#i love calista so much
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supercatavalance · 9 days ago
It's been a long time since I've been here, so it's always good to put some SuperCat back in 🫡
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nieithryn · 11 months ago
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@valorums asked: 🔮 [ crystal ball ] — an outfit that has some sort of symbolic meaning tied to Calista’s character development or narrative arc.
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Okay, this one is more straightforward than the other: Calista's coronation as Countess of Serenno. While this dress is also somewhat falling short of Calista's real coronation gown, it is quite close: it lacks the silver trim of her gown, and the circlet, but the basic shape of the dress is quite true. Despite being in her fifties when she takes the throne, Calista is at this point in her story taking control of her life back from her father and his compatriots in the CIS. With her father's death, she is able to take back her work as Senator, and to choose to oppose the Empire and Palpatine as she needs to in order to be in-like with her own morality.
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uroborosymphony · 1 year ago
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La musethèque de Lynnie.
The musethèque has been updated. All the muses I write accross all my blogs. I added the level of muse I have for each + the amount of threads per characters and a few notes.
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wakkass · 1 year ago
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So, I continue the theme of adult heroes, and this time the matter affected... adults. It’s one thing to give children mature traits, and another to age characters that are already sufficiently formed in appearance.
Suddenly, it felt quite sad. First, I drew the shapes of the adults' faces from the original, so that later I could literally recreate the aging process, which made me feel like they could never get back. This immersion in the irrevocable decline of youth helped me understand why I like to draw the characters of STF in their distant future.
I like the age range at which the characters are. While Sofia's generation flourishes, the generation of her parents fades. The peak of this contrast is right here, and I feel a bitter taste of joy from such sensations. I feel sad, but at the same time warm from the realization that they're all still nearby and terrible losses are still far ahead…
Wow, I wrote so much about flying heads. But enough about the sad stuff, because I also drew an adult Calista. I imagine her learning magic and practicing with the best sorcerer she knows. I like to think that because of this practice, she and Sofia often run into each other, and they and her uncle have fun after work. I love imagining the little things in life, there’s something relaxing about it.
I also have something to say about Cedric. I see him with a mustache and beard, firstly, because all great sorcerers have mustaches and beards. And, secondly, because it seems wildly funny to me to consider the episode “Substitude Cedric” prophetic
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trippinsorrows · 7 months ago
without you + one
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authors note: hi, friends! so this is a foundational first chapter, meaning its intended to lay down a blueprint. there may or may not be some foreshadowing.....
but let me just say this. i have no intentions on drastically changing anyone's characterization from book one. e.g. joe has always only had eyes for reader. that won't change. he's all about his family.
do not read this story if you haven't read 'with me'. it won't work as a standalone.
warnings: language, some angst, fluff, and suggestive themes
song inspo: be without you by mary j. blige
words: 5k
Two weeks.
It’s been two weeks since your life was forever changed in a night of pure magic.
Two weeks since the love of your life proposed to you in the most beautiful way in the most beautiful place on earth surrounded by the most beautiful people.
Just thinking about it still brings on chills and goosebumps. It might just be one of the happiest nights of your life. 
And even returning home, being with your family, enjoying your pregnancy has continued on the theme of love and contentment. 
It’s almost nearly perfect except for one little thing. One tiny little human you just so happened to have created who seems to think that she has first dibs on a certain fiancé of yours at any given point and time.
Callie has been loving every single second of Joe being home on indefinite leave, and while you’re happy for her, happy for him that they have the time to spend together, it’s like she wants to spend all of her time with Joe.
And that’s fine, except for the fact it’s like she doesn’t want you around at all.
They’re playing tea party and she hits you with the, “mommy, it’s for daddies only.”
He’s having her help him cook, and she hits you with, “mommy, you can’t cook.”
She’s suckered him into watching Moana with her for the 18th time, and she hits you with, “mommy, I wanna watch it with daddy.”
Sis is beyond possessive. It’s gotten to the point where you almost feel jealous of your own damn child. An absolutely asinine thing to think, let alone feel.
It’s why when Joe jogs down the steps after getting her down for her nap, you grab him by his shirt and yank him into the office. 
He’s understandably confused. “Y/N, what the hell?”
You bring your finger to his mouth, silencing him. “Not so loud. You’ll wake her up.”
Lord, Jesus. This may be harder than you thought. “And she needs her sleep, and we need time to talk.”
That seems to help him reason a bit better. “Okay.”
Pouting, you take him by surprise, shuffling into his chest as his arms naturally move around you. “I miss you.”
He chuckles, kissing the top of your head. “I’ve been here, baby.”
“You know what I mean.” Pulling back, he brushes his thumb across your bottom lip. “I miss spending time with you. Just the two of us.” Realizing how that could sound, you quickly clarify. “Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing you spend so much time with Callie, and obviously, she loves it too. But your lil’ bodyguard doesn’t seem to want mama to have any time alone with daddy.” 
And it’s the truth. It fills your heart with so much joy to see the beautiful bond and relationship they’ve developed in not even a year. They’re inseparable. 
But that doesn’t negate the fact that you miss spending time with him too.
“And we haven’t had sex since in over a week. A week, Joe. I can’t go that long without your dick. You know this.” He smiles, big hand laying on your baby bump. Like this shit is funny. Like it’s amusing that you’re going through dickdrawl. “That’s not funny, you asshole. If I have to make myself come one more time instead of you, I might just lose my shit.”
“I get it,” he finally shares, hand moving along the small of your back. “I miss you too. Miss my pussy…”
His voice drawls into something teasing, and it makes your pussy flutter. See, just his voice alone has you feening. Groaning, you mutter, while trying to settle yourself, “and it doesn’t help that she’s been sleeping with us.”
Calista is only four-years-old, so it’s natural for her to want to sleep with you and Joe. And you don’t mind that, don’t mind giving her that comfort. It’s just that it’s been every night since you returned from Disney. Not only that, when Joe gets up, she likes to get up. Even to the point where he'll just be working out in the gym, and she still wants to be around him, sitting on the floor talking to him or just playing on her tablet.
She’s even fallen asleep one time in the gym, with him having to stop his workout to bring her to her bed that she woke up from and managed to scamper her cute self right back into bed with you.
It’s just been…..a lot in some ways.
He nods, suddenly suggesting, “maybe we can try talking to her.”
“And what are we supposed to tell her, huh?” You’re legitimately all ears for any recommendations on how to word it. “Callie Bear, you’re spending too much time with your daddy.” Even saying it in a mocking tone feels wrong, giving you a sort of itch. “I’m not trying to have our child in therapy because of shit we caused her.”
“And you say I’m dramatic.” He rolls his eyes, emphasizing his point. “She’s a smart kid. I think if we just talk with her about how we have to share time with each other—”
“Ha. Share. That’s funny. That girl don’t wanna share you with air, let alone another human being.” It’s a partial joke, partial truth. A frown suddenly falls on your face as you think this over more. “You think something’s going on with her?” 
If you didn’t have his attention before, you definitely have it now. “What do you mean?”
Shrugging, you do your best to explain what you don’t quite fully understand. “I don’t know. She’s always been super attached to you, but it’s been more intense lately. Like she’s holding on even tighter. Like—”
“Like she’s scared to let go,” he finishes for you, deep voice settling into something almost despondent. “You think she’s scared I’m gonna leave or something?”
It’s a bit of a stretch but also something you can’t entirely rule out. “Maybe.” With a new sort of determination, you advise. “You’re right. We do need to talk to her.” And for completely different reasons than when you first dragged him in for that conversation. You just want to make sure your baby girl is okay.
That’s the only thing that matters.
On the topic of Callie, you’re reminded of something. “Oh my god.” Gasping, you move away from him. “I didn’t get a chance to show you.”
Curious, he asks, “show me what?”
You reach for his hand, walking over to the desk that’s almost entirely done with being set up and open the first drawer. Grabbing the still unopened envelope, you reach it to him, a small smile on your face. “I wanted to let you open it.”
Joe is understandably confused until he flips the envelope over and sees the sender. His expression immediately softens. “Is this—”
Nodding, you share, “it came in the mail yesterday, but it just slipped my mind to tell you.” He doesn’t say anything, instead focused on opening the envelope as he carefully pulls out the certificate.
Callie’s new and updated birth certificate. 
Moving closer to him, you snuggle yourself into his chest as he uses one hand to open and read the document you two have been waiting on for nearly a month now. Everything has stayed the same except for one section, that one section bringing on all of the feels for him. For both of you. 
Father/Parent’s Name.
The section that was once blank now reads in printed, black, unerasable ink: Leati Joseph Anoa'i. 
You can just feel the immense love and happiness emanating off his big being. He doesn’t need a piece of paper to tell him that he’s Callie’s father. You know that. But this is the piece of paper that gives him all the legal rights as Callie’s father, the rights he should have had from the very beginning. 
Holding onto him just a little tighter, loving him a little harder, you murmur against his chest, “now it’s always as it should have been.”
“I’m thinking strippers. One on each side of the aisle. Shawty throwing ass to the left, and shawty shaking titties on the right.”
Any conversation with Alexis is bound to venture into the deepest parts of fuckery, but this has to be a new level. “You want me to have strippers at my wedding?”
She’s looking at you like she can’t understand what’s so crazy about her proposal. “Yeah, what’s wrong with that?”
Eyes widening, you lean over the counter that’s littered with countless bride magazines and her Macbook Air. “It’s my wedding, Lex.”
“And?” She shakes her head, stirring some of her chocolate pudding. “You love strippers.”
