#Diego Tipping
neilarmstrongssmile · 1 month
Ok, I need too talk about it. The Five x Lila thing is uncomfortable and kinda gross to me. But mabye I'm not seeing the vision/my discomfort is not the reason it's a bad idea necesarilly. So... here are some reasons besides that on why it's just a bad idea:
1. Why give Five a love story at all? He had a love story, has had it the whole show - love for his family. I'm not saying he doesn't deserve romantic love (with an actual human), but knowing it's the last season and knowing they have only 6 eposodes mabye don't? Introducing the romance in the second to last episode? And developing it through a montague? It's not enough time
2. What's the purpose of the subway station to the story? The only characters on it are Five and Lila (later also Lila's family + Claire), they don't accomplish anything with it, don't find anything useful, don't learn anything new. It's an excuse to have them get lost there, so that they could fall in love. IT'S THE LAST SEASON! Don't waste a cool location like that! Why didn't other characters get there? Why didn't they get Bennifer there and put Ben on one train and Jennifer on another while they think of another permanent safe solution? Use the subway station for actual plot or get rid of it - and that way we don't have the out-of-character falling in love crap
3. Ok, thay are lost, it's been years, they are loosing hope, they are clinging to the only other real thing. There's no guilt? No talk of Diego, Lila's children? There's no false start? They just kiss, remark it's not weird and live idyllicly together? I don't need depressing scenes of them crying for their family and hating themselves for being together, but what we got was not a relationship created by necessity but a normal falling in love story as if Lila isn't MARRIED CURRENTLY to Five's BROTHER! There should be some weirdness, some discussion of what exactly their relationship is, what would happen if they managed to come back. It's inconsistent (with previous characterisation but that's another thing) - are they genuinly in love, or using each other? Is Lila trully happy and in love, or pretending, while being desperate to come back to reality with Diego and her kids? They seem really in love, but after Five finally (5 months!?!?? WTF that's gross) shows Lila the notebook and she leaves she makes it seem as if she's choosing Diego and her marriage. But then she cannot answer 'Do you love him?', gives Five longing glances, is holding his hand... I know that she could be confused and unsure but it doesn't seem as if she doesn't know, it seems like she acts in the way for all the scenes to be dramatic even if it contradicts what happened previously.
4. So they manage to go back, Lila doesn't immedietly confess to Diego, and when the truth comes out Five is mad? He is in the wrong! He went after his brother's wife, he should be apologetic, he should feel weird to be in Diego's home, not combative. Yeah, your love life is complicated and not everything is roses after your return but it's on you YOU WENT AFTER A MARRIED WOMAN! WITH KIDS! And you're mad at her husband for being mad at you? No, he should be ashamed. And ok, get mad later, say that you were finally happy, and now it's gone, scream it at Lila or Diego, but not from the get go. That makes him seem like such a scumbag .
5. You wanted Five to have a romance. In my opinion unnecessary, but do you. You wanted it to be with Lila. In my opinion very weird choice, but sure. Why have Lila and Diego married? We have a 6 year time skip. They could have been just co-parenting and no longer together (and never married). Why make a subplot where Diego thinks Lila is cheating on him (as a joke) to then make it a reality? Why not have Diego and Lila have this season to grow close as friends and co-parent as a unit after years of conflict and have Diego be supportive of this weird incestuous relationship? (TUA unfortunately is no stranger to that, and UA already has weird and complicated relationships all around) instead of falling apart in such a fashion? IT'S THE LAST SEASON at the very least have all our main characters go out without conflict with each other. Five's lat words to Diego were 'I'm gonna kill you'.
It seems they made this whole thing as messy as possible, but then didn't dive deep into the mess to have some actual drama, didn't adress the mess, didn't vindicate any of those characters. And if you're just creating mess and don't engage with it, and it's THE LAST SEASON mabye you should've just left it alone - Lila and Diego together and happy, and Five doing everything to be witg his family, safe. I'm dissapointed.
