#Free Methodism in the South
redneck-phd · 1 year
Free Methodist Women in the South Part I
During the 1890s and early 1900s numerous women wrote to The Free Methodist to share reports about their local congregations or the evangelistic crusades they were leading. Over the next few posts, I’ll be republishing ministry reports from women who lived and ministered in the southern states.  Their stories are remarkable, and they should be allowed to tell their stories in their own words…
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sissa-arrows · 10 months
Seeing articles and videos about “Israel” arming settlers reminds me of the stories my great grandpa told me about May 8th 1945. How France armed the settlers so they would help the colonial authorities kill Algerians. 45000 Algerians were killed in just a couple days and many more were jailed without proper trial.
The general who organized the massacre said to France “I got you 10 years of peace. But things need to change in Algeria, they failed only because the protests were not simultaneous. The calm is back only in surface, the gap between the two communities deepened. You cannot keep on using violence if you want to keep Algeria and your methods need to change.”
He was right (still a peace of shit cause dude organized the massacre of 45000 Algerians). France didn’t listen to him and 9 years and a half later on November 1st 1954 the Algerian war of liberation started with simultaneous attacks all over the North of Algeria. It started with 1000 men only and 8 years later Algeria was free of French colonial rule.
That’s why I’m convinced that Palestine will be free because Israel is repeating the same mistakes France did. My grandpa keeps telling me that he trust Palestinians to take back their land because that’s the natural order of things and because “Israel” reminds him so much of France. The methods, the lies, the propaganda. And just like Algerian women managed to show to the world what was truly happening and switched the public opinion, Palestinian journalists are showing to the world what’s happening. It cannot be ignored.
Pro Israel aholes reached the point where they have to disguise their protests as protest against antisemitism in order to gather any form of support from the public. Western medias already lost all credibility to the point where they are backtracking a bit. Politicians are backtracking slowly too. Because they are realizing that if they keep up the unconditional support they will fall with Israel (tbh I think they are all falling with Israel either way because whenever the Global South rise the West fall cause the West is unable to thrive without looting and oppressing the Global South.).
Palestine will be free in our lifetime Inch’Allah and we will all share pictures and videos of the liberation. Palestinians are going to rebuild their country and thrive. If Algeria kicked out colonizers after 132 years Palestine can do it because it’s a country of braves. Because nobody can stop a people who fight for liberation when the people are united.
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Palestine is Ruining the Left
I've taken this from Reddit because I've found it an interesting read, I did not write this myself, a user named u/ u/TooLittleNuance did. Feel free to reply and engage in converation.
I'm an Israeli-American leftist who has been active in American and Israeli politics for a number of years now. I have always advocated for human rights, equity, and self-determination for Palestinians who are oppressed(to different extents) under Israel, a nation that commits itself to Jewish domination of institutions. I always voted and campaigned for progressive Democrats and I assisted with the Israeli Meretz party from abroad. This is why I think the current Palestinian-sympathetic movement is ruining the left:
Abandonment of Pragmatism - Just like the 2020 George Floyd protests("Defund the Police"), the Western left has completely embraced a suicidal strategy of idealistic radicalism. Many of those on the left insist the solution to the conflict is a one-state solution consisting of Palestine "from the River to the Sea". Unfortunately, they've appropriated the Palestinian mythology in their ambitions to magically destroy Israel and the ideology of Zionism by BDS somehow or supporting Palestinian "armed struggle". It doesn't take a lot of thought to see how both of those methods are incredibly ineffective and immoral to advocate for and implement. So, instead of a pragmatic approach, like empowering the Israeli left through donations and advocacy, supporting a reasonable solution(two-state or one-state under Israel), or calling for the ultimate humanitarian end to the war of a unilateral Hamas surrender, the Western left insists on a dream scenario that will never happen. This is the most egregious behavior of the left and it's their most common mistake(i.e. Vietnam). This is due to the fact that Palestinians, especially in Gaza, are suffering under disproportionate Israeli force with no Western movement to realistically end it. In fact, these Western leftists, due to these tactics, are assisting in empowering and legitimizing the far-right of Israel. They are the perfect strawman to turn people off to the left in Israel, which, in turn, results in a lengthened Palestinian suffering.
Maximalism - There's a tendency on the left to outcompete each other in radicalism. It's not catchy or sexy to say "The war tactics that Israel uses are disproportionate and don't consider enough of the humanitarian cost", it has to be "genocide" or "ethnic cleansing" in order to provoke an emotional reaction from uneducated Westerners. It's not "the security policy of Hafradah has resulted in reduced human rights of Palestinians compared to Israelis", it has to be "Apartheid"(with the only legal precedent being South Africa). These maximalist statements immeasurably hurt the movement for true progress on Palestinian human rights. It results in a boy-who-cried-wolf situation: If Israel decides to transfer the entire Gazan population to the Sinai, what is that called? A "genocide"? Due to the present labeling of the war, nobody will believe it. What if Israel permanently transfers or kills 100,000 Palestinian civilians? 200,000? 1 million? What will that be called? How can it get worse than "genocide"? This Maximalist rhetoric is not only inaccurate, but it's incredibly damaging to describe the proportionate extent of Palestinian suffering, which is vital to any movement that faithfully advocates for an upliftment of Palestinian life and identity.
Normalization of Bigotry - Explicit or latent Jew-Hatred is being increasingly embraced by radical sections of the Western left. Tropes such as "Zionist"(a euphemism for "Jew" for many) control of governments or blood libel. Wishing "Death to Zionists" or equating them with Nazis is, in most cases, latent Jew-Hatred. Regardless of your thoughts on the definition of Zionism(there is no definition, it is a meaningless term), it's clear that many believe that "Zionists" are just uppity Jews. Of course, this is genuinely believed by a small portion of the left. However, a substantial part of Western leftists has repeatedly failed to condemn this Jew-Hatred and to stop mirroring the language of these latent or explicit Jew-Haters. This is 1000x worse in the case of Israelis. For Western leftists, it's normal to call Israelis "colonizers", "demons", "rapists", and "child-murderers" on their social media without repercussion or introspective irony. As somebody belonging to the Israeli nationality, I have been desensitized to the insane amount of bigotry from those that I formerly respected. However, many Israelis or Jews aren't as depersonalized as I am, and they definitely take the bigotry to heart. What do you think results from that? Usually, a vote for Likud(Netanyahu's Party) or a donation to AIPAC. Thus, propagating a cycle of bigotry and continuing the suffering of Palestinians.
Propaganda - This war has sparked the largest disinformation campaigns in human history. Multiple state entities (Israel, U.S., Russia, Iran, Qatar) and numerous private entities are pumping out loads of propaganda in order to manipulate uneducated Westerners into supporting their interests. Since October 7th, known Russian disinformation propagator, Jackson Hinkle, has skyrocketed in followers due to his ability to mislead Western leftists on the war. I have seen an unfathomable amount of reposts from Al Jazeera and MiddleEastEye, known Qatari state propaganda and major propagates of misinformation. I have always appreciated the value of institutional skepticism that embodied many of the historical and academic leftist leaders. However, right now, those values are completely thrown out in favor of Russia or Iran's geopolitical advocacy of "everything the West does is bad". The previous three points of behavior are certainly emboldened by the paid disinformation and bots that propagate anti-Western sentiment to destabilize Western democracy. Meanwhile, the basic interests of Palestinian civilians are left unregarded while these state operatives kill their only lifeline.
Reactionary Resurgence - One of the main factors that attracted me to the left was its rejection of reactionary ideology(the establishment of traditional institutions from the past). For Israelis and Palestinians, reactionary rhetoric is normalized and encouraged in many cases. However, this reactionary ideology that has plagued those who share my nationality has spread to Western leftists in their advocacy for Palestine. Western leftists constantly appropriate the far-right and reactionary talking points that many radicalized Palestinians spout. An example would be the insistence on the exclusive indigeneity of Palestine from the River to the Sea, which abandons the progressive values of anti-nationalism and intersectionality. Another example would be the appropriation of Palestinian Martyrdom, in which many of them embraced the idea that human life can be inherently reduced to a political or national cause by their manner of death. This is a clear rejection of the values of individualism, secularism, and anti-nationalism.
Historical Negligence - Those who are even a little bit informed on the Israel-Palestinian Conflict understand that the conflict is too complex to be treated as a soccer match of Israelis vs. Palestinians. Many Israeli and Palestinian leaders set roadblocks to an equitable peace, while many others progressed the conflict to a more positive state. Even more than the historical complexity of this conflict, evaluating the moral complexity requires a graduate degree in a relevant field with hundreds of hours of research. I typically advise not to trust anybody's commentary of the conflict with any less credibility than the previous sentence. However, the Western left has instead decided to follow the historical and moral analysis of demagogues. There's constantly factually wrong or misleading historical information on many of these Palestinian-sympathetic accounts. An example is the map of a "disappearing Palestine" that millions have reposted, a blatantly misleading map meant to depict "Zionist colonization", meanwhile, neglecting the historical borders of the conflict. There are many other forms of historical negligence that they commonly employ that are extremely damaging for understanding the conflict.
In conclusion, Western leftists are keeping up with the Western traditions of white saviorism and interfering with this particular trendy foreign conflict. I could have written a few more grievances that I have of the Western left(including the embracement of far-right Islamist groups) but I wanted to keep the post relatively short. In several months, Western leftists will forget about the Gazans suffering under the disproportional force of the IDF. Nobody will self-criticize the ideas or tactics that they engaged in, meanwhile, the Israeli left-wing and reliable non-Hamas Palestinian advocacy organizations are left in the dust by an ineffective white-savior-esqe Western movement. Not only that but due to all of these factors making the left look like lunatics, Biden and the Democrats are being affected in the polling, which may result in Trump being elected, a terrible outcome for Palestinians.
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 2 years
Social Issues that Help with Understanding Buddy Daddies
Here are some political, social, and cultural aspects of Japanese culture that I think is important to keep in mind when watching Buddy Daddies. Please note: this is a super long post, with lots of pictures. 
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1. Human Trafficking - Slave Labor
In Episode One, we learn that Miri’s birth father was involved in labor based human trafficking involving Southeast Asian individuals. This is currently a very big issue in Japan, since Southeast Asian immigrants (among others) are viewed as a cheap labor option and usually experience slave labor like conditions.
From The United States Department of State website:
Men, women, and children from Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Latin America, and Africa travel to Japan for employment or fraudulent marriage and are subjected to sex trafficking. Traffickers use fraudulent marriages between foreign women and Japanese men to facilitate the entry of women into Japan for sex trafficking in bars, clubs, brothels, and massage parlors. Traffickers keep victims in forced labor or commercial sex using debt-based coercion, threats of violence or deportation, blackmail, confiscation of passports and other documents, and other psychologically coercive methods.