“I do, but that doesn’t mean I want them at my wedding.”
She’s rolling her eyes, flipping her hair over her shoulder as she murmurs, “if you wanted to have a boring ass white people type wedding, you should have just said that.”
You laugh. Wedding planning was always something you imagined doing with your closest friends, and while you’re thankful to have Alexis here as your support and interim wedding planner (because you’re still very much on the fence about that), her tendency to do the most is definitely obscuring her view of logic and what makes sense.”
“I don’t want a white people wedding, per se. I just don’t want anything too crazy.” That’s the best description you can give, because this is all so new to you. You naturally play with the stunning engagement ring on your finger. Part of that confusion is because you’re still a bit stuck on the fact that you’re actually engaged.
To the literal love of your life, at that.
A dream that’s become a reality.
It still feels a little too good to be true.
“Fair, I guess.” She doesn’t seem to agree that it’s fair but won’t push either. “Well, have you at least thought about where you want to get married?”
That, you actually have. Once upon a time, it was in your hometown. Now, you’d rather not get married at all if that was your only option. “I’m thinking here.”
“Florida?” You nod. “Wow. Okay, any particular reason why?”
Shrugging, you answer, grabbing a chunk of pineapple from your fruit bowl. “I don’t know. Joe’s family is already here. It’s easy for my mom to catch a flight out. And anyone else I’d like to attend would have to fly here too anyway. Plus, this place is really beautiful.”
The fact that life has only been up since moving here to be with Joe is a major plus too. But, that doesn’t necessarily feel like it needs to be outright stated.
“Got it.” She starts typing on her laptop, and you have no doubt she’s already created a Google Doc to track everything. It’s one of many things you love about Alexis. She may be crazy as hell, but when she’s on it, she’s on it. “Now, the biggest thing, maybe the most important thing, is gonna be the date.”
She nods, “yeah, like when you want to have the wedding.” 
Fuck. As silly as it may sound, you hadn’t even thought about that. Still so caught up in the high of actually being engaged to your soulmate. 
Alexis continues, “I’m guessing after the school arrives.”
You roll your eyes. “What did I tell you about calling them that?” 
“Okay, the brood.”
She throws her hands up. “Don’t get mad at me cause the freaks freaked too much and now ya’ll starting your own little tribe.”
A heavy sigh leaves your mouth as Alexis continues to go in on you over your multiples pregnancy. For the most part, you’ve really come to accept and be okay with it. There are times though where your mind gravitates toward the childbirth portion, and your vagina literally starts to ache at just the thought of that trauma. 
Shaking your head and pushing away those thoughts, you return to the conversation at hand. “That’s a good point. I don’t want to walk down the aisle big and pregnant.”
“Exactly.” She types some more. “When is Joe going back to work?” Another great question that you don’t have the answer for. “Oh my god, Y/N, girl, just what do you know?”
“He just said it was indefinite leave!” You throw out in defense of your lack of knowledge. “Definitely not before the babies get here, so after September?”
“And you know he’s not gonna leave you alone with three newborns to take care of, so I can see him staying off air for at least a couple more months.”
That makes sense. “But, he’ll have to be back in time for WrestleMania, I’d imagine.”
“Most definitely. Didn’t you see that one promo he did? Roman Reigns is WrestleMania.” A smile falls on your face. You most definitely did see that promo. It’s one of your favorites that he’s cut. “But the next one isn’t until April, I think.”
“So maybe January?” The smile shifts into a scowl. “He can’t be gone that long though. The fans would lose it.” Thinking back to the Smackdown clips you saw on social media, you point out, “they’re already chanting ‘we want Roman.’”
It’s a bit bittersweet seeing Smakdown clips without Roman, seeing someone else hold his championship belt. But then you think about what that sacrifice gave you, what Joe giving up his title has awarded you, and it takes away some of the sting of it all.
You also feel a bit better knowing Joe is still playing an active role in the Bloodline, just behind the scenes. 
She sucks her teeth. “Ain’t that about a bitch? They fake asses acting like they weren’t the main ones wanting Cody to finish the story.” Alexis' borderline anger makes you laugh a little. “Oooh, Joe nice, cause the way I would give them the middle finger, retire, and live out my life with my fine ass wife and 12 children.”
Your eyes widen. “Don’t even put that out there, please.” You've definitely learned now about the power of the tongue. “If I was carrying any more than three children, I might just die.”
“Naw. Childbirth would do that for you.”
“Shit, sorry, too dark?” Lord, this girl really has no filter sometimes. “Do you guys want more kids after this? Like, forreal?”
Alexis, despite all of her shenanigans, seems to be on point with the questions. “I don’t know—”
“You don’t know?” That seems to be the answer that actually has her floored the most out of anything else ya’ll have discussed this afternoon thus far. “Bitch, this man put three children in you. Three. You really trying to risk that happening again?”
“Of course not. I just—I don’t know. I don’t think I can really answer that right now. Maybe once we learn the sexes, cause what if they’re all girls?” The likelihood of that happening has to be slim to none, but just like multiples of this quantity can be an anomaly, so can all of one sex. “I want to give him a son.”
Truthfully, you’re praying hard that at least one of them is a boy. You know Joe will love the kids the same. Fully and without inhibition, regardless of sex. But, not only do you want to have a little boy for your own reasons, but being able to continue on Joe’s lineage, maybe even passing down his name to your son would mean even more.
Of course, Alexis is quick with the dumbass suggestion. “Make one of them a tomboy.”
You close your eyes, forcefully stabbing the next chunk of pineapple. “Alexis, I swear to God.”
She leans back in her seat, adjusting her top. “All I know is if you think I’m babysitting four kids, you are sadly mistaken. I’ll take care of my little Cal Gal, but these other newbies are gonna have to prove themselves.”
“Newbies? They’re gonna be literal babies, Lex.”
“And? My beef is rated E for everyone, newborn babies included.”
Lord, this woman is giving you a headache. “I guess there’s a lot I still need to discuss with Joe first before we actually get into planning.”
“Agreed.” It’s a conversation you’re almost not looking forward to simply for the mere fact you don’t want to start thinking too much about Joe’s leave ending. Just wanna enjoy the here and now. But, you know it’s something that needs to be done. “Make sure to ask him about the strippers too.”
As he has almost every day since the start of his vacation, Joe handles dinner for you and Callie. Well, mostly you, since little Ms. ma’am insists upon helping Joe cook, and he insists upon you resting when you make the mistake of telling him you’re experiencing heartburn. It’s a common symptom given you’re about two weeks away from hitting four months and something you experienced when you were pregnant with Callie.
However, he takes all necessary, or maybe, unnecessary precautions, having you sit and rest in the living room, watching some random station while he works in unison with your firstborn to prepare dinner. 
He makes grilled fish with a side of rice and broccoli for the vegetable. It makes you laugh every time he encourages and tries to convince Callie that she needs to eat her veggies or else she’ll never grow. Sis looks like she doesn’t entirely believe him but takes the plunge anyhow. Plus, better him than you trying to convince her.
You’ll let him take that battle gladly.
And while he cleans up the kitchen, handles putting all the leftover food away, you tackle Callie’s nighttime routine, specifically her bubble bath, hygiene, and hair. Her bath takes a little longer than usual, somewhat because of your bump, but mostly because with her new disney princess themed bedroom came an attached disney princess themed bathroom. This includes a shit ton of bubble bath additives that any kid would love, many of which she suckered her daddy into buying during your Disney trip.
You don’t even want to know how much that man spent on Callie in that one week timespan. It seemed like everything she saw she wanted, and he wasted no time in pulling out his black card, buying it for her.
You can only pray she remains sweet and humble with a daddy like Joe who’s seemingly hellbent on spoiling her rotten. 
Getting her in her pajamas and securing her bonnet over her head after putting her curls into a pineapple is the easy part, and she’s nearly bursting at the seams to get out the bathroom door for a reason you already know and don’t need to ask. 
Cause as soon as you’re done, she’s like a speeding bullet, rushing out her bathroom and room, straight into yours.
By the time you get everything back and put away, she’s found her target. Joe is sitting on your bed, Callie tucked into his side with her chosen bedtime book in hand. She surprises you though when she looks up and smiles brightly. “You can come too, mommy.”
This has to be your first invite in at least a week, and it makes you genuinely smile as well. 
“Thank you, baby.” There’s not an ounce of hesitation as you move over to the other side of the bed, climbing in with them. A brief shared look with Joe gives you the signal you need to jumpstart the conversation you’ve been thinking about all day. “Callie, daddy and I actually wanna talk to you about something.”
Instantly, she’s frowning, pouting almost as she snuggles closer into Joe’s chest. “I don’t want to talk.”
This makes you frown, as Joe also looks taken back by her response. He rubs gentle circles along her back. “Callie Bear, what’s going on with you?”
You pick up on her hesitant reply the same way you’re sure Joe does. “Nothing.”
Placing a comforting hand on her arm, you softly point out some of the things that have led to this conversation. “Calista, I’ve noticed you’ve been spending a lot of time with daddy. And you sometimes don’t even want me to spend time with ya’ll.” Licking your lips, you do your best to keep your voice as calm and soothing as possible. “Are you…are you maybe scared about something?”
And it’s when she looks at you for a second, that fear flashing in her eyes, you know that’s what it is. Something has her nervous.
Hating that something is bothering her and especially that she’s keeping it in, you whisper, “Please tell us, baby.”
