#Hindi to English translation app
buindia · 1 year
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techqanswerdotin · 2 years
English to Hindi Translator Apps: Translate from English to Hindi, these are the best apps
English to Hindi Translator Apps: Translate from English to Hindi, these are the best apps
English to Hindi Translator Apps: There is a lot of information on the Internet. Most of this information is available in the English language. If you want to read this information in Hindi, then for this you will have to translate it. Now you do not need to go to any translator. Technology is solving the problems of people in every field. Now you can translate the content into your language with…
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don-dake · 2 months
hey 🇭🇰Cantonese🇲🇴 learners!
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I got recommended this keyboard App called TypeDuck🦆by anwar @ Insta that you may like to check out! (If you haven't heard of, or aren't already using, that is!)
Even though I have yet to try it (long story involving my phone being wonky so I can't install this for myself, for now), cantonese4parents @ Insta already has, and it's available on Playstore, so I'd expect it has been vetted safe enough!
Apparently if you use this keyboard to type out in 粵拼 Jyutping (Cantonese Romanisation, equivalent to Mandarin's Pinyin system), it will show you not only the Jyutping spelling but also the English meaning alongside the 漢字 Chinese characters! ↓
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Besides English, it apparently supports some less common language translations like “Hindi, Nepali and Urdu” (quoting from their website) too.
Very useful I think, for anyone who's not good at recognising/mapping the 漢字 to the 粵拼 yet! 😺
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Trivia: If you're wondering why this App is called “TypeDuck” 🦆, it's because it's a play on 打得 in Cantonese (Jyutping: daa² dak¹), which means “able to type”! Great pun! Yes? 😸
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srbachchan · 1 year
DAY 5516
Jalsa, Mumbai                 Mar 24/25,  2023               Fri/Sat  9:03 AM
No birthday to wish for the 25th .. but with great sadness, we received the news of the passing away of Ef Sameer Chouhan's Mother .. our sincere condolences to you, Sameer 🙏🏻 .. we are shocked and saddened by the news .. our prayers for your Mother's Soul .. and our thoughts with you in this difficult time .. be strong! .. your whole Extended Family is with you .. 
Amidst the sad news also comes the passing of another creative director Pradeep Sarkar .. with whom I had just worked the other day on an Ad., .. 
He was ailing and was in some strain but despite that he came to the shoot and conducted it as efficiently as possible .. a gentle soul, but very clear in his thought and ideas for the story and manner in which he desired his work to be done .. often asking artists for repeat shots because he felt it was in need of improvement .. my prayers for the family .. 🙏
I shall return in a bit .. need to attend to some work domestically .. till then my apologies and a sorry as is my wont ..
But on the subject heard or read a good piece for the word ‘sorry ‘ .. the piece was in English, but I translated that into Hindi ..
मुझसे जब लोग कहते हैं कि आपने किसी से क्षमा क्यूँ मांगी , sorry क्यूँ कहा  ! तो मैं कहता हूँ कि ... ' इस लिए ,क्यूँ की जिसे मैंने sorry कहा , या जिससे क्षमा माँगी, वो मेरे अहं से ज़्यादा मायने रखते हैं ' !!
“ When I am asked why do I say sorry to someone .. I tell them that I say sorry because he that I have said sorry to is larger than my ego “ ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
and I extend my gratitude to all the Ef for their wishes for Abhishek .. may you be all blessed with your love for him .. and may he prosper with your prayers .. he starts his new film today .. my prayers and wishes ..
I am most excited to read the comments of all the Ef every day .. and if there is no attention from me or a ‘return gift’ it does not mean you are ignored .. you are always loved and cared for ..
I have to say that the ChatGPT Ef has done a marvel and I am grateful for that .. to have composed and then conveyed in such style was in itself commendable .. but to get ChatGpt at it again was a discovery , as is with ChatGPT in any case .. but this was quite remarkable .. 
It is the future , or rather the present .. already the improvements to the App., have taken over the World .. Chat GPT has been banned in US Schools apparently, because the kids were using it to do their homework !! 🤣 .. and every other day , some advanced technology of the system gets developed and put out, making the present or the previous one, almost redundant .. which is the norm for almost all technology .. and I do believe , and this is just a guess, the manufacturers are manufacturing stuff that lasts for limited time , so that the next invention can be produced and obviously bought  .. smart ..  !!
BUT ..
The creator, the greatest manufacturer, never thought so .. what he created he created to perfection and left it .. allowing it live its ‘life’ .. no updates here or upgradations .. that becomes the responsibility of the ‘goods’ manufactured .. 
SO .. on the most interesting topic of Chat GPT’s .. I shall try to ask it, to write my DAY for the next DAY and see the results .. !!! 😳
May your days be filled with acclaim and prosperity  and peace ..
ĀB ..
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gretheresa · 3 months
Hey could share some tips abt learning new Lang you seem to have good grasp by now and I m willing to start Korean so maybe some advice would really help I g.
Have a grt day :))
I would love to! My advice won't be too structured so please bear with me 😭💕
New Script
First things first your target language has a different script. Since you've written your ask in English I understand that you're familiar with the Roman script. Please understand this, when you're learning a language and it has a script you're not familiar with, drop everything and familiarise yourself with the script first. A lot of students tend to develop a tendency of relying upon the script they already know to be able to read the text of their target language(hereinafter mentioned as TL). I'm in my third year of studying Japanese. Japanese has 3 scripts. Students who didn't familiarise themselves with the Japanese scripts still rely on writing the pronunciations of words in English. The learning of the Korean script is not just limited to memorising the letters, but as far as I can remember, the positions of the letters also matter. Essentially, you need to know the script like the back of your hand. Since the Korean language has gained a lot of traction in the past few years, there are now a number of apps for you to practice writing the script and provides flashcards for you to retain the script.
