#anyway i have a lot more thoughts on this? i guess ill hide them in the tags...? scroll down i suppose.
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lucabyte · 11 months ago
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i feel like people are sleeping on the occam's razor situation of how buckwild it is to outright accuse a guy of being a clone of your friend even if you DO have a lot of circumstantial evidence. there's other options is what im saying. they could just be like. a guy. that's a sensible deduction. you should explore that deduction. ignore my shirt that reads I <3 RED HERRINGS.
i still think odile has the correct theory on lock but she's smart enough to know it needs like... a real smoking gun to be able to bring it up without sounding insane.
anyway. (mirabelle voice) i know its rude to speculate but has anyone else noticed the grieving? they seem to be grieving. does anyone have any thoughts on the grieving? i have some thoughts on the grieving.
#[isabeau voice] am i insane or does sometimes loop talk like they might have killed their whole family. is that just me? just checking.#nille design highly inspired by @kiwibrain's since its the one that imprinted in my mind. liberties taken since i didnt look @ reference#anyway i have a lot more thoughts on this? i guess ill hide them in the tags...? scroll down i suppose.#isat#in stars and time#isat spoilers#in stars and time spoilers#isat act 6 spoilers#isat loop#isat siffrin#isat bonnie#isat nille#isat fanart#in stars and time fanart#doodlebyte#----------------------------------------------------------------------#anyway the extra thoughts. are literally just my general thoughts on postcanon. (and thus are the context for all of my postcanon doodles!)#which is i think nille joins the party before loop reappears for a start (either from a period of nonexistence or just wandering around)#and that like. i think the party should be able to integrate loop as a completely new person. because they are! the secrecy isn't great but#They and Siffrin shuffle into different ecological niches in the party (eg. i think sif is more squeamish after it all but loop isnt)#and while it's not *exactly* what Loop wanted they get that beggars can't be choosers. and its pretty good#(i am glossing over how i think loop's reappearence drags both them and siffrin into a massive behavioural backslide and is likely a bit#distressing to watch go down. cycle of argument -> lovebombing -> normalcy -> repeat. etc etc. but since they are no longer literally#stewing in the worst pressure cooker of all time they do resolve it via productive conversation on their own time. its fine)#the party well-meaningly tries to deduce things from loop's vagueries and are able to pin down the DEAD FAMILY vibe pretty quickly.#but eventually the question of their prior identity falls by the wayside because well! they're just their friend loop! (also change belief)#as for how The Truth Come Out... this is what i mean by The Isabeau Torment Nexus(tm). which is that i think... isiloop should almost occur#BEFORE isabeau knows who loop is. he's just genuinely charmed by them eventually and tries to close the open end of the polycule#which FREAKS LOOP THE FUCK OUT because thats just too genuinely sick and wrong. and obviously w emotions high its not a great confrontation#ANYWAY told u i had more thoughts. if i were normal itd be a text post but.
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unacknowledgeable · 2 months ago
Continued: Serial killer reader x yan!batfam
.........Ooooookay, I guess yall really liked my serial killer!reader? I guess I'm honor bound to continue??? Oh noooo, the horrorrrr. But seriously, I'm glad! Because it only gets worse from here! >:}
Anyway, this was really difficult to write because I literally could not find good starting and stopping points, I tried to make my thoughts flow into each other as seamlessly as possible but there's SO MUCH I wanna write for this, it’s eating me alive, (also like, feel free to send asks bc I get sidetracked a lot in my writing and looove just answering questions as jumping off points, so please gimme gimme)
That being said, enjoy!
WARNING for disturbing imagery, untreated mental illness and trauma, blood, and depictions of murder (seriously)
So obviously, this M/c is a serial killer, so how do they go about keeping this hidden while simultaneously living with the world's greatest detectives?
Simple, ya don't.
Okay so that's not completely true. Compared to the average criminal, you put in a lot of effort to not get caught, but the average criminal doesn’t live with THE Batman either
Compared to the rest of your family though? You basically put in the bare minimum required to hide your… unsavory activities
Of course, you'll wash your blood soaked clothes yourself, in the lesser used washrooms of the manor, but once in a blue moon, when you’re too tired to care or your catch of the night put up a greater fight then anticipated, you'll throw your tainted clothes in with the rest of the families
And they just… don't fucking notice.
Or when they do, they just assume that one of the others had an unfortunate run in with some criminal while in civvies 
You've overheard many admonishments from Dick or Alfred over the years, telling Tim or Jason to “Please stop putting bloody clothes in with the whites, there's a basket for them two feet away!”
It was always pretty hard trying to keep a straight face when hearing those scoldings, but you always did, you didn't want Damian demanding to know what was so funny and dampening your mood
Or Cass giving you one of her calculated looks and suddenly getting nosy, that would make losing your clothes to Tim’s closet a lot less worth the laugh.
It’s just that, this assumption is waaaaay more plausible then say, the serial killer they've been tracking relentlessly for literal years, is just…tossing their VERY incriminating evidence in with the family's laundry, then passing out on some couch in one of the many sitting rooms of the manor, while the family goes out and discovers their latest victim
It's just easier to assume it was one of the others, Dick would never connect you, of all people, to the gore tossed haphazardly in the hamper, it's way more likely to be one of the many crime fighters of the family, not the soft spoken hermit of the manor, and even if that was a possibility in his mind, you don't even have a scratch on you
Not that he’s ever bothered to check you for injuries before, like he does almost religiously for the others
And Alfred? Well he's of the belief you'd grown out of your… tendencies, that it was a one time thing. Despite his reputation as an omnipotent presence in the manor, he never did realize just how deep your mental issues ran. Not until it was far too late.
You don't even have a specific weapon either, half of the time you'll just take one of Alfred's steak knives and hit the lower levels of Gotham, wandering around the decrepit streets till you found someone suitable 
Other times, when you’re in an exceptionally bad mood, be it because Damian said something particularly venomous or Alfred missing an important event for you because something came up with one of your siblings, or even when your classmates decided it would be funny to key your car-
Or it's just one of those days
Those days when the abstract voices simmer louder in the back of your mind, pushing and nagging. Images that you desperately want to forget but can't help the need to recreate. All threatening to boil over until you either crumble into a sobbing heep on the floor or go out and do the one thing that has always been able to shut. them. up.
Those days you’re… forgetful
On those days, you forget to grab one of Alfred’s pristine knives, but that's fine, Gothams streets are littered with dangerous items, so there's no shortage of tools at your disposal. You're creative, resourceful, you can use whatever's on hand at the time, whatever's in reach.
But if there's nothing? No sharp objects, no discarded bricks or loose pipes or even a half empty beer bottle, well… you're no stranger getting your hands dirty
Those times however, are pretty hazy in the aftermath.
You’ll forget certain details, like how they gripped your arms in a vain attempt to draw your own blood as you drew theirs, in the event that if they dont get away, at least you'd be caught, (all it leaves are dark, tender bruises along your arms, that you'll spend weeks poking and prodding at, in the hopes of reliving that moment)
Or how they'd flail their legs, inches from the ground, trying to kick your legs out from beneath you (it was kinda cute, how much shorter they were then you, how little their attempts to free themselves did when it mattered the most)
Even their last, warbling pleas for mercy were lost to you. You know they said something, could vaguely recall that they spoke, too absorbed in watching their bloody lips turn blue as the oxygen in their body slowly ran out (No no please please…My girls are waiting)
No, no you don't remember much but what you do remember, what you always, always remember, are the eyes 
You remember the tears, the fear, the acceptance, the rage, the refusal, the disbelief, the confusion, the indignation, and most of all the recognition. 
Whether it be them recognizing just who you are or realizing that this is who will end their life, you don't know, you’ve never bothered to ask. 
You prefer to think it’s the latter, it's hard to explain, but it makes you feel so so important
When it’s over, and the adrenaline in your veins soften, your breathing calmer, the blood rushing through your ears no longer so deafening, and you can feel the pleasing ache in your limbs, you sit, and asses the damage, as you always do
You always make sure to grab their wallet, take out the ID and memorize it, before gingerly putting it back, and finally walking away, head clear and numb in the cold Gotham air
There's no real reason why, its mostly force of habit at this point, it started with your very first kill, you don't feel like breaking the little ritual now, or anytime soon
It just feels wrong, to take a life and not even know whose life it is...was.
Later, long past any reasonable hour, you lay in bed, fresh out of the shower and thumbing the bruises, listening to the voices over the family's communicators (you stole one of Dicks, he has a nasty habit of leaving them around the manor) as they patrol the Gotham streets for crime and mayhem
You honestly can't help the small smile that graces your face, falling into sleep, as you hear the quiet, defeated sigh over the highly protected com link, “B, I've found another one, it's…it’s pretty rough tonight”
The pause is long before a small, gruff, “I have your location, ETA in 10 minutes”
You slept pretty good that night
Damn, sometimes the shit I come up with scares even me, again, feel free to send asks (shh I'm not begging), the brain worms are always hungry and I have sooooo many thoughts about this thing. lol 
Hope you enjoyed!
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ilions-end · 2 months ago
🎵 guess who finished the argonautica by apollonius of rhoooodes 🎵
the peter green translation served me well and i enjoyed the sizable commentary section, although it probably influenced my interpretation more than i'd like for a first read (green is VERY opinionated and also hilariously bitchy about scholars he disagrees with. the first time i've read such a sarcastic translator's commentary!)
iiiii have never felt this much anxiety reading an epic before?? there's an ambiguity and sense of danger in this poem's events that aren't necessarily WORSE than in other epics, but there's a feeling that i can't... actually trust the heroes involved. the argonauts are rowdy and reactive, and jason is NOT able to take charge of them -- he shrinks away and goes silent whenever his leader position is called into question. the mob rules, whoever shouts the loudest (often telamon!) in any given situation gets to decide, no thought of consequences.
or maybe reading about a main character who wants to do great things but suffers from debilitating conflict avoidance is a little too real. agh.
(and it's not like the thebaid! you can't trust the heroes in the thebaid either but their hubris and egos makes them PREDICTABLE. there's something unnervingly ambiguous and potentially unsafe about jason and his argonauts, even though they never get up to anything truly horrible. in this version anyway)
jason is incredibly intriguing -- even at his most unlikeable. it's like he tripped and fell into a story he doesn't belong in, he's so awkwardly miscast as a great greek hero and can't live up to the poem's own hype. he's described as heroic at every turn even when he's not actually being heroic, like in an INCREDIBLE passage as he fights the dragon teeth warriors and he's said to "valiantly hide behind his shield". LOOK AT THAT PHRASE!! HE'S BRAVELY COWERING. incredible writing. apollonius is genuinely a master of subtle sarcasm throughout.
like it says a lot that there are MANY variations of the line "but Jason, eyes fixed on the ground, sat there speechless, unmoving, at a loss in this crisis". and baby there are a lot of crises in an epic...
also maiden-coded jason still makes me vibrate! his frequently downcast gaze, his shy passivity, how delicately his body is described, the way he is a sexual object to pursue instead of the pursuer, how unusually tactile he is... one of the most memorable parts to me is when he finally gets the golden fleece, and what does he do? he doesn't raise it above his head in triumph, he doesn't wrap it around himself like a glorious cape and stride to address his men. he disengages completely and, spellbound, pets it and caresses it and combs his fingers through it in almost erotic delight. just. immediate zoned-out personal gratification, we're hitting masturbation parallels, no other greek hero would DO that!
which also makes it interesting that they use the fleece as bedding for their wedding night. i wonder which one jason enjoys lying with most, medea or the fleece...?
yeah so when medea appeared suddenly allllll my affection for jason evaporated. i'm not one of those "yay medea butchering her children is girl power actually!!" girlies (that's five hundred times too reductive a way to engage with a greek tragedy for me), i was prepared for whatever kind of medea apollonius would give me, but WOW SHE IS SO INCREDIBLY SYMPATHETIC (and intentionally so, see how she isn't even the one to kill her brother in this), she is SO ill-treated here. it's SHE who undoubtedly is the gods' plaything in this, not jason!
like how HORRIBLE her experience of being obsessively in love is! (turns out getting shot by eros' arrow is a psychological and emotional NIGHTMARE!!) how painfully aware she is of her own irrationality, how intense her inner life is. at one point she thinks so much about jason all night that she self-induces a (shockingly realistically described) migraine! she loves him so much she wants to kill herself instead of feeling something so intense and unpleasant and overwhelming. JESUS CHRIST it's so evocative.
she torches her whole life, her own safety, her own family for jason, and all he can do (after a lot of pushing) is murmur vague promises. it's HEARTBREAKING the utter helplessness she accepts to live in for him. there is no safety net for her, no way to regain safety if things go wrong (and you are so painfully aware that things WILL go wrong)
generally the argonautica feels more closely related to the odyssey than any of the other epics i've read. not just all the sailing, but the centrality of magic, and of course visiting a lot of the same places -- including the court of alcinous and arete before they had nausicaa (and arete is already the one in charge!)
more moments i keep thinking about:
that first lovely glimpse of the inherent dysfunction of the expedition as the argonauts have gathered for the first time ready for departure, and jason delivers a speech like "men! now that *I*, jason son of aeson, have arranged MY glorious expedition so that *I* can find the glorious fleece and win MY kingdom back, who do we all figure should be captain? 😉" and all the argonauts immediately start chanting "HE-RA-CLES! HE-RA-CLES! HE-RA-CLES!" it's so funny
heracles' role is generally so amazing, what contrast he offers! because HE IS the old-school hero who can do anything, fight any enemy, who has everyone's ear (if not respect -- he seems to be a LOT to handle, even for the other argonauts), who can LEAD. but they FORGET HIM ON AN ISLAND AND LEAVE HIM BEHIND, and now jason, tripped-and-fell-into-epic-heroism jason!, gotta be fully in charge and timidly face every obstacle himself.
i genuinely didn't know hylas getting abducted by the nymphs was from this myth! AND HE'S HERACLES' LOVER, actually the eromenos to heracles' erastes?? and heracles LOSES HIS SHIT TO AN ANIMALISTIC DEGREE at the loss of hylas. this is why none of the other guys brought along their boytoys, dude, this is a disaster.
i REALLY appreciated the introductory rollcall of EVERY argonaut (even if half of them were never mentioned by name again). i always wish we had something like that for odysseus' main crew in the odyssey. it's nice having that overview.
one of the most memorable glimpses into the lives of the gods i've read: eros and ganymede in the garden, playing knucklebones together under the shade of flowering trees and they're both so youthful and so inhumanly beautiful and the scene is so idyllic -- and then aphrodite stomps in and immediately snaps at her son "what are you grinning at, you unspeakable little horror?" she HATES that spoiled teen. it's zeus and ares all over again.
speaking of gods, that one time the argonauts make landfall, and in the distance they see apollo just walking across the land (each footstep thundering) and they're scared stiff and just wait until he's fully passed by... and then can finally get on with their business. no followup, no consequences, just a random incident to freak them out. it reads like an animal encounter, like they saw a huge bear on a hike, i'm obsessed.
i got jumpscared any time the text mentioned "the son of oineus". i'm like WHAT. TYDEUS?? but no, meleager's here, it's fine.
as i mentioned, jason is the one who murders absyrtus (although medea isn't uninvolved) but i'm particularly fascinated by how neutrally we're told about the rituals he performs to not be cursed for it. like there's our wondrous hero, cutting off his murder victim's hands and feet, lapping up the blood and spitting it in the corpse's mouth three times. all done, welp, time we were on our way!
circe can see at first glance that she and medea are related because they both have the sun god's golden eyes, i love that!. and THEN THEY SPEAK TO EACH OTHER IN COLCHIAN, WHICH JASON DOESN'T SPEAK. he's sitting right there and i love that he doesn't understand what these incredibly powerful women are talking about.
obsessed with how jason is described as "walking like the morning star" (bright, promising, bringing good fortune) on lemnos and is then likened to a star of destruction and woe as he's about to meet medea for the first time. aaaaa it's so good.
the argonauts being challenged to a boxing match, and I GUESSED CORRECTLY that they would choose polydeuces as their champion!! i am embarrassingly proud actually. i did not know there was a boxing match (to the DEATH) in the argonautica but i KNEW polydeuces was famous for his boxing.
also i love that when they get to the garden of the hesperides it's a WRECK because heracles was there THE DAY BEFORE!!!! what an incredible sense of time and place, only seeing the IMMEDIATE AFTERMATH of the labours of heracles.
it's so WEIRD when the argonauts get to libya and they're out of supplies so they all just immediately give up and cry and hug and lie down in the sand to die. until the local goddesses come like "JESUS ARE YOU FOR REAL WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU GIVING UP NOW. GET GOING FOR FUCK'S SAKE."
oh ancient texts, i will never get used to your incestuous dreams of good fortune (no it's GOOD that he cried with shame for passionately fucking his daughter in his dream, that's a very lucky dream to have apparently).
and then apollonius just signs off like "yeah i know they're not home yet but i promise nothing interesting happened after this point. THE END." like he's just NOT gonna touch whatever fuckery happens after, you wanted the argonauts well you GOT the argonauts.
