#Chopped Steak Burger
rabbitcruiser · 8 days
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Snack a Pickle Day
Snack a Pickle Day is a day for snacking on pickles. Pickles, which usually mean pickled cucumbers when spoke of in the United States, are preserved in a brine or vinegar solution, and flavored with herbs and seasonings. The word “pickle” is derived from the Dutch word pekel, which means brine. The pickling process was invented around 1440, and many people were making pickles in their homes by the 1600’s. This was helped with the invention of the mason jar in 1858. Pickles are a low calorie food and high in vitamin K, but they may also be high in sodium. Each year Americans eat about 9 pounds of pickles.
How to Observe Snack a Pickle Day
The day should be celebrated by snacking on a pickle! Pickles can be eaten on their own or with a meal. They can be put on a hamburger,or chopped into a relish and put on a hot dog. Sometimes they are served on a stick, and sometimes they are even deep fried. There are many types of pickles to try:
Bread and butter—part of sweet family of pickles; has onions and bell peppers; sometimes have a waffle-esque shape; solution of vinegar, sugar, and spices; name comes from Omar and Cora Fanning, Illinois cucumber farmers who started selling the pickles in the early 1920’s and filed for the name in 1923; name derived from how they traded their pickles for things like bread and butter during rough years.
Cinnamon—bright red and flavored with cinnamon; sometimes a Christmas treat.
Dill—made with dill herbs or dill oil; have been served in New York City since at least 1899.
Gherkins—smaller and usually sweeter; made with Burr or West Indian cucumbers; sometimes “gherkin” is a generic term used for pickles in the U.K., Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand.
Kool-aid—soaked in kool-aid and pickle brine.
Kosher dill—dill pickle with lots of garlic in the salt brine.
Polish—somewhere between kosher dill and sour.
Sour—fermented longer in brine, which makes them sourer.
Sour mixed—sour pickles cut and mixed with other veggie such as onions, cauliflower, carrots, and peppers.
Sour relish—made with finely chopped sour pickles with other vegetables; also called “piccalili.”
Sweet—usually made with vinegar, spices, and sugar; includes sliced sweet pickles, or “cross cuts”, which are cut crosswise into chips.
Sweet mixed—sweet pickles mixed with other vegetables.
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fieriframes · 1 month
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[This is my son.]
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on quintessential mid-century Americana -- a vintage sign advertising a dining establishment named Mr. Karass' Charbroiled Steaks, Chops, Chicken, Burgers, & Breakfast Special, unknown state & city, USA, undated.
Source: http://bummercalifornia.com.
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aranyadev · 5 months
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six-of-ravens · 1 year
anyway on a non-work-related note, today at lunch i finally washed out the BBQ so it's HOT DOG TIIIIIME
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A) The everything burrito:
B) Kitchen sink ice cream sundae: three sliced bananas, scoops of your choice of up to 8 flavors of ice creams, 8 servings of toppings, mounds and mounds of whipped cream, chopped toasted almonds and cherries. It’s called the kitchen sink because it’s literally big enough to fit a kitchen sink.
(Side note: none of these are made up. I’ve seen all of these food items before)
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coopers-kitchen · 1 year
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This pig first found out about his dad’s taste when he found out that the reason he was never allowed in the basement as a kid is because it’s where his dad and uncle butchered and portioned up all those fat boys that kept disappearing in “bear attacks”.
Well, ever since his dad came down and found his own son had stripped off and locked himself up in a feeding cage, the family’s gotten closer than ever. This hog helps with the hunts, the care, the prep, and he’s been getting nice and fat on a diet of fresh longpork.
Well, it wasn’t too long before curiosity turned to acceptance. He knew his dad wanted to eat him, and he knew he’d be damn delicious, too. He walked around naked, all those choice cuts on display. Now that cannibalism has been legalised, he doesn’t even need to hide it. He’s even brought some pigs from college home to meet the family.
Well, the sad fact is this pig realised that it wasn’t enough to just be butchered - he wanted a live roast, so he could feel every moment of the prep, and feel himself change from pig to pork.
Well, his dad’s been cooking up longpig for decades, but never a whole one. It’s a whole different skillset and, even though they tried with a few pigs, he never got the knack of a live cook. Sure, he’d dreamed of what his son would taste like ever since he saw him locked up between a Swedish backpacker and a college student he’d hooked up with, but it’s one thing to butcher a random hog, it’s another to do it to your son when he wants nothing more than to be cooked alive.