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qyuubu · 15 days
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braidedhades · 5 months
just found out that non-aromantics actually have feelings towards the people they decide to have a crush on. Apparently it’s not like, “hmmm should I consider this person for dating? what are the pros and cons here?” Or like, “I want to be really close friends with that person” But it’s like an actual emotional response or something? An emotion that is different from the “I wanna be really close friends” emotion??
also I just figured out that I’m aromantic
#I’m also ace but I already knew that#Shout out to Jaiden Animations#Never would have figured this stuff out this quickly otherwise#asexual#aromantic#aroace#My first “crush” was Carmen San Diego#I was 18yrs old and that “crush” lasted 2 days#Turns out she wasn’t as pretty when she wasn’t wearing her signature outfit#I didn’t actually have a crush on her I just really liked her outfit#I think I just decided that “ya know I should’ve had a crush on someone by now kinda weird that it hasn’t happened yet”#And then I just picked the first pretty girl I saw#She’s animated so I guess that made it less weird than having a crush on a random stranger#But like there were no actual romantic emotions there#Didn’t know that there were supposed to be any but oh well#The whole “I wanna be really close friends with that person” thing really threw me off for a while#Cuz I thought that was what romantic attraction was#But apparently it’s not???#Too confusing we should just get rid of romance#Honestly my idea of the “ideal romantic/queerplatonic relationship” should have tipped me off sooner that I was aro#It was “a close friend who lives in the same house as me but we have separate bedrooms and sometimes we cuddle on the couch but not…#… always and we don’t hold hands or kiss or anything but we just act like really good but close friends because that’s what I think a…#… romantic relationship is two people who are really close friends”#might delete later I dunno just kinda rambling and I’m really tired
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bigmack2go · 8 months
Yes my name is spelled with a j at the end. I know i have many typos but that is not one if them. Its pronounced the same way (almost. but most people just pronounce it like mack)
Its hungarian.
Its rly important to me because 1 im from hungary and 2 bc the letters have meanings!
On that note! I just realised i never made an intro post so i guess here u go!
Short version
I am mackj
27th Aug.
I speak german and english (Hungarian and a little Swedish)
AuDHD asf and weirdly gatekeep-y about it.
dyscalculia fucked my career
Writer, musician, dancer, ACTOR
I love turles w my life
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Multi fandom
Newsies (main atm)
Starlight express
The reason that i talk funny isn’t that english isnt my first language but simply because i want to, okay. Fuck u.
...use my headcannon!
...use my OC's
... post or talk about my book
...make headcannons for my book
... make OC's for my book
...come up with faceclaims for my characters
... ask me stuff
... request shit
... use my promts
...use my ideas
...use my fic's
... repost my art on other platforms
... be unconstructive w criticism bc i WILL cry
… use my writing without credit
… ise my art without credits
Everyone is welcome on this blog, even homophobes but only if they wanna fight
Idk what else to say…
My tags:
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sunsetdesire · 2 months
i am physically unable to work and yet I am expected to, i have come to the conclusion that the only job for me is becoming the house butch for some wealthy lesbian
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responsible-lime · 10 months
5 Important Tips for San Diego Hikes for Beginners
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Want to visit some of the most popular San Diego Hikes? Well, this article will ensure that you do it effectively and safely. Being a best travel guide, we have listed five prominent things that you need to remember while hiking for the first time. 
Hiking Tips For San Diego Hikers.
San Diego hikes can be an amazing way to break away from the mundane and explore something new and offbeat. Furthermore, hiking can be a great cardio exercise and help people remain healthy physically as well as mentally. And if you are in San Diego, you will get plenty of opportunities to do so. The southern part of California is full of hiking trails that will satiate your cravings for the wilderness.This is why most of the tourists who visit this part of the world consider visiting these trails without fail. 
