#Marriage Counseling
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happy74827 · 1 year ago
Beyond Repair
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[William Afton x Wife!Reader]
Synopsis: Despite everything he’s done, so far the only consequence he’s received is marriage counseling {GIF Creds: @bittwitchy// Tagging @moonbanana-library because I feel like you’ll enjoy this}
WC: 2595
Category: Slight Fluff, Slight Angst [TW — Afton, cursing, small mentions of 18+ content]
Don’t we love random sparks of inspiration at four in the morning? I sure do 💀
You were always a clueless little thing.
You saw the world with rose-tinted glasses, and you believed in everyone. You saw the best in people, and you wanted to see the world like that.
And it wasn't a bad way to look at things; it kept you innocent and full of light. William, however, wasn't as good as you were. He had seen the world for what it was, and he knew how the world worked.
He'd lost his innocence, and he had seen bad things… done bad things. Sure, he was good with kids, but he had a secret side that he knew would completely crumble the way you saw the world, how you saw him.
So, despite everything, he made sure you'd never know. He kept the darker side of himself out of your view. And he did everything he could to be the husband you thought he was.
Soon, that husband's facade became a father's facade, and you had a beautiful daughter who had his eyes and your smile.
But he knew the truth.
He'd never been a good man. Not even close.
The moment his eyes landed on you, the day he'd met you, the years he got to spend with you, and the day he had asked you to be his wife. Every step in between, he knew that he didn't deserve any of it. He knew that he should have let you go.
But he was selfish.
He needed you. He loved you. Your innocence was refreshing. And your optimism was addicting.
William knew that he didn't deserve anything, except for maybe an early death. Yet, despite knowing all that, he was greedy. He was an ambitious man, and he took every opportunity that presented itself to him.
Even if that meant hurting the ones around him.
Because you see, the only thing in this world he wanted more than your love was the recognition he'd never gotten. And the respect.
So when he'd built his pizzeria and made his animatronics, he saw just how successful it became, and he saw just how many people knew him and just how much respect he was finally getting.
That's when he realized.
That's when the real William began to show himself. And that was his big mistake. That mentality led him to this grandma's couch, impatiently awaiting for hell to begin.
Marriage counseling.
He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head, trying to hold back a laugh. This was so pathetic. For years, he's crossed lines and done things that would put him on death row, and he'd never had a single issue. Yet, one small argument with you, and suddenly he's a man with a failing marriage?
What kind of joke was this?
Turns out the clueless little thing that you were had taken his little stunt a lot more seriously than he had anticipated.
"This is ridiculous," William groaned, slumping back into his seat as he stared up at the ceiling. "This is going to be a waste of time. All we need is a vacation, and it'll all work out just fine.”
You just stared at him with a look of disbelief and a small bit of disgust. Quite adorable, if he was honest.
"Really, William?" You said, rolling your eyes. "It's going to take a little more than a vacation to fix our relationship."
William turned to look at you, and he felt his heart twinge when he saw just how upset you were. His lips parted, and he felt a surge of regret wash over him.
He really hated seeing you like this.
You were the only person who ever seemed to make him feel remorse, and right now was no exception.
He opened his mouth, trying to find the words to tell you that he was sorry, but he stopped himself before he could say anything.
Because he wasn't sorry.
Not really.
“Ah, the Aftons, I presume?" A voice said, and William looked away from you, looking to the front of the room.
A man, most likely in his late 40's, was standing by the doorway. His dark hair had streaks of grey in it, and he had a few wrinkles. He was wearing a brown turtleneck and a pair of black pants.
His face was unreadable, and William couldn't tell what he was thinking. But he could tell that this was the same therapist he'd spoken with on the phone.
"I'm Doctor Miller. It's nice to finally meet you both." The therapist smiled and held his hand out.
William sighed, pushing himself off of the couch, and stood up. He shook his hand and forced a smile. "Likewise."
The Doctor nodded and glanced at you. He smiled and walked over to you, extending his hand.
You shook his hand and flashed a warm smile. The smile didn't meet your eyes, though. His smile was fake, and so was yours.
Maybe you were more similar than William had first assumed.
The doctor let go of your hand and stepped back. "Let's get started then."
