#it just. Really sucks to see other people just Magically get their needs met when i am fighting So fucking hard
twinknote · 3 months
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha i think i'm going to go. Actually insane
my brother's gf's parents just put in an offer on a house for them today and it was accepted! and anyone who is not deeply mentally ill and traumatized and disabled and stuck living with their shitty fucking parents in their shitty fucking moldy decrepit hoarder's house would be happy for them! and i'm Soooooooo not! i fear i need to be kept 1,000 feet away from their happy celebratory housewarming shit bc it makes me want to kill everyone and then myself! like my mom texted me that they got the house and i immediately just started having a mental fucking breakdown and laughing and crying hysterically!!!!!!!!
like wow that's awesome!!!!! that's so awesome that you have rich parents who can just. randomly decide to buy you a house!!!!! that's so cool and good for you!!!! it would be so cool if my parents even had a decent house that isn't full of mold and bugs and mice and probably asbestos and has no usable dining or living room because they're piled with random fucking shit!!!! it would be so cool if some evil rotting smell didn't waft through the vents regularly!!!! it would be so cool if they were functional and capable of cleaning!!!!! it would be so cool if they were able or willing to help me live literally anywhere else, or GOD forbid realize that maybe living here isn't good for me!!!! that would be SO awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but it's So cool that your parents bought you a 3 bedroom house on a whim 👍 it's so cool that my brother gets to live there without having to go through any of the barriers that come with buying a house. it's so cool that people are just able to make money and live in safe and comfortable places and both of those things feel entirely impossible for me to the point where i truly just feel like i'm not meant to be happy or even just safe and sane. it's so cool that people just magically get their basic needs met and i'm just over here like ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha i'll never have that! that's awesome 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
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sunderwight · 2 months
Time travel fic where Vader gets the chance to go back in time, any time, and change his history.
So he goes back to when he was still a slave boy living on Tatooine with his mother.
He avoids the Jedi. Qui-Gon doesn't get the money for the parts they need, so the Queen doesn't reach Coruscant in a timely fashion, and the ousting of the Trade Federation is delayed. Which sucks ass for Naboo. But, on the other hand, the confrontation with Maul happens smack dab in the middle of the desert, so Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan actually overpower him together and neither of them dies.
After the Jedi leave, Anakin uses his future knowledge and expertise in cybernetic implants to remove his and his mother's slave chips. A tragic accident befalls Watto, and a fire in the junk shop destroys most of his records, so no one who inherits the remainder has any knowledge of slaves (or anything else) missing from the inventory.
Shmi knows that something has changed. But Ani's always been a miracle, strange and unknowable in many ways, and yet still her son regardless. She goes along with it, even though she's apprehensive about affording water, shelter, and food as they are.
She needn't have worried.
At every turn, Anakin miraculously seems to uncover things they need, or opportunities for them to explore. Shmi finds decent work in various establishments -- cleaning garages and hangers, and cantinas after closing, mostly. There always seems to be someone willing to hire her on for a while, even if they already seem to have staff. Ani works his magic with scrap parts and whatever better pieces they can afford, when they have enough to spare (which is surprisingly often), and sells contraptions to the Jawas, junk dealers, or other interested parties. If he makes and sells some weapons to some enterprising bounty hunters or mercenaries, Shmi doesn't discern it, and Anakin doesn't volunteer the information.
But mostly, he works in prosthetics.
There's a pretty big demand for such in the Outer Rim, especially Tatooine, where the idea of anyone hopping into a Bacta tank is even less realistic than the idea of public swimming pools. People are losing limbs all the time, and good prosthetics are hard to come by.
Anakin makes good prosthetics. Even with limited parts and visible frustration, by the time he's thirteen, most of the planet knows where you go if you need an "extra hand", so to speak.
It's not long before the Hutts take an interest in monopolizing the resource, and seeing what else this talented young mechanic can build. Even if most Hutts rarely need prosthetics themselves, they like to be in charge of a hot commodity, after all. And it's hardly unheard of for them to lose an arm or two either.
Shmi worries. Anakin doesn't. Somehow, all of the local crime lords start to be met with unfortunate accidents. Their relatives and allies investigate, of course, and no one really believes in coincidences in the Outer Rim. But nothing turns up either. Falling cargo, suicides, misfiring weapons, heart attacks, choking on food, slipping and falling into sarlacc pits, it's all stuff that does happen. It just usually doesn't happen so often, to such a specific group of people, within such a short amount of time.
When Anakin is fifteen, Sidious sends people to fetch him. They approach him with sweet offers and seemingly-generous gifts, at first, as if it's not the most suspicious way they could go about it. His mother too, but it's such a stupid effort that Shmi finds them suspect even without prompting, and senses something off about them. Anakin's mother might not be nearly as Force sensitive as he is, but she is, and she doesn't like Palpatine's people even if she doesn't know who they are.
The next ones just try and abduct him. It's at least less insulting in its directness. They find themselves falling afoul of the many dangers of Tatooine instead. Such a risky place, people disappear out here all the time. Mind the womp rats and the krayt dragons.
Finally, Sidious goes himself.
His ship suffers a terrible malfunction upon its descent towards a planetside dock. A true tragedy. The Chancellor will be missed.
History remembers Anakin Skywalker as a footnote in the development of several innovative prosthetic enhancements, and a semi-obscure abolitionist who also advocated for the rights of clones.
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librarygarten · 2 months
#3 Chain x Isekai! Reader - You Play Their Games
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Part 3 includes Twilight, Sky, and Warriors Part 1 ✿ Part 2 ✿ Part 3 (you are here)
When you first met the chain, it had quickly come to everyone’s attention that you already knew them. At first, they thought perhaps you had somehow heard tales of them, passed down through the generations. But you knew things about their adventures they hadn’t told anyone. You knew the names of people and places that surely wouldn’t have survived the thousands of years the stories would have taken to reach you.
You tried your best to explain to them how you knew what you did. Thankfully, you had your Switch, which made explaining what a video game was to them a bit easier.
(Pretend his game is on the Switch. I think I heard it’s coming soon? At least people think it is)
He very quickly goes from slightly interested in your explanation to extremely worried. You know about his adventure. You know he can change into a wolf. He does not want the chain to find out about the wolf. He winds up so worried about you telling his secret (because you don’t really know it’s a secret) that he doesn’t really process the rest of what you’re saying. He’ll be concerned about his entire reality potentially being nothing but a children’s plaything later.
He takes you aside from the group the first chance he gets and basically begs you not to tell the others about his transformation into Wolfie. He’s grateful when you agree without question.
Because you can’t play Twilight Princess around the others without revealing his secret, Twilight never really gets a chance to watch you play his game. He doesn’t know how you view his adventure, so he can only go off of how you treat the chain now. He can see how much you care for each of them, so he never goes through the “are we merely playthings to them?” angst some of the others do.
Eventually, not being able to play your favorite LoZ game gets to you, and you sneak away from the group. You don’t think your presence will be missed terribly. It will only be for a few hours, there aren’t any monsters nearby, and the group has more or less settled down to camp for the night.
“What are you doing out here!?” You whip your head around to find a very out of breath Twilight behind you. You had found a nice, secluded spot of forest to play on your Switch in, figuring an hour or two alone while you played Twilight Princess would be a nice break from the normal camp shenanigans.
“Uhhh… playing a game?” You smile sheepishly, turning your Switch so that he could see the screen.
“Why didn’t you tell anyone where you were going!?” Twilight doesn’t look at the screen, instead focused on you.
“Because then someone would have asked to see the game, and we can’t have that.” You shrug. “Why? Is Time or Wars looking for me?”
“No, we just didn’t know where you had gone.” He flops down next to you, finally focusing on your game. “Did you come all the way out here just to play my game?”
“...Maybe.” He doesn’t miss the way your cheeks flush as you admit it. He tilts his head, confused.
“It’s my favorite game.” You state matter-of-factly, turning your attention back to the puzzle you were trying to solve. On the screen, Wolfie and Midna moved around, jumping from platform to platform. “It kinda sucks I can’t play it around the others, though.”
Now, it’s Twilight’s turn to blush.
“Sorry… Thanks. For keeping the Wolf thing a secret.” He scratches the back of his neck, embarrassed.
“Why does it need to be a secret?” You raise an eyebrow. “I don’t like keeping secrets, especially when it means I can basically never play Twilight Princess.”
“It’s… complicated.” He frowns, remembering how Wild had freaked out upon learning about his transformation. And Legend’s… dislike for the “dark” magic that allowed his wolf form. “The others probably won’t react very well.”
“That’s dumb.” You roll your eyes, still focused on the game. “You’re dumb.”
Twilight smiles at your jab. He remembers this feeling. He looks out at the trees, the setting sun peeking through the leaves. He always did find this time of day beautiful, even before it became his namesake. She would have told him the same thing you did, wouldn’t she? And of course, he would respond in kind.
“Your mother.”
“Real mature, Twi.”
You know what? Not the weirdest thing he’s seen this week. Very little reaction. He killed a god. You think this would phase him?
He just assumes the people who made the games in your world had powers to see the past and/or future and created games based on their adventures. Some of the details don’t quite line up. Some of the things they went through don’t appear at all in your games. Sometimes, things are added to the games that never happened in real life. (He remembers Wind howling with laughter as he watched you use a giant Cucco to mow down enemy soldiers in Warrior’s game.)
That being said, he doesn’t really see a reason to watch you play. He already knows what happened. He lived through it. It’s rather flattering that you seem to like his game so much, though. He gets a bit flustered when you mention off-handedly that it’s your favorite.
“What… are you doing?” Sky asked from behind you. You paused, your arm mid-swing. You had been playing Skyward Sword using motion controls and the sight must have been incredibly entertaining if it was enough to get Sky to comment on. Your face flushed as you tried to answer him.
“Oh, you know! Just… playing a game.” You smile, motioning to the screen. He raised an eyebrow.
“What’s with the flailing?” He steps closer, inspecting the screen.
“I am not… flailing.” You grit your teeth. You loved Skyward Sword. You really did. But the motion controls made you look like a complete idiot most of the time. You’re just glad Sky wasn’t there to see the time you were playing at home and broke a vase during one of the Ghirahim fights.
“This game uses motion controls.” You explain, and swing your arm. The Link on the screen swings at the same time.
“Your form is… a bit off.” Sky snickers.
“Fine. You try it then.” You huff, putting the controller in his hand.
“Sure. Prepare to be amazed.” He moves his arm, as if he were really holding a sword and not a small controller. The Link on screen completely misses the enemy. Sky scowls and swings again. Another miss. He keeps swinging, eventually his expert swordsmanship form devolving into what some people would consider wild flailing.
“What is wrong with this thing?” He finally exclaims, stopping his movements to instead inspect the device in his hand. He turns towards you, looking perhaps for answers to this conundrum.
He instead sees Wild, Sheikah Slate aimed directly at him. You have a similar, though slightly smaller slate. Both of you are smirking. Sky groans.
“How many pictures did you take?” Wild asks you, completely ignoring Sky.
“Oh, I took a video of the whole thing.” Your grin widens as you turn to look at Sky. “Your form is a bit off.”
“I hate you both.”
He’s getting flashbacks. He lived through a freaking WAR and you’re telling him it’s a kids game?????? Noooooo thank u. He’s concerned that it’s considered appropriate material for children. Is your world so numb to the idea of war and bloodshed that children treat the War of the Eras as a game? What is wrong with you???
(Don’t tell him about the World Wars or the Vietnam War. Trench warfare, agent orange, etc. will only traumatize him further. Also maybe don’t mention the French Revolution because uh. He kind of likes the monarchy where he’s from. Just don’t tell him about warfare in general.)