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clovermarigold · 4 months ago
Daggers & Daffodils Chap. 29
Dagur x Reader
Hey everyone, So quick update. Guess who's going back to school! Which as you could imagine was the culprit for the late release. I had this sitting at about 500 words for a bit while also having to balance my second fic which had been un-updated for about 5 months. As a result, I'm rotating to have longer chapters to make up for the slow-release schedule. That being said, I do currently have the next chapter already drafted, so it should be coming somewhere in the next 10 days or so (hopefully). Sorry for the wait. And again, thank you for reading my cringy little fic <3
Pain is becoming a concept too common for your liking. Emotional, physical, both? You were definitely experiencing both. The following week of your run in with the hunters was easily the second worst of your life. Only topped by having to wait at your brother's bedside after he lost his leg. 
Silver Tongue had always been your war horse. Your strong, brazen, and bullheaded friend who was there to be strong when you couldn't. Which was why seeing him in his current state was heart breaking. 
Wincing as he moved between his food and his bed. Which in itself was saddening, seeing as his species preferred to sleep upside-down. It was a shock when you had woken as a large weight covered you in your sleep. Only to be Silver Tongue, quietly howling as the sheets brushed against his raw and recovering wings. 
It infuriated you to no end, not only what had been done to your poor dragon, but how avoidable it was. Had they removed the arrows with the slightest amount of care, it would have been easily treatable. 
The fact that the hunters would have so little care for a dragon's wellbeing disgusted you to no end. All they saw was faulty merchandise they could sell at a discount. 'His hides already damaged beyond worth' Ryker's words sat ill in you. Oh, you would show him damaged beyond repair. You'd leave him nothing more than a stump to be hung on a mantle. The exact same treatment he no doubt gave to other unfortunate dragons.
You sighed, pausing in your ministrations. All father above, you were starting to sound like Dagur. Looking down at her hands, covered in oil she took a step back, grabbing a cloth to wipe them with. Too aggressive, both your mindset, and your grinding. Your poor mortar and pestle would be either empty or rubble at this rate.
Hiccup had tried to talk to you about what had happened on the hunter's ship but... It didn't get anywhere productive. Heather's betrayal was heavy on everyone's mind. Though some were in higher spirits than others. Fishlegs had taken to stop mentioning her all together. Likely to preserve a feeling of willful ignorance.  
Snotlout cried for a few minutes before returning to his usual annoying self. You don't doubt he took it personally, but it was a relief that he was taking it in a way that didn't seem unmanageable. 
The twins were being their usual selves, making light of the situation. Something you were grateful for, watching as the group either lightened or became annoyed. Anything was better than how you and Hiccup were taking it.
Your brother has a habit when it comes to stressful and harmful actions; blame himself and repress. Pointing this out to him of course does nothing but make him more upset. But the younger sister in you makes you do it anyways. Who else was going to call him out? Astrid?
Honestly, yes. But she was taking it a lot better than you thought she would. Though the fact that she was distancing herself from Hiccup was strange. Usually, the two were always together, something you teased the both of them for. 
And you... You would just have to get over it. Silver Tongue was hurt, the others could get themselves hurt at any time, and you were the only doctor on the edge. Just the other day Tuff was attacked by a wolf and was convinced that he was going to turn into a Lycan wing. And it took ages to get Snotlout back to full health after the days of venom, poison, and possible rabies that Ruff had subjected him to for punishment. 
On top of that you needed to pop his nose back into place after Hiccup Knocked him out. Something you did not plan to let him live down. What could you say. The Haddocks were known for their almighty hooks. 
And that was also ignoring the looming threat of the hunters finding out where your base was. The last thing they needed was you going off the deep end and losing your temper. Everyone is a mess right now. They need someone levelheaded for when things get rough. If that meant you would have to swallow your feelings and give up some sleep to avoid nightmares and anxiety bouts, so be it. 
A flash in your peripherals drew your attention towards the window facing the club house. Two flashes; meeting. A groan escaped you as you stood from your hunched over spot on the floor. How long had you been working. And why did you insist on not using the desk. Regardless, ziplining over as fast as possible would be a start.
The ziplines had become necessary for you more than ever. You used them prior, but with a dragon as jealous and hovering as Silver Tongue, there wasn't much need. On the positive side, you were definitely getting muscles from the daily workout. Though it was a pain that the club house was the only place with them. The number of stairs you had walked in the past week alone was enough to make you want to sleep until winter.
"Astrid? You're back already. Is Berk that boring?" you joked, rolling your shoulder as you approached the fire. "Never made it there. Johann Flagged me down on the way to Berk to tell me that he'd seen Ryker, Heatherm and the Dragon Hunters in the Northern Markets buying all the cold weather gear they could get their hands on" she explained.
"Why would you buy winter gear in the summer?" Snotlout raised a brow. Ruff crossed her arms, "Hello. That's when you get the best prices". Tuff nodded. "Ruff is an excellent shopper. She actually got both our outfits, two for the price of one".
"No one's surprised by that" Snot rolled his eyes. 
"Where would the hunters be going that would need heavy weather gear this time of year? Did Johann hear anything else?" Hiccup redirected everyone back on point.
"They needed the gear right away. And they were after something rare. A bone or a claw..." Hiccup answered for her, "Or maybe a tooth?".
"The Snowwraith of course!" Fishlegs cut in, "The dragon Hunters are after the Snowwraith to get one of its teeth".
"Yeah, good luck with that. We barely got out of there alive" Tuff deadpanned. "The dragon eye used to belong to the Hunters. They must know they need a Snowwraith tooth to make it work" hunters going after another dragon? Like Hel you were going to let that happen.
"Who cares? All it means is that they aren't coming our way" Snotlout shrugged. "Where do you think they're going after they get it Snot?" you glared at him.
"If they do get their own key, they'll be coming for us next" Hiccup looked across the group.
"Please tell me you're not thinking what I think you're thinking" Astrid tilted her head to the side and fixed your brother a look. "Oh, he's thinking. That's definitely his thinking face" the twins chided.
"We can't let that happen. Get a good night's sleep, gang. We leave tomorrow at first light" yes! Exactly what you wanted to hear.
"Time to break out the old coats again" Hiccup's eyes moved to you momentarily before turning to Astrid, who fixed him a look.
"Y/N can we talk?" A chorus of ooooos and uh-ohs came from Snotlout and the twins. Rolling your eyes you followed Hiccup outside of the club house. 
"Hey, what's going on?" you asked. Hiccup avoided looking at you shifting his weight from one side to the other, "Y/N... Solver Tongue is in no condition to fly".
"I know. I'll ride on the back of Toothless with you. It's no big deal-" He cut you off. "I just-.... I just think it would be best if you stayed back on this one".
"Stay back? Hiccup, you can't be serious" Hiccup winced at your growing agitation, "Why would I stay back just because Silver tongue needs some rest. I'm not useless!".
"I never said you were! Y/N, you are the only doctor we have here. And on top of that you're my sister.... If Dagur got a hold of you agai-", "Johann didn't say anything about him being there" you argued. 
"But he could be!" you looked him up and down, "You didn't care about any of this before. What changed?".
"I know when you're angry. And the last thing we need is you running off on a revenge mission. Look what that did to Heather" you didn't say anything, choosing to cross your arms and look away. "I can't lose you too. So, can you please promise me you won't leave the edge until you can act without clouded judgment? For me?".
A part of you knew he was right. You wouldn't be focused on finding the Snowwraith if you went. Your mind would be on Ryker the entire time. You would only get in the way.... "Ok. It's for the best". Hiccup pulled you into a tight embrace, "Thank you". 
"I can watch the base until you get back" you plastered a fake smile. "Thats the spirit. Won't be any surprise attacks with you here waiting to rip them a new one" Hiccup pat your back before heading towards his hut.
yeah.... for the best
(Astrid POV)
"Hey, can I ask a stupid question?" Tuff called fro the air, "You sure can. Better than anyone I know" Ruff bumped him with her elbow, "Thank you sister".
"Hiccup, are we really trying to protect a dragon that the last time we saw it. tried to kill us, from Dragon Hunters, who every time we see them try to kill us? And Heather and her dragon. Don't forget them. They like to try and kill us, too" the twins ask. 
"Heather won't be a problem" Astrid said, almost out of reflex. 
Fishlegs looked at her confused, "Why wouldn't Heather be a problem?". Astrid fumbled for a moment. Looking between her hands and the sky beneath her, anywhere but the others. "Just that we... We outnumber her, right?". 
"Look, Heather or no Heather, all we have to do is find the Snowwraith first and relocate it to an island where the Hunters won't find him".
Astrid tuned out of the rest of the conversation, everything was ok, everything was going to plan. She got the group here without any suspicion, now all they had to do was get the Snowwraith somewhere safe. But first... she had to get away from the others.
Diving down into the storm of the island where the Snowwraith was last, no sign of the was found. 
"This is summer on Glacier island? No wonder they don't get any tourists," said Ruff. "What would their slogan be? If the Snowwraith doesn't kill you, the weather will" Ruff nodded in agreement at her brother. 
"That's a terrible slogan, but the good news is, if we run into any Dragon Hunters, they won't have any luck with those dragon root arrows in this weather" Hiccup smiled.
"And the bad news is" Astrid turned over to see Snotlout covered by the shaking twins, latched onto him for warmth, "What are you doing?".
"It's called body heat management. Also known as the Thorston sandwich, served cold" they said as though it were obvious.
"That's horrifying. Why don't you set up camp. Astrid and I will scout the island" She released some of the grip on her arms she hadn't realized was there. With the weather as bad as it was, and Hiccup offering to go off on their own, sneaking off would be easier than she thought initially. 
"See anything down there?" Hiccup asked over the roaring winds. "I can barely see you half the time" it wasn't a lie, the snow fell like knives in buckets, almost waterboarding them, she just also happened to be nudging in the other direction at an undetectable rate. "Maybe we should split up, cover more ground?" she offered.
"No. Stick together. It's safer. Ok?" she didn't respond, pretending not to hear over the storm.
'Sorry Hiccup' she thought, before diving downwards as the next thrum of the storm blinded them both enough for a swift exit.
Stormfly squawked towards the ground. Looking down at the barely perceivable ridges of the mountain she was able to just make out the faint glow of a campfire. "Easy girl. I see 'em. Let's go in another way" she couldn't be too careful, there was a chance it could be rogue hunters. 
Approaching from the ground confirmed her first thought as they approached on foot, seeing the back of a silver frosted dragon, wings spread wide to protect its rider from the cold.
"Well well well. Heather. Fancy seeing you here. Surprised to see us?" She taunted, having snuck up on them. 
"Surprised?" Heather stood, unsheathing her axe, "not really, I've been listening to you stomp around in the snow for the past five minutes".
"What took you so long" Heather lowered her mask and hood, running into a hug that Astrid was all too eager to respond in kind "Hiccup isn't the easiest person to sneak away from".
"Yeah, Ryker thinks I'm out scouting. How did you get him to come down here. anyways?" the two of them sat next to the fire. "I just told him what you told me but let him think it was coming from Trader Johann. Any problems on your end?".
"Well, Ryker doesn't trust anyone, and Dagur is paranoid, but so far I think I'm okay" that was a relief, "You took care of Dagur?".
"I sent him on a fool's errand, looking for a second Dragon Eye" she laughed. "That should keep him busy. So, fill me in" Heather reached into her side bag to pull out a map of the island, "We've been here two days searching pretty methodically. According to Ryker, the Snowwraith Digs an ice cave to hibernate in during the summer".
"That explains the rush to get out here. Probably to get a tooth from a hibernating Snowwraith", "Exactly" Heather nodded.
"Too bad we don't know where the cave is" Heather looked at her with a snarky grin, telling her that she already did. "Windshear and I spotted a cave on a plateau about halfway up that mountain" she pointed, "You find a way to get Hiccup to check it out. Meanwhile, I'll tell Ryker I didn't find anything and try to keep him as far away as possible".
It was a solid plan but.... "What?" Heather must have been able to read the obvious confliction on her face. "We should tell Hiccup what we're doing, this doesn't feel right" Heather put a hand on her forearm, "No we agreed". Astrid pulled away, holding her elbow, "I've never lied to him before".
"I know. But this is the best way to take the Dragon Hunters down, from the inside". Astrid wasn't fully convinced, as reasonable as Heather was being, leaving Hiccup in the dark felt unnatural, "Hiccup could help us. He's really good at this stuff".
"He also cares too much. If we told Hiccup that I was spying on the Hunters, we both know he would try to pull me out of there. I'm this close to getting to Viggo. I can't quit now" Astrid tried to argue but she wasn't wrong. Just the idea that you would do a fraction of what Heather did was enough for Hiccup to bench you. Something that made Astrid feel guilt to no end over.
Here you were being told to stay home because Hiccup was afraid of you going off on your own, putting yourself and others in danger, and lying. Yet here she was doing exactly that.
"I really hope your right, because if any of the riders got hurt, or you got hurt because I held something back--" Heather put an arm around her shoulders, "Nothing will go wrong. Trust me".
"Just... Please be careful. Hiccup is overwhelmed now as it is. And with no doctor with us--". "No doctor?" Heather asked, "Y/N isn't with you?". 
"Hiccup held her back because he's afraid she'll do what you did to Dagur with Ryker" Heather shifted uncomfortably at the idea "How's Silver Tongue?". Astrid's hand subconsciously drifted to Stormfly, "Not great. Hunter's left him in pretty bad shape. She's barely sleeping with him in this shape". 
"You know...Cooping her up in the edge isn't going to do anything for her either" said Heather, "I may not like him any better, but being able to get a few swings at Dagur put me in less of a rush to bury him". Astrid huffed a laugh, "careful, it's starting to sound like you think he gives good advice".
"I'm just saying he's not always wrong. Ugh, ew. Never mind that felt wrong to say. Just get out of here and save that Snowwraith before I say anything else gross" the two laughed.
Bored..... bored bored bored bored. You laid on your back, feet against the wall, and upper body hanging up-side-down off the bed. Silver Tongue was busy hogging the majority of it. While Scabbard was busy trying to eat your dangling hair. 
You weren't used to having this much time to yourself. A few weeks ago, you would have begged for this, but now...
Knowing that your own emotions were responsible for you being benched. Why couldn't you just not take things personally. Screw Dagur and his 'you need to express your emotions' ideologies. That train of logic is why you were stuck with a lazy injured lump and mischievous rat while the others were at risk without a doctor.
Maybe you should take up meditation. No, all that would do is leave you either asleep or daydreaming of strangling Ryker. The only reason you weren't imagining it now was Scabbards sharp tugs against your scalp. 
Silver Tongue would be better in a few days, the others would be back in a few hours, and dinner would be finished in a few minutes. All great and positive things, why couldn't you just enjoy that and move on. Be the great pillar of patience and sarcasm the group expected you to be. Like your father. Like your brother. 
Instead, here you were moping, covered in dragon drool, and an ache in your head. "You understand. Right, girl?" Scabbard paused her gummy gnawing on the band of your hair. Blank and thoughtless eyes staring up at you as if you were her world and nothing else mattered.
With a grunt you sat up, shaking away the light headedness and moved to the club house zip line. You admit, holding on for dear life immediately after being up-side-down wasn't the best idea, but you were able to hold on long enough not to plummet down into what likely would be a sprained ankle. 
Cooking was a skill you were mediocre at. You knew how to season, arguably the bast in the group thanks to your knowledge of herbs, but that didn't mean you never burnt or undercooked your meats before. 
