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artaran · 1 month ago
Superbat, but only in the background for the comedy during a romance office drama.
Hear me out. Half the Daily Planet has noticed Lois and Cat going from pure hatred to actually enjoying the vicious mockery battles. After last year's success of getting Clark together with his longtime fanboy crush, Bruce Wayne, the office is now dedicated to reviving romance once more. So a new groupchat is made, and shenanigans ensue.
Lois attempts to get Clark to help her on an article. Clark, due to the entire office assuming the poor guy can't keep a secret to save his life, is not in the groupchat. However, Bruce told him about it in the supply room five minutes ago. His coworkers are all making "don't you DARE" motions behind Lois's back, because an article exposing a socialite basically leaves her with no other choice but Cat. Clark, only wearing half a tie and with only a third of his buttons actually done up, pretends he forgot whatever he came for in the supply room and will obviously need to be in there for the rest of the week, sorry Lois.
Lois and Cat are still working on that article. In an attempt to speed things along, Jimmy locks them in one of the Daily Planet's conference rooms. While Lois and Cat are having the fight of their lives and are about five seconds away from needing a physical intervention, we see Bruce and Clark running out of the same supply room, across the hallway, away from Deathstroke. Exactly 7 seconds later Deathstroke comes back running through the hallway, this time with Batman and Superman in pursuit. The crash alerts Lois and Cat, but there is no longer anything to see. The moment they turn around, Deathstroke is running back from where he originally came from, still pursued by Batman and Superman. However, Batman is now actively pelting him with keurig coffee pods.
The article is supposed to be done, except Perry prefers submissions to be done on paper, and the printer is empty. Cat and Lois were sharing a coffee cup right until this was discovered, and mood in the office drops into the basement when they start fighting again. Thankfully for the Planet's resident secret superhero, Cat followed Lois to the supply closet to continue that argument, and she opens the door to show us Bruce, shirtless, hitting Ra's al Ghul, also shirtless, with a fire extinguisher, while Clark, not shirtless but only wearing about a third of his shirt due to the previous katana duel he got caught up in, holds him down. Conveniently, Lois didn't look inside because she was too busy arguing with (read: being transfixed by) Cat, and slams the door shut without getting her printer paper.
Cat and Lois were five seconds away from submitting the article when new information came to light. This was, of course, not at all courtesy of Bruce Wayne and his thirst for non-world ending drama (the source is anonymous, after all). Now, they're in an upscale bar on what is definitely not a date. Half the Daily Planet is in cheap wigs and fake moustaches sitting at the bar while Cat and Lois stake out their target. Clark and Bruce are at one of the private tables overlooking the windows, and by now far more invested in Cat and Lois than their own date. This is even more entertaining than rewatching footage of Hal clothesline himself on Batman's grappeline two weeks ago. The target strolls in, and Cat and Lois are firmly convinced the feeling of jealousy is because they are not about to let the other one get the scoop. Clark and Bruce just got a League alert and are now pushing a potted plant in front of their table at a snail's pace so they can jump out of the window unseen. The sight of Batman and Superman flying up from a couple stories below distracts the target long enough to slip up and the women of the hour buy each other drinks, obviously exclusively because neither lost this battle.
The restaurant has to be evacuated and Cat and Lois finally kiss after the emotions of nearly getting crushed by falling debris from the nearby League fighting the villain of the month. Maybe they do have feelings for each other beyond hatred, after all. The costumed Daily Planet reporters cheer. The corner of Batman's mouth ticks up exactly two degrees. Superman falls out of the sky. He is not surprised. He is mad because now he owes the love of his life two dollars because Lois just could not be dense for half a day more. How will he survive?
The next morning, everyone is overjoyed at another romantic success for the Daily Planet reporters. Clark brought his Ma's cake, but hurriedly excuses himself to the supply room. While Perry congratulates Cat and Lois on their successful article and newfound partnership, we see Batman and Superman in the high-rise behind him spraying Lex Luthor with a waterhose.
Cat and Lois make their way to the supply room. On their way in, they politely greet Clark and Bruce, who are on their way out. The entire office signs a pledge to never use that room again.