He understands that you don’t view them as playthings now. He can see how much you care for each of them. You scold Wild for being too reckless, keep Wind entertained to distract him from homesickness, among so many other things. In short, you’ve proven to be a valued member of the team. But you still play his game. At night, when getting settled into bed. On long hikes, when the trail is wide and you don’t need to watch your footing. Any time Wind asks.
Warriors can’t bear the thought of seeing you reenact the war through the game. He still feels tremendously guilty for being the reason Cia began opening the portals. He still remembers the names of the soldiers that didn’t make it.
Warriors finds you hunched over your Switch, a notebook open in your lap, muttering to yourself. Leaning over your shoulder, he can see his Hyrule on your screen. He grimaces.
“Are you just going to stand over me or are you going to sit down?” You ask. He blinks. How did you manage to hear him sneak up on you? He was being quiet!
“What are you up to? This looks a bit more involved than a simple night relaxing and playing video games.” He motions to the notebook and the furious scribbles of letters he doesn’t recognize. He does not acknowledge your invitation to sit. He does not watch your screen.
“Going over fighting stuff.” You cross something out on the page, then return your attention to your game. “I figured since I had this game, I could at least put it to good use, even if you hate it.”
“I don’t hate it.” He lies, mentally kicking himself for apparently being so obvious in his dislike of your hobby.  “It’s just weird watching the war again.”
“Uh huh.” You’re not convinced.
“What do you mean by ‘fighting stuff’?” Warriors quickly redirects, hoping to avoid an awkward conversation.
“I’m taking notes of enemy weaknesses and the best way to go about taking them down.” You chew on your thumb nail as a character on screen strikes an enemy. “If that lizard thing can shapeshift into anything, we need to be ready for anything.”
“That’s… actually quite a good idea. Thank you.” He’s surprised at how focused you seem. Isn’t the game just that to you? A game? It’s incredibly strategic to study it.
“Don’t thank me yet. I still have to present to the group.” You flip the page of your notebook, revealing a sketch of a monster Warriors had never seen before.
“Yeah, like, catch you guys up to speed on EVERY monster and their weaknesses. The few thousand years between ya’ll REALLY changes them.” You flip a few pages in your notebook and hand it to Warriors. “For instance, this is a Pols Voice. Sometimes, sound can stun them, sometimes, a couple arrows take them out, and sometimes, playing a musical instrument makes them straight up explode.”
“What.” He looked at the sketches of the monster. A weird blob with large ears and whiskers. It looked harmless, save for the rows of razor sharp teeth it apparently had under it.
“Yeah. They’re only in Legend’s and Wind’s adventures, though.” You shrug.
“How long have you been working on this?” He flips through the pages of the notebook. He can’t understand the words, but there are many sketches of various monsters. Some he recognizes. Most he doesn’t.
“Uhhh, like a week after I got here? You all fight different things, and if we get dropped in an unfamiliar Hyrule, it would be useful to know all the ways the others have dealt with any monsters we find, especially if we get separated.” You smile and motion to your Switch. “Like I said, figured I’d put this thing to use.”
Warriors can’t help but smile as you take back the notebook from his hands.
“Do you need help? This seems like a very worthwhile side project.” He asks. You pat the ground next to you, reminding him of your previous invitation. And this time, he takes it.
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simplyreveries · 8 months
Hey ! Can I ask for a Alastor like!male!reader please ? The reader have the same personality and power as him and is in Diasomnia or Heartslabyul. With Idia, Lilia and Ruggie pls ? Maybe Grim platonic (He need a dad and I volunteer for that role-)
Ignore it if you don't want to write it !!
Don't forget to drink, and have a good day/night.
i havent watched an episode of hazbin hotel (everything i know about that show is against my will /lh) but the songs have been stuck in my head for the past WEEK.
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idia shroud
okay I'm being honest idia was slightly weird and found your behavior initially strange when he had met you, but brushed it off because well, he's at nrc. you always seemed so charismatic and held only good intentions for yourself and others. he didn't get how someone could be so happy all the time as well. he may or may not have thought you were some suck up until he caught glimpse of your underlying nature. (he can respect that though lmao).
he seemed to stray away and almost ignore you at first, especially after seeing more and more of your own behavior. the time when he felt fine around you was when you, being unpredictable appeared and helped him get back at some bothersome student online because you thought it'd be entertaining. and both you and idia are pretty spiteful anyway, with those mischievous toothy grins on your faces.
idia can at least admit he finds your retorts and comments funny, he finds himself snickering to himself when he happens to witness one of these instances when you're basically coming at some poor student that made some snarky remark to you during fitness with vargas. but you always seem to point that out and he hates it.
lilia vanrouge
I feel like you two get along quite well, he finds your demeanor to be interesting and considerably old-fashioned ways is something he relates to. you two are quite the old souls at nrc i feel like haha. But anyone seeing just the two of you together, even smiling and chatting with each other can be pretty intimidating to the eyes of others… your constant toothy smile can be unnerving.
whereas one of your talents and interests is cooking,, lilia does enjoy it as well but pretends to be so weepy and sad when you told him "oh....! its utterly awful! ha-ha-ha” you two get quite competitive during the master chef competitions and challenge the school holds during that time or during beanfest when you two were on opposing teams.... so, you guys definitely get into friendly? rivalries with one another all the time, usually end up being completely chaotic and blown way out of proportion for what they are. the whole dorm knows when you two happen to be in one.
you two have most likely at some point shown each other's magic and abilities off to each other trying to one up one another unknowingly causing some trouble around you as you are so caught up.
ruggie bucchi
ruggie sort of becomes your little gossip buddy, because he doesn't seem to really care and has a lot of dirt on various students and stories he's heard and seen. you just happen to be a sucker for the drama and are able to easily repay him in some way with your magic if you really need to anyways.
he sometimes does find himself a little... confused and taken aback with your smiley and always grinning with some sort of delight even during the worst possible moments (*cough* overblots) as you don't seem to barley bat an eye. but then again as others would assume, its nrc and ruggie has met a lot of strange people. even if you're definitely one of the more... stranger ones.
before he had really known he, he had has attempted to be his usual, cunning self and deceive you at times as a way to try and getting something from you. he easily learned his lesson when you're so able to see right through him and twist it back on him- it ended up turning into some sort of game. he thinks its honestly impressive though. he almost wants to know if you learned that or if that was genuinely just you, he is leaning towards the last part haha.
you are definitely not a force to be reckoned with when angry or even upset. He’s certainly had his moments where he's like “WOAH”. despite the fact that he may butt heads with you often with your condescending and teasing towards him– you’re still quite protective over your little friend. you swiftly manage to pull him out of trouble by swiftly teleporting him right in your hand and he hates that, he always grumbles when you're chuckling “now now, violence is not an answer, grim” even though he's seen your worst moments haha. you're literally way more aggressive than him, he'll retort and remind you of when some rough savanclaw student ALMOST scuffed your uniform.
lowkey he wouldn't outright admit it to you, but I feel like grim does look up to your power and abilities in a way, plus being your unbothered, confident, straightforward self- he wants that aura around himself too…! he wants people to fear him like they do with you all the time. during halloween you practically “shine” as you enjoy playing around and scaring the daylights out of people visiting your dorm and go back to grinning.
not gonna lie, I think that you have this stupid rivalry between you and azul. being you, azul would find you one of the most difficult people to make a deal with. (not to mention you can pretty much manifest anything you want) you were able to easily manage and deal with the events that went down in chapter 3 because you're easily as manipulative and cunning. you literally are a dealmaker yourself. grim always watches you and his interactions in sheer confusion and concern.
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chaoticm0therfvcker · 5 months
can you do pure vanilla next? :3
Of course! Thanks for the ask!
Pure Vanilla Cookie Headcanons
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In game
His staff is somewhat sentient, kinda like the soul jam but less powerful. That’s why it closes its eyes whenever PV opens his eyes and vice versa
When he was studying magic in the blueberry yogurt academy, he was quite rebellious, though still very passionate about magic. He would often skip classes to learn magic at his own pace and try to discover new spells
You know how people say that introverts don’t make friends and just get adopted by extroverts? Yeah, he adopted White Lily in that sense
He’s visually impaired, so when he was with Raisin Cookie on the ground, he covered both his eyes and his staff to get more in touch with his other senses
After the Dark Flour War, he followed a similar path as the player does in the game
Some people in nearby communities view him as a religious figure, due to the legends surrounding his kingdom and his ability to heal those around him
Before he was with Raisin on the ground, Custard Cookie III’s grandfather, premier custard cookie, was his second in command
He was very happy to see how bold yet sweet Custard Cookie III was, especially considering the impression that Custard Cookie and Clotted Cream left on him
After Affogato tried to take over the Dark Cacao Kingdom, he visited the kingdom to see if anyone needed help recovering from the events of the final battle
Modern au
He is married to Dark Cacao and lives together with him, along with their children, Caramel Arrow, Dark Choco, and Crunchy Chip
He owns a little florist shop and works part time at a local emergency clinic, and he sometimes will bring in cute plants to comfort nervous patients
He is really good at baking. No matter how obscure the dessert is, he’s most likely memorized it
He makes all of his kids cakes and other baked goods for their birthdays, along with the help of Dark Cacao. Dark Cacao isn’t exactly the best at baking, but Pure Vanilla still appreciates the help
He dabbles in crossdressing and wears makeup often. He sometimes leaves lipstick marks on his husband’s face because of it
He sucks at driving. Dark Cacao jokingly calls him a “passenger princess” because of the way he excitedly sits in the front passenger seat with his fancy insulated water bottle and his legs crossed
He accidentally made friends with Choco Werehound Brute. They met on two online forums, one for crossdressing and another for baking, and became close online friends. They still don’t realize who the other person is
When they were first dating, him and Dark Cacao would have picnics at the national park. They would just sit and talk for most of the time, enjoying each others presence
Dark Cacao fell for Pure Vanilla first, but seeing the soft blush that would form on his now-husbands face when they interacted caused Pure Vanilla’s romantic feelings to hit him like a truck
Let me know if you have any other headcanons!
Taglist: @janayuga @katsunemillennium @tartelongan @cedric-my-beloved @c00kietin
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weaselbeaselpants · 4 months
Making my own post and not linking OP because, genuinely I don't want them to get harassment for this
It's to the person who made this post
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Full disclosure, for the UMPEENTH time: I don't give a rats ass about what Lily thinks about fictional characters. I used to. Then I met/knew/still know genuinely nice and critical people who hold the opinions Lily has but aren't Lily. I have friends who hate Steven Universe for justifiable reasons, same with SPOP. I personally dislike a lot of Friendship is Magic decisions and so do my mutuals like me. That's not the problem. Perhaps the reason people know OF Lily Orchard is through her -bad- media analysis, but it's not why people come away hating her, and it's DEFINITELY not the reason people are listening to the testimony of her victims and being rightfully horrified.
People talked of and about Lily Orchard for the same reason sane people clown on Mr. Enter; she's toxic and abusive. She's a bully and her 'idgaf' attitude is bad for fandoming and for critical culture. There's 'problematic' like critikal or breadtubers and then there is "lol fuck the haters who all want to r@pe me anyway, they're all n*zis anyway including the bipoc folks who I'm sure aren't real bipoc anyway. Now I'm going to police how other people take back slurs and how 'queer' is inherently offensive. I'm the REAL VOICE OF JUSTICE."