William sat down, slouching his posture and staring up at the ceiling. He thought about wrapping his arm around you, pulling you closer to him, and holding you tight, but he thought better of it.
You'd probably reject his affection anyway. For being a clingy wife, you were surprisingly good at pushing him away.
Doctor Miller grabbed a notepad and a pen, walked to the chair beside the couch, and sat down.
He smiled the first genuine one out of the three of you, and opened the notepad.
"Alright, Mrs. Afton, I'd like you to start off. Tell me what happened." He said, his gaze fixed on you. Of course, he was already taking your side.
William glanced at you and raised an eyebrow. This should be good.
You hesitated before speaking. "He’s… well, different lately. He's distant. And cold. I hardly see him anymore, and when I do, he doesn't talk to me. He spends all of his time either in the basement or his office."
Doctor Miller wrote something down and nodded his head. "Is there any particular reason you believe this is happening?"
“No, but he has been acting more aggressive lately. I tried to talk to him about it, and he just snapped. It was like he wasn't even listening. Like his mind was somewhere else."
William stared at you. You sounded so sincere. So hurt. If he had a heart, he's sure it would be aching.
Doctor Miller hummed, nodding his head, and turned to William.
"What was the argument about, Mr. Afton?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
William looked at the doctor, and two options popped into his mind. Option one is to tell the doctor his true feelings. You were being ridiculous and childish. He didn't need your bullshit. He had more important things to worry about. Or, option two, lie.
He was always good at lying.
William sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He glanced at you and started to speak.
"She's right; I've been a little cold recently. I've just been stressed out. My business has been a lot lately, and I've been dealing with a few other personal issues. Stress isn't a good look on me, I'm afraid."
He lied, flashing a small sad smile at the doctor.
Doctor Miller looked at him for a moment before writing something down.
"Well, it sounds to me like there are a few issues in your relationship." He said, putting his notepad on the table and resting his arms on his lap. “One of them is a communication issue, which is not uncommon in relationships like this. I believe I can help you, but I want to ask you both a question first."
"What's the question?" You asked, and the Doctor turned to you, a soft look in his eyes.
"Are you still in love with him?"
You and William both tensed up, and the room was silent for a moment. He couldn’t help but turn to look at you, genuinely curious to hear what you were going to say.
You hesitated, your eyes locked on the ground. William felt his stomach churning and his jaw clenched.
He was actually nervous.
For the first time in a long time, William was actually nervous.
You turned to look at him, and he felt a wave of relief wash over him.
"Yes. I still love him."
Doctor Miller nodded and turned to William. "What about you? Are you still in love with your wife?"
Truth be told, you were the only person who ever came close to making William feel love. Vanessa was a close second, but he wasn't sure if it was the same kind of love. At least, not in the way he felt about you.
If this was love, then he was still in love.
"Always.” He spoke without a moment of hesitation. He gave you a warm smile, pulling that facade back up again. “…That's why I'm here."
The doctor smiled, and William swore he saw the tiniest hint of pity in his eyes. "That's good. That means there's still hope for your relationship.”
With all the money this one therapy session was costing him, he damn well hoped so.
"So, here's my idea," the doctor said, sitting up in his seat and clearing his throat. "I'd like to start off with a few activities, some couples challenges, if you will. This will help me understand where the problem areas are, and hopefully, after a few sessions, we'll be able to fix them. If not, we'll find a solution together. Sound good?"
Activities? Challenges? What was this, summer camp?
William resisted the urge to roll his eyes and nodded. "Sounds great."
You nodded, smiling, and William swore he saw a bit of excitement in your eyes. He wondered how much this meant to you. Had you really thought you were losing him?
"Perfect," the doctor said and grabbed his notepad. He flipped the page and started writing something down.
With the amount of writing this guy was doing, you'd think this was a novel. It took a lot out of him to not get up and snap the damn pen in half.
"Now, this might seem a little strange, but I want to try an activity right now. Something small and easy, so we can gauge your relationship and see how you interact with each other."
"What kind of activity?" You asked, tilting your head slightly.
"Something simple, don't worry. Just a conversation."
Conversation. That sounded boring.
William was about to complain when the doctor cut him off.
"When was the last time you two were… intimate?"
