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rabbitcruiser · 5 months ago
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Catalonia declared independence from Spain on October 27, 2017.
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diarioquasiribelle · 1 month ago
Perché non ti è piaciuta l'esibizione di imagine a Sanremo?
Ha un sacco di cose sbagliate. Partiamo con il contrasto tra la canzone e l'intervento del papa, una figura religiosa. Non si sono nemmeno sforzati di essere coerenti con il testo della canzone, che condanna ugualmente stati e religione come cose per cui si uccide e si muore, e quindi si fa la guerra. "Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for AND NO RELIGION TOO Imagine all the people Living life in peace.
Immagina non ci siano stati non è difficile niente per cui uccidere o morire E ANCHE NESSUNA RELIGIONE immagina tutte le persone che vivono la vita in pace." Primo indizio del fatto che è un'azione estremamente ipocrita e senza coerenza.
Continuiamo con l'intenzione che sarebbe stata quantomeno interessante se si fossero sforzati di cercare davvero una Palestinese. Di fatto, le due cantanti sembrano essere Israeliane.
Infine, la richiesta di pace la fai quando due stati di pari potere o circa si scontrano, non quando uno dei due decide di schiacciare completamente l'altro. In tal caso, se proprio vuoi fare una richiesta, la fai a quello che sta progettando un genocidio.
L'idea era bellissima. L'hanno resa qualunquista e rivoltante. Minimamente sensato se ci fosse davvero stata una palestinese. Meglio se avessero solo cantato. Perfetto se avessero richiesto una fine del genocidio e non di una guerra.
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artthatgivesmefeelings · 10 months ago
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José Ribelles y Helip (Spanish, 1778-1835) Antigone and Oedipus, n.d. Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando
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fragilityisavirtue · 1 year ago
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iosonoblu · 1 month ago
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make auricolari col filo great again.
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foreverblondie23 · 1 year ago
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mysticcopfriendegg · 1 year ago
I will open a special section dedicated to the funny facts about the italian dub of "Hazbin hotel". Here's the first funny fact:
Charlie is dubbed by Rossa Caputo who also voiced Merida and Catra: you either die a princess or live long enough to see yourself become a cat who hates princesses then a princess once again 😂
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libero-de-mente · 2 years ago
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Quando ero piccolo pensavo che da grande avrei voluto essere un ribelle, come quelli nei film. Ora che lo sono, grande, il massimo che mi concedo è fare la spesa alla Conad con la borsa dell’Esselunga. Viva i ribelliH!
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pietrodesimone · 3 months ago
Insieme balleremo e accenderemo nuove stelle.. se tu come me hai questo animo ribelle.
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umi-no-onnanoko · 10 months ago
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-umi-no-onnanoko ( @umi-no-onnanoko / 08.06.24)
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intotheclash · 11 months ago
Poor Man Style - CUORE RIBELLE
Perché ci sono delle grandi realtà anche qui. Ma che cazzo ve lo dico a fare?
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rabbitcruiser · 6 months ago
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Snack a Pickle Day
Snack a Pickle Day is a day for snacking on pickles. Pickles, which usually mean pickled cucumbers when spoke of in the United States, are preserved in a brine or vinegar solution, and flavored with herbs and seasonings. The word “pickle” is derived from the Dutch word pekel, which means brine. The pickling process was invented around 1440, and many people were making pickles in their homes by the 1600’s. This was helped with the invention of the mason jar in 1858. Pickles are a low calorie food and high in vitamin K, but they may also be high in sodium. Each year Americans eat about 9 pounds of pickles.
How to Observe Snack a Pickle Day
The day should be celebrated by snacking on a pickle! Pickles can be eaten on their own or with a meal. They can be put on a hamburger,or chopped into a relish and put on a hot dog. Sometimes they are served on a stick, and sometimes they are even deep fried. There are many types of pickles to try:
Bread and butter—part of sweet family of pickles; has onions and bell peppers; sometimes have a waffle-esque shape; solution of vinegar, sugar, and spices; name comes from Omar and Cora Fanning, Illinois cucumber farmers who started selling the pickles in the early 1920’s and filed for the name in 1923; name derived from how they traded their pickles for things like bread and butter during rough years.
Cinnamon—bright red and flavored with cinnamon; sometimes a Christmas treat.
Dill—made with dill herbs or dill oil; have been served in New York City since at least 1899.
Gherkins—smaller and usually sweeter; made with Burr or West Indian cucumbers; sometimes “gherkin” is a generic term used for pickles in the U.K., Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand.
Kool-aid—soaked in kool-aid and pickle brine.
Kosher dill—dill pickle with lots of garlic in the salt brine.
Polish—somewhere between kosher dill and sour.
Sour—fermented longer in brine, which makes them sourer.
Sour mixed—sour pickles cut and mixed with other veggie such as onions, cauliflower, carrots, and peppers.
Sour relish—made with finely chopped sour pickles with other vegetables; also called “piccalili.”
Sweet—usually made with vinegar, spices, and sugar; includes sliced sweet pickles, or “cross cuts”, which are cut crosswise into chips.
Sweet mixed—sweet pickles mixed with other vegetables.
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fogaminghub · 2 months ago
🌈 Infinity Nikki fans, unite! 🌟 Discover how to complete the Fearless Adventurers Falling Apart Quest with our detailed guide! From unlocking the quest in Breezy Meadow to capturing Balletflies, we've got you covered every step of the way! 🎮✨ Check it out now and claim your rewards! 🏆
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artthatgivesmefeelings · 1 year ago
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José Ribelles y Helip (Spanish, 1778-1835) The Continence of Scipio or The Clemency of Scipio, 1799 Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando
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mudwerks · 2 years ago
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(via Film Noir Photos: Inside Looking Out: José Greci)
Ursus gladiatore ribelle (1962)
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cosmic-espero · 6 months ago
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