#Cat Grant
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superbat-love · 5 days ago
Lois: Aren’t you going to pick up your phone? It’s been ringing for the last half hour.
Clark: No. It’s probably just a prank caller.
Lois: That’s one persistent prank caller. Are you sure it’s not urgent?
Clark: Yes, I’m sure. The caller is probably just some random jerk who thinks everyone else’s opinions are wrong and that he’s the only one who’s right because he’s obviously the smartest guy in the room! Why should I talk to someone like that?!
Lois: Oookay, that’s suspiciously specific…
Delivery Man: [struggling to push a trolley filled with the biggest bouquet of roses anyone has ever seen through the office door] Hello, I have a delivery for Clark Kent?
Cat Grant: Omg, who is this from? [reads the card attached to the bouquet] “To my dearest Clark, CALL ME. Love, Bruce Wayne.”
Random Employee 1: [murmuring] Did she just say Bruce Wayne? The billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne?
Random Employee 2: Omg, Clark, are you going to call him?
Random Employee 3: Wow, there’s a drone show outside! Wait, it’s spelling out something... C-L-A-R-
Random Employee 4: Clark, you totally should! Call him, Clark! Hey, Clark, are you listening to me? Clark!
Clark: [standing up and screaming at the top of his lungs] Alright, already!
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moon-axolotl · 4 months ago
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Supergirl Characters + Text Posts Part 2/?
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ploppythespaceship · 9 months ago
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My Adventures with Superman — "Most Eligible Superman"
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idknwhatputhere · 9 months ago
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He is so silly
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The man that can move montains
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lenakluthor · 11 months ago
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words spoken moments before disaster
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suzukiblu · 22 days ago
Thank-you sentences for an anon; "love is being stupid together". Will we be switching POV in this series as a regular thing? Extremely unlikely. But was this also too fucking funny a concept to pass up once I thought of it?? God yes. (( chrono || non-chrono ))
“Oh, sorry, I've got to get going, Ms. Grant,” Superman apologizes with a polite little smile, half-waving a hand in front of himself. He just saved half a busload of people from crashing into the front of the crowded little café across the street from the Daily Planet's building, but that's not what Cat's interested in getting the scoop on, because–“It's almost six and I don't like to miss dinner with the kiddo, you know how it is.” 
Cat forgets literally every single thing she was going to try and get him on the record about. 
“Wait,” she says as her brain tries and very badly fails to process that statement. “Superman, do you have a kid?” 
“Oh, yeah, Lex Luthor had my baby while I was dead,” Superman replies, his expression turning bizarrely smitten as he sets a hand against the side of his own face and sighs fondly. Cat wonders if this is what going insane feels like. Maybe? Maybe it is? Is this how schizophrenia manifests? “His name's Kon-El, he's got the cutest little heartbeat and he thinks I'm the least interesting person alive.” 
Superman sighs fondly again. Cat stares blankly at him and has the entirely unprecedented experience of being speechless in a man's presence.
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jetslay · 21 days ago
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YA Daily Planet book pitch by Brittney Williams.
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90s-kid-sad-adult · 9 days ago
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it's the reporter in me
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ambafaerie · 2 years ago
My Best Date Night in Metropolis: The Intern Edition
by Cat Grant
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Lois Lane: My ideal date starts with a latte at Waid’s Cafe: three shots of espresso and oat milk. Once we’re fueled up, it’s time for a whirlwind tour of the town, seeing what’s new, discovering what’s different, looking for the stories that make Metropolis great!
You heard it here first, folks: Lois Lane’s ideal date is coffee and work! I can’t believe she’s single.
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Jimmy Olsen: First of all, we’re definitely going to the Ace O’Clubs - because something is definitely GOING ON there! Word on the street is the place run by MER - PEOPLE - but look at the bartender - something is going down with him! Shaved Bigfoot? Maybe! We can get to the bottom of this - together!
Take note, ladies! Jimmy Olsen wants to get you kicked out of the Ace O’Clubs - together!