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2. Drugs in Japan
When I was living and working as an ALT in Japan, two ALTs (in a different district, but within the same company of my own), got caught with drugs. It was a big deal and ended up in the newspapers. The company I worked for had to do a lot of PR work with the elementary and junior high schools that they had contracts with, to ensure that the contracts would remain. As for me and the other ALTs? We had to sit through like five separate meetings within like two months about drugs and drug laws in Japan. 
The barebones takeaway is that, in Japan, weed is viewed as being on the same level as hardcore drugs. Charges can be steep and strict. Even just knowing that someone has drugs, and you don’t say anything to law enforcement about it, can get you in trouble. There is a grey area with drugs, which is stuff like bath salts and the like. Since the selling of things like that cannot be prohibited, so they are easily accessible to the public. 
Japan still has a very “90′s D.A.R.E.” approach to drugs. It’s catchphrase is 「ダメ。ゼッタイ。」or “No! Never.”
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(Image from a Web Magazine called Nagasaki Press.)
When celebrities are caught with (what’s usually) weed, it can basically be the end of their careers, since recreational drug use of any kind (excluding alcohol, of course), is still negatively looked down upon in Japanese society. This is why it is still heavily left in the hands of the yakuza and drug kingpins, etc. Though there has been a recent increase in protests and ideology surrounding the idea of legalizing weed. Still, not much acceptance for recreational use is likely to come yet. However...
There may soon be some revision to the laws, which will allow for medical use:
Legislation changes scheduled for 2023
In 2021, the MHLW established an expert committee to review the Cannabis Control Act, and it is expected revisions will be proposed in a bill to be submitted in 2023. This will most likely allow for the use of medical cannabis. 2022/12/02
From: Euromonitor
So, something to keep in mind when Kazuki talks about a drug kingpin here is that this drug kingpin is likely not just dealing with super, hardcore drugs, but also softer ones too, like weed.
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3. Child Protection Squad
There is this misconception in Japan that really young kids, like Miri’s age, can just roam free all around Japan and no one will find it odd. In Episode 1, we do see Miri roaming around the city without anyone really taking notice, but she also wasn’t in an area where there would be people that are trained to take notice.
In the above image she is at a park, which is likely close to a school somewhere. The man that approaches her here has a band around his jacket sleeve that says こども見守り隊 (kodomo mimamori-tai), which gets translated to “Child Protection Squad.” Basically, these are like crossing guards, in a way, because they do play a similar role to that, but they also do more than that as well:
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(Image from the Japanese website: Nice Senior).
This people basically ensure that kids stay on the right paths on their way to school. Most of the time, when elementary school children head off to school, they will go in groups (with the 5th or 6th graders being the leaders) and there will often be older people outside their houses on their way in, keeping an eye on the children to make sure they get to school okay. 
And that’s talking about elementary school aged kids. For ones that are around Miri’s age, usually the parents (mostly mothers) will bring them by bike:
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Or they will get picked up by a bus:
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This one looks pretty boring in comparison to some others you might see though, like these:
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(Image from the Hiyoshidai School Website)
Sometimes the daycare workers will also take them on little excursions outside using big strollers for the kids to travel around in:
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(The image is obviously from a stock photo site called fotostock, but yeah, I’ve seen these before when I lived in Japan).
But a little toddler just sitting on her own at a mostly empty park with just a guy sitting at a park bench nearby watching her? That would raise attention and an eyebrow from someone who is essentially a crossing guard and whose job is to ensure the safety of kids as they travel to and from school. 
The rest is under a Read More.
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4. Police in Japan
I saw a comment somewhere (maybe it was over on Youtube) about how the cops are portrayed here in Buddy Daddies. The comment was basically that Japanese cops wouldn’t be that aggressive with a child. But, well, cops in Japan have issues like everywhere. Though, the main issue with cops recently has more so been with racial profiling:
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(Excerpt is from a Japan Times article entitled:  60% of people with foreign roots questioned by Japanese police, survey finds).
Of course, this situation is different from the one we see happening with Miri, but the Japanese police have issues with corruption too. So this happening wouldn���t seem too out of the realm of possibilities to me. The anime Tiger & Bunny 2 Part 2 also recently had some moments in the season where there was some anti-cop (ACAB-type) sentiments expressed by a character (though that series is also meant to take place in a city based on NYC).
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5. Issues Surrounding Reproductive Rights, Contraception, and Abortion
“Took advantage of me” is fairly vague wording, but considering the type of guy he was, and the fact that Miri’s mother is caught in another abusive relationship, it wouldn’t surprise me if Miri’s conception wasn’t fully consensual one. People like to talk about how safe Japan is, but Japan has a lot of sexual violence that goes unreported: 
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(From an article entitled:  Many sexual violence victims in Japan do not report assaults to police, support groups: survey - The article was posted on November 24, 2020 over on The Mainichi news website).
There is a lot of societal pressure in Japan, that can cause a lot of judgement as well. Especially around issues of reproductive rights. From a Japan Times articles entitled:  Pandemic provides an opportunity to improve access to contraception, posted on January 30th, 2022, we can get a little insight into the issues surrounding contraceptives:
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The article also talked about the judgement that can come with contraceptives. The last line also talks about abortion, which comes with its own set of issues in Japan:
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(From The Japan Times article: Abortion legal and apolitical in Japan, but cost and consent present barriers)
So abortion was likely an option that Miri’s mother didn’t think was really viable, especially in her situation.
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7. Being a Single Mother in Japan, Adoption
In Ep.3 we hear Kazuki parroting a lot of the stuff you usually hear when it comes to women in children, like it is meant to be a natural and innate thing. There is a societal pressure for a woman to give birth and care for the child, even when they aren’t in the best situations to do so. Miri’s mother was, for all intents and purposes, a single mother. Since I doubt the abusive man she is currently with had any hand in helping Miri.
Being a single mother anywhere can be a big challenge, but especially so in Japan. Some issues that single mother’s face in Japan, according to the article “Why Most Families with Single Mothers in Japan are Living in Poverty” from a site called The Borgen Project: 
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From that same article, we learn that joint-custody and child support doesn’t exist in Japan. So Miri’s mother was likely under a lot of societal and financial stress, along with possible Post-Partum Depression, and (also probable) burnout. This doesn’t mean that her behavior or attitudes are okay, but that they are likely a result of a failed system. 
I’ve seen some people bring up adoption, but adoption doesn’t automatically mean that a child will have a better life either. My grandfather’s mother was force to give her children up to the state, so my grandfather spent a good chunk of his life in an orphanage. It wasn’t a pleasant experience. And the probability that Miri would have been adopted had her mother gone through the actual system is, sadly, extremely low. From an article entitled: “The state of orphans in Japan and how to help” found on the site Zenbird.Media is this bit of information:
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And even if Miri had been in an orphanage, Misaki (Miri’s mother) would still be her legal guardian. 
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So an option like that would be unappealing for Misaki, because she doesn’t want anything to do with Miri. 
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7. LGBT+ Individuals Being Viewed as “Not Productive”
Finally, we have the last thing I briefly want to talk about. The main backbone of Buddy Daddies, which is these two hitmen taking care of a child. Last year, a Japanese politician was in the news because she retracted some previous statements she made in 2016 and 2018. We are going to focus on her 2018 statements, which were:
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Her comment received a lot of backlash and was big news. Her retracting her statements also brought a lot of news and talk too. The above information comes from The Japan Times article: “ Japanese lawmaker retracts past remarks on LGBTQ and other minorities.” Her other comments are awful too, but it should be noted that her one about sexual-minority couples stems from the issue of Japan’s declining birthrate. Even though many people in Japan are supportive of LGBT+ rights, there are people that hold a similar viewpoint as this. 
Buddy Daddies is pretty directly challenging this ideology, especially with how they have been handling things. So that’s pretty cool and revolutionary in its own way. It makes me interested in seeing how this continued topic as well as any future social issue topics will be handled or touched upon in Buddy Daddies.
If you read this all until the end: thank you so much! I put a lot of work into this write up and I hope it can help (I learned some things too while researching!).
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afeelgoodblog · 10 months
Best News of Last Week - December 11
1. Biden administration to forgive $4.8 billion in student loan debt for 80,300 borrowers
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The Biden administration announced on Wednesday that it would forgive an additional $4.8 billion in student loan debt, for 80,300 borrowers.
The relief is a result of the U.S. Department of Education’s fixes to its income-driven repayment plans and Public Service Loan Forgiveness program.
2. Detroit on pace to have lowest homicide rate in 60 years this year
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A partnership to reduce Detroit crime is being praised with the City on pace for the fewest homicides in 60 years.
"This is the day we’ve been waiting for, for a long time," said Mayor Mike Duggan. The coalition which includes city and county leaders that Detroit Police Chief James White formed in late 2021 to return the criminal justice system in Detroit and Wayne County to pre-Covid operations.
3. Dog that killed 8 coyotes to protect sheep running for Farm Dog of the Year
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Over a year ago, Casper was stacked up against a pack of 11 coyotes, and he overcame them all to protect the livestock at his Decatur home. Now he needs your help.
Casper, the Great Pyrenees livestock guardian dog, needs the public to vote for him to become the American Farm Bureau's "Farm Dog of the Year: People's Choice Pup" contest.
4. Shimmering golden mole thought extinct photographed and filmed over 80 years after last sighting
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De Winton's golden mole, last sighted in 1937, has been found alive swimming through sand dunes in South Africa after an extensive search for the elusive species.
5. About 40% of the world's power generation is now renewable
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The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and World Meteorological Organization (WMO) have released their first joint report to strengthen understanding of renewable energy resources and their intricate relationship with climate variability and change.
In 2022 alone, 83% of new capacity was renewable, with solar and wind accounting for most additions. Today, some 40% of power generation globally is renewable, due to rapid deployment in the past decade, according to the report.
6. Jonathan the Tortoise: World’s oldest living land animal celebrates 191st birthday
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The world’s oldest living land animal - a Seychelles giant tortoise named Jonathan - has just celebrated his 191st birthday. Jonathan’s estimated 1832 birth year predates the invention of the postal stamp, the telephone, and the photograph.
The iconic creature lived through the US civil war, most of the reign of Queen Victoria, the rise and fall of the Soviet Union, and two world wars.
7. New enzyme allows CRISPR technologies to accurately target almost all human genes
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A team of engineers at Duke University have developed a method to broaden the reach of CRISPR technologies. While the original CRISPR system could only target 12.5% of the human genome, the new method expands access to nearly every gene to potentially target and treat a broader range of diseases through genome engineering.
That's it for this week :)
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peachhoneii · 1 year
Rio and Jefferson pulled the most wholesome “This boy did not just bring home a white girl” I’ve ever seen in a movie pertaining to an interracial romance that included a white woman/girl. Because they’re absolutely kind and respectful to Gwen, but they were not expecting a white girl. I cackled at Rio’s “I bet she doesn’t speak Spanish.” Like MA’AM.
