#Arthur Leclerc
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liberty-barnes · 1 day ago
to the girls made of glass
Arthur Leclerc x Female!Reader
Part 2 to you will not always want to shatter
Summary: The next day. (In hindsight, he doesn't know why he told his family anything) 
Warnings: mostly fluff but also this turned out sadder than i expected it to? but happy ending dw, lorenzo has eldest child syndrome, mentions of masculinity and its expectations in our patriarchal world, mentions of the media being dicks (specifically about a child being born out of wedlock)
Word Count: 2.5k words + however many are in the texts
Estimated Reading Time: 16 minutes
A/N: i don't know how but i ended up making a part two so. enjoy, i suppose! don't forget to add yourself to my taglist if you wanna be notified in the future <3
the purse mentioned in this fic is the Multitaker Bag in Blush by Poppy and Peonies aka my dream bag (and the essentials is indeed all of my essentials...might have a problem)
Title from Shelby Leigh's book girl made of glass
Masterlists | Formula One RI Masterlist | Taglist
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Arthur took a deep breath, shaking his hands at his side, trying to shake off his nervousness as well. 
He rang the doorbell.
There was some shuffling on the other side of the door before it opened and he was face to face with her again.
“Hi, love, come on in, I’ve just gotta get my purse, which is… somewhere, surely.”
Embarrassingly, he was frozen in place. 
“You look really pretty.”
He could feel his cheeks heat up as soon as those words made it out of his mouth. That was supposed to be an inside thought. Was it too much to ask for the ground to swallow him whole?
She smiled at him, eyes going all soft and shiny and… wow. Just wow.
“You’re cute.”
She grabbed the front of his sweater and dragged him inside. He really should try to care more about her manhandling him. Surely, normal people would feel disgruntled by it, right?
Meh, who cares? Not him.
A loud skidding sound made him snap his head to the ground, right before Circe collided with his shins.
“Oh, hello there.”
She made a sound which he could only described as an impatient scream, rubbing herself all over every part of him she could reach, stretching her paws as high as they could go. He crouched down to pet her, although frankly, it felt a lot more like she was the one headbutting his hand hard enough that he feared there would be bruises.
“Yeah, fun fact, she’s actually an absolute menace and she missed you a lot. She tends to scream if we don’t immediately give her attention.”
He frowned.
“But she was so calm yesterday.”
(Y/n) only cackled loudly, clipping on her earrings. 
“Yeah, cause she was on her absolute best behaviour until she was sure you were infatuated with her. That’s gone out the window now, I’m afraid.”
She looked around her, huffing loudly.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, where did I put that damned purse? I swear my things always decide to disappear the moment I need them.”
Arthur looked up from Circe’s very soft fur to where (Y/n) was standing right in front of him, hands on her hips.
Huh. Nice view.
Shut up, Arthur.
“What does it look like? I’ll help you find it.”
“It’s a blush pink bag from Poppy and Peonies, it’s got black edges, and creases on the sides from the amount of times I’ve managed to overload it.”
He nodded and got up, moving along with her while looking for the bag. There was a bag on her kitchen counter. Pink. black edges. Creases on the sides. “Um, is this… is this the bag?”
He pointed at it, and (Y/n) looked up from her spot near the couch in the living room.
“Yes! You found it! Thank you so much, angel, can you bring it to me?”
He lifted it up, surprised at the weight of it. She walked over and took it from him effortlessly.
“Um… Are you sure you’re gonna need all that?”
She nodded, putting on her shoes.
“Of course, it’s only the essentials.”
He blinked at her. His essentials were his phone, wallet, and keys. Those fit in his pockets.
“Yeah, you know. Phone, keys, wallet–”
Okay, so, much the same.
“A small first aid kit, small water bottle, chapstick–”
That was understandable.
“Phone charger, a bag of period essentials, pen, tiny notepad, chewing gum–”
Right, it was starting to sound like a bit much for a trip to the bakery.
“Makeup wipes, tissues, hard candies for if my sugar drops, a pill organiser with all the tablets needed in case of an emergency, headphones–”
She was still going?
“Sunglasses, mirror, portable toothbrush and paste, tiny makeup bag with my essentials, mini deodorant, mini perfume, mini hand lotion, mini sunscreen–”
Arthur didn’t even know so many miniatures existed.
“Nail file, fidget toy, and a Swiss army knife. The essentials.”
Arthur thought back to his mother and the giant purse she carried everywhere. And how Charlotte and Alexandra always had an extra ‘big’ purse that they left in the car when going out in addition to their ‘small’ purse that they took outside with them. Wisely, he decided it was best not to comment.
“Makes sense.”
The smile he got in return was definitely worth his silence.
“Alright, let’s go then.”
She grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the flat, leaving a disgruntled Circe behind.
He couldn’t find it in himself to do anything but smile about it.
The bakery was really nice. (Y/n) ordered a hot chocolate, despite the weather being nowhere near cold enough to warrant it. They sat outside, on a little two-person couch, facing the water.
It was nice. Peaceful. Comfortable.
He brought the cappuccino he ordered to his mouth.
“So, what did you tell your family about me?”
His guardian angel must have been watching over him because he narrowly avoided choking on his sip of coffee.
He looked at her, wide-eyed.
“How did you know I told my family about you?”
She smirked mischievously and he felt a chill go down his spine.
“I didn’t.”
He blinked at her.
“I walked right into that one, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, but I expected you to. So, what did they say?”
She ‘expected him to’? 
Maybe his mom and sisters-in-law were right when they said she knew how pathetic he was.
“Well, Lorenzo’s convinced you’re secretly an axe murderer.”
She laughed loudly, eyes crinkling shut.
“Fortunately, he’s alone in that thought. Everyone else was just happy I met someone…”
He hesitated, deciding to keep the rest to himself, but something must have shown on his face because she suddenly turned to him.
“There’s something else.”
He avoided her eyes.
“Come on then, out with it. There’s nothing you can say that I’ll take offence to.”
“Well, um… They just said that uh… They kinda… forgot? That your dad had an older daughter. Since you didn’t go to races a lot, but your siblings showed up every now and then when Kimi was still racing.”
It felt awkward to say. Uncomfortable. But she surprised him yet again by not appearing the slightest bit offended, only smiling in a bittersweet way.
“Yeah. Dad learned early on that it was safer for me to stay out of the public eye. I went to races almost all the time, actually, people just never saw me cause I stayed out of the way.”
“But your siblings–”
“Were born of a happy, loving marriage. Whenever they’re mentioned, the media just focuses on how well-raised they are, and how sweet it is to see them support their father. As for me… It didn’t quite work the same way. Whenever people were reminded of my existence, they just wanted to see how bad of a fuck-up Kimi Räikkönen’s bastard daughter would grow up to be. Dad didn’t want people talking about me that way, so he made sure they never talked about me at all.”
She stared out at the horizon, only a small hint of sadness present in her voice.
“That must have been hard.”
She pursed her lips.