And it’s Joe holding her a little tighter along with your gentle coaxing that seems to do it, seems to break down that wall that hides her truth. She sniffles, “I don’t want daddy to leave again.”
“Calista…” You hate seeing her so sad, but you especially hate seeing and hearing the pain in Joe’s face and voice at the fact that he’s indirectly the reason for her sadness. “Baby girl, I’m not going anywhere right now, remember? I’m staying here with you and mommy.” 
You’re thankful he doesn’t really highlight the fact that he will eventually have to go back to work. Callie isn’t stupid. She knows this, but it’s not what she needs to hear right now.
And your chest tightens as she sadly points out to Joe a trauma you still haven’t had the space to fully process. “But those people took me from mommy, and I couldn’t see her.” Eyes glossing over, it breaks your heart to hear that she still thinks about that. That being separated from you the way she was is still impacting her. “What if they take me and I can’t see you or mommy?” She adds on in a way that twists the dagger in your chest, “or they make you leave me like they made mommy leave me?”
At that, he pulls her onto his lap, carefully lifting her chin to make her look at him. “Calista, listen to me, sweetheart. No one could ever take you away from me or your mom. Ever.” He speaks with such conviction and determination. He needs her to believe what she’s saying. You both do. “You’re our little girl.”
“He’s right. I know…I know that scared you, but your daddy and I aren’t going anywhere. We promise.” Reaching over to cup her face, you ask in a way that’s more telling than questioning. “That’s why you’ve been wanting to sleep with us.”
She nods, quietly explaining. “I don’t want you to be gone when I wake up.”
“Oh, baby.” you reach for her and she climbs over to you, hugging you tight, head against your chest. “Daddy and I are gonna be here for you, always, okay? No matter what.” Chuckling a bit, you wipe the tears from her eyes. “Even when you’re all grown up and don’t need us anymore.”
She looks between ya’ll, almost wide eyed. “Noooo.” She reaches for Joe who moves closer to the two of you. “You’re my mommy and daddy. I’ll always need my mommy and daddy.”
Her innocence warms your heart. You love this little girl so much. More than words.
“We love you, Callie.” Joe kisses her forehead as she holds onto his arm. 
“I love you guys too.” Her voice is less laid down with that big weight she was carrying around, and it makes you happy to know she feels a bit better, a bit more secure. “Can–can I still sleep with you guys tonight?”
“Of course, baby.” The answer is easy. Knowing now why she’s wanted to stay so close, it would feel almost cruel to deprive her of that comfort. “Of course you can.”
Megan Lowery is having a shit day.
Beyond a shit day, really.
The first issue being that her stupid alarm didn’t go off. A classic nuisance that almost everyone has experienced at one point or another. 
Except for her.
She’s never had her good old faithful iPhone alarm not get her up in time to tackle the day, until this morning, which has since only gravitated from bad to worse.
Because of course her coffee machine decided to act up. Any other time, she’d have zero issue brewing her morning cup of Joe, but not this morning. No, this morning she was forced to forgo her addiction of almost twenty years nor did she have the time to stop and buy a cup due to already running late because of her dumbass alarm glitching.
And the shitty day couldn’t be completed without some asshole bumping into her and spilling their deliciously smelling coffee all over her Free People blouse.
Put plain and simple, it’s a bad day, and she’s already over it before it even hits 1pm.
It’s why she sits in her meeting, doodling on her legal pad instead of listening to what probably could have been an email.
Megan jumps in her seat, eyes scanning the room of coworkers who sit watching her carefully. She clears her throat. “Sir?”
Luke, her boss, crosses his arms. “Am I boring you?”
Yes. “No sir, of course not.”
“I think I am.” Megan has never liked Luke. A product of nepotism, his father created the casting company she works for back in the eighties where he grew it to the major success it is today, only to pass it down to his son a few years ago after ailing health. And while Luke isn’t a bad CEO, per se, he’s not the funny, down to earth type like his old man.
No. The man is a Grade A asshole sometimes.
And this seems to be one of those times.
“Then what was I discussing?”
Fuck. Megan has always hated looking stupid, and she’s usually pretty good at both paying and not paying attention. But without her coffee, it’s damn near impossible to achieve that feat.
“Actually, sir, Megan was just whispering some ideas to me for how we can get Reigns to sign on.”
Megan shoots a vicious look to her work bestie, Paige. She smiles, her perfectly white teeth a stark contrast to her tanned, freckled complexion. “She’s got some great ideas too.”
Luke is smirking, and she knows that he knows Paige is blowing air up his ass. That doesn’t stop him from having his fun though. “Perfect, then I suppose you won’t have any issues taking on the assignment.”
Megan swallows. She doesn’t even know what this assignment is. But the thought of letting her asshole boss get one over on her literally makes her nauseous. With a steel smile, she accepts, “Of course not.” 
“Perfect.” He smirks. She has to stop herself from rolling her eyes. Smug bastard. “I’ll forward you the file and contact information for his reps.” Luke looks around at the rest of the employees. “Meeting is over.”
As everyone empties out, Luke being the first, Megan waits impatiently for everyone to depart before turning to Paige and punching her on her arm.
“What the hell?” She hates being put in situations where she has no idea what’s going on, and this just so happens to be one of them. “What did you just get me into?”
“You could just say thank you for saving my ass, you wonderful goddess.” Paige adjusts her glasses and opens her laptop, typing away before sharing her screen with Megan. “This is what you’re getting into.”
Megan is still annoyed as her eyes land on the screen, but that irritation easily drifts away when she sees who is on the screen. “Holy shit, that’s Roman Reigns.”
“Duh.” Paige says with all the sass, explaining. “Universal wants him for an upcoming film they’re doing, but WWE just announced he’s taking an indefinite hiatus, so it might be a hard sell.” 
Paige, of course, selected a photo of the former champ in the ring, shirtless, hair down. Looking literally like the Gods put all of their talent into one pot and poured out him. Megan then asks, “why is he on hiatus?”
“That’s the sad part.” Paige does some typing and pulls up an article. She points to the several headlines that all say the same thing just in different ways. 
He’s engaged. 
“I swear, all the good ones are taken.” Paige pouts. “There was actually some drama he was in a couple weeks ago but it’s all died down now, I think. I’ll have to send you the tea. Nevertheless, he’s engaged and expecting another child with his now fiancé.”
Megan clicks on one of the articles that show Roman and who she’d guess is the fiancé. A frown falls on her face. “Seriously? Her? He could have done way better.” Exceptionally. Megan could never see someone like him, body sculpted by Zeus himself, with someone like her who looks like she’s never even seen the inside of a gym.
“Regardless, that’s his lady, and they already have one kid together, so he’s really off-limits.” Paige shrugs, closing her laptop. “Thankfully, all you need to do is get him to agree to do this film.” She snorts. “Baby on the way, planning a wedding, how hard can that be?”
Megan rolls her eyes and flips off Paige who laughs while standing up. “Wanna go get lunch? My treat.”
Shaking her head, Megan politely declines. “No thanks. I’ve got a few emails I’ve gotta get caught up on. Raincheck?”
“You bet.” Paige winks and walks out, closing the door behind her to leave Megan alone with her many thoughts.
Paige is right. It’s going to be a challenge to get Roman to sign onto this film when he has so much going on in his personal life. Some might even see it as DOA. Megan, however, has always been intrigued by challenges. She’s never encountered a situation where she didn’t get what she wanted. Where she didn’t get who she wanted.
On a film.
Of course.
Pulling out her phone, she googles his name, scowling when one of the first photos is of him and the fiancé and their kid, she’d guess. She easily pinches on said photo, eliminating them and filling her screen with only him.
Head tilted, twirling a piece of her hair, she says to no one in particular. “You and I are about to be very good friends, Mr. Reigns….”
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messymoonmad · 21 days ago
yo messy I made a performer/dancer for the suitors (pushing Phemius out of the way for a moment. Sorry friend)
Her name is Calista !! :3
also I realized how much she looks like Aphrodite but like mother like daughter shrug
She flirts with most of the suitors (esp amphinomus wink wink ) for sport
Shes definitely flirted with people who aren’t the suitors jokingly ( like Melanthius but he most likely just ran away or questioned her to moment she did )
pictures w and without veil + extra
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OH SHE'S GORGEOUS !!! I LOVE THE IDEA !! AMPHINOMUS WILL BE SO FLUSTERED !! Antin and eurym will have a good laugh
Does she flirt with telemachus too ? What about eumaeus ?
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midnightsnyx · 11 months ago
girl at home | mat barzal | part 9
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pairing: mat barzal x fem!reader
warnings: angst, mentions of pregnancy, not edited word count: 2.1k authors note: i am back with a little less brain!! (literally) it took me a bit to start writing again cause I had some slowness on my right side so I wasn't quite up to writing. BUT i hope you guys like p9 and thank you so much for the continuous love on this story <3 the first bit is marlee's POV and after the * it's back to readers pov. hope u all like & pls lmk what you think <3
masterlist masterpost ask box
Marlee Jones loved her job. It was something she took pride in; helping bring new lives into the world and being there for all the mamas. Of course there were always the hard days, the days that made her hug Stella a little tighter when she got home from a shift. Her job had its ups and downs, but at the end of the day, she wouldn’t want to do anything else. 
So, her panic is warranted when she comes across a certain patient file. She wasn’t looking for it, but when her eyes caught the name and there weren’t any other people nearby, she couldn’t help herself. It’s against HIPAA, and if anybody found out, she would be fired without question but she slipped the file in between a couple others and walked to a random supply closet. She closed and locked the door behind her before pulling the file out and opening it. Her eyes quickly scanned the pages, the words Hysterical Pregnancy making her heart race. She had to double check the name on the file twice, before believing it. 