I know a significant part of it was them learning to let Miles go and accepting he’s growing up, but another part was they genuinely didn’t expect him bringing home a white girl. That definitely caught them off guard because they didn’t see that coming at all. I love their reactions to it bc it’s similar to how my parents responded to my brother’s white gf.
“Oh, she just said my first name.” Yeah, felt that on an instinctual level. Grew up in the South, Mr. and Mrs. always came first, but this isn’t a race thing because Ganke does the same thing, which neither Rio or Jefferson appreciate. Feel this is just a generational gap sort of thing.
A tidbit about Miles. I really, really appreciate the film including his lowkey attraction to Margo Kess. Gwen and Miles are my preferred ship, but this was a nice touch where you saw Miles and Margo vibe with each other, albeit briefly. There were some sparks. In his escape, Margo hesitated when she could’ve stopped Miles and eventually turns on Miguel, realizing that while his motives may be noble, his methods are not.
There are other small, subtle nuanced concerning race and depiction of race that I genuinely respect the film for depicting so seamlessly. When Rio corrected the guidance counselor on her immigration status, “I’m from Puerto Rico. I’m from here.” But she slowly accepts the line if it means helping Miles’ succeed.
Also the contrast between Miles and 42-Miles hairstyles. That is so POIGNANT to me. Miles is such an open, caring boy and his hair reflects that bountiful spirit he has. It’s thick and open and free. 42-Miles has been damaged by the world so extensively that he’s closed off emotionally and his hair, tight, coiled braids, reflect the coldness he lives in and has become.
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iamespecter · 4 months
I know you probably gave up on the Glamrock Chica AU as Gregory's guardian, but I personally think you should continue. Many people prefer to do it with Roxy or Monty, and there are very few with Chica as the guardian. I think this AU of yours has the potential to be very good.
sigh.... I still love Glamrock Chica...
but I feel like the whole universe is against me at this point for being a Chica fan and I just know that either 1.) no one's gonna pay attention to a Chica-based AU, or 2.) just shit on it because it doesn't match the popular headcanons.
So unfortunately, My Guardian Chica AU is cancelled.
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If you would like to know the rough concept of it that I've written down because you're curious, then click "keep reading" to read below the cut.
The Guardian Chica AU is actually a simple morality test.
It starts off with the normal SB route: Freddy is the child's starting guardian, and he is helping the child escape. Chica is under Vanny's control, and is actively fighting against this, but is too powerless to break free from the virus' hold.
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... Until Fazer Blast. Freddy and the kid find themselves on the catwalks, where a glitching Chica with an axe has them cornered. Freddy, not knowing how to end this peacefully, decides to bring Chica down with him while removing the chip that's causing her to be controlled in the first place.
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Chica then wakes up, and Freddy is HEAVILY damaged because he (mostly) cushioned her fall. Chica, still not fully herself, hallucinates Freddy as Vanny; and she begins tearing him apart out of frustration and fear, ripping his head off because she wanted to see who was underneath the Vanny mask.
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THIS is where the story begins. You take control of Chica (instead of a kid protagonist), where Chica must ensure the child's survival, and get them out in time for 6 AM. But there is a catch.
The more you use brute force, the more Chica's morality goes south. And you'll always have two choices, either which you:
Kill the Day and Nightcare Attendants to gain access to the Daycare, or use their environmental weaknesses (the light, and the darkness) to refrain them from catching the kid.
Eliminate the PARTY PASS BOTS to get into a venue much easier, or find PARTY PASSES, while avoiding the kid's hunters.
Destroy SECURITY BOTs to lessen chances of the kid getting spotted, or use the BOTs' blind spots strategically to prevent them from alerting anyone.
Refrain from attacking Roxanne Wolf and let her take one of the chicken's eyes, or defend yourself and damage Roxanne Wolf enough to send her running back.
You will then encounter Montgomery Gator, who is now guarding Gator Golf with an iron fist. Monty will taunt Chica for the remainder of the boss fight:
either telling her how WEAK and COWARDLY she is because she isn't fighting back (Peaceful route);
being confused about her methods because it feels like she's constantly changing her mind (neutral route);
or praising her for finally, FINALLY using her features for something "worthwhile" (morally numb route).
But regardless of what path Chica has chosen, Monty will end up revealing a morbid truth as yet another taunt: that he killed Bonnie, because he wanted his spot in the band. And that he'd kill Bonnie over and over again, if it meant he would remain popular. That now Freddy has been reduced to nothing but a head, HE'LL be the number ONE.
And regardless of what path Chica has chosen, Monty will ALWAYS end up dead.
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and depending on how much you've been using brute force, Freddy's head will either:
Be BEYOND mortified by Chica's decision to kill Monty without mercy, but believes she can still refrain from doing this in the future (peaceful route)
is taken aback by Chica's decision to kill Monty without mercy, and is starting to doubt Chica's capacity of ensuring the kid's safety (neutral route)
Gets angry at Chica's decision to kill Monty without mercy, and refrains from speaking to her. (morally numb route)
Roxanne Wolf is then up next, and depending on how you reacted to earlier choices, you can either:
Convince Roxanne that she doesn't have to do this, that she doesn't have to keep living under Vanny's shadow out of fear and don't strike her (peaceful, only possible if you let Roxanne take Chica's eyes)
Fight and defeat Roxanne but spare her, making her go rogue and not choosing any side between Vanny or Chica (neutral)
Kill Roxanne emotionally and physically, taking her eyes as revenge (morally numb, only possible if you defend yourself)
The "MORALLY NUMB" ending (bad):
You chose the easier path and ignored Freddy’s plea, let Chica kill Security Bots to keep the kid safer in the plex, kill Roxy as well out of pure anger for taking out her eye, and take her upgrades for yourself.
Freddy begins to be distrustful of Chica, and soon even resent her and her actions at the end.
This leads to Vanny getting killed, but not without consequence.
Freddy will ask Chica to leave him behind instead of following her any longer. He can’t bear to see the monster that has become of his friend, and Chica will comply with his request, leaving Chica numb.
Chica’s objective becomes less and less of keeping the kid safe, and more of the desire to get revenge after what happened to her and Bonnie.
Semi-open ending.
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"You were no better than them. Better to leave me here to rot, than to accompany you on your bloodlust." - Freddy
The "GUITAR HERO" ending (neutral):
You chose to listen to Freddy’s plea, Chica retains her moral codes, and keep the kid safe the harder way.
Vanny is turned in to the authorities to be helped with her mind control situation, and her plans are thwarted until a new "Vanny" shows up.
Chica DOES NOT manage to get Roxy in your side, and Roxy will act rogue, picking no sides this time.
The Pizzaplex does not burn down. Instead, Monty, Chica and Freddy are replaced by Mr. Hippo, Happy Frog, and Nedd Bear.
Chica, Freddy and the kid runs away from the plex to live on their own, but still end up dying via energy depletion.
"You promised to stay with me... why did you lie instead?" - the kid
The "SUPER POPSTAR" ending (good):
You chose to listen to Freddy’s plea, Chica retains her moral codes, and keep the kid safe the harder way.
Uncover the shady past of Fazbear Entertainment, uploading their dirty secrets onto the internet, shutting them off for good. (this guarantees this ending)
Vanny is turned in to the authorities to be helped with her mind control situation, and her plans are thwarted for good this time, no Vanny comes replacing the old one.
Chica progressively gets more and more damaged as time goes on.
Chica manages to get Roxy on your side.
The Pizzaplex burns down.
Chica deactivates amidst the flames, with Freddy by her side at the very, very end.
The route ends with Roxy and the kid finding Chica’s body after the fire, and she takes her head along with Freddy’s.
The most ambiguous ending out of the three.
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"Don't blame yourself kid. It's not what they would've wanted you to think. Not what she would want you to think. (...) We'll find a way. That's a promise." - Roxy
....Yeah, the Guardian Chica AU has no happily-ever-after ending. Sorry.
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xiaolanhua · 5 months
I absolutely love your edits and gifs. I was thinking about making edits/gifs too but I'm not sure where to start : ( Would you be able to share some resources? Or any tips you have for someone that's just starting out? I'm not even sure where to download the videos from :/
Thank you in advance!
hello!! omg thank you so much for liking my gifs 🥹🫶🫶
Of course! In this post I'll share some tips that I think are helpful when making gifs, specially from asian dramas (mostly chinese and korean)!
Where to download k/cdrama videos?
dramaday (korean media only)
mkvdrama (korean, chinese, japanese, thai etc)
avistaz.to (they have the most complete catalog of asian dramas but you can only have access to the files if you register and they open for registration only every now and then so if you want to join, you have to have a invite or wait till they open)
2. Where to make gifs?
Mostly, the gifs on this website are done using Adobe Photoshop but I think for the past few years there is a lot of users who use Photopea which is an online (and free) version of photoshop.
3. How to make gifs?
Well, I think there's a some ways of making gifs but the 2 most common are through screencapping and using vapoursynth. Before I knew how to use and install vapoursynth I used the screencap method a LOT so I totally recommend you to begin giffing using the screencap method before you try other ways of giffing. Also, with this method, you can use on both Photoshop and Photopea.
In this gif tutorial made by @kylos you can learn how to install the program mpv to take screencaps and how to make gifs using the captures.
There's this complete guide on how to gif made by @cillianmurphy that is very helpful.
Also, this comprehensive giffing tutorial by @redbelles is great!
But if you want to know how to gif using vapoursynth (if you are an MAC user), i totally recommend this how to install post and COMPREHENSIVE GIFFING TUTORIAL (vapoursynth + ps cc 2018) post, both from my beloved @dingyuxi 🫶
If you don't have Photoshop and want to make gifs using Photopea, I think this and this tutorials will be great for you.
4. How to color?
Coloring gifs is something very personal to each gifmaker but if you want to know how to start doing it, i recommend you these tutorials:
becca’s mega coloring tutorial by @nataliescatorccio
coloring tutorial by @magnusedom
simple gif colouring for beginners by @kinnbig (specially focused on east & south east asian skin tones)
Finally, I recommend you looking at the resource directory from @usergif because they have a collection of tutorials and resources that are very handy when making gifs!
If you have any particular question from how I gif, I will gladly answer!