William's eyebrows furrowed, and he stared at the Doctor, whose gaze was fixed on him.
Was he asking what he thought he was asking?
William felt his face heat up and his jaw clenched.
He had to be kidding.
"I'm sorry, but what does that have to do with anything?" He asked, forcing his voice to sound calm.
The doctor turned his head to you, and you just looked down at the ground.
William was going to lose it.
"Being… connected with your spouse in that way is an important aspect of a healthy relationship. Without that sincerity, that vulnerability, you'll start to grow apart."
"We're perfectly connected," William said through gritted teeth. “What do you think you're implying here?"
He knew you like the back of his hand. He could read you like a book, and he was confident to know what you were thinking, doing, or feeling at all times.
He knew that look.
Your eyes were downcast, your hands were fidgeting, and your bottom lip was slightly jutted out.
You were embarrassed, and he knew he had to act. Play the good husband role, and save you the humiliation.
He reached his arm over and wrapped it around your shoulder, pulling you gently upwards. Your body tensed at his touch, but you relaxed when you looked up and saw his warm smile.
"See? We're completely connected." William said, his arm squeezing your shoulder. “I believe this is where our time is up. If you'll excuse us, we have some… activities apparently to get to."
William stood up, grabbing your hand and pulling you up with him. You were quiet, and he could feel your stare on the side of his head.
He couldn't tell if you were upset or grateful.
William cleared his throat and gave the doctor a cold smile. One that he purposely made so that the Doctor would know how displeased he was.
"Thank you for your time, Doctor Miller. We'll be sure to contact you soon."
The doctor nodded, a blank expression on his face. He didn’t say a word as William took you by the arm and guided you out the door.
No way in hell was he doing this again.
"William-" You started, and he cut you off.
"No more therapy, sweetheart," William said, his hand tightening around your arm.
"No more," he said, his voice low and stern. Still, he kept that warm smile on his face. It made you fall back into silence.
"We're done. We'll figure this out on our own. No more doctors or counselors or whatever the hell he was.”
Truth be told, he was absolutely livid. All that money wasted for a bum therapist to imply that their marriage was falling apart because you weren't communicating?
What a scam. This is exactly why he preferred to do things on his own.
William led you back to the car, opening the door for you and helping you in. He walked around the car and slid into the driver's seat.
He took a moment to breathe, his head falling back against the seat and his eyes closing.
God, he hated being here.
Hated it so much.
He needed a cigarette and maybe a stiff drink.
"I'm sorry." You said, your voice quiet.
William lifted his head and turned to you. He blinked, confused, and he couldn't help but chuckle.
"What for?"
"I… I thought maybe if we went to see a therapist, they could help. They could fix this. But… I think I messed it up. I'm sorry."
Your voice cracked, and he watched as tears started to form in your eyes.
His face softened, and he turned his body towards you, leaning his back against the door. Such a crybaby you were, emotionally connected and sensitive.
Just another reason why you worked so well with him. Blinded by emotion, you were easy to trick. Easy to manipulate.
You were naive, and it was adorable.
"No, no. Don't cry." William said, his hand lifting and cupping your cheek. He brushed away the tears with his thumb, and he forced a smile. "There's nothing to fix. We're fine, I promise. I’ll make sure of it. Okay?"
"Okay," you whimpered, nuzzling into his hand. It’s quite the contrast compared to the look of disgust on your face from earlier.
He didn't want to see that again.
William leaned forward and pressed his lips against your forehead. He could smell the shampoo and soap from your morning shower, and the smell calmed him down.
He could tell the action had calmed you down, too.
William pulled back, and his lips twitched upwards. "Don't worry about a thing. I'll fix this."
After all, he always got what he wanted. And what he wanted was his wife.
And no stupid, worthless therapist was going to guide him away from that.
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doughnut-231-jr · 1 year ago
i did it...
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missysippiiiee · 11 months ago
If you bring your emotions to the table in a respectful way and your partner calls you crazy or makes you feel that way, it’s emotional abuse. This is considered gaslighting and it’s a tactic used by narcissists. If done regularly over time, it can make you feel insecure, belittled, and worthless.