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Clark Kent: Um, well… I don’t exactly know. I’m new in town, so… I mean, I do like to eat. I like to eat a lot. I have a big appetite. Not like abnormally big, obviously. I’m a normal man, I eat the normal amount. So I guess… dinner. Does that help? Wait! Did Lois ask you to ask me this? Because I’m happy to do whatever she wants. At any time. I’m available.
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nitewrighter · 7 months ago
Wayne Enterprises buys out a flailing Daily Planet (which is understandably flailing because Perry White refuses to put their online content behind paywalls) and everyone thinks it's some kind of "Catch and Kill" situation because Cat Grant and Trish Q are eviscerating Bruce Wayne on a biweekly basis in the society pages, but Grant and Q's articles continue well after the buyout, to the point where your average Daily Planet reader opens the "Arts and Society" section of their copy of the Daily Planet and goes, "I think Bruce Wayne has a humiliation kink, actually."
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superbat-love · 7 days ago
Cat Grant walked up to Clark’s desk, holding an article draft in hand.
"Clark, can you help to look over this article before—" she trailed off, realizing the man sitting at the desk wasn’t Clark. "Mr. Wayne?!"
Bruce glanced up at her stunned expression and smiled, taking the paper from her. “Clark’s out on assignment,” Bruce said. “I’ll handle this.”
Cat blinked, baffled, not quite sure how to respond.
Before she could say anything, the door slid open, and Clark stepped in. His brow furrowed at the sight of Bruce behind his desk. "Mr Wayne? What are you doing here? Did…something happen?"
Bruce didn’t look up from the paper he was editing. "I’m here because someone seems to be avoiding me."
Cat glanced back and forth between the two of them, her gossip columnist’s instincts kicking in. A Cheshire-like grin spread across her face. "Sooo, were you waiting for Clark, Mr. Wayne?"
Bruce leaned back in the chair, sighing dramatically. "Well, I haven’t seen Clark here in weeks! When we do meet we’re usually too busy with... other activities. And I’m left exhausted after staying up all night so we never had the chance to just talk.”
Clark blushed at Bruce’s words. He opened his mouth to reply but was interrupted by Perry White, who strolled in, eyes darting between the two.
“Kent!” Perry barked, “Why are you making our VIP your assistant?”
"I—uh..." Clark stammered, glancing at Bruce.
Bruce finished the last of his edits before standing up and handing the article back to Cat, winking at her. "It’s no trouble, Perry. Now, how about our lunch date?" he asked, slinging an arm around Clark.
The reporters stared after them as Bruce led a flustered Clark out of the office. As soon as the door slid closed, the office erupted into chaos.
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why-i-love-comics · 9 months ago
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My Adventures with Superman #1 - "The Ones Who Fell to Earth" (2024)
written by Josie Campbell art by Pablo M. Collar & Nick Filardi
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jesncin · 9 months ago
I know we’ve been on a bit of a Superboy kick on the blog recently but I have a Superman question! Do y’all have any thoughts on any of Clark’s other Daily Planet coworkers (i.e; Perry White, Ron Troupe, Steve Lombard, etc.)? Either their canon selves or y’all’s remix ideas for them (if there are any)?
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I need you all to imagine Perry White with Grunkle Stan's voice.
I was really hoping to get more insight into Perry's relationships with the main Daily Planet trio from STAS and especially MAWS, but alas he's really underdeveloped in both shows so I had to do my research elsewhere. I center Lois in my approach to Supes' cast system since I think that's the best way to ground his world- and since intersectional struggles with workplace hardships is one of the major themes I want from her character, Perry's part of that. He's not the worst bigoted person, but he has his own outdated ideas of what success looks like from his own experience. There's a begrudging adversary between him and Lois, because he can't deny that Lois is the best reporter he's met in years.
Out of the other Daily Planet crew, I have ideas stirring about Cat Grant in my head from watching all of CW Supergirl haha. I noticed in both that show and in Girl Taking Over she's presented as this mentor character for younger women-characters to look up to, but in CW Supergirl she's a frustrating reflection of the show's liberal white feminism. So I'm interested in doing a take that both critiques the privilege she has while also being a complicated mentor figure to someone like Lois.
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tsbdhdndj · 1 month ago
Redrew a drawing from a while ago! 😊💞
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supercatavalance · 9 days ago
It's been a long time since I've been here, so it's always good to put some SuperCat back in 🫡
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artaran · 21 days ago
Superbat, but only in the background for the comedy during a romance office drama.