Gather Study Material/Make a Study Plan
If you're planning on self studying, do extensive research, on YouTube, Tumblr, find other people who are learning the same TL as you are, ask them what resources they use. As far as a beginner is concerned, most platforms provide basic learning material for free. If you need to get a basic framework or a goal to work towards, look for the proficiency test of your language and if it is conducted in your country. For Korean it would be the TOPIK test if I'm not wrong. The lowest level is 1, highest 5. Jot down the syllabus or print it. And start researching on gathering the material to cover that syllabus. This way you won't feel like you're arbitrarily studying whatever you can get your hands on. It'll give you a goal to work towards. For TOPIK level 1, I believe you'll easily find free resources online.
Understanding Sentence Structure
Grammar structure that is whether your TL is a Subject+Object+Verb(eg. Japanese, Hindi, Korean) or a Subject+Verb+Object(eg. English, Chinese). If you already happen to know a language that has the same sentence structure as your TL, take that language as your base language to learn the TL.
Input vs Output
When you're learning a new language, there's two things happening. One is Input, the other is your Output. Input would include reading and listening and output would be writing and speaking. Please understand that it might be a while before you can fluently create output. When you're starting out, a great amount of input is needed to "create" output in your TL. And by create I mean being able to create sentences in your TL as opposed to creating a sentence in your native language and then translating it to your TL. Being able to intuitively, effortlessly create sentences, or think in a new language takes a LOT of input. Think of how long it takes babies to speak because they don't have a base language from which they can translate. They gather input for such a long time before they can string two words together. So don't feel disheartened when you sit down to write something in your TL but words just won't come to you. It's fine. Put your focus into gathering a lot of input.
Kind of Input to Look For
An important thing to consider when you're in your quest for gathering input, is to gather such input as would be useful to your level of understanding of the TL. Imagine if a lawyer started talking to a baby to increase the vocab capacity of the baby. it won't work. Find materials suited to your level. If you're a beginner read children's books, watch children's cartoons. The good thing about being an adult is that we can learn faster than a baby, so naturally we might progress on to intermediate level more easily than a kid but that doesn't mean we can skip the part where we have to read kid's books.
Overcoming the Intermediate Level Boredom/Lack of Motivation
The true problem arises when we're at a lower intermediate level. So now we know more than just the basics, but not enough to be able to understand our favourite shows or read the novels or comics we'd like to read. The solution is to remind yourself again, that lower intermediate level requires reading and listening to content of that very level. This is the one place I've seen so many students give up because language does get progressively harder from here. And most people who are relying purely on studying grammar and cramming vocab from a boring list tend to feel super burnt out. The solution is to read and especially read fiction. Fiction will naturally create interest in finding out what a particular word means. I've never managed to learn vocab from a list. It's tedious, boring and I always run the risk of ending up hating my TL. So read, and always read the stories suited to your level of understanding.
Same goes for listening. Immerse yourself in podcasts, youtube channels of your TL. Again at the level that suits you. Being able to understand something in your TL gives a confidence boost and motivates you to study more to be able to understand even more complex grammar, which is why I'm focusing so much on gathering input that is suited to your level of understanding of the TL.
This got a bit too long than I had planned😅 I hope this helps. I might add something later on. I'd love it if other langblrs would like to add to this.
Learning a new language is soooo exciting but you must MUST know that it requires a tremendous amount of patience. When you're starting out and feel frustrated that you're still not able to understand movies or books in your target language, remind yourself that you're the equivalent of a 6-7 year old student when you're studying the language and be kind to yourself as you would be to a kid. I hope I was able to help you out, sending all the love for your language learning journey💕
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yinyuedijun · 2 months
Hello mao! Just read your new fic (translation). Firstly, i think you write in a rather intelligent way, which is rare on this app, and i really like it. It adds depth and makes me feel more invested in the story.
Secondly, talking about native languages; in my case, despite growing up here my whole life, i still can't speak my native language (konkani) out of fear I'll get the grammar wrong. The same goes for the other language i grew up learning (hindi). I can only understand both the languages for most part, after learning it in school and listening to other people speak, and some basic communication. My parents, although being natives from here, grew up in different parts of the country and later settled here. Hence i ended up learning English as a default. When I went to live in a different state for college, my friends there would ask me to speak a few words to them in konkani but i was too embarrassed to say anything, in a way that I'd find it strange hearing those sounds from my mouth (and pronouncing something wrong).
Idk if this is similar to experiencing cultural loss. I feel stupid that i grew up here and yet feel rather detached to my culture for most part. Even more so after being more exposed to online fandoms, because whenever my country comes up, my culture is something many would've not even heard of. It's kind of like a minority of sorts.
Okay sorry this is such a rant i hope this isn't a problem (just felt i could share this here)😭
Thanks for reading all this if you did.
hi nash!!! thank you so much for reading translation, I'm glad you found it well-written and engaging 🫶 I actually feel there's a ton of skilled writers with intelligent writing styles on this app actually 😅 but it's an honour that you feel I am among them!