I called Lily the worst of "anti" fandom rhetoric because I mean it. She is a 'social-justice warrior' in the meanest ugliest sense of that word -ugly enough that basically everyone who's been called that by actual chuds will describe her as one. She talks over other people doing social justice, polices how other people use it, and only really cares about how it affects her. Frequently when people leave her fandom it's because Lily and her crew very cruelly shooed them away for not fitting Lily's exact interests and opinions 100%. Frankly I kind of hate that her attitude is labeled as 'radical' or 'anarchonistic' because she's 'unapologetic'. No. Real anarchists are people like decolonizetheleft or heritageposts --those two are both very blunt and quick to bite back if you throw them bullshit, but they also are not vitriolic and know that people are complex even when they post stuff other people wouldn't. Lily's not even a good call-out machine. She's nothing on HBomberGuy or D'Angelo Wallace or Shanespear. I'm still mad at her, not for SU, but how she responded to other critics of SU who told her not to joke about Rebecca Sugar being a fascist. She told them, some of them Jewish people, that they're just butthurt at her ripping and not her trying to talk over other people. I'm still mad at her for siding with a n*zi until she realized that looked bad for her and her cruelty towards other lgbtq people over how they use the word "queer".
She's been doing this for YEARS. She dropped in on old brony discourse this exact same way and it fucking sucked because, you know, people in fandom or the show itself DID do shitty things. We needed genuine help weeding out the bad actors around us; it sucked that one of said bad actors was trying to speak for us. Now imagine this but amplified to a woman with some native heritage trying to talk down how other people see and talk about THEIR cultures. It's always been a massive headache.
Britt has also been around for years though and so has all the evidence and trails left of Stockholm before Lily decided to redact it completely. Lily absolutely wrote that. She absolutely wrote cp. I was there for back when she still proudly referenced it.
"Why don't you move on and stop obsessing?"
Believe me I'd LIKE to. It's that extra element of worrying behavior that goes beyond annoyance with a youtuber like Lindsay Ellis or Quinton Reviews that has kept me always watching from the sidelines. If I be an "anti" (frankly, every proshipper I've ever met who's seen the receipts from Stockholm has the same take as me, so idk) for having 0 tolerance fictional material of children than it would be hypocritical not to hold 'one of my own' up to those standards especially when she DOESN'T own up to writing it when I know for a fact she did.
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Fuck lousy chudheads and Vaushsluts and general KFcreeps who think any of this is funny and 'just lolcow behavior' and misgender Lily while they do it. Fuck transphobes.
Transphobes, chuds and ''stalkers'' are not the people ILoveKimPossibleALot brought into her video. Op, I genuinely hope you get away from Lily's influence. You deserve better. For now though I'm putting you and anyone else who unironically stans Lily on block. I am done hearing anymore excuses for this woman's character. I can't hear that anymore than I can't hear actual bigots use Lily to besmerch others -other trans folks, other liberals, other disabled people like me. I'm done.
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stellocchia · 5 months
I can't stop thinking about my boys from The Light Side of the Moon so you guys get some headcanons for them.
As an immortal, he doesn't need to eat but does so anyway to set an example for his idiots because half of them are terrible at taking care of themselves
Was born as a mortal in his original AU and ascended to godhood after eating all the black apples from the tree of feelings
Technically doesn't need to sleep, but he sucks at saying no to Killer when the guy tells him to do something. Besides, while he would be able to live and have access to his magic without sleep, it does give him more energy
Technically not a Sans. Or, well, not only. He was born as Chara's and Sans' souls fully fused (after they'd already reset a few times themselves). He does have the memories from both of them but feels a sort of detachment from them since he didn't really exist at the time
Non-binary. Mostly uses he/him by habit, but is honestly fine with any pronouns. This is a result of Chara being agender and Sans not having the strongest gender identity. Killer is just a gender whatever
Better at taking care of others than himself. Between the henchmen, he's the most observant and, as a result of that, he tends to pick up easily on what people need. Due to his soul problems though, he's not in touch enough with his emotions to do that for himself
His soul has remained scarred from Nightmare's constant use of his aura on him toward the start. He no longer has a phase 1. He's usually always stuck in phase 2, though his emotions are there, though they are very muted compared to everyone else
Technically the second Dusttale Sans to work for Nightmare. The first left to the Omega Timeline after the Big Incident. He's aware of this and can get insecure about it at times, but mostly he's over it
The Phantom Papyrus he sees is indeed actually his Papyrus, but he's kinda like Flowey was to Asriel. Because his dust was spread over his scarf and by wearing it all the time, Dust's determination infused it giving him a sort of second life. No one else can see him though
Dust does not have lv20 anymore, Nightmare had to absorb some from him to keep him from melting because, unlike with Killer, his soul is still a full monster soul. He cannot handle such high lv. Which is also why he doesn't kill anymore
Technically immortal but purely because he's dead already. He can live without ever eating (and did so back in his AU) but he can feel hunger pains and they're agonizing
Also the second Horrortale Sans to be a part of Nightmare's gang, but he isn't really bothered by it. He has met Axe before (the previous Horrortale Sans) and they get along fine enough
Adores his baby brother Sugar. They see each other at least once a week, either because he visits his brother or because his brother stays over at the castle. He would do quite literally anything for his bro. Including providing food for all of Snowdin
He has quite a bit of chronic pain due to the hole in his skull and his one non-functioning eye light. He takes some seriously strong pain killers daily to deal with it (Killer also takes ADHD meds, and Dust takes some lv balancers to help with their own issues)
Literally the only one in the gang who had a good relationship with his Father. His father used to call him Starlight and now he has a kitten by the same name in his dad's honor
The natural chill from Nightmare's presence makes it so he doesn't experience the effects of the constant heat those from Underlust have to deal with while he's near his Boss or at the castle
Also nonbinary in the sense that he's very comfortable with pretty much anything. Very into gender fuckery. Mostly a he/she person
Also adores his baby brother, but also his baby brother's husband. Papyrus and Metatton come by the castle to visit often enough (though less so than Sugar) and he visits them at least once every couple of weeks
Also struggles with chronic pain both due to the broken eye socket he has to deal with and because of the scars on his souls (he has no more cracks in it thanks to Rose's soul balm, but the scars remain, and he does have only 0.5hp because of it), though he mostly deals with it with copious amounts of marijuana
He used to have a phobia of cats, but he kinda got over it in time due to living with Rose and Killer, local crazy cat ladies. He still will not pet them or pick them up, but he can coexist in the same room as them
He surprisingly had the second best relationship with his dad in the group, though that just means that he and his father mostly just mutually ignored each other. They were on neutral terms before Gaster fell into the Core. He never mourned him. He does however have the worst relationship with his brother as his Papyrus wasn't good to him. He's the reason for the hole in his skull where his eye socket should be
He was found originally by Error, not Nightmare. And it was while Error was there to steal some chocolate. Error figured the little guy looked adoptable enough for Nightmare and called him over. He was right
Autistic boyo. He looks serious all the time mostly because he's starting to figure out how his face should look at any moment and conversations tend to move too fast for him to adapt to it
Worked for Nightmare for a while while Nightmare was still an ass. That was during the X event. He then moved onto working for the Star Sanses for a long time, though eventually he got fed up with them. (Though he lasted the longest of any third member). He then wandered about a while aimlessly until he met with Killer again and Killer promised things had changed
He and Epic are the Autism and ADHD besties. Whenever they're together they have negative braincells. They are together often. The castle has suffered because of it, but Nightmare would never say anything about it because he can see how important the friendship is for Cross
XChara is very much still there and sharing soul space with him. Though most of the time he hangs back and lets Cross control the body. They get along... relatively well. Though XChara loves to annoy him
He greatly overestimates how good he is at cooking. His tacos are good, but, aside from that, he can only do very basic things without burning them or making them otherwise inedible
He's more of a dog person than a cat person, but he still likes both. Doesn't mind that the castle is a cat heaven. The only animals he can't stand are rabbits though. Because in his universe, instead of the pesky dog stealing his attacks it was a small fluffy white rabbit
He's the third tallest Sans in the gang, with Horror being the tallest and Rose being the second tallest. This is a significant source of confidence for him. It's one of the few wins the poor guy gets
Despite his and Stretch's relationship being rocky at the moment, he does deeply adore his baby brother and would do anything for him. For one thing, despite having left the lab at the same time, he taught himself how to read first, entirely on his own, just so he could help Stretch with it
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anarcheamor · 10 months
So... About Erzebet...
I'm pretty sure most people agree that there is something a tad underwhelming about Erzebet and a few have waxed poetic about why but I want to add a couple of things.
For one, to get the distaste out of my mouth, there's something about a European woman being the incarnation of an Egyptian goddess and being serviced by a dark-skinned priestess that rubs me weird. It's... Fine, given that she herself isn't a goddess proper, just knows powerful magic and the association with a goddess seems to be closer to being a matter of delusion of grandeur rather than an actual truth about her. It really just comes down to the fact that none of the big powerful vampires in the first show needed any association with deities to be at all threatening. Big Daddy Drax and The Spice Girls were just outright badasses on their own and we're met with immediate displays of their power and not even in combat. Dracula had a huge fucking castle built with machines and magic that he ran on his own with no help at all and Carmilla pops into the scene literally silencing an entire room with her mere presence. Miss SekhySekhySniperwolf needed a whole two episodes for us to finally see how powerful she is and this is after we've all grown tired of different characters sucking her whole ThunderCats-looking puss-puss (that probably meows) while one of them has us praying on her downfall cuz there's no way the writers thought having an indigenous person acting against her was gonna have us still somehow intimidated by her when he was told to bow and he still only did it half-assed at best.
But, for me, and this is the second thing that bothers me, there's this thing about messianic characters being super powerful entities that ruins the point of the whole thing. There's a reason why it fails when it pops in superhero media and that's because the whole point of a (Christian, have to specify because Jewish messianicism doesn't follow the same standards and sure as hell isn't being represented in mainstream media) Messiah is that they are weak and powerless. Literally, Jesus. Just look at Jesus. Home slice wasn't out here boxing with legionnaires and straight up said if he did get slapped, he would turn the other cheek. Plus there's the whole revolutionary aspect that's conveniently forgotten about. Jesus wasn't a Messiah because his morals were just that great and he had god-given superpowers, he was given that title because he was challenging the powers that be at the time. The Vampires in Castlevania are the fucking elite! They don't need a damn messiah, they're just throwing a tantrum because they can't eat din-din at the time they want to. So whole thing just feels shallow when a vampire messiah would be a great source of atory-telling. Imagine if Erzebet wasn't some grandiose vampire queen but a humble lady who is somehow working a now vampire underclass back into the fold of the world because they've been hunted down to such dwindling numbers that humans have went beyond the realms of resisting being food but now have just settled back into their own oppressive ways. Sure that would get rid of the ever-so-satisfying trope of "vampires = upper society" but I would rather trade that for a more compelling villainness who isn't some less- compelling redo of Dracula or The Sisters.
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spacebarbarianweird · 9 months
OC Questions. Alethaine Ancunin.
Based on this list of Tav questions
Alethaine Ancunin is the daughter of Astarion and OC Tav Tiriel. She is a High-Elf/Dhampir and Sorcerer/Necromancer with Lawful Neutral Allignment.
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As a dhampir she doesn't have many scars due to fast regeneration but her right palm looks burnt. It's a result of being chained in silver by "dhampir hunters". She ended up murdering them and reviving as ghols - but the skin never properly healed.
Upon returning home, Alethaine tried to hide the scars from her parents which ended with her mother forcing Alethaine to put off the gloves and show her what had happened.
Alethaine is rational and cold-minded. She doesn't have any superstitions and isn't into religion.