Well, I’m always interested in helping a hog achieve his dreams, and when they contacted me I was more than happy to help out - after all, not only do I have the skills, I have the sort of kitchen most pigs can only dream of. Dad was even kind enough to throw in a pig he’d butcher for me, lining up all his caged stock for a virtual meat inspection. Soon, they were on their way to LA alongside a few coolers filled with sausages, burgers, chops, steaks, ribs, ground meat, and meat for stuffing, all harvested from a delicious volunteer that had spent six months in a feeding cage ready to butcher.
This pig could barely wait for the oven. He’d spent three days on an all beer diet and shaved himself totally smooth. Some basic prep, one last fuck, and he was ready to stuff (longpork, wild rice, apple, and whisky), glaze (a honey apple reduction), truss up, and slide into the oven with a juicy red apple wedged between his teeth for the live roast he’d been dreaming of.
Well, cooking a pig like this is an all-day project, so me and his dad had a chat, talking shop. We had a light lunch, and he’s definitely an expert butcher based on how delicious and juicy those longpork chops were. Still, we all knew what the main event was: the whole roast currently squirming as he felt his meat cooking, and we only got hungrier as the smell of roasting pork filled the house, my eager housepigs sorting out all the side dishes and serving us however we wanted and, well, longpig is an aphrodisiac.
By the time evening rolled by, we were ready to eat, and it’s rare to see a dad that eager to dig into his son, or for anyone to match my appetite. Between the two of us we made a decent dent in this hog in a few days, and by the time dad was ready to make the trip back east he’d gained a few pounds, a better understanding of the art of cooking, and the contact details of one of my proteges who’s looking for a supplier for his new restaurant.
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rabbitcruiser · 30 days
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Burger Day
A juicy, flavorful patty nestled between soft, toasted buns, adorned with melted cheese, crispy bacon, and a tangy sauce. A burger is a classic meal that satisfies the soul and the taste buds.
Burgers are indeed the source of true happiness, a fact supported by the rich cheesy topping, crisp flavorful onion, and splash of tomato that brings it all together with a pickle tang finish.
Or maybe you’re a bolder sort, enjoying their burger topped with onion rings and barbecue sauce in a true Western-style and a splash of blue cheese. Whatever the case, it’s hard to argue that the burger isn’t the perfect food, and Burger Day is here to celebrate it in all its glory.
History Of Burger Day
Burger Day was established by Mr. Hyde to celebrate their favorite food, and all the places they’ve sampled that make them. It’s a great system, free from any of the false advertising you may experience elsewhere. As they say, “If we say we like a burger place, it’s because we ate there and liked it.” Burger Day was created to vaunt the glories of this most perfect of meals, technically a sandwich, really a whole meal.
There is an on-running debate over who actually invented the burger. Some believe that it was invented in Hamburg, Germany, or to be more precise, the meat that would become the hamburger was. Ground beef used to be considered a waste product, the leftovers of the prime cuts that were then sold off on the cheap.
These days premium ground beef is the foundation of one of the world’s most popular foods. It got its start as a hamburger steak, a popular dish served with multiple variations, but one day it found its way onto a bun, met cheese and bacon, and has never looked back. Burger Day is your opportunity (excuse?) to indulge in as many of these delicious concoctions as you desire!
However, other people assert that the hamburger originated with Louis Lassen, a Danish immigrant who cooked up the first patty in 1900 in New Haven, using ideas he’d picked up in Europe.
The hamburger made its official debut at the 1904 St. Louis food festival, but it didn’t really take off properly until mass commercialization of the concept in the following decades. Hamburgers weren’t originally a delectable, trendy fast-food item. Instead, they grew out of economic necessity. Innovators in the food industry needed a way to use off-cuts of meat productively, instead of just throwing them to the dogs. They wanted a tasty meal that they could sell quickly to prevent spoilage. So the humble burger seemed like the obvious choice.
During the Great Depression of the 1930s, the need for cheap food reached even greater heights. Seeing hunger and poverty, entrepreneurs looked for ways to get tasty food into people’s bellies without the usual price tag. So they began developing machines that would churn out burgers en masse.
Soon the price of patties fell even further, but there was a problem: people didn’t have anywhere to go and eat them. Fortunately, the development of the hamburger coincided with the emergence of the “greasy spoon.” Innovative restaurateurs realized that they could draw in punters by providing public access to new radio services springing up all around the country. Burgers were an obvious, cheap, and delicious menu choice.
Whatever the truth about their origins, hamburgers are one of the most popular foods in the world and a dietary staple. Juicy Foods in Oregon made the biggest burger in history. It weighed in at 777 lbs and cost the company more than $5,000 to make.