I do totally feel that what you are describing is for sure a kind of language loss! I had a couple of other people share similar anecdotes; they didn't leave their country per se but they moved within the country or they were educated in english and now they have a very hard time with their mother tongue. the dialect that I speak is actually in decline in its literal originating city due to government policy. language loss can in happen so many different types of contexts but I think so many people who have experienced it can relate to, like, the anxiety over getting it wrong, or the embarrassment of not being at the level of a native speaker level even though you are technically native speaker. and I feel one's relationship w language can get so strange if no one else has heard of your language in these online spaces, because then it's almost like a part of you isn't seen!!
anyhow what I'm trying to get at is, I'm very grateful that you read my fic and I'm so happy that you felt it resonated ! thank you so much for sharing your experiences w me 💞💞
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englishontips · 4 months
How To Speak English Fluently And Confidently? 
Communicating in English easily and without hesitation can appear to be a unimaginable accomplishment for some. However, with the right techniques and commitment, English familiarity is a feasible objective for any language student.
In this thorough aide, we will investigate demonstrated procedures to dominate English familiarity alongside defeating normal road obstructions. Read on to unlock your full potential for flawless English communication.
Why English Fluency Matters
Before diving into fluency strategies, let’s first understand why English fluency is such a valuable skill. Here are some of the top benefits of speaking English fluently:
Boost Career Prospects
English is the worldwide language of business. Familiarity can open up open positions and speed up your vocation development. Businesses profoundly prize competitors who can convey plainly and really in English.
Succeed in Academics
For students and academicians, English fluency leads to better educational outcomes. It allows comprehending study materials, acing exams, conducting research and communicating ideas clearly.
Travel Without Barriers
English is spoken universally. Fluency in the language helps travelers navigate seamlessly while discovering new cultures and places. You can interact easily with locals and make friends worldwide.
Gain Confidence
Having the option to offer your viewpoints and thoughts fluidly in English is significantly enabling. It helps confidence and gives you the certainty to seek after your interests.
Obviously, familiarity can be groundbreaking for your schooling, vocation, side interests and self-improvement. Presently we should investigate demonstrated methods to accomplish English authority.
Strategies for Improving English Fluency
Here are effective strategies and tips recommended by language experts to gain long-term English fluency:
Surround Yourself with English
To soak up the language, immerse yourself in English-speaking environments. Watch English news channels, movies and TV shows without subtitles. Listen to educational podcasts and English music to get accustomed to pronunciation patterns. Spend time on sites like Englishontips.com which provide lessons and resources for learning English. The more exposure you have, the faster you will absorb the language.
Have Conversations
Practice speaking every day with a language partner or tutor. Active conversations allow reinforcing proper grammar and vocabulary while improving spoken confidence. Get corrected on mistakes and focus on tricky sounds. Apps like Tandem let you find language exchange partners worldwide.
Read Aloud
Reading out loud daily strengthens pronunciation and the ability to structure sentences. Start with children’s books and work your way up to more complex texts like newspapers and novels. Record your reading to listen back and identify problem areas. Apps like Speechling provide reading aloud exercises.
Think in English
Challenge yourself to think in English rather than translating in your head. Inner dialogue and self-talk in English will make external speech more natural. Write a daily journal in English to enhance thinking skills. For example, you could write imperative sentences in hindi and then translate them to English to practice both languages. The more you engage in thought processes directly in English, the faster your mastery will improve.
Continually Learn Vocabulary
Having an extensive vocabulary is vital for fluent communication. Learn 20 new words daily using digital flashcards and dictionary apps. Weave these new words into your speech and writing. Reading extensively will also expand your vocabulary over time.
Practice Public Speaking
One of the best ways to gain verbal fluency is by practicing public speaking at every opportunity. Join Toastmasters or a public speaking course to build skills. Upload presentation videos online to review and improve.
Receive Feedback
Ask for feedback from tutors, teachers, native speakers and language partners to improve. Record conversations and analyze your speech patterns. Critical feedback will highlight problem areas for you to work on. View mistakes positively as learning experiences.
Set Daily Goals
Define specific measurable goals and dedicate time daily to achieve them. For example, “I will learn 20 new words and have a 30-minute English conversation with my language partner today.” Maintaining consistency is key.
By combining the above tips into your daily routine, your English fluency will improve dramatically within months. Along with strategies, having the right mindset and motivation are equally critical.
Adopting the Right Mindset for Fluency
More than techniques, achieving fluency requires the right attitude and mindset. Here are some top tips for the optimal English learning mentality:
Acknowledge Flaws Gracefully
Accept that even native speakers make mistakes occasionally. View errors as feedback for improvement rather than reasons for embarrassment. Focus more on getting your message across than speaking perfectly.
Let Go of Inhibitions
Many learners are inhibited by the fear of mistakes or sounding non-native. But the only way to become fluent is by speaking up confidently. Make mistakes fearlessly and course-correct. Eventually, your speech will become flawless.
Be Patient
Remember that gaining fluency requires rigorous long-term practice rather than overnight success. Set incremental goals and celebrate small wins. With regular practice, you will get to an advanced level step-by-step.
Immerse Fully
To absorb a language, you need complete immersion. Don’t let excuses like lack of time prevent your progress. Become obsessed with English – watch, listen, speak, read, write as much as possible! Full immersion accelerates fluency.
Have a Growth Mindset
Believe that language skills can be developed through dedication and practice. Many adult learners feel being fluent is impossible after a certain age. But human brains retain language learning capacity well into adulthood. Stay motivated.
Adopting the right learning attitude and mindset sets you up for success in your quest for English mastery. Along with strategies, having grit and motivation will ensure long-term language fluency.