She knew that someone would notice the missing file, so she quickly found a printer and copied the pages, tucking them in her tote bag and putting the file exactly where it was. 
Nobody would know.
Your first instinct is to calm Marlee down. Her panicking is making you panic and at least one of you needs to keep a straight head. You’re trying to let her words sink in without letting your mind go down a rabbit hole. You need to see all the facts before letting yourself do that.
“Marlee,” you reach out to grab her shaking hands. “What happened?”
She looks up at you and takes a deep breath. “I can’t- I can’t tell you the details but she’s not pregnant. She lied, and it’s already caused so much damage between you, and Mat and Liana… and Nora.” She pulls her hands away from yours and buries her face in them.
You decide not to remind her that Mat already fucked things up before Calista dropped the baby bomb on him because she knows that. Focus on one disaster at a time. 
Calista lied about being pregnant. Mat doesn’t know this, and even if you try to tell him, you have no idea how he’ll react. Really, it’s none of your business and you can very well go on with your life because Mat has let you know loud and clear what his feelings are. He wants Calista in his life despite you not wanting her in Nora’s life. He technically has no rights, no say in what happens but when he first found out about her and asked to be in her life, you’d so desperately wanted to let him. 
“How long can she pull off this lie until he finds out the truth?” you ask quietly and she lifts her head from her hands.
“Depends,” she mumbles.
“On what?”
“How deep she has him pulled into her fantasy.”
. . .
You let Nora spend a little more time with Stella, mainly wanting her to burn as much energy from the sugar high she’s on from the ice-cream. She’s sleepy when you buckle her in her carseat and you’re pretty sure she’s asleep but she mumbles something and you look to see her looking at you with droopy eyes.
“What was that?” you ask softly.
She looks down, avoiding eye contact with you which is worrisome. 
“Do you think Mat would want to see me?” she whispers. “Without her?”
She obviously doesn’t need to clarify who she's referring to and it breaks your heart that a six-year-old has to worry about things like this. 
“I can ask,” you tell her, unsure why she wants to see him suddenly. “You don’t have to go see Mat if you don’t want to, baby.”
By now, you’re pulling into your driveway so you can turn the jeep off and turn to give her your full attention. She still won’t look at you so you reach out and tap on her leg until she looks up. 
“I want to,” she says but doesn’t elaborate so you don’t push. 
“Okay, I’ll call him tomorrow.”
She just nods and starts to unbuckle her seatbelt so you get out and help her. She doesn’t complain when you carry her inside, helping her change into pajamas and brush her teeth. When she asks if she can watch a movie before bed, you don’t have the heart to deny her, even though it’s close to her bedtime so you set her up on the couch and put her favorite movie on. She’ll be out like a light in less than twenty minutes so while you’re waiting, you grab your phone and pull up Mat’s contact. Your finger hovers over the call option but you’re not sure you want to talk to him over the phone so you go into your text messages instead. The last messages between the two of you were when you last met up and even then they were short and to the point which makes this text easily simple.
To Mat: Nora wants to see you.
You lay your phone on the counter and get a glass of water while waiting for his response. You’re unnecessarily nervous, mainly because you are expecting him to start an argument the moment you tell him that Nora doesn’t want Calista to be there. You don’t even feel comfortable letting Mat see her because of what he said, but you can’t turn her request down. Not when she was so adamant about not wanting to see him, and out of the blue deciding that she does. 
When you check on Nora while waiting for a response, she’s asleep so you pick her up and carry her to bed. You spend a minute just watching her after you’ve tucked her in. You’re desperate to see what’s going on in that little head of hers.
Just as you walk back to the kitchen, your phone buzzes and you freeze. Maybe messaging Mat tonight was a bad idea, and you should’ve just waited until tomorrow. It’s too late now though so you walk over and look to see Mat’s name and an unread message. 
From Mat: ok
From Mat: when?
It bothers you, how nonchalant he’s acting after everything that’s happened. This is about Nora though, so you take a breath and try to decide on a date.
To Mat: Sunday?
From Mat: ok
You want to scream at him and take back the offer but remind yourself again that Nora explicitly asked to see him and it’s her decision to make. 
So, you set up a place and time and tell him that she doesn’t want to see Calista. You expect him to argue, but he responds with another simple ok, and that’s that. 
. . .
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Marlee asks, crossing her arms and glaring at Mat who’s sitting on a bench at the park you agreed to meet at. The two of you are standing outside her jeep, stalling a little before going over there. 
Nora asked if Stella could come to the park too and Marlee was pulling out of her driveway before you could finish asking. You’re a little worried that she’s going to yell at Mat, but you figure with the kids there, she will contain herself unless he says something out of line.
“Nora asked to see him,” you remind her but she just grumbles something under her breath. 
You’re ready to get this over with so you open the door and let Nora and Stella climb out of the jeep. Normally, they would race to the playground but Nora is hesitating, glancing over to where Mat is. He hasn’t noticed that you’re here yet which is good, because you are about five seconds away from just putting the kids back in and driving away. 
Nora sighs quietly before walking over to Mat. You and Marlee hang back a little but Stella grabs her hand and sticks close to her. 
When Mat sees her, his face lights up and for a second, you want to forgive him so everything can go back to how it was before. You can’t though, not when what he said is still so fresh and not when you know about Calista’s lies.
“Hey peanut,” he says softly, staying seated while Nora stands in front of him, looking down and scuffing her shoe on the gravel. He looks at you when she doesn’t say anything but you just shrug even though you’re confused. You’re about to ask Nora if she wants to just go to the playground when she breaks her silence.
“Are you not my daddy?” she asks quietly and it takes you off guard. You had this conversation with her, assuring her that Calista was lying but she must want to hear it from Mat.
“What?” he asks, looking at you before turning his attention back to her.
“Calista told me that you’re not my daddy,” she says more firmly, finally looking up at him. Her arms are crossed and she’s glaring at him. You’d be impressed if you weren’t so worried about what Mat may say.
His mouth opens and closes a couple times and he looks like a fish out of water. He looks at you again, as if he’s expecting you to step in but you just raise an eyebrow at him as if to say I told you so.
“I think she was confused-” he begins to say which is absolutely the wrong thing to say because it sets Nora off. 
She stomps her foot and her glare hardens. “No! She said that mommy lied and that you’re not really my daddy. She told me that I don’t have a daddy.”
Before he can say anything, she’s storming off toward the playground, Stella chasing after her. 
“Do I need to say I told you so?” you ask sharply, now that the kids are out of hearing range.
“You just did,” he mumbles and Marlee, who has been quiet up until now, steps towards Mat.
“You’re a piece of work,” she snaps and Mat looks at her confused. 
“Excuse me?” 
“Do I need to repeat myself?” she says, and you’re more than happy to let her say what’s on her mind. 
“You’re letting your girlfriend tell your daughter that you’re not her father, and instead of comforting Nora, you’re trying to defend your girlfriend!” 
For a moment, you’re scared Marlee is going to get angry enough that she’ll tell him the truth about Calista, but she takes a deep breath and turns away to go to where the girls are playing. You watch her walk over until she reaches them before turning back to Mat. 
He’s staring at the ground and you don’t know why you’re still standing here but you guess you’re just waiting for Mat to say something.
“I fucked up,” he eventually mumbles and you scoff. 
“When did you come to that brilliant conclusion?” 
There’s the tiniest part of you that wants to bring up Calista, just to see if he’ll tell you anything but you’re not sure you’re in the mood to hear about her. Not when you know the truth. 
“Liana is mad at me,” he tells you, which is news, because you thought she was just angry at you. 
“I can’t imagine why.”
You look back at Nora, smiling when you see her laughing. She looks more like herself, rather than the gloomy kid she’s been the past couple days since she asked to see Mat. Like she got what was bothering her off her tiny shoulders. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Mat doing the same but his smile isn’t as real. If you weren’t still angry at him, you’d feel bad but you can’t let go of what he said and the fact that he tried again to defend Calista. 
“She’s a good kid,” he says softly and you hum in agreement. 
“Did you know?” he asks, “that she was going to say that?”
“No,” you tell him. It’s not a lie - she didn’t tell you why she wanted to see Mat, and you didn’t want to push. 
“I’m sorry,” he says, but you shake your head and look directly at him.
“Sorry isn’t going to fix it this time. Marlee was right, instead of apologizing to Nora, who deserves to hear that more than me, you won’t stop making excuses for Calista,” you tell him. “I don’t know what you’re expecting from Nora and I, but sorry isn’t the answer.” 
He frowns, but nods, seemingly accepting your response. You leave it at that and walk over to where Nora, Stella, and Marlee are, grinning when your daughter reaches for you. She hugs you when you pick her up and when you look back at the bench Mat was sitting at, he’s already gone.
tag list: @literatureluster @dasiysthings @barzyblogbabe @diary-of-jj @heatherawoowoo @fallinallincurls @lovinbarzal @whatthepuckisgoingon @teapartydreams @alilstressyandlotdepressy @keiva1000 @hischiershoe @bellstwd @alwaysclassyeagle @brrbrina @nonsensical-nonsence
@love-like-woaah @cycy9 @swift-sos
if you want to be added or taken off the tag list please let me know! & if you asked to be tagged and I didn't it's cause your @ didn't come up when i searched
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tremsing82 · 3 months ago
ACOTAR Future Families Headcanons
Ok I have few fun family headcanons for the acotar ships. (Disclaimer: I am not an fanfic author/writer so none of this will ever show up in a fanfic, I just like to create characters for headcanons, if anyone wants to use any of this for a story your more than welcome to do so just tag me so I can read it please 🙏😊😊😊🙏)
Feysand: they obviously have Nyx. I think they will definitely have 1 more and it will be a little girl. I also expect her name to be Stella (Star). (Personally I was expecting Nyx to be named Noctis and that their daughter would get the name Nyx since Nyx is actually the name of the Goddess of Night.)