However, hiking is not just walking up the hills. This oversimplification is something that every novice hiker ends up making before embarking on a hiking trail. Hiking can be quite rewarding if you know how to do it effectively. If you are not prepared for everything that the trail will throw at you, you might end up being in a problem. Therefore, in order to help you enjoy the trail, here is a list of five key tips that you need to remember. The last one can actually save you from a bear attack. 
Choose The Trail
As a hiker, the very first thing that you need to do is to choose a trail properly. Hiking is not just walking the trail. The planning process that precedes the activity is important as well. The planning stage needs to be done diligently in order to make your hiking experience as best as possible. As a hiker, you need to gauge things like your physical proficiency for hiking, The overall trail difficulty, the distance that you are covering, and the kind of ecosystem that the respective wilderness houses. The best way to do this is to start checking local hiking websites, they will educate you effectively.
Be Prepared
The second thing that you need to do is to be prepared. As a young hiker, you might not have proper knowledge of what you might need. Over the years, several hikers ended up in trouble and even died because they were underprepared. In fact, every year, at least 100 people lose their way while hiking and have to be airlifted. Therefore be prepared. Make a list of all the things a beginner hiker might need. Some of the most basic and important things you need include rations, water, means to light a fire, a compass, walking sticks, first aid kids, insulated clothing, emergency shelter, etc. You might not need most of the things if you plan your hikes properly, but what if you do? Better be safe than sorry. 
Do Not Leave Trace
This sounds more like a murder guide at this point, but trust me, this is an actual principle that hikers follow. The primary driving force behind the ‘leave no trace’ principle is that you do not litter or leave useless junk. If you are on an overnight hiking trail, you might end up littering inadvertently. It is okay. But make sure that you dispose of everything in a bag that is specifically used for taking care of trash. This is not only a way to keep the campgrounds clean, but it is also a way to keep you safe. Animals can follow you for miles if they pick your scent. Do not take a chance. Bring everything back. 
Share Responsibly
This is purely for people who want to experience hiking in a group. I mean, the first thing about a good Hiker is that he or she must be self-reliant. But that does not mean that he or she should not be a team player. If you are hiking across a trail with a group, you need to bring value to the group. Do not be the negative nelly, and do not share responsibilities. Such an attitude will not win you friends. Therefore, assign yourselves duties according to your strengths and weaknesses and keep fulfilling them to make things better for everyone involved. 
Be Kind
This is something that you need to bring into every facet of your life. Kindness cannot be explained with a hard and fast description. But I think kindness on a trail is a show of respect. Do not disrespect the natural order or your fellow hikers. Follow what your guide is telling you, and try not to go deliberately out of the way to disturb Mother Nature and her rules. Be kind to animals, do not try to interact with them. Let them be, and they will let you be. 
The End
So, those are all the important pointers that you need to keep in mind while trailblazing some of the most famous San Diego Hikes. As a beginner, if you follow these rules to the T, we assure you that your first hiking trail will be an unforgettable experience for you. Good Bye!
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sandiegotips · 2 years
San Diego Zoo Safari Park
A few days ago we went to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. It is exactly what it sound like, a safari park here in San Diego! Here is my general experience and the rate of it.
______________________________________________________________Price at San Diego Zoo Safari Park:
We came here with our friends that have memberships at the park which helped us get a much cheaper price. We were two people that in total paid $36, which is a very good price. Unfortunately this price is not the normal one and when I have done som research I have found out that normally a day-ticket at the park costs around $63. But, even with the normal price I wouldn't consider that as an expensive very price in relation to the experience, even though I'm well aware that it is at most for a student. Therefore the price at the park gets a: 5/5
Availability at San Diego Zoo Safari Park:
The park is located about 45 minutes away from down town San Diego, so it is a little drive to get there. We drove our car, but as I have understand it there is options to get there with public transportation. The traffic wasn't any problem so San Diego Zoo Safari Parks availability gets a: 4/5
Well Organised at San Diego Zoo Safari Park:
Everything in the park was well organised and it felt very accurate to the animals "real"/"normal" habitat. They also had a mini-guided-tour in the Safari area that was extremely nice, and a way to get closer to the animals. The tour was free and it was a great experience. The San Diego Zoo Safari Parks level of organisation gets: 5/5
Overall experience at San Diego Zoo Safari Park:
I really liked this activity and I loved the park! From when we parked our car to when we left it was a great experience with a lot of fun stuff to do. They have a lot of parkings which is great so you don't have to worry about that. When visiting the park you can expect to be able to interact with some of the animals and also see animals from all around the world. The park is big so you definitely are going to walk a lot, so bring a pair of walking-friendly and comfortable shoes and a bottle of water that you also can refill. My over all experience of San Diego Zoo Safari Park is, without any doubt: 5/5
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Thank you for taking your time!