Scabbard took her place at your feet, licking her lips as she waited for the inevitable scraps that would come her way. Your nose crinkled at the unmissable black char covering nearly half the mutton. "If they didn't want burnt food, they shouldn't have left me alone to do it" you reasoned, throwing a large chunk onto the floor where your ravenous dragon was quick to inhale and link the floor clean. 
The unmistakable sound of wings beating alerted you that the others were no doubt back sooner than you anticipated. "Ugh, what caught fire in here" Tuff complained, fanning the residual smoke away. "Suck it " you glared at him. "No thank you, I prefer medium rare".
"How did it go?" you asked watching as the others filed in, unreadable expressions plastering them all. All except for Hiccup and Astrid that is. "I don't know why don't you tell me Astrid?" Your brother asked, betrayal and hurt evident.
Astrid crossed her arms as she looked across the room, guilt clear, "Heather pretended to join Dagur to get close to him to avenge her family. When she found out about his alliance with the Dragon Hunters, she decided to get closer to him to find out more".
"Wait, Heather is a spy?" you asked incredulously to no reply.
"But when Ryker captured us on the ship you and Heather were fighting all the time" Ruff pointed out, confused.
"That's what we wanted you to think" Snotlout interrupted. "Heather's not evil? There goes that dream". Fishlegs clasped his hands together and cooed, "Aw, I knew she had a good heart".
"Hiccup, would you say something? Please" Astrid asked as he avoided eye contact, "We're supposed to be a team Astrid".
"I know. I should've told you. I wanted to. I really did-","But you didn't" the others pursed their lips, drowning in secondhand embarrassment. "I'm sorry. But without Heather, the Dragon Hunters would have a key to the Dragon Eye right now and those Snowwraiths would not be safely hidden on another island".
"That still doesn't explain why you wouldn't let me take her and Ryker down. We could have captured the head of the Dragon Hunters" Hiccup argued.
"Hiccup, Ryker isn't the head of the Dragon Hunters" you all looked at her caught off guard, "According to Heather, their real leader is somebody named Viggo Grimborn".
"Awesome name. Scary, but awesome" Ruff shook her head in thought. "I don't know Viggo Grimdeath would be cooker. Or how about Gore Grimskull. Grimskull!~" Tuff sang out before you elbowed him in the ribs to get him to shut up.
"He lives in the shadows. Everyone's afraid of him, even Ryker. Heather hasn't met him yet, but she's our best shot at drawing him out" to Astrid's and admittedly your chagrin, Hiccup turned away. After a moment of thought, "Well, I hope she knows what she's doing. For all our sake".
The group let out a silent breath of relief that they wouldn't be stuck with grumpy stick up the rear Hiccup and began to eat dinner or file into their rooms. 
"Great. Astrid keeps secrets and gets a slap on the wrist, meanwhile I get grounded" you said to yourself, intending to be joking, but hurt still evident.
"You're not grounded Y/N" Hiccup said, having eaves dropped on your conversation with yourself.
"I just didn't want you going after Ryker by yourself in the snow without a dragon" you rolled your eyes, "Like I'd be that dumb". Your brother side eyed you.
You smirked, "I'd steal your dragon and go after him" you joked, turning away from him as he mocked offence.
For the best, you told yourself. For the best.
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writinginatree · 1 year ago
Relationship(s): John Wick & daughter!reader, Helen Wick & daughter!reader, John Wick/Helen Wick
Summary: After John and his daughter Y/N retire from the killing business, the girl starts having brutal nightmares about Helen dying, because now that she got a mom she's scared to lose her again. And then she does lose her. But not the way she thought.
Warnings: Nightmares, mentions of canon-typical violence, terminal illness and hospitals, (canonical) character death, grief, implied selective mutism.
John is woken up by a scream, and immediately reaches for a gun which isn't there. No deadly weapons in the house (except, of course, for the ones hidden away hopefully forever under the basement floor) — that's something they had agreed on when they moved into the place. Baba Yaga is no more, that life is behind him, and while Helen knows and accepts his past, she would certainly not have been thrilled if he'd continued to sleep with a gun under his pillow as had been his habit for many years. He didn't want to, anyway. Doing so would be paranoid. It would make him feel like he was inviting his old life to come back and haunt him.
So, no gun. But now, jumping out of bed to follow the scream to his daughter's room, he's wishing he had one.
He throws the door open with so much force it slams against the wall, and storms in. He flicks on the light, but the yellow glow doesn't reveal any intruders like he expected. The room is empty, save for Y/N, who is sitting up in bed now.
No need for a gun after all. Thank God.
John takes a deep breath and forces his racing heart to calm down as he walks to the bed and sits down next to his crying daughter. "Hey, what's wrong? You were screaming."
Helen appears in the doorway too now, and instead of answering, Y/N jumps up and throws herself into her stepmother's arms. Helen makes a surprised sound, but quickly wraps her arms around the girl and holds her close.
"I dreamed you died," she says after a few seconds, her voice shaky and muffled by Helen's shirt.
John hasn't seen her this upset in years, not since she was a very small child. Growing up in the criminal underworld made her tough, and while she occasionally gets nightmares, none of them ever affected her like this before.
He's not sure how to handle it, but luckily Helen seems to have everything under control.
She leads the crying girl back to the bed, still holding her close, and sits down close beside John with Y/N on her lap. His heart grows warm with adoration at how easily she's taking to the role of a mother, the way she's always so concerned for the girl and cares for her like she was her own.
"Hey, hey, it's okay," Helen says. "I'm here, honey. We're both here."
"I k-know. I know it— it's stupid, 'm sorry."
Y/N is forcing back her tears and smiles up at her mother, but she can fool neither her nor John. It's obvious she's shaken by the dream a lot more than she wants to admit, which in turn unsettles John. As far as he's aware this is the first time a nightmare has actually affected her. She gets them sometimes, of course — how could she not, growing up surrounded by so much death and violence? — but they've never bothered her.
"It's not stupid. Not at all. I know nightmares can feel very real sometimes. Do you want to tell us about it?"
"I dunno. I think we were in the city somewhere, but it was all d-dark and there were all these people hiding in the shadows. And then one of them came and shot you and— and I was too slow to do anything."
She starts crying again as she's talking, and John wraps his arms around both her and Helen, who's still holding her on her lap. He knows words can't make her feel better right now; he can only shush her and rub her back as he waits for her to calm down.
She does soon enough, after all she has the selfcontrol of a killer.
She lifts her head from the crook of Helen's neck and turns to look up at John, her eyes so big and innocent you'd never guess the horror's they've seen, wiping the tears from her cheeks and sniffling. "Sorry. I'm fine, really. I guess 'm just scared that we haven't actually made it out and that someone's gonna hurt mom."
Her arms tighten around Helen's waist as she says it; John doubts she's even aware of the action.
He nods. "I get that. But that's not going to happen. We're safe. It was just a dream."
Y/N sniffles again and moves closer to him, while still holding on to Helen at the same time. "I know. I just never had a nightmare that felt like this before."
John nods again. Her bad dreams he knows about are usually about people she killed or watched die. Things she already dealt with when awake, nothing out of the ordinary for her, which he can only suppose to be the reason these dreams never seem to bother her. Dreaming about losing her newly acquired mother, on the other hand, is understandably worse. As far as he knows she's never had nightmares about anyone killing — or trying to kill — him or herself. Probably because she thinks he's invincible. Plenty of people have tried to kill him before, but all of them failed. With Helen it's different. God knows he understands why Y/N is scared someone would try and hurt her. She's not a trained killer like them. She's vulnerable. And losing her would kill them both.
They sit in silence for a couple of minutes, John and Helen holding their daughter tightly to give her all the comfort they can.
Eventually Helen leaves the room to make a cup of warm milk with honey to help Y/N fall back asleep, and the way she looks after her, like she fears she'll never return, doesn't escape John. He brushes a hand over her hair and takes one of hers with the other.
"No one will hurt her," he promises. "We've left that life behind. And even if anyone tried — we wouldn't let them get her, would we?"
"Exactly. So you don't need to worry, okay?"
His daughter nods, but the fear lingers behind her eyes all the same. John can't think of anything he could say to truly reassure her — not when he secretly shares her fears, not when he has no idea what life will bring — so he just pulls her into his arms and keeps stroking her hair until Helen comes back with the milk.
The next three nights Y/N sleeps undisturbed by nightmares, holding on tight to a stuffed animal Helen gifted her a while ago, and John is almost convinced it won't happen again, that it was a one-time occurrence caused by something triggering her unspoken fears, but then the next night she appears in their bedroom with tears streaming down her face, shaking him awake.
It's 2:41 and John doesn't have to ask why she's awake. She's shaking like a leaf, sobbing as quietly as she can, and he knows this dream was even worse than the last one.
He wordlessly pulls her into a hug with one arm, reaching to turn on the lamp on his nightstand with the other. If it wakes Helen up, then so be it. He'd rather let her sleep, but on the other hand, if the nightmare was about her again Y/N might calm down faster if Helen is awake to help comfort her.
Y/N is sobbing into his shirt, close to hyperventilating, and he's just thinking he'll have to wake Helen because all his efforts of soothing the girl are fruitless, when she starts to stir on her own.
Unlike John with his killer instincts she's not instantly wide awake, and sleepily asks what's wrong. She answers her own question a second later, when her tired mind catches up with the sight of the crying girl before her. "Another nightmare?"
"Yeah. She hasn't said about what yet."
He doubts she could speak even if she wanted to; she's too busy trying to get air into her lungs between sobs.
Helen nods and wastes no time sitting up in bed and scooting over to him and Y/N. She takes the girl's hand into her own and holds it tight to let her know she's there.
Just as John hoped it seems to help, because a few minutes and many soothing words from her parents later, Y/N has finally calmed down enough to turn in her father's arms and reach for Helen. He's almost sure the dream must have been about her again, that feeling her mother's warm skin against her own helps Y/N because it's proof she's alive and well — better proof than just seeing her sleeping form beside him.
"Better?" Helen asks, and Y/N nods, leaning her head back against John's chest and closing her eyes, while a few last tears run down her cheeks. She goes to say something, but doesn't bring out more than a whimper.
John hugs her tighter. "Shh, it's okay. Take your time. You can tell us when you're ready."
He takes the glass of water he has on his bedside table and hands it to her, steadying her shaking hand with his own as she raises it to her lips so she doesn't spill it.
After she drank, she hides her face against him again, and after a moment she says, "I dreamed Viggo wanted you to come back and kill for him, and when you didn't want to he tortured mom to death to make me do it instead."
"Oh, baby. You know I'd never let something like that happen, don't you?" John asks, and hugs her even tighter.
He feels her nod, the wetness of her tears smearing on his neck.
Her breathing is finally back to normal; she's calming down for real, even if the tears are still flowing. John carefully lies down, bringing Y/N with him and laying her close beside him so she rests between him and Helen, her face still buried in the crook of his neck. He doesn't have the heart to send her back to her own bed.
Helen lies back down too, hugging the girl from behind, and with the comfort of both her parents' warm bodies beside her, Y/N eventually manages to fall asleep again.
Meanwhile John lies awake, listens to her and Helen's soft breathing, and worries.
The nightmares never stop. They don't come regularly, but every so often John and Helen are woken up by screams from Y/N's room, or by the girl padding into their room in the dark hours after midnight. The dreams are never quite the same, but all are about Helen dying a brutal death at the hands of people from John's former field of work. The years go by and the nightmares occur less and less often. Sometimes there's months between them, as Y/N finally starts to believe they've truly left the past behind, that she won't lose her mother.
And then Helen gets sick.
Disaster creeps up on them slowly. At first it doesn't seem like anything serious, and they don't tell Y/N, thinking there's no need to unnecessarily worry her. Helen goes to the doctor for regular checkups to make sure it's not getting worse, and it isn't.
Until suddenly it is, and she collapses out of nowhere.
Y/N holds it together surprisingly well at first, too occupied with trying to help to have a meltdown. She stays calm when Helen collapses, stays calm all the way to the hospital. The only sign of distress she lets on is the way she's clutching Helen's hand so tight her own knuckles are turning white.
But the second her mother is out of her sight, wheeled away on a stretcher for throughout examination, she breaks down sobbing in John's arms. He tells her it'll be fine, the doctors will help her. Helen is going to be okay.
She has to be okay, he tells himself, because what would they do without her?
Y/N isn't reassured, even if she does calm down after a while.
When the doctor comes back with a bad diagnosis and a worse prognosis she turns to John and silently cries into his chest.
But when they finally let them go see Helen in the hospital room they've given her, she puts on a brave face for her mother and only lets a single tear fall.
That night she doesn't sleep at all, and neither does John. After the nurses more or less throw them out because visiting hours are over, they drive home in silence; once there, Y/N wordlessly curls up in her parents' bed with her face buried in Helen's pajama shirt she fished out of the laundry basket, and refuses to move or speak. She doesn't acknowledge John lying down next to her, only keeps staring at the wall with empty eyes. When he tells her she should try to get some sleep and starts singing a lullaby she just shakes her head and pushes away his hand stroking her hair.
Then she starts crying again, and so does he.
They visit Helen at the hospital every day, spend as much time there as the hospital staff will allow, and watch as she gets weaker with every day that goes by, until it gets to the point that Helen tells him not to let Y/N see her like that.
It only takes a breakdown in the hallway and John telling her she's breaking the girl's heart to change her mind, and when Y/N finally gets her daily hug from her mom that day, she spends almost half an hour crying in her arms.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I just don't want you to remember me like this when I'm gone," Helen tells her, trying to explain she was hoping to ease the heartbreak and not make it even more painful, but Y/N only grows more upset.
"Don't say that; you're not gonna die! You can't. We need you, mom! We need you!"
Helen only presses her tighter against herself and stays silent. The way she looks at John has him fighting back tears of his own. She knows she will die, nothing can change that. She tells him so much without uttering a single word; all her love for him and his daughter, her regret that she has to leave them, certainty that they will be fine when she's gone.
He wants to believe it, but he can't.
When Helen eventually slips into a coma and the only thing keeping her alive are the machines she's hooked up to, all hope is gone. As bad a state as Helen was in, there was still that tiny sliver of irrational hope that she would get better somehow. Reality sets in like a slap to the face. She's not going to wake back up, isn't going to survive. If they turn off the life support she'll be gone forever.
Somehow Y/N, who has been insisting that Helen will be okay, that she isn't allowed to leave them, accepts faster than him that this really is the end. Though 'accepting' in this case means crying for two days straight and refusing to speak.
They visit Helen anyway, watch over her lifeless body and hold her limp hands. She looks so calm, like she's just sleeping and all they'd have to do to get her back is shake her hard enough. Y/N tried it, when Helen first fell into the coma. It was useless, of course. But while she finally accepts that they have to let her go, John is paralyzed with fear at the thought of turning off the life support and letting her go. He knows she's practically dead already, but turning off the only thing keeping her body alive feels like killing her.
But life has to go on, for his daughter's sake, if not for his own, so he finally brings himself to do it.
The funeral is hell. Neither John nor Y/N cry; they've cried endless tears before it and they will cry more later, but neither of them are comfortable breaking down in front of the strangers that are Helen's extended family. John thinks the dark circles under Y/N's bloodshot eyes speak more than loud enough to make up for her lack of words or tears.
When Helen was admitted to hospital, Y/N started to talk less and less, until eventually she hardly spoke at all. Now that Helen is dead, she's down to a handful of words a day — if John can get her to say anything at all, that is. Truth be told he doesn't feel like talking either, but he has to try and hold it together so he can hold Y/N together. Before Helen came he was the only family she had — not counting the ruska roma, because their idea of family had nothing to do with love or care — so she's never experienced the loss of a loved one, and it's taking an obvious toll on her.
She copes by withdrawing into herself. Sometimes she comes to John and cries in his arms, but more often she wants to be alone. It worries John, but he doesn't know what to do about it. It's not like he can force her to let him be there for her.
After the funeral, when the house is filled with people she doesn't know, she sticks to his side for a little while, holding his hand as she follows him around like a smaller shadow. Eventually she gets tired and settles into a corner of the living room, while John stares out the window and reminisces.