"Maybe if I find a god of dhampirs, I will become a devoted cleric! But, alas, it seems like we have neither souls not gods!"
Alethaine has never thought about it. As a dhampir, she is going to live for at least seven hundred years and it's plenty of time.
Sorcerer/Necromancer. She was born with innate abilities for necromancy which manifested in the age of eight when revived a dead kitten. Alethaine controls her abilities and knows a variety of dark spells.
"I will suck you dry and revive as a ghoul. And you will carry my books until I get tired of you!"
Alethaine doesn't believe dhampirs are capable of creating any form of organizaton let alone a state. On the other hand, she is distrustful of mortals, too, and usually prefer to assume the worst.
Alethaine isn't sure if dhampirs are capable of having children and if they can what this child will be. As a demisexual, Alethaine hasn't met a person who she would be comfortable to share bed with, let alone starting a family. But she is suprisingly good with kids, especially little dhampirs.
Alethaine was a suprise child, because neither Astarion nor Tyrael had any idea about dhampirs (and they were still pretty rare 20 years post-game). But, gods. she was (and is) loved! Astarion saw fatherhood as a chance to become a better version of himself, Tyrael just suddenly felt an urge to be a mother. Alethaine knows she is always welcome at her parents' house and none of them will ever judge her (even if she really fucks up).
Alethaine knows a lot about the world and it makes her anxious. She can cry because of injustices and if other dhampirs suffer. Alethaine often cries out of stress. Astarion taught her it's better to cry out sorrows than withhold emotions.
Alethaine has a soft spot for old-fashioned monarchies and sees them as a pretty rational way of ruling rather than oligarchies or republics.
She is bilingual from birth since Astarion preferred to speak Elven to her when they were alone. He also taught her Abyssal and Thieves Cant. With years, Alethaine learned Infernal and the language of Drows.
Romance novels. She usually has to read a lot of books on magic and other "serious stuff" and when she has a chance she reads the most tooth-rotting stuff she can think of.
Alethaine is a light sleeper - she immediately wakes up if something is off, having almost predatory instincts.
Alethaine fears loneliness - as a dhampir she feels off among the mortal and is afraid the older she gets the less people there will be who tolerate her.
She also fears to lose her freedom and mind autonomy. As a necromancer, she deals with unimaginable horrors and she knows how easy it is to lose yourself to some dark power.
Stupid thing or not, she believes there is her thiramin somewhere (she is an elf, after all) and she just needs to find him or her. Besides she relates to her father- Astarion got his "knight in shining armour", so why shouldn't Alethaine?
Sweets. Alethaine has a sweet tooth.
Alethaine sleeps as if she is in a coffin. On her back, hands at chest. At the same time, she is the person who hoardes all the pillows and blankets to sleep as comfortable as possible.
Alethaine often cries - she doesn't like to hide her emotions. When she is anxious, she starts walking on the ceiling. Sometimes, when everything is just too much, she goes to the nearest graveyard. It's possible to find her lying on some fresh grave with her arms open and eyes shut.
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goodluckclove · 4 months
Hi Clove! I'm a new follower and I rather enjoy seeing you on my dash. I also live in Portland (transplant not native) and I think it's cool whenever you mention someplace that I'm semi-familiar with.
Anywhosies, I've been stuck on a scene in my book The Book of Daemon for probably 3 weeks now, and it's not really because I don't like the contents of it or because it's not working or any other craft reason. I'm just not having fun writing it. It's a scene that acts as a bridge between two different plot arcs essentially, and I can't exactly cut it. I just really, really wanna get to writing the next scene, because more fun things happen. It's a struggle.
Has that happened to you before? If so, how did you go about making it fun for yourself?
(If not, that's cool! Either way, I just wanted to go out on a limb and say hi, hello, I think you're cool and good luck with writing today!)
Hi! Sit down with me. It's just started kind of raining for some reason here. I'm also a transplant! Here for about four years from the Bay Area! I love it here because it's so bikeable and full of trees, even though people love to walk their dogs without leashes which I find insane. But I'm sure you've seen that.
So yeah, I've written 13-15 books (I've lost count) over the course of fifteen years, and I've absolutely come to points that weren't the most exciting in the world. It happens. In my experience there's a manageable kind of boring that's just kind of like yeah man one step at a time. That's fine. I'm fine with that.
But when it sucks? When I point that I just don't want to do, to the point where I actually stop writing entirely?
Yeah, man. I don't write that.
See I'm a big proponent for the intuition of a writer and the autonomy of a character. This is where my Magical Thinking comes into play as I say in a semi-professional setting that I think sometimes your characters have opinions and thoughts and it's part of our job to decide when to accommodate them.
This isn't something that people who rely heavily on outlines like to hear. They already decided everything the character does before they wrote a single word - but now the character exists, and they think their thoughts, and they actually don't want to do something? Fuck that! Lobotomize them and shove them back in the outline drawn by a writer who hadn't actually met the character yet.
Is that dramatic to say? Yes. I'm a dramatic person. I don't think all outlining is bad, I just kind of wish more people were open to adjusting an outline as a character develops, because they should develop as you write them.
So yeah, if I want one of my characters to keep a secret and they say it immediately, I'm like well shit I guess you felt like telling him now. When I want another character to be angry and he's mainly indifferent I'm like dang man you don't get angry like I thought you would. It's probably not for anyone, but I'm super happy not being the all-knowing god of my universe. I'm mainly just some little weirdo scuttling on the edges of each scene, taking notes in a battered composition book. Keeps it interesting.
And it's got to be interesting. It's got to be fun. That's how you keep the prose genuine, I think.
So yeah, the scene's not working? Maybe the scene's fucked. Maybe you need a new scene. Maybe you don't need a scene. Oh shit. Maybe the two plot arcs don't bridge yet. Maybe you jump straight to the cool thing and then go back and explain how they bridged later. Maybe it's non-linear. Can you imagine? What the fuck would happen then?
I'm psyched just thinking about it.
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pairing: wanda maximoff x fem!reader
summary: Wanda and y/n have a surprise guest! y/n gets hella jealous and Wanda just wants everyone to get along.
content warnings: jealousy, spanking, magic restraints, use of the word mommy
word count: 6.1k
Series Masterlist
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Y/n ran a single finger along the bookshelf, letting her eyes skim over the numerous titles she’d already read. She let out a large sigh, glancing behind her to see Wanda still focused on the computer screen in front of her. Turning back to the bookshelf, she quickly pulled out an introduction to restraints guide before making her way back to the oddly comfortable couch. Sitting down with a huff, y/n pretended to read for about five seconds. Then she got bored, and started watching Wanda as the woman furiously typed away from her desk.
Unfortunately, one of the interns had made a massive mistake while filing some important documents, so Wanda and her team were frantically cleaning up his mess. The poor guy had almost wet his pants, while Wanda fired him in a few sharp words. Immediately after he had stumbled out the door, y/n had dropped to her knees, knowing that Wanda needed an outlet for her irritation.
Wanda had been quick and efficient, gasping softly as y/n licked her to an orgasm, before pulling the girl up for a quick kiss and telling her that she’d be rewarded later.
That was two hours ago.
Y/n was bored out of her mind, and since she wasn’t allowed to go anywhere in the facility without Wanda as a chaperone, her only options were to read or take a nap.
‘A nap actually sounds really good right now.’
Y/n huffed again, before wincing slightly at the sharp look Wanda threw her way. She attempted to read once more, before setting her book aside with a frustrated thump. Ignoring Wanda’s gaze once more, y/n threw her arm over her eyes.
‘It’ll make the time pass by quicker.’
A sigh left y/n’s lips, and she heard a laptop slam. Quickly sitting up, she met Wanda’s irritated gaze with wide eyes.
“Do I have to gag you?” Wanda’s voice was strained, and y/n immediately felt shame course through her. The woman was already having a bad day, and now she had just made it worse.
“No mommy, I’m sorry.” Y/n didn’t bother with an explanation, knowing that Wanda appreciated a quick apology over a rambling excuse. Red lips quirked up into a soft smile at the name, and y/n felt the tension in her shoulders release.
Wanda moved to open her laptop once more, but froze when she heard three sharp knocks at her door. Y/n saw the way her jaw clenched slightly at the interruption, and quickly made her way over to the door while Wanda took a few deep breaths. She had every intention to tell whoever was at the door to leave, but didn't have the chance.
As soon as y/n swung the door open, she was met with an overpowering smell of lavender and a blinding white smile.
“Hiya there hon!”
Y/n reeled back, her eyebrows raising at the chipper tone. Wanda sucked in a sharp breath from behind her, and when y/n looked over her shoulder, the woman’s green eyes were wide and locked on the tall brunette darkening her doorway.
The woman swept past y/n, and gracefully draped herself over one of Wanda’s chairs. Wanda stared in disbelief, slowly closing her laptop at the woman currently seated opposite to her. Glancing around the room, the brunette’s dark blue eyes settled on y/n, who was still hovering warily near the door.
“Well don’t just stand there sweetcheeks, I don’t bite,” The woman glanced at Wanda, then smirked, “...Hard.”
Wanda seemed to snap back to her senses, subconsciously straightening her spine as she blinked at the brunette in confusion. “Agatha.”
That was the only word she was able to get out, her jaw snapping shut as Agatha raised a single eyebrow. Y/n had never seen Wanda behave as anything less than a self-assured dominant in the presence of other people, but with her old mentor/dominant around, she seemed to shrink inwards.
Y/n watched as Agatha’s bright eyes trailed slowly up and down Wanda’s body, then took a few steps forward as a wave of jealousy hit her.
“So who’s this cute little thing?” Agatha’s voice jolted y/n, and she stopped in her tracks. Agatha’s blue eyes pierced her, searching her for… something. Y/n felt as though she was being tested, but she had no idea what the questions were or if she was passing. She stayed frozen in place, her eyes wide and locked with Agatha’s, her fingers fidgeting with the pleats of the skirt Wanda had chosen this morning.
Wanda’s eyes flitted back and forth between her former mentor and her current submissive. She too, seemed frozen in place, her fingers gripping the edge of her desk tightly. Finally, after a few moments of deliberation, she was able to open her mouth and speak.
“How did you even get in here?” Wanda asked, her eyes questioning and slightly wary as she glanced quickly at y/n before locking her gaze with Agatha’s.
Agatha smirked, “I’m a witch, remember?” She held her fingers up and curled them slightly, purple magic swirling around her hand. Wanda’s gaze turned disapproving, and she crossed her arms before standing and leaning casually against the side of her desk.
“Maybe the better question would be, why are you here Agatha?” Wanda’s voice was sharp, her eyes unforgiving as they bore into Agatha’s. An involuntary shudder ran through y/n at Wanda’s tone, and she briefly wondered what Agatha had done to deserve such a cold demeanor.
As if reading y/n’s mind, which she totally was, Wanda glanced back up. Her eyes softened slightly, and she adjusted her posture into a less threatening pose before snapping her fingers twice.
Y/n jolted at the sound, remembering the lesson of non-verbal cues she and Wanda had gone over. Then, as she stared into Wanda’s green eyes, she wracked her brain to find the memory of what two snaps meant.
‘Two snaps, two snaps… fuck. I totally forgot. Wanda’s gonna be so mad, I can’t believe I forgot them already. Agatha is totally gonna think I’m a terrible submissive. Wait, why do I care what she thinks?’
Y/n was snapped out of her thoughts as Wanda glanced pointedly at the ground next to her. She leaped into action, her brain finally remembering what two snaps meant. Crossing the room in three steps, she gracefully sank to her knees on Wanda’s left. Looking at the ground, her palms face down on her thighs, y/n felt Wanda’s approving fingers start to run through her hair.
