#Easy egg recipe
drdunev · 8 days
Can Eggs Really Help With Depression?
I have written about eggs before. It used to be just the animal varieties to choose from. You know; duck eggs, chicken eggs, quail eggs, etc. Now there must be eight or so variations at the markets, ranging from plain old white eggs to free range (the chicken gets to stick it’s feathery neck outside the roost for a few minutes) to pasture-raised organic. This means the chickens are supposed to be able to grub around in the grass and dirt to find worms and insects, since birds tend to be carnivores. Chickens in the wild eat an omnivorous diet, meaning they eat anything they can forage in the grasses where they can find beetles. worms and other insects.i
Eggs are pretty amazing nutritionally. Yes, the yolks do contain cholesterol. But they also contain lecithin which breaks down fat and cholesterol. They also contain choline, which is necessary for fat metabolism, and is good for the brain.
Now there is evidence that eggs decrease the risk of depression. The study was a 6- year study of elderly people. Those who ate three eggs a week had a 38% decrease in the risk of depressive symptoms compared to non-egg eaters. And with each additional egg consumed per week, the risk decreased by an additional 4%.ii
This wasn’t a double-blind study. It was self-reported by the participants, but there probably isn’t too much reason to falsely report. So, this indicates that eggs are probably even better for us than was previously known. Happily, this also indicates that there is more interest in prevention and dietary influences of mental problems, rather than just prescribing drugs.
Although the study wasn’t performed on children or teenagers, eggs may prove beneficial to them, as well. Studies are showing that more young people are suffering from mental and emotional difficulties since the pandemic. It’s probably hard for adults to understand what an impact this pandemic event had on development, and it went on far too long. In the life of a young person, this would have an enormous impact, almost like the impact that periods of war or economic depression had on earlier generations. So, simple dietary improvements may help.
No time to fix eggs in the morning? Try this “Egg Pancakes” recipe. Mash a small banana with two raw eggs to make a batter. Cook the pancakes on a griddle until firm and light brown. These can be made ahead, frozen and thawed as needed, for a quick breakfast or snack. Spread with favorite nut butter, roll them up, and they can be eaten on the run. They are sweet enough on their own, or can be enjoyed with a fruit puree or syrup like a regular pancake.iii
I always suggest spending money on the best eggs. The health benefits are substantially improved when the yolk is orange and the shells are strong. Eggs keep several weeks after the date on the carton. You can tell if an egg is fresh by putting it in a glass of water. If it sinks to the bottom and lays flat on its side, the egg is fresh. It is floats, toss it out.
Freshly laid eggs do not need to be refrigerated, and often aren’t in other countries. But once eggs are refrigerated, they must remain refrigerated because they “sweat” when returning to room-temperature and that liquid may be a breeding ground for bacteria. It’s okay to leave eggs out for baking, as many recipes suggest, as long as you use them quickly.
I love eggs and eat them most days for breakfast. I find that the protein keeps my blood sugar stable until lunch. My cholesterol was just checked and it is actually lower than I really want it! I have been eating very little sugar in this past year, and cholesterol is made mainly from dietary sugar, so it is not surprising. But cholesterol is very important for brain health and cognition, so I am going to keep on eating those eggs!
If you want more egg-y inspiration, here is a downloadable or purchasable cookbook called, “Too Many Eggs” by Mimi Dvorak. https://www.toomanyeggs.com
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daily-deliciousness · 8 months
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Croissant breakfast sandwiches
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fullcravings · 2 days
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Easy Copycat Vegan Pillsbury Pumpkin Sugar Cookies
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“mia why did it take you 45 minutes to make an instant noodle”
well uh
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look i got more ingredients in my kitchen than good sense okay
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fuckingrecipes · 1 month
Easy Homemade noodle recipes
Egg Yolks: Start with 2, go up from there.
Egg Whites: Half of however many yolks you used
Water: As needed. Maybe 1 tsp per 2 eggs.
Salt: idk, a pinch. 1 Teaspoon?
Flour: Enough so it becomes a dough, and not mush. 1 cup per egg, with more or less added for texture.
Butter or Oil: idk like half teaspoon per egg? I just blop a little bit in there, eyeballing it.
Other shit: Add dried herbs or spices if you want. I like an italian herb mix in mine. Basil and Oregano and Black Pepper
Start with a pile of flour. Sort out your egg situation and dump those into the flour. Add a little water and oil, and mix it together for about 5 mins.