169 notes · View notes
leonardalphachurch · 1 month
so i was inspired by @rvbrarepairweekdos to see what the least common ships on ao3 are but i couldnt really find a good way to sort that so. i made a spreadsheet.
nothings really all that surprising, but theres some interesting stuff here! such as:
there are 194 ships with only 1 tag. the most surprising to me was lopez/simmons. youd think there'd more than just one, with the actually having a pretty interesting canon dynamic and all. the one that hurt the most is temple/tucker........ i mean i know im also not writing it but T-T
the highest ship that made me go "huh?" was delta/maine at 66th. i guess guns for hire was very popular, wasnt it.
wash is absolutely the fandom bicycyle; he has the most tags, the most ships, and the most unique pairings.
grimmons is 1st in terms of number of tags, which puts simmons and grif and 3rd and 4th, respectfully, but in terms of ships theyre all the way down at tying for 14th. grimmons makes up 94% of grif and simmons' tags. the next highest ship for grif and simmons after grimmons is simmons/wash at 49th and grif/tucker at 54th. people really dont ship those two with anyone else, huh!
tuckington makes up ~47% of wash's tags and ~73% of tucker's tags. he also only has ~64% of the amount of ships wash does. free my boy tucker he deserves to slut it up.....
andersmith has the largest discrepancy re: number of tags to number of ships, going from 49th to 32nd (+17). other notable differences are simmons going from 3rd to 14th (-11), allison going from 27th to 39th (-12), south going from 16th to 7th (+9), and caboose going from 14th to 6th (+8).
there are 210 M/M ships, 116 M/F, and 43 F/F. M/M has 8253 tags, M/F has 2481, and F/F has 659. the most popular f/f ship is south/ct, coming in at 13th, with kimball/carolina close behind at 14th. the next f/f doesnt come until 45th with carolina/grey. not a very sapphic heavy fandom are we...
this was gathered using this page on ao3 on 8/9/2024. the data i have is based on how many TAGS a ship has, not how many FICS it has. some people tag their fics with the same ship in multiple ways. i dont really have anyway to sort that out with the method i used. is there a better way to get data about ships? maybe! but this was made MOSTLY just because i had so much fun playing with the data and spreadsheets and organizing. im probably gonna keep playing around with the sheet bc i have fun with data but im not sure if im going to add more ships in. maybe like a year from now. i dont really have a good way to clean the data except semi manually so.
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deception-united · 3 months
What are ways to come up with names for fantasy worlds/countries/regions? I’m struggling a LOT with this
Hi! Thanks for asking and so sorry for the late response.
Places will usually be named for or after a significant person, god or deity, mythical creature or legend, natural element, historical event, abstract concept or virtue, in celebration of a major achievement, or to reflect the region's characteristics, climate, or features. As with most things, there are a number of ways to go about the naming process, but my go-to method is linguistic experimentation. When creating names for places, countries, events, or world, I like to use words from existing languages—particularly older ones, like Latin, Greek, or Old English—and playing around with prefixes, suffixes, or various conjugations until they sound right.
Here are some tips:
Modify endings: Feel free to adjust the endings for more phonetic appeal (for example, change "Terra-" to "Terri-" if it sounds better)
Blend words: Create compound words by blending whole words with prefixes or suffixes (e.g., "Aqua" + "polis" = Aquapolis)
Add consonants/vowels: Sometimes, adding a consonant or vowel between a prefix and suffix can make the name sound more natural. For instance, if you want to combine "Theo-" and "-aria", you might want to discard one of the vowels or add a consonant (for example, you could add a "t" to make it "Theotaria")
Here are a few in the aforementioned languages you might want to experiment with:
Luna-: moon
Terra-: earth
Magn-: great
Novi-: new
Sub-: under
Trans-: across
-ium: place or region
-or: agent or person
-is: neutral noun ending
-ensis: related to
Lunaris (Luna- + -ris): A moon-themed city or region
Terranova (Terra- + -nova): A new land or country
Magnor (Magn- + -or): A great or powerful place
Subterra (Sub- + Terra): An underground city or region
Theo-: god
Geo-: earth
Neo-: new
Hyper-: above
Paleo-: ancient
Poly-: many
-polis: city (e.g., Acropolis)
-cracy: rule or government (e.g., Theocracy)
-ther: place (e.g., Panether)
Theopolis (Theo- + -polis): A city dedicated to the gods
Neochron (Neo- + Chrono-): A new era or time period
Hyperion (Hyper- + -ion): A place above or exalted land
Polydia (Poly- + -dia): A land of many valleys or diverse regions
Old English:
Eald-: old (e.g.,
Beorht-: bright
Midd-: middle
Sūþ-: south
West-: west
North-: north
Old English suffixes:
-burg: fortress or town
-ham: home
-stede: place
-tun: settlement
-weald: forest
-dun: hill
-wic: village
Ealdorland (Eald- + -orland): An ancient land or old country
Beorhtwyn (Beorht- + -wyn): A bright or blessed place
Middgard (Midd- + -gard): The middle land or realm
Westfold (West- + -fold): A western region or land
Name generators:
You could also use online name generators, and either use one of them or modify it to better fit your world. Here are a few popular ones:
Fantasy Realm Names Generator
Name Generator
Seventh Sanctum Name Generators
Fantasy Name Gen
LegendKeeper Fantasy World Name Generator
DonJon's Fantasy Name Generator
Another method is portmanteaus—blending parts of two words together to create a new term. This can work with the most random, unrelated words; for example, you could combine "velvet" and "orion" to create the word "Velorian". There are really no rules involved.
Hope this was helpful! Happy writing ❤
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whatthetumblfck · 1 year
I Was Born Ready
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Summary: You're kidnapped on a mission gone wrong and it only gets worse. You eventually escape, but will Bucky and the team see you the same way?
Word Count: 6517
Warnings: swearing, some injuries, angst, whump
Content: Bucky x reader, Y/N, Avengers, whump, kidnapping. All of my fics are self-indulgent.
Please don't claim my work as your own, but feel free to reblog.
You wiped the sweat from your brow.  As far as you could tell, it had been 5, maybe 6, days since you were taken. You knew what HYDRA were doing. They were trying to break you. You adjusted your legs and shifted your weight in the dark, cramped space.  For the last several hours, you had been locked in some sort of box, just big enough to crouch or sit with crossed legs. It was hot as hell and you’d been sweating profusely, wondering how much longer you would last before passing out from dehydration or dying from heat stroke. But you tried not to worry about it. They will come for you soon. He will come for you. You just need to hang on a little while longer.
               A few more hours had passed, and the heat was suffocating. What little strength you had left was dwindling. You rested your head against the wall of the enclosure and closed your eyes, fighting the nauseating dizziness that threatened to overcome you.  The rattling of chains caught your attention. It seemed like the sound was getting closer. It was then you realized you had drifted- asleep? Unconscious? You weren’t sure, but you fought like hell to focus your attention on what was happening right outside your tiny prison. Suddenly, there was a sharp creak of metal and cool light flooded the box. You squinted your eyes, desperate to see what was going on.
“Get up!” a harsh voice demanded.
Your body shook as you tried to stand, but it was no use. You were too weak and dehydrated.
“GET UP!” they shouted angrily, as if that would provide the strength needed to undo the last several hours of torture.
Instead, your body gave up completely and you slumped inside the box. The next thing you registered was the sensation of a cool breeze on your face and the tops of your feet scraping along concrete as they dragged you by your arms back to your cell.
“The fuck you mean it’s abandoned?” you whispered.
“I mean, I’m not picking up any heat signatures inside the building,” Sam clarified, adjusting Redwing’s controls just to be sure.
Bucky lowered his chin, smiling to himself. He knew you were always looking forward to a fight.
“All right, until we clear it, we’re going to proceed with caution,” Steve began, “Y/N and Bucky, you’re going to enter the south side of the building. Sam and I will cover the north entrance. Position Redwing on the east to detect movement from the access road. Once it’s clear, we set the charges and evacuate.”
You stole a sideways glance at Bucky and tried to hide your excited smile. You loved working with Bucky; you consider him to be your best friend. You felt like there might even be more there too. But you never pushed him. If being friends was all he wanted, then you would be happy with that.  Bucky was mostly quiet and reserved, but sometimes he would open up to you, tell you about his life before the war. Sometimes, but very rarely, he would reveal the horrors HYDRA inflicted upon him. You couldn’t respond; only listen in sickened contempt. Your hatred for them became personal because of what they put him through, but you also began to piece together how they operate, their torture methods, and their twisted thought processes. You filed away this information little by little, to use against them and one day, take them down. It became your personal mission, why you were so eager to take on HYDRA related missions, and so disappointed when they turned out to be flops.
Your thoughts were interrupted by an elbow gently nudging your arm. “You ready?” Bucky said as your eyes met his.
“I was born ready,” you replied, smugly.
Bucky smiled at your enthusiasm, but it didn’t reach his eyes. He was tired of fighting, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t want to watch HYDRA burn to the ground. Having you fight beside him, though, was a double-edged sword. He enjoyed your company more than he let on, but he also worried for your safety.  He always asked Steve to pair you two together as much as possible on missions (so he could keep an eye on you), and he always received a knowing look in return. You were one of the best fighters Bucky had ever seen, but you could also be impulsive. Most of the time, you managed to compensate for this flaw and come out on top in the fight, but there have been quite a few close calls. Too close for Bucky’s comfort, even if you insisted you had everything under control.
“After you then,” Bucky said, gesturing to the south entrance.
“Such a gentleman,” you flirted, even though your tone was a bit condescending. You didn’t miss the fact that Bucky liked to keep an eye on you. It was obvious, the way he stuck by your side for every mission. It was sweet, but completely unnecessary.
Entering the building was uneventful. As you looked around, you took note of all the dust and debris, the result of what must have been years of no use. Maybe Sam was right, it must be abandoned. What a waste of time. You continued your sweep, clearing each derelict room.
“Second and third floors are clear,” Sam’s voice sounded in your comm.
“Well, aren’t you an over-achiever?” you responded mockingly.
“Y/N, Buck. What’s your status?” Steve asked, attempting to maintain professionalism on the mission. Captain Steve didn’t know how to have fun. Killjoy.
“First floor is clear, heading to the basement now,” Bucky reported, shooting you a ‘behave yourself’ look. You stuck your tongue out at him and ran for the stairwell.
“Y/N, wait!”
“Come on! There’s nothing here. Let’s clear this moldy-ass basement so we can blow it up and get home. I’m starving!” you announced.
Bucky caught up with you and roughly grabbed your elbow to pull you back.
“We need to be careful. This is HYDRA we’re dealing with. You need to take this seriously.”
You ripped your arm from his grasp, offended he would be so rough with you. “This isn’t HYDRA. This isn’t anything. There’s literally nothing here.”
Bucky schooled his expression. He didn’t want to be angry with you, but your recklessness could put everyone in danger. He let out a frustrated sigh, putting his hands on your shoulders and lowering his head to look into your eyes.
“Will you please be more careful? For me?”
You were momentarily stunned by the soft cadence of his voice. But quickly regathered your thoughts.