How To Celebrate Burger Day
Celebrating Burger Day is one of the easiest, most entertaining, and absolutely delicious celebrations we can imagine. You eat burgers. Yep, that simple. Enjoy a nice juicy burger as many times as your heart desires, in as many different configurations.
We suggest hosting a great bit burger cookout at your house or at friends, where everyone makes their favorite variety with their favorite toppings and introduces it to the group. Worst case scenario, you meet another burger you absolutely can’t live without, but that’s what Burger Day is all about.
Interestingly, though, you don’t have to limit yourself to the traditional burger on Burger Day, if you’re the sort of person who regularly visits fast-food outlets. Over the last few years, we’ve seen the inexorable rise of the gourmet burger – a burger that combines the traditional patty with premium ingredients.
Premium burgers are usually based on popular food themes from around the world. So, for instance, you could have a burger that makes liberal use of avocado, lime, and chili or one that uses flavors like peanut and lemongrass. Spend the day experimenting to your heart’s content.
Another thing you can do is celebrate the fact that the humble burger’s definition is now vastly expanded. While beef patties are classic, they’re no longer the only game in town. Today, you have a host of options, including chicken burgers, turkey burgers, fake meat burgers, and even portabella mushroom burgers if you eat veggie.
The more intellectual among you might also want to come up with new recipes and share them in blog posts on social media. The world is crying out for fun, new burger recipes that people can enjoy after a busy day. And you’re precisely the type of person who can provide them. Share a burger to spread the love and celebrate this marvelous day.
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fieriframes · 1 year
Do you have any new year's resolutions??
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rainbowkirby · 1 day
There's some Drawings that I did of Chaos island in Chaos realm.
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There are Village, Home and Market, Also there's Havik's Palace. Theres A lot of boats and there's flurry Whale floating around in the sky.
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There is A plaza at the Called the Sugar Skull Plaza. There's a market restaurant and more. And there also have plenty of houses where people can live In Beaches.
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There is food that Chaos Realmer eats at the restaurant. There's seafood blue bananas, Watermelon blueberries raspberries strawberries Blackberries. There's homemade dill pickles sushi Crabs lobster fish salmon steak Burgers pork chops chicken wings and more. Including Drinks like Wine and homemade Sodas, and homemade Lemonade And iced tea lots and lots of ice tea. Chaos Realmers loves iced tea and that's their favorite.
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This is the Chaos Realmer. I can draw more next. But the Chao Realmers that I draw I just wanted to show.
That's it for today....
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altocat · 8 months
Hey Sephiroth! How you doin? Hope all is well! Sorry to bug you with a question, but I was just wondering what are your opinions on the “is a hot dog a sandwich” debate? (And your buddies’ views too lol!)
Take care! *does a little salute*
"A hot dog is not a sandwich. I don't know why this is even up for debate."
"It's between two slices of bread. That's pretty cut 'n dry in my book."
"Yes, but the contents between the two slices do not constitute typical sandwich ingredients."
"Psh. Yeah. You never had a HAM sandwich? Or whatever hot dogs are made of."
"Hot dogs are made from beef."
"Uh, no. Pretty sure they're made from pork, darling."
"GOOD hot dogs are made from beef."
"Argument still stands. You know what a chopped steak sandwich is, don't you?"
"Would you like to become one?"
"Ooh, temper temper. Your passion flatters me."
"A hot dog isn't--"
"I'm looking it up RIGHT NOW. Viola. Sandwich. Pretty sure that's fifty Gil you owe me now."
"I don't owe you anything."
"An apology at least would be nice."
"Going to throttle me in front of your adoring fans, hero? Give them a good show?"
"Oh yes. Starting with curtains."
"How poignant. I'll remember to--"
"IS a patty melt a sandwich? I mean it's basically a burger but it's always listed under the sandwich section in menus, but the toppings are kinda--"
"Shut UP, Angeal!"
