#DC tv
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mad-as-a-box-of-frogs · 2 days ago
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There is no magical cure for what's wrong with me.
Sara Lance in Blood Ties (1x03): Best of the Legends [15/?]
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the-wanderer · 4 months ago
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Fucking ICONIC
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leavingubehind · 6 months ago
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OTP CHALLENGE → [3/7] Scenes
3.20 - The Fallen
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90s-kid-sad-adult · 9 days ago
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it's the reporter in me
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browsethestacks · 9 months ago
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Art by Rhiannon Owens
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wanderingmind867 · 2 months ago
Adam West is the best Batman, to me. He could do everything you need. Deliver silly lines with a straight face? He could do it. Pull off serious acting and do more dramatic stories? He didn't often showcase this, but he could do drama too. Adam West was a versatile man, and we really don't appreciate him enough. Typecasting ruined his career, but he was able to turn it around and make it benefit him. He rode the 60s Batman thing all the way into his late life, and he did it with a great grace. I wish we'd seen him do more, but I'm also glad he was able to work with the bad hand fate seems to have dealt him. Of all the Batman actors, he remains one of my favourites. He just didn't take himself too seriously, and I like that. You shouldn't take it too seriously. It's a show about gimmicky supervillians and a superhero in a blue and grey bat costume. You have fun, and you let yourself enjoy it. Don't make it moody and miserable. Just play it up and have fun. And I think that's the one thing he definitely did do. He had fun with the part.
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flowerringfangirlss09 · 3 months ago
I love Superman and Lois and think its basically perfect as is, but here's just as a fun hypothetical scenario. IF the final season had more time and budget to introduce a version of Supergirl, which one would you pick and why?
A) Kara Zor-El (Prime Supergirl)
B) Mae Kent/Matrix/Supergirl
C) Linda Lee Danvers (Post-Crisis Supergirl)
D) Karen Starr/Kara Zor-L/Power Girl
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celadons-penultimate · 8 months ago
🧐 If DC Comics had sense, they'd move these cool Black lady antagonists from TV to the comic mythos:
-Fish Mooney, GOTHAM
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-Lady Eve (better portrayal), BLACK LIGHTNING
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-Jada Jet (better portrayal of "Jezebel Jet"), BATWOMAN
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-Peia Mannheim (a better Onomatopoeia), SUPERMAN & LOIS
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comicavalcade · 1 year ago
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The pipes, the pipes are calling...?
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thena0315 · 3 months ago
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Crisis Crossover Event
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mad-as-a-box-of-frogs · 6 months ago
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So we're gonna vanquish a time demon with our killer harmonies. It's gonna be great.
Zari Tomaz in Amazing Grace (3x14): Best of the Legends [9/?]
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the-wanderer · 5 months ago
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Yes, she's the hottest person in Arrow.
No, I will not be taking questions
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breadshot · 2 months ago
Yknow, I'm actually okay with seasons only having like 10 episodes if the episodes are like, 45-60 minutes each. But when each episode is the standard 22-30 minute length, you can't just give it 10 episodes. That's not enough time to develop a well-paced, fleshed-out story. And 7 episodes of that DEFINITELY wouldn't be enough. It'd be impossible to make a product that doesn't feel half-baked!
Hey did you guys watch Creature Commandos-
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90s-kid-sad-adult · 3 months ago
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money and power
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wanderingmind867 · 2 months ago
There's been so many different Batman shows, and I grew up during a time when there was like 50 of them on TV (if I may be hyperbolic). I saw Batman 1966, Batman The Animated Series, The Batman (2004), and Batman: The Brave and The Bold. I saw all four of those shows to some extent, and I kind of want to dissect my opinions on each of them.
I was born in 2005, so Batman 1966 and Batman The Animated Series were both beyond my age range. But I caught reruns of both shows. I don't know if it's overplaying my hand to say what tv stations they aired on, but there was a channel for exclusively retro kids content (like 40s-80s stuff) when I was really young. So that's how I learned of Batman: 1966. The first episode I saw featured Burgess Meredith's Penguin hypnotizing Alfred. I remember that one being my first very clearly, and I then vaguely remember binging some of the first and second seasons when I got them from the public library. I loved them, although I never did get around to watching Season Three of Batman 1966. I plan to eventually (now that I have it on DVD). I'm curious to see my thoughts.
Now as for Batman The Animated Series… I caught that one on reruns too, but not on a channel for retro programming. No, reruns of it just aired late at night sometimes. And I really only remember one episode I saw as a kid: Two-Face. Both parts, but Part 1 was the real standout. I remember that one almost viscerally. It made me a fan of Two-Face, and he'll forever remain a favourite. But I didn't actually love the show that much. Beyond the occasional highlight (like Heart of Ice or Two-Face parts 1 and 2), I really don't remember much about the show. It wasn't a highlight for me. I always found Catwoman especially dull on that show. Maybe my mind would change upon revisiting it, but I don't really want to revisit it.
Now, The Batman (2004). This one started when I was yet to be born, but it ended when I was probably around 4 years old. Being born in 2004, I don't really remember seeing too much of this one on TV. Except for the time I may have gotten a DVD from a library or a blockbuster or something, and it had the debut episodes of Catwoman, Mister Freeze and Man-Bat. I also vaguely recall an episode with Joker and a Train, and Penguin with the Green Lanterns (or something like that)? I didn't actually watch much of it, except for me binging Seasons 1 and 2 online when I was slightly older. I remember liking the first two seasons. Especially the interesting takes on the villians.
Now finally, let's talk The Brave and The Bold. This one aired when I was probably in the age range of being six to nine, and I loved, loved, loved this one! It's still my favourite! I remember a lot of episodes in decent detail. I remembered the first season particularly. The Outsiders, Plastic Man, The Music Meister, Blue Beetle, Aquaman, Owlman, Bat-Mite, etc. I didn't really watch as much of seasons two and three, but season one stands out super strongly in my minds eye. There's a reason I asked for it this Christmas, after all. Also, my public library had the tie-in comic! I remember reading it! I learned about Power Girl, Sugar and Spike, Kid Eternity and Captain Marvel/Shazam through that thing! It was the best!
So I saw four Batman shows, and only really remember scraps from each of them. Maybe I should revisit them all someday. But i'm focused on Batman 1966 and Batman The Brave and The Bold for now. They're the best of the best, in my opinion. And now, if anyone wants me to, maybe i can make some more posts on this stuff later. Maybe I can rank the DC movies i saw, as well as the other dcu tv shows. Maybe I can even talk about the voice actors for each show, or whatever. I have an excessive wealth of stuff to say with these topics, I think.
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superherocaps · 2 years ago
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