Nessian: I am 100% committed to Cassian being a girl dad. My headcanon is that they have 4 girls. All with beautiful untouched wings. All who have embraced their Illyrian Valkyrie warrior training but also love fashion and formal events. I have this funny snippet that lives rent free in my head of Cassian proudly yelling at someone saying “My 10yr old daughter can kick your ass while wearing a tutu.” I think all their names will begin with the letter C: Cassandra(Cassie) Nesta surprised him with this name, Corine(Corie), Calista(Callie), Camille (Camie).
I do have this idea that Nesta and Cassian start their family journey off with them adopted an orphan/abandoned Illyrian baby girl that Cassian found and brought home to get her medical help and to just nurse back to health. Nesta sees him holding this crying baby trying to get her to eat from the bottle the healer gave him and she just melts for them both. And this baby is Cassandra.
Gwynriel: they had twins, boy girl twins. The girl was named after Gwyn Sister Catrin. And the boy’s name is Haden with his nickname being Hades (this is a guilty pleasure name for me, I have wanted to name a character this for years it even was a name on my boy baby name list). If though they want to stick closer to his name being similar to his sisters though, the boy version of Catrin is Cayson/Kasen/Cason (let me also add Kasen is my sons name so I am slightly bias in the boys names for this one).
Elucien: my favorite ship by the way. And yet I headcanon that they have 1 child, a son. I know crazy 😜. I have 2 reason for this 1) I like to think they like to keep their life simple. 2) I think they struggled to get pregnant. Their son is one of the youngest of the cousins, and he is highly cherished by his parents and family.
Their son’s name is Renard. Renard is French for Fox and Reinhard is German for Brave/Strong Council, which I think perfectly represents a child of Lucien and Elain. His nickname is Ren, I love it so much 🥰🥰🥰
He comes off as shy and definitely likes to clutch at his mother skirts when they first arrive at places. He is the quietest of ALL the cousins, lol (including Eris’ kids). But he’s observant and inquisitive and can be intrigued/curious. He likes to bake and garden with his mother, plays chess and work with his spell cleaving magic with his father and grandfather, go on hikes with his father and uncle where he learns about tracking and living off the land, he loves to read books, he loves to paint and draw, and he likes the piano. He literally is the little chameleon of the family, he see what interests other people and absorbs all their knowledge and collects it to try for himself. He’s been a little cautious around Uncle Cassian because Uncle Cassian was super excited to have another Nephew and tried to treat him like Nyx and Hades and that’s just not the kind of kid Ren is. Ren is closest to Nesta and Cassian’s youngest daughter Camille though. Camie is usually the bull in a China shop but with Ren she will slow down and let him show her what he is reading or drawing or teach her a new piece on the piano.
Eris: Eris is my other girl dad. He has 5 girls, which are nicknamed the Autumn Vixens when they get older. Him and Cassian are in a silent competition about who is the better girl dad, Eris beat Cassian recently by being able to do better girls hair styles. I am leaning towards their names being French inspired: Reine, Sophie & Sylvie (twins), Colette, and Elise.
Vassian: Vassa is an all boys mom. She has 6 boys and on her 7th pregnancy it’s finally girl.
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amethxxt · 3 days ago
so... what do we think of the new D5 characters?
Look at me ranting again :)
I wanna start off by saying that this is no hate towards the actors. My problem is with the writers.
Am I excited for Red to have a younger sister? YES. My personal headcanon is that Red has 3 younger siblings (y'know, in a universe where the Queen of Hearts isn't an absolute tyrant), and now I can't wait to see what dynamic the two of them are going to have.
My problem with Pink, is that her name is Pink. WHY? WHAT WAS THE REASON?? It took me forever to get used to "Red" and now that's what they go for when Rosa/Rose was RIGHT THERE????
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I seriously don't understand why Disney's so lazy when naming Descendants characters. Sometimes, we get absolute bangers like Calista Jane and others we get shit like Pink/Li'l Shang/Herkie/Hadie and I'm like… couldn't you have at least tried? Couldn't you go to a baby name website like every author in the world has done at least once and look for something better?
How do you expect us to care about the story of those characters when you couldn't be bothered to give them a decent name?
And speaking of Hook, we have a Hazel now :)
This one surprised me because I don't think I had ever expected them to come up with another child of Captain Hook. To me, Harriet, Harry and CJ are perfect and enough.
My problem isn't even that I think it's out of character for Hook to have four children. Actually, he seems like the type that adores the sex part but doesn't give a shit about his kids and is an abusive parent. My problem is that WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH HAZEL NOW????
I have such a perfect idea of how Harriet, Harry and CJ's dynamic is and now I have to worry about introducing a brand new sister. My second problem is that I love the idea of CJ being the baby of the family for more than one reasons.
Of course, I could just ignore her, but I'm actually curious about Hazel's character and love writing about the Hook family, so I've been trying to come up with my own headcanons for my version of Descendants in case Hazel lives and in case she doesn't and we're left with the original 3.
Max is... whatever. I hate that they're gonna have him be Red's love interest because she seemed so close to Maddox that it's weird to think she'd ever see him as anything other than a friend/brother figure. Also, I'm sure he only exists because they can't have Ace in the movies because it would contradict the book or something.
I just want glassheart to be canon, is that too much to ask????
Now (just let out the biggest sigh of my life), Luis Madrigal. He might actually be my new nemesis.
Again, no hate to the actor, but seriously?! They had to throw Encanto into the mix?? I would have no problems if their new character was like, Moana's son, for example, because I can see Moana existing in the Descendants universe.
Encanto, though? I love the movie, but no. Absolutely not.
It almost feels like those skits people post to make fun of Descendants with children of characters like Lightning McQueen and Buzz Lightyear.
Luis is not ever going to be a part of my fics but at the very least I hope Disney isn't so lazy as to make him have super strenght when that's not how gifts work in Encanto. It's not hereditary.
Honestly, I can't believe someone came up with his character and it got approved.
Everything points out to the new "core four" being Red, Chloe, Pink and Hazel, but since Rise of Red didn't do such a good job at developing Red and Chloe's friendship, I'm worried about how they're going to do that and introduce two new main characters and develop Red and Pink's dynamic because I'm sure Red isn't going to start off as the perfect older sister.
I think it'd be interesting if she felt resentment and jealousy towards Pink, because she didn't have a sister before the timeline change, but now not only does she have one, but Pink got to grow up with the good version of the Queen of Hearts and all the love Red never got.
Really nice room for angst, especially since Red and Chloe are the only ones who remember how things used to be and can't just go around talking about it.
Well, I don't know what else to say right now because I just needed to vent a little. At the end of the day, we can only hope that D5 turns out to be a good movie.
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supercatavalance · 1 year ago
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She’s sooo perfect
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skythighs · 10 months ago
Calista's Dream
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Hi there, this is my first ever attempt at writing and posting anything on Tumblr. I won't lie it's a bit intimidating. However, I decided to give it a try. I love Feyd so much that I was compelled to go for it. This will be a series. I'm not sure how long yet. I wont be following the Dune storyline fyi. This part is in 3rd person but the rest will not be done this way, it just happened and I couldn't stop it lol.All of pictures from my collage are from pintrest and I don't claim them as my own I just put them together for a little vibe.
word count:1.9k
10175 AG
“A girl! Your Grace, a healthy baby girl.” called Dr Yueh.
The rolling thunder was all the louder in the silent room. The Red Duke found himself confused, disappointed and yet joyous. He had begged Jessica for a son and yet here he stood father to a daughter. Jessica watched him closely from the birthing bed. She was covered in sweat and utterly relieved her duty was done. 
“Come name your daughter Your Grace.” Said Lady Jessica calmly.
Duke Leto walked across the room slowly and gracefully as if he didn't feel the floor falling out from under his feet. Jessica held the girl snuggly against her chest. The babe was resting peacefully; she hadn't even cried as she made her way into the world. 
“Is she well?” Inquired Duke Leto hesitantly. 
“She is quite healthy. Small but strong.” Answered the doctor. 
Jessica passed the child into his arms. Only once wrapped securely in his arms did she open her big gray eyes. His heart skipped a beat and he was overwhelmed with unconditional love for his daughter. Although she isn’t the son he asked for, she was perfect. His perfect daughter and he would cherish her until his dying day.
“Calista. Calista Atreides.”
“A lovely name.” Said Lady Jessica, smiling to herself.
“It means most beautiful, because she surely is the most beautiful thing i've ever seen. Thank you Jessica, for giving me more than I could have imagined.”
Calista Atreides came with one of the biggest storms in Caladan’s history and much like a storm she was the calm that inevitably followed. 
Leto happily announced her birth and named her his heir leaving many shocked at his decision. He could still have sons even if Lady Jessica wasn’t willing to give them to him, but he was content. Now that he had Calista he didn’t want anything. She was enough, she was a part of him and he was proud. His love for Jessica grew tenfold knowing that she had given him such a gift. 