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artaran · 10 months ago
Everytime this is reblogged, JK Rowling steps on a lego
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artaran · 1 year ago
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artaran · 2 years ago
I fucking love discord
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artaran · 2 years ago
Why do I think that, if Miraak was asked whether he's a Dragonborn, he would respond "I am not A Dragonborn, I am THE Dragonborn"?
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artaran · 2 years ago
I am FURIOUS and BAFFLED that major news outlets are not covering what’s going on in Iran right now and I don’t fucking have a twitter so I can’t make noise over there, even though apparently that’s the only social media platform people pay attention to????
Students at Sharif University of Technology in Tehran have been one group of many students and professors across the nation protesting, and NOW, the regime’s security forces have LOCKED THE STUDENTS IN THE UNIVERSITY AND ARE ARRESTING THEM IN MASSES AND SHOOTING AT THEM IF THEY TRY TO ESCAPE OUT THE GATES.
You have DOZENS of teenagers running for their lives in the dark while their parents and fellow citizens are protesting outside the gates chanting “free the students”. And NOW, the they’re sending more repression forces to the University!!
A BBC article says it’s unable to verify the events at the university in the same space it writes that VIDEO FOOTAGE on social media shows students RUNNING FROM SECURITY FORCES ON CAMPUS.
Share as much as you can about this on all of your social media platforms. Tag as many human rights activists and groups and news outlets you can think of to get the information out there. And if you have any friends or family in Tehran, let them know if they already don’t that people are mobilising to the university. Help the students!! Use the hashtags that are going around on social media (#mahsaamini, #jinaamini, #opiran, #iranprotests, to name a few).
I’m adding photos from instagram that give more information. Follow @1500tasvir on instagram for on the ground footage, @middleeastmatters, and @golfarahani to name a few.
[If someone has the time to ID these, you are more than welcome to.]
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artaran · 2 years ago
October 3, 2022 - Protesting Iranian schoolgirls kick their pro-government school director out of their schoolgrounds. Students across Iran have been occupying their schools in protest after the death of Jina Mahsa Amini. [video]
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artaran · 2 years ago
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artaran · 3 years ago
Reblog if you’d be okay if your friend came out as transgender
let’s see how many transphobics we can weed out
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artaran · 3 years ago
Reblog this if you slept with my ex-wife Susan.
Trying to prove a point to my divorce lawyer.
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artaran · 3 years ago
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Jon teaches Bill about white privilege.
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artaran · 3 years ago
Cicero unprovoked when you're sneaking through a draugr infested crypt
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artaran · 3 years ago
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artaran · 3 years ago
Germany elected two trans women into the Bundestag for the first time.
Nyke Slawik and Tessa Ganserer are the first trans women in the Bundestag
With the Greens Nyke Slawik and Tessa Ganserer, two trans women enter parliament for the first time. They want to get involved in queer political issues - but not only.
Nyke Slawik and Tessa Ganserer from the Green Party made history in the Bundestag elections: they were the first trans women to enter parliament.
Although Ganserer was far behind the CSU direct candidate Sebastian Brehm in her constituency of Nuremberg-North, she had nevertheless secured her place on the state list of the Bavarian Greens. “I am still overwhelmed, but I am really looking forward to my new task in Berlin,“ Ganserer tweeted on Monday morning with the hashtag #QueerRepräsentanzMatters [translates to: Queer representation matters].
Nyke Slawik also entered via her list position. She comes from NRW, her constituency was in Leverkusen, where SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach won the direct mandate.
“I have meanwhile received congratulations from Poland, the UK and the USA. Our trans election success is going around the world,” Slawik wrote on Twitter on Monday night.
There has only been one trans MP in the Bundestag so far, Christian Schenk of the Left Party, but Schenk only came out after his term of office ended in 2002. Victoria Broßart of the Green Party and Ria Cybill Geyer (Brandenburg) of the SPD were other trans women on the electoral lists for the 2021 elections, but they did not make it into parliament.
Tessa Ganserer joined the Greens because of “classic environmental issues” such as mobility policy and nature conservation. “They drove me to do politics for years, and I didn’t give up these interests when I came out,” she said in an interview with the Tagesspiegel, “my heart beats for the forest”. This was already evident in her early years before her political career, when she completed an apprenticeship as a forester.
