#ED Treatments
dr-kanu-rajput · 2 months
Understanding Erectile Dysfunction in Unconsummated Marriages: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments
Understanding Erectile Dysfunction in the Context of Unconsummated Marriage 1. What Is Erectile Dysfunction? (ED Explained) 1.1 Defining Erectile Dysfunction: Medical Perspective Let’s get straight to the point: What exactly is erectile dysfunction (ED)? Medical Definition: Erectile dysfunction is the consistent inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual…
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medsonlinepharmacy · 11 months
5 Reliable Online Places for Purchasing ED Medications in 2023.
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If you search "buy erectile dysfunction drugs" online, you will find approximately 22 million web sites. You can find well-known ED drugs for sale, as well as many "natural" treatments that promise to give you similar results.  Are they safe to buy? Experts say think twice before shopping online.
Read more: https://medshealthtips.blogspot.com/2023/10/5-reliable-online-sources-for.html
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ashpkat · 13 days
i can’t believe octavian died like… that. of all things in a middle grade kids books series. and everyone was chill about it. literally no one gaf octavian died so horrifically even if it was ‘just’ —and as the readers… we were chill with it too
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Cloudy hath been the fauour / Þat shoon on me ful bright in tymes past. / The sonne abated and the dirke shour / Hildid doun right on me and in langour / Me made swymme so þat my spiryt / To lyue no lust hadde ne delyt [Thomas Hoccleve, Complaint]
my man is going through it, anachronistically colored medieval manuscript leaf edition
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ghostonly · 6 months
This is so fucked up. This article is from 2017 but afaik is still accurate. Let me know if anything has been done about this since then - possibly during the early pandemic?
TL;DR most medications seem to be stable for leagues longer than their expiration dates say, and their expiration dates have been extended federally after doing periodic potency testing with the drugs hoarded by the US government, but the FDA refuses to extend the official expiration dates. It's illegal for medical professionals to dispense expired drugs, so perfectly good medications are being thrown out constantly.
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isdalinarhot · 27 days
Modern au Adolin threw away most of the bracelets and beanbags and such that Dalinar made for him in rehab but Renarin holds onto all of them and treasures them dearly
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adventures-in-therapy · 6 months
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hilarybanks · 27 days
also yay i’m so happy 🩷
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coleomegilla-maculata · 7 months
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can you buy me pads?
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reasonsforhope · 2 years
"The “Düsseldorf Patient”, a man now aged 53, is just the third person worldwide to have been completely cured of HIV via stem cell transplantation.
As in the case of the other two patients, the so-called “Berlin Patient” and “London Patient,” the transplantation was undertaken to treat an acute blood disease, which had developed in addition to the HIV infection.
The Düsseldorf Patient received a stem cell transplant used to treat leukemia in 2013 and has shown persistent suppression of HIV-1 ever since, including during the last 4 years after the patient stopped taking anti-retroviral medication.
“I still remember very well the sentence from my family doctor: ‘don’t take it so hard,'” the Düsseldorf Patient, who had leukemia as well as HIV-1, said in a statement. “‘We will experience together that HIV can be cured!’ At the time, I dismissed the statement.”
Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is a procedure used to treat certain cancers, such as leukemia, by transferring immature blood cells from a donor to repopulate the bone marrow of the recipient.
Scientists now understand that individuals with two copies of the Δ32 mutation in the gene for the HIV-1 co-receptor CCR5; are resistant to HIV-1 infection. The two previous cases of both the London patient and the Berlin patient involved receiving a stem cell transplant from a donor with these unique mutations.
Björn-Erik Jensen, a specialist in infectious diseases at Düsseldorf University Hospital, lead the treatment and subsequent research, revealed today in a peer-reviewed study in Nature.
The patient was diagnosed as having acute myeloid leukemia and proceeded to undergo transplantation of stem cells from a female donor in 2013, followed by chemotherapy and infusions of donor lymphocytes.
After the transplantation, anti-retroviral therapy was continued, but HIV was undetectable in the patient’s blood cells. Anti-retroviral therapy was suspended in November 2018 with the patient’s informed consent, almost 6 years after the stem cell transplantation, to determine whether the virus persisted in the patient.
“I very much hope that these doctors will now get even more attention for their work,” said the patient. “I have now decided to give up some of my private life to support research fundraising. And of course, it will also stay very important for me to fight the stigmatization of HIV with my story.”
The authors conclude that although HSCT remains a high-risk procedure that is at present an option only for some people living with both HIV-1 and hematological cancers, these results may inform future strategies for achieving long-term remission of HIV-1."