“Bucky, I am being careful. You need to lighten up.” You shrugged out of his grasp and turned back to the stairwell.
What is with everyone today? The super-soldiers are being super-serious. Even Sam seems like a stick in the mud, definitely not his usual, talkative self. Did you do something to offend them? You thought about the events of the last few days and couldn’t think of anything out of the ordinary. Definitely nothing that would explain what everyone’s problem is.
You glanced over your shoulder to see Bucky a few paces behind you as you descended the last of the stairs and reached the basement.
“Well, I didn’t think it was possible, but this looks even more abandoned than the first floor,” you said giving Bucky a pointed look.
“Just keep your eyes open for anything suspicious.” Bucky gently brushed past you to take the lead, advancing down the corridor. He had an uneasy feeling he just couldn’t shake.
“Suspicious?” you remarked sarcastically. “This whole mission is suspicious. What are we fighting here? The cobwebs? The ridiculous amount of dust?” You pushed past Bucky to take the lead again, but when you glanced back, you realized he had stopped. He was looking at you with wide eyes; his expression, one you didn’t recognize.  
“What? What is it?” you asked, concern growing in the pit of your stomach.
“You’re right. Nothing about this is right. There’s too much dust. Our source indicated there was activity here less than a year ago. It shouldn’t look like this.”
You looked around nervously. “Maybe the source was wrong.”
“Not likely…”
Unexpected static in the comms made you jump. You could hear Steve’s voice, but it kept breaking up and you couldn’t understand what he was saying until you made something out very clearly that made your blood run cold.
Pull back……’s a trap…--t out…ABORT!
Your eyes locked with Bucky’s. You froze. He was standing about 10 feet from you when you both registered a rapid clicking noise, like a sped-up clock.
“RUN!!” You heard him yell just before the explosion.
The wall behind you erupted, sending you several yards through the air until you collided with the ground. You could feel the heat and unbearable pressure on your back as you lay prone in the ruins. Dust swirled around you. After several moments of trying to remember how to breathe again and process what the hell had just happened, you remembered that Bucky was with you. You glanced over in his direction, but all you could see was a literal wall of rubble, fire, and smoke. You struggled to focus your eyes, blinking rapidly to clear the tears that were forming. Damn, that hurt.
Distantly, you could hear someone calling your name.
“Buck--,” your voice was cut off by a coughing fit as the dust invaded your lungs. “Bucky…” you tried again.
“Y/N?” he sounded closer. You could hear movement, crumbling concrete. “Are you hurt?”
It was at this point, you realized you should probably take a moment to figure out the damage.
“Y/N??” his voice sounded more concerned, more urgent. You weren’t sure how long you had taken to respond.
“Uhh…I….I think I’m okay……I can’t move. I think…ahh…there’s something on my back,” you choked out.
“You’re gonna be okay. We’re coming to get you. Just..hang on, okay? Hang on.”
Hearing this made you relax. Getting blown up was exhausting. You were certain you were going to hear about this later. About how you should have listened to Bucky, been more careful, taken the mission more seriously. You closed your eyes, trying to reserve your strength. You would need it to climb out of this burning hole in the ground.
After a few minutes, you felt the pressure on your back lessen. That was fast. You opened your eyes and tried to focus on Bucky’s face, but then you heard his voice from behind the burning wall of concrete. Confused, you concentrated your attention on the blurry figure standing before you. HYDRA. You gathered all your strength, trying to fight, but you couldn’t get a single hit in before a blow to your face rendered you unconscious.
Bucky heard footsteps and scraping rocks on the other side of the barrier. He had finally managed to make a dent in the rubble just large enough to see through. To see you being dragged away by HYDRA.
“NOOOO!” Bucky frantically slammed his metal fist into the rubble, trying to break through, but it was no use. He couldn’t get to you in time. He watched as you disappeared into the dust and smoke.
You were freezing. Another week had passed, maybe two. You weren’t sure. It was the same thing. Over and over.  Freezing to the point you couldn’t move or think. Then they would throw you in the box again until you passed out from the heat. You didn’t even know what they wanted. They didn’t ask you anything, barely said three words to you. Wouldn’t answer any of your questions. How the hell did they expect to get information out of you if they didn’t fucking ask you anything? Idiots. You’d be glad to give them as much false information as you could muster.
You were frustrated. Frustrated with this pointless torture and frustrated that no one had broken you out of this shithole yet. What was taking so long?
The next day was new. This time a man in a lab coat came into your cell. Based on the history of everything you have come to know about HYDRA, the lab coat is not a good sign.  He peered down at you where you sat against the cold, concrete wall.
“She’s ready,” he practically drooled with excitement. Disgusting.
Two oversized goons entered your cell and brought you to your feet as another ganglier looking goon wheeled in a stretcher. Your stomach dropped. Not good. This is not good. You tried not to let anxiety and fear get the best of you. You’ve endured the heat, the cold, the physical pain and the repulsive goop they fed you, but this was new, and you had no idea what they had planned.
“No. No no no. What are you doing?” You kicked and fought weakly as they strapped you down. You were unable to move.
Lab coat leaned in close to your face. You could smell the wicked stench rolling out of his mouth.
He simply answered, “Phase two.”
“What do you want? You’ve been torturing me for weeks and haven’t asked me a damn thing! Do you even know how this works? No? Must have missed that day in torture 101.”
The lab coat stopped what he was doing and turned to face you. Amusement and almost pity plastered on his face.
“My dear. I haven’t been torturing you. I’ve been preparing you.”
The first injection must have been a sedative and, for that, you were thankful. Your vision became blurry and all your muscles relaxed at once. You could’ve almost fallen asleep. Until the second injection. At first, it was cold, like ice running through your veins. Starting in your arm and flowing through your chest before settling in the rest of your limbs. It was enough to make you shiver and shake uncontrollably. With the last injection came the unbearable heat. It spread through you like wildfire, burning through the sedative and blistering your nerves. It coursed through your body, the agonizing flames filling your skull, threatening to split it open. It was too much. Unbearable. You thrashed your arms and legs beneath the restraints, screaming until you went hoarse. Nothing you did relieved the pain, the burning.  You were left alone in your misery, knowing nothing but the searing pain in your head, threatening to end your life. You hoped it would.
Then, it stopped. You thought maybe death had finally taken you and you felt sadness, for Bucky. For the team. But you were back in your cell. This couldn’t be death. Death isn’t this cruel.
You rolled on your side and slowly sat upright, fighting off the dizziness. You felt horrible, like you should be dead, but at least the pain had subsided. You experimentally staggered to the door of your cell and peered through the slot. It was eerily silent. Still, you waited to see if anyone approached. They almost always did when you awoke to send you for another round of torture…or wait. What did he say? They were preparing you..for what? The injections, ice and fire, the pain, all came flooding back to you. What did they do? Your breaths came faster. You had to get out of there. Fear and panic were in control now. You pushed and pulled at the door feverishly, and to your surprise, the door opened. Worried this was another trap, you stepped back, but no one came. What the fuck?
You left your cell and made your way down the hallway, searching for the exit or at the very least, a weapon. The building was completely cleaned out. They left you there, their experiment. Did they think you were dead? Or just a failure? You didn’t feel any different. Those HYDRA morons must have been bigger fucking idiots than you gave them credit for. Still, you weren’t going to stick around. When you finally made it out of the building, you realized you actually recognized the area. You weren’t that far from the compound. It made you sick to think you were only 10 or so miles from home this whole time, and still, they couldn’t find you. HYDRA could have practically walked up and rang the front doorbell, and the team would have had no idea.
It was cold outside and you were dressed only in a thin gown. You walked for hours, determined to make it home. You had no way of contacting anyone. You were surrounded by a few trees and fields of nothing. The final yards leading up to the compound were grueling. You were exhausted. Your feet bled and your legs shook with the effort.
It was early evening, you guessed, when you painfully stumbled into the common room, where Steve, Bucky and Sam all sat, attention focused on various maps and blueprints laid out before them. Steve saw you first, eyes staring and mouth hanging open. It would have been humorous had you not just been through hell and back. Bucky stopped mid-sentence when he noticed Steve’s expression and turned his head to see what Steve was staring at.
“Y/N??” Bucky couldn’t believe it. His eyes ran over your battered form, watching your whole body shake with fatigue.
You didn’t know what to say. You tried to choke back the tears that were now streaming down your face.
But this was all you could handle. You were suddenly dizzy, the room had started to spin and you dropped to your knees as Bucky ran towards you.
“Oh God! Call Dr. Cho!” Bucky ordered, but Sam was already on it.
You collapsed into Bucky’s arms and saw Steve running toward you. Bucky’s alarmed face was the last thing you saw before your eyes involuntarily closed.
When you awoke the next day, you were alone in the med bay. You sat up and rubbed your eyes, trying to force out the lingering headache. You swung your legs over the side of the bed and were about to remove your IV when Bucky walked into your room.
“Hey, you’re awake,” he said as he approached you cautiously. “How are you feeling?”
“Um..really..hungover,” you cracked a smile trying to break the tension. “How long was I out?”
Bucky looked at his watch before responding, “About 23 hours.”
“Oh shit. New record.”
Bucky looked nervous. “We looked everywhere..”
“Not everywhere,” you retorted, sounding more bitter than you intended.
“I didn’t think I was going to see you again.”
“Well…that makes two of us.” Your eyes stayed trained on the floor. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him. You spent weeks dreaming about seeing him again, and now you couldn’t even look at him. Why? Were you that angry that they couldn’t find you? They were obviously looking.
Bucky sensed that maybe this wasn’t the best time to broach the subject, so he changed it.
“So..uh…they want to do a debriefing on what happened as soon as you’re feeling well enough.”
You faltered. You didn’t want to talk about it, relive it. Especially so soon. But you’d rather get it over with so you can move on with your life. Put the whole ordeal behind you.
You looked down at the IV in your arm before ripping it out, the blood beginning to trickle down to your palm.
“Doll—what are you doing?” Bucky lunged toward you, grabbing gauze off the bedside table to apply pressure to the site.
You grabbed the gauze and took over applying pressure.
“I’m about to change my clothes,” you began glancing around the room before finding some in a bag below the bed, “so unless you want to see me naked, you can turn around.”
Bucky paused, mouth opening slightly before regaining his composure and turning to face away from you. You caught him off guard, which is honestly, something you’ve never seen happen.
You were a little disappointed. Maybe you’d been reading him wrong, and he doesn’t see you that way. Or maybe he’s just being a gentleman. This isn’t exactly the best time to explore your feelings for one another. Still, it stung.
You sat at the table, nervously glancing at all the faces in the room. Fury, Tony, Steve, and Sam all had their eyes on you. Everyone except Bucky. He stood in the corner, holding his gaze to the floor.  He looked more nervous than you felt. Weird.