If it's crumbly and doesn't want to be a neat dough ball after 5 mins, add more egg yolk or water. If it's super sticky and making a huge mess, add more flour.
After 10 mins of kneading and adjusting ratios so it looks like a dough, divide it into smaller balls that are each about the size of a lime. Doesn't have to be precise.
Let those chunks of dough rest for another 10 mins. (yes, resting is important)
Use a rolling pin to roll out the dough as thin as you can, without putting holes in it. Anywhere from 1/4 inch to paper thin is fine.
Rub a little more flour on the dough if it wants to stick to the rolling pin or your counter surface.
Once it's as flat as you want, roll up the dough like it's a scroll, and slice it thinly.
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You can toss them in BOILING water (or straight into broth/sauce), and cooking 'till done. Cook time depends on how thick your noodles are. After 5 minutes of boiling, take a noodle out and try a nibble. If it's not done, boil it some more. If it's done, take it off the heat. You can also fry the noodles in oil if you want.
Or you can save them for later by laying or hanging the noodles until dry. Could be on a counter with paper towels on either side of them... could be hung on a coat hanger... however you can get airflow to dry those suckers out for a couple hours. Then put in an airtight container in the fridge.
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niftyrecipe · 10 months
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average-hua-cheng-fan · 3 months
hey, don't cry. while the ramen water boils, add some shredded leftover meat or lunch meat and some spinach to your bowl. when you put the noodles in, add an egg, the whole spicy flavor packet, a tsp+ each of ground ginger and garlic, and a pat of butter. decide when the noodles are done with your heart and then add them and the broth to the bowl. okay?
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my mom for some reason bought a whole spiral cut ham and so it's time for my favorite "low effort quick and easy healthy and delicious dinner with Lu, who just got off a 10 hour shift and is, perhaps, Hangry":
don't talk to me scramble
(so named because when I come home from work and am eating a late supper I want everyone to shut up and let me eat in peace)
3 of the biggest eggs you've got - 4 if they're smaller than LargeTM
ham: deli cut works here but I literally just grabbed the spiral cut ham and ripped pieces off with my bare hands until I had a generous handful of Ham Bits (you can probably use whatever lunchmeat you have in your fridge for this tbh)
about like 3 tbsp of cream cheese?? Gordon Ramsay it babey
one(1) slice of pepper jack cheese or whatever kind you like
big handful of spinach (frozen works but I used a slightly wilted leftover salad since it needs eaten soon) or other vegetables of choice. bagged frozen stuff is great in eggs
optional carb (bread, tortilla, biscuits, et cetera)
butter or oil in your pan. crack ya eggs. throw the Ham Bits in immediately or else they will be Cold. once eggs start to cook throw in your SpinchTM or ~vegetals of choice~ so that they'll wilt/heat up. this is the point where you want to toast your bread or heat a tortilla or whatnot, if you're into that kind of thing. once eggs are MOSTLY cooked, toss in your pepper jack and cheem creams and stir it all around until it's melted. it will probably look a bit watery — if this is a texture no-no I suggest making this in omelette form, bc yes, cream cheese is awesome in an omelette. serve with Optional Carb if you wis, or by itself, possibly eaten directly out of the pan you cooked it in. you are adulting so well. your tastebuds and your body think you're the coolest 👍 go forth full, happy, and proud of yourself
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foodshowxyz · 7 months
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Mini chorizo, beef and potato empanadilla
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gardening-guy · 2 months
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made my no-crust quiche this morning for breakfast! 🌞 (recipe is below the cut)
usually i add more to this recipe, specifically leftover ground beef or turkey with green onions & basil from the garden, but i was super lazy today... thus, it's just mozzarella cheese & chopped parsley (and eggs, milk, and seasonings of course lol)
oli's no-crust quiche recipe for lazy mornings
ingredients needed: - 4 eggs (minimum) - 1 tbsp of milk - just a bit of oil or butter for greasing the pan (i like olive oil) - salt & pepper (to taste) - garlic powder & onion powder (to taste) - chopped parsley (i use dried) - chopped basil (i use fresh from my garden) - chopped green onions (fresh from my garden too or frozen) - shredded cheese of choice (i like mozzarella) - cooked meat of choice, in small crumbles (make sure it's seasoned) (i like ground beef or ground turkey) - anything else you'd like to toss in (ideas include: minced onions, minced garlic, spinach, chopped tomatoes, grated parmesan)
preheat the oven to 350 degrees fahrenheit (or the equivalent) and grease a high-walled pan (i use cake pans) with your oil/butter.
