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reconstructwriter · 18 hours ago
hey 911 fam if you have the energy for it, please make some waves about 8b using a cookie cutter DID misrepresentation plot
this idea that the media industry perpetrates that "all systems are serial killers" is just as dangerous for the plural community as the idea that "all trans women are rapists" is dangerous for the genderqueer community
please encourage them to issue an apology to the audience or to include a heroic plural character in a future episode, as well as to do better in the future and to consult sensitivity readers from the marginalized community they're portraying as necessary
(if any reply comes arguing that they tried to recruit sensitivity readers but absolutely none were interested, please point out that is massive red flag signalling that the plot itself is harmful and that the sensitivity readers they reached out to most likely didn't feel safe enough to say so to their faces)
if you don't have the energy for this, please at least educate yourself on what being a system is actually like. we, the panther system, will answer any questions you have but please do read this carrd before sending an ask so that we're not answering the same 15 basic questions over and over again lmao
tagging @gayandbifiremenofmine and @911bts in hopes for some visibility reblogs🤞
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reconstructwriter · 21 hours ago
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Turn this TV off
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reconstructwriter · 22 hours ago
I got myself thinking too deeply about asexual history again so here is the link to my summarized notes on asexual history from the 1800’s to modern day
The notes are easy to read and give the broad strokes of major events in asexual history. I didn’t go into much detail for most things, so if any of them grab your curiosity I highly recommend looking into it in more detail!
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reconstructwriter · 1 day ago
Why do people talk about how harrowing Watership Down was but never mention Cowslip's warren... There are a group of anthropomorphic rabbits in this children's fantasy novel that have accepted their role as living meat. They've convinced themselves that to kick and struggle is to defy the will of a god confined to the tortured ramblings of their poet caste, who beg for their throats to snap under shining wire as their kin look on in polite fascination. They speak with lobotomised tongues and shun their culture for that of their devourers, pushing stones into walls, digging agoraphobic atriums under which to sit in silence, awaiting a fate they are forbidden to name. Why don't we talk about this
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reconstructwriter · 1 day ago
On November 7, 2024, Denmark used a racist, culturally biased "parenting competency" test to remove a 2 hour old baby, Zammi, from her loving indigenous Greenlandic Inuit mother, Keira, because her native language, which uses minute facial expressions to communicate, will not be able to "[prepare] the child for the social expectations and codes that are necessary to navigate in Danish society." This test had been recommended not to be used at the federal level before this happened but certain municipalities, including the one this happened in, chose to continue to use it regardless. Not only is this blatantly racist but also violates multiple declarations and conventions that Denmark has signed that protect the rights of indigenous people.
Please sign this petition to help Keira to get her baby back.
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reconstructwriter · 1 day ago
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reconstructwriter · 1 day ago
hey it's probably a really good idea to download a copy of your Master Promissory Note since most of them stipulate that your loans are *specifically owed to the Department of Education* and if you intend to dispute the debt in the wake of the DoE dissolving that will be really good to have
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reconstructwriter · 2 days ago
Did one of your parents ever bring you to work?
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reconstructwriter · 2 days ago
CEOs Don’t Want Your Work!
People don't want to work - we've all heard this trite saying. It's a favorite among the business leader type to the point of headlines screaming themselves hoarse over it for over a century. Hell if you go back to the 1850s plantation owners complain about the same thing from enslaved workers. How ironic: the greatest sin of the working class is laziness.
But where is the truth?
Remember the Quarantine? The part where a lot of people suddenly weren't on their daily 9 to 5 and coincidentally mobs of people took up baking, others adopted dogs, anything and everything to make more work at home to fill the void of their job. The cries of laziness feel pretty hollow next to people willing to spend hours just to make a loaf of bread or get into a new hobby or even start up their own business.
Furthermore, someone came up with a Poll. Tumblr is skewed towards the younger generations and also towards political leftists – both of whom are targeted as the 'laziest' groups among those who decry laziness.