“It was, at first. It took me a while to understand why I couldn’t be in the garage with everyone else, watching the race, hugging him for good luck before he went out. But the older I got, the more I came to appreciate it. Even though he couldn’t show it to the world, I never doubted that Dad loved me. I didn’t get to be my father’s daughter in the way my siblings do, but I got to be myself in a way they likely never will. I got to grow up without cameras in my face, without people gasping whenever they heard my name. I could go out with my friends and make mistakes without fear of the consequences. I got to choose what I wanted to do with my life without the general public’s opinions clouding my judgment. That’s a luxury people like me don’t often get.”
He couldn’t help but imagine a little (Y/n) in the Ferrari garage, wanting to wish her Dad good luck but being unable to because of the cameras around.
“You’re very strong, you know? I don’t know if I could be as understanding about it if I’d been in your shoes.”
She shrugged.
“It is what it is. No point in crying about it.”
She looked back at him with an easy smile on her face.
“What about now, though? Do you still have to hide?”
She tilted her head to the side.
“I mean, I don’t have to, I just don’t have a reason to change. The media would probably focus on all the wrong things in my life, only thing they’d care about is that I don’t have a job that makes money.”
“How so?”
“I got a Bachelor’s in business and comp sci, but I never wanted to just work for a greedy capitalistic company. It’s just not me. I’m lucky that my dad has more than enough money to provide for our family for generations to come, so I wanted to give back, in a way. I work as a web manager for a few charities around the globe, all non-profit, and do a ton of volunteering in my free time. But that means that my only source of income is my trust fund and the money my dad sends me.”
He looked at her with barely concealed awe in his eyes.
“(Y/n), fuck… That’s amazing, that you’re doing all this.”
She shrugged.
“I like it. And Dad supports me wholeheartedly. But if the media knew–”
“They would just paint you as another spoiled nepo baby who refuses to get a job.”
He felt–
Honestly, he couldn’t fully describe what he felt. Anger. Sadness. Righteous fury. The sudden and overwhelming urge to wrap himself around her like an octopus and shield her from the media’s eyes.
“Are you done with your drink and food?”
He blinked at her.
“Um… Yes?”
She smiled mischievously again, like the previous conversation had never happened.
“Good. Because we have reservations in thirty minutes.”
“Wait, what?”
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“What is this place?”
He looked around in wonder. Everything was so colourful, so big. He could practically feel his body buzzing with energy.
“Trampoline park. Usually it’s full of people, but on a Tuesday at half nine in the morning? I’d be surprised if we weren’t the only ones here.”
She walked over to the reception desk, leaving Arthur to look around in wonder. There was a foam pit, rope ladders, and was that a climbing wall?
“Come on, pretty boy, leave your stuff in the locker and take off your shoes, time to have some fun.”
He felt his cheeks heat up at the nickname. He practically tripped over himself to get ready.
“Off we go.”
She took his hand and started to run in the direction of the trampolines.
He looked at the smile on her face and had the sudden thought that, so as long as she kept smiling at him like that, he’d follow her to hell and back.
Arthur was asleep on her couch. After two hours spent at the trampoline park and a hearty meal of lasagna and steamed broccoli, he seemed to have fallen into a coma, head pillowed on her thighs and arms hugging Circe to his chest.
She ran her fingers through his scalp absentmindedly. She’d changed the channel as soon as he’d fallen asleep, continuing her rewatch of Bones. There was no work to be done today, so she could afford to relax.
Her eyes were starting to get heavy when her phone beeped with a notification.
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By the time she put the phone down and looked back at Arthur, he was awake and staring at her with sleep-filled eyes.
“Hey, baby boy. How you feeling?”
He hummed, nuzzling into her hand.
“Still tired?”
He nodded, eyes fluttering close when she hit a spot on his scalp that practically made him purr.
“Hey, (Y/n)?”
His voice sounded hoarse from sleep, but oh so adorable.
“Yeah, love?”
“Why do you do that?”
She furrowed her brows.
“Do what?”
It seemed to take an eternity for him to voice out what he was thinking.
“The nice things. You made me food, and paid for our breakfast, and you drove and opened the door for me. Why?”
She shrugged minutely.
“I don’t know. I guess I just enjoy taking care of you. Do you not like it?”
“No, I do!”
He looked like he was afraid she’d stop if he didn’t get the words out fast enough. To be honest, it was quite sweet.
“It feels nice…”
She traced the blush on his cheeks with the pads of her fingers, feeling her carefully guarded heart want to burst out of her chest and hand itself over to Arthur.
“Well, good. You deserve to be taken care of.”
He kept looking at her while she gently ran her fingers all over his face, feather-light, tracing constellations in the barely-there freckles.
“I wanna date you. But I don’t think we should.”
She fought against her every instinct to bristle and lash out. It felt awfully familiar to be told she “shouldn’t” date someone. But what was it this time? Was it the money? The fame? The media?
Or was one day enough for Arthur to realise she was simply not good enough? 
That no matter how hard she tried, she was still nothing more than a bastard child, abandoned by her mother, abandoned by the world, never deserving of anything more than she was already lucky enough to have?
“If you date me you’ll be back in the public eye. People are gonna take pictures of us everywhere. And they’ll tear you apart just for being with me. But you’ve worked too hard to create a safe life. I’m not worth you giving that up.”
She locked eyes with him.
“You should not be trusted to make decisions if you’re gonna be self-deprecating about them.”
“It’s true though, isn’t it?”
“Maybe,” she ran her thumbs under the dark circles that still stained his eyes. “But shouldn’t that be my choice to make?”
“You’re too good for me anyway.”
She laughed ruefully, heart starting to beat a bit faster.
“Many people would disagree.”
“Many people would be wrong.”
“I disagree.”
“Then you’re wrong.”
He said it with such conviction, such absolute certainty, like he was shattering years upon years of her feelings of inadequacy.
“Where did you even come from?”
He blinked innocently up at her.
“My mother’s vagina.”
She pushed him off the couch.
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translations for the finnish (which i got off google so pls forgive any mistakes)
I love you, dad
I love you too, snowflake
tadaaa! hope you guys enjoyed that! before you ask, no, i do not have any plans to make a part 3 to this for two reasons: first is because idk what i would write, and second is because the quote that these fics were named after (to the girls made of glass / you will not always want to shatter) was a two-part one and i don't know what i'd name the third. so it will stay as a duology.
Don't forgot to comment and reblog, asks and DMs are always open!
-Love, Miah <3
For the people that wanted part 2:
@aykxz98 @camelliaflow3r @sarah-thatstings-ann @sinofwriting @mountainshuman
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abusivelittlebunny · 11 hours ago
In your omegaverse, what does everyone smell like?
ps all your thoughts? PHENOMENAL.
Thank you♡♡♡ I know a lot of people go with floral notes for omegas and it makes sense to me too but I think food notes would make an alpha more hungry for them lol? Like actually wanting to take a bite. So Part 1!
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Charles would be chocolate chip cookies, not store-bought cheap American sugar blocks but rich buttery fresh out of the oven chocolatey goodness fresh out of the oven.