Ganserer still sees many gaps in the law on queer issues
The 44-year-old is also the queer policy spokesperson for the Green Party’s parliamentary group in Bavaria and has championed the interests of the queer community in recent years. She sees the biggest gaps in the law on parentage, which discriminates against lesbian, non-binary and trans parents, and the “degrading transsexual law”, which Ganserer says needs to be replaced by a self-determination law.
“The fact that I have to go before a judge so that the state accepts me as I am; that I have to endure psychological assessments; that I have to put up with degrading questions, that is against human dignity and violates the right to self-determination of the Basic Law,” Ganserer said.
She herself was listed on the ballot papers in the federal election with her deadname, i.e. the first name she has renounced. Her female first name “Tessa” was merely in brackets.  She wrote on Twitter that the mention of her deadname had “exceeded the level of humiliation”. As a result, she applied to change her legal name and gender according to the so-called “Transsexual Law.”
She also wants to remain true to her core topic: the environment
With regard to trans people, Ganserer also calls for a legally anchored right to medical care in addition to a reform of this law. What is also needed, she says, are nationwide regulations for financial support for families with same-sex parents wishing to have children and a reform of the General Equality Act. Anti-discrimination offices should also receive more support.
However, Ganserer also wants to remain true to her core topic, the environment. In the interview she said: "It would be a real thrill for me to be allowed to make policy on these issues for the Greens in the Bundestag.”
Nyke Slawik calls for more diversity among MPs
At 27, Nyke Slawik belongs to a different generation than Ganserer. Slawik told the Tagesspiegel before the election that more diversity is needed among MPs so that there are finally people sitting there who not only talk about different realities of life, but also know them and can empathise with them.
Slawik was not only alluding to the fact that she is trans. She also alluded to her family background: she comes from a working-class family, her parents met as machinists. She was the first in the family to go to university.
She herself was often “uncomfortable” being “so much in the spotlight because of my identity. But there is so little visibility and so much legal discrimination that I have decided to deal with it head-on,” said Slawik. She hopes “that today we can open a new chapter of self-determination in politics and end the years of infantilisation of queer people”, she tweeted on the election night.
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artaran · 4 years ago
What happened in Hungary?? Is there any way we could support you guys?
you can donate to budapestpride, háttér society and labrisz lesbian association! ill add more organizations if i can think of any
if there is an article in english about the situation i cant find it right now so i'll attempt to sum it up
basically our pseudo fascist government granted themselves emergency powers at the beginning of the pandemic and among other things they have been using it to slowly take away thw lgbt community's rights and freedom. trans people can no longer change their name and gender marker and gay couples can no longer adopt children
and most recently (last night actually) a law that is supposed to protect against child predators was changed so that "sex education in schools cannot promote the changing of one's sex or homosexuality" on top of that sex education programs can only be done by the school or a database of organizations maintained by the government. the breaking of these rules (aka telling kids its okay to be trans) would get both the organizer AND the principal of the school into major trouble (think jail)
additionally children under 18 cannot be shown advertisements or educational content containing homosexuality or transgender "propaganda" these materials MUST be marked 18+
40% of all hungarian lgbt individuals have admitted to suicidal ideation, with 30% percent admitting to attempting it. our government is framing this as the protection of the children but what it will actually do is kill even more lgbt kids.
im incredibly angry so i'm sorry if this is not well phrased but this needs to stop because the path we're heading down is gonna end really fucking bad for the hungarian lgbt+ community
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artaran · 4 years ago
To all my followers who are citizens of the EU and of voting age, please consider signing and sharing this EU citizens' initiative requesting that the European Commission stop upholding intellectual property rights regarding COVID vaccines and treatments and make them a public good instead.
In order for the European Commission to read these proposals this initiative needs a lot more people signing that it has now, so every person counts.
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artaran · 4 years ago
April 14th 2021 - 11th Anniversary of Peter Steele's death.
Rest in Peace, Green Man.
10 Years Today
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Peter Steele, 4th January 1962 - 14th April 2010
You are missed.
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