Overcoming Roadblocks in English Fluency
Despite consistent practice, some common challenges can obstruct your path to fluency:
Anxiety About Mistakes
Many learners hesitate to speak up fearing they will make errors. But mistakes are inevitable and essential for improvement. Let go of perfectionism, speak courageously and course correct. Each error gets you closer to fluency.
Lack of Motivation
It’s common to lose motivation, especially after hitting a plateau in progress. Rekindle motivation by setting new goals, joining a language course or finding accountability partners. Stay inspired by reading fluency success stories.
Limited Vocabulary
Growing vocabulary requires devoted exertion. Understand books, and papers, pay attention to digital recordings and use cheat sheets to learn new words day to day. Applying vocabulary through speaking and writing cements learning.
Fears Around Pronunciation
Don’t let concerns about not sounding “native-like” prevent you from speaking up. Focus on clarity rather than perfection. Record speeches and converse with native speakers to enhance pronunciation.
Negative Self-Talk
Self-doubt and negative self-talk can impede language progress. Notice negative thoughts and reframe them. Instead of “I can't do this”, say “I am becoming more fluent daily with practice.” Be your own cheerleader!
Addressing these common hurdles proactively will help you attain English fluency faster. Seek help from teachers if needed, but keep pushing yourself out of the comfort zone.
Maintaining and Improving Your English After Reaching Fluency
Congratulations, you have now achieved your goal of English fluency! But language learning is an ongoing endeavor. Here are tips to maintain and continue enhancing your English skills:
Have daily conversations with native speakers
Read books, newspapers and magazines in English
Write regularly - maintain a journal, blog or write articles
Limit passive activities like watching movies; stay actively engaged with the language
Join a language course or immerse yourself in an English-speaking country periodically to improve proficiency
Learn new vocabulary words and phrases consistently
Continually seek feedback on your spoken and written English
Surround yourself with people who challenge your language skills and push you to improve
Staying actively engaged with English even after gaining fluency will help you move from proficiency to mastery. This ensures you retain your hard-earned fluency and continue progressing.
Conclusion: Dedication Is Key for English Fluency Success
Gaining mastery over spoken and written English requires dedication and immersion. But fluency is an achievable goal for any motivated learner. Setbacks and plateaus will occur, but consistent practice will ensure long-term success.
Follow the strategies outlined here - converse daily, expand vocabulary, get feedback, read aloud, think in English and more. Complement these with developing a positive attitude. Be patient with yourself on the journey and celebrate small milestones.
With customary practice and devotion, you will change from reluctant speaker to familiar communicator. Open interminable individual and expert open doors through the endowment of English familiarity. Your example of overcoming adversity is ready to be composed.
What Is The Fastest Way To Gain English Fluency?
Full immersion by surrounding yourself with English media, conversations, books etc. is the fastest way. Living in an English-speaking country accelerates fluency. Daily practice is vital - read, write, speak and listen actively.
How Can I Learn English Fluently At Home?
Watch English news, movies, podcasts without subtitles
Read aloud and write daily - maintain a journal
Have conversations with language partners via apps or online tutoring
Think in English; use flashcards and listen to educational content
Practice public speaking - record videos of yourself presenting on topics
What Are 5 Tips For Improving English Fluency?
Converse in English daily
Continuously expand your vocabulary
Improve pronunciation and accent through recordings
Read out loud daily
Immerse fully in English - media, books, environment
How Do I Keep Improving My English After Becoming Fluent?
Have daily conversations with native English speakers
Read books, newspapers, magazines in English
Maintain a journal or blog in English
Limit passive activities, stay actively engaged with the language
Learn new vocabulary consistently
Take periodic immersion trips to English-speaking countries
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inverted-flowers · 8 months
Funny thing about me is I'm bad at typing lol. It takes me ages and I make so many typos. So um... I was texting one of my friends yes? And I really messed up my typing cuz I was laughing and this is what I said:
Yes that's supposed to be English.
It sure does look like it could be a different language though so I ran the "words" through google translate.
Kmai translates to "Earnings" from Hindi
Het translates to "It" from Dutch
Guc translates to "All of us" from Basque
Mied translates to "Avoid" from Afrikaans
"Gucmied" did not exist in any language according to google so I broke it up.
So now my friend changed his name on messaging app to "Gucmied" and from now on instead of telling people to "lmao get fucked" I will be saying ominously "All of us avoid earning it".
Thank you. Have a nice day. I think I'm gonna just go lay down now...
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Welcome back! I always look forward to reading your stories!<333
Anyways can you please do a modern Agni that just moved to a English country and can't speak the language well. And he meets someone who is the same but they still somehow managed to communicate,be friends and maybe even fall in love 💕💕💕
Sorry for the long ask!
aaaaa thank you so much, I’m glad you enjoy them!! <3
I did some headcanons for their first meeting, MY HEART!
and don’t be sorry, it’s all good! =)
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He moved to London with Soma despite having little idea of how to speak English, and although this prince has tried to help, Soma’s been speaking English for longer. He’s had more practice; sometimes he’s a bit bad at being a teacher simply because he forgets how it is for it to not be so effortless now that it is for him. This unfortunately means that Agni makes frequent mistakes and occasionally can’t remember the English word for things at all.
The first meeting with (Name) happens at a cafe or a corner coffee shop. For whatever reason, this small place is the one blessed cafe that doesn’t offer an Indian-style tea, so they don’t have ‘chai’ on the menu. As it so happens, tea is what Agni is there for, and he’s struggling to read the menu board. His anxiety leads to him forgetting the English word for tea, so he keeps repeating, “Chai?”, the Hindi word for tea, in hopes that it might get him somewhere.