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Arthur has a similar chocolate-biscuity scent but his one is much more hazelnut toned with some cinnamon to it. A cute sweet more playful girlscout cookie tone like Nutella.
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Max is a delicious macaron (after the tweet about his lips lmao) with the main notes being vanilla, strawberry and a hint of almonds. A very sweet patisserie scent that gives Carlos a sugar rush each time he tastes.
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Oscar is freshly baked gingerbread, sparks of cinnamon and nutmeg and delicious spices mellowed with soft brown butter that feels like a holiday treat to bite into, very comforting.
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Lando is key-lime pie, zesty sparks of citrus accompanied with delicious rich cream. A very refreshing taste that might be a tad too sweet and leaves your tongue tingling with the zap of it.
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23fallencomets · 14 hours ago
back in my loarthur (logarthur?) agenda 😁
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rowan-no-rizzz · 1 day ago
Alliances for the Angel || C.L + A.L
F1 masterlist
Dark Charles leclerc x reader x dark Arthur Leclerc
Summary: you come back from college all grown up making your childhood bestfriend’s fall for you, or had they already fallen for you and you just never noticed? Growing up, the shared feelings for you have the brothers going at each others throats but when you, the sweet naive angel, comes home from college with another guys number in your phone, well let’s just say they share a mutual hatred for the man and make a pact to get rid of him and share you.
Warnings: This series contains dark themes, swearing obsession, smut, gaslighting, manipulation, toxicity and probably more so please, if you don’t feel comfortable with the topic STOP HERE. This fic also contains Charles liking y/n with a 7 year age gap but he’s liked her since they were kids so idk 😭. This is fiction. Also this is a toxic fic, I in no way support toxic or manipulative relationships, but I do love reading about them 😩.
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I (coming soon)
More parts TBA…
INFO: reader has an age gap of 7 years with Charles and 4 years with Arthur.
y/n is 19
Charles is 26
Arthur is 23
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81pastrys · 15 hours ago
The Mafia’s Princess
Part 11 / 16
Summary— Charles returns from racing and they address the elephant in the room
Warnings— angst ; tending to wounds ; mentions of sex (Jesus)
A/N— Arthur is a little brat too
Series List
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Arthur and I pick Charles up from the airport. The tension never leaving from the week before. He’d do my bandages and then cuddle me at night, but that was it, we barely spoke to one another since.
“What the fuck?” Charles asked, immediately seeing us cross armed and pissed off. I wait for Arthur to answer. We both stay silent. “Okay, let’s get home then.” Charles says after the stretch of silence. We hop in the car, Arthur in the backseat while I drive and Charles sits passenger.
The entire ride back was quiet. The only sound was faint music and cars around us. When we ultimately get home, Arthur slams the car door and leaves us alone in the car. “I lost my patience with him last week.” I say low, embarrassed, and guilty.
Charles lets out a deep sigh and grips my thigh firmly, making me wince slightly. “I told him to take care of you Mon amour.” He emphasized it was his idea. “He didn’t want to do it as much as you didn’t want him to.” He said.
I knew they were in touch. Arthur wouldn’t continue to care or cuddle me even without Charles initiating the idea. “I know, I’m sorry cha.” I say sincerely. The vulnerability I feel around these boys needs to be adjusted.
“Now, can we get upstairs so I can see how well you’re healing?” He asked. I nod weakly and we head inside. Arthur’s room door is shut, locked too I’m guessing. Charles brings me to my bathroom and removes the neatly wrapped bandages Arthur had put on a few hours prior.
I wince and my eyes tear a bit. “Cha..” I whimper when he runs a hand over the wounds that are turning into scars. A gasp escapes when he holds his hand where our anniversary date was.
“They look good, but can use some more time.” He says. He kisses me and rewraps them in new bandaging. “Can we talk with Arthur and figure this out?”
“I’ve tried.” I admit. He knows that, Arthur tells him everything. “He didn’t believe me.” I hop off the counter and clean up the old bandages and packaging from the new ones.
“He said he would talk with you when I got here.” Charles said. “He didn’t tell me everything.” He admitted, knowing my thoughts. I put clothes on and sit on the couch. Charles and Arthur come from the hall and sit with me. “Talk. What happened last week?”
“She was annoyed and yelled at me during dinner.” Arthur said. “I’ve told you this cha.” He was annoyed now.
“I said I’m sorry Arthur!” I say. “What else am I supposed to do suck your dick?” My attitude stemming from him ignoring me. I’ve had enough of the accusations. They know I’m not used to being babied and taken care of.
“I said to do none of that, he obliged.” Charles said. “It seems you couldn’t handle it?” He swapped the conversation to me. I know he didn’t just- okay let’s play that card.
“I did say that but-“ He interrupted me. What has gotten into him? He used to never interrupt me. I sigh heavily. “No! You don’t get to come back and expect me to be some broken down kicked puppy.” I interrupt him this time.
“Mon amour, you were seriously hurt during business.” Charles stayed calm. “That is the reason we’re doing this, not to treat you like you’re nothing, we’re trying to build you back up.” He had a hint of annoyance in his voice.
“Well building me back up to my full potential isn’t easy.” I say. “In fact we never finished talking before you left, what was it about?” I look to Arthur, it was his idea for me to run the Leclerc business.
“That’s going to take a while princess, it’s not a one-done thing.” Arthur says. “You’d have to get married, we’d have to build a club, and we don’t have the right assets.” Married? What?
“Thanks Arthur, really great way to propose for me.” Charles said. “I haven’t even bought the ring.” He looked to his brother annoyed.
“Is that why you booked a trip to Venice?” I ask, he asked if we could go after Monza and I never refuse to go to Italy. “Assets? What assets?” I ask.
“I want to get you a guard dog, a less noticeable car, many things Mon amour.” He said. “Assets for your own business.”
“You never thought to ask me if that’s what I wanted.” I mumble. It is 100% what I want, but what if it wasn’t? For them to be planning it without me hurts a bit.
“I’ve always known you would Mon amour, it was my ultimate decision to make your dream come true.” He admitted.
It’s skips A LOT in the next few chapters like time wise
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A Real Argument
summary:Arthur and Y/N get into a heated argument over something petty before dinner at the Leclerc house.
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Arguments between Arthur and me were usually stupid—petty bickering that lasted five minutes before we laughed it off.
But not this time.
This time? We were actually pissed.
It started in the Leclerc house, just before dinner. Pascale had been setting the table while Charles and Lorenzo were in the kitchen, helping bring the food out. Everything was fine—until Arthur and I started snapping at each other.
I didn't even remember exactly what started it. Maybe it was something Arthur said, maybe it was my tone, but suddenly, we were arguing.
"Are you serious right now?" I scoffed, standing in the living room while Arthur glared at me from across the room.
"Obviously, y/n," he shot back. "Or do you think I'm joking?"
"I hope you're joking because you sound ridiculous."
Arthur let out a humorless laugh. "Oh, I'm ridiculous? That's rich coming from you."