See you soon,
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crazy4comiccon · 1 month
San Diego Comic-Con 2024 Hall H Interviews
My annual tradition is back- interviewing Hall H campers on Friday night. Last year, because of the Writer’s Strike, there were no big panels to camp for. This year, Hall H is back with Star Trek, Marvel and more! Team Hero Within boldly goes into the darkness and void of the Hall H line to interview various campers asking why do they camp, what they are looking forward to and why this is so…
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the-physicality · 4 months
yeah i would say it was a good night
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weekendmaids · 4 months
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Mastering Butcher-Block Care: Expert Tips for Clean Countertops in San Diego
Discover the art of maintaining butcher-block countertops with our expert guide tailored for San Diego residents. Learn the essential daily and deep cleaning techniques that keep your wooden surfaces pristine and hygienic. From choosing the right cleaning materials to understanding the importance of regular maintenance, this article offers everything you need to care for your butcher-block countertops properly.
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badmovieihave · 5 months
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Bad movie I have Monster Hunter 2020
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jeseniasgoodiebag · 5 months
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A Night At The Villa In San Diego
🏫 Sam's List
📷 @jeseniasgoodiebag
📰 https://wp.me/pWTqQ-8Tk
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Have you ever wondered about the actual cost of a purchase but didn't know the math to figure it out?
Understanding the financial aspects of a car purchase or lease is crucial. Here are some equations that car buyers can use as a rule of thumb or to better understand the cost of a car deal.
1. Sales Tax = Purchase Price × Sales Tax Rate
2. Total Loan Cost = Loan Amount + (Loan Amount × Interest Rate × Loan Term)
3. Monthly Payment = Total Loan Cost / (Loan Term × 12)
4. Depreciation Percentage = ((Original Value - Resale Value) / Original Value) × 100
These equations can serve as a starting point for car buyers to estimate costs and make more informed decisions. Consider individual circumstances, and additional fees, and consult financial experts for detailed advice. 🚗💰
Follow for more tips to help you navigate your next car purchase! I have more car-buying tips on the way for a more stress-free San Diego!
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redidea · 9 months
In the ever-evolving landscape of television, a new player has emerged, and it’s gaining momentum at an impressive pace - FAST Television.
But what exactly is FAST Television, and why is its market share on the rise?
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ezdetection03 · 9 months
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Choose peace of mind with EZ Leak Detection, your trusted plumbers in Anaheim! 🚿 Our skilled team ensures swift and precise leak detection, saving you time and money. 💦 From hidden leaks to plumbing emergencies, count on us for reliable solutions. 🛠️ Experience top-notch service and unparalleled expertise. 🌐 Contact EZ Leak Detection for all your plumbing needs – because a leak-free home is a stress-free home. Call Now- +1 760-691-5094
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automotiveamerican · 10 months
Know these 4 common muscle car restoration gaffes to save yourself a costly mistake - Diego Rosenberg @Hagerty
Do you find yourself lost when trying to learn concours-caliber details about cars? Are you filled with self-doubt when checking out a car for purchase, especially from afar? You’re not alone, fellow enthusiast! But rather than focus on the nitty gritty that’s out of your league, why don’t we hone on the things that are easy to discern and go from there? Below are several examples of common…
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