The gods have no mercy on him; the barista is either too new or not worldly enough to have heard of chai in any capacity, even a common thing like a chai latte. So they’re getting frustrated with him, mainly because they just can’t understand what he wants. They’re probably not trying to be mean or xenophobic or anything, they just literally just don’t know what he’s saying. In turn that makes Agni frustrated that he can’t get his point across, and he considers leaving altogether… and maybe going to go find a hole to climb into or something.
Then (Name) comes up and takes Agni to the side, letting other people order while they help him. They’re not a worker, just a kind soul who wants to lend a hand. The two of them don’t share a language, but that’s not going to stop this person! Phones exist for a reason, and there’s such a thing as pictures! So thank God for free wi-fi, letting them pull up pictures on their phone. They might even go through the cafe’s social media page for images, showing Agni the various pictures of different things that are on the menu. Finally they get to a cup of tea, and he eagerly points at it, saying, “Yes! Yes, that!” So back to the end of the queue they go, and the barista looks noticeably relieved when Agni quietly orders a cup of tea.
After he gets his drink, (Name) waves him over to their table, urging him to sit down and be company with them for a little bit. While their English isn’t perfect either, they manage to communicate okay… possibly using a translation app or site on their phone to translate what they want to say from their language to Hindi. It probably gets quite butchered on the way… thankfully, it still gets their points across okay. All in all, it’s a pleasant hour or so the two of them spend together.
… Does Agni go back to that cafe hoping to see them? Oh, yes. Do they do the same thing? Definitely. How long does it take either of them to ask the other on a date? Ummmmm…
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govindhtech · 17 days
Chrome Android devices using Google Speech-to-Text Features
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Your web pages can now be read aloud in Bengali and Hindi on Android devices using Google Chrome. This is how it operates.
Google is now offering numerous customization choices along with the ability to read aloud the full web page to users with its new “Listen to this page” function for Android. The update for all stable users should be available shortly. 9to5 Google discovered the new feature on Google Chrome for Android version 125.
Google Speech-to-Text The three-dots menu on the Chrome Android app has the Listen to this page option directly beneath the Translate option. When the new option is tapped, playing should begin in a format akin to a podcast, with options to choose the desired voice and play, pause, rewind, fast-forward, or skip 10 seconds.
There are currently 4 voices available: Field (low-pitched, bright), River (mid-pitch, brilliant), and Moss (low-pitched, serene). Ruby is a warm, mid-pitched voice. The new feature is accessible in Hindi, Bengali, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish in addition to English.
Chrome app for Android But not all websites have ‘Listen to this page’ enabled, according to a Google support page, and the option won’t show up in the overflow menu if a page can’t be played back. Although it’s already possible for Android users to ask Google Assistant to read aloud online pages, doing so required exiting the Google Chrome programme and offered few customizing options.
Google Chrome for Android smartphones now allows reading online pages aloud in Bengali and Hindi, which is a huge step towards accessibility and inclusivity. This function improves the surfing experience and accessibility of web material for millions of native speakers. Here’s a detailed look at the advantages and operation of this functionality.
New Text-to-Speech Function Understanding Google Chrome’s TTS helps Bengali and Hindi speakers read websites in their original languages. This is perfect for aural learners and vision-impaired folks. Google makes sure that the spoken output sounds genuine and is clear by utilising sophisticated machine learning and natural language processing technologies.
Google Text-to-Speech How to Make Google Chrome Text-to-Speech Work On Android devices, turning on Google Chrome’s text-to-speech capability is simple:
On your Android device, launch Google Chrome. Go to the webpage you wish to have read aloud on the internet. Press the three dots located at the top right corner to access the menu. After choosing “Settings,” select “Accessibility.” Activate “Screen Reader” or “Read Aloud” feature. After the reading feature is activated, you may use it by hitting the play button when it shows up on the screen. After thereafter, you can choose the language in which the material is read aloud. Options for Customization The text-to-speech user interface can be tailored in a number of ways:
Select Your Voice: From a variety of voices, select the most agreeable or comprehensible for you. Reading Pace: You can customize the listening experience by adjusting the pace at which the content is read aloud. Highlighting: To make it simpler to follow along, the text is highlighted on the screen as it is read out. Multilingual Accessibility’s Significance Creating a Digital Divide Bridge
Google Chrome is meeting the requirements of approximately 650 million speakers of Bengali and Hindi by incorporating support for these languages. In order to ensure that non-English speakers have equitable access to online information and to close the digital gap, this action is essential.
Increasing User Involvement This feature has the potential to greatly increase user engagement for content providers and website owners. Listening users spend more time on websites than reading ones, which lowers bounce rates and boosts other site analytics.
Advancing Learning and Education Converting text to speech is useful in teaching. Hearing teaching in their native language can improve comprehension and recall. This aids distance learning and multilingual classes.
Technical Details of Google’s Text-to-Speech Advanced Machine Learning Advanced machine learning algorithms underpin Google’s text-to-speech capability. Large datasets are used to train these algorithms, ensuring precise intonation and pronunciation. The system produces natural-sounding output that closely resembles human speech, and it can handle complicated phrase structures.
Combination with Additional Google Services Other Google services, including Google Translate and Google Assistant, are easily linked with this capability. The user experience may be consistent across many platforms and devices thanks to this connection. Using the same excellent text-to-speech capabilities, users may request that Google Assistant read a webpage aloud.
Prospects and Advancements for the Future Increasing Support for Languages
Bengali and Hindi are a big step, but Google will probably add additional languages to this feature in the future. With this development, the web will become even more inclusive and reachable to a wider range of users.