“Y/n is my submissive.” Wanda started, her tone warning Agatha to behave. “You will treat her with the respect she deserves. And you still haven’t answered my question.”
Y/n looked up through her lashes, seeing a proud smirk overtake Agatha’s features. She felt her own brows furrow in confusion, confused at the sudden shift in the brunette’s body language. Now, the woman seemed almost playful, instead of the overconfident swagger she’d first had when she waltzed into Wanda’s office.
“Well,” Agatha started, clapping her hands loudly as she moved to stand. Y/n flinched. Wanda’s hand tightened slightly in her hair. “You certainly chose well, sweet cheeks. She’s just absolutely delectable!”
Y/n didn’t know how to react, so she looked up at Wanda. Green eyes met hers, a small smile gracing Wanda’s face before she looked back at Agatha.
“Yes, she is.” Wanda practically purred, her hand tangling possessively in y/n’s hair. Y/n closed her eyes, feeling slightly overwhelmed. She concentrated on holding back any noises she might make at Wanda’s rough treatment, not wanting to embarrass herself in front of Agatha.
“I just wanted to check in with you hon.” Agatha said, her eyes sincere as she took a step towards Wanda. “It’s been far too long since we’ve caught up! Fancy a coffee date?” She ended her sentence with a wink and an easy smile.
Y/n felt another wave of jealousy rise, and this time she didn’t even attempt at shoving it down. Honestly, the nerve of that woman. Flirting right in front of her! Didn’t she know that Wanda was no longer hers?
Wanda said something, but y/n barely heard it, consumed with her thoughts. She didn’t notice the way that Wanda had stepped back slightly at Agatha’s question, creating distance between them. She didn’t notice the sharp reprimand that left Wanda’s crimson lips or the proud look on Agatha’s face. She didn’t notice the approving look Agatha sent her way, her own eyes still glued to the floor.
She did notice Agatha kiss Wanda’s cheek in goodbye, and the way that her hands lingered around the redhead’s slim waist. She noticed the way that Wanda’s sharp green eyes followed every movement Agatha made, up until she left out the door.
All she could think about was that Wanda was hers. Hers. Hers. Hers.
‘Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine.'
Two soft hands cradled y/n’s face, and her thoughts came to a halt as she returned to the present. Wanda’s green eyes were locked on hers, the woman kneeling in front of y/n. She was so close that y/n could feel their knees touching and Wanda’s breath against her cheeks. She took a deep breath. Vanilla.
“Sorry.” Y/n managed to croak out. She didn’t really know what she was apologizing for, but it seemed like an appropriate thing to say.
Wanda’s sparkling eyes crinkled slightly at the edges, her lips turning up into a soft smile. “I’m yours darling.” Her voice was soft, and y/n leaned forward unsteadily before throwing her arms around Wanda.
Y/n felt relieved, happy that Wanda hadn’t fallen for Agatha’s easy smile and sugary words. Then, she remembered the twisting jealousy that still lingered.
Pulling back, y/n searched Wanda’s face. Green eyes stared back in confusion, Wanda’s hands squeezing hesitantly around y/n’s waist.
“Why didn’t you tell her off?” Y/n asked, her eyebrows drawn tightly together. She slid her arms off of Wanda, her jealousy twisting uncomfortably inside of her as she recalled the numerous flirty remarks the brunette had made. She pulled further away as she remembered the way Wanda had just stood there, staring at Agatha.
Wanda reached for her, “Darling, I-”
Y/n felt the tendrils of jealousy turn into something possessive and angry. It took her off guard slightly, she’s never been this upset when someone flirted with Wanda before. Then again, Wanda was the first person she’d ever loved as something more than a friend.
“No,” Y/n said sharply, her voice quivering. Wanda’s eyes narrowed at the word, but y/n continued. “That entire time, she was flirting with you and touching you and I couldn’t do anything about it. But you could have done something about it, and you didn’t.”
Y/n’s mind was replaying Agatha’s hands around Wanda’s waist. Around her Dominant’s waist. The kiss Agatha had left on Wanda’s cheek, when the only one kissing Wanda should be her.
A hand wrapped around her neck. Y/n looked up to find that Wanda was standing with a furious look on her face. Pulling up slightly at the girl’s throat, Wanda urged y/n to stand.
Y/n quickly stood, feeling shame start to creep in until it nestled comfortably next to the waves of jealousy racing through her. Wanda’s eyes were narrowed, and as soon as y/n was fully standing, she twisted the girl around until she was facing her desk.
“Do you want to repeat that?” Came Wanda’s low whisper, the words sending a pleasant shiver down y/n’s spine. Y/n quickly shook her head, before gasping as Wanda’s strong hands pushed her down until she was bent over the desk.
Wanda quickly maneuvered y/n’s hands behind her back, wrapping a scarlet tendril around her wrists before palming the girl’s backside through her skirt. “Color.”
Y/n took in a shaky breath at the demanding tone. “Green.”
“Are you sure?” Came Wanda’s voice, slightly softer this time. Her hands lightly skimmed the warm skin where y/n’s skirt met her upper thigh. Goosebumps erupted, and y/n shivered beneath her.
“Yes.” Y/n’s voice was stronger this time, and Wanda scraped her fingernails over the girl’s back in approval.
“I don’t have time for a long punishment right now, so all you’ll be getting is a taste of what’s to come later tonight.” Wanda said shortly, giving y/n no time to respond before roughly pulling her skirt up to reveal her bare backside.
Y/n whimpered at the action, earning a sharp slap from Wanda. She winced, the beautiful rings on Wanda’s fingers digging into her flesh. “Did I say you could speak?” Wanda’s voice was low, and had a wonderful rasp to it which usually would’ve excited y/n. Now, it just made her apprehensive. She shook her head.
“You were behaving so wonderfully when Agatha came in.” Wanda started, dragging painful trails down y/n’s thighs with her fingernails. “Then you decided to act like a fucking brat.” Y/n heard the slap before she felt it, and barely stopped herself from squirming as the burn started.
Wanda ran a cool hand over y/n’s backside, soothing the red skin. “I understand your jealousy.” She reached a gentle hand into y/n’s hair, before twisting her head until they locked eyes. “But that does not mean you get to take it out on me. Do you understand?”
Y/n felt tears spring into her eyes as she nodded, her shame overcoming the bitter jealousy. Wanda let her hair go, and y/n let her head drop back to the table with a small thud.
“What was the first thing you did wrong darling?” Wanda asked, resuming the action of raking her fingernails down y/n’s sensitive thighs.
“I blamed you for Agatha’s flirting. I shouldn’t have assumed the worst.” Y/n said, her voice muffled by the desk. Wanda reached up and tilted her head to the side, nodding once y/n’s eyes met hers.
A harsh slap caught y/n off guard, and she flinched at the action, her hips digging painfully into the desk. Wanda’s hand stroked softly down her spine, checking if she was alright. Y/n nodded, and Wanda prodded further. “What next?”
“I…” Y/n closed her eyes, letting embarrassment flood through her. “I told you ‘no’. I interrupted you and told you ‘no’. I’m so sorry Wanda. I didn’t mean it.” Her apology was cut short by another harsh blow to her backside. Y/n let out a low whine, gasping out the word 'green' at Wanda’s soft fingers against her cheek.
“And lastly?” Wanda asked, admiring the bright red skin as she traced a soft fingertip across the burning skin.
“My tone was disrespectful?” Y/n said hesitantly, and Wanda sadistically squeezed the already painful flesh of y/n’s backside.
“Was that a question or an answer, darling?” Wanda’s voice was cold, and y/n tugged against the scarlet restraints as she tried to escape the painful hold Wanda had on her.
“An answer.” Y/n choked out, then immediately sighed in relief as Wanda removed her hands. Only to let out a strained gasp seconds later as the ring clad hand landed the harshest blow yet.
‘Fuck. Who knew rings could be so painful?’
“I’m sorry.” Y/n’s voice was quiet, but she knew Wanda had heard her. Wanda didn’t respond, rubbing soothing circles over y/n’s backside before a curious finger dipped slightly lower.
“Fuck, darling. You’re dripping.” Wanda’s voice was full of wonder, and y/n hoped she hadn’t imagined the proud way she’d said the words.
Y/n moved to stand, but a strong hand between her shoulder blades kept her pressed against the desk. She turned her head further, her eyes wide as she met Wanda’s gaze.
“I’m not done explaining my side of this story yet.” Wanda said, before summoning a jar of aloe vera. She spread the cool gel on y/n’s burning backside, and the girl sighed softly as she felt her pain start to subside.
Wanda didn’t say anything for a few minutes, instead focusing all of her energy into the aftercare for y/n. Once she’d deemed her efforts on the poor girl’s backside satisfactory, she gently pulled y/n’s skirt down and released her magical hold on the girl’s wrists. Taking her hand, Wanda pulled y/n towards the couch before sitting down and gesturing towards the cushion next to her.
Y/n glanced between the seat and Wanda hesitantly, knowing that sitting would be a painful affair. At Wanda’s singular raised eyebrow, she quickly maneuvered herself into a lying down position with her head in Wanda’s lap. Glancing up to see if the position was alright, y/n relaxed at the sight of a smile gracing Wanda’s soft lips.
“I apologize for not acting sooner.” Wanda started, her hand beginning to run gently through y/n’s hair. Y/n closed her eyes. “I was just as surprised as you were. I never expected her to show up to my workplace unannounced. Given my surprise, I took longer than I should have to deal with her.”
Wanda paused, her hand slowing in y/n’s hair as she drifted off into thought. Y/n nodded, nuzzling her head into Wanda’s thigh as she waited for the woman to continue. The hand in her hair started moving again.
“I told her that if she had something to discuss with me, she could email or call me like everybody else has to. Then I told her off for barging into my workplace, and knowing her she most likely messed with the minds of our security guards.” Wanda’s voice was rigid with anger as she spoke, and y/n blinked as she processed this new information.
‘You were too busy with your jealousy to focus on what was actually happening.’
A sharp wave of shame and embarrassment swept through y/n, and she turned her head to fully burrow her head into Wanda’s soft thighs. Wanda chuckled from above her, the hand in her hair slowing slightly.
“As for your jealousy over her physical touches,” Wanda started, fixing y/n with a knowing look when she twisted her head in surprise. “Agatha has always been a touchy person, and had I known she was coming I would have warned you in advance.”
Y/n furrowed her brows, looking up at Wanda. “I don’t want anyone touching what’s mine.”
Wanda smirked at the words, a proud look in her eyes. “I understand darling. In the future, I’ll make sure to tell someone off the second that they touch me in an unprofessional manner. Okay?” She locked eyes with y/n, who let her gaze drift slightly as she thought it over.
“Yeah that works. I’ll do the same.” Y/n eventually said, and Wanda’s eyes narrowed.
“You won’t have to darling, I’ll make sure nobody dares to get close enough to touch what’s mine.” Wanda’s voice was low again, and when y/n met her green eyes all she saw was possessiveness. Y/n smiled.
The hand in her hair paused again, and Wanda looked slightly apologetic. “I did invite Agatha to dinner tonight.”
Y/n shot up, the pang of jealousy piercing her once more. “What? But that was supposed to just be us and Henry and Sam!”
Wanda reached out to cup y/n’s flushed face in her hands. Y/n closed her eyes, pushing down the waves of jealousy and focusing on the feeling of Wanda’s cool rings against her skin.
“I know that you and Agatha got off on the wrong foot. But I think that you’ll end up really liking her once you get to know her a little bit better.” Wanda’s voice was soft, and when y/n opened her eyes, she knew Wanda could see the doubt in them.