I narrowed my eyes. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"You always act like you know better than everyone else!" Arthur snapped. "Like you can just say whatever and get away with it."
I froze.
That actually stung.
Arthur never talked to me like that.
"Right, because you're so innocent," I said coldly. "You never say stupid things, right? Never do stupid things? I guess I should just let you talk out of your ass 24/7."
Arthur rolled his eyes. "Oh my God, y/n—"
"Can you two not?" Charles suddenly interrupted, appearing from the kitchen with his arms full of plates. "What is this even about?"
Arthur and I both ignored him.
"Why do you always have to push everything?" Arthur demanded.
"Why do you always have to be such a child?" I shot back.
"Are you kidding me?" He laughed bitterly. "You're calling me a child?"
I scoffed. "If the shoe fits—"
"Alright, ENOUGH," Lorenzo said firmly, stepping between us before it escalated further. "We're eating. Whatever this is, solve it later."
Arthur and I glared at each other, neither of us willing to back down. But Pascale's voice suddenly called from the dining room—
"À table!"
We had no choice but to drop it and sit down.
But the tension?
Still thick as hell.
Arthur and I sat across from each other. Normally, we'd be laughing, making jokes, stealing food off each other's plates.
But tonight?
Heavy, uncomfortable silence.
Even Pascale noticed. "You two are awfully quiet."
No one spoke.
Charles? He just sighed, already fed up. Lorenzo was busy eating, pretending not to be involved.
Arthur stabbed his fork into his food aggressively. "I don't have anything to say."
I scoffed. "For once in your life."
Arthur glared at me. "Do not start."
"Oh, but you can?" I shot back.
"Oh my God—"
Charles slammed his fork down. "Can you both shut up? Please?"
Arthur and I snapped our heads toward him.
Charles ran a hand over his face. "I swear, you two argue more than I race. Just eat your food and fight later."
Arthur and I exchanged glares, but neither of us said anything else.
Lando, who had been silent this whole time, finally spoke from the other end of the table—
"This is the best family dinner I've ever been invited to."
Pascale sighed. "Mon dieu."
And just like that, the argument would have to wait.
Dinner was painfully quiet.
Well—quiet between Arthur and me. Everyone else was doing their best to pretend like nothing was wrong, but the tension? Unbearable.
Arthur still looked pissed, stabbing his food like it had personally offended him. I wasn't much better, aggressively cutting into my chicken like I was trying to murder it.
Lorenzo sighed. "You two are being dramatic."
Neither of us answered.
Pascale looked between us. "Arthur, y/n, can you please—"
"I'm full," Arthur suddenly said, shoving his chair back.
I rolled my eyes. "Of course, you are."
Arthur shot me a glare but didn't say anything as he grabbed his plate and walked into the kitchen.
The second he was gone, everyone turned to me.
Pascale gave me the look. "y/n."
I groaned, leaning back in my chair. "What?"
Lando, ever the instigator, smirked. "So, who's winning this fight?"
I deadpanned. "I will literally throw you out the window."
Lando just grinned. "So, you're losing."
Charles looked beyond exhausted. "Just fix it."
"Why should I fix it?" I snapped. "He's being impossible."
Lorenzo raised an eyebrow. "And you're not?"
I opened my mouth. Then closed it.
Pascale sighed, standing up and taking my plate. "Go talk to him."
I groaned but pushed my chair back. I hated being the one to back down first, but I also hated feeling like this with Arthur.
With an annoyed huff, I walked toward the kitchen.
Arthur was leaning against the counter, arms crossed, still looking pissed off.
I stopped in the doorway, crossing my arms. "Are we really doing this?"
Arthur looked at me. "Doing what?"
I rolled my eyes. "Being mad at each other all night?"
Arthur scoffed. "You started it."
I gave him a look. "Did I?"
He huffed, running a hand through his hair. "I don't even know how this got so bad."
I sighed, leaning against the counter next to him. "Neither do I."
A long silence.
Arthur sighed. "I don't want to fight with you."
I glanced at him. "Yeah. Me neither."
Another silence.
"...So, are we good?"
I smirked. "Depends."
Arthur groaned. "y/n—"
I nudged him. "Say I'm right."
Arthur shot me a glare. "Absolutely not."
I grinned. "Then I guess we're still fighting."
Arthur let out an exasperated laugh. "You're so annoying."
I nudged him again. "And you're stuck with me."
Arthur sighed dramatically, but I could see the fight draining from his expression. He wasn't mad anymore—just annoyed, which was our normal state anyway.
Finally, he bumped my shoulder. "Fine. We're good."
I grinned, throwing my arm around him. "See? That wasn't so hard."
Arthur groaned. "I regret this already."
Lando suddenly walked in, grinning. "Are we friends again?"
Arthur and I glared at him.
Lando backed up instantly. "Okay, okay, got it. Still tense."
Charles' voice called from the dining room. "ARE THEY STILL FIGHTING?!"
Arthur and I looked at each other—then both yelled back—
Charles sighed. "Finally."
And just like that, the dumbest fight ever was over.
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charlesleclercc-16 · 4 months ago
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brothers 🤝 teammates
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foreverfearlessred · 7 months ago
my favourite genre of post-race Charles Leclerc win is Charles finding Arthur at the barrier, seeing Arthur looking at him with such joy in his eyes and then Charles messing up his hair
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pucksandpower · 10 months ago
There’s no way 😭
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itzmaxiel · 10 months ago
Oh my god Arthur wasn't lying when he said he way crying. Look at his wet cheeks on the video😭❤️
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liberty-barnes · 3 days ago
if there was no end
Arthur Leclerc x Female!Reader
Summary: Grieving someone who is not yet death was a special kind of suffering. One that Arthur wouldn't have wished on anyone, but especially not her.
Warnings: heavy heavy angst, mentions of dementia and the future death of a family member, mentions of Hervé's death, grief-induced mental breakdown, hurt/comfort
Word Count: 2k words
Estimated Reading Time: 8 minutes
A/N: fun fact this is actually a true story that is currently happening to me but the difference is that mid mental breakdown I just thought "oh wait this would be an awesome fic" and then this was born. coping through writing iktr (i'm fine promise, therapy's great y'all), anyways hope you enjoy
in happier news, i have officially started writing part 2 to you will not always want to shatter so keep an eye out for that everyone!
Masterlists | Formula One RI Masterlist | Taglist
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None of it would be so sweet Or so important If there was no end. (Liam Xavier, Welcome to Hell and Other Poems About Adulthood)
Arthur opened the door to their flat and immediately knew something was wrong.
Her keys were in the shell-shaped bowl by the entryway, her shoes neatly lined up on the rack, and her coat hung in its rightful place. So she was home.
But the flat was silent.
No singing along to whatever songs she had on repeat, no voices from a movie or show she’d decided to watch, not even the sound of the shower running.
Just silence.