Increasing Voice Clarity Artificial intelligence and machine learning will improve Google Speech-to-Text voices. Future advances may include more lifelike voices and the ability to express emphasis and emotions to increase listening.
Improved Communication Future iterations may possibly have more interactive elements, such the capacity to navigate to particular webpage sections or pose queries regarding the text being read aloud. The functionality will become even more adaptable and user-friendly with these improvements.
Regarding Users Are you weary of typing? With Google Speech-to-Text, you can create emails, documents, and messages by speaking instead of using a keyboard. It is akin to possessing an extremely powerful audio recorder that can comprehend your speech and convert it into text.
Increase your output! Say goodbye to stumbling over missing keys. Talk out loud and see your ideas come to life on the screen. Google speech-to-text is ideal for people who have trouble with traditional typing, taking notes while on the road, and writing messages while juggling multiple tasks at once.
universal accessibility. People with disabilities or others who find typing difficult are empowered by Google Speech-to-Text. You can communicate with your gadgets and express yourself vocally thanks to this technology.
Regarding Developers Transform your software applications. Integrate the Google Cloud Speech-to-Text API into your apps to provide them robust and precise speech recognition. This powerful API is adaptable for a wide range of use cases because it supports several languages, accents, and audio formats.
Improve the experience for users. Develop apps that understand spoken commands. Google Speech-to-text makes your apps more interesting and user-friendly by letting users communicate naturally.
Transcribing extends beyond simplicity. Google Speech-to-Text lets you build more powerful speech-enabled apps with speaker dualization and sentiment analysis.
In conclusion An important step towards improving web accessibility and inclusivity has been taken with the release of Google Chrome’s text-to-speech features for Hindi and Bengali on Android devices. In addition to helping millions of native speakers, this functionality gives educators, learners, and content producers new opportunities. They can anticipate many more technological advancements that will improve people’s digital experiences globally as time goes on.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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celebration88 · 23 days
So I think it's finally time I learn a delect of Southern Korea language on the very app I tried to learn Hindi traditional language, abcs in language arts I am basically a master in English language so that going to need a friend or two with Busan familiarity to help me with. Thanks horoscope for telling me I should do this. Ready for the challenge of a character language that I don't understand a single character other than for basics. Or and translated for me to understand with the American abcs but I know that doesn't do the advancement of intelligence of that language any damn justice. Gratefully your's, Xiu/Beautiful/Kitten/Dani at 5% phone charge this morning.
Another thing I have been curious about is the culture difference between us and the customs of their vs here and I am quite questioning it and I know it is a honoring process of respect from your elders, so I do very much mutually respect that. I already see them as wise confidants in my life and I hope Hannah my friend sibling sees me in a good light. Because without your help I didn't think I could believe in our leader as much. You're an equal to me as a person and I am so amazed of you. And I said that I am genuinely, authentically, and nervously typed without anxiety meds on board because I feel like I can express myself better even without it but I do need it more common than not.
No comparison or competition in us because I feel like I value the good values and morals in Hannah more often than anything about anyone else. Just fun enjoyable adventures in your comfort and company. Relaxing over coffee. Favorite drink is Matcha lattes cold or hot, blended and with a lot of Carmel and whip. Starbucks or any hole in the wall restaurant. Even though honestly home.
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moncheriesu · 1 month
Before you go, leave a lingering feeling that’ll last for me.
Love, show me love. If I can, if I only can.
I will shine a bright light on you
dear jj,
it's been a while since I have written an entry and I honestly do miss writing about you. you've been very vocal about missing me these days and I wish I was able to do the same :( but in here, I can bravely say it.
I missed you, too. To be honest, I miss you every moment like how the earth keeps rotating on its axis. Is it corny if I say that I also miss you even when I sleep?
Sorry ang torpe ko and hindi ko mapahalata sayo 😔
Also, do you remember this song na pinarinig ko on my ig notes? Actually, it has nothing to do with you but with my feelings rather. That morning, I woke up missing you and naghahanap ako ng song na pwede ko maiparinig sayo. I suddenly had thoughts about this song so I searched for its English translation and to be specific.
However, I came across a medium (app) blog about it, read it, and then watched the music video. It literally left me on shambles kasi I can relate to it. I've been keeping my feelings for you so long kasi I kept on hesitating.
Do you know just how much of an impact you've done to me the moment I was unaware na you're becoming a part of my life na?
Dati when you're still active na mag sp, makita lang kita sa feed ko ayun masaya na ako. Makareceive lang ako ng notifications from you, abot tenga na ngiti ko. Seeing you making patol sa parinigs ko sa ig, grabe... gagged kumbaga. Recently, we had interactions as well? a LOT pa nga omg. imagine yung kilig ko diba? over the top oa kilig ganern.
Sometimes, I can't help but think to myself of how I was lucky to (at least) meet someone who is sobrang pogi ng vibes pero super goofy at the same time (my typeee hagsgdgs). I'm just glad na there's someone who I can look forward seeing after a long day, kahit pa sa internet lang. I remember nung may duty pa, pauwi palang ako, nagpapahinga na agad ako kasi ayun nga nakikita ko na online ka ><
I want to tell all of those things to you.
Pero what I realized after listening to this song is that: keeping these feelings can also break my heart.
Someday, I'll be able to express how much you meant to me and how much I am missing you every moment of the day. I hope that I'll be able to say those things without the fear in my heart holding me back.