Thufir Hawat was adamant the Duke reconsider naming his daughter as heir to House Atreides. He came up with endless possibilities of such a thing ending catastrophically whenever he tried to calculate a better outcome none came forward. 
“My Duke, she could be taken away and trained by the Bene Gesserit. She would not be a true Atreides then. She would be one of them.”
Leto considered this and simply informed Thufir his beloved daughter would never be taken from Caladan while there was breath in his body.
By 10185 The Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam arrived on Caladan unannounced no less stating urgent business for Lady Jessica in the middle of the night. The Reverend mother wanted to lay eyes on the girl herself. For she could barely accept that Jessica defied her most beloved Duke.
After formalities and respects were paid. Gaius demanded to be brought to Calista Atreides.
Lady Jessica led her through the corridors silently. Neither of them spoke for they both knew the true meaning of this visit. This mere girl would bring forth the Kwisatz Haderach, and she must undergo proper training despite the Duke's wishes to keep her home.They reached the girls chambers and Jessica opened the door as quietly as possible. However when they looked upon her the child was not asleep. She was looking right at them from the comfort of her many blankets and pillows.
“Cali, there is someone you must meet.” Lady Jessica coaxed her from under the mountain of blankets.
Calista sat up and looked at the Reverend mother in the doorway. She felt a strong dislike for the old croon right away. Feeling such a strong aversion to the woman she tensed once she saw her step over the threshold into her bedroom. 
“You look like a viper ready to strike, child. Why?” Asked the old woman her crows feet deepening.
Cali looked at her mother with a question in her innocent brown eyes. Eyes that were once gray like Letos.
“Speak freely Calista. Lies will do you no justice here.”
“I saw you once before, in a dream..in a nightmare.”
Mohiam lifted her head, not surprised by the revelation.
“And what happened in this nightmare?”
“I only remember the start and the finish of the nightmare. You take me away from my home, from my father.”
Jessica stroked her daughter's thick wavy hair. Hair as black as Leto's own.
“What else?” prompted Jessica.
“I die. I die before my time.”
A deafening silence fell upon the three of them.
“How do you die?”
“Bloody and split open, before my child can take his first breath, before he can live.”
Jessica gasps. Calista never mentioned any such dream to her. She saw the boy, the Kwisatz Haderach, the one she was made to bring forth into the world. The poor girl was only ten years old, and yet she knew she would die in childbirth if taken by the sisterhood. 
“And this all stemmed from you being given formal training by the sisterhood? How do I know this isn’t some ploy for you to stay on Caladan.”
“Lies would do no justice here Reverend mother. If what I said was untrue you would know.”
The finality in the statement of a mere child felt too confounding, too absolute. At only ten years old, a babe to this infinite existence of time and space this child carried an air of understanding. 
The truth of the matter was Gaius Helen Mohiam intended on taking Calista this very night to begin training as a Bene Gesserit sister. At ten years old, she had already spent too much time with her parents on caladan when normally she would have been taken during infancy to assure the best outcome of her purpose. However, this was different. She was the Duke's heir, and she was the mother of the Messiah, and somehow, leaving Caladan this night would assure her doom and that of their long-awaited plans. Not only would she die in childbirth, but so would her son. 
“You may stay here child, your mother will train you herself, but you must know you will leave Caladan one day never to return.”
“My mother told me you can’t see the future.”
Ah, there it was the Atreides defiance. Mohiam thought and with that she returned to her no ship leaving Calista tucked away safely in her bed. Her training wasn’t worth the life of all that they had waited for. Jessica was skilled enough to train her here from the comfort of Caladan, it would do.
Calista Atreides was her father's daughter. She was much more Leto than Jessica in every way that counted. She was born an Atreides, and perhaps she would die that way too, but one thing was certain she would never be a part of the sisterhood.
That very same week Leto informed Gurney to begin training Cali in combat. Ten years old was plenty old enough to learn self defense.
“Okay little duchess I want you to mimic my movements as best you can. Like this. “ he demonstrated some simple stances and movements for her to follow. She did so with ease.
“Excellent form Cali, you're a natural. Now I want you to use the movements I've shown you and strike me here.”  he pointed to his padded chest. Small but mighty indeed she fought with everything she had. He didn't even have to coax it out of her. 
“Your father will be very proud to hear of your progress Cali.”
“When will we use swords Gurney?” He smiled at that and the large scar on his face rippled.
“One thing at a time little lady. One thing at a time.”
As the years went on Calista mastered hand to hand combat as well as sword fighting which was led by Duncan Idaho. The discipline needed for sword fighting didn't come as naturally as hand to hand but with time and practice she got there. Her small stature allowed her to move quickly and efficiently. Striking fast and moving away from danger was her usual tactic. 
Over the years she did train with her mother Lady Jessica in the arts of the sisterhood however her heart was not in it as it was with her combat training. Along with combat and Bene Gesserit skills she was taught history, linguistics, and politics at an extensive level. 
When she was just thirteen her father received an order from Emperor Shaddam IV stating she was to be betrothed to Feyd Fautha Harkonnen, the Na Baron of Giedi Prime. He was just one year her senior and already quite the capable Harkonnen if the rumors were to be believed. He was vicious for one so young and Leto feared what would become of his precious Calista. A knock on his study door broke him from his deep thoughts.
“Father, can I come in?”
“Come in Cali, there's something I want to discuss with you.”
His dark haired dark eyed daughter walked to him still in her training clothes. She was still small for her age but her eyes held a wisdom he could never understand. 
“I’ve just received word on your betrothal from the Emperor himself. You are to wed Feyd Rautha Harkonnen on your twentieth birthday. In just six short years I will have to part with you- only for a time.”
“Feyd Rautha. I’ve heard of him, he is my age ,and the Barons chosen heir over his elder brother Glossu Rabban.”
“Yes my darling girl. You are very well informed on these matters it seems.” He pulled her to his armrest so she could sit with him.
She put her small hand on his cheek.
“You look very troubled by this news father. Why?”
“The Emperor forcing my hand in this makes it feel as though you’re a sacrificial lamb being led to slaughter.”
He squints his eyes as he looks at her. He wasn’t sure why he said such a thing to his own daughter but he couldn’t help being truthful at this moment, he would never lie to himself so he would grant her the same courtesy.
“I am no lamb, father. I am you. Feyd Rautha Harkonnen will have no choice but to treat me according to my station. I am a Duke's heir in my own right. I am your heir, your beloved Calista. Do not fear, fear is the mind killer.”
He smiled hearing her mirror her mothers words.
“You are me. I would like to increase your combat training. You’ve made incredible progress these last few years, but when you leave the comfort of your home I want to be certain no matter what the Harkonnen intend, you can hold your own.”
“Size doesn’t matter, skill matters, heart matters. Any man that mistakes me for a lamb will pay with his life.”
“Now you sound like Gurney.”
He kissed his daughter's forehead and sent her on her way. He had to send his reply to the Emperor. He would accept the betrothal with conditions of course. Feyd Rautha would court her properly and he would meet her family face to face on her home planet a month before the wedding. It was not much, but at least it was something.
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dr-spectre · 1 month ago
Hi :)
First off, I love your content and all the Callie stuff you post. And secondly, I’m going to do a Callie cosplay in October and wanted to know if you had any suggestions on acting in character? I’m already planning on performing the bomb blush rush dance but is there anything I should do other than that?
- fishy
Firstly, thank you very much!!!
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Don't worry, i got you. As a resident Callie obsessed fanboy (not out of choice sadly), i know what to do.
Callie is a silly character, that much is obvious, but she is NOT an idiot. That is a mistake i see a lot of people make, Callie is NOT DUMB! She's energetic and always looking on the bright side of things. She's a jokey and silly optimistic who tends to make a fair amount of puns. Although she can be distracted easily and be lost in the clouds.
She is very uplifting and in touch with people's emotions, she can even tell if her cousin Marie wants a latte just by her expression alone. She is THAT GOOD at picking up on how others feel. Callie is love and beauty incarnate, hell her name probably comes from either "Caroline", meaning "beautiful (or strong) woman", or "Calista", from the Greek for "goddess of beauty". (Got that info from Inkipedia.)
If you need more help, i recommend looking at the cutscenes from Splatoon 3's single player campaign to see how she acts and the type of dialogue she says. Splatoon 2 Callie is well... she doesn't have the greatesttttt dialogue in the outpost once you get her back and the rest of her appearance is her being hypnotised and kinda... not being herself due to stress and lonelinessssss. You're not doing a Hypno Callie cosplay so don't look at Splatoon 2 for reference lmao. Splatoon 1 has a lot of silly dialogue but it's a bit TOO silly and not indicative of the current Callie, there is a difference between how Callie acts in Splatoon 1 vs. 3.
Also if you wanna do more performances, a MUST is the Calamari Inkantation performance. There are also other Squid Sister performances you can learn too if you want and i recommend watching this video by Caitlin Koi which shows all the Grand Fest performances. Just pick your favourite Squid Sisters tracks and learn them.
Anyways, i wish you all the best and when October arrives I BETTER SEE SOME PHOTOS!
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tookishcombeferre · 2 months ago
I've been seeing a lot of talk about underappreciated characters in fandom lately (specifically my beloveds Tilly and Cordelia - lord I love them.)
So, I'm also going to jump in with another character who is so WOEFULLY under discussed.
Can we talk about Winifred for a moment please?
Like, unironically, I love her? She is trying her best with arguably the worst hand a parent can be dealt?