This poll’s question?
if you got an additional line of income that guaranteed your basic needs would be met: Would you Quit Your Job? Only about a quarter would quit their job. Another third of people would reduce their hours but still work, even with all basic needs met.
But in the comments a number of people say they would volunteer at their work if basic needs were met or would get a job if basic needs were met. Overall even among the so-called laziest generations and laziest politics, Universal Basic Income wouldn't stop people from working and might even result in about the same number of hours worked.
I've seen this in reality too: friends, co-workers and acquaintances who have expressed the desire to work and/or work more…but they can’t. In several cases, it’s due to health conditions that wouldn’t be accommodated: some can’t work full-time jobs, or would need multiple random days off due to health conditions, doctor’s appointments, work offices that aren't accessible or worst of all they're perfectly willing to work and can do the job but no one will hire them. Finally I’ve got a few - even myself at times - who have the health, reliable transportation and would just like to work more hours…
…but employers, CEOs and business leaders keep cutting them.
On both a small and large scale, on both a personal and professional level, I have seen business leaders cut worker’s hours. Some are looking to reduce benefits by cutting full-time jobs in favor of part-time ones. But even for part-time jobs the cuts don’t stop. I myself have had years where I would’ve loved more hours, where I was begging for more hours and my employer wasn’t willing to give them. A friend of mine has had to leave jobs because they simply weren’t giving him the hours he wanted. This is the reality for many workers in America – they want or need more hours but their bosses are saying no.
Not only are business leaders cutting hours, they also cut jobs everywhere they can and a few places they really can’t, and entire buildings of business. Again a friend of mine would have been fine working for Briggs and Stratton for the rest of his life – if they had just given him more hours – but instead they shut down the entire factory. Notably a factory where they had to pay but a single dollar in property taxes for. My personal number 1 complaint about my job? We should hire more people! At least one more for each place we open to streamline service and accommodate the influx of visitors.
Beyond that there are said to be the infamous ‘bullshit jobs’. Now whether or not this kind of job is truth? But even if an entire job isn't bullshit there are certainly parts of some if not most jobs that are busywork - work designed to make you busy or even just to make you look busy.
For all that business leaders decry laziness, they’re the ones cutting our hours and our jobs – and saying we’re lazy for it. Never is this more obvious than with the current administration.
Flaky Business Leaders Don’t Want Us to Work!
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reconstructwriter · 5 days ago
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Knight!Wolffe is back!
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reconstructwriter · 5 days ago
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via @b.sharise
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reconstructwriter · 5 days ago
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Am studying Akira Kurosawa so. Toshiro Mifune Obi-Wan
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reconstructwriter · 5 days ago
Did I just employ the "Treat Them Like You are A Kindergarten Teacher Again" method with my insurance company today? I surely did. Did it work? Probably better than intended because I made an actual doctor feel contrite.
So, my insurance has been trying to not cover my SNRI because it is new on the market and no generic available yet, so pricey.
I apply for a refill and the request gets locked for review. Again. For the 3rd time.
This time I call and immediately ask to speak to the actual doctor making these clinical decisions. Very politely. Must be a slow day because they allow it.
ME: [Teacher voice] I'm calling in regards to the SNRI you have placed a lock on. Why was this decision made?
DOC: Well, there are dozens of other medications on the market in that tier, and far cheaper for you and [insurer]. We have sent a request to your doctor to consider alternatives.
ME: I am aware of that. So, can you do me a HUGE favor and look up my prescription history really quickly and tell me how many SSRIs and SNRIs were only filled once in 2022 for me, showing they were poorly tolerated?
DOC: It looks like eight.
ME: Great job! Now, can you please look at my genetic test for psychiatric drug tolerance and tell me how many medications are listed in the safe category?
DOC: Two.
ME: Awesome! Now, can you tell me what type that other drug is that I'm not taking?
DOC: Yeah, totally, it's an MAOI.
ME: That's correct, you're really knowledgeable! Should I be taking something as dangerous as an MAOI with my other medications, or even just in general?