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lassie-farce · 5 months ago
this season of 911 lone star was brought to you by your therapist
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kabinmarriagemedia · 2 months ago
Marriage Counseling
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Marriage Counseling is a type of counseling that helps partners identify and work through issues in order to improve their bonds. It resolves several issues, such as emotional distance, trust problems, and communication failures.
Marriage counseling's advantages include:
Better Communication: By teaching partners how to communicate effectively, marriage therapists help them listen intently and express themselves clearly.
Problem solving: Couples acquire techniques for handling and settling problems solves effectively.
Developing Trust: Therapy offers a controlled setting for discussing trust violations, such sexual misconduct, and attempting to restore confidence between people.
Increased Emotional Bond: Counseling can improve the emotional connection and increase closeness between lovers.
When to Take Marriage Counseling Considering Factors:
Persistent Communication Problems: When discussions regularly result in miscommunications or disputes.
Unfaithfulness: To deal with and recover from loss of confidence. Emotional distance occurs when partners believe they are growing less close or moving distant.
Significant life changes that put stress on a relationship include having a kid, moving, or changing careers.
Discovering a Dhaka Marriage Counselor:
Marriage therapy is provided by a number of respectable services in Dhaka:
Kabin Marriage Media, Dhanmondi in Dhaka Bangladesh focuses on encouraging respectful interaction and providing customized solutions for relationship problems as a couple counselor.
Gives couples a loving and secure environment in which to work through the challenges of their relationships.
Ataullah Babul Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh Provides well regarded marriage counseling services 30-year client happiness and skilled therapists.
Selecting the Perfect Counselor:
Experience and Qualifications: Verify that the counselor has a license and has had specialized training in couples' therapy.
Therapy Approach: Take into consideration if their techniques, such as behavioral therapy or emotionally focused counseling, suit your tastes.
Comfort and Compatibility: In order to promote sincere discussion, it's critical to feel comfortable around the counselor.
In summary:
For couples looking to improve their bond, increase communication, and settle issues, marriage therapy can be a helpful tool. There are many trained experts in Dhaka that can help couples on the way to a happier relationship.
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kontemplasiku · 24 days ago
Menikah: Jangan Kau Cari Cinta, Carilah yang Dengan Bersamanya Surga Terasa Dekat
Kali ini, saya memasuki rotasi Psikosomatik dan Paliatif
Dalam 1 minggu ini, dua kali saya mendapatkan pasien Psikosomatik
Perempuan yang tidak bahagia hidup dengan pasangannya.
Perempuan pertama,
Mengatakan bahwa menikah tanpa dasar cinta
Ini adalah pernikahan keduanya, ia katakan, ia menikah agar ada yang merawatnya karena ia akan menjalani tindakan operasi yang membuatnya sulit berjalan dan beraktivitas tanpa bantuan orang lain.
Saat ini, ia mengaku menyesal menikahi suami keduanya. Ia mengaku masih mencintai suami pertamanya yang kala itu meninggal mendadak yang dicurigai serangan jantung.
Meskipun, suami keduanya ini telah sabar dan telaten dan merawatnya pasca operasi di rumah sakit
Meskipun ia katakan, suaminya saat ini tampak berubah menjadi lebih baik
Rajin shalatnya, termasuk shalat malamnya
Suaminya juga tidak pernah menyakitinya, ataupun berkata-kata kasar padanya
Perempuan kedua,
Mengatakan bahwa menikah karena faktor usia
Ia malu tidak kunjung menikah, sehingga ia menikah dengan seseorang dengan pendidikan terakhir yang tidak sepadan dengannya, begitupun dengan pekerjaan dan gaji yang diterima
Saat menjalani pernikahan, ia rasakan berat
Menurutnya, suaminya tidak nyambung diajak berkomunikasi olehnya.