First, in the prim and proper Enchancian society, where does she fit as the wife of the most "perfect" Royal Sorcerer? He's out there being the face of the country and she has these two incredibly mischievous and incredible children to look after both of which are stuck in Dad's shadow to various degrees.
How present was Goodwyn? I'm willing to bet not very.
His favorite things are his trophies and awards. He has a whole collection of artifacts from the things he has defeated and destroyed. He was likely some kind of battle mage specialization. Goodwyn is Great ... Winifred is WISE.
My reasoning for why we don't see past Winifred in The Looking Back Glass episode is because she was standing with Eliza (the name I have given Grandmum because she deserves a name - darnit.) Winifred doesn't stand with Goodwyn. She can't. She's not one to have all eyes on her. She blends into the crowd with her friend so she can see her daughter without the pressure of having to hide whatever emotions come naturally to her. She is not stone. She is not performative. Her heart is too big, and she doesn't want to be judged for whatever reaction she has. (Favorable reading here of Winifred, but I think it suits the sort of "heart on her sleeve" way she lives her life throughout the series.)
Regardless, the day of The Incident took both Winifred's children from her.
Cordelia closed herself off. She became bitter and distant. I think Goodwyn might have even encouraged Cordelia to close off her emotions because it would have made her a better warrior or useful to Enchania in other efforts. Winifred, however, having been around Cordelia knows that isn't who Cordelia *is.*
The Cordelia Winifred remembers is the one who loved her brother. Who loved mischief. And, to lose that? My lord, what emptiness!
(My personal headcanon is that Cordelia chose to take up a position as an Enchancian spy because Goodwyn wasn't ready to retire yet when she finished school, but she wanted a job in a field he would approve of. By the time Goodwyn was ready to retire, she liked her spy work too much to apply for the Royal Sorcerer position so she just didn't. But, she became just ruthless in her conjurations because it's what she was taught to become.)
Then, Winifred saw what happened to her son. She had to be split right down the middle. My headcanon for how Winifred got the title of Wise is that she took some minors in Prophesy and Divination at Hexley. So, while she could never get to the heart of what actually happened on the day of The Incident, she knew whatever happened wasn't Cedric's fault. She couldn't explain how she knew, but she knew. And, still, even if it wasn't, she couldn't understand how her husband, and the whole world looked at a tiny child, no matter how big the mistake, and decided to judge his entire life by it.
To Winifred, because in her WISDOM, she was able to keep some form of objectivity it seemed as though Cordelia would be alright because the world had chosen her. But, to Cedric? Winifred would have to be the world. No one was going to love him. No one was going to care for him. Everything had been taken from him in an instant because of one spell gone wrong. And, was she just supposed to leave him too? He would have No. One. Else.
And, still, I'm not even sure she gave up on trying to repair the rift between them. How much of Calista's desire to see her mother and Cedric reconciled is a reflection of the times she's heard her grandmother pleading for the same thing? How much of her hope to see that relationship repaired comes from Winifred's desperate hope for the same outcome?
But, regardless, what a choice to have to make! The amount of guilt, frustration, and pain that must have existed in every one of Winifred's choices after The Incident is immense. She is the wife of a powerful man in a society that affords her so little power of her own.
Things seem to improve throughout the series. But, we see Grandmum (Eliza) hiding her interests in stunt riding for the sake of propriety. How much did Winifred hide? How much of her own tendencies did she push back?
I think of Winifred and Goodwyn's relationship a lot like Hamilton and Eliza's as portrayed in the musical Hamilton (not the historical one.) Goodwyn was ambitious. He was "obsessed with his legacy." He has to be the best. And, she is left picking up his pieces. She is trying to help everyone stay together as a family, and I think she deserves SO MUCH more credit and love. She's woefully complex, and she's so imperfect. But, there just wasn't a perfect choice to make in the position she was placed in.
Winifred has experienced a lot of hardship. She has lost so much. And, she finally gains it back in the end. But, like, she has endured so much, and I think she deserves WAY more love.
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uroborosymphony · 2 years ago
things said with the number of your choice please! xD surprise us!
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"I for many centuries have believed Time has been the greatest enemy of mine, as I longed for a death no mortal, no creature, no god would grant me. All became a twisted embodiment of my immortality, a mirror I did not wish to look into the eyes of. And so I have killed. All. I have killed them all. Exterminated. Massacred. Desperately seeking release in the pleasure of punishment. I wished watching the blood flow, bathing in it, would have filled the cold of this void within me. I wanted to punish you too, Earl. Oh to slice your neck has haunted many of my nights. But I know. I do know now. As I am no longer a creature of denial and delusion, my true enemy has always been myself. It never was you." The night is silent. Her piercing golden eyes watching through the wide open from-ceiling-to-floor windows as the lights inside are turned off, only the moon dancing in a clear sky decorated of stars. She steps outside, on the balcony of marble and stones, the curtains singing in the wind. The view on the city appears unexpectedly soothing for the Lamia, empty of these little ants of mortals in the streets, only the lights and the constellations. It reminds her of the calm of the forest. Her hand holding a glass of sirens blood, bringing it to her lips as her eyes remain stuck on the horizon, her free fingertips resting down the cold railing. "You and I never been apart, I cannot quite understand how nor why." There is a smile on her usual expresionless features, her head, kept high in her white suit. "I first believed it would be my curse to remain alone and I wholehearly embraced it, my fate in all its glory, as desastrous as it is. To be alone is the cowards peace, to never connect my existence to any other in order for it to be easier to suppress. I remember you by my side ever since my first massacre in this little village, the witches of the sea. I remember you by my side as I was dripping of madness and blood of the Moonlake Knights, euphoric of my first battles. I shall remember you by my side right now, in these modern times. Will you still be here, then, when I never die, as you keep my rotting soul within the palms of your gloved hands?" Her eyes look down, sligthly, the white of her silken hair caressed by the moonlight. "This sirens blood is getting to me. I can hear their voices in my head." She whispers in a scoff, a slow shake of the head. "I should go and lay down."
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sleepyspudbrainrot · 4 months ago
Patience (Cody x OC x Jey)
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Cody Rhodes x OC x Jey Uso | 18+, fluff, drug use | 1591 words
Had inspiration to write a bit of Cody Rhodes and Jey Uso fluff based on a prompt my friend had picked out for me ages ago. Hope y'all enjoy this little one shot !
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“Everything looks so beautiful from up here…”
Calista sat on the edge of the rooftop, legs dangling into the open air below.  Normally, she was not one for heights, however the need to get away from the crowded rooms beneath had overridden her fears.  She let herself focus on the horizon, the buildings that pierced the sky, the lights that shone from in between.  It was quiet, peaceful, and she was completely alone with her thoughts.  Which were much harder to get away from. She sighed softly, leaning back, hands scraping on the textured cement of the roof behind her.  Her gaze trailed up and up, following the lines of the buildings around her until all she could see was the starry sky.  Each star lead her to another.  Each star a smaller piece of a larger constellation.  She’d only seen two that she could name, the big dipper and orion’s belt.  However, she was certain there were more to find than that.
“Is this seat taken?”
A rough, male voice broke through the dull hum of the streets beneath them.  A voice that she didn’t quite recognize without a face.  “Depends on who you are?”  The only response she got from the unknown male behind her was a low chuckle, before he entered the periphery of her vision.  Shocking blonde hair, the garish tattoo on the side of his neck.  This unknown male was none other than Cody Rhodes. “How on earth did you sneak out of all of that?”  She turned her head, an eyebrow raised.  The party down below was for the man sitting to her left.  He’d just won tag team gold with Jey Uso and had every reason to celebrate.  And very few reason’s to hide away on the roof.
“Told them I was going for a smoke… or was it that I was looking for a bathroom… either way, I don’t think they’ll think too much of it?”
Calista smiled, shaking her head.  “You’re one half of the main reason they’re celebrating… also is it really a good idea to leave Jey down there? He was…” 
Cody interrupted her with a chuckle, “Already pretty far gone when we got here?” She nodded, turning to look at Cody as he spoke.  “He was flirting with one of your friends I think… they’d been asking if he’d seen her and he was quick to distract.  Almost like…”
“He knew that I’d needed some air?”  
It was Cody’s turn to nod in agreement.  “I might’ve passed him on the way out and let him know.  He knows how I feel about crowds.” She shrugged, turning to look at the horizon once more.  The buzz from beneath them had faded to a dull vibration that she could only really hear if she was listening for it.  And even then, noise from the party had a tendency to drown anything else out as it filtered upwards from the floors below.  “I don’t want you to miss out on the celebrations for me.”
Cody raised an eyebrow, shifting on the ledge, hip brushing against her own as he did so.  “You’re the one who suggested we team up… if anyone should be celebrating with us, it’s you.”  Her expression softened, cheeks glowing in the faint light of the moon.  “Am I wrong?”
She shrugged, “You would’ve won regardless.  Creative has been loving you lately.  Whether you’d been paired with Jey or Kevin or… hell even if they’d dragged me out as a “special guest”, not that they would…” The idea is ludicrous, given that she has zero experience in the ring.  She’s more of a glorified consultant for creative these days more than anything else.  “Your win was practically guaranteed.  Having Jey as your partner is just an added bonus.  Which…” She glances over her shoulder, almost wonder if Jey is listening behind the door.  “I really hope he’s not listening to this but… it’s a good look for you both.  Makes the crowds love y’all even more.”
