#Flexitarian diet
rjzimmerman · 17 days
Excerpt from this story from Grist:
A new report finds that the United States could more efficiently produce food if half the country’s protein supply came from plant-based or alternative proteins rather than meat or dairy. 
The analysis demonstrates how a shift toward a plant-based diet provides ample benefits for the environment and the climate. In its latest report, the Good Food Institute, or GFI — a nonprofit think tank that supports the growth of alternative proteins — calculates that if Americans replaced 50 percent of their animal protein consumption with plant-based options, then 47.3 million fewer acres of cropland would be needed to grow the same amount of protein.
That land, which altogether makes up an area roughly the size of South Dakota, represents tremendous opportunities for carbon sequestration and biodiversity, according to GFI. The organization argues that if those acres weren’t used to grow crops, they could instead be transformed into carbon sinks or used to restore threatened ecosystems. That would deliver climate benefits on top of the reduction of animal agriculture’s more direct emissions sources: manure and cow burps.
The U.S. currently devotes a tremendous amount of land to agriculture: Over 60 percent of land in the contiguous U.S. is used for agriculture, and 21 percent of that is cropland. A majority of the nation’s cropland — 78 percent — is used to raise crops that are primarily used to feed animals. 
The shift toward increased alternative protein production detailed in the GFI report would not require growing more plants. Instead, the U.S. could meet its current protein demand by growing fewer crops overall, and ensuring that more of the commodity crops we already produce — such as soy, grain, corn, barley, oats, and sorghum — are grown for human consumption.
“I think a lot of people, when they hear about plant-based diets, they’re like, ‘That’s going to take so much soy,’” said Priera Panescu Scott, GFI’s lead plant-based scientist, whose background is in material and agricultural science. But Panescu Scott, who co-authored the report, points out that soy is mostly grown to feed livestock, not humans. Worldwide, a majority of soy is used for animal feed, while only 7 percent winds up becoming tofu, tempeh, soy milk, or other foods. 
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vitality-voyage1 · 3 months
Is your current diet failing you? 😔 Learn why the Mediterranean Diet is different. 😉
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maisha-online · 8 months
Eating for the Win: The Best Diets for Serious Runners
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As a runner, you know that proper nutrition plays a crucial role in your performance, energy levels, and overall health. But with so many diets out there, it can be overwhelming to determine which one is best for you. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the top 10 diets for runners, providing you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about your dietary…
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hopkinrx · 1 year
Vegetarian Diet: A Nutrient-Rich Path to a Healthier Lifestyle
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lilleluv · 2 years
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littlepreacher68 · 2 years
The PRO-Plant (yet not ANTI-Meat) Way to Eat! Part 2 Interview with DJ B...
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hannahhickok2007 · 2 years
Try something new
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You should try being a flexitarian Because it’s better for the environment as you don’t know Flexitarianism or flexitarism is a semi-vegetarian diet in which people do not eat meat one or more days a week. A semi-vegetarian diet, also called a flexitarian, is one that is centered on plant foods with the occasional inclusion of meat.
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sonshinegreene · 2 years
Switching To A Plant Based Diet Day 10
No, you didn’t miss any posts. I have been focusing on getting my videos up on TikTok and YouTube, and I haven’t posted them here. I think I am only going to post the videos here when I have something to add to the message of the video. Today is a perfect example. I wanted to explain some of the vegetables I am enjoying and why I chose to eat them. The first vegetable I’m going to talk about is…
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fitnessratsuniverse · 2 months
In this article, we’ll explore the Flexitarian Diet pros and cons, helping you understand how this flexible eating plan can fit into your fitness journey.
In the realm of modern fitness trends, the flexitarian diet has emerged as a popular choice for individuals seeking a balanced approach to nutrition. Unlike strict vegetarian or vegan diets, the flexitarian diet offers flexibility by primarily focusing on plant-based foods while occasionally incorporating meat and other animal products. This dietary approach is not just a temporary fad but rather a sustainable lifestyle choice embraced by many fitness enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals alike.
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slimmingstrategies · 6 months
Mastering Weight Loss Without Sacrificing Productivity: 10 Practical Tips for Busy Professionals
Read it: 
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vitality-voyage1 · 3 months
Ready to transform your body and mind? 💪😎 See how intermittent fasting can help. 🔥
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listonic · 2 years
The best way to get started with the flexitarian diet is by planning everything out.
Go through our food list template and meal plan to get an idea of what you should eat...
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reasonsforhope · 6 months
"A global shift to a mostly plant-based “flexitarian” diet could reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help restrict global heating to 1.5C, a new study shows.
Previous research has warned how emissions from food alone at current rates will propel the world past this key international target.
But the new research, published in the Science Advances journal, shows how that could be prevented by widespread adoption of a flexitarian diet based around reducing meat consumption and adding more plant-based food.
“A shift toward healthy diets would not only benefit the people, the land and food systems,” said Florian Humpenöder, a study author and senior scientist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, “but also would have an impact on the total economy in terms of how fast emissions need to be reduced.” ...
The researchers found that adopting a flexitarian diet could lower methane and nitrous oxide emissions from agriculture and lower the impacts of food production on water, nitrogen and biodiversity. This in turn could reduce the economic costs related to human health and ecosystem degradation and cut GHG emissions pricing, or what it costs to mitigate carbon, by 43% in 2050.
The dietary shift models also show limiting peak warming to about 1.5C can be achieved by 2045 with less carbon dioxide removal, compared with if we maintain our current diets.
“It’s important to stress that flexitarian is not vegetarian and not vegan,” Humpenöder says. “It’s less livestock products, especially in high-income regions, and the diet is based on what would be the best diet for human health.”
In the US, agriculture accounts for more than 10% of total GHG emissions. Most of it comes from livestock. Reducing meat consumption can free up agricultural land used for livestock production, which in turn can lower methane emissions. A potent greenhouse gas, methane is mainly expelled from cows and other animals raised for livestock. Animal production is the primary contributor to air quality-related health impacts from US food systems.
“This paper further confirms what other studies have shown, which is that if we change our diets to a more flexitarian type, we can greatly reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” said Jason Hill, a professor in the University of Minnesota’s department of bioproducts and biosystems engineering.
According to the study authors, one way to achieve a shift toward healthier diets is through price-based incentives, such as putting taxes on the highest-emitting animal products, including beef and lamb. Another option is informing consumers about environmental consequences of high meat consumption."
-via The Guardian, March 27, 2024
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
‘When scientists like me advocate for healthy and environmentally-friendly eating, it’s often said we’re sitting in our ivory towers promoting something financially out of reach for most people. This study shows it’s quite the opposite. These diets could be better for your bank balance as well as for your health and...the planet.’
Oxford University research has today revealed that, in countries such as the US, the UK, Australia and across Western Europe, adopting a vegan, vegetarian, or flexitarian diet could slash your food bill by up to one-third.
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It found that in high-income countries:
Vegan diets were the most affordable and reduced food costs by up to one third.
Vegetarian diets were a close second.
Flexitarian diets with low amounts of meat and dairy reduced costs by 14%.
By contrast, pescatarian diets increased costs by up to 2%.
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littlepreacher68 · 2 years
This is a interesting interview with the author of the Flexitarian Diet which is a combination of eating mostly plants with a little meat.  It is semi-vegetarian and has helped many people with having a healthier eating habit and lifestyle.
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