Meskipun ia menyangkal suaminya bertindak jahat padanya, ia tidak bahagia bersama suaminya
Jangan terlena dengan kata Cinta
Cinta bukan alasan kau boleh atau tidak boleh menikah
Cinta bukan alasan kau bahagia atau tidak bahagia menjalani hidup dengan pasanganmu
Atas nama cinta,
Penyimpangan seksual dihalalkan
Seorang suami menceraikan istrinya untuk menikah dengan cinta pertamanya yang ditemuinya lagi saat reuni
Seorang istri menceraikan suaminya karena cinta lokasi dengan teman kerjanya
Menikahlah karena dengan menikah dengannya akan mendekatkanmu kepada Allah SWT
Menikahlah dengan orang yang kamu yakin bersamanya surga terasa dekat
Menikahlah dengan orang yang memiliki tujuan hidup yang sama denganmu, yaitu untuk meraih ridhaNya
cinta, rasa berdebar, itu hanya sementara
Jika rasa berdebar itu hilang, yang tersisa adalah sifatnya, wataknya, perilakunya, yang didasari oleh bagaimana keimanannya
Lelaki yang beriman, akan memuliakan istrinya, meski ia tidak cinta
Lelaki yang beriman, meski memiliki sifat dan watak yang keras, akan berusaha menahan amarahnya dan berusaha bersikap lembut terhadapmu, karena Rasulullah SAW teladannya
Lelaki yang beriman, akan senantiasa menundukkan pandangannya, hingga ia tidak akan mudah tergoda wanita di luar sana
Lelaki yang beriman, semakin kau mendekat padaNya, akan semakin tumbuh rasa sayangnya padamu
Lelaki yang kurang imannya,
Jika luntur cintanya padamu, mudah ia terpikat cinta di luar sana
Lelaki yang kurang imannya,
Jika luntur cintanya padamu, akan muncul keegoisannya, hilang sikap lembutnya
Jika kau menikah karena Allah SWT,
Semakin masing-masing kalian mendekat padaNya, semakin erat kasih sayang yang dianugerahkan olehNya
Ketahuilah, tidak ada manusia yang sempurna
Jika suami kita banyak kurangnya, begitupun kita,
Selagi suamimu beriman, bertanggung jawab, berlaku baik padamu, maafkanlah kekurangannya..
Berdoalah kepada Zat yang maha membolak balikkan hati, agar senantiasa ditumbuhkan rasa kasih sayang itu di antara kalian..
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irmapril-fan1 · 1 month ago
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reconstructwriter · 10 months ago
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couplesinstitutecounseling · 3 months ago
How to have open, honest conversations in your relationship
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The other day my husband, Dan had a reaction about me, which he chose to share. He said something along the lines of, “you know, you are really a good balance between being creative and detail-oriented.”
I liked what I heard. “Oh? Tell me more”, I said. He went on to elaborate, and I ended up learning more not only about myself in that conversation, but about him as well—how he perceives me, types of behaviors he appreciates, etc. It was a rich and interesting conversation.
Afterwards, I got to thinking… It’s so easy to say “tell me more” to our partner when what we hear from them is pleasurable to our ears; when it fits with our ego or how our self-image wants to be seen.
Yet, even when we hear something that isn’t so pleasurable, such as “you know, you are always running late,” there is still the same opportunity to learn about each other and to have that same rich conversation.
There are often 2 communication traps that often get in the way, though:
The delivery from partner #1 isn’t so great because they say it from a place of frustration– it comes through as attacking and accusatory. This triggers partner #2’s limbic system to shift into fight or flight, to which ineffective reactions ensue.
What partner #2 hears doesn’t fit with their self-image, incites shame or guilt, or reminds them of (what they view as) a weakness that they have been trying to grow away from. None of these inspire a curious or open response.
You probably find yourself both in partner #1 as well as partner #2 shoes. In any case, these are both problematic and there are tools you can use to help!
Partner #1: Work on timing… just because you feel frustrated, doesn’t mean now is the best time to share your thoughts with your partner. In fact, it’s probably the worst time. Exercise self-discipline, take some deep breaths, see the bigger picture of your relationship and what you are trying to create together, and wait until you feel calm and more objective. Then share from a place of curiosity, “I notice this about you, what do you think?”
Partner #2: Just because your partner says something that feels accusatory, doesn’t mean you are justified to fire back. There are other options available such as, “I want to hear what you are saying, and I can’t when you say it that way. Can you rephrase that?” Or, “I want to hear what you are saying, and can we talk more about it tonight after dinner?”
Doing either of those behaviors is a skill, and sharpening a skill just takes practice.