They asked their usual questions, and you answered as best you could. But you didn’t feel comfortable enough to go into extensive detail. You trusted these men with your life, but it was starting to feel less like a debriefing and more like an interrogation.
“…and you’re sure that’s all you remember?” Fury asked again.
You looked around the room again, each set of eyes seeming frustrated. Expecting more information than what you’ve provided for the last 2 hours. This was exhausting. A familiar headache was building behind your eyes, and you were beyond done with this.
When you didn’t answer right away, Tony asked another question. “They just let you walk away?” You could hear the blatant skepticism.
“I don’t know what you want me to say.” Tears were starting to fill your eyes. Damnit! This is not how you thought this would go, but you were feeling pressured, overwhelmed. “They tortured me! For weeks! The same damn thing. Over and over and over again! And I don’t know---maybe they thought I was DEAD!” You choked on a sob; tears streaming down your face now.
“Okay! That’s enough!” Bucky interjected, seemingly ending the questioning.
You quickly stood from your seat and rushed out of the room.
They all exchanged glances and Bucky lingered there silently for a moment before following you.
When he reached your room in the compound, he knocked, but you didn’t answer.
“Doll. It’s me. Can I come in?”
Again, you didn’t answer. He could hear your quiet cries. He tried the handle, but you had locked the door.
“Can you unlock the door, please?”
“Go away, Bucky,” you said, softly. You didn’t need to yell. You knew he could hear you.
“Come on. I just want to make sure you’re okay.” With that, he could hear you moving towards the door.
You angrily flung the door open, surprising Bucky and forcing him to take a step back. Your hair was disheveled, eyes red and still wet with tears.
“Do I look fucking okay to you!?!?” Bucky looked into your eyes, not knowing what to say.
“HYDRA imprisoned me, practically in our own fucking backyard and still no one came for me!”
“Y/N, I swear to you, we never stopped looking—”
“And as soon as I fight my way back here, you all grill me for information, like it was my fucking idea to get captured?”
“Doll, no one thinks this was—”
“I waited for—aagh—” the pain in your head suddenly flared. You squeezed your eyes shut and pinched the skin between them. Your discomfort was evident.
“Hey, hey. What is it? What’s wrong?” Bucky’s worried eyes searched your face for answers.
You tried to recover, to push the pain aside.
“I waited for you—AAGH” the pain peaked. The same blistering heat threatening to end you, keeled you over.
With your shaking hands on your knees, you could feel Bucky move to your side. His arms wrapped around your waist to support you.
“Doll, what’s going on? Answer me. Please!”
But you couldn’t answer him. You were back on that stretcher. A prisoner, again. All you knew was the burning pain. Maybe this time, it would spare you the torment and claim your life.
“SOMEBODY HELP! I NEED HELP!” Bucky’s voice sounded far away.
The fire swirled in your skull and bile burned the back of your throat. You lurched forward, fell to your knees, and vomited on the floor. Everything was suddenly black, then nothing.
You awoke once more, alone, in the med bay.  Well, not completely alone. You could hear talking, whispers. Just outside your door.
There’s something she’s not telling me. But I’m not going to try to force answers out of her. She’ll come to me when she’s ready. I’m just going to be her friend. That’s what she really needs right now.
Just a friend? You felt the blanket of disappointment weigh on you again. You were pulled from your thoughts when Bucky opened the door.
You kept your eyes on him as he carefully entered the room.
“Who were you talking to?”
“Who were you talking to just now?” You tried not to sound like you were accusing him, but you didn’t like being talked about behind your back.
“I wasn’t talking to anyone,” Bucky shook his head, seeming to be genuinely confused.
Great. Now Bucky was lying to you. Some friend he’s trying to be. Even with him literally by your side, you were suddenly feeling very alone. No one trusted you. They think you’re hiding something. Truth be told, you are hiding something. You never told them about the injections, how the torture was actually “preparations”. You even left out the creepy lab guy coat because you were afraid. Afraid if they found out what really happened, that you were an experiment, they wouldn’t look at you the same way. You were afraid you would lose their hard-earned respect, your place on the team. You couldn’t risk it.
“So what happened?” he asked.
“What do you mean?”
“The pain? Passing out?” Bucky pressed, becoming serious. This felt like an interrogation again.
“Oh…it was just a headache,” you offered. Were you honestly expecting them not to ask?
“That’s bullshit. What happened to you? What did they do?” He seemed desperate and angry and you were becoming more and more guarded.
“I thought you weren’t going to force answers out of me.” You threw his words back in his face.
“What did you say just now?”
You were out of patience and just wanted to be alone. “Nothing. Please leave.”
Bucky stared at you, disbelieving, before turning his back on you and walking out the door.
A single tear slipped down your cheek. What the hell happened? Everything was fine. You were on a mission, business as usual, and then you were captured and tortured. You miraculously make it back home and suddenly, everyone is against you? You didn’t do anything wrong. Why is everyone acting like you’re at fault?  Your thoughts are becoming louder in your head, circling frantically and building tension. You clench your teeth, trying to hold in a scream, but you can feel an energy building inside you. You pull your knees to your chest, struggling to contain it. Your clenched fists pound at your temples. You don’t know what’s happening; you feel out of control, about to spill over. Explode.
Suddenly, you lose control, letting out an ear-piercing scream, releasing a force you had never felt before. All at once, glass bottles and cabinets shatter, the reinforced windows in your room crack. Furniture is thrown chaotically. Everything is broken, in a frightening disarray, and you’re left sitting in the ruins of what once felt like a safe place.
You tried to catch your breath, eyes darting around the room, attempting to make sense of what just happened.
Oh, God. Oh, God.  What did HYDRA do to you? What have you done? You needed to get out of there. Now. You jump to your feet, grab your clothes, and run. You shove past S.H.I.E.L.D. employees in the hallways, their thoughts intruding and overlapping with your own.  It took you a moment to realize what it was, what you were doing: unintentionally hearing their thoughts. You have to get away, get out. It’s too loud. You’re still running when you hear more familiar voices, but these aren’t in your head.
You can hear Bucky, Steve and Sam talking about what they found at the base where you were kept. Empty syringes. Medical equipment. Partially encrypted files describing some kind of experiment. They know—how could they not? Have they known this whole time?
“I don’t know what they did to her. She won’t tell me, but…she’s different.” Bucky spoke quietly.
Different? Is that how he saw you now? Is that why he’d been acting so strangely since you got back?
“Look man,” Sam reasoned, “she’s been through a lot. It would be weird if she wasn’t acting differently.”
“Still, if they did do whatever this experiment is on her, we don’t know what the outcome is…If she’s still herself, or even on our side,” Steve added.
Your heart dropped. You already felt like they didn’t trust you, which was bad enough, but now they’re against you? You waited for Bucky to defend you. He knows you better than anyone, but his silence spoke volumes. You thought Bucky, of all people, would understand what you’d been through. That you would never turn on them. You really were all alone in this. You felt the fear and uncertainty pouring out of the room.
Then, an unfamiliar voice on the intercom startled you.
Code Gray- Med Room 4. Code Gray- Med Room 4.
Shit. That was your room. Then the alarm started blaring and you ran. When did you become the enemy? How did this happen? You’re not part of HYDRA. You’re the victim. You managed to get out of the compound without anyone else seeing you. But you had no idea where to go from there.
Bucky, Steve, and Sam rushed to your med room. They stood there in disbelief, taking in the scene. It looks like a bomb went off.
“What the hell happened?” Sam asked.
“We’re not sure, sir. We, uh, heard a scream and when we got here, the room was empty,” a nurse answered.
“Where is she?” Bucky asked, growing impatient.
“We don’t know, I’m sorry,” the nurse responded before quicky leaving the room.
Steve and Sam exchanged looks. Bucky ran his fingers through his hair.
“We need to consider all the facts, here.”
“No, Steve! She wouldn’t do this. She’s not HYDRA.”
“Dude, she was missing for weeks and then just waltzed through the front door? That doesn’t seem odd to you?” Sam added.
“She didn’t waltz, Sam. She could barely walk, then she collapsed,” Bucky defended.
“So you think they just let her go? When the hell has HYDRA ever just let anybody go?”
“I don’t know.”
“Her story isn’t adding up, Buck.”
“They did something to her, she’s different. I just don’t know why she’d hiding it.”
“What do you mean? What aren’t you telling us?” Steve questioned.
“I think….whatever they did to her, worked. I thought it was a coincidence, at first, but then…this,” he motioned around the room. “I think she could hear what I was thinking earlier, and I think this is part of whatever she’s going through. I think she’s enhanced.”
They all looked around the room, letting Bucky’s theory sink it.
Steve broke the silence. “We need to find her before she hurts someone.”
You were walking against the cold wind and found yourself back at the shithole. You weren’t sure what you were doing there. Looking for answers, maybe? Waiting for them to find you? Like they were supposed to do. Before the injections, before they turned on you, before you lost control. What did they think of you now? You’re certain they must think you’re HYDRA. Fear and despair surged through you, and you started to lose control again. Objects that surrounded you started to rattle and lift into the air, crashing into walls.
You saw movement from the corner of your eye, emotions flaring even further. They had found you. Tears streamed down your cheeks, wetting the front of your sweatshirt.  You had already lost everything. They may as well take you now and put you in whatever floating prison they have. They marked you as guilty the moment you walked back into the compound.
“Y/N? Sweetheart, can you hear me?” Bucky approached you slowly, motioning to Steve and Sam to hang back.
You slowly turned to face him. Finally seeing his face broke you, and you started to cry harder. The cot beside you rattled along with desks and shelves, lifting off the floor, quaking violently, erratically. Bucky held up his hands, gesturing to you that he meant you no harm. And you wanted nothing more than to believe him, to melt into his arms.
As your emotions ran wild with fear and anguish, the chaos around you swelled. You shook your head trying to empty it of the intrusive whispers. You were ready to surrender. You just wanted all this to be over, but when you looked past Bucky to see Steve and Sam in their full Avenger gear, a realization hit you. They were here to fight you. Bucky noticed the change in your demeanor. You felt the energy inside you intensifying again. The building began to tremble.
“Y/N. Y/N! Look at me! You’re going to be okay. We’re here to take you home.” Bucky tried to reason.
“No. NO! You’re here to hurt me. You don’t trust me, think I’m HYDRA!”
“That’s not true. We’re your friends. We want to help you,” Bucky insisted.
“Help me? That’s why you brought Captain America and Falcon with you?!”
You were angry now. If they wanted to take you, it would have to be by force. That’s what they wanted. You looked back over at Bucky and noticed the light reflecting off the tears that gathered in his eyes. You felt like you were about to detonate.
“Sweetheart, please,” Bucky pleaded with you; His hand stretched out towards you, beckoning you to take it.