He toed off his shoes, hung up his coat, and made his way through the apartment. The living room was silent, as were the kitchen and the terrace. The spare room, converted half into her personal library and half into Arthur’s practice room for the piano, showed no signs of life. It was worse than he thought, then. The only time you could find (Y/n) silent in their bedroom in the middle of the day was when she was sick, or…
“Mon ange?”
He knocked on the half-open door, coming in slowly. She hummed absent-mindedly, eyes fixated on a card in her hands, dried tear tracks staining her cheeks. She was sat in the middle of the bed, face so void of emotion, you’d wonder if she’d ever even had any.
“Hey, baby…”
She hummed again, but he could tell she wasn’t really present. He slowly sat down on the bed next to her, legs crossed just like hers until his right knee and arm were touching her left ones.
“What’s wrong?”
She kept looking at the card in her hand. It had a little Christmas tree on it. There were dozens of others spread out on the bed, all with various designs and motifs.
“Did you know I was the first grandchild to be born on my dad’s side?”
Her voice was scratchy, but it never wavered.
“My grandmother and her older sister lived in houses next to each other. I never made the distinction between the two. It wasn’t Grandma’s house and Aunt Grace’s house. It was Grandma and Auntie’s house. For ten years, I was the only grandchild. And Aunt Grace always treated me like I was a blessing.”
He could see her eyes were starting to get red, and he sighed internally. This was going to be a bad one. Because it just hit for her.
Six months ago, her Aunt Grace had been diagnosed with dementia. Arthur was there when she learned the news. He was prepared for screaming, and crying, and having to hold her broken pieces together with his bare arms.
But all she did was smile and say, “it’s alright, no one lives forever, this was bound to happen at some point”.
Arthur had been waiting for the fallout ever since.
“After we moved to Monaco, she’d send me cards every year. For my birthday, Christmas, Easter, International Children’s Day… I was a kid but I knew I wanted to keep them all. And I did.”
He looked at the cards spread out in front of her.
“I called Grandma today to see if I could say hi to Auntie… See how she’s doing. I guess I must have caught her during a bad day cause… It took almost half an hour of us talking for her to remember me. I get it, you know? I’m far away, she doesn’t see me very often, her health’s deteriorating… of course it’s gonna get harder and harder to remember me but… It’s only ever taken a few minutes. It never took this long.”
She fiddled with the card in her hands, eyes full of tears.
“So, I thought… Since I was missing her, I could re-read the cards she sent me over the years. I mean sure, the last one she sent me was when I was fifteen and that was seven years ago, but… Still.”
She sniffed, voice starting to crack now.
“So I read them and… I forgot how she used to sign them… Every time, without fail…”
She opened the card and at the bottom were the nine words that made Arthur draw in a sharp breath.
“Love from your Aunt Grace, who never forgets you. I forgot she used to do this. It started off as a joke cause I was a five-year-old kid who was worried my aunt would forget to wish me happy birthday cause I was moving to a new country. But she kept doing it. Kept reminding me that no matter the distance, she’d always be there for me. Love from your Aunt Grace, who never forgets you.”
Her breath hitched as the first tear started to fall.
“What kind of— fucking sick and twisted— awful, awful shit— some kind of cosmic joke?”
She hiccuped her way through half-formed sentences, trying and failing to voice out what was in her head, and he just pulled her to him. He tucked her head into his chest, arms coming around her shoulder, one hand still firmly in the back of her hair.
“It’s alright, mon coeur, just let it all out.”
He’d heard her cry before, of course. (Y/n) was an emotional person, she cried at everything: movies, songs, those cheesy Christmas commercials. He was used to seeing her cry, to comforting her through it.
Never like this, though. Never these full-body sobs, or hiccuping, half-choked-off screams. Never felt her clutch at him with the full force of her body, like she was worried he’d disappear, knuckles turning white and nails digging into his flesh. Never felt her cry for ten, twenty, thirty minutes, until her body exhausted itself and she just fell asleep.
She was limp in his arms now, breaths still coming out unevenly, tears leaking out of her eyes for minutes more, still.
Arthur didn’t know what to do. What do you say to a person going through something like that? What can you say? 
“Her suffering will end soon”? “At least she lived a full life”? “She doesn’t have to remember you to love you”? 
What bullshit.
He didn’t know what to say. He was pretty sure (Y/n) didn’t even know what she wanted to hear. All he could do was hold her as she slept, wipe away her tears, and make sure she knew how much he loved her.
He laid her down on the bed, covered her up so she wouldn’t be cold, and put the letters on her nightstand.
He might not know what to say, but he could at least make her some soup for when she woke up.
It was well past sunset when she came into the kitchen, dressed in his favourite hoodie and wearing her comfortable fuzzy pants. Her face was still puffy from all the crying, and her eyes had that vacant look in them, but she was there.
“Hey, mon ange, how are you feeling?”
She shrugged, staring at the pot he was stirring.
“What are you making?”
He turned off the hob and took out two bowls.
“Chicken noodle soup. Figured we could eat this while watching a Barbie movie, something to make you feel better.”
She nodded.
“Wanna get settled on the couch and put on the movie?”
She nodded again, still a bit absent, and he took the toasted garlic bread slices out of the oven. He put everything on the tray along with some chilled water, and made his way to the living room, where Barbie of Swan Lake was just beginning.
It took her the entirety of the movie to finish her food, but Arthur was just glad she did. She didn’t like to eat when she was sad, said it made her feel weird, so this was quite the accomplishment.
Neither of them moved, even as the end credits ran. He just sat there, holding her, as she stared blankly at the screen.
“Do you want me to get you a flight home?”
She straightened up.
“To see your aunt, spend some time with her.”
She shook her head.
“No, no… I have uni, and my job, I can’t just leave.”
He kept his eyes on her.
“No one would fault you for taking a semester off. And I have more than enough money that your job shouldn’t be a concern, not when it’s about something like this.”
She sighed, coming back down to lay in his arms. He held her tightly, running his fingers through her hair.
“There’s a part of me that wants to, you know. But she’s only getting worse. Grandma said she spends most of her time just looking outside or completely zoned out, with only a few hours where she acts more or less normally. It’s like she’s there but at the same time…not. 
“As much as I want to spend all my time with her, I don’t want to remember her as a barely functioning human. I want to keep the good memories. And I know she’d never forgive me if she knew I was neglecting my studies because of her.”
She paused, but he didn’t speak, knowing more was coming.
“I feel like a horrible person, though. And selfish. Like, she’s dying and I’m pissed at her for forgetting me. And my whole family’s pitching in to keep her company but I don’t wanna see her outside of facetimes on her good hours cause I don’t want that image of her to overtake the good memories. She’s always been such a beacon of light and happiness, and now I can’t bring myself to be around her when she’s weak. I’m a horrible person.”
He shook his head and tightened his hold on her.
“No, you’re not.”
“I am, though. I’m supposed to be helping her. To call every day, regardless of her mood so I can still see her.”
He sighed.
“Baby… Look, I know you feel guilty, but you can’t sacrifice your own mental health for anyone. Not even her.”
He felt her tears start to dampen her shirt, and simply held her tighter.