Little more than five years, that's all the time the universe granted him with Helen. It wasn't long enough, that's all he can think. Not nearly long enough. And there's no one he can blame for her loss, so naturally he blames himself. He could have protected her from any outside harm, could have fought off anyone trying to hurt her, but he couldn't do anything to save her from the illness turning her own body against her. He could blame the doctors, but he knows they tried everything they could. Maybe this is retribution for everything he's done, all the people he killed...
His daughter's voice yelling, "I said don't touch me!" rips him out of his thoughts, and he turns away from the window just in time to see her slap away the arm of a woman trying to hug her. A younger cousin or something of Helen's, he thinks, but he's not sure. He hardly knows most of the people who came for the funeral.
Y/N dashes up the stairs to hide in her room.
The woman shakes her head with a pitiful expression, and he hears someone mutter, "Poor thing."
He feels eyes boring into him, and knows an apology for his daughter's behavior is expected, but he can't bring himself to give it. She's done nothing wrong. This grief she has to deal with is new to her, and she doesn't want the comfort of strangers. She hardly even accepts his comfort when he offers it.
When she still hasn't come back down twenty minutes later, he goes to her room with the intention to ask her if she won't please come back down, but when he finds her not in her own room but in a corner of the bedroom, curled up on the floor and sobbing into one of Helen's shirts, with the teddy she got from her clutched to her chest, he knows there's no use.
He approaches her carefully, like one would a hurt animal, and sits next to her with enough space that she won't feel cornered. "Hey honey. What are you doing on the ground?"
She looks up at him but doesn't answer. Of course he doesn't really need an answer, it's obvious enough what she's doing. Just another failed attempt to get her to talk again.
"You wanna stay up here till everyone's left?"
She nods.
"Okay. Do you want me to stay with you?"
This time she shakes her head, and John can't tell if it's because she wants to be alone or because she knows he should be downstairs with his late wife's relatives.
He sighs. "Alright. If you need anything send me a text then I'll come, okay?"
She nods again. With another sigh John leans down to press a kiss to her forehead, and leaves her be, making sure his phone is in his pocket and on vibrate as he heads back to the living room.
He's glad when everyone has finally left, and quickly starts tidying up. He never knew just how tiring funerals can be, and can't wait to just sit down and mourn his wife in peace. Maybe cuddle with Y/N a little; he really shouldn't let her hide away all by herself so much.
The doorbell rings.
When he opens, a delivery person hands him a pet carrier. He mechanically signs for it, too exhausted to question who sent it, or why. Taking it into the living room he grabs the envelope laying on top and takes out the card inside.
He opens it, and tears spring to his eyes when he recognizes Helen's handwriting.
'John,' the card reads, 'I'm sorry I can't be there for the both of you. I know you'll need something to help you bring back Y/N's smile, something for her to love. So let her start with this, because your car doesn't count. Don't let her bury away her feelings for fear of more pain. And don't you do it, either. Take care of each other. I love you, John. This illness has loomed over us for a long time, and now that I have found my peace, find yours. Until that day, your best friend, Helen.'
John presses the card to his face and cries. He thinks there's a faint trace of Helen's favorite perfume on the paper, but that's probably just his imagination.
When he calms down he sees there's a second card, addressed to Y/N, and he puts it aside for her to read later.
Finally he turns his attention to the puppy. It has lain down in the box, seemingly resigned to whatever fate awaits it, and looks up at him with its big dark eyes when John reaches out to open the carrier. He gently takes the tiny dog in his hands and lifts it from the crate, holding it up in front of him so he can look at the name tag on the collar it's wearing.
Daisy. Of course. It's so typically Helen he almost starts crying again.
After taking a deep breath and wiping the tears from his face he calls for Y/N.
She takes her time, and John is about to call her again when she finally shuffles into the room, a big fluffy blanket wrapped around her shoulders trailing on the floor behind her, her eyes red from crying.
When she sees the dog she freezes. "What—?"
"It's a gift from Helen. I guess she wanted to make sure we don't get too lonely without her. Come here."
Once she sat down beside him, John moves the dog to Y/N's lap.
"Her name's Daisy."
She stares at the puppy with wide eyes, then back at John. Her bottom lip is trembling when she asks, "Did mom name her that?"
Finally Y/N starts petting her, bringing her hand to the puppy's head so slowly and carefully like she's scared she'll break her.
She smiles at Daisy when she nuzzles against her hand. It's small, hardly more than the hint of a smile, she's crying again, the circles under her eyes are darker than ever against her pasty skin, and her lips are chapped and dry from crying so much, but none of that matters, because for the first time in what feels like an eternity she's smiling. A small smile, but real.
When her eyes shift to him, John realizes he's crying again too, except these are tears of relief, because it's been too long since he's seen a sincere smile on his daughter's face.
He pulls her into a hug, careful not to squeeze the dog, who's now licking Y/N's face. Apparently her tears taste good, because Daisy just keeps licking them, and Y/N giggles. She giggles. Just for a second, then she starts sobbing all the harder, but the sound is music to John's ears all the same.
Daisy starts whining, probably confused because being held by a sobbing girl isn't something she's experienced in her short life so far.
John waits, hopes for a reaction from Y/N, who has been apathetic to the world around her for too long, hopes the dog will draw her out of her shell.
He's not disappointed.
She draws back from the hug a little so she can lift Daisy and press her face into her fur, whispering something too quiet for John to hear. Whatever it is she said, it seems Daisy understands. She stops whining, and licks Y/N's face again.
When she sets her down on her lap, the dog turns and stands on her hind legs to try and lick John's face too.
He leans back to try and escape the wet dog kisses. "Hey, no. Don't do that."
Daisy stays stubborn, so he gently pushes her back toward his daughter, who seems to enjoy getting dog slobber all over her face.
When John goes to bed, Y/N is already curled up on it with Daisy, both of them sleepy-eyed and barely awake. He looks pointedly at the blanket he laid out for the dog beside the bed, but doesn't scold them. He's glad how quickly Daisy won the girl's heart, and doesn't want to disturb their peaceful cuddling session. If Y/N wants the dog to sleep in bed, then the dog will sleep in bed. He admittedly doesn't actually mind the idea himself, even if he's pretty sure dogs aren't supposed to be sleeping in their owners' beds.
He gets into bed and Y/N snuggles against his side, soon falling asleep.
She's lying on her back, her head turned toward him, Daisy on her chest. The hand that isn't holding the sleeping dog is balled into his shirt, like even in her dreams she's afraid she'll lose him, too, if she lets go. Despite that, she's doing a lot better than just a day before.
The past weeks, ever since Helen was admitted to hospital, she cried herself to sleep every night, sometimes in his and Helen's bed, sometimes in her own, and John knows it's the dog that helped her fall asleep peacefully tonight. He silently thanks Helen for being so foresightful, for knowing them so well, knowing what they'd need. The loss of her still hurts more than any physical pain he's ever been in, but he's starting to believe that maybe it doesn't have to destroy him. Maybe they can get through this. It won't be easy, but maybe they can continue to live this peaceful normal life even without Helen. That's why she sent them Daisy to guide their way. So they don't tumble back into darkness without her.
He silently promises her he'll do his best to keep Y/N and Daisy happy and safe, and maybe, with time, even be happy again himself. He knows that's what she'd want.
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my-castles-crumbling · 7 months ago
Hi :) i hear you give advice and i very much need some. I’m 15 and I live in a pretty (very) conservative christian area.
My older sibling is 19, and came out as trans to me like a year ago. Ngl I didn’t really know what that meant, cause we don’t learn about that stuff (except for your classic, anything that isn’t “normal” is wrong). But he just told me that he’s happier with he/him and with his new name. But he hasn’t told our parents yet, so I have to use the old stuff in front of them when he comes back for visits (he’s as uni) which feels gross cause I know he feels uncomfortable but it’s fine. 
I sort of thought the he/him thing would be weird, since that’s not how i’ve addressed him my whole life, but after a couple of months it was actually super easy. We call each other like twice a week, and I was worried we’d drifted apart after he told me but actually were closer than ever, I feel like I know him a lot better now. 
Oh but his old name, the one parents gave him, SUCKS. And now I can’t mock him for it cause he picked a new one, which seems unfair to me but I can come up with new material, i’m creative.
Anyway, he told me that he’s been saving up and he’s gonna get top surgery. He’s had a pretty good job since  school so I guess he’s been saving since then. I hear it’s expensive. 
But it made him decide to tell our parents. So when he came up and visited, just before he left, he told them.
That was last week. They reacted terribly, as we knew they would. And they’ve both been yelling about it a bunch. Saying stuff like “He (okay no they’re actually using she but I won’t be doing that even in writing cause it feels wrong cause it’s my brother) is totally insane” or “He needs therapy, we failed him.” or “How dare *old name* do this” or “he’s delusional” and a bunch of other awful shit like that.
So I have two options. I can try and encourage them to do little things like use he/him for my brother. Or call him their son instead of daughter. Or actually look at photos of him now (he very much doesn’t look like a girl anymore- idk how they didn’t realise tbh). Or how he always did little things like cutting his hair and hating dresses and other stuff like that.
I’ve often been able to help my parents be nicer about stuff. Like my friend who’s a lesbian, they hated her at first but now they’re nicer about it.
But maybe if I do that they’ll start yelling about corrupting me (as they’ve done in the past) and harass my brother worse and be even worse about it all. 
It’s hard to know which direction it’ll go.
And look I still don’t really get it. But also it makes sense, you know? It’s like the final puzzle piece being slotted in, all those things he used to do make sense now. 
My parents say I can’t interact with lgbtq+ stuff cause they’ll corrupt me. But like- not to be rude but, aren’t they corrupting me? My brother HAPPY. I don’t see how that’s wrong. And they’re the ones telling me I should be actively encouraging him to be- what, sad again? Uncomfortable in himself. 
I don’t know, i’m not totally sure I understand my parents or my brother. I got tumblr in the first place since it’s the only thing I could think of that’s online (so I could hide it) and probably has lgbtq+ people on it so I could- idk get used to it I guess. 
And now i’m here. 
When it comes down to it, I want my brother to be happy, and if he’s happier as my brother than my sister then I don’t see why I should care about him switching pronouns or whatever. 
So I want to try and help my parents see it like that too. And they often do see new sides to things when I point them out. So maybe id be helping.
But there’s also the chance they’d get more mad at my brother for corrupting me and that’d make him upset and that’s not what I want. 
So yeah, any advice? 
It’s kinda scary coming from my small town onto the giant internet of people i’ve been taught are weird. But you guys don’t seem that weird. I mean- you do but weird like i’m weird, not weird like ill. (Sorry if any of this seems rude btw, I might not get it but i’m trying really hard not to judge anyone, since it’s pretty clear to me that some of the things i’ve been taught aren’t correct). 
Also why do my parents think my brothers ill anyway? I know him, i’d know if he’s ill. Also i love history, and trans people are all over history. I mean they’re never said to be trans but watching my brother, it’s pretty obvious other people were like him. 
Anyway, thanks and have a good summer 💖
Hi hon!
I want to tell you, it sounds like you have a really good head on your shoulders and you're an amazing support to your brother. You should be so proud of yourself.
I think you need to think about what is best for you and your mental health. If speaking up to your parents about your brother could end in them getting mad at you, it might not be a good idea. You've been doing amazing at supporting him while staying quiet, and I know he knows you support him. It might be best for yout o quietly educate yourself online without making a fuss, until you aren't relying on your parents as much for money, food, and shelter- kind of like your brother did.
This also might be a good thing to talk to your brother about, too. Like you said, this could affect him, and he probably knows your parents well. He might have some good advice <3 But you don't HAVE to stand up to them if it's not good for you. It's okay to educate yourself, and be an ally in other ways <3
Naming you history anon <3
(also wish your brother luck on his top surgery for me!)
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life-is-unreal · 7 months ago
Stranger Danger~ {Genshin x reader} Teyvat Chapter 11 - The Angel's Share
*more world building
The confusion and sheer shock when you floated down to the ground nearly made you hide in a bush. 
"The mora's worth it... The mora's worth it." You whispered under your breath. "Ok maybe not." you muttered, flinching as one of the children in the distance gaped at you. The boy's eyes were so large that you would've sworn that they would pop out of their sockets and his mouth was wide enough to fit your fist. 
You smiled awkwardly, almost sprinting away from the kids and to the Angel's share.
"A berry & mint burst please." You winced slightly as pretty much all of the mora that you've scavenged was placed on the table.
"Well aren't you a new face." The bartender, Charles laughed heartily, "Would you like a sample of dandelion wine? It's our top-seller, considering that you're new, you can have it for free." The man poured a small cup, pushing it in front of you, ignoring your frantic waving.
"One berry & mint burst coming right up!" He slapped down on your shoulder, "Go and talk with the fellows at the back, they're very welcoming to new faces." He placed the drink in front of you, pointing towards the little crowd near the stairs.
You weren't going to lie, but the tavern in real life was biggggg, it was like triple the size of the tavern in game.
"You there!"
"H-huh? Me?" You were going to curse yourself for all the stuttering, like why the hell were you stuttering?
"Aren't you one of the guys that chased Stormterror away a few days ago?"
"Raye! Stop scaring the poor kid." The man was elbowed hardly by one of his mates. "Kiddo, are you even old enough to drink?"
"Uhhhh, what's the drinking age?"
"Eighteen duhhh. Did you seriously order without knowing the drinking age?!"
You looked down at the drink you were given, "Yeahhh, but uh- I am over eighteen."
The man gaped. "I thought that you were like- I dunno sixteen? No offense of course."
"By the way, that drunkard's name is Raye. She's Leila, that's Nelson, and I'm Jace. There's a lot more others here and coming but I can't remember their names on the top of my head. Come on, sit with us."
Jace forcefully pushed you down to one of the chairs, sensing no ill intent you didn't bother pushing him off. "I'm Y/N. Uhhh, I'm new here."
"Yeah, we can see that." Leila rolled her eyes, throwing a hand over your shoulder. "Girlie, lemme guess, you decided to visit the Angel's share for gossip? Or are you here for intel?" She dropped the last bit to a whisper.
Raye smacked her hands off you, "Leila!"
The woman shrugged, "What? That's all what the new faces recently do!"
"That's because they're all fatui diplomats!" He hissed.
"Oh wait. You aren't one of them? My bad guys, my baaaad." She slurred, a blush creeping onto her tanned face. You weren't going to lie, Leila was hella pretty for a drunkard.
"Um, she was right for a point, the deaconess, Barbara did mention that there was gossip in here and since I wanted to get familiar with the city I just came?" You took a sip of the drink, and damn it was good. Whilst the dandelion wine was bitter with a dash of sweetness, the berry and mint burst was refreshing with a burst of fruitiness and had a nice aroma.
"Barbara? Quite surprising that she even listens to all those people that fawn over her. She has a fair share of stalkers, had she not been the sister of the Grandmaster, those dirty rascals would've probably kidnapped her."
"What? That's the truth."
Raye laughed nervously, "Anyways Y/N, you wanted to listen to goss- I mean the latest news of Mondstadt right?"
Leila blinked, her misty eyes regaining focus, "Oooooh. Did you guys know? One of the knights literally cheated on their wives with another knight? Oh and the guy they cheated with was also a-"
"Leila!" All three of them scrambled to slap a hand over her mouth.
"Uh." You smiled awkwardly.
"Let's- Let's talk about other things how 'bout that." Nelson grinned.
"Uh, uh Y/N, how you settling down? And HOLY SHIT IS THAT A FUCKING SLIME?" Jace screeched, toppling over.
"Oh, I forgot about him. He's Bob, a cryo slime." 
"Yeah, no shit." Leila's were literally gleaming, "Girlie, how the fuck did you tame it- I mean him. That's legit so fucking cool."
"I didn't, he just. Uh, maybe he's a friendly slime?"
Leila raised her brows, "Yeahhhh totalllyyy."
"Um, anyways. I've found a place near the Adventurer's guild and uh, I'm an adventurer but I kinda, need another job-"
"Because they pay shit." Leila finished.
"Girl, before I was a treasure hoarder I was one of those adventurer's and let me tell you. That job is like. Eugh, it seems high paying but it isn't really worth it especially when there's literally sooooo many adventurers around and inflation's happening because of that stupid dragon. Like they told me that I was too weak for half of the special commissions and quests they hand out. Since you're new you probably don't know those terms." She took a deep breath.
