Ball pit. As soon as possible, preferably'
You glance back to see Mia still messing with Gabe, they're playing peek a boo.
"Hey, this is a weird ask, but could you watch Gabe for me for a second? I uh, need to go check on Lisa."
She gives you a thumb's up and a grin, "Of course! Here Gabe, you wanna help me pass out candy?"
With that taken care of, you head off into the chaos of the Daycare. 
Dodging running kids, you do spy your sister among them, viciously trying to win a game with donuts on a string. Her snapping teeth and general, aggressive, energy does make you question for a moment how much sugar she's had already.
You shrug it off, she's probably fine.
Another group of kids running giggling from Sun by the ball pit, but his demeanor shifts as soon as he sees you. Standing tall, maybe even irritated. 
"Well? What's so important it can't wait until say, tomorrow?"
Sun's hands smooth out his shirt, "Something's going on with Fazerblast."
"Yeah, trust me I'm well aware," You scoff and shake your head, "Been working on it for days with no luck, why do you care?"
His eyes narrow, "Because it's an opportunity, Bright Eyes. Surely you see that."
"Opportunity? For what-Oh no. No, no, no, you are not doing this to me tonight."
He clasps his hands together, bending so you're eye to eye, "When would you like me to remind you then, Sunshine? When the attraction and, surrounding areas, are functional again and we're able to do nothing?"
You're mad. Because you know he's right. You hate it when he's right. Much less admit to it. 
The glitches that've been occurring have been, concerning, to say the least. The map bots have been going haywire after using the charging stations, the music that plays throughout becoming warped, distorted. Certain walls and such shifting randomly, in some cases trapping kids in boxed out sections, to the concern of angry parents. 
Not to mention that the guns have also been malfunctioning, misfiring and in some cases, shocking participants when fired. Both the wielder and their target, which should not be happening. And that’s on top of the power outages.
Sun leans closer, voice low, "I believe you are as aware as I regarding a certain, threat, looming in this building. Surely you don't doubt that they may see tonight as as much an opportunity, right?"
You feel your eyes widen a tinge, "You think, you know who, is behind it? Why?"
"It's not her typical method, but it's the only logical conclusion I can come to," His rays spin, "And I'd rather interfere now before it grows worse."
"Mister Sun! What are you two talking 'bout?"
You both jump, looking down and seeing a couple curious kids.
Sun goes into action immediately, taking your hand and spinning you into a dip, "I'm persuading them to join my legion of the undead for all eternity, and if you aren't careful, I'll get you too!"
That does the trick, they run off giggling and chattering. You're still in his arms when you speak up.
"What was that."
He seems to realize he's still holding you, setting you upright and brushing his hands off on his pants, "Acting. Try not to think too hard on it, wouldn't want to damage that brain you're borrowing."
You scoff, "Ha ha. Anyway, since when do you care about other people? I don't see how you're set to gain anything from figuring this out."
"It's not 'people', that I'm worried about, Bright Eyes. Freddy is supposed to be hosting a game of laser tag later tonight and I fear-" He stops himself, looking away. 
You're surprised, but stick to just a simple tease, "Aw, you care about your friends, how sweet. Fine, I'm in. But you better have a strategy for getting out of here without being noticed."
"I think the opportunity may present itself sooner than anticipated," You see he's looking behind you.
The kids from before are back, and have brought many friends, garnering a small crowd. You spot Lisa among them, hands on her hips and angry pout on her lips. 
She takes charge, pointing, "Hey! The only one that gets to boss them around is me."
Once again, you don't get to react. 
Sun laughs darkly, shifting to stand behind you and taking you by the shoulders. He bends so his head is by your ear, taking surprising care to ensure you don't get poked by his rays. 
You glance up and see the wire lower from the ceiling slowly, "I'm afraid you're too late, Dr. They've fallen into my clutches and I won't be letting go so easily. They're mine now, and I'll be whisking them away to live in my castle, forever!"
Suddenly, you're in the air, Sun holding you firmly around the waist to ensure you don't fall. 
"But, as compensation for your loss," He opens his cloak and candy falls to the ground where you'd been standing, "Please accept this gracious exchange."
To your sister's credit, she seems to considered the offer for a moment before, "I suppose this suffices, very well," And she has the audacity to wave her hand.