Remember to be as open to hear what your partner notices about you that may be hard to hear as what feels like a compliment. Also try having a discussion about what YOU (not your partner) would like to shift in terms of your ineffective reactions; what you do when you are not the version of yourself. Hold yourself accountable to it, and then just watch how you both begin to dance together.
If you would like more help moving through these difficult interactions reach out to us for a free consultation.
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notsocheezy · 4 months ago
Brain Curd #245
Brain Curds are lightly edited daily writing - usually flash fiction and sometimes terrible on purpose.
Dr. Lindsay Buckley was a marriage counselor, and well-renowned at that. She’d saved hundreds of marriages over the course of her decades in the practice, including those of multiple presidents. She was the de-facto expert on resolving differences in other people’s marriages.
Which is why it was so strange that hers fell apart.
After twenty-five years of marriage, her husband asked for a divorce - and she didn’t even make an attempt to dissuade him. Frankly, she was as exhausted by him as he was of her. Plus, with the new freedom of being a bachelorette in her late forties, she could finally explore her long-neglected bisexuality.
One day, an attractive young couple in their thirties - the Davenports - happened to walk into her office. The man was well-built, with toned arms and a six-pack visible under his thin and tight tank top. His smile made Dr. Buckley swoon involuntarily. But his wife was gorgeous as well - curvy with strong legs that looked like they could crush a watermelon, and Buckley was tempted to find out firsthand. Both of them were exactly her type, and they were downright awful together.
The two sat at opposite ends of the couch, though Mr. Davenport leaned in his wife’s direction. Based on this body language, he believed they could fix their marriage. Strike one against him - he was a moron.
Mrs. Davenport threw up her hands. “Every time I come home from work, I see him sitting on the couch watching some trashy reality show.”
“Where do you work?” Dr. Buckley asked.
“I’m a gym trainer. But -”
“And what is the show in question?”
“Does that matter?”
The husband put his hand up. “It’s Limerence Peninsula.”
Buckley nodded. “I see.” She took note - not because it mattered for therapy, but because she was also a fan of the show.
“Anyway,” the wife continued. “He sits at home all day, doesn’t even do the dishes or vacuum the floors, and he thinks just because he’s a trophy husband, he doesn’t have to help run the household.”
“That’s not so bad. My ex-husband was like that. I make plenty of money to hire help.”
“What’s that got to do with us?”
“Hm?” Buckley pushed up her glasses. “Oh, nothing at all, honey, go on.”
“Well, I come home tired and sweaty, and I still have housework to do! When I ask him to do it, he always does it wrong, no matter how many times I show him the right way.”
“Tired and sweaty, you say? And how does he react to your odor?”
“It’s very important, psychologically. Remember, I’m an expert.”
The husband raised his hand again. “I usually don’t touch her until she showers. Is that bad?”
Dr. Buckley was sure now that this man was a total himbo. “It’s a red flag, honey. Mrs. Davenport, wouldn’t you like him to appreciate you how you are? And offer, say, a foot rub after a long day?”
“Now that you mention it…” She replied. “Yes, I would like that! And it pains me deeply that he has never offered.”
Dr. Buckley nodded. “And, hypothetically, if another woman - or, a man, I suppose - but if another woman offered to rub your feet and shoulders, what would you say?”
Mrs. Davenport pondered. “I’d consider it.”
“Mm-hmm, mm-hmm…” Buckley wrote in her notebook. She still wasn’t sure which way Mrs. Davenport swung - but next it was time to get his side of the story.
Please comment, reblog, like, and follow if you enjoyed - I'd love to know what you think! To be continued tomorrow.
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progresstopeacecounseling · 10 months ago
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Marriage counseling is a valuable resource for couples facing challenges in their relationship. Recognizing the signs that indicate the need for counseling can be the first step towards healing and growth. By acknowledging the breakdown in communication, lack of intimacy, trust issues, constant conflict, and difficulties during life transitions, couples can take proactive steps to address these issues and strengthen their bond.
Marriage counseling provides a safe and supportive environment for couples to work through their challenges, develop healthier communication patterns, and build a stronger, more resilient relationship. Don't wait until it's too late; if you're experiencing any of these signs, consider seeking the guidance of a professional counselor to help you and your partner navigate the journey of marriage and build a lifelong bond of love and understanding. If you are still searching for the best marriage counseling therapist in Charlotte NC then Progress To Peace Counseling can be your reliable option. For more details call us at (704) 249-2750 or visit our site now.