“Just trust me on this one.” Wanda said, her bright green eyes hopeful as she scanned y/n’s face.
Y/n sighed. Then nodded.
She would need a couple glasses of wine to get through this night. Maybe she could convince Henry to take some shots with her. That would definitely make it easier.
Wanda shook her head, standing up and making her way over to her desk. “No alcohol for you tonight.”
Y/n sighed heavily and flopped back into the couch, taking care to land on her side and not her backside. She hoped the workday never ended.
The workday ended far too soon. And now y/n was stuck waiting by the front door for their guests to show up. To be fair, she and Wanda had a lot of fun cooking. Or rather, Wanda had a lot of fun cooking and y/n had a lot of fun doing whatever small tasks Wanda trusted her to do.
However, y/n’s good mood quickly turned sour as she remembered the tall brunette they would be hosting that evening. Not even the thought of Henry’s jokes and banter brought her mood up. Y/n hid it pretty well though, not wanting to disappoint Wanda.
“Darling, did you get the wine from the cellar?” Wanda’s voice drifted out from the kitchen. Y/n quickly checked the dining room, spotting the bottle of wine and shouting a quick yes back in Wanda’s general direction. Then, she saw the bottle of sparkling grape juice sitting next to it.
Padding softly into the kitchen, y/n leaning against the wall and let a pout onto her face. “Are you really going to make me drink grape juice like a kid?”
Wanda turned around, an exasperated look on her face. “Yes.”
Y/n opened her mouth, but quickly snapped it shut as Wanda raised her hand. The redhead continued. “As I was saying,” She shot a look at y/n before grabbing the oven mitts and making her way over to the oven. “I don’t think mixing your volatile emotions towards Agatha and alcohol would be the best idea.”
Wanda leaned down, pulling a delicious smelling lasagna from the oven. She set it down on some hot pads before looking up. A few strands of hair had escaped her loose bun, and y/n crossed the room to stand in front of her.
Reaching up, y/n tucked the strands behind Wanda’s ears before pulling her into a quick kiss. When she pulled back, Wanda had a surprised look on her face.
“You’re right. I’ll drink the stupid grape juice.” Y/n said, rolling her eyes. She smiled playfully at Wanda, who had her own soft smile playing around her lips. “Just promise not to let anyone make fun of me?”
Wanda finally laughed at that, wrapping her arms around y/n’s waist and raising her eyebrows. “I promise…” She leaned in, capturing y/n’s lips with her own. She kissed the girl thoroughly, pulling back once she ran out of air. “... to do my best not to make fun of you.”
Y/n’s face morphed from one of happiness into mock disbelief. She was just about to retort, with something really well thought out and witty, when the sound of the doorbell caused both her and Wanda to jump.
“I’ll go get that.” Y/n said, gesturing to the steaming dish on the countertop. “The kitchen is more your area of expertise anyways.”
Wanda smiled, letting go of the girl’s waist before fixing her with a stern look. “Behave.”
Y/n nodded, then rolled her eyes as soon as her back was turned away from Wanda. With quick steps, she reached the front door. Bracing herself, she smiled and opened it.
“Oh Henry, thank god.”
Henry doubled over laughing, stumbling through the doorway as Sam pushed him inside. The man was holding a gift bag, and at y/n’s questioning glace, he handed it to her.
“Just a gift for Wanda, since she always hosts dinner and movie nights.” Sam said, patting Henry’s back as the boy started wheezing. Y/n looked down at him in concern, but he just waved her off.
“Just give me a second.” Henry managed to say in between gasps, and y/n nodded once as she let a smirk on her face. Gesturing the pair towards the dining room, she quickly went into the kitchen to place the gift on the counter.
Wanda looked up from where she was carrying the lasagna tray out to the dining room, her eyes landing on the gift bag before glancing up at y/n. She raised a single eyebrow.
“Sam says it’s a gift because you’re such a good host.” Y/n informed her, setting the bag down gently. “Is there anything I can bring out?”
They ended up taking two trips to bring all the food out, y/n carrying the less important items like parmesan cheese and butter and Wanda carrying the lasagna and garlic bread.
Y/n had just finished setting down the butter after locating the weird shaped butter knife, when the doorbell rang again. Snapping her head up, she met Wanda’s knowing green eyes.
“I’ll grab it,” Wanda said, gesturing towards a seat. “Why don’t you sit down.” Her green eyes met y/n’s once more, and y/n knew she didn’t imagine the warning to behave, before exiting the room.
Henry had finally recovered from his laughing fit, and nudged y/n’s leg with his foot from where he was sitting opposite to her. “So, who’s the special guest of honor?” His eyes jumped to the head of the table, where a fifth plate had been placed down.
Y/n scowled slightly, before taking a deep breath. “You’ll see.” She knew she sounded cryptic, but that was all she could manage without her clear dislike for Agatha bleeding out into her words.
Henry’s eyebrows rose quickly, and from the corner of her eye, y/n could see Sam smile slightly. “Describe the guest of honor in two words or less, quick.” Henry stage whispered, his eyes boring into y/n.
“What is this, theater camp?” Y/n shot back, before his incessant wide eyes caused her to fold. “Fine, enigmatic and irritating.”
A throat cleared behind her, and y/n froze.
“Aw thank you hon! I’ve certainly heard worse.” Agatha swooped into y/n’s line of sight, winking at her before slipping gracefully into her seat. Wanda placed a warning hand on her shoulder, gripping it tightly for a millisecond before slipping into her own chair beside y/n.
Sam was the first one to break the three second long silence. “So, I don’t believe we’ve met.” He gestured to Henry and introduced him as his submissive, and Henry appropriately ducked his head while Agatha asked Sam what type of dominant he was.
Throughout their conversation, Wanda silently poured herself a glass of wine. Y/n grabbed the sparkling grape juice without comment, pouring herself a glass and ignoring Henry’s curious stare. Y/n didn’t even glare when Wanda poured Agatha a glass before passing the wine over to Sam.
Y/n couldn’t help but listen into the conversation, begrudgingly admitting to herself that Agatha was obviously knowledgeable about the BDSM world and spoke with intelligence. She heard a huff from next to her, and glanced at Wanda out of the corner of her eye.
‘What, I’m trying here.’
Y/n served herself a helping of garlic toast when Henry passed it to her, offering him a tight lipped smile as he kept his head ducked. She passed the tray to Wanda, shivering when their fingers touched.
‘I know darling, you don’t have to be so grumpy about it though.’ Came Wanda’s voice, and y/n blinked.
Y/n took a second to reflect. Wanda was right, she was being grumpy. It was kind of difficult to not be grumpy when her first impression of Agatha was of the woman flirting with her Dominant. She hated when Wanda was right.
‘I’m always right darling.’
Y/n shot her a glare, but Wanda was focused on whatever Agatha was saying. Something about the difference in dynamics between straight couples and queer couples in the BDSM community.
‘Stay out of my head Wanda.’
Wanda turned her head, offering y/n a sickeningly sweet smile before gesturing towards the parmesan cheese. “Could you pass me the cheese, darling?”
Fine, two could play this game.
‘What’s the magic word, mommy?'
Y/n grabbed the cheese, and slowly brought it over to Wanda. She held it just out of reach, gazing into Wanda’s green eyes as she waited for an answer. Wanda’s pupils were dilated, and her eyes narrowed slightly.
‘Are you seriously making a scene over some cheese?’ Wanda’s eyes were narrowing further, and y/n glanced away quickly to make sure the other guests hadn’t noticed their silent exchange. She turned back once she’d ensured they were wrapped up in conversation.
‘Yes mommy, all you need to say is the magic word.’
Y/n smirked, toying with the cap on the parmesan cheese bottle as she waited for Wanda’s response. She decided to pour herself a generous amount of cheese, covering the top of her steaming lasagna.
‘Fine. The magic word is, I’ll have you bent over my lap later this evening once our guests are gone and your ass will be ten times as painful as it is now. How about that?’
Y/n paled slightly, shifting uncomfortably in her seat as she was reminded of her earlier punishment. She passed the cheese over without comment.
‘You’re no fun at all.’ Y/n thought, digging into her lasagna. It was heavenly, and she had to stop a moan from leaving her mouth as she savored her first bite.
‘And you’re a brat. I’m glad you like my cooking.’
Wanda also started eating, after sprinkling some of the cheese onto her own lasagna. She silently passed the bottle over to Agatha, who thanked her and then inquired about her work.
Y/n sat in silence for the first half of the meal, only speaking when bickering with Henry or asking for someone to pass more garlic bread. She really enjoyed garlic bread.
“What do you do for a living y/n?”
Agatha’s voice shook y/n out of a lovely daydream she’d been having about Wanda’s red hair. More specifically, Wanda’s hair draped over her shoulder as the woman fucked into y/n roughly. Also, the strands of hair that escaped Wanda’s neat curls to frame her face when she was in the throes of pleasure. And also…
A foot against her shin caused y/n to snap out of her thoughts for the second time. She glared at Henry for a second, before pointedly ignoring Wanda’s knowing eyes and focusing on Agatha.
“I do a lot of freelance work.” Y/n said vaguely, as it was technically correct. Agatha raised an eyebrow, gesturing with her drink for y/n to continue. Henry also looked interested, and y/n remembered that she hadn’t told him she was an Avenger yet.
Y/n sighed, still avoiding Wanda’s gaze. “I take out bad information from the internet, and then erase it forever and help find the people who put the bad stuff on the internet in the first place.”
She got a lot of unimpressed stares, mostly from Wanda. Scratch that, exclusively from Wanda. Sam seemed interested, and Henry was practically bouncing in his seat. Agatha just raised her eyebrows, clearly wanting more information.
Y/n shrugged, “That’s all I can say, I’ve signed a lot of NDA’s.” That part was true, Fury was unfortunately a big fan of NDA’s. She met Agatha’s eyes, somehow knowing that the woman would be able to tell that she was being truthful.
Agatha smiled slightly and nodded, turning her attention back to Wanda. Henry was practically salivating across from her, and when y/n met his gaze, he immediately launched into a series of questions.
By the time that Y/n was done answering Henry’s questions, mostly by giving vague answers and evading the questions that hit a little too close to the truth, the three Dominants were nursing their wine and watching them talk.
“What do you mean? You sound like a computer engineer or something. Where did you go to school?” Henry questioned, leaning so far over the table that his shirt almost touched his empty plate.
“I’m not a computer engineer, do I look like a nerd?”
“Okay fine, but you definitely studied something similar. What was it? What did you major in?”
“I didn’t go to college, I’m just naturally smart.”
“I’ll show you bull-” Y/n snapped her mouth shut, whipping her head to look at Wanda. She hoped that the woman would be lenient since she hadn’t technically used bad language.
Sam laughed, the sound booming over the table as everyone turned to look at him. Y/n glanced at Wanda, seeing the small smirk on her face.
“You’ve definitely trained the bad language out of her.” Sam said, wiping the tears from his eyes with his unused napkin. He grabbed Henry’s shoulder and gestured towards Wanda. “Maybe she’ll even train the bad words out of you!”
Henry met y/n’s wide eyes hesitantly, and she mouthed ‘run’. He let out an undignified squeak, turning pink when Wanda let out a small laugh of her own. Wanda let her hand drop down to y/n’s thigh for the first time that night, and y/n immediately felt her body relax. She hadn’t realized how much she missed Wanda’s touch.
“I’ll be sure to give you some tips.” Wanda said, throwing a wink in Sam’s direction. He laughed again after catching a glimpse of y/n’s wide eyes, and Henry just turned even more pink.