Your mouth is agape in shock as you're carried over to the balcony outside the Daycare Attendant's room, "Lisa!"
"He had skittles! That's too good to pass up!" She shouts back, already digging through the candy with the other kids.
Sun sets you both down on the balcony shortly thereafter, and ushers you inside.
"And what was that?" You look up to him, only for his hands to cover your eyes.
"Still acting~ Now, no peeking. I don't need you invading my privacy."
"But you're the one who brought me up here!" You protest. No fair. You didn't even get a single glance around the room.
He scoffs lightly, "Semantics, Sunbeam. Start walking."
If you were in a worse mood you'd have ignore the demand. But, you want to get this over with as quick as possible. You feel bad just leaving your siblings in the care of the helpers without any notice, and you'd also like to actually enjoy Halloween a bit instead of doing what you do every day. 
You hear a door open and shut, and the hands are removed. It's still dark however, and turning you see the other Attendant is standing behind you.
"How do you manage to completely change your outfit?" You nod to the lack of shirt and cloak. 
His faceplate spins, "Trade secret."
"Fair enough, how's your Halloween going? Besides this I mean," You start walking down the hall to the theater, where you hear a Halloween movie playing.
He walks beside you, passing out a candy or two to the kids who notice you pass, "Delightful. I rather enjoy holidays when they're open to the public. Thought a day off is nice every so often."
"Tell me about it, I'm glad we decided to take a half-day today."
You reach the door and Moon bids you farewell, "Good luck, and try not to be too hasty, Icarus."
"No promises," You wink and start to walk out of the theater, only to pause and spin around to watch the transformation but, "Oh come on! That was way too quick."
Sun adjust the collar of his shirt, "You have better things to be worrying about, let's get going now, hm?"
"Yeah, yeah, you don't have to tell me twice."
You set off, walking through the busy Plex to Fazerblast. It's actually easier than you expected. No one questions why you and the Attendant are together, which is a nice change of pace from always being concerned about being caught. With the added factor and chaos of Halloween, it's no trouble, save for a few kids wanting pictures and candy. 
You run into Chica along the way, she's dressed up as Roxanne. While the chat is cheerful, it's also useful in confirming that yes, Freddy will be hosting a Halloween tournament in the next twenty minutes. It also confirms your fears. 
"I feel so bad for him! He's been practicing so much, even choosing to charge over there as opposed to his room the past few nights," Chica sighs, "And yet, he seems so tired, kind of out of it, you know? Not to mention his laser gun keeps causing problems..."
Sun and yourself share a glance but say nothing.
Chica waves her hand, "Well, don't let me keep you anymore, have fun you two!" She shoots a wink and a finger gun your wave and you look away, embarrassed.
As you walk off Sun questions it, "What was that about?"
"Nothing, don't worry about it," You shake your head, coughing, then notice how he's paused, optics dim, "What?"
His eyes brighten again, but his tone is grim, "Freddy's not responding over the FECN. And after discussing with the rabbit, he apparently hasn't for over an hour."
"I'm guessing that's not normal?" 
Sun shakes his head slowly.
You curse under your breath, "Come on, we're almost there and now we know we don't have any time to spare-"
Your hand is grabbed by someone, Abby you realize, "There you are! Come on, we just watched Pete dunk Jesse's head in the apple tank and now they're fighting."
"It was so funny, Bri's trying to break them up but I don't think it's going well," Savannah puts her hand on your shoulder, also guiding you along.
You glance back in time to see Sun get pat on the back by Liv as she follows after you three, grabbing the bot's arm, "You should join too! Come on!"
Your eyes meet Sun's and you think you share the same, slightly panicked look. You don't have time for the party. Knowing what you do about Freddy there's no telling what's going to happen at this tournament.
But you can't think of an excuse as an easy out and thus, you have no choice but to join in the festivities and look for a chance to escape in the meantime.
Thankfully, Sun seems to think the same way, not resisting as the two of you are paraded into the west arcade. 
The music's booming, people are chatting excitedly, and laughter is heard every so often. The decorations here are just are spooky as those throughout the Plex, cobwebs and bats and pumpkins hanging off railings and the ceiling and so on. 
Sure enough, you spy a soaking wet Jesse and Pete sitting across from each other by the stage. Tyler meanwhile, is chomping on an apple while leaning back against the stage, you see it’s one of several. He shoots you a ‘hang loose’ upon seeing you.