She had to force herself not to look at Cody for a reaction, to not overthink the expression of appreciation and the hint of surprise that seemed to settle over him.  Silence claimed the space between them, punctuated with little more than the occasional cheer from the party beneath them or an occasional car horn that managed to make it’s way all the way up to them.  She could’ve spent all night like this.  In a comfortable silent understanding with the man beside her.  At some point, he’d reached behind her, hand curling around her shoulder to pull her close.  The gesture alone was enough to flood her cheeks with color that she could only pray that he didn’t see.
“Hope that’s alright…” Cody looked down at her, his freehand coming up to brush the hair from her face.  “You looked… a little cold?”  A flimsy excuse, that both of them could see right through.  However, while the gesture was unexpected, she couldn’t say that she wasn’t enjoying the closeness. 
“Jey told you to come find me didn’t he…”
The thought had been tugging at the back of her mind since he’d sat beside her.  The knowledge that Jey knew of her admiration for the “American Nightmare” that she’d been content to keep to herself.  At least, until he’d noticed it.  He’d been teasing her for weeks, so it made sense that he’d finally decided to give them both the push that he felt she needed.  
“He did, said something about making sure that girl doesn’t freeze to death, you feel me dawg.”
A loud thud from the rooftop door punctuated his statement as Jey Uso himself stumbled out from the stairwell.  “Come on Uces! You’re missing out on - -”  It was as if the closeness of the pair in front of him hadn’t registered, until it did.  “Ah shit dawg, why didn’t you tell me you found her.  I’m interrupting and everything…”  A laugh escaped Calista, her free hand flying up to cover her mouth as her shoulders shook against Cody’s chest.
“What’s so funny Uces? We’re here to celebrate our man over here and he’s wrapped up in you… You havin’ your own private celebration? Without me?”  It was as if the idea was so outlandish, Jey’s gaze flicking between the pair.  “Alright, make some room you two.  Can’t let y’all have all the fun… plus I grabbed some party favors!” He settled on the edge of the roof to Calista’s right, effectively wedging her between them both.  The party favor’s in question were fished from his pockets, two joints and a flask of some unidentified liquor.
“I’ll pass on the flask but… pass one of those over here?”
The joints were passed to Calista first, allowing her to light one and take the first satisfying hit.  The smoke filled her lungs with a comfortable burn that had her eyes fluttering closed.  She then blew it out into the night, letting the tendrils float away on a breeze.  The joint was passed to Cody now, leaving Calista to lean on Jey.  Jey who’d thrown an arm around her waist to compliment the arm around her shoulder from Cody.  
“I swear, you two…” She rested her head on Jey’s shoulder now.  “You’ve been planning this.  Getting me alone… keeping me all to yourselves…”
“Ain’t nothin’ wrong with that ma.” 
Calista glanced up at Jey who was grinning down at her.  His grill glinting in the moonlight, as his gaze settled on hers.  “Not our fault you’ve been ignorin’ the signs for the last month.”  
She blinked at Jey, her gaze flitting between him and Cody as she sat up straight.  “Signs…?” 
It was Cody’s turn to grin at her now, smoke seeping from in between his teeth. “The compliments, the flirting, creative calling you in to work specifically with the two of us?”
“But I thought…?”  If she was being honest with herself, she wasn’t sure what she thought.  She’d just thought her input was needed, given how close she was to the storylines, to Jey.  She’d begun to get close to Cody over the last week or so, but she’d thought that was normal.  There was a certain level of trust and closeness expected when you were choreographing matches and spending late nights tweaking the individual pieces to make sure everything flowed the way it needed to.
“Told you Uce, I knew she wasn’t pickin’ up what we were puttin’ down.”
Cody shook his head, “Hate to admit man… guess we’re doing a shit job of showing her how we’ve been feeling.” 
Once again Calista was speechless, blinking as she glanced at the men on either side of her.  “I’m.. sorry? What have I --”
Cody leaned forward, grabbing her left hand and threading their fingers together.  Jey was doing the same with her right hand.  Both hands were calloused and held strength that she could feel despite the tender gesture. The gesture was enough to put together the puzzle pieces they’d been dropping for her.  They had been flirting with her.  Had been complimenting her.  They’d asked her out to dinner and she’d invited others to join them thinking that they were friend dinners.  The gears in her mind were moving, working and finally she got it.
“How on earth have you been this patient for so long…”
Both men laughed, their amusement shaking their shoulders, even as they held Calista close. “Because there’s a certain amount of patience involved for things that are worth it… isn’t that something you’ve always said?” 
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ch3rryknots · 2 years ago
i can take it┊cl16
*.·:·. charles leclerc x oc ✦ angst ✦ song .·:·.*
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note : enjoy ᰔᩚ
calista tucked herself to bed, alone once more. charles had been gone for hours that evening, and it seemed he was rarely home anymore. but tonight was different, as he had disappeared for even longer after a particularly bad race weekend. this one had been worse than before, with him losing control and hitting the barriers during qualifying. calista’s worry for his safety consumed her, pacing back and forth while anxiously awaiting confirmation of his well-being over the radio. his engineers had declared the car unfit for sunday's race, and his frustration was painfully transparent as he walked right past calista. her arms, open and full of concern, waited in vain for his embrace that never came.
as she lay in bed, the memory of how it felt when he had a good weekend was almost slipping away. good weekends were the ones where charles stayed home, and she sat with him, glancing towards him as he laughed lightly to a movie. on those weekends, she would bake cookies — thumbprint cookies, chocolate chip cookies, snickerdoodle cookies — but never oatmeal raisin. charles despised raisins and she couldn’t fathom baking them if he wouldn’t enjoy them by her side. honestly she didn’t miss oatmeal raisin cookies all that much; it was okay.
she coveted the smile he would give her after taking a bite of the cookie. this is amazing, cali, he’d say, thanks for making me cookies. sometimes, he’d even give her a kiss on the cheek - but only sometimes.
the remembrance of his touch was slipping away.
calista's ears caught the jingle of keys slipping into the front door's lock. it was as though her hearing had sharpened recently, allowing her to gauge his mood from the subtle cadence of his footsteps – the weight they carried, the haste they conveyed, or often the sorrowful drag they bore.
from where she lay, she watched his shadow make it’s way through the bedroom doorway and veer left. the dim glow of the closet light seeped through the cracks of the closed door and she can hear clothes ruffling and drawers shutting semi-harshly. he switched off the light, and passing by the foot of the bed, seemingly indifferent to calista's presence, as he disappeared into the bathroom.
the sink ran softly, interrupted by a few starts and stops before the door handle turned once more. calista's heart quickened as he drew closer to the bed. he was almost mere inches away, nearly within arm's reach. the sensation was exhilarating, like a high school crush sitting beside you for the very first time.
the other side of the bed dipped, the sheet rising as he slipped beneath it. a cold puff of air accompanied the blanket falling, sending a shiver across calista's skin. although she was facing away, she instinctively knew he was lying on his back, he always said it was better for your spine.
she shifted ever so slightly closer, not until their bodies touched, but just enough for his warmth to swirl across her skin. with her eyes gently surrendering to closure, it was as if she could finally breathe.
turning to face charles, her gaze fell down to his hand — the hand that her own perpetually yearned for. she missed his arms around her terribly. charles had changed, from the affectionate man she once knew to someone who was now distant, showing no desire for physical contact.
unable to resist any longer, she let her hand slide into his, and in that moment, everything felt perfectly aligned—the way her fingers slotted right into his, a reunion that felt natural, as if they were extensions of the same being.
she stole a glance at his weary eyes fixed on the ceiling. there was a time when she could discern every passing thought behind those eyes. he used to love that she could read his mind, articulating things he hadn't even realized he felt. yet, as she sifted through the depths of his gaze, it was as though there was nothing to grasp onto, just a profound, unsettling radio silence.
propping herself up on her elbow, she remained clasping his hand and looked further into his eyes. with her free hand, she cradled his cheek, frowning as she met his vacant gaze. tracing her thumb gently along his cheek, i’m sorry, she murmured softly, it’ll get better, i promise. he was breathtakingly beautiful, and the sight of him so emotionally distant was a wretched ache. she feared he might not fully grasp the depth of her love for him.
she gently lowered her head and planted a kiss on his cheek, something she hadn't been able to do for months. he tasted like starlight. but, the kiss ended all too abruptly, vanishing before her mind could fully absorb it. it felt as though she had just brushed her lips against his skin, yet he was already pulling away. she wasn't ready to let go of him just yet...
she scanned his face, desperately seeking any hint of reciprocation for the overwhelming love she felt when looking at him. it was a love that twisted her stomach in a way that could bring her to her knees in tears; a love that consumed her entirely. she adored every facet of him, every inch of his mind, of his soul. but when she searched and searched for even the faintest glimmer of reciprocation, all she found was the gaze of a stranger staring back at her.
she longed for her husband, aching in his absence.
charles released her hand and turned away, his words barely audible as he muttered that he needed space. he took any warmth with him, leaving behind only her profound solitude to hold her.
calista’s eyes spilled over with hot tears, rolling down her scorching cheeks. she was so enraged. she wanted to scream—she wanted him to scream, to yell at her, for him boil over and explode with rage. she yearned for him to spill out every irritation, every vexation, even if it was directed towards her. she needed him to seize anything within reach and hurl it across the room, to grab the lamp and swing it into the wall, shattering the ceramic into fragments. and if that still wasn't enough, she would have let him use her, to tear her apart with his bare hands until there was nothing left, not even anger. she craved some kind of reaction from him, any response at all, but he simply turned away.
౨ৎ masterlist ౨ৎ
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