Eventually, they were all full and satisfied. Wanda received multiple compliments on her cooking, which she accepted gracefully with an easy smile. Henry started talking about a movie, and after a few minutes of debating with y/n, they decided on a classic. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
Sam and Henry started to make their way towards the movie room, and Wanda stood with y/n to quickly clean up. Wanda told Agatha to go find a comfortable seat, and asked if she’d like any more wine.
“No hon, I’m quite alright. Although…” Agatha stopped Wanda’s hand as she reached for the empty garlic bread tray. “...the cook should never clean up. Didn’t you know that?”
Wanda glanced hesitantly between y/n and Agatha, and y/n grabbed the garlic bread tray.
“It’s fine Wanda, we’ve got this. Make sure Henry doesn’t take our blanket again.” Y/n said, adding a soft smile to the end of her sentence. Wanda smiled back, letting her hand graze the side of y/n’s waist briefly before making her way into the living room.
Y/n reached for a few more trays, Agatha doing the same, before leading her into the kitchen and setting the trays in the sink. After a few trips, all that was left were the wine glasses. As they loaded the final dishes into the sink, Agatha broke the comfortable silence.
“You make her really happy, sweet cheeks.”
The soft voice surprised y/n, and she glanced quickly at Agatha. The woman’s blue eyes didn’t seem quite as piercing as they did before, standing in the dim kitchen light.
“She makes me even happier.” Y/n said quietly, and if she was being totally honest with herself, Wanda had made her the happiest she’d ever been and probably ever would be. Agatha seemed to sense her honesty, and moved in closer.
Y/n didn’t even flinch at the hand that landed gently on her shoulder. All traces of jealousy had left her, especially after witnessing Agatha engage in a battle of wit with Henry during dinner.
“I’m really glad she found you y/n.” Agatha’s voice was still soft, but laced with genuine happiness. Her dark blue eyes sparkled softly in the glow of the oven light. Y/n found herself smiling, and then hesitantly wrapping her arms around Agatha’s waist.
‘Since when have you been a hugger?’
Agatha’s arms wrapped tightly around y/n, the lavender scent encompassing her as they embraced. Y/n hadn’t realized until now how much she had craved Agatha’s approval. Now, all she felt was acceptance and begrudging respect for the woman who’s strong arms were wrapped around her.
‘Oh, nevermind. Hugging is totally your thing after this.’
After a few moments, they separated. Y/n gave Agatha a soft smile, which the brunette easily returned.
“Enough of this gooey mushy shit, let's go watch some wizards blow things up!” Agatha exclaimed, and y/n let out a laugh as she led the older witch towards the movie room.
Y/n was in the middle of explaining the synopsis of the first movie to Agatha, whose face was scrunched up in confusion, when they entered the movie room. Wanda’s green eyes found y/n’s instantly, and lit up at the sight of her talking with Agatha.
Y/n playfully pushed Agatha down on the couch while the woman was still questioning why owls were the mode of transportation for letters, right next to her and Wanda’s spot.
Wanda held the blanket open, complaining about cold air rushing in, and y/n happily cuddled up against her. Wanda’s arms wrapped the blanket around them, and Henry pressed play.
Honestly, what more could y/n ask for? She had a full stomach, a room full of friends, a Harry Potter movie playing, and the arms of the woman she loved around her.
Somewhere in the multiverse, Fate smiled.
Next Chapter
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positivelybeastly · 7 months
Does beast resent the X-Men?
"What a funny question. What's to resent?"
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So, funny thing - I'm pretty sure that Hank has never really wanted to be an X-Man. He's found meaning in it, of course; he's made some good friends; he met one of the loves of his life through the X-Men; he's been able to do a massive amount of good in the world by being the right X-Man in the right place at the right time.
But it's not a life that's really good or healthy for him, and this dates all the way back to the 60s, if you can believe it.
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This is from Uncanny X-Men #5, in 1964. We haven't even hit double digits yet!
Five issues in, and he already doesn't really want to be there! And it's kind of not hard to see why - his powers are easy to control, he can pass for a human with ease, his genius intellect means he can have his pick of any research project he wants, he has a family that loves him and accepts him, he had a girlfriend before he joined the X-Men. Honestly, Hank's life was pretty good!
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He was made a promise that he'd get to change the world in a way that his normal life wouldn't afford him.
It's just that Professor X didn't really tell him that there'd be days like this.
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It's one thing to have to fight a magnetic maniac who's going to throw missiles at you and try to nuke a small country. Fine, whatever, that may well have been in the brochure. But did the Professor ever tell them that they were going to be attacked by the people they were trying to save? Because here's the thing, there are universes where Hank isn't so lucky when things like this happen.
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But hey, this is all part and parcel of being a superhero, right?
Uh, well.
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No. No, this is specifically an X-Men problem.
It fucking sucks being an X-Man, dude. It fucking sucks. You work hard, you nearly get killed, nobody appreciates you, and yeah, you and your friends know that it's unfair and that you deserve better, but that doesn't magically make it change, does it?
So, does Hank resent the X-Men, in so far as the actual concept? Yeah, a little bit. He recognises there's a need for them, of course, but actually having to be one fucking sucks! He can do just as much good with the Avengers or the Defenders as he can with the X-Men, maybe even more, so why should he be with the X-Men?
Because they need him.
Because without Hank McCoy, the X-Men would have been absolutely fucked in the following situations (list is not exhaustive):
The Dark Phoenix Saga (he stopped the police from answering the Hellfire Club calls for assistance, and created the psionic scrambler that gave them a fighting chance against her in their second fight).
Finishing the cure for the Legacy Virus (other geneticists might well have been closing in on solving it, like Kavita Rao, but how many more mutants would have died in the time it took for them to match Hank's speed?)
Stopping Unus the Untouchable from joining the Brotherhood of Mutants and fucking rolling the X-Men way, way back in the day.
Creating the Skrull Legacy Virus bioweapon, which may well have been morally repugnant, but who knows how many more casualties the world and the remaining X-Men would have sustained in a protracted conflict with the Skrulls?
Negotiating peace with Hydra Cap to create New Tian; giving the X-Men time to regroup and save mutants from the Terrigen Clouds; and hey, do you know what Hank's actual most underrated achievements are?
Oh yeah, that time he saved humanity! Solo!
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And that time he saved the Inhumans!
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Like. The X-Men need Hank. They always need him. Hell, you know what I find really fucking funny? Krakoa's very happy to shit all over him, but guess what?
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The flowers that create those lovely miracle drugs that gives Krakoa economic bargaining power? Hank's creation.
Not Sinister's.
Not Moira's. Not Xavier's, not Magneto's, not Storm's, not Cyclops'.
They need him.
Hell, they can't even kill Hank without Hank!
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But at least they treat him right, yeah?
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"Hey, Hank, I know we got you fired from Harvard University because we turned up to your place of work for your help and shit went down, like, instantly, but . . . uhh, not gonna say sorry!"
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"Hey, so, I know that we made you move to Attilan to try and come up with a solution to M-Pox, but since you can't deliver, we're just going to thunderbolt you in the back and lock you in a cage, mmkay?"
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"Have you just tried not having PTSD, Hank? Can you do that for us? I know you're upset that your claws and fur fell out, but, like, the whining's getting to just be a bit much."
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"Hey, so, like, we know you recently lost a finger, got telepathically fucked in the head by Charles' evil twin, and are basically dealing with the mother of all body dysmorphia episodes right now, but have you considered fuck you, we need a poster boy that says it's okay to be a mutant? Because the rest of us are all really pretty supermodels with easily hidden powers and that kinda sends the wrong message, you know?"
There's a moment, that I'm not going to cap, because it comes from Uncanny X-Men #600, during the intervention, where Hank turns around, sees the time displaced X-Men, his fellow teaching staff, his friends (allegedly), and they're all telling him that he's unstable. That he's causing them problems.
Ororo tells him, either you listen to us, or we call SHIELD and have them put you in a box for crimes against nature and science.
And he says, verbatim, "After everything I've done for you - "
The narrative paints him as furious. Obstinate. An asshole.
Except, he's right. He's given them everything he has. And it's not enough for them. He's in obvious pain, he's lashing out, he's emotionally unstable, he's acting irrationally. But they can't even do this right, because this is not how you help Hank. Hank doesn't respond to this, and you'd know that if you fucking cared.
What does Hank respond to?
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Even if you don't read this moment romantically, is it not just fucking startling the difference in Hank's character? All of his 'friends' in a room, he walks out, he leaves, he's furious, because fuck you all, you want to humiliate me like this?
But Simon just. Asks him out for drinks, and he talks, and he talks, and he talks, and he smiles.
Your question was, does Beast resent the X-Men?
I ask you in return - how could he not?
His life would be better if he'd never joined them. And he knows that.
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giantchasm · 10 months
Random Kirby Headcanon #10
Marx and Magolor first met because Marx needed a favor from someone. You see: he was a previously normal Noddy who lived on one of the moons orbiting Popstar, and when the Nightmare Incident occurred it affected him as well. He, as well as the rest of the Noddies on the moon were forcibly woken up by terrible dreams, and after that, seemed to not be able to dream at all for a while.
Whereas most of the Noddies were very distressed, however, Marx was… kind of intrigued? He’d never been awake for a long period of time before, and he was having fun exploring and messing with people. Just as soon as he started to get used to it, though, things went back to normal. Nightmare was defeated and the Fountain of Dreams began working properly again. All of the Noddies started to fall back asleep.
Marx was aghast. No, his fun couldn’t come to an end yet! There was still so much he wanted to see and do.
But through a stroke of pure luck, he heard about some sort of traveling magician visiting the moon, and decided to seek him out.
This magician, of course, was Magolor. Marx just about burst down his door and demanded “Hey, magic man! You’re gonna make me something!”
Magolor was… bewildered, to say the least, but weirdly proud, too. Before this no-one had ever taken him, his magic or his studies seriously. About time someone finally saw just how talented he was!
As such, when he heard about Marx’s situation, he crafted a magical hat that the Noddy could use to stay awake— one that would prevent chronic fatigue.
Marx was delighted. It was everything he’d wanted. He gave Magolor a rude thanks, then was gone.
This was the start of a beautiful… friendship? It’s hard to describe. For a long time, Marx was the only friend Magolor really had and vice versa, but they were also kind of using each other. Whenever they bumped into one another (both taking trips around the galaxy and all), they were eager to interact, yes, but their conversations were very… practiced. Marx saw Magolor as a bit of a sucker that he could use to get free things and information and Magolor saw Marx as a way to get attention more than anything. He was desperate for recognition and acceptance, and so it bolstered his ego whenever Marx sucked up to him or allowed him to soapbox about magical phenomena.
That said, their friendship is healthier now. Magolor staged a bit of an intervention after Return to Dreamland. That’s a headcanon for another day, though. Really, there’s too much going on with these guys to condense into a single post.
Marx, of course, still has his magic hat. He keeps it on him at all times. Interestingly, it seems to have became attuned to him at some point, because he can move it and express emotions with it just like a limb or pair of goofy-ass ears. Strange!
…One can’t help but note the irony in Magolor of all people creating a piece of enchanted headwear for someone. Bit darkly humorous, isn’t it? Good news, though, is that Marx’s hat doesn’t seem to be cursed or housing some sort of ancient evil soul. Because yes, Marx wreaks havoc wherever he goes, but that just seems to be the natural consequence of his terrible personality as opposed to any higher power.