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shabbytigers · 4 months
foods with aggressively interesting texture that i dearly love to eat, and why escargot doesn’t make the cut
I. seafood
skate in brown butter
fish eggs! caviar tho if it’s affordable it tends to be too salty, better: shad roe like you get in stockholm in september; ikura (also tobiko etc but not as much as ikura my beloved)
grilled squid, grilled octopus, grilled cuttlefish. not overcooked. like they do it in portugal
raw squid/ika
this japanese place in nyc that unfortunately closed a while back used to do a ceviche type thing with bits of raw octopus in wasabi sauce? hhh
tiritas which is a ceviche where you cut up freshly caught tuna (and/or shrimp, etc) mix with lime juice sliced red onions chopped fresh jalapeño let sit for half an hour devour. this was in guerreros, halfway round the world from here, and i would go back for it
raw sweet shrimp/amaebi
raw fish in general: most of the sashimi you see in decent nyc places (default baseline selection not nearly as extensive in germany, although they do go in widely for scallops. creditable line on one fish market and one expensive restaurant yet to try)
II. not seafood but texturally adjacent to the above
lychees, fresh or tinned
tapioca pudding
steak tartare
that italian thin steak deal that’s raw on one side; very rare steak generally
escargot did not click, i think, because i wanted it to be seafood, and it wasn’t. it was missing an oceanic quality i irrationally wanted it to have. it’s also notable that most of the things on this list are raw, and that i decidedly prefer the raw items to the nonraw ones
i do also have textural Aversions, mostly soggy-sweet things in the cold savory food sector. marinated red peppers. floppy flaccid limp salad greens. condiments and dressings based on mayo of dubious provenance—ranch, british cocktail sauce, russian salads, a nasty orange condiment germany uses to make jackson pollock patterns on random plates of food or ruin a perfectly good burger. all of this stuff makes everything wet and drippy and soggy and i hate it. (it’s also usually sickly sweet. but even where sweet isn’t a problem, soggy is still bad! i don’t want a scoop of ice cream on top of my hot baked dessert, bc it will melt in two minutes, and then where will we be? nowhere good, that’s where. asking for the ice cream on the side is too fussy. don’t even mention custard to me)
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kin-eats · 3 months
Can I get somethin’ for a Deimos from Madness Combat? Something meaty would be super
Sure thing!
Triple Seared Whiskey Burger
Chopped Italian-Style Sandwiches
Japanese-Style Triple-Seared Steak
Pork Chop Stir-Fry
Air Fryer Buffalo Wings
Grilled Balsamic Beef
I hope you enjoy! ~Shadow
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r3mlato · 1 year
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mindig elfelejtek egy csomo kajat kiposztolni, de most eszembe jutott vacsi kozben. legutobb tavasszal volt ilyen kajas omlesztett poszt, azota az extrabbakat kitettem, de akkor itt van minden mas. klasszul belaktuk a konyhat, bar meg egy nagy szekreny hianyzik hogy ne egy salgo polcon taroljuk a szarazarut, remelhetoleg meg iden sikerul valamit szerezni.
tovabbra is nagyon szeretunk fozni, gyakran van ramen, mindig varialjuk valahogy, volt mar tonkatsuval is, csinaltunk grillezett sajtot salival, mert bitang olcso volt a brie a costcoban. mivel mire odaertem augusztusban a csirke csibeszbe mar elfogyott a rantott majas zsomle es talaltunk itt meglepoen jo minosegu csirkemajat, volt az is franciasalival. meg nyaralas elottrol volt egy csomo zsalyank, igy csinaltunk zsalyas pork chop-pot zsalyas-feherboros gombamartassal es feherrepa purevel. kiserletezunk uj pizzateszta receptekkel is, az egyik pl ontottvas serpenyoben keszult, de volt csodaszep tonhal steak is ugyanabban. meg regebben talaltunk a turiban egy konyvet (the kitchen garden cookbook) amiben evszak szerint vannak receptek, mindig az epp aktualis zoldsegekkel-gyumolcsokkel. csinaltunk is parat, talan a legjobban a roasted red pepper and chickpea soup sikerult, nagyon izgalmas izvilaga van, fokhagyma, gyomber, romai komeny, fahej, piros paprika, tahini, mez kakukkfu. biztos hogy meg sok receptet ki fogunk probalni belole. de volt ami nem sikerult mint peldaul a spicy garlic sausage vindaloo dried plum chutney-val, tanulsag, hogy erdemes gondolkodni es vegig olvasni egy receptet, mielott magaval ragadna. ma meg egy portobellos-brie sajtos burger volt, tormas mayo-val es banana pepperrel.
enni jo. talalni tovabbra sem tudok.
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88smrfresh · 3 months
Finna get on the grill and listen to music…
Life isn’t what I would like it to be at this moment but…
Im finna grill
and smoke a joint
And drink some wine
And pray
Chicken leg quarters
Pork steaks (like boneless pork chops)
whole catfish fillets
And obligatory burnt hotdogs
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fieriframes · 7 months
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[Your whole world dropped from under you. Left you with sorry excuses.]
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