"You see, special commissions are like basic commissions except they pay like wayyyy more depending on the commissioner and how dangerous it is or how complicated it is. Then there's those quests that are uh, well I myself haven't received any but according to my fellow treasure hoarders they are usually super time consuming or are super dangerous. Both of them don't have to be issued by the Adventurer's guild. If you ever receive any by the guild, go to the commissioner because the Adventurer's guild takes a cut as the middle man, I mean they need to make money righttt?"
The woman took another deep gulp of her- vodka?
"Wait, you're a treasure hoarder?!" 
Leila nodded, "Jace is also one. The others are just normal citizens. Don't worry, none of us snitch, no point in it when most of the knights are pretty much useless."
You nodded in agreement, those fucking cowards that landed your ass in prison were probably the most useless of them all.
"You know, if you're reallly in need of mora, you can do some uh, not so legal stuff." Jace added on.
"Like being a treasure hoarder?"
"You can if you want. But you know, most of us treasure hoarders have another job so that the knights won't come knocking on our door going 'WhY dO yOu HaVe MoRa?' , for example, I work in one of the restaurants near the cathedral." 
Leila side eyed him, "How helpful. I'm going to be a good person and tell you actual shit."
She pulled a map out from her sleeve, "You see the map? The red spots on there are where you can make big money. I go to those places when I don't get enough mora to feed my family."
Raye leaned forward, "There's an extra spot near the hotel aye?"
Leila sneered, "Those fatui diplomats created a new place, never knew that fatui take on side jobs. Hell, the knights don't even know that any of these places exist for some reason, and even if they did, they sure did nothing."
"I went to the new place y'know. The jobs there were mainly on gathering intel and random shit. Pretty murky stuff if ya askin me. I can bring you to the red spots in the city if you're interested in making money off things like that. Dangerous? Yeah. Big bucks? Yeah. If you don't wanna risk it, I've also heard that there's a new cafe place opening up near the city gates." Jace tapped on a few red spots that were obviously a bit lighter in colour, so you assumed that the places were highlighted a long time ago.
"You think it's possible for me to get a job in that cafe and another job from the red areas?" You asked. You were it great need of accessible mora but if you didn't have a job to put on the surface, you wouldn't be able to get out the mora you've gotten in game.
Leila nodded, "I can bring you there whenever. I'm free for this entire week, just find me in the bar eh? If for some reason that I'm not here, find Jace. There's loads of scams in those red areas, if Raye or Nelson brings you there you might be stuck working for a contractor that gives nothing."
"Thanks Leila."
The woman nodded, "Leave your glass, Charles will tidy it up."
You stood up. "See ya'll soon then."
"Nice meetin' ya and the slime."
"May Barbatos be with you."
You chuckled softly, Mondstadt was truly a lot more different in real life than you had expected. Mondstadt definitely would be a breeding ground for murky businesses had it not been for the vision holders and people that actually do their duties. 
"I wonder what the other nations would be like..." If Mondstadt's flaws were this obvious, it's no doubt that the other nations would have much larger potential dangers as Mondstadt is literally the starting ground for all newbie players. 
Liyue shouldn't be dangerous as long as it was in the harbour, but the outside would be unknown. Yes they had the adepti but you wouldn't exactly bet your luck on them. You shuddered at the mere thought of Sumeru and Inazuma. 
Teyvat Chapter 12:
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sutherkins · 2 years ago
peter sutherland x neurodivergent!reader 💌
this is very self indulgent lmao. i tried to keep the mental stuff vague so you can hopefully imagine any mental illness in place of stuff besides the reader clearly having adhd because i have adhd. i hope anyone who reads this is able to relate and feel understood and comforted <3
warnings: mention of recreational drug use, reader is in between ages of 21-25 (i’m 23, so)
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it’s not like you were opposed to telling peter about your medication. if he asked, you wouldn’t lie. you just didn’t want to be the first to bring it up. you knew you shouldn’t be ashamed of having to be on medication, and you knew he would never judge you, but you couldn’t help it.
that lasted for a couple months. your meds wore off around four or five in the afternoon and because of this, a lot of the time you got to spend with peter before he had to go to work was spent holding yourself back and trying to keep your symptoms closed off in an area he couldn’t see.
but now there was a problem. peter was somehow able to manage a couple weeks of vacation time in order to spend more time with you, real time he had always called it. he hated only getting to spend a couple hours with you each day just as much as you did, which was why he asked you to stay with him at a cabin he owned during his time away from work.
you said yes, of course. you figured he’d eventually find out during the trip, so you tried to relax at the thought of the conversation at the very least happening in a comforting environment. you’d just finished packing your bags when peter walked down the hallway of his apartment complex to your door and knocked. you smiled, you’d given him a key already so he didn’t need to knock, he came over all the time anyway. you liked that he did it anyways, always respectful of your privacy and space.
“you ready?” peter asked while grabbing your bags and walking them down to his car.
you nodded excitedly and hopped into the passenger seat, the car already full with snacks for the drive and your favorite music playing on the radio.
the two of you sat in comfortable silence until your meds started to kick in, kicking your energy into high gear and making it practically impossible for you to keep your mouth shut. you were worried he would start to get annoyed by so much chitchat but he didn’t seem to mind, intently listening to everything you had to say and responding when needed. he even laughed a couple times which was a victory in your book.
you arrived at the cabin soon after, beaming at the cabin and then at peter. “sorry for talking so much. i didn’t annoy you, did i?”
“of course not, pretty girl. it’s just your meds kicking in. nothing wrong with that. besides, i love listening to you.” he quickly grabbed the bags from his trunk and started leading you to the front door.
once you got inside you tilted your head, peter setting the bags down on the floor. “wait, how did you know i take medication?”
“i’ve seen it in your bathroom cabinet. ‘take one every morning’.” he quotes the label that’s printed on the bottle. “it’s for adhd, right?”
your face scrunched, “well, yes. i never outright told you so i just assumed you didn’t know. you don’t mind?”
peter grabbed your hand and led you to the couch in the living room, silently telling you to get comfortable while he got a fire started. “why would i mind? there’s nothing wrong with it.”
“no, i know. i mean, i know you know that too. my brain just…likes to lie to me sometimes. im guessing this also means you saw the other meds i take, then?” sighing, you squeezed his hand in need of reassurance.
“yeah. and just to repeat myself, there’s still nothing wrong with you or taking medication. whether it’s for adhd, anxiety, depression, insomnia… anything really. it doesn’t change the way i see you and it never has.” peter squeezed your hand in response, leaning over to kiss your cheek.
cheeks quickly turning red, you groaned and leaned your head onto his shoulder, hiding your face behind your hands.
he was having none of it, moving your hands and replacing them with his own, cupping your cheeks. “hey, hey, hey…none of that. you don’t need to hide with me.”
“i know, i know. i just need reminding sometimes.” smiling softly, you gazed at his loving expression, his thumb gently rubbing back and forth on your skin.
“i’m happy to do it.” moments pass before you hear peters voice again, now wavering from trying not to laugh. “im happy to try some of those edibles you have too. i saw you packed ‘em in your bag. did you really think i wouldn’t notice you getting high?”
“peter!” you poked his side until he fell backwards laying on the couch, your legs straddling his hips. “it’s for my anxiety. and for fun.” his hands immediately shift to rest on your waist, grinning up at you. “i think i’m a bad influence on you.”
he snorts. “oh, definitely. i kinda like it though.”
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sepyana · 16 days ago
Here is what I think about the truth of the Golden witch. I am currently at chapter 12 of episode 5. I should have waited until finishing ep5 before I wrote this, but this is just for me to record my thoughts.
I'm definitely going to get a good grade in Umineko for this. Which is both normal to want and possible to achieve. (Spoilers Ahead)
There is a bit of a problem though, I already knew Shannon was Beatrice even before I started palying the game, or at least a part of her. There are people here tag any and all posts about Beatrice as Sayo so. I tried to ignore it while trying to solve the murders but it's impossible to not mention at this point. Could I have found this out on my own? I'd say yes just because of the process of elimination. But It's not like I can know for sure. This did sour figuring out the mystery for me but what can you do?
Anyway, here is what I think about who Sayo is:
She is a granddaughter of Kinzo's, and the daughter of his child with his mistress. His mistress might have died from an illness etc. she could have commited suicide, had a miscarriage or simply just left Kinzo. The specifics don't matter. What matters is he caged their daughter inside Kuwadorian and raised her as a replacement for his mistress. He raped her, and the baby from 19 years ago was born. The timeline matches up, albeit barely. Kinzo wouldn't just let some random baby from a orphanage be the next potential head. Kinzo's reaction to learning about what Natsuhi did makes me think he was hoping for her to kill the baby. Natsuhi said the servant and the baby didn't die immediately and were taken to the hospital. So, it's definitely possible for the baby to be alive and Kinzo to hide that. This baby was later taken to Kuwadorian and raised there. At some point, Sayo was appointed to be a servant. I'm not sure whose idea that was but I can say that they were an idiot. Maybe they were hoping she would work for a few years and get enough money to leave? We know that she didn't, though I don't remember the reason she gave. My guess is that she either couldn't or she was waiting to see Battler again.
The deal with Epitaph is something I can't really wrap my head around. But I can say this: The gold is real and it is Beatrice's. We know this but we also know there wasn't a witch that gave Kinzo the gold. I don't think it was his mistress that gave him the gold, she'd be a lot more well known then and the topic would surely come up during Ange's investigations. So, more likely, our Beatrice solved the Epitaph. My friend asked what her solving the epitaph would cause or prevent. Now that I think about it, it's definitely possible that she was arranged to solve the epitaph in some way. This can be Kinzo's way of giving her the headship as she is a descendant of his beloved mistress. A direct way of making her the head is definitely out of the question.
I just don't get why she gave solving the Epitaph as a way to stop the murders. She doesn't even follow through on it! The murders still happen!
AND another thing, Since like episode 1 I had the theory that Shannon and Kannon were the same person because Battler hasn't ever seen the two of them in the same room. Kanon's body seemed to vanish in most of the games and Shannon almost always talks to him when they are alone (and Beatrice frequently shows up during these conversations!). Battler acknowledges the two as seperate in ep5 but he is Lambda's (the witch side's) piece by this point. Though, Erika never acknowledges them both as seperate but she should see them when they are in the same room, right? This confusion likely stems from Erika being our human side piece while we are still in Battler's POV. It's a bit sketchy and this does mean he has a reason to pretend Shannon and Kanon are different people. If that's true that can give us some info on how to solve ep5.
It's a bit unfortunate because them being separate would make it a lot easier to solve the murders. Besides, it's hard to justify how no one could recognize they were the same person. When I mentioned this to my friend he said this theory can definitely work if it doesn't violate Knox's Ten Commandments. I know it doesn't since we have proper evidence to dismiss Knox's 10th. But idkkkk. Still feels like a plothole to me.
This is where I assume the "trans woman Beatrice" thing comes from. Shannon seems to be stuck in a subservient role, like some trans women who think they have to bow down to patriarchy in order to be accepted as a woman but overall she is more positive compared to Kanon who is.. absolutely miserable. He has "himself" listed as his dislike. He also looks up to Shannon quite a bit. Sayo was born as male or intersex but she likely didn't know this as Sayo is a feminine name. So Kanon's situation is a bit weird because he has been a servant for quite some time. My guess is that this is experimenting on her part to see if she would like being a man. She might have realized something was weird when puberty hit and she didn't like the changes she experienced.
Well, how does Battler and Beatrice fit into this? I don't think the Beatrice we know is just Sayo, she isn't one individual woman after all. But she the most major element of Beatrice. I will go ahead and say it's possible for Sayo inside the game board and Beatrice to have different motivations. Beatrice shows Battler these murders because she wants him to figure out the mystery. She also knows he loves murder mysteries (he knows enough about them to correct Erika on things). I guess there were a lot of truth in Beatrice's act in ep3 after all. I don't think this was Sayo's motivation though. No way in hell she commited the murders just because he liked the genre.
As for Battler's sin, it was stated in red to not be between Beatrice and Battler because it was actually between him and Sayo. Obviously. You know how he is with one liners. He probably made some promise to Sayo about marrying her or saving her or whatever. Sayo, as isolated as she was, latched onto that promise and developed feelings for him (Though saying developing an obsession with him is more accurate). When he came back 6 years later and made it obvious that he didn't even remember that exchange, it was the final straw that broke the camel's back for her.
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sidthedollface2 · 2 years ago
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Third Love
Ch: 2 La Maceta
Pairing: Eddie x Mexican Female Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: Eddie tries to win over your affection and use you in hopes of getting signed to your dads record company. There's just one problem. Your situationship and a heartbreaking past that threatens to expose the darker side of you.
CW: MDNI 18+ Nightmares, mental illness, Modern au Eddie, fuckboy Eddie. Reader with another man (not cheating).
Chapter 1
You had another restless night, sleep didn't come for you till around 5 am, an hour before sunrise wasn't too bad. Usually you'd stay at Sebastians house or your Dads lavish property, but that home was too large. Glass windows from floor to ceiling. Tall trees and bushes hide the expanse of the lot, it made you uncomfortable since it resembled your old home so much. After a particularly rough panic attack, and the incident with the pool man you and your dad agreed that maybe living with a roommate would lessen the episodes. Luckily, you had found an apartment with a pretty cool roommate, she was similar to you in loving horror movies and video games, and often her boyfriend would spend the night. Last night wasn't one of them, instead you made a comfy spot on the couch and spent most of the time watching 90 Day Fiance and arguing with the TV.
The familiar ding of your phone has you rubbing the sleep from your eyes, arm stretched out blindly searching the top of the coffee table. Unlocking the screen with your thumb print, a new text message comes into view.
Unknown: In the car, I just can't wait, To pick you up on our very first date.
Brows pinched in confusion, and a small smile gracing your face. You think It must be a wrong number. You stare at the message sinking back into the soft cushions of the couch. It's gotta be a joke you think, so you play along, having seen these types of messages before and being immersed in music your whole life you're familiar with the lyrics.
You: Is it cool if I hold your hand?
Shortly after pressing send another ding comes through.
Unknown: Is it wrong if I think it's lame to dance? Do you like my stupid hair?
A chuckle leaves your lips and you feel bad for stringing this person along but you continue anyway, enjoying the flirty nature of the messages.
You: would you guess that I didn't know what to wear?
You feel terrible engaging in this cute sharade. Being a hopeless romantic the idea of someone purposely sending you these messages has you kicking your feet. But you know these messages aren't for you, as you place the phone down again another ding comes through.
Unknown: I'm just scared of what you think.
You smile to yourself at the absurdity but one last message won't hurt.
You: you make me nervous so I really can't eat.
Deciding to end the conversation you text back apologizing for wasting their time and let them know they have the wrong number. You see they've read your message and so you set your phone down and walk to your bedroom gathering some clothes from the closet, when you hear another ding.
You quickly turn back to the living room. throw yourself onto the couch, lunging for your phone in anticipation at what was sent and shock is written all over your face as you read the message.
Unknown: "Let's go. Don't wait. This night's almost over."
You Scroll back up and make sure that your previous message was sent and read. It was. You immediately panic, it wasn't like you to make plans and forget, especially a date. You did a lot of networking last night but you made sure every contact had a name and their social media attached so you really had no clue who would be asking you out. Unable to form any more thoughts on the matter you turn off your phone and head for the shower.
"Fuck! She left me on read." Eddie complained to Gareth as they both sat sprawled out on the couch in the garage,finishing up band practice for an upcoming show.
"How do you date a latina anyway?" Grant inquired, wiping the sweat from his brow and placing his bass down. Eddie turned to his bandmate, eyebrows quirked in a questioning way. "Um. Like any other girl. Man, what is wrong with you?" Eddie huffed, looking at his phone again hoping you'd message him back soon, and that he didn't just blow it with you. "It doesn't matter anyway, Ed just wants to fuck his way to the top. No dating required, isn't that what you said Ed? Gareth stared at his friend, challenging the words he had spoken earlier, before he actually met you or saw you, or felt the way your hand barely touched his sent bolts of electricity through his entire body. Eddie's eyes narrowed at Gareth. "Yea. That's right."