Bri is standing over the pair on the ground and appears to be scolding them. She perks up when she sees you arrive though.
"Well look what the cat dragged in!" She grins, giving you a brief hug, "And Sun! You look great!"
He mutters a quiet thank you as she continues to chat with him. Meanwhile you scan your surroundings for any kind of distraction to you get out of here.
"Looking for something?" Pete asks from below you, drawing you out of your worried thoughts. 
You glance down to him, "Just observing. What's the deal with you two and water?" You gesture between him and Jesse.
The later stops rubbing his hair with a pumpkin towel, "Pete thinks if he waterboards me it proves he's right."
"That is not true, you started it! He said my costume wasn't good," He looks to the other man on the ground, sneering "Which, by the way, yours is shit."
Jesse throws up his hands, half-dried cloth flailing in the air, "You're the one who picked it out for me, and did my makeup!"
They start bickering and Savannah comes up beside you again, shaking her head, "Ignore them, they're especially annoying tonight because they're both drinking."
"Not surprising."
She pats your shoulder, "Hey, I know it's a party and I really don't want to talk shop, but, I had a breakthrough with the trigger pins."
"Oh? I'm listening," You can't leave currently, might as well find a way to pass the time. 
"I snagged one of the faulty guns and just, took it apart to see what I could find, you know, quality engineer brain," She takes a sip of her drink, "And there's nothing wrong with it. The triggers are fine. It's a software issue, got to be."
Your eyes widen slightly, and it occurs to you what situation you might have on your hands here. 
Unfortunately, the lights cut before you can react. The emergency lights come on soon thereafter however, so the room's only in relative darkness. People seem slightly alarmed, but once someone boots up a generator and the music starts again, they settle. 
You hear a couple whistles behind you, and several compliments. 
"Woah! That transition was slick, and your costume looks great!"
A quiet, shy laugh, and, "Thank you, Officer Perry."
You turn, finding Moon standing in Sun's place. And, yet again, you've missed the change in costumes. Damn. 
But, you know a chance when it's put in front of you like this, and checking the time you see you've got a little under ten minutes. 
You walk over to the bot who's still getting many compliments and take his hand, looking up to him, "Come with me to get a drink."
He nods, and giving a wave to your friends, you head off. 
"I don't believe this is the time for beverages, Pandora."
When you get far enough away you stop, turning to him, "I know. Just needed an excuse. Hopefully they'll buy it." You realize you're still holding his hand and quickly let it go, mumbling an apology.
You notice he seems on edge.
"What's wrong now?" You're almost afraid to ask.
"Freddy has been, removed, from the FECN."
"But the last time something like that happened-" You stop, swallowing your fear, "How fast can you get down there?"
Moon chuckles, "Depends on how much you trust me, Diana. And how strong your grip is."
You find out what he means as you're rushing through the rafters and the halls and over balconies to get to the laser tag area. You hold on for dear life, only able to hear the whooshing of air as Moon carries you.
"You're quicker than I thought!" You say over the noise.
You feel his chuckle more than hear it, "Is that a compliment?"
"You can take it as one, how's that?" You squeak and huddle closer to him when you drop from one railing to another.
"Still bitter about my costume change?"
You take the provided distraction, "You're hiding a modern engineering feat from me on purpose. That's cruel. Something I'd expect Sun to do to me, not you, Moon-man."
"You think so highly of me," He beams, "I'll keep that in mind for future use."
The conversation helps ease you a little. You don't think he would drop you, intentionally or unintentionally, but his secure hold along with teasing words offers you a bit of comfort as you worry over what you'll find once you arrive at Fazerblast. 
When you arrive in the staff hallway, it's as dark as anywhere else, only emergency lights being the way to see. It's enough, however, for Sun to reappear. 
"Still no sign of him?" You ask as you walk over to the door. 
You hear a click or two, "No, not yet-"
Suddenly, before you can get out your keycard you're pressed back into the door, Sun's body covering yours as he uses a hand to shield you. 
His tone is low, pointed, "We're not alone."
You peek through the gap between his other arm and the wall. Sure enough, under one of the red lights down the hall, there stands a figure. You think it must be Rabbit Lady. Though, she looks different. 