DOC: It's contraindicated for sure.
ME: It is! So true! So, last question since you've been incredibly smart and helpful. Is it less expensive for [insurer] to pay out for the medication knowing they already get a huge manufacturer discount anyway, or is it more expensive for them to pay for me to need potentially long-term inpatient psychiatric care?
DOC: I'll clear the code, ma'am and flag it as medically necessary. I'm sorry about this.
ME: I appreciate you SO MUCH. You have a great day now.
WALGREENS PHARMACY TECH WITH 5 NOSE RINGS AND PURPLE HAIR STARING AT ME: ........... OKAY! It'll be ready in five minutes. You wanna come work here?
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reconstructwriter · 5 days ago
tucson aint got much but it does have a bridge shaped like a rattlesnake
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reconstructwriter · 5 days ago
*Old person voice* back in mah day there was none o' this askin' fer ID stuff. If someone asked fer yer real ANYTHIN' they was a scammer. Wtf are people thinkin' askin' fer ID's on the INNERNET!?!?!
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Don't show your ID to roleplayers. Just don't do it. Too many scammers and thieves are on the internet and you certainly wouldn't show your ID to a random stranger on the streets. No Discord RP is hyped enough to show your ID. If Admins require you to send them a scan/picture of your ID to verify your age, just leave the discord server again. Be careful and mindful with your sensitive, personal data! I only experienced this one time. I left the server again when I read the requirement of sending a pic of my ID to an admin. But then I got harrassed by an admin (who seemed to be friends with one of my mutuals) to send them a picture of my ID because there is nothing wrong with doing that. It was a major red flag to me that I blocked them and never looked back. So please please please, be careful.
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reconstructwriter · 5 days ago
This is absolutely amazing!!! I'm gonna leave a full comment on ao3 but I wanted you to know how much I was freaking blown away by this.
Toy Soldiers
As part of the Jedi Order, which investigates and resolves magical incidents, Obi-Wan is assigned a major incident at a mysterious toy company. He finds a much bigger problem to deal with than he could have ever anticipated. Written for Fandom Empire Fandom Rush - Week 9: Star Wars and Gen Prompt Bingo Round 27 - Prompt: Mystery and What-if AU - Prompt #67: Swords and Lattes (High/Low Fantasy AU)
The car idled as Obi-Wan took in the buildings that made up the Tipoca Toy Company’s facilities, or as much of them as he could make out between the windshield wipers barely keeping up with the rain even at full speed. They were sleek and modern, and curved just about every which way – the kind of specialized architecture that spoke of the company’s immense wealth and success, or at least of someone very determined to project an image thereof.
From the outside, nothing appeared amiss. Nothing that would require a Jedi’s expertise, at any rate. And unfortunately, the company had not been very forthcoming in their request for aid, which meant Obi-Wan had very little to work with.
Magic was a tricky thing, and it was everywhere. It could be subtle, it could be overt, it could be wielded purposefully, or accidentally, and it could arise spontaneously and cause all sorts of strange phenomena. Investigations were easier when a Jedi had some idea of where to start looking. But even without that, a Jedi still had their instincts, and natural attunement to the magic that existed in everything.
Even so…
“I hope they will be more willing to discuss the problem face-to-face,” Obi-Wan said to himself. It was always frustrating and inconvenient when people impeded the Jedi investigations that they had specifically requested, and it happened far too often. Sometimes, it was simply that they were particularly private and were wary of a Jedi’s ability to sense things they would prefer stay hidden, completely unrelated to the matter at hand… and sometimes those things that they would prefer stay hidden were very much relevant to the matter at hand.
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reconstructwriter · 6 days ago
From Substack:
"The political rhetoric in the first five weeks of the Trump regime is giving clear indications that the United States fully intends to invade and seize Canada and Greenland at President Trump’s command. The possible timeline is 6-18 months of political destabilization to weaken the Canadian economy, split political parties, and carry out secret destabilization efforts, including identifying and making contact with Canadians who would betray their country."
And from Facebook:
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