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bleachbleachbleach · 4 months
5/24 - 5/31/24
I've been having BIG emotions all week (about racecars; about getting to see best friends and old colleagues; about my life choices [for once, positively]; about multiple retirement parties and people I want to be when *I* grow up). And of course, about my Bleach blorbos. I haven't had time to actually write, due to needing/wanting to focus on life things, but I have spent a lot of time daydreaming different iterations of one particular scene, because I have also spent like 30 hours driving (and have either 8 or 12 to do today, depending on how the Great Construction Conspiracy goes) and what else am I going to do besides try not to get destroyed by white Silverados??
I do have a written version of this scene already, but I don't think I'll use it. It's from Hisagi's POV (in every iteration it is from Hisagi's POV), which is probably a dumb POV to do the scene from, but the other two characters involved can have their version of it in a few chapters, too. The problem with Hisagi's version, aside from him definitely third-wheeling it, is that Hisagi's relative lack of real context and his imagined context of the 92 other things he's thinking about mean that this one scene connects obliquely to like three other trains of thought that are... not really related but related in his mind. And some of them are in his chapter, and others are scattered across a bunch of other chapters as Things Hisagi Thought and Then Impulsively Shared, so that's a bit difficult to keep track of as I continue to change the scene.
I feel like the scene itself is probably only going to be like 7 actual lines, in the end, just because it's stuff I really like writing but am shy about sharing, so most of this is probably just for me. 🫣
Other thoughts:
-- I met a new guy at my old workplace whom I decided I do not like but who is definitely a Joe Shinigami. Like, I feel like he's Renji's dark double. He's very gregarious, and can tell a rollicking story (or thinks he can; he performs well, but it's maybe... too performed? too self-aware of how much character he is bringing to the plate? even as he's performing something self-deprecating?). He's a poet with the most jock energy I've ever encountered from a guy with an MFA. And, having participated in an MFA soccer league for multiple years (as a non-MFA interloper), I'm not saying that out of some misapprehension that poets can't also be jocks or vice versa. It's jock ENERGY specifically. I dunno, it's kinda like he'd LIKE to be Renji or was written to be Renji, and it's similar enough to be uncanny but wrong enough to be Wrong. And instead of really liking him in the way I really like Renji, I'm just like "Man, this guy sucks." XPP
I feel like this is probably someone that Kira definitely knows in the poetry circles and he's had this exact same review process about him.
-- I was at a dental appointment yesterday and my hygienist was talking about [American] football, which is something I know approximately three things about; but these three magic beans were enough to ignite her passion. She knew all the players by name and was describing the coaches and coaching style and their entire histories, and how much she liked and trusted this coach guy, and her enthusiasm was very lovely.
But because I am absolutely addled in the head with blorbo disease, during this entire football conversation my mind was running a backing track about how the way this woman knew and talked about JIM HARBAUGH was probably really similar to how people perceived AIZEN SOUSUKE pre-defection, and how even though we only see Hinamori struggle with feelings of ambivalence where Aizen is concerned and everyone else is straightforwardly angry/anti-Aizen, that's probably not actually true and Hinamori's feelings probably ARE echoed in many. Frankly probably in Hitsugaya, even though he's probably the most demonstratively anti-Aizen person anyone knows (depending on whether you were present for the Winter War or not; if you weren't then maybe you don't know anything). Because despite the fact that he seems fairly wary by nature and was rude about Aizen even when everyone thought Aizen was Good Guy Jim Harbaugh, I think Hitsugaya liked and trusted (/entrusted Aizen with) even more than even Hitsugaya thought Hitsugaya did. I'm basing this on exactly one panel in this essay I will--
"Man, the Lions did so well last season, didn't they!"
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[PART 3]
Yu Narukami and Yaso-Inaba’s self-declared Investigation Team weren’t the only ones that had come to join the scene.
“Sig!” his friend Amitie gave the cyan-haired boy a baffled look. “What are you doing back here!? We told you we were all going out to celebrate with you together, didn’t we?”
“Just had a delivery to make,” Sig replied coolly.
Along with Amitie, several other Puyo Magic-users had joined the group as well. The space was becoming a little crowded, making Sig want to duck away.
Yu Narukami, meanwhile, was explaining his team’s predicament to Joker.
“Kanji vanished after the results were announced. We’ve been looking all over for him, but no luck. And our phones aren’t getting any reception here…”
Joker put a hand to his chin. “I see… And how about scanning the area with someone’s Persona?”
Yu shook his head, “Rise had a concert and couldn’t make it today, and Teddie’s powers don’t work here, so…”
“You wanna borrow Oracle?”
These discussions continued as, at the same time, one could hear Yosuke Hanamura speaking to his friends further in the back.
“The results were really close, too… I wonder if he took it hard,” Yosuke scratched the back of his neck, sighing loudly. “Y’know, some people in the audience kinda took the piss out of me when Kanji beat me last round, so I… said some stuff I probably shouldn’t have said to him. ‘Like you’re gonna make it much further!’ or ‘Those were all just pity-points, you know!’... stuff like that.”
“Yosuke…” Chie couldn’t help but sympathize. This all really sucked.
“I’m sure Kanji-kun disappearing had nothing to do with that,” Yukiko tried to comfort. “After all, you’ve said much worse things to him before!”
“Gee, THANKS, Yukiko-san!” Yosuke snapped.
“I agree with Yuki-chan. Kanji’s not the type to get all Yosuke’d up by Yosuke having a Yosuke moment!” Teddie declared with a raised paw.
“What does any of that even mean!?” Yosuke demanded to know. He would not receive an answer.
“Much more importantly! Doesn’t it feel like he’s been even since bearfor the results were announced? I have a feeling like my fur hasn’t been in danger of unsolicited pettings for a whoooole while now…!”
“Wait, he’s right…!” Yukiko realized, and Naoto lowered her head in thought.
“Then I wonder what did make him leave…?”
This was when a completely new voice, that of Arle Nadja, the Puyo-using sorceress, spoke up.
“Hey, speaking of that, Schezo’s been gone for a while now, too…” she stemmed her hands on her hips and looked over the crowd. “I didn’t think much of it at first, because he’s really not one for popularity contests, what with his whole ‘darkness and solitude ‘ shtick. But your friend was the one he was up against this round. Both of them disappearing at once is a little suspicious…”
“Oh, maybe they went celebrating together!” Amitie bounced.
Yosuke raised an eyebrow at that “Huh? But they’re complete strangers.”
Amitie beamed, “A stranger is just a friend you haven’t met yet!”
“Somebody keep this child out of public!!” Morgana almost shrieked in alarm at that statement, and someone with a rather similar-sounding voice to Morgana, Ringo Ando, laughed awkwardly.
“Ahahaha… Sorry for that. Looks like we need an Amitie-chaperone over here.”
“On it,” Sig raised his human hand and shuffled Amitie, who gave a confused “Huh?”, aside.
Meanwhile, Rulue, a close acquaintance of Arle’s and Schezo’s, spoke her own thoughts, “Hmpf… That dark mage up and disappearing right after a battle with no trace of the opponent doesn’t bode well. He is definitely up to no good.”
Arle awkwardly laughed at that, “I mean, I’d be worried about that too… But it’s not like the other guy was a magic-users, so…”
Yu Narukami listened up, “Would it change anything if he could use ‘magic’?”
At that, Arle bit her lip a bit and shuffled around before responding, “Um, well, Schezo kinda used to have a habit of kidnapping other mages to extract their magic power from them. That’s how we first met, actually. But he hasn’t done anything like that in a while, because he’s been so focused on going after my power-”
“Huh? Actually, he wanted something like that from me too a while back, I think,” said Amitie.
“Same here,” Sig nodded, showing his crimson arm. 
Arle froze up. “R-Really…?”
The entire Yaso-Inaba Investigation team were staring at each other in horror. 
“Uh… Do you think…  Can Personas be, eh, ‘extracted’?” Chie carefully asked the pressing question.
The answer came from one group over, from Morgana.
“It’s possible,” he said, with a grim look on his face. “But if it were to be done, it would be disastrous for the Persona User. The result would be a Mental Shutdown.”
Yosuke dashed off, without a second’s delay.
“What the…” Chie was so surprised when he pushed past her, she almost tripped. “...Oh, what the heck, Yosuke! We don’t even know which way to go yet!”
Part 2 here
Part 4 here
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isabelguerra · 7 months
wizjo from isabels pov is like you hate your life so damn much. you hate your dead grandpa and his lame magic school and finally you turn 11 and get to escape from all of it and meet other people your age and it’s so exciting! then you get to school and realize that absolutely everything your grandfather told you — that you believed was just him being obnoxious and self obsessed — was true. hes a big deal and being his granddaughter means something. that sucks. people treat you mostly normal but theres always an undercurrent of something lying just below it. you try not to think about it.
and then you meet the most frustrating annoying person alive. you dont even know him, he mostly bugs your friend, but you get in a massive argument once because he thinks you think youre hot shit- which you DONT, so HE’S wrong for assuming. you dislike him on instinct. whatever. magic sports exist here too! it’s a sport you really like. you go for tryouts and have so much fun and okay fine maybe you show off a little bit— but it’s because you’re good and you know it. you make the team! so does the worst boy alive that you met and instantly didnt like. he didnt just make the team, he made the position directly tied to yours. you wont just be teammates, you two specifically will be partners. you hate it. you push him into a patch of rotting pumpkins when you get the chance. he fills your shoes with magic slugs. you turn his orange juice into mud. he knocks you off your broom. you throw up on him. this goes on for a long time.
years pass. hes still annoying and rude and freakish. …he’s also pretty alright. he’s not afraid of you like other kids are (because hes convinced hes the scariest thing around. as if, you can totally be scarier than him). hes also scarily loyal and makes you laugh. he helped you sneak your best friend/pet spider out of the castle once, which meant she wouldn’t have been discovered and taken away forever. that meant a lot.
and he also talks like he doesn’t care who you are. which means he calls your grandpa a bitch when you groan about your homelife sometimes. that makes you laugh too. and because hes not scared of you he kind of pushes you in ways nobody else does. which is so annoying! you dont need him to push you, you can totally be better than him on your own— you’ll show him. he has nice hands. what
you walk together after practice. your grandpa doesnt want you doing magic after graduation. you dont even know if you want to continue it yourself, but you hate not having the chance to choose. bitch boy is there for a lot of this and he always listens and gives you the same rough mannered support he gives his friends, which as much as you love your own friends, you don’t get much of from them. you like hanging out together, now. he might be your best friend. he is. you fall asleep studying on the couch together and practice one-on-one together, developing new moves that’ll leave the competition in the dust. you make Captain of your magic sports team. he uses the title to tease you but he means it every. single. time. it makes you feel sick. it makes you feel sweaty and too vulnerable and you want to run.
you make a bad call during a match and bitch boy gets hurt. every time you look at him he has an obnoxious manic grin or an annoyingly bold bravado, he shouldnt be lying there all quiet. it’s your fault. hes your best friend and it’s your fault. you don’t leave the infirmary for two days, you barely sleep, when his friends come to check on him you’re so jumpy that you nearly hex them. sure he’s fine and it’s another little battle scar for him to brag over but now your gut churns with guilt every time you look at him. you never want to see him that quiet again.
you run out of class once when a monster your professor brings in turns into your grandpa and starts ripping into you in front of the entire class. bitch boy is the only one who comes to check on you. he looks at you too softly for your angry outbursts and messy face and his usual brash approach. you know that means he’s trying something new just for you and everything feels too hot. you want to run again. he touches your hand and you cant fucking move. your other best friend also come to see if youre ok, but he walks in on the two of you kissing which was not exactly in the plan anywhere near the plan whatsoever the plan this was not the plan.
you want it to be the plan.
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