-via Good News Network, 2/20/23
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angelmush · 28 days
one thing that has helped me w/r/t recovery and fatphobia is that even if i dont feel ready to address myself with compassion and kindness reminding myself that the way i treat myself because of my physical appearance will always inevitably carry over to how i treat and view others has honestly been so helpful realizing that getting over myself and my own fatphobia is a loving act and important socially not just internally. sometimes its easier to feel compassion towards others and then go, oh! i deserve the same thing. and by depriving myself of that i might make the mistake of judging and hurting others. anyways your recovery posts and food pictures are so wonderful and inspiring <3
1. thank u for taking the time to send such a vulnerable and honest message and 2. YES YES YES a billion times YES !!!
it’s a deeply loving and revolutionary act to address the beliefs that you consciously and unconsciously hold about fatness. as much as you might try, those conditioned feelings bleed into everything. they seep into our behaviors and in turn, wound us and the people around us.
you worded it beautifully. recovering and working hard on unlearning the ugly stuff undoubtedly makes us into kinder, gentler people. :-)
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gardenerian · 1 month
wahoooo waheeeee! tagged by @catgrassplantdad @heymrspatel @mybrainismelted @celestialmickey and @energievie for a lil tag game! woooheeee!
name: mel
do you drink coffee? no! it's icky! boooo!
what’s the best thing you ate today? lads i'll be honest it was. a cosmic brownie 😐
tell us about your first pet (or if you haven’t had a pet yet, what’s your dream pet?) pour one out for squeaky the hamster 🐹 my brother begged for a hamster and then got Bored after like two weeks so then i had a hamster, he was a cutie
if your life was a book, what would you call the current chapter? something pretentious about sisyphus, i think asldkfh actually maybe that would literally be it
what’s something you did recently that you’re proud of? cosmic brownie 🪐✨👽
what was your first dream job growing up? is it anything like the job you have now? i wanted to be a backup dancer for ricky martin at one point. there is video. i am....... Not That today.
what’s the name of the latest playlist you made? well this is very boring. it's "august 2024" bc i make a new one every month 😂
i am sick and fevery so this is the best i got 😴 tagging you reading this right now! do it! 😇 i love you!
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whsprings · 24 days
ed treatment is like oh, you poor thing, you're struggling to eat your meal? here let me support you 😊 btw if you need any support after the meal I will be completely inaccessible and unavailable 😊 good luck!! 😊 also restriction is okay to talk about in groups but if you talk about any other ed behavior you will be told it is inappropriate and triggering and to change the subject 😊 and btw restriction is allowed to happen openly 😊 but all other behaviors will lead to you being called out for being triggering and to being punished 😊 all EDs are valid though 😊 but actually only if you restrict, everything else is gross and icky 😊 end the stigma!! 😊
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twitterdotcom · 11 months
I know it's been said before, but I think my biggest gripe with Izzy's death is that it felt like it was written and finished before S1 was even done, and then S2 was written like "ok Izzy dies this season so we have to make sure the audience feels sad about it." So they developed Izzy but never went back to the original script for the death scene and instead just went with the original draft despite literally all of S2 (and some of S1) contradicting what was supposed to be the emotional core of it
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findingmypeace · 26 days
Emotionally, I've been avoiding it, but Friday was my last day at in-person iop and Monday will be my first day of virtual. I'm having a very hard time with leaving in-person. Friday's iop was so special. Most of them did not know that it was going to be my last day until the night before. By chance we ended up with a group time with no therapist to lead group. So instead we had an impromptu, client led goodbye group for me. I felt so understood and like they saw, despite my efforts to keep the mask on, the real me. One of the girls played the song Rainbow by Kacey Musgraves. I had never heard that song before. I really, really needed to hear that. Some of the things they said, I had never heard about myself before. (Things like "You bring so much life to the room." "You're a vibe.") Those are comments I've always wanted to hear but never thought of myself that way.
My treatment team was amazing. I may be a little biased because one of them works with me as part of my outpatient team. I'm glad I will get to keep seeing her but it was nice to see her in person rather than virtually. Overall, I felt very connected to all the staff despite it being a relatively short stay. Emotionally, it feels like I'm being abandoned while logically I know that's not the case. Emotionally, I feel like I'm being left alone by myself to handle the pain while logically I know that is not what's happening. I'm scared. One thing my therapist repeatedly says to me (and it's really comforting) is that she will not leave me if I recover. I believe her. Sure, life happens and circumstances change. We can't predict the future but I believe her that, in this moment, her intention is to see me through this process. All of it.
I know I'm not being left behind or alone and there will be support from this virtual iop, my friends (like LS, RY, and TM) and my outpatient team but I'm scared.
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widevibratobitch · 1 month
got a good grade at therapy today, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve <3
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