The way Gareth laid it out sounded bad and Eddie knew it, he wanted to do things the right way but he'd already tried that, and he had Becky to thank for ruining morally 'good' Eddie. This Eddie was different, he was more determined than ever in reaching his dreams irregardless of who was in his way or who he'd hurt in the process.
"It's a terrible idea." Standing with his arms crossed Jeff glared at Eddie, ashamed that their frontman even considered such a thing. With his head hanging between his shoulders Eddies eyes met Jeffs and he sighed, running his palm down his face, he shook his head.
"Look, I'm doing it for the band, ok. She could really help us out and get us actual good hook ups. What the fuck have you done Jeff? I'm the one who's been pulling all the weight!"
"You're the reason we're in this mess, you fucked Becky, our manager by the way, and now you wanna fuck this one! Next you're gonna fuck us over!" Jeff scolded, standing toe to toe with Eddie challenging his decisions. Gareth and Grant stand between the two boys, pushing them both away from each other and letting them cool down. Just as Eddie's about to speak again his phone rings. Signaling the boys to be quiet with his pointer finger to his lips he takes a look at the caller id and waves his hand at them in dismissal.
"Hey Red, still gonna make the show?" Eddie had asked Max if she was going to see Corroded Coffin perform, but she had gone on a little getaway with Lucas and wasn't sure when she'd be back.
"Yea, of course You can invite her. The more the merrier." Eddie agreed, pacing the garage as he spoke to Max. "Is she cute?" He asked with a shy smile on his face. "Fine, fine." He continued.
Getting off the phone with Max he checked his messages again and to his surprise you had sent a reply back.
Peach: I have a boyfriend.
"Son of a bitch." Eddie threw his phone on the couch crossing his arms as he glared at the floor. Frustrated that his plan was crumbling beneath him along with his dreams.
Hot water sprays over your body as you think of the outcomes if you were to go on this blind date. They never responded when you asked who they were which raised all the red flags and your mind went into a worse case scenario. What if it was Him, the masked man that haunted your dreams still. The therapy has been working, weekly and always on call if you ever needed it, medication changes were few but sometimes adjusting or adding to the list was necessary. So you lied and said you have a boyfriend, hopeful that they would get the hint that you were not interested.
In his bedroom, Eddie sat at his desk, phone in hand open with tabs of all his social media accounts and a calendar of future shows to be played.
"Omg you googled her?!" Gareth chuckled, as he hoovered behind Eddie, who was currently scrolling through your instagram page.
"Nah man, I looked up Glass House and she follows them." Eddie scrolled through all your posts, admiring all the traveling you'd done and how many musician friends you had. There were some that he admired and others that he didn't know. The fancy places you've eaten at were lavish. He was skeptical of some of the dishes but hoped to at least try them one day. To his disappointment, There weren't many pictures of you. He scrolled to the end of your page and didn't see any of your so-called boyfriend, maybe you were a private person and your instagram was only work related.
His finger hovered over Sebastian's page, debating if this was going too far, would he even like what he saw. He wasn't with you so it didn't matter, but why was he so nervous? Cracking his neck side to side, his thumb gently pressed on Sebastian's profile and a flood of images filled the screen.
There you were, your beautiful smile shining bright through his phone, and Eddie's belly flipped as if he were seeing it in the flesh. Through all the music related posts, band practice, live shows and members of the band, were small bits and pieces of you scattered about. Most were candid photos, at the studio listening to whatever played through your headphones, a shy smile peeking through a glass of wine held at your lips, god did Eddie wish he was a wine glass. Zooming into one particular photo he sees your bare back wearing nothing but a black bra and panties that leave nothing to the imagination, you're laying on your stomach on top of a white bed with messy white sheets. He traces over the feminine curve of your back, down to the slope of your waist and above the plush of your ass. His eyes land on your profile and his heart beats wildly at your sleeping form, hair sprawled out like a halo, you're facing away from the camera and Eddie wonders if you're aware of this intimate photo being taken. It suddenly occurs to him that you're in bed barely clothed and his stomach twists at the realization, Sebastian has you and he doesn't.
"He's not her boyfriend." Gareth voiced, startling Eddie who seemed to forget his bandmate was hunched over him. He pulls his phone close to his chest away from Gareth's wandering eyes. "Well, there's pictures of her in bed and them kissing. Last night at the party I saw him with her."
Eddie stood up and laid on his bed as Gareth took a seat at the desk. "Must be complicated," he shrugged. "She just told me she has a boyfriend. Must've been recent then."Gareth snatched Eddie's phone out of his hand.
"Hey!" He snapped. Scrolling through the messages Eddie sent you, Gareth shook his head "Blink 182? Really? God your lame." He laughed, "And you're an idiot. You didn't say who you were." Throwing the phone back, Eddie looks over the texts again and groans. Gareth was right he missed the message where you asked "who's this." While he thought of another response Eddie went back to your instagram for clues as to what type of person you were.
Bringing his face closer to the screen, eyes squinting. 'It couldn't be' he thought. A girl was standing in frame, she wore faded blue jeans with a pale orange top and a blue blouse folded to her elbows. In her hands was a white planter with wild green leaves that brought life to red beautiful flowers, unmistakable red hair flowed down her shoulders and bright blue eyes peeked behind blossoms of red. Eddie looked to the bottom of the photo reading the caption 'look what my roommate grew!.'
Two knocks, a pause and two more knocks were heard on your apartment door. You heard the key enter, the door knob twist and your roommate stepped inside. "I'm back!" She announced, as she pulled in her luggage from the hallway. Squealing you raced towards her and greeted her with a huge hug that had you both stumbling.
"Max! I missed you. How was the trip? How's Lucas doing?" You questioned.
Exhausted from traveling Max threw herself on the couch and told you how they traveled down to San Diego to see the Battle ships. "We went to this fancy restaurant where they have dry aged steak–"
You cut her off, leg bouncing in anticipation, and not wanting to wait any longer. "Did he finally ask you to marry him?" Max deflated. With a tight lipped smile she shook her head. "No. He didn't ask. But I still had so much fun and I'm sure it'll be soon."
Max had told you all about her on and off again relationship with Lucas, and ever since her accident, as she calls it, they've been together ever since. She told you all about their first dance, the first kiss they shared, the first time they said I love you. It was all so romantic and out of a fairytale. A fairytale that you longed for. She just smiled as you told her all the romantic things you wanted to do and how lucky she was that she had found that special someone. She didn't tell you about all the bad things. She couldn't. Your face lit up at the mention of the snowball dance, and their weekly movie marathons. You were both brought to tears as she recounted the way Lucas was by her side after her accident.
She wanted you to have this idea that love was easy and it would find you when you least expected it. So she couldn't tell you about Vecna or Will. Most importantly she didn't want to tell you how her brother Billy died. How she saw him die. But you needed her to tell you that you weren't alone, that this deep trench in your heart would never mend but if you had found someone that brought you peace on those nights where the screams were too loud and the night too dark. A soul strong enough to carry the weight of your trauma, yet compassionate enough to walk you through the pain. Then maybe they could slowly fill that hollow trench bucket by bucket. Not of dirt or water simply understanding. Understanding that you'll never be who you once were, full of happiness and light. Rays of sunshine peeking through someone's gloomy day. Now, you were the gloom, the dark low hanging clouds full of tears threatening to pour down on undeserving innocents. Who knew whether those drops would be light and just tickle the skin. Would they be heavy and constant for days on end, causing those to witness shield their eyes and run towards a dry, safer climate. At any moment any sudden reminder of that night could trigger a siren of caution echoing through their ears that a violent storm was just on the horizon. Upon Hearing that screeching siren loud above their heads all would run, gathering their belongings and loved ones to escape the danger that was to come. All except one.
You didn't tell Max about what had happened. It's not something to bring up in casual conversation or any conversation for that matter. 'Hey, I saw my mom get shot to death and I held my hands over her bleeding wounds until her blood saturated both our clothes…. No biggie. How was your day?'
There would never be a right time. A right scenario and even if there was you didn't want to relive that night, no one does. So you kept that part of you hidden, shoveled so deep within that trench with a lock and key. Any threats of those tears or incoming clouds were met with scripted phrases.
"I'm just so tired."
"It's fine."
"Eyelash in my eye"
And the worst of all
"I'm ok."
The day settles to night as you shift under the sheets with your laptop open, preparing your schedules and artists you were going to see for the week when you hear the unmistakable ding of your phone. You find it stuffed between the pillow you're laying on and your shoulder. Upon reading the message your eyes widened at the boldness and your lips curved up into a beaming smile.
Unknown: "Of course someone as pretty as you would have a boyfriend, that's cool I'm not looking to be your boyfriend though. I just thought you might need a husband.
Unknown: "It's Eddie by the way."
You shake your head chuckling at his audaciousness. But he got you smiling at your phone, cheeks heating up and flutters in your tummy.
You: "Oh, that was good. I guess we should go on a date then if you're planning to be my husband."
Eddie: "I thought you'd never ask." 😉
@amira0303 @hideoutside @edsforehead @skank-sinatra13 @kissmejoey @ms1oftheboys
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zevzevarainai · 7 months ago
your ask made me realize......i don't know any of your ocs (outside of RPG protags). tell me about them please? 👀
ok i'm putting this under a read more because it's slightly embarrassing but not enough for me to not post it. i am also insecure about my drawerings. i'm working on it.
Ok so the only actual original ocs i have are revamped versions of ocs i had based off of toys when i was like 11. yeah... i'm owning it.... quarantine was a time for all of us. i used to have dnd ocs as i wrote my own campaign but they've been abandoned as a result of a messy falling out.
anyway these were like a branch off of a game my sister and our friends used to play when i was like 6 like a 2nd generation type of deal though that's only relevant for one oc. the premise is basically i had toy dragons when i was a kid and i was like "yeah they can shapeshift into humans" because that's the coolest shit when your 12. And when you're in your twenties and mentally ill you make it Serious.
so now it's like a humans hunted dragons so they didn't really come out of hiding but society is a'changing... there aren't a lot of not-shapeshifting dragons left.
it's not very thought out but dragon hybrids as i call them until i think of a better name (i won't) are split into 3 groups of views -
1) coexistence (main guys are here) 2) resent humans, either cannot shift or are ashamed of their human form. They either hide from humans or, if they have the means to, attack humans. They value pureblood dragons and strength. Because of this, they abandon runts and outcast shifters with a human parent. 
3) believe in coexisting with humans, but believe their ability to command two forms puts them above non-shifters, so they should be ruling over them. Some humans agree and have devoted themselves to serving these shifters.
Also these guys go by 2nd names because humans can't pronounce the guttural dragon language sounds (this is my explanation for my less than creative naming system at 12). I also made like physical logistics for their human appearance but we don't need to get into that rn
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this is Dramill [dray-mill] (he/him) which child Carly made up as a combination of Draco + Windmill (the toy had a tail that has a webbed bit, looks like a windmill thing, whatever). He is a water dragon (fresh water variant). His bio-family hates humans, he ran away as a teenager and accidentally became a leadership figure for coexistence after finding his found family during his run-away-teen-travels.
He discovered healing powers for water-elemental dragons, he is basically green Katara, except Dramill sacrifices his energy to heal the person. Minor injuries don’t take much out of him. The worse the injury, the harder it is on him. If rushed, it is harder on him.
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The first two members of Dramill's found family are Flame (left, she/her) and Smokey (right, he/him). They are twins and both raging homosexuals. If you couldn't guess, they are fire elemental dragons. Dramill found them after their mother was killed by humans and they were attacked a few weeks later.
Flame: Cold exterior, aloof, nonchalant nature, but has a good heart underneath. Too cool for you. Has tattoo sleeves on both arms, nose stud on the right nostril to match her twin's, undercut on the right side.
Smokey: Sarcastic, covers feelings with humor. Has several piercings: multiple ear piercings, double eyebrow piercing on the right side, nose stud on left nostril, nipple piercings, and a stud tongue piercing. All gold colored.
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Last two members of Dramill's found family are Frost (left, he/him) and Iceberg (right, any pronouns). Biological siblings and, you guessed it, ice dragons. Iceberg was abandoned by their parents for being a runt; Frost followed his father on a hunch and refused to abandon Iceberg, so he was also disowned. Frost took care of Iceberg on his own until Dramill, Flame, and Smokey found them.
Frost: somewhat introverted and slow to trust others. Fiercely loyal and protective.
Iceberg: Not very good at fighting, doesn't particularly enjoy doing it. Has a lot of confidence interacting with humans.
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Okay our first human this is the one i was talking about who is the daughter of Baby's First OC and her preexisting character husband. If you can figure out who the preexisting character is I might have to delete my blog. This is Mary (she/her) she is the daughter of a big name CEO and is set to inherit the company. Mary is confident and smart, which she has to be as she's somewhat famous. She stumbled across Dramill squatting in the forest that technically belongs to her father and eventually befriends the whole squad. She uses her influence to promote coexistence between dragons and humans.
And yeah, Frost is her love interest, this ship has been canon for like 15 years and now it's actually thought out dynamic wise
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Next is Chadsworth (right, he/him) who was made as a joke character for 12 year old me but now actually has character traits. Early on his whole deal was he had a massive one-sided crush on Mary and was like obsessed with her. That still kind of happened but he was like 13 and is ashamed about it.
He grew up very poor and later entered the foster program. It was Not Great and he ran away, briefly living on the streets until he befriended a girl who was taking culinary lessons from a woman with fairly-successful catering company. The woman let him stay and he was very helpful with cleaning and chores; when he got a little older she paid him so now he cleans for a living. Chadsworth met Mary when she and her mom were picking up and order. They became friends, but Chadsworth soon developed an unhealthy crush on her-- that was less a crush and more idolization and envy of her life, but he wouldn't unpack this for several years. Frost fuckin' hates him because of this. Chadsworth later apologized to her and Frost but it doesn't matter Frost despises him.
As the picture gives away his love interest is Smokey which is a more recent development (thanks, the sims)
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Last one this is JunTae (they/them) who was not in the childhood toys and made semi-recently. I was messing around in the sims... They weren't made to be Dramill's love interest but stumbled into that role. They are a shadow dragon from the forests around Korea (hence the name) who was born into a clan that hates humans. They didn't know any other way until their clan was fighting Dramill and them and Frost beat them up almost real bad until Dramill stopped him; Dramill healed them and they saw their found family dynamic and was like ??? They're like you know if you want to leave like look us up we'll help you, think about it, and eventually they did. Iceberg picked out the name JunTae
JunTae used to be scared of humans and is now curious to learn but still cautious. Good friends with Dramill and Iceberg. Self-conscious and anxious but wants to help. Calls Dramill "Millie" and is the only one allowed to (because Dramill's got a big fat crush on them)
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2ndstar-ontheright · 11 months ago
"More Than a Friend"
This is from a few months ago, but since it's become much larger on here, I'd figure I'd post something I wrote for them! I'm a GooseCaroleMav truther you guys, I'm sorry. (Just a PSA this isn't condoning military stuff or anything like that, I just like these guys. A lot. :D)
Here on Ao3: "More Than a Friend"
Pete always knew he never belonged. Unwanted. Even as a kid, he could tell that he wasn’t exactly planned , nor his parents' first priority. His mother was always trying to make herself busy with his dad’s absence, so he learned to just stay out from underfoot. It was easier that way. He saw the tears she tried to hide every time her husband went back from leave and it was gut wrenching to know that there wasn’t really anything he could do. He couldn’t be the “man” of the house because by the time he could, he never got the chance. It was all fine for the majority of his childhood, but once his dad died, everything fell apart, and the feeling set in even more. His mother fell ill soon after, leaving him an orphan. Typical. The child of a military family left with no parents by the age of 18. How wonderfully and pitifully tragic. 
They wouldn’t be the only scars he’d ever have, nor the deepest, yet for so much of his life, they were the only ones that people noticed. Not the ones on his chest or the ones on his heart, just that he had no family. No family left that would care anyway. 
Only, a high school friend that he thought he’d never see again covered them up real well. 
A young blond whose wit was as sharp as a double-edged sword, Carole Abbott wasn’t stupid. She was one of the few reasons Pete even graduated high school, but what he didn’t expect to find out about her was that she saw him as more than just a classmate. He was her friend. She’d seen him around their school many times before, only this time he looked much more…sad. The bags under his eyes more prominent than usual. Shrugging it off, she took it as her sign and went up to him. Soon enough, periods would turn into days and would turn into weeks spent huddled together on her roof, shaking their heads at the insanity that was life. 