Covered in shadow, it's hard to make out her features, but her build looks much bulkier than usual. More like Bonnie. It's decrepit as well.
Gaps in her costume that look like they've been torn away, small strands of something poking out at odd angles in spots. Her eyes are two small, purple pupils which stare you down. 
A sound from the opposite end of the hall, you both turn to see another shadowed individual standing at the edge of the light. This one, you don't know who, or what they are. Also bulky, but more human in stature. One of their hands is a giant claw though, and their pigtails look like they're made of thick cables and not hair. Their pupils are green.
There's a smell of smoke in the air. But it's, faded.
"Unlock the door," Sun mutters.
 You nod shakily and fumble in your pocket for the keycard. No movement from anyone. You slowly start to raise the keycard by your side.
There's a noise from down the hall. Rabbit lady-that has to her right? what who else could it be?-has taken a step forward. A sound from the other side of the hall. Pigtails has also taken a step.
In a moment's hesitation, you drop your keys and they clatter to the floor. 
Both figures start rushing towards you and you fumble to snatch up your keys in time. Just as you grab them Sun takes hold of you to shelter you. You hear both of them rush closer and realize it's too late.
You squeeze your eyes shut when there's a loud noise of something booting up. Opening your eyes, you find the lights are back on, and the figures are gone. Like they were never there in the first place. Like,
"Ghosts..." You whisper. 
Sum murmurs in agreement at first, then shakes his head.
"Ghosts aren't real." He states, releasing you.
"Okay then how do you explain that?" You motion to how the hallway is completely empty save for the two of you.
His rays click, "I can't. But we don't have time for this, hurry now, before it's too late."
You huff, but nod, unlocking the door and rushing inside. 
Fazerblast is up and running, and you spy everyone gathered around in the center of the arena. The contest hasn’t started yet. More importantly you spy,
"Freddy!" You rush over, Sun in tow. 
He turns to face you both, zombie costume doing nothing to hide his friendly demeanor, "Hello Y/N! Hello Sun! What are you both doing here? Have you come to join laser tag?"
"I, you, you're okay?" You're slightly out of breath, and confused. Very confused. 
His brows furrow, "Well of course, should I not be?"
"Friend, you're not on the FECN," Sun steps forward and puts his hand on the shorter bot's shoulder, "No one could contact you, we were all so worried!"
Freddy's eyes widen, "Ah, I forgot! Lizzy removed my access for the time being to save my battery for the competition! It will be restored once it is over."
You feel a bit relieved, and you can tell by how Sun's posture relaxes he does too. But still, you need clarification.
"Chica said you haven't been yourself lately, would that be why?"
The bear looks down, hand coming up to scratch his neck, "I... have not been charging properly the past few days due to improper power flow to the charging station. I was so focused on preparing that I did not realize I wasn't getting enough rest until they informed me of the issue. I am sorry for making you all worry."
"No trouble at all, Friend!" Sun steps back to stand beside you, "We're just glad you're alright!"
Sometimes you forget how nice he can be. Your eyes a squint as he puts a hand on your shoulder. But then you snap out of it and shake your head, turning back to the bear in front of you.
"So wait, would that be what caused the issues with the staff bots? Just faulty charging stations?" The fact that it's not related to the previous issues, that it's not even a glitch, has you relieved.
"Not quite."
You turn, and see Lizzy standing there, holding something covered by a white cloth. Their hair is manic, and they're covered in cobwebs and grime from head to toe. You cringe, at least they're wearing coveralls. 
They approach, "Figured out the source of all our issues. Want to take a guess?"
"Have anything to do with that there?" You nod to the white sheet. 
"Oh yeah."
They remove the sheet, revealing a cage filled with-
"Mice?" You and Sun both question. 
Lizzy looks ready to lose their mind, "Yup. I know. Turns out, there's a crawlspace behind where all the machinery is for this place and these little guys," They lift the cage, "Decided to make it their home. Then when they got tired of that, they thought that the generators running Fazerblast would make for a great sub-division to their mousey-neighborhood. You have no idea the number of mice nests I've cleared out of there. Not to mention the number of wires I'm going to have to finish replacing that they chewed through."
"So, it's not related to the mechanics, or the software at all," You say in awe, "Just the power, and some mice."
"And some mice," Lizzy repeats, sighing, "So, so many mice."
You look up to Sun, he looks down to you.