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wisterianwoman · 1 year ago
Bridging Miscommunication
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It's easy to get caught up in our own narratives when we feel misunderstood, but bridging the gap is more important than winning the fight.
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skunkbutts · 1 year ago
i regret the divorce 😢😭 take this playlist and come back to me
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Oh, thank god! I thought I was going to die.
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GAYLE SIMPSON Life Coach Email: [email protected] Telephone: 310-849-7972 / 424-259-1164 (EMAIL / TELEPHONIC COACHING)
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wisdomfish · 2 years ago
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katiekovaleski · 2 years ago
Creating Sustainable Healthy Habits with a Health & Wellness Coach
The goal of the wellness coaching method is to support and guide people in making good changes to every aspect of their well-being. It is a client-focused, team-based strategy that places a strong emphasis on providing people with the resources they require to achieve their health and wellness goals. A health coach's primary duty is to assist customers in improving their overall well-being by providing guidance, motivation, and accountability. Health coaches help their clients define their values, set attainable goals, develop action plans, and get beyond potential obstacles.
Do you want to live a better lifestyle or do you need help finding your way on the road to wellness? Find out what a health and wellness coach does to help you improve your physical and mental health and how they can help.
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What Does a Wellness and Health Coach Do?
A health and wellness coach helps clients strengthen their connections to key ideas in the field of health and wellbeing. This could involve things like diet, exercise, sleep, mindfulness, and more. For a few good reasons, this resource's popularity has increased significantly:
Preventive health is becoming increasingly important, and people are becoming more conscious of this. People are more interested in developing healthy practices to stop these issues from happening in the first place than they are in treating health problems as they occur.
The rise in chronic illnesses including obesity, diabetes, and heart disease has brought attention to the importance of habit counseling and mindset support for those who are afflicted with these problems.
Many people are seeking assistance in managing their mental and emotional well-being as a result of the stress and uncertainties of modern living.
Every person's road to health and wellness is unique. Our wellness-focused coaches at Katie Kovaleski employ a tailored approach to identify the underlying causes of clients' health problems and create practical programs that produce long-lasting outcomes. (No crash diets or complex exercise regimens here.
What Does a Coach for Health and Wellness Do?
Utilizing tried-and-true coaching techniques focused on achieving clients' health and wellbeing goals, a health and wellness coach works with clients. This requires a mix of routine labor, such as contemplation, self-evaluation, goal-setting, progress monitoring, and ongoing accountability.
At Katie Kovaleski, we go above and beyond the traditional coaching model to give our customers access to a comprehensive network of support. Weekly meetings between coaches and customers take place through our virtual coaching app and dashboard. Between sessions, they can talk asynchronously and receive responsibility and feedback for their regular practices and activities.
Leading Wellness and Health Coaches at Katie Kovaleski
At Katie Kovaleski, we regard coaching as a whole-person endeavor. We are aware that overall lifestyle, habits, behaviors, and mentality are just as important to health and wellness as nutrition and exercise. This all-encompassing perspective serves as the cornerstone of our coaches' training program.
Additionally, we are aware that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to enhancing health and fitness. It necessitates individualized approaches that take into account each person's particular needs, preferences, and objectives. Our trainers provide a welcoming and uncritical atmosphere. Our approach is to listen, comprehend, and lead clients toward sustainable solutions that are in line with their individual values and ambitions rather than simply giving them advice.
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An effective and individualized method of assisting people in their quest for better well-being is wellness coaching.
Individuals can profit from the direction, support, and accountability offered by a wellness coach, whether through holistic wellness coaching, lifestyle, and behavior change coaching, nutrition and fitness coaching, stress management and mindfulness coaching, or career and work-life balance coaching.
Individuals who participate in wellness coaching might benefit in a variety of ways. The general state of well-being may be improved, as well as physical, mental, and emotional health, self-awareness, and stress levels may be decreased.
Wellness coaches are essential in determining the goals and needs of clients, creating individualized wellness plans, offering direction and support, monitoring progress, and enabling clients to make long-lasting lifestyle changes.
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