Being able to relate to way more than they thought they would, in more ways than one, he considered her his best friend. They became inseparable, much to the dismay and confusion of her parents. Despite it being maybe the 300th time her dad gave him the “If you hurt my daughter…” speech and her mom asking if they’ve gone out yet, they still laughed about it until the day they left. 
She had been his rock and when he broke the news that he was going into the navy, he didn’t expect her to react so nonchalantly. 
“It’s your life, Pete.” Carole nodded her head towards him, taking a sip of the beer she snuck from downstairs. “It’s not my place, nor do I want to tell you how to live it. That’s up for you to decide.” 
Pete looked at her, trying to hide the worry in his face. To his dismay, his chest was rushing and rising with panic. Was this really a good idea? Why wasn’t she saying anything? She never liked the navy, especially after knowing about his father. “I know that, but…what if it doesn’t work out? I’ve got nothing to come home to if I don’t make it, my job’s barely making it as it is.” He explained, and with a sigh, he lowered his head. “What if I die? I mean, I know that comes with it, I just..couldn’t live with myself to not at least say goodbye to you. Or have someone do that for me, I guess.” 
Carole tilted her head and scooched closer to him, urging him to look up at her with her hand. “And what if you live? Have you ever thought of that?” 
The boy shook his head. “No, I guess I didn’t.” 
“Well then, that answers that question, now doesn’t it?” Carole chuckled and bit the inside of her cheek, looking off into the distance for a moment before turning back. “You leave for school tomorrow morning, right?” She asked, earning her a nod in response. She leaned in closer and wrapped her arm around his shoulder. “Listen, I can’t promise you anything, but I do know this. You’re determined. When it’s something you’re passionate about, you put your whole heart into it, and that’s such an admirable thing. You’re gonna do well, Pete. You just gotta try and there’s really nothing more you can do than that.”
Pete let his head rest on her arm and let her words swarm around him like the warm glow of a firefly. “Yeah…” She was right. Like she was with most things. He knew she could tell that there was more he wanted to say that went unspoken. That he was afraid of leaving her. Of being alone and so many other things. Now though, all he could do was sigh and brace himself for the morning ahead. “Thanks Carole….for, y’know. Everything.” 
“Of course, Petey. You’re my best friend, now wake up before you start drooling on me.” She laughed, gently nudging him and climbing back through her bedroom window with him behind her. 
What he didn’t know was that night and that morning after she dropped him off at the airport, Carole Abbott broke at the realization that she might lose the best friend she ever had. 
What he hadn’t expected to see nearly 3 years later was a blond head leaning against a restored 55’ Chevrolet outside of the Naval Academy. He thought nothing of it until her sunglasses tilted as she looked in his direction, her face breaking into a smile. He knew that could only mean one person and he can’t stop himself from staring like an idiot. She rushes up and before he can say anything, she’s lifting him off the ground in a bone-crushing hug. “Damn, has she gotten strong…” 
“Well, it’s about time you came to see me! I was starting to think you’d forgotten about me.” Pete teased, poking her on the shoulder. 
“Pfft, yeah right. Because that’s definitely something normal people do.” Carole rolled her eyes. “You miss me yet, Mitchell? Because I sure as hell missed you,”
Pete scoffed, shaking his head. Who was she kidding? Of course he did. “Yeah, maybe, just a little bit.” 
“Oh you! ” She punched him lightly in the arm, pretending to be offended. And before he knew it, he was following her to her car like a puppy to its owner, knowing that the years that passed meant nothing to either of them. Nothing at all. 
He’d missed this. By god had he missed this. 
Little would he know that a smooth talking, tail covering, tall as a tree, sweetheart would saunter into his life not long after that. 
Days that faded into weeks which turned into months went by. Training wasn’t exactly a walk in the park and the small inkling of being able to fly in his aviation classes were the only thing keeping him going most days. School was once again made much more bearable by having the one constant in his life back, but that wasn’t as often as he thought. He was pretty much a baby when it came to making and meeting other people. If he wasn’t doing something stupid to warrant it anyway. 
So, it came as no surprise when one night, something changed. Pete, alongside some of the other recruits, was coming back from being stationed on night guard. The previous night had been a rather unpleasant one, but he was relieved it was over. He trudged back to his room absentmindedly, the hours of staying awake for almost 2 days getting to him. Distantly, he heard the sound of footsteps from afar, not really paying attention to it. They were probably just going to their room too. He figured. When they didn’t stop though, he had the feeling he was being followed. Had he known better he would’ve been more than just confused, though it wasn’t out of the ordinary. 
After a while, he turned around and noticed a tall, bulky figure eyeing him, almost in a drunken haze. 
“Hey…” He mumbled out, leaning against the wall for support. He clearly looked wasted, or high, the other couldn’t tell.
“Hey,” Pete replied raising his eyebrow, unsure of what this was leading to. 
“I’ve heard about you.” The guy began. “You know what they say about guys like you, right? All alone, no friends, only talks to girls.” He laughed when he saw the confused look on Pete’s face. “Yeah, don’t think I haven’t seen you with that pretty little thing. It’s pretty obvious you ain’t with her like that, so tell me.” He took a step closer, leaning fully to the wall so that he was face to face with the shorter man. 
“What’s a little fag like you thinking he can be here ?” 
Pete really had to be delirious, because this couldn’t be happening. This couldn’t be real. He blinked slowly and stared dumbfounded at the man. “I… what ?”
“You heard me.” He nodded, almost like he was accusing him of something. “You don’t gotta lie to me, Mitchell. I mean, it’s definitely a surprise.” He shrugged. “The great ‘Duke Mitchell’s’ kid being all weird like that. No one would suspect it, except for me. And I’m not no one, am I?”
Pete narrowed his eyebrows and moved to turn around. He wasn’t going to dignify that with a response, not if he could help it. However, the other seemed to have a different idea, and a meaty hand spun him around. 
“You didn’t answer my question…” The man stepped closer, his big, sneering face staring Pete down like he was his prey. At least in his mind that’s what he was. His big hands moved and grabbed his hips.
“The fuck-?” Pete yelped out at the sudden impact. If the alarm bells hadn’t gone off before, they definitely were now as he felt himself being manhandled. The whole interaction was weird as hell, but the grabbing? Really? It’s no wonder this guy both didn’t like him and seemed like the type to get written up every other day. Pete scrambled to escape him and when his kicking at the other didn’t work, he dug his nails into his wrist and bit down on the hand that firmly clawed into his shirt. 
“Shit!” The other man cried out. Wincing at the pain, he waved his hand before moving closer to Pete when he heard the sound of a door opening. That didn’t stop him though, what did however, was Pete punching him in the nose. He didn’t expect such a small thing to fight back like that, yet his cries of pain said otherwise. 
Pete stared at him as the man staggered backward in pain. All of this and he didn’t even know him? Ridiculous. The fear in his stomach turned into worry when he felt a pair of eyes watching him. If he wasn’t before, he was certainly in trouble now.
“Shit...” A voice breathed out as he watched the two men. Coming out of the room and into view, a man about his age looked at Pete incredulously. “You okay?” He asked.
Pete stared back like a deer caught in someone’s headlights. Overcome with shock and his sudden rush of adrenaline, he shook his head. “I-I don’t-He tried to- fuck. I’m sorry, I-” He stammered.
The guy stepped forward and moved in front of Pete, ignoring the groaning body on the ground. “Hey, hey, it’s okay. You’re not in trouble, just…tell me what happened.” 
Swallowing, Pete gave him an explanation, gesturing to the man behind them. “I was coming down here when he came up behind me all of a sudden and…called me a…” Pete struggled to put into words in a way that made sense. “He tried to…”
The other guy’s expression turned from one of confusion, to one of disgust. “Of course, he did.” he spat out. “I’m sorry man.” He gave the other an apologetic look. From the way he was standing, on edge like he was going to be punished at any second, was worrying. Trying to lighten the mood, he nodded. “But you fought back! Not a lot of people have the courage to do that, y’know.”
“That’s pretty impressive though, kid.” He added, genuinely admiring Pete’s strength. Hell, if he’d been his position, he wasn’t sure how he’d react himself. “The name’s Nick, by the way.” 
“Pete..” He responded, not even noticing his lips move. Why was this random guy giving him this much grace? Being this kind? He didn’t fully understand, especially considering it being the middle of the night, yet appreciated it nonetheless. 
“Well, Pete, can I ask you a question?” Nick inquired, earning him a slow nod. “How come I’ve never seen you around before?” An amused smile played on his lips when he saw Pete’s expression change from one of panic, to a tough kinda smile back. 
Promises made to hang out after the night turned into spending almost any time they were both free together. They were practically attached at the hip and to think that it all started over some idiot making a pass at him, was equal parts heartwarming, and hilarious. 
Nick liked Pete. A lot. Occasionally, more than he thought he’d ever liked anyone. The way he hid his smile when he was about to laugh, the way he really didn’t take anything from anyone, the way he kept so much of himself hidden but would reveal just the smallest amounts to Nick, leaving him desperate for more. To know more. To know Pete. He knew he struck a chord with him because once they became friends, there was just no getting over or getting rid of Pete Mitchell.
He was kind of like a brother in a way. Nick was older, taller, and generally had more experience than he did, and it made him proud in some way. To get to see him as more than just a friend, but family as well. He wouldn’t always let it happen, although, in the few moments he would, Nick reveled in it. 
The man in question shifted in his sleep at the whisper of his name. Stirring, his eyes blinked slowly open. “Yeah…?” He asked, huskily. 
Pete shifted his eyes up to the ceiling and down to the floor. Not quite sure how to ask this. He sighed and went for it. “The worst he can say is no..” “I- I can’t sleep…”
The other nodded drowsily from being woken up. “Ohh..okay…” He understood, kind of. Hoping this wouldn’t take much longer, he asked. “You have a nightmare or somethin’?” 
“Yeah. Sorry for waking you up man, it’s stupid. I know.”
“Nah it’s not stupid.” Nick shrugged it off and shifted away in the bed, gesturing for him to come over. “You wanna sleep with me?” 
Pete thought about it for a second and nodded. 
He chuckled, shaking his head. “Well come on then, I haven’t got all night.” Feeling the other slip in next to him, he yawned and before falling back asleep, smiled fondly at Pete. “Good night, honey .” 
“Good night, dear .” Pete teased back, smirking at the other shaking his head at his response. 
Not long after they met did Pete introduce Nick to Carole. It was a November evening, the cold air whipping at the pair's faces as he led him up to their apartment. Or well, hers technically, since he was hardly there most of the time. Pulling his keys out of his pocket, he turned to Nick excitedly. “She’s awesome. You’re gonna love her, I just know it.” 
“Oh, Pete, you know the ladies love me. So, I have no doubts about that.” 
“Save it for your pillow, Bradshaw.”
“I swear, I cannot make any promises.” He put his hand over his heart and let Pete practically drag him into the apartment. 
Carole came in from her room at the sound and was nearly bowled over by her best friend’s excitement. Pete wasn’t typically one for bringing anyone over for that matter, let alone a guy. Hell, she was surprised he was so willing to introduce someone he hadn’t even known that long to her knowledge. She was happy for him regardless though and knew that the dark-haired boy wasn’t letting go of this person anytime soon. 
“Carole, this is Nick! Nick, this is my friend Carole!” Pete chirped excitedly, introducing the group to each other. 
“Hi Nick, I’ve heard quite a lot about you. It’s lovely to finally meet you in person.” She greeted, holding her hand out. Nick, an almost laughably taller man than Pete, had taken her outstretched hand and drew out a kind greeting back. His smile sent a sudden wave of butterflies through her stomach and Carole had to admit, she wasn’t expecting someone like that . 
“You were right Pete,” Nick began glancing over at him and looking back at Carole. Smiling as his eyes met hers. “She does sound awesome.” 
He never suspected he'd be playing “Matchmaker” for the two most important people in his life. Never in any universe. And now here he was barely a year later and reassuring the both of them that it’ll be perfectly fine. Despite both of them putting that to the test. 
“It’s just a date, man. It’s not like you’re getting married.” 
“I know! But, I want to make a good impression, y’know? I want her to actually enjoy it.” 
“Goose, you’ve known her for a year. You don’t need to make a ‘good impression’ if you didn’t, she wouldn’t even be into you! Now, quit panicking. It’s freaking me out.” He watched as he paced around the room, looking at himself in the mirror. Maverick rolled his eyes and held back the nauseating feeling that crept up his throat. 
“Now you have her home by 11:00 young man, or else I’l have your hide mounted on my wall.” Pete leaned against the door and smirked at the pair as they were about to leave. 
“Of course sir! I wouldn’t dream of being even a second late.” Nick chuckled, waving him off with a flourish. Carole giggled and let him lead her down the hallway. 
He was happy for them. They deserved each other, truly. But he couldn’t help but feel….lost. And his insides sank as he watched them go, realizing it was all going to change before he knew it.  
First dates turn into 5 which turn into 10 which turn into being official “boyfriend” and “girlfriend.” Mav hates himself for the fact that while he is so proud of them for making it this far, he feels so much more alone now. Which is fair. Still though, he can’t help but wonder if maybe he should just not think too much about it and date someone himself. It’s not like he hasn’t before. 
None of them lead to much of anything though. A few dates followed by a few kisses and the more than often one night stand don’t exactly take away this gnawing, empty feeling inside. Even when he tries to make a connection it’s never fully there. There’s something missing. Something deeper. Something like… shit.
  Is it jealousy? God, it better not be.
Soon enough, comes the day she’d been waiting for after these past few years. The day they get married. Carole’s over the moon, yet she notices. She notices the somber smile Maverick keeps flashing at Goose everytime they see each other. When they get to the chapel, when she makes it to the altar, and he’s watching them during the night. If it were anyone else, she’d be a little more than freaked out, but this was Maverick. Her Pete. She also notices the hurt in both men’s eyes when her now-husband glances over to her best friend. A quiet understanding of something she felt like she knew, but still didn’t quite get. 
Nothing seems to change after that. Their honeymoon comes and goes and once she comes home, the tension could still be cut with a knife. He’s not himself anymore. No longer the bitey, cheerful boy she grew up with. He was a pilot now, she couldn’t expect him to stay the same forever, but she hadn’t expected that to change him this much. They were a family now, however, he was still her family too. Right? It wasn’t a childish fantasy, she knew that, to her, it was the truth. Carole Abbot-Bradshaw is not stupid. Now though, she wasn’t so sure. 
She decides to bring it up one night to Maverick who surprisingly, wasn’t in his room at the barracks. The pilot came over on his volition, which she secretly appreciated because she knew he wasn’t going to like what was coming. They’re watching some cheesy rom-com, both on opposite ends of the couch when Carole brings it up. 
“What’s up with you?” She asks. Maverick glances over at her and while he doesn’t stiffen up, she can tell he’s taken aback by her question. 
“What do you mean? I’m fine, Carole.” Maverick denies, chuckling it off. She tilts her head and stares at him with a deadpan expression. “Really! I’m serious.”
“Pete Mitchell, do you think I’m an idiot? Tell me, how long have we known each other?” She asks, waiting patiently for him to answer her. 
“Almost 9 years…” He answers slowly, estimating off the top of his head. “And no! Of course not. It’s…” He sighs and looks at her. “It was stupid…it’s nothing.”
Carole shakes her head. “It’s not nothing nor is it stupid.” She denies, moving closer to the pilot. “It’s changed you, Pete. And don’t think I haven’t noticed.” She says firmly, but concerned. Sighing, she looks into his eyes that’re averting her gaze. “You’re not yourself, I’m worried about you.” She added gently, worrying now at the way he looked more and more uncomfortable by her asking. “And if it was something I, or Nick did, you know you could tell me, right? You’re my best friend.”