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devnagri · 2 months
Unlocking Language Barriers: The Importance of English to Hindi Translation
In today's interconnected world, language serves as a bridge that connects people, cultures, and ideas. However, despite the universal appeal of communication, linguistic diversity can often create barriers, hindering effective understanding and collaboration. This is particularly evident in a country as culturally rich and diverse as India, where languages play a crucial role in daily life. Among these languages, Hindi stands out as one of the most widely spoken, serving as a lingua franca for millions of people across the Indian subcontinent. Consequently, the need for accurate and efficient English to Hindi translation has become increasingly important in various domains, ranging from business and education to literature and technology.
English, as a global language of communication, holds immense significance in the modern world. It serves as a common medium for international trade, diplomacy, and cultural exchange. With the rise of the internet and globalization, the demand for English content has surged, leading to an abundance of information and resources available in the language. However, for Hindi-speaking individuals, accessing this wealth of knowledge can be challenging without proficient English skills. This is where English to Hindi translation plays a crucial role, breaking down language barriers and enabling seamless access to information for Hindi speakers.
One of the key areas where English to Hindi translation is indispensable is in the realm of business and commerce. India's burgeoning economy and its integration into the global market have led to increased interactions with international partners and customers. From multinational corporations to small businesses, the need to communicate effectively with Hindi-speaking stakeholders is paramount for success. Accurate translation of business documents, contracts, and marketing materials ensures clarity and transparency in negotiations and transactions, facilitating smooth business operations.
Education is another domain where English to Hindi translation plays a vital role in promoting inclusivity and accessibility. While English-medium education is prevalent in urban centers, many students in rural areas may have limited proficiency in the language. Providing educational materials, textbooks, and online resources in Hindi through translation initiatives can level the playing field, allowing students from diverse linguistic backgrounds to access quality education. Additionally, translating academic research and scholarly articles into Hindi contributes to the dissemination of knowledge and fosters intellectual growth within the Hindi-speaking community.
Literature and media are powerful mediums for cultural expression and storytelling. Through translation, literary works, films, and television shows can reach a wider audience, transcending linguistic boundaries. English to Hindi translation enables the localization of content, making it more relatable and accessible to Hindi-speaking audiences. This not only preserves cultural heritage but also promotes cross-cultural understanding and appreciation.
In the digital age, technology plays an increasingly prominent role in our daily lives. From software applications to websites and mobile apps, technology-driven solutions rely heavily on language for user interaction. English to Hindi translation of user interfaces, instructions, and help documentation ensures that Hindi-speaking users can fully utilize and benefit from digital tools and services. Moreover, localization of software and digital content enhances user experience and fosters customer satisfaction.
Despite its significance, English to Hindi translation presents its own set of challenges. Translating between languages with distinct grammatical structures, writing systems, and cultural nuances requires not only linguistic proficiency but also cultural sensitivity and contextual understanding. Machine translation tools have made significant advancements in recent years, but they still lack the finesse and accuracy of human translators, especially when it comes to idiomatic expressions and cultural references.
To address these challenges and ensure high-quality translations, collaboration between linguists, subject matter experts, and technology developers is essential. Additionally, ongoing training and professional development for translators can enhance their skills and keep them abreast of the latest linguistic trends and technological advancements.
In conclusion, English to Hindi translation serves as a vital conduit for communication, facilitating access to information, education, and opportunities for Hindi speakers. Whether in business, education, literature, or technology, accurate translation enables cross-cultural exchange and collaboration, fostering a more connected and inclusive society. As we navigate an increasingly globalized world, investing in language translation capabilities is not just a matter of convenience but a strategic imperative for building bridges across diverse communities and unlocking the full potential of linguistic diversity.
Source: Unlocking Language Barriers: The Importance of English to Hindi Translation
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holywordbible123 · 2 months
Holy Word - Bible, an ultimate companion
Welcome to "Holy Word", your ultimate companion for exploring the Bible in a variety of languages, including English, Hindi, French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. This app is your key to accessing the Word of God in a straightforward, engaging way, offline, and with no advertisements to distract you. "Holy Word- Bible" is designed to make your spiritual journey enlightening and accessible. With easy navigation, it features quick searches, the ability to share verses with friends, reading plans to keep you on track, and audio versions for when you want to listen to the scriptures being read. You'll find insightful articles, cross-references to connect different parts of the Bible, harmonies of the Gospels, and random verses for daily inspiration. Plus, our Interlinear tool with a strong concordance in English is perfect for those looking to dive deeper into their studies.
Our library includes a wide range of Bible versions to cater to diverse preferences and languages: - King James Version (KJV): A classic and revered English translation. - Louis Segond (LSG): Popular among French-speaking communities. - Giovanni Diodati Bibbia (Diodati): An esteemed choice for Italian speakers. - Reina-Valera (Valera): Widely read by Spanish-speaking believers. - João Ferreira de Almeida (Almeida): A cornerstone for Portuguese-speaking readers. - Schlachter Bibel (Schlachter): Cherished in German-speaking regions. - Arabic Bible (Smith & Van Dyke Translation): A key version for Arabic readers. - Hindi Bible: Bringing the Word to Hindi-speaking audiences. - Chinese Bible (Chinese Union Version Simplified): Accessible to Chinese readers. - Japanese Bible (New Japanese Bible 1973): For the Japanese-speaking faithful. - Russian Bible (Russian Synodal Translation 1876): A primary source for Russian Christians. - Hebrew Bible (Westminster Leningrad Codex): Essential for those reading in Hebrew. - Greek Bible (Textus Receptus Stephanus 1550): For students and scholars of the Greek texts. "Holy Word" also extends its reach to Android TV and Chromebook users, ensuring that you can engage with God's Word on your preferred device, anytime and anywhere. Download "Holy Word" today to start a fulfilling journey through the scriptures, supported by a wide array of resources and translations designed to bring you closer to God's teachings, no matter where you are in the world or what language you prefer.