Hear me out. Half the Daily Planet has noticed Lois and Cat going from pure hatred to actually enjoying the vicious mockery battles. After last year's success of getting Clark together with his longtime fanboy crush, Bruce Wayne, the office is now dedicated to reviving romance once more. So a new groupchat is made, and shenanigans ensue.
Lois attempts to get Clark to help her on an article. Clark, due to the entire office assuming the poor guy can't keep a secret to save his life, is not in the groupchat. However, Bruce told him about it in the supply room five minutes ago. His coworkers are all making "don't you DARE" motions behind Lois's back, because an article exposing a socialite basically leaves her with no other choice but Cat. Clark, only wearing half a tie and with only a third of his buttons actually done up, pretends he forgot whatever he came for in the supply room and will obviously need to be in there for the rest of the week, sorry Lois.
Lois and Cat are still working on that article. In an attempt to speed things along, Jimmy locks them in one of the Daily Planet's conference rooms. While Lois and Cat are having the fight of their lives and are about five seconds away from needing a physical intervention, we see Bruce and Clark running out of the same supply room, across the hallway, away from Deathstroke. Exactly 7 seconds later Deathstroke comes back running through the hallway, this time with Batman and Superman in pursuit. The crash alerts Lois and Cat, but there is no longer anything to see. The moment they turn around, Deathstroke is running back from where he originally came from, still pursued by Batman and Superman. However, Batman is now actively pelting him with keurig coffee pods.
The article is supposed to be done, except Perry prefers submissions to be done on paper, and the printer is empty. Cat and Lois were sharing a coffee cup right until this was discovered, and mood in the office drops into the basement when they start fighting again. Thankfully for the Planet's resident secret superhero, Cat followed Lois to the supply closet to continue that argument, and she opens the door to show us Bruce, shirtless, hitting Ra's al Ghul, also shirtless, with a fire extinguisher, while Clark, not shirtless but only wearing about a third of his shirt due to the previous katana duel he got caught up in, holds him down. Conveniently, Lois didn't look inside because she was too busy arguing with (read: being transfixed by) Cat, and slams the door shut without getting her printer paper.
Cat and Lois were five seconds away from submitting the article when new information came to light. This was, of course, not at all courtesy of Bruce Wayne and his thirst for non-world ending drama (the source is anonymous, after all). Now, they're in an upscale bar on what is definitely not a date. Half the Daily Planet is in cheap wigs and fake moustaches sitting at the bar while Cat and Lois stake out their target. Clark and Bruce are at one of the private tables overlooking the windows, and by now far more invested in Cat and Lois than their own date. This is even more entertaining than rewatching footage of Hal clothesline himself on Batman's grappeline two weeks ago. The target strolls in, and Cat and Lois are firmly convinced the feeling of jealousy is because they are not about to let the other one get the scoop. Clark and Bruce just got a League alert and are now pushing a potted plant in front of their table at a snail's pace so they can jump out of the window unseen. The sight of Batman and Superman flying up from a couple stories below distracts the target long enough to slip up and the women of the hour buy each other drinks, obviously exclusively because neither lost this battle.
The restaurant has to be evacuated and Cat and Lois finally kiss after the emotions of nearly getting crushed by falling debris from the nearby League fighting the villain of the month. Maybe they do have feelings for each other beyond hatred, after all. The costumed Daily Planet reporters cheer. The corner of Batman's mouth ticks up exactly two degrees. Superman falls out of the sky. He is not surprised. He is mad because now he owes the love of his life two dollars because Lois just could not be dense for half a day more. How will he survive?
The next morning, everyone is overjoyed at another romantic success for the Daily Planet reporters. Clark brought his Ma's cake, but hurriedly excuses himself to the supply room. While Perry congratulates Cat and Lois on their successful article and newfound partnership, we see Batman and Superman in the high-rise behind him spraying Lex Luthor with a waterhose.
Cat and Lois make their way to the supply room. On their way in, they politely greet Clark and Bruce, who are on their way out. The entire office signs a pledge to never use that room again.
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