“I just… I don’t know how to deal with this. I knew she’d be gone eventually but I never thought she’d go so soon, let alone like this…”
Arthur couldn’t help but think back to his father. He never wanted anyone else to have to go through what he did, mourning someone who wasn’t yet gone, let alone her.
“Have you thought about therapy? Or, well, grief counselling?”
She didn’t answer.
“I went to it about three months into Papa’s diagnosis. Kept going for a few years after. I still have Dr Claire’s number.”
There was a long pause in which he didn’t dare speak. He just stared at the pendulum wall clock (Y/n) found at a flea market when they first moved in, watching the brass circle go back and forth.
“Did it help?”
She sounded hesitant, quiet. So unlike herself.
“It did. She’s great, honestly, helped me understand a bunch of things and deal with the pain of losing my father, the drawn-out mourning of someone who wasn’t even gone yet. The weekly sessions were a big help.”
She was silent for a little while longer.
She was staring at the pale yellow house like it would eat her alive. The whole drive there, she hadn’t stopped fidgeting.
“Hey, bébé…”
He squeezed her hand to get her attention, and she turned her frightened eyes back to him.
“I’m proud of you. It’s hard to ask for help, and I’m so so proud you did. I’ll be waiting for you right here, and we can go get ice cream right after the session, okay?”
She bit her lips nervously.
“Promise. Je t’aime.”
She leaned in for a kiss and he felt her relax the longer it went on.
“I love you too.”
And as he saw her enter Dr Claire’s office, he could only hope the pain would become more manageable. But either way, he’d be there for her. No matter what.
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before i sign off, i just wanted to say that if you're going through something like this, or if you're in a bad spot and you just wanna talk, my asks and dms are always open for you guys. anyway that's enough feelings out of me for today.
don't forget to comment and reblog, and keep your eye out for more stuff coming soon!
-Love, Miah <3
Formula One RI Taglist
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inchidentalmeowmeow · 4 months ago
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Charles and Arthur’s brotherly love subplot while Max and George are busy blowing up the media pen with their beef
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5sospenguinqueen · 4 months ago
Matchmaking Brothers | Arthur Leclerc x Gasly! Reader
Summary: Having known each other since they were kids, Yn and Arthur only spent time together when their families rallied together for the sake of their older brothers. Recently, fans have noticed that they’re spending more time together than ever before. 
Warnings: None? Maybe swearing
Requested: Yes by @1800-love-me . asked for gasly reader and brothers best friend arthur. sorry but this is only a short one
Faceclaim: Madison Beer
F1 Masterlist
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yn_gasly posted a new story 
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arthur_leclerc replied don’t be like that  → you know you love having me → yn_gasly you ate all my crisps, begged me to order pizza and then cried because i “let you eat all that crap”  → arthur_leclerc but did i make you laugh? → yn_gasly at your expense, yes → arthur_leclerc you’re meaner than when we were 12 → yn_gasly and you haven’t changed 
charles_leclerc replied don’t be like that, little gasly  → you know you miss us when we’re travelling  → yn_gasly what’s there to miss? → the bickering over racing? the sweaty socks left everywhere? competing over who can eat their pasta faster?  → charles_leclerc don’t deflect. i know you miss arthur → yn_gasly now i really don’t miss you 
francisca.cgomes replied send me that pic of pierre please
alexandrasaintmleux replied i’ll buy you a big glass of wine tomorrow 
pierregasley replied i hate you → i wish i’d smothered you with a pillow when we were kids → yn_gasly i wish you’d get out of my apartment
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yn_gasly just posted
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liked by jackdoohan, estebanocon and others
yn_gasly come to alpine, he said. it’ll be fun, he said. now i’m alone whilst he gets ready for quali and kiks has abandoned me also 
arthur_leclerc come to ferrari, it’s more fun
→ pierregasly don’t you dare
→ alexandrasaintmleux we have leo
→ yn_gasly on my way! 
→ user1 was it leo or arthur who convinced you?
francisca.cgomes i didn’t abandon you! i had to pee! 
→ yn_gasly i was left alone! 
user2 i don’t know how any one could leave her alone when she looks that good 
pierregasly i’m sorry that i have a job?
→ yn_gasly you should be. i have to suffer every race weekend because of you 
→ user3 we all saw how tense she was during q3
→ user4 but also the way you jumped when you realised he was into q3
jackdoohan i promise i won’t let you be alone next year 
→ yn_gasly and this is why you’re my favourite alpine driver 
→ estebanocon i haven’t left yet, you know :(
→ yn_gasly you’re my second favourite, estie 
→ pierregasly pierre erasure
→ user5 oo doohan’s got moves. arthur better look out 
user6 can the test/reserve drivers of f1 fight? ‘cause yn is so fine
arthur_leclerc just posted
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liked by alexandrasaintmleux, olliebearman and others
arthur_leclerc a stressful weekend that ended so well. what a special moment, couldn't be more proud 
yn_gasly a huge congrats to charlie 🤍 so proud of you! i know you’ve dreamed of this day since we were kids. can’t wait to celebrate with you later 
→ charles_leclerc merci, little gasly ❤️
user7 can’t believe arthur managed to sneak in yn on a post dedicated to charles
→ user8 family friends my ass
→ user9 tbf she looked so good today 
→ user10 face card never declines liked by arthur_leclerc 
alexandrasaintmleux who’s that cutie in the last slide 
→ yn_gasly date me please
→ charles_leclerc whoa, when i said i wanted you to join the family, i didn’t mean by stealing my girlfriend 
user11 anyone else suspicious about his weekend "ending well" and then a pic of yn? 
→ yn_gasly his brother finally won monaco, babe. please go outside and touch grass. i just looked hot today 
→ user12 imagine getting called out by the queen herself
pierregasly why are you posting my sister’s cleavage, little leclerc?
→ yn_gasly why are you such an embarrassment 
→ arthur_leclerc i feel sorry for any man that dates you if he’s what they have to put up with 
→ jackdoohan i’d be happy to volunteer?
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pierregasly just posted
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liked by francisca.cgomes, alpinef1team and others
pierregasly the gasly’s and the leclerc’s 
charles_leclerc my favourite french family 
→ yn_gasly i thought you were your favourite french family 
→ charles_leclerc i know where you live 🔪
arthur_leclerc why does everyone else get a nice photo and i get the one where yn is trying to tackle me into the harbour?
→ pierregasly i thought it was cute! 