The building shook even more violently with the release of your emotions. Once again, objects cracked and shattered all around you, but this time, the entire building threatened to come down on top of all of you.
“I can’t. I can’t control it….” You looked to Bucky, desperate for all this to end.
As dust and debris rained from the ceiling, you heard the order.
You whipped your head to the side, catching sight of Redwing; you hadn’t noticed it there before, but it was too late. Two darts struck your neck, delivering a powerful sedative. You swayed on your feet for only a moment before going down hard. All the objects flying around the room, uncontrollably, crashed to the ground at once. The building stood still once again. Whatever they hit you with was strong. You couldn’t move, but yet, you weren’t completely unconscious.  You could faintly hear distorted commotion around you and your eyes felt heavy.
“Jesus Christ, Steve!” Bucky kneeled at your side to brush your hair from your face, wiping your tears in the process.
“I’m sorry, Buck. We had to. You heard her. She couldn’t control it.”
Bucky gently picked you up and held you close to his chest. You could tell he was walking, but your vision was starting to blur even more. Then you felt his breath on your ear as he whispered that you would be okay. You were safe now. They were going to fix this. You closed your eyes and allowed yourself to sink into the darkness.
“I don’t want to be a prisoner anymore, Bucky.”
“You’re not a prisoner.”
“Well, I can’t leave. That is the definition of prisoner, right?”
“Bruce thinks he’s close to a cure. He just needs a little more time.”
“You’ve been saying that for 3 weeks.”
Bucky offered you a half-hearted smile, but it was tainted with regret.
You were beginning to doubt their ability to fix you. Where would they even begin? You were just the result of another fucked-up half-assed HYDRA experiment.  They couldn’t cure you any more than they could cure Bucky or Steve of being super-soldiers. You know it. They know it. You just wish they’d stop blowing smoke up your ass.
Just then, Bruce appeared behind the reinforced glass doors, pressing his palm to the scanner to gain access to your room.
He approached your bed with the same half-hearted smile Bucky imparted.
“Hello, Y/N. How are you feeling today?” Bruce began, like he always did when starting his examinations.
“Fine. Normal. How’s the cure coming along?”
He hesitated for a moment, ignoring your question before continuing with his own.
“Any more headaches?”
“No. Not really.”
“Good, good. That’s good.” More hesitation.
“Just spit it out, Bruce.”
“Well, uh..” he fiddled with his clipboard, pretending to review his findings. “We did some genetic profiling and it looks like the experiment has altered your DNA in ways we’ve never seen before. Your brain scans are phenomenal.”
“That’s not exactly comforting….” You knew where this was going, even though you didn’t completely understand the science of it all.
“What does that mean?” Bucky leaned forward in his seat, prompting Dr. Banner to elaborate.
“Well, I’m afraid it means we can’t cure you.”
Bucky leaned back in his chair; the atmosphere in the room deflated. He didn’t even look at you. You knew this was coming but hearing it out loud and seeing Bucky’s dejected reaction only solidified your fears. There is no hope.
Dr. Banner continued, “The good news is that you seem to be adapting and stabilizing well.”
“Yeah, yeah…” You didn’t want to hear anything else. You weren’t even listening. All you can think about is how you’re no longer an Avenger and how Bucky won’t even look at you now. You lost him; your best friend, maybe more. Where do you go from here?
“I just have a few more questions for you,” Dr. Banner began again, “Are you still able to hear the thoughts of others?”
“Yes. But I can mostly block it out. It’s gotten easier.”
Dr. Banner smiled. “And there haven’t been any more incidents….” He held up his pen. “Can you move this towards you, please?”
You looked up from your lap and focused on the pen, gently floating it above the bed until it reached your grasp.
You wished Dr. Banner would be a little less enthusiastic. Your life, as you know it, is over and you’re not in the mood for this.
“Okay. I’m releasing you from my care.”
“Wait. What? When?” You stared at him in awe. Is he joking?
“Right now.” He gathered his notes and left the room, door unlocked.
You felt Bucky grasp your hand. His smile was bright as he waited for your thoughts to catch up.
“Come on. We have a mission,” he coaxed.
“I-I don’t understand,” you hesitated. “I didn’t think you wanted---I didn’t think anyone trusted me.”
“Sweetheart, we do trust you…and I’ll always want you. No matter what.” He squeezed your hand a little tighter. “We found the shitbags that took you…you ready to kick some ass?”
Your eyes lit up with excitement and determination. “I was born ready.”
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redneck-phd · 2 years
Free Methodist Women in the South Part I
Free Methodist Women in the South Part I
During the 1890s and early 1900s numerous women wrote to The Free Methodist to share reports about their local congregations or the evangelistic crusades they were leading. Mrs. J.E. Beasley and her husband were active in establishing a Free Methodist society in Hazelhurst, Mississippi in 1894. Map from nationsonline.org Over the next few posts, I’ll be republishing ministry reports from women…
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cheesus-doodles · 6 months
pls i need more yan south scenarios hes underrated 🙏
explored South's personality around his darling a bit more, hope this is alright anon! feel free to send in another ask if you have something more specific in mind!
South Fics: A Time Long Past | The Dawn that A New Day Brings
South would definitely be one of the few yanderes who aren’t afraid to expose you to their violent side right from the start - you would have absolutely no question who you were dealing with. This boy has always been rather temperamental and prideful, growing up in a favela and being taught from a young age that violence equaled getting rewards and incentives only helped to stroke his temper and cruelty even further. The only way of life he had ever known is extreme brutality.
And he was still the same cutthroat man when you stumbled across him resting in a side alley, covered in blood. No doubt you were pretty horrified at the sight, not being very used to seeing that much blood on the external of one person, and of course you couldn't have known that it wasn't his blood that was splattered all over him. Which would lead to you starting to panic and offering to call him an ambulance, a normal reaction by any one with the tiniest ounce of sympathy (according to you), but this was all much to South's annoyance. He had already had a long day no matter how much he enjoyed beating others to an inch of their lives, he was tired and he was having a break.
A break that you so rudely interrupted. One very mean look and a loud “huh?!” was enough to have you fleeing in fear from the delinquent, but not before you left him a cold drink for any potential pain.
Yet after South had a chance the turn the situation over in his head after everything died down, the mere fact that you had dared to approach him - a very obvious fierce-looking foreigner with large tattoos (!!) down one side of his face - because you were concerned about him being covered in blood that you didn't even know was his. It was intriguing. And the more he thought about it, the more fascinated he became. Were you not scared of him? No, you definitely were, but then why approach him?
You became a mystery that this delinquent couldn't stop thinking about, that he absolutely had to solve, and even if finding you was a right hassle because of how little South had to go on, he was determined to do it. You weren't really given an option to say no when you were dragged out of the canteen by your arm, and even the teachers were too frightened to stop South from straight up kidnapping you from your own school.
The first thing you could bring yourself to ask him wasn't where you were going or what he wanted with you; rather all you wanted to know was if he was feeling better from the previous day. And this tattooed delinquent couldn't help but burst into laughter. You were adorable - a certain innocence to the world that he hasn't experienced since he was but a babe. Sure you knew to be fearful of him, and that he was bad business to be around, yet that still didn't stop you from being concerned.
South decided on the spot that you would be his, though in what capacity he hasn't quite settled on. It would just be nice to have someone who would fawn over him, he supposes, someone who he didn't really have to worry about trying to overpower him.‎
Even with all his upbringing and bloodthirsty personality, South still does remember the softness and love that he experienced briefly during his childhood from his mother, and that would be enough motivation for him to at least try and win you over without jumping straight to his tried and tested method. Rationalises this as not him going soft, but more so because you clearly were a very fragile person and wasn't built to take blows like he was. Tries his best to show you his good side, bringing you small gifts (mostly stolen from the other delinquents that he beat), taking you on walks and dates in the middle of the school day, attempting to get you to warm up to him.
Though this is not quite entirely out of a good heart, of course. This boy loves more than anything to eat home-cooked meals, and it doesn't quite matter if you can or want to cook - you will be learning how to and you will be cooking for him. Would rather you do it because you wanted to for him (because a hearty meal would come out of willingness and not force, South believes).
South doesn't bother hiding his gang affiliations, his time in juvie or really anything from you; in fact, he is quite proud of his past, doesn't see anything wrong. Drags you to fights so that you can watch him met out beatings right and left, and you were always there at meetings, sitting not far from South but usually doing your own thing, trying to ignore what is being discussed. Fortunately for his poor victims, you usually are able to stop before he kills anyone with his fists, but it's never a pretty sight.
The upside is that if you comply and do find a friend in South, you always have someone watching your back. Never having to worry about your safety with South's shadow over you, you can be sure that this boy will always be there when you need him to be. The blond-haired boy is grateful for your food, and he'll be sure to repay that back in kindness towards you.
The downside: he has no qualms in lashing out at you the moment you step out of line. South does try his best to keep it verbal rather than physical; it's like him giving you a chance to correct yourself before he does, keeping in mind that you were a mere civilian. But that hasn't stopped him from following through if you don't and his short temper boils over. Nothing as extreme as a punch or a beatdown like what delinquents get from him, but even a twist of your arm or a slap is enough to shake you to your bones and cause severe pain.
You aren't allowed to run away from him even if you're shaking and crying, forced to stand there next to him tendering to your bruised arm or swelling cheek - he wants to see it all. The fear, the denial, the acceptance that there was no where to run to and that you belonged to him, and finally the submission that settles into your eyes. Of course he'll prefer if you didn't freeze in fear every time you noticed him in the corner of your eyes, but he rather not have to risk trying to find someone as amusing and adorable as you all over again.
You should have known better than to even approach him to begin with, after all.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
Someone might have already asked this but I really need to know everyone's illegal tips and tricks because they're literally vigilantes who don't obey the law already but probably have even crazier things up their sleeves
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Dick: fires attract too much attention and unnecessarily put first responders in danger, so if you wanna destroy someone's house or building, go for the method that can easily be blamed on natural causes: flooding
Jason: if you're gonna jack a car, break the rear window so you don't have to sit in glass
Tim: to find stock photos without the watermark, reverse image search it on Yandex to get the watermark-free version
Damian: a 250 Iranian Rial coin has the same dimensions as a $2 Canadian one at 1/125th of the value and machines only read the shape (same for 100 South Korean won vs. U.S. quarters)
Duke: if you want to download any movie, put "index," "Google Docs," or "parent directory" at the end (i.e. "The Dark Knight Rises parent directory")
Cullen: get out of paying at restaurants by having a friend dress up as a cop and forcibly remove you from the premises
Stephanie: as long as you look the same/similar to when you did in college, keep using your student ID for discounts
Cassandra: if you're getting tailed by the police, call 911 and report a drunk driver near your location
Barbara: if you're transporting something you shouldn't have, carry it in a package addressed to yourself—police legally can't search through your mail
Harper: no one questions a person in an orange vest and hard hat, so put some on before removing anti-homeless spikes
Carrie: if you wanna steal snacks from a gas station, put them in a drink cup and just pay for the drink
Kate: tattoos are commonly used as a witness/security footage identifier, so cover them if you have any or get fake ones if you don't
Alfred: avoid paying taxes by registering yourself as a religious leader and setting the congregation place to your house
Selina: sex offenders are the perfect robbery target—their addresses are publicly available, they can't own guns, and they've already lost everyone's sympathy
Bruce: it's easier to forge signatures by learning how to write them upside-down or sideways since you force your brain to focus more on the details
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prettieinpink · 9 months
im the south american anon, thanks for your kind words, i love your account so much ♡. just wondering if you have a guide on how to prepare for a new school year or for 2024, have a wonderful morning/night 💗
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Try to recreate your ideal study routine before. Study any subject you want using that specific study routine that you can when school opens. This gives you enough time before school starts to make any adjustments needed.