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nitesh-123n · 3 months
Language you must Know to travel in India
India, a land of vibrant cultures, breathtaking landscapes, and diverse people, beckons travelers from all corners of the globe. But with 22 official languages and countless dialects, navigating communication can seem daunting. Fear not, intrepid explorer! This blog unravels the language landscape of India, helping you choose the best linguistic companion for your adventure.
1. The Lingua Franca: English - A Reliable Ally
English, a legacy of British colonialism, enjoys widespread use in major cities, tourist destinations, airports, and official settings. You'll encounter English-speaking staff in hotels, restaurants catering to tourists, and transportation hubs. So, for basic communication and navigating tourist areas, English serves as a reliable ally.
2. Hindi - The Heart of North India
Venture beyond the tourist trail and Hindi, the most widely spoken language in India, becomes increasingly valuable. Spoken by over 500 million people, Hindi dominates northern and central India, including Delhi, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh. Learning basic Hindi phrases like greetings, directions, and bargaining terms will significantly enhance your experience.
3. The Regional Gems: Unlocking Local Flavors
India boasts a rich tapestry of regional languages, each with its own charm and history. In South India, languages like Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam reign supreme. While English might suffice in major cities, knowing a few greetings or courtesy phrases in the local tongue can open doors to a more authentic experience. Imagine the delight on a shopkeeper's face when you greet them in their native language!
4. Beyond Words: Gestures and Apps
Even with limited language skills, communication doesn't have to be a hurdle. Indians are known for their warmth and hospitality, often resorting to gestures and smiles to bridge the gap. Additionally, language translation apps can be lifesavers, helping you decipher signs, menus, and basic conversations.
5. Embrace the Journey: Learning a Few Phrases Goes a Long Way
Regardless of your chosen language, a genuine effort to learn a few basic phrases goes a long way. It demonstrates respect for the local culture and can lead to more meaningful interactions with people. Start with greetings, thank yous, and simple questions about directions or food. You'll be surprised at how far a little effort can take you!
The beauty of India lies not just in its sights, but also in its diverse people and languages. While English can be your travel companion, embracing a few local phrases will unlock a richer, more rewarding experience. So, pack your bags, choose your language adventure, and get ready to be captivated by the magic of India!
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translationwala · 5 months
Tourism Translations: Welcoming the World with English to Hindi Translation
India is a great place for tourists from all over the world to visit because it has so many interesting cultures and languages. Language hurdles, on the other hand, can make it hard for foreign tourists and locals to connect in a meaningful way. Luckily, English to Hindi Translation is a strong link that opens up new experiences and makes tourist trips more enjoyable. Let’s look into how translation helps create a warm, understanding, and culturally immersive space.
Breaking the Ice: From Confusion to Connection
Imagine a stranger from another country who wants to interact with people but can’t because they don’t speak the same language. This unseen wall is broken down by English to Hindi translation, which allows basic conversation and helps people make their first relationships. Translation helps tourists get out of their comfort zones and connect with the locals, whether they’re ordering a tasty meal, asking for directions, or just saying hello. This first link makes it easier to learn more about the culture and makes you feel like you fit.
Unveiling the Layers: Beyond Basic Needs
Tourism is more than just seeing the sights; it’s about getting to know a place’s soul. The key to this greater involvement is the translation from English to Hindi. Imagine a stranger who is deeply interested in a historical site and wants to know what it all means. A good translation brings the story to life by adding historical details, culture references, and stories from the area. With this deeper understanding, the statue goes from being something to look at to being a view into India’s rich history.
Building Trust and Respect: Cultural Sensitivity is Key
Correct translation is more than just translating words literally; it also shows cultural awareness. Imagine a tourist who doesn’t know the rules and rituals but wants to get blessed at a temple. As a cultural bridge, a translator explains the meaning of traditions, gives advice, and makes sure that everyone participates with respect. Being sensitive like this builds trust and respect, which makes people feel good about the habits and customs of the area. When tourists feel accepted and honored, it makes their whole experience better.
Bridging the Emotional Gap: From Smiles to Shared Laughter
Communication between people is based on feelings, and translation is a key part of getting those emotions across correctly. Imagine two people, one a shop owner from the area and the other a guest from another country, jokingly talking about their families. A good translator can pick up on the humor, warmth, and emotional undertones of a conversation, turning a simple exchange into a memorable moment of connection. Being able to connect emotionally is what makes bonds real and has an effect on both people for a long time.
Embracing Technology: Tools for Seamless Communication
Technology gives guests power by making translating tools easy to find. Instant versions are available on mobile apps and online sites, which help with basic conversation. But it’s important to remember that human knowledge is still very important. Machine translation often can’t pick up on local accents, cultural background, and complex phrases. Using both technology and human interpreters makes sure that communication is correct and sensitive to different cultures, which improves the tourist experience.
Visitors from all over the world can see India’s colorful fabric thanks to English to Hindi translation. Every part of the world has a story waiting to be found, from busy bazaars to quiet churches, from ancient structures to different kinds of food. Translation makes these events possible, leading to deep ties, cultural knowledge, and memories that last a lifetime.
Source: https://translationwala.wordpress.com/2024/02/01/tourism-translations-welcoming-the-world-with-english-to-hindi-translation/
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