→ user1 and we agree. now tell us they’re dating
alexandrasaintmleux 💕
user2 you can tell yn and arthur are the little siblings ‘cause neither of them got a face shot 
→ yn_ln apparently we’re not as attractive as the others
→ arthur_leclerc i disagree 
francisca.cgomes okay but me and alex look hot
user3 love how kika and alex are counted as the gasly’s and the leclerc’s
→ yn_gasly of course they are. they’re family 
→ user4 and which one do you count as part of? 😏
user5 yn and arthur look a little closer than friends ngl 
→ user6 no because the way that they’ve been closer than the two confirmed couples 
→ user7 they’re literally clinging to each other 
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arthur_leclerc just posted
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liked by scuderiaferrari, alpinef1team and others
arthur_leclerc grazie monza for some unforgettable memories 
user8 if this isn’t confirmation that they’re together, i don’t know what is 
user9 she’s been converted? damn, he must be good in bed
user10 omg yn featuring in another grand prix post! 
user11 dick so good she forgot she was french
→ user12 ya’ll are unhinged but i can’t deny that this screams that they’re a couple
→ pierregasly i can’t believe i just had to read that 
charles_leclerc loving every outfit in this. nice to see all the family support 
→ pierregasly back off. she’s still my sister 
→ charles_leclerc for now 
→ user13 ???
yn_ln everyone calm down. we’re literally in the land of ferrari. it would be criminal not to support them
→ user14 but you’re french, not italian? 
→ scuderiaferrari you can’t fight the forza ferrari sempre 
pierregasly traîtresse! 
→ yn_ln well, i’m always abandoned in alpine. they treat me good in ferrari
→ alpinef1team we’re sorry. please come back to us. we’ll do better
→ francisca.cgomes please come back. i miss you yn
→ yn_ln oh yeah you all want me now
→ arthur_leclerc i’ve always wanted you
yn_gasly just posted
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly and others
yn_gasly okay, guys. i did wear red for him
charles_leclerc and i thought it was for me :( 
user1 arthur kind of confirmed this already with his post and saying he always wanted you 
→ user2 shush, we’re getting a glimpse into their relationship. don’t ruin it
arthur_leclerc and you look amazing in it ❤️
→ yn_ln almost as good as you do 
→ charles_leclerc but no one looks as good as i do 
→ alexandrasaintmleux just let them flirt, mon amour  
user3 the height difference between them is killing me
pierregasly you better tell him to keep his hands where i can see them
→ yn_ln you were the biggest advocate for us getting together
→ charles_leclerc no, that was me
→ pierregasly yeah until i realised he would be putting his hands on my baby sister! 
jackdoohan i guess i lost 
━━━━ ༻𖥸༺ ━━━━
requests are open!
i am currently away but coming soon; mark webber smau, lewis baby angst part 2 and a franco smau
tag list
@peachiicherries @rosecentury @c-losur3 @heavy-vettel @evie-119 @raizelchrysanderoctavius @lilorose25
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lovemomhatepolice · 4 months ago
cutie patootie - f1 drivers multi!
navigation taglist requests
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pairing: f1 drivers x fem!reader
warnings: nothing maybe a little swearing, sexual overtones, English is my second language!
type: fake! messages
summary: somehow you managed to get a picture of your boyfriend when he was a baby
more content: formula 1 masterlist, latest one-shot with lando norris, max verstappen nswf alphabet part 1, lando's birthday one-shot
charles leclerc
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carlos sainz
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(sientate sobre mi por favor - please sit on my lap)
lando norris
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oscar piastri
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george russell
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lewis hamilton
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max verstappen
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alexander albon
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franco colapinto
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arthur leclerc
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daniel ricciardo
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ollie bearman
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A/N: what little babies ahah, they still look 1:1, don't tell me they don't. you have to forgive me that the some parts are shorter, but this is the first time I write about them and enter them into my account
also - happy birthday to our little lando!! he's already so old ahah, if you want - come to the birthday one-shot
please do not copy and translate my works! in case of any issues related to this - I invite you to discuss privately :)
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81pastrys · 3 days ago
The Mafia’s Princess
Part 10 / 16
Summary— Charles returns to racing while Arthur’s stays to watch over her, but tension arises.
Warnings— angst ; mentions of sex ; depression ish
A/N— she’s losing it guys
Series List
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Charles had to go back on the road for racing, leaving Arthur to care for me in the coming weeks. Charles gave him clear instructions not to hinder my progress. I don’t mind the company, but recently I’ve been more annoyed with him. The schedule he created to tend to my wounds or the business deals he mentions I can be doing just pisses me off.
“Fuck Arthur would you shut up?” I snap at dinner one night. I recoil from my own words and cover my mouth. “Sorry, I didn’t.. I don’t know where that came from.” I add nearly mumbling.
“I think you need a break from me.” He nodded as he spoke. In reality I was just angry at the entire situation unfolding. “Charles should be back next week, I’ll give you two space when he does.” I felt horrible.
“No Arthur, you can stay!” I change my attitude quickly. “I’m sorry, it’s just I haven’t done business in so long and I haven’t had sex either and it’s getting to me.” I say quickly shaking my head. It’s true, that was number 1 on Charles list of things. No sex with Arthur and absolutely under no circumstances do business.
Which we, obviously, followed to a T. He implemented the rules to help me heal but it just seems to irritate me the more time that passes. “How long have you gone without having sex with Charles?” Arthur asked, seemingly not believing that part. “I’ve heard you’ve gone a year and right now you’re telling me you can go 5 weeks.” He accused. His words were calmly spoken but held weight.
“Well yeah but it’s also you weren’t around either and I’ve-“ He cut me off. He never cuts me off.
“Don’t blame this on me.” He said. His words carrying more emotion than he let off. “I was around, maybe not long enough or in the right situation for us to fuck, but I was around.” Another point taken. Fuck.
“Don’t say fuck, it’s degrading.” I mumble more to myself, knowing I should’ve kept my mouth shut. He stands up and discards his plate from dinner and slams his room door shut, making me wince. I finish my food and do the dishes.
I go to my room, looking at the time. Usually Arthur is hounding on me about wrapping my wounds, but silence fills the giant room I stand in. I start to tend to my own painful skin before he enters the room. Presumably hearing my sobs I tried to keep quiet. “Stop, Cherie, you’re just going to hurt yourself more.” He said soft, calm, as if we didn’t just fight at dinner.
I don’t say anything but let him fix the wrapping. When he was done, he left without a peep. I take a deep breath and let more tears fall. Not from the physical pain, but the mental hurt I’ve probably caused the three of us combined. I curl up in my bed sobbing to myself.
Charles called, but I had ignored it. I expect he wants to scold me for how I treated Arthur after all he has been doing. The third call goes unanswered and no more follow. I lay in a puddle of my own tears looking out to the moonlit sky.
Suddenly the bed dips from behind me and an arm snakes around my waist delicately. I cry harder knowing that it’s Arthur and not Charles coming to comfort me. “It’s alright Cherie, just go to sleep for now.” He says barely audible. He pulls me closer gently as to not hurt me. I fall asleep in the false sense of security that everything is okay.
Once again, my sincere condolences.
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summary:Arthur and Y/N casually reveal on a podcast that they lost their virginity to each other, sending the internet—and Charles—into chaos. Twitter explodes with memes, Lando loves every second, and Charles is traumatized. warnings: just the talk of loss of virginity.
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Arthur and I had done a lot of questionable things together—most of which ended up on the internet in one way or another. But this? This was about to be our biggest mistake.
It started off as a normal podcast.