Pete groans softly. There’s really no avoiding her question, not anymore anyway. He’s denied it for this long that really, there wasn’t anything else he could say to hide it. “Things get lonely sometimes. And I… miss you. Both of you. Sometimes I lie awake and when I picture myself with anyone, romantically or whatever…I see you two.” Maverick admits in a voice barely above a whisper, not sure how to phrase it without scaring or freaking her out. She knew him better than anyone, even Nick, and to know that this might ruin everything they had, was killing him. “On the day of your wedding, seeing you both up there, I knew I would never get that. What you have. For things to be the way they were, I guess, I don’t know. And I never want to come between the two of you.” The pilot sighs, staring down at the floor. “I couldn’t live with myself if I did, but now, I’m afraid I already have. I’m so sorry, Carole.” Maverick finally looks up into her eyes, preparing for whatever reaction she had.
“Oh Pete…” She whispers gently, pulling his hand into hers. “You could never come between us. Honey, it’s okay, I know. I know how much you and Nick love each other, you don’t have to be ashamed of that. Frankly, I don’t really care about those sorts of things enough to be upset about it because well, I kind of picture you as my husband too. I mean, I’ve known you for a long enough time that it’s really not a surprise.” She laughs softly, shaking her head.
“I love you, Mav. We both do. So please understand me when I tell you, you never have to be concerned about me freaking out or being upset about these sorts of things” She adds, squeezing his hand in hers. “Okay?”
Maverick doesn’t say anything, but from the look he gives her, she can tell it’s a silent “Okay.” in response. Really, she was expecting something much worse and for that to be all it was, eased the pain in her chest from the past few months. It’s clear to her that their conversation is over, and she’s perfectly fine with that. 
The two end up falling asleep together on the couch with Maverick and Carole huddled next to each other, her head in his lap and his arm resting on her back, both snoring quietly. The T.V has switched from romance to some old western movie when Goose enters the apartment and he can’t help but gush at the sight. He crouches down to curl his arms around his wife and carries her off to their bedroom. As he gently lays her on the bed, he’s about to tug the sheets up to her chin when she asks quietly. “Nick?” 
“Hey darlin’, I’m sorry for waking you up.” He whispers in response.
Her voice still raspy, she smiles tiredly. “You’re okay. But I think you should talk to Pete, not right now, but sometime. It’d be good for the both of you. He misses you.”
That caught him by surprise. “What do you mean? Did-did I do something wrong?” Goose asks, eyes widening at the idea of what he could’ve done. If he had done anything.
“No, no, baby nothing like that. Don’t worry, you’re okay.” Carole reassures, putting her hand to his wrist. She hesitates for a moment before yawning. “You know how you feel when you’re around me? And him? Well, that’s kinda how he feels around the both of us. If that makes any sense.”
Goose wasn’t sure if she was just talking crazy due to her sleepiness or not, but as he listened, what she was saying did kind of make sense. He was his pilot, his brother, and the best person he ever had besides her, to say didn’t get where he was coming from would be a lie. A huge lie, to himself. He nodded and watched as she shifted to her side. “It’s okay, just…talk to him, Goose.” She whispered before falling back asleep. A peaceful look on her face as he walked out of the room. Watching his best friend, he felt the same look of awe and care he had when they met return to his face. Walking forward, he crouched down next to him and heaved the shorter man up off the couch. “Hey honey, you okay?” The RIO can’t help but ask, knowing just how the other will respond. 
Maverick shifts at the sudden movement and smiles lazily. “I’m just fine, dear.”
“Listen, I’m sorry if I hurt you. For not understanding or getting it before. You know how much I care about you, right Mav?” He says quietly.
“S’ okay, Goose. You’re fine.” Pete whispers.
“ Pete..”
Maverick sighs and looks up at him. “I mean it, you’re okay. We’re fine, really.”
“Well if that’s so,” Goose chuckled, dropping the other on the bed. Turning off the light, he crawled in next to Maverick who had Carole sleepily scooching closer to him and resting her head on his shoulder. “Good night you guys. I love you. Both of you.” He whispered before falling asleep as well. 
“G’night Goose…” And as Pete falls asleep as well between the two people he loves most, he realizes he has what he’s always wanted. Even if they never defined it in specific terms, a family. One that knew its members inside and out. A place where he belonged. A place where he was wanted. And he wouldn’t trade it for anything. 
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testiculartorsionlover · 20 days ago
Journal #2 : sharing feelings + therapy
hello, i'm writing this as a means of grounding myself, i feel really disconnected from myself and fear that i may switch out, and i am seriously trying my best to not dissociate. will writing this actually help, i don't really know because it might delve into dissociation a fair bit but it'll also talk about other things.
i haven't taken my meds in a while because apparently i need to call my insurance to mail order them for me but they havent even been calling back, or something like that. i usually take abilify but i question if i need a higher dose sometimes, because i feel like it doesn't do much (after writing this i realised they do a lot lmfao). but lately, despite being unmedicated, i'm not going through any major episodes so far.... other than some rapid mood shifts. i'm also more impulsive and have been partaking in a lot of drug use, but i'm careful about it atleast. im more irritated than usual. ive been lashing out on my fp and been extra paranoid. i've been on and off suicidal apparently but no memory of that as i am writing this.
my intrusive thoughts have kinda been making a come back.
i seriously need my meds back. they seriously stabilise me.
i went to therapy this tuesday. she read my dissociative journal in full (my physical journal that she gave me) it was kinda embarassing having her read it. i rarely am open about my parts in therapy, up until now atleast. it also went into depth about the symptoms of my other disorders, how parts of me felt, my memory loss, my obsessions, etc. she evaluated me briefly, i think for depression. i scored moderately, but i was frankly too dissociated at the time to answer questions properly. it was a different depression screening than the other one ive taken, i honestly thought this test was a lot better, it was a lot more extensive.
i've apparently declined a bit, but i don't feel it. is it my dissociation hiding it away from me? i don't know really.
i haven't recalled any fugue episodes since my last journal entry or maybe my amnesia is covering that up (can that happen? idek). that's a good sign atleast, im hoping it's the former. my fugue states feel really scary although i dont get them commonly at all, if i had to estimate id probably get them once a month. but i mostly have "partial amnesia" or i guess more mild fugues if you could call it that. ngl my fugues have improved a lot ever since i was first treated for dissociation and trauma. at first it used to be like maybe once a week (very rough estimate but it might as well be just as common as that) to now its lessened. that happened after i processed some traumas, it improved my dissociation quite a bit as well. my dissociation was always really really bad.
i've been experiencing some denial about my disorders. i worry that i'm just crazy. that i'm gaslighting myself into believing i have problems because my life was more "privileged" as i have been recieving help from an early age. it doesnt help that i was misdiagnosed with a lot of disorders as well. i still question if my bpd was a misdiagnosis though i meet most of the criteria. i got diagnosed so young. meds have been the only thing to help my bpd symptoms, same with some dbt skills.
my amnesia is more or less the same outside of the fact that i havent had any major fugues.
i am constantly depersonalized and derealised. but with certain alters its a bit better.
i might make a journal post about my alters, just to make sense of them. even though i said i would never really be super descriptive of my parts, maybe i will be very rarely (ofc id never do like alter intros or give off personal info about them but maybe ill share my experiences with them very rarely)
anyways i feel crazy writing this, i don't even know if im describing my experiences properly
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thegeminisage · 11 months ago
ok, it's star trek update time. tonight we watched ds9's "playing god" and tng's "eye of the beholder."
playing god (ds9):
i'm trying. SO SO SO HARD to get into dax and it's just not working
out of the 3 dax episodes we've had so far this one included two of them have been mid and one of them was just slightly better than average mostly for the questions it prompted in my mind palace, not necessarily the questions asked by the episode itself
in s1 dax had basically no personality, but in s2 when she does have a personality it seems to be a different one every time. like in one episode she was very prissy and in others she's just one of the guys! and then at other times she reverts to this very buttoned up bordering on bland science officer from s1 again
and then every once in awhile she'll be like oh yeah i LOVE sex i LOVE being a super hot woman who everyone wants to FUCK!!! i can get whatever i want with my SEX APPEAL even though my hair is WEIRDLY SHAPED. and look i am so happy for her and she should literally get some but it borders on the kind of misogyny that starts genuinely annoying me. it is kind of like that anime trope where the teen boy gets put into a body with tits and he can't stop messing with them. its like. idk reducing her to a body, or reducing her to jadzia's body, which dax is taking for a ride to feel hot and fuckable?? it's very blurry what's jadzia and what's dax
WHICH is the most fascinating part of dax, which is where the trill ends and the symbiant or however you spell it begins, but we don't get into that quite as much as i'd like
anyway i guess a shifting personality is a natural result of living 7 lifetimes but it doesnt FEEL like thats why theyre doing it, it FEELS like they just cant seem to keep her consistent
that said. while i did not like this episode or this little guy dax was showing around i DID like the implication that curzon was actually a huge fucking asshole. i love that he can be loved by many people but was still an asshole. it's complex. and now one of the people he abused (?) or at least was an asshole to is now. his successor. IT'S COMPLEX!!! what are he and jadzia to each other...imagine meeting curzon dax and then just becoming him. that's wild. so, points for that! genuinely. it just feels like the trill thing is fascinating because of trills and not because of jadzia dax in particular. i'm gonna keep trying to like her. maybe once she starts banging worf things will be different
eye of the beholder (tng):
ohhhh i hated this one so much (suicide cw for this one lol)
firstly, i don't trust tng to handle the subject of suicide any more than i trust them to handle multiple personalities, but they tried to very special episode it anyway. all of them were so shocked at the very THOUGHT of it i guess because they eliminated all mental illness in tos?? but it was so funny in the rage-inducing way like "maybe he needed to think of the obstacles in his life as challenges to overcome!" come on.
also lmao picard like ive never had to report a suicide before...........girl you have literally told 2 people to kill themselves
and then they dropped the very special episode plot halfway through for this psychic mystery...
here's the thing. if everyone had been searching for a REASON someone who seemed to be perfectly happy would do this, and in the end the answer was just "nothing was going on, he was just hiding a lot of pain, even if we don't want to believe that" that would have been a STELLAR gutpunch. but there literally was foul play involved
my ONLY consolation was that they were finally kissing and then later fucking but NO!!!! all a dream
i was already conflicted because deanna e worf means a temporary breakup from deanna e riker but i wanted it anyway and i was so happy when they gave it to me and then they KILLED IT? maybe the actors hated it because it fucking sucked
like, no wonder everybody let deanna walk around unsupervised when there was a high suicide danger. she was dreaming. no one in real life would ever allow this
i wish also that creepy men would stop coming to deanna's quarters to be creepy to her
final note: was told the creepy man was in spn. clocked him as alistair almost immediately. faceblind WHO
TOMORROW: ds9's "prophet and loss" and tng's "genesis" (dread).
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napping-sapphic · 1 year ago
Hello! I have a Situation and its totally cool if you're not able to give advice but im looking for advice anyway bc im autistic and have no idea how to navigate romantic situations.
So ive had a friend since i was 12 her pronouns are she/they so i will be using both. Im now 20 and they're 21. I've known I like girls since i was 13. And shes pan.
So, in the past, ive had like fleeting thoughts of dating/kissing them but i usually just shake my head and think "nah i cant possibly want to date her bc they're my best friend, i just have very strong platonic feelings." Like Very Strong. Ive literally said that i will always compare my feelings for a future romantic partner with my feelings for her bc they're so strong.
So im honestly not sure if i would know if i was in love with someone unless it hit me in the face, and i am currently feeling like it has hit me in the face. I woke up at like 4 am last night from a dream just thinking "omygosh im in love with her" and ive been journaling and thinking all day ahout my feelings and im starting to think ive just been in strong denial/oblivious about my feelings. Both bc im autistic and have difficulty identifying emotions and bc im demiromantic and rarely experience romantic attraction so i dont have much experience with it.
I guess the point of this ask is about any advice you can give regarding knowing if i actually have romantic feelings and if i do,, like what do i do about it??? Should i tell them? We have a really strong friendship and i dont wanna make her uncomfortable. I think ill be okay not acting on my feelings but its been literally less than 24 hrs since realizing my feelings might be romantic and i dont know if it will be difficult to hide or what to do about it. They're also like my only close friend so i cant just ask her what to do like i would normally, which is why im asking you.
Again, i understand if you cant answer this bc its a pretty personal situation but i would appreciate any advice.
Thank you! :)
Ahh once again prefacing with the fact that I am really Not Qualified to give advice on most things😅 but I can give you my take as an outsider on the situation and with my (very limited experience) in case that might help you at all, but again really take all of this with a LARGE grain of salt i am a VERY unqualified stranger on the internet so most of what i say is probably nonsense😅
I feel like this is like my go to advice but I’d say just wait it out tbh, as someone who was in capital L love with their childhood best friend for a while it really just came down to time for me. It took a while for me to be sure whether the feelings were romantic or platonic for SURE. Especially since the platonic love stayed for me even when the romantic love began🤷‍♀️ it made it extra tricky to tell lol.
My ‘oh this is NOT just platonic’ realization came from YEARS of excessive thinking about them, WAY too much jealousy when they dated other people, a LOT of thoughts and urges about holding their hand, a lot of comparing them to people i had passing crushes on, and (i kid you not) an embarrassing amount of love poems teenage me wrote about them lol😅
However! The slow process and thinking it through also lead me to the conclusion that i did NOT want to date them. Being a couple just wouldn’t work for us and I value them so so so SO much as my best friend and really need them in my life as that separate, constant, platonic relationship that I deeply love and care for. It works better for us than any sort of dating could🤷‍♀️ not to mention all of our other clashing traits that just wouldn’t work if our relationship was romantic. And now I’m honestly really not romantically interested in them anymore, they’re just my best friend and always will be :)
I dont think it’s too unusual to fall a bit (or a lot) romantically in love with a best or close friend, I think the more important thing to recognize is whether it’s something worth acting on, that you’re willing to act on, and that will be good for both of you to act on
So I’d say ruminate on it! There’s no pressure to figure it out, if you start getting too preoccupied with it you can try talking it through with them, not even as a confession type thing, you can simply have a conversation letting them know you’re a little confused or wanting their opinion if you think they’ll be receptive to it. Best I can tell you is that there’s no clock on figuring it out, there’s no “right” way to define what type of love you feel, and to remember that either way you’ve got a great person in your life. I’m very sorry I can’t be more help and if anyone has any other advice feel free to leave it in the notes for this person! Good luck to you and I hope you find what you’re looking for soon <3!!
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leafiion · 8 months ago
+more playthrough thoughts. mostly tourmaline aka the bird chapter
first of all, for the people who want to know: you can actually cut off titania's walk-away when she says "you take west, ill see if i can get anywhere north" but she doesn't have collision so she just walks right through you into the next room.
anyway. taka's dialog here is always the best. ive said it already but it's really funny. titania: (ruminating paragraph) taka: ok. anyway titania tells taka what she wishes someone would tell her and we all run off into the sunset because every single one of us in this WTC is still doomed whether to die or otherwise. aughh i hate his little begging segment it makes me so sad. taka i love you really
big gap here to do all the quests and then quickly run through devon. i know a lot of people don't like devon bc it's kinda lame but from a narrative standpoint i think it's so fucking cool like just imagining it. it falls a little flat gameplay wise but the events are very memorable and extremely interesting to reimagine
tourmaline desert time HI TAKA. myguy.. help me not only does he hide behind/lean on that tree but he also walks super slowly over the sand dune. "i know i can't win, not against you... and not against them" every time i see those lines i die a little i think. something that hits me here is how much of a snap decision his "can i come with you?" is. and its very familiar. a la "i don't suppose i can just... tag along with you?" im a huge fan of taka in general... i have a hard time super analyzing him because i see him and i go yippee!!! i love his speech mannerisms we are literally friends.
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no fucking way the forbidden lemonade stand AND it has a leafeon. fuck yes. He actually buys you a lemonadeeee cries... taka to me to lin communication taka to me to lin conversation. the narrative connections between taka and lin are insane actually but i wont get into that right now
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+1 relationship points for calling him my boyfriend and he doesnt even want my ride chat
"the water isnt even drinkable.. i guess id try in a pinch" god please dont drink the corpse water taka. keeping this guy alive is so hard. for obvious reasons such as that one and other things he says and does. chiefly being him trying to kill me by being so cute. anyway now we have to go to the steel gym and put taka on the shelf :( killing myself is scheduled for right now.. his princess tower scene is sooo. can we get a little gayer justa little. asking for me. anyway fine go run off whatever..
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