Get a head start. If you do have access to your curriculum or syllabus, read or actively study content on those topics. If you don’t, you can usually search up your class and your state which shows what you’ll be learning.
Experiment with study methods + note-taking. For study methods, search up different ways to effectively study, and pick at least three that appeal to you. Then pick any topic you want, and use those methods to study that topic. See which one worked the best for you and which wasn’t. 
For note-taking, search for some ways to take notes, and choose at least 3 that appeal to you. Then watch a video/lecture on any topic, and use those methods to take notes on it. See which ones that worked the best for you.
Create a planner or diary. Use it to keep track of your assessments, assignments due dates, events at school or any after-school activities. This planner would be just purely for school-related things. 
I think a digital planner would work best with most students, but some traditional ones are equally as good. It’s up to you to choose how you want to plan your school life, but you need to have at least one planner. 
Find a good study website/app. There are so many academic websites/apps out there that can aid you while studying, which are just at your fingertips. 
I recommend Duolingo, Quizlet and Khan Academy. Of course, there are so many more out there so I encourage you to explore your options. Some websites are just dedicated to one subject. 
Set SMART goals. Set academic goals that are achievable and realistic. Wanting all A’s or 100’s all the time is just way too unrealistic, and the pressure of wanting to reach the standard you set for yourself is just going to stress you out. 
Wanting a certain award, or A’s in certain subjects allows you to allocate your focus properly and is within reach. While you should definitely strive for good grades, avoid getting caught up in the mind trap of trying to achieve ‘perfect’ grades. 
Create a study place and ritual. Before school starts, choose a place anywhere in which you study regularly. Avoid having more than one, because having just one allows you to settle in and focus better. 
If this place is in your house, ensure that the space around it is clean and free of anything that wouldn’t serve you while studying. Plus, you can put up some cute motivational quotes.
A study ritual is habits that you do before studying, that help you while studying. You can create your own of whatever things that help you to be more productive and focused. 
Establish a sleep routine early. A week before school preferably, start waking up at the time you’d have to go to school and sleeping at your desired time. This is so that when school starts, you’re not feeling groggy while getting ready because you’ve already adjusted to the time. 
Talking about sleep, ensure that you practice good sleep hygiene as quality sleep enhances brain performance and improves energy levels throughout the day. 
Plan your meals at school. For us who have canteens or cafes near our schools, we tend to just eat whatever and we forget to nourish our bodies. You still can buy from them, but the night before, try to think about what you can eat for lunch the next day instead of impulsively buying. 
Carrying small containers of fruits or vegetables to go with my canteen lunch is my favourite combination. 
Carry a water bottle. I used to always forget to stay hydrated during school, so instead of drinking from fountains, I now prefer to carry around my water bottle from class to class. 
Wear SPF.
Just having it sitting on my desk while I’m working, reminds me in my mind to drink water. Water also boosts brain performance! 
Create a stress management plan. There are going to be times when you feel stressed, but we want to avoid stress impacting our academic performance and mental health. 
Before school starts, plan what to do if you feel heavily stressed. This could be like a menu of things you can choose from or a step-by-step guide that you follow through. This plan should contain things that relax you, make you happy and distract you from stress. 
Practice good posture. Once school starts, we sit at a desk all day, and most of us forget the proper way to sit while studying/working in class. This can lead to slumping or hunching on a chair, which encourages bad posture. 
Remember throughout the day to practice good posture, if you can, put a little reminder on your device. Posture stretches before the school days also help. 
Try to incorporate exercise into your schedule. Exercise is frequently neglected when we just have so much studying to do and we’re busy with other activities, but exercise is essential to leading a healthy lifestyle. 
The good thing, is you don’t have to do it every day. Doing it 2-3x a week should be enough. Going on walks during lunch/recess, cycling to school or participating in gym are easy ways to incorporate during the school season. 
Keep your bag lightweight. Carry the absolute essentials to school, having such a heavy bag can do a number on your back and also affect your posture. If you do have one, try to keep most things in your locker instead of bringing them to and from school. 
Engage in social media mindfully. There are so many toxic studying accounts out there that encourage unrealistic expectations or offer harsh ‘motivation’ to students. 
Please don’t interact with these types of accounts, even if they provide motivation to you, it is not sustainable at all. 
Choose your favourite way to take a break. Not just once a week, but always take breaks every day. If you want these breaks to be somewhat productive like reading a productivity book or exercising, then go ahead. 
However, your breaks can also be ‘unproductive’. Play some games, go online shopping or just take a nap. One break is not better than the other, I just encourage you to take any kind of breaks you want daily.  
Plan to engage in hobbies regularly. It is easy to neglect our passions and what brings us happiness when we’re focused on school. If you can, have a chunk of the day just purely for doing hobbies. It can be for 1 hour, 30 minutes or 10. 
Or, join an afterschool club that focuses on that specific passion or hobby. Not only is it time for you to engage in the things you enjoy, you meet like-minded people who also enjoy it. 
Try to plan things with friends and family. Before school, meet up with your friends or family and do things with them. Once school reopens, opportunities to hang out with your loved ones are scarce. So, do it now. 
Create a no-hard productivity day. Plan a day in which you are doing the most minimal amount of productivity that you can. While you can include a few productive things, nothing that is mentally or physically exhausting is allowed on this day. 
If you are way too much of a productive or goal-oriented person to spend one day of no hard productivity, create a catch-up day. Choose one day of the week that you focus on completing or doing anything that you didn’t do all the other days. 
Keep a journal on you. Sometimes things happen during the school year, and it does cause conflicting or upsetting emotions within us. Creating the practice of journaling before school reopens is a good way for us to process our emotions and situations. 
Carry a book you like in your bag or locker. When you finish all of your work in class, or you just want to take a break, you can read a good book. This is also a good alternative to spending your lunches and recesses when you’re not in a sociable mood. 
Create a reward system. For example, if I study for x minutes, I can do x for myself. Or I can x grade, and I’ll get x. These don’t have to be big or extravagant rewards, but something simple like one episode of your favourite show can do. 
Practice a growth mindset. You are going to experience failure at least once (if not more) during your school career. You mustn’t take these experiences to heart, and instead, use them as lessons to encourage self-growth within you. 
Practice this mindset now, so that when school reopens, you won’t have a problem with extracting lessons from failures. 
Use comparison as a source of inspiration or motivation. It is easy to compare ourselves with our peers, as we are similar ages, but their skills can exceed ours. Instead of using up all of your energy to be envious of the, channel that energy into bettering yourself. Not to beat them, but to beat yourself. 
View studying as a time to develop your skills. While yes, we do study to get good grades, studying can help us to grow our other skills as well. We build our discipline, focus and critical thinking as well. 
So when you don’t get the best grade from an assessment or assignment, don’t beat yourself up and think all that studying was for nothing. You were building those skills, so next time, you can apply them when you have to study again.
Set firm boundaries with others and yourself. There are times when you just have to say, I have to study. Not just to others, but to yourself. Practice these boundaries before school when it comes to more general productivity. 
There is no rejection, just redirection. Change your mindset that rejection is nonexistent, and there is only redirection. Incorporate it in your daily life like;
‘there’s no more stock left of my favourite product, there’s probably something better out there.’ 
That being said, I’m not saying that if there is a barrier to your goal, you just move on. However, you should not be chasing things that are not meant for you and shift your focus when necessary. 
Detach when needed. Stop attaching your value or worth to things that are external and can easily be gone. This doesn’t have to apply to just grades, but also other situations. 
Try to start reading or researching about detachment before school reopens.  
Time is your most valuable resource, use it to invest wisely. Your teen years are going to be the most suitable time in your life to start investing in yourself. 
You have fewer things to worry about(aside from grades) and you have a lot of opportunities now to explore the things that you want. Please, don't spend this time doomscrolling or any other time-wasting activity. 
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skycowboys · 2 months
Hello, I adore your work, I was wondering in this world does any other form of transportation exist such as locomotives 🚂 (I’m an avid Railway/rail fan enthusiast and considering there were races between horses and the earliest locomotives, with horses and other four legged critters helping building the lines before being replaced) I feel like these “iron horses” wouldn’t exactly be much of a threat.
That's so cool. Trains are so cool. I seriously wish we had more of them here in America - both historical trains and tracks but also highspeed rail. I will die and go to heaven of happiness the moment I can take a reliable train to a destination other than the metrodome on a Twins game day sob.
The old west history of trains is fascinating and a little tragic, but yeah you're correct about the SC world. Due to the chasms, trains aren't really that viable for cross-country travel and shipping of goods. Here's a quick rail line theoretical -
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The main cities are circled in purple -
West/North/South Rook and Southcut are a farming and nymbak center due to the relatively large swaths of unbroken land and the river.
Denavi and Oakridge are known for their timber (and Denavi for lightning fish products).
Woodloch and Vale have universities.
Slipshod and Carver Canyon Falls are known for their mining, and the area north of Carver Canyon is another bread basket.
Almost all the space in between is free-range farm, timber, and livestock land.
I've drawn potential rail lines between them and you can see all of, uh, the problems lol. If there would be a maintained line, it'd be in the middle of the farmland north of the Rooks to transport grains southward to the Rooks, but people are so accustomed to skimmers (flying pegasi pulling wheeled carts on the ground) and shortwings pulling carts along paved roads, it'd be hard to convince them to put in rail lines. The people of SC are used to using what's in their local area to make a good living for themselves, supplemented with goods and knowhow brought in by pilots and trade routes supported by bridge and cable cars.
Eventually I want to make a map that includes bridges and cable cars because that might switch this up a bit, but first I gotta finish the book :)
But yeah, the pegasus is the main mode of transportation in the SC world, and other than footpaths there aren't really any others that get close to the popularity and efficiency of pegasus-centered methods.
~ Larn
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