"Huh." "Huh."
You're half out of it when you stumble back into the party upstairs. You brought the Attendant with you because, well you don't really know but you're both here now.
You find your friends in front of the stage, who greet you as you arrive. 
"Long time for a drink," Bri quips, "You get lost?"
You laugh weakly, "Something like that."
"You're just in time for the contest results!" Liv exclaims before turning back to the stage.
You sigh, leaning back onto the bot behind you, not caring if it bothers him, "Oh goody."
Sun huffs, but allows you to stay leaning against him while Abby gives her brief spiel on stage before announcing the runner ups and then the winners.
"And in second place, in a surprise entry, but with many votes, we have the Daycare Attendant! Congratulations, Sun!"
People start cheering and clapping and you stand straight, shocked.
"You're joking."
Abby speaks up again, "And in third place, with their killer Frankenstein's monster costume, Y/N!"
"You're joking."
Sun snickers quietly behind you as the two of you are ushered onto the stage beside your friend. You do your best to hide your complete and utter disbelief and frustration.
You're handed a sack of chocolate coins, you're too mad to pay attention to what Sun's prize is. His head is held high, waving and posing and it makes you want to throttle him.
Abby clears he throat, "But of course, we still have first place, which goes to, none other than the other Daycare Attendant, Moon!"
You bust out laughing, and continue to do so as the lights dim to only a few blue and purple ones remaining, allowing the Naptime Attendant to claim his prize. After the ups and downs of tonight, you'd consider this a pretty good way to end it.
"So," You pop another chocolate coin in your mouth, "You don't think those were ghosts?"
You're sitting on the floor of the Daycare, an hour or so later. Halloween night isn't over yet, but it's starting to wind down. A few straggling kids run through the Daycare here and there, and Mia and Carter are finishing out with the trick or treaters. 
Your sister is asleep, laying partly in your lap. Gabe is still awake, but his eyes are drooping as he plays blocks with Sun. 
The Attendant looks up from his task, scoffing, "Don't be ridiculous, of course they weren't."
"Okay, well we aren't in a panic situation anymore, so give me an explanation."
His rays spin, staring at you, then glances back down to your brother, "I don't have one."
"Yet. There's a logical explanation to what we saw, I'm sure of it." He shakes his head a smidge, muttering, "There must be..."
You crumple the gold wrapper in your hand, flicking it so it hits square in the middle of his faceplate, "Well, we thought Rabbit Lady was causing the glitches, and it was just a couple of mice, so I guess anything is possible."
He nods. Then, reaches behind him, holding out two items stacked on top of each other. A folded up t-shirt, and a mug. The second and first place prizes for the costume contest, respectively.
"Here. These are useless to us. You should have them."
You're, incredibly surprised.
"I, wouldn't you want to give them to someone like Bri? Or maybe one of the kids?" Sure it was just silly prizes, but still. It's, kind of flattering? You don’t know how to feel, really.
Sun shakes his head, urging you to grab the items, "You're the only one that makes sense. Take them before I change my mind on the shirt."
"Okay, okay," You do, and after maneuvering around your sleeping sister, switch out your coat and undershirt for the orange t-shirt. It has print on it for 'Fazbear Frights'. You forgot that attraction even existed until you saw the shirt.
You finish putting it on and fix your hair, "Well?" 
Sun stares down at you, rays clicking. You raise a brow. 
"You know, I think it probably would look better on me."
You gasp, and he snickers, narrowly dodging your hand as you swat at him, before hitting him with more crumpled wrappers that were laying around, ignoring his complaints about needing to 'clean up'. 
All in all, not a bad Halloween. 
Maybe, just maybe, one of the best.
And there you have it, my written spooky month content is done! I have to finish my trick or treat asks, but that'll be it. Though, there is of course, the OTHER things on the spookvember schedule, wonder what they could possibly be referrring to?? 🤔🤔
Ah, you'll find out soon enough, thanks for reading!!
Also, before I go, THE GHOSTS ARE JUST GHOSTS AND HAVE NO DEEPER MEANING IN RELATION TO CONFUSED SPIRIT, they're just here to add to the suspense and the spookiness I promise
on another note totally DONT read into that pause from Sun
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nabi-unveiled · 2 months ago
This shirt feels like Gun's personal mission in life.
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He's just failing terribly at the moment.
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