in a bowl, whisk together your eggs and milk until combined thoroughly. season with salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, and any other seasonings to your liking. i also add in my parsley, green onions, and basil after the seasonings.
dump in your meat + shredded cheese of choice and stir in until combined thoroughly (i do my cheese first, and then meat separately). add in any other fillings you have chosen and stir into the mixture as well.
pour into your greased oven pan and then pop into the oven at 350 degrees fahrenheit for 30 minutes. i like checking in around the 15-20 minute mark to ensure it's doing alright.
once done, take out of the oven and let cool! i usually also take this moment to top it with some grated parmesan and coarse salt. then enjoy!
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kkimura · 2 years
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I made the easiest egg sandwich for breakfast today. It can be done in a few minutes in one pan!
It is just like a combination of french toast, grilled cheese, and an omelet. Pretty much all you want for breakfast, right? ; )
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askwhatsforlunch · 3 months
Pak Choi Noodles (Vegan)
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These simple Pak Choi Noddles make an easy, yet flavourful and hearty dinner. Happy Thursday!
Ingredients (serves 2):
200 grams/7 ounces egg noodles
4 cups boiling water
1 ½ tablespoon toasted sesame oil
1 thumb-sized piece fresh ginger
a large garlic clove, minced
half a red chili pepper
a large, beautiful pak choi (or 2 smaller ones)
1 tablespoon rice vinegar
2 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons sweet soy sauce
Place egg noodles in a medium bowl. Cover with boiling water, and place a lid on top. Allow noddles to cook, about 5 minutes.
Meanwhile, in a large wok, heat toasted sesame oil over medium-high heat.
Peel ginger, and cut it into very thin slices. Add to the wok, and fry, a couple of minutes. Add garlic, and cook, 1 minute more. 
Thinly slice red chili pepper, and stir into the wok. Cook, a couple of minutes.
Thoroughly rinse pak choi under cold water.
Cut off and discard the bottom of the pak choi, and cut off the leaves, reserving for later. Chop white part of the pak choi, and stir into the wok. Cook, coating in oil and spices, about 5 minutes.
Deglaze with  rice vinegar, soy sauce and sweet soy sauce.
Drain cooked egg noodles, and rinse under cold water. Set aside.
Stir half of the reserved pak choi leaves into the wok, and cook until just wilted. Then, stir in drained egg noodles, and remaining pak choi leaves, coating well in the sauce.
Serve Pak Choi Noodles hot.
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daily-deliciousness · 11 months
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Classic eggs benedict
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fullcravings · 1 month
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alternis · 1 month
i do love when people try to make jokes like "oh but you cant make [food item] vegan" because i can guarantee a single google search will turn up fifteen veganised recipes for any food product you can imagine. 'smoked salmon' made of watermelon or carrot. 'cheesecake' made of cashews. i found a vegan portuguese egg tart recipe last week. "but you cant make eggnog without eggs and milk, those are the main two ingredients!" aye? but with oats, arrowroot powder, and sheer fucking gumption-
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remembertoeat · 1 year
Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner Recipe: Avocado Toast
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TIME: ★★★★
PRICE: ★★★✰
EASE: ★★★★
Something something Millennials something
This is a great, quick, filling recipe for any meal of the day. I typically do it for lunch, but if you just want a stupid-easy, fast cleanup, low energy, filling, nutritious dinner, this is great for that. It takes as long as it takes bread to toast/eggs to cook. Only about 10 minutes.
The ONLY thing that dings the price category are the avocados. If they are in-season or on sale, however, this becomes an easy 4-star across the board.
Ingredients: 1. Bread of your choice. I like grainy breads and homemade bread but you can do this with a cheap loaf, easy peasy. 2. Avocado. I usually use 1/3rd-1/2 of one. 3. Eggs. 1-2, depending on how much you want.
-Toast up some bread, either in a toaster or in a pan. -Cook up your eggs. I like runny-yolks, but you could do this scrambled, hard boiled, whatever you want. -Mash up your avocado and spread it on your toasted bread. Add the eggs on top. Season with salt, pepper, whatever you want.
OPTIONAL: add sliced deli-meat or chickpeas (for extra protein) to your toast!
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