We had been invited as guests on a popular F1-adjacent show, mainly because the internet had decided that Arthur and I were the most chaotic duo in motorsport. They loved our banter, our constant arguing over nothing, and the fact that we somehow managed to embarrass ourselves in every interview.
For the first forty-five minutes, everything was fine.
We talked about racing, our families, funny childhood memories. Arthur and I bickered about literally nothing for half the episode, which the hosts found hilarious.
And then—
The question happened.
A listener had sent in a segment called "Spill the Tea or Take the L," where we had to either answer a question or take a punishment.
Most of the questions were harmless—things like who's the biggest diva in F1 (Arthur answered Charles, obviously) or which teammate annoyed you the most (I said Arthur, because it was true).
But then—
The host smirked at the paper in their hand. "Oh, this one is interesting."
Arthur and I shared a look. That was never a good sign.
The host grinned. "You both have to answer this."
I sighed. "Oh God."
Arthur groaned. "Just say it."
The host cleared their throat dramatically.
"When and where did you lose your virginity?"
The room went silent.
Arthur and I just stared at each other.
The hosts were laughing, expecting us to be embarrassed, expecting us to either dodge the question or take the punishment.
But instead—
Arthur smirked. "Wanna tell them, or should I?"
I grinned. "Oh, let's really shake the internet today."
Arthur leaned into the mic. "We lost it to each other."
The entire room exploded.
The hosts gasped. The producers behind the cameras choked. Someone dropped their coffee.
I shrugged, completely unfazed. "What? We were young, we were best friends, and it just happened."
Arthur nodded. "Yep. No regrets."
The hosts were still processing. "WAIT—so, like, everyone in your family knows?"
Arthur snorted. "Oh, yeah. I told Charles and Lorenzo immediately."
The hosts screamed.
I laughed. "Charles took it so badly at first. He just kept looking between us like he was watching a horror movie in real life."
Arthur grinned. "Lorenzo just sighed like he knew something like this would happen eventually."
The internet?
The internet went into MELTDOWN.
Twitter exploded within seconds of the clip going live.
@F1Tea: "ARTHUR AND Y/N JUST CASUALLY DROPPED THE BIGGEST BOMBSHELL OF THE YEAR WTF." @PodcasterFan: "The way the hosts were NOT READY for that answer." @LandoNorris (yes, the real Lando): "oh. my. GOD." @Charles_leclerc: "I AM BLOCKING BOTH OF YOU." @FerrariMemes: "No thoughts, just Charles finding out Arthur and Y/N lost it to each other and regretting his whole life."
Arthur and I?
We just sat back and enjoyed the chaos.
The internet was on fire.
Clips of the podcast were everywhere, and the reactions? Hilarious. People were screaming, making memes, losing their minds over the fact that Arthur and I had just casually dropped the biggest bombshell of the year like it was nothing.
And while Twitter (yes, we still called it Twitter) was having a meltdown, the Leclerc family group chat?
Leclerc Family 🏎️
🔴 Charles: WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST WATCH. 🔴 Lorenzo: ...I was waiting for this day. 🔴 Pascale: Oh, mon dieu. 🔴 Arthur: Why are you acting so surprised? You've known this for years. 🔴 Charles: Yes, but the entire world didn't!!! 🔴 y/n: And? Now they do. 🤷‍♀️ 🔴 Charles: THIS ISN'T NORMAL. 🔴 Arthur: We're not normal. 🔴 Pascale: This is true. 🔴 Charles: MAMAN PLEASE.
I was crying laughing at my phone when Charles' name suddenly popped up on my screen, calling me.
"Oh, no," I muttered, showing Arthur.
Arthur grinned. "Oh, yes."
I answered.
The second I did, Charles' voice exploded through the speaker.
I put him on speaker, because no way was I dealing with this alone. "I mean, probably?"
Arthur snorted. "Definitely."
Charles groaned so loudly it sounded painful. "Why would you just—just SAY it like that?! Like it was some casual conversation about the weather?!"
I shrugged. "Because it was casual?"
Arthur laughed. "Charles, you're acting like we committed a crime."
I grinned. "Well, that's a you problem."
Charles groaned again, and then—
A new voice entered the call.
"I just want to say, I fully support this," Lando said, way too happily.
Charles let out a sound that I could only describe as pure suffering. "Lando, I swear to God—"
Lando ignored him. "y/n, Arthur? Legends. I respect the honesty."
Arthur and I high-fived. "Thanks, Lando."
Charles screamed.
And that was when I knew—
This was going to haunt him forever.
The moment the podcast clip hit the internet, social media erupted. No one—not a single soul—was prepared for Arthur and me to just casually drop the biggest bombshell of the year like we were discussing our favorite snacks.
It was pure chaos.
🚨 Trending Topics:
🔺 #ArthurAndy/n – 3.2M Tweets 🔺 #CharlesIsSuffering – 1.8M Tweets 🔺 "WHY DID THEY SAY IT SO CASUALLY?!" – 1.5M Tweets 🔺 #LandoWasTooExcited – 800K Tweets
Twitter Reactions
@F1Drama: "I was expecting a funny childhood story, NOT THIS. I just choked on my drink." @F1Tea: "THE WAY THEY JUST SAID IT SO CASUALLY, I CAN'T BREATHE." @Charles_leclerc: "I hate it here." @LandoNorris: "This is the best thing to happen all year. I want this framed." @FerrariMemes: 📷 Attached: Screenshot of Charles staring blankly at his phone on the Ferrari pit wall "Live footage of Charles finding out his little brother and his girlfriend just broke the internet." @PodcasterFan: "The hosts were NOT prepared. The way their souls LEFT THEIR BODIES." @WTF1: 📷 Attached: Meme of a guy sitting in a burning house "Charles every time Arthur and y/n open their mouths in public." @F1Fanatic: "WHY DID THEY SAY IT LIKE IT WAS NOTHING???" @F1Edits: 📷 Attached: Clip of Charles dramatically holding his head in his hands "Charles trying to process his life decisions."
TikTok Reactions
🔹 Edit of Arthur and me laughing on the podcast, with the caption: "THEY DIDN'T EVEN HESITATE. CHAOS. ABSOLUTE CHAOS."
🔹 Compilation of Charles suffering over the years, ending with this podcast clip. "Pray for this man. He's been through too much."
🔹 Lando's reaction video: "I knew they were wild, but THIS??? ICONIC."
Arthur and Me?
We were crying laughing as we scrolled through Twitter.
Arthur turned to me, holding up his phone. "People are making memes of Charles suffering."
I grinned. "As they should."
Arthur refreshed his feed and gasped. "Oh my God, look at this one."
He showed me a tweet that had a side-by-side comparison:
📷 Left: Charles looking exhausted in an interview from 2019. 📷 Right: Charles holding his head in his hands at the Ferrari garage today.
Caption: "4 years apart. The suffering never stops."
I lost it.
Meanwhile, Charles?
Charles was nowhere to be found.
Rumor had it, he turned his phone off to escape the madness.
